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Responds to Inquiry Re Preparation of Commission Paper on S.B.1765 as Opposed to Memo to Ofc of General Counsel.Draft Commission Paper Encl
Person / Time
Issue date: 02/11/1986
From: Minogue R
To: Rehm T
NUDOCS 8603120298
Download: ML20137Y513 (6)


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FEB 111986 MEMORANDUM FOR: Thomas Rehm. Assistant for Operations .

Office of the EDO  ;

FROM: R. B. Minogue, Director " d' -

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Office of Nuclear. Regulatory Research'~


COMMISSION PAPER ON SENATE BILL S.1765 You asked why we'sent you a Commission paper on the subject bill, as opposed to a memo to OGC. In a recent case in which the NRC was asked to comment on a proposed bill, RES coments were sent to OGC rather than to the Commission.

Those were the RES coments on a bill which would transfer epidemiological research from DOE to NIH. OGC responded to the inquiry on the basis of those RES coments which in turn reflected the position that the Comission had previously taken on this question. Subsequently the Comission stated that due to changing circumstances, it wanted to reconsider this question and any future responses to Congress in which the NRC had a special interest or the Comission

'" takes a position."

Although we are not aware of any request to the NRC to coment on the subject ,

legislation, we noted it and recognized that it could have significant impact on the NRC, particularly in the light of our plans to withdraw funding for continued operation of the regional seismological networks. The position reconenended in the Comission paper is consistent with my May 23, 1984 testimony before the Subcomittee on Science, Research and Technology and the Subcomittee on Investigations and Oversight of the House Comittee on Science and Technology, which had been approved by the Comission. This fact has been added to the enclosed copy of the Commission Paper.

These considerations are why we prepared the subject paper in the fann of a ,

Comission paper rather than a OGC. l Originni signed by:

ROBERT 3. XIN06UE R. B. Minogue Director g31g se0211 Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research 360312 PDM Distribution /R-2811: dn:Rehm/

c/Chron RMinogue EConti HRDenton, NRR

/POR ORoss LBeratan DGEisenhut, NRR ESB Sbj/Rd KGoller AMurphy RMBernero, NRR ESB:RES:pf LBeratan4 DRPES:RES KRGoller

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s FOR: The Comissioners i

FROM: Victor Stello, Jr. ,'

Acting Executive Director for Operations





PURPOSE: To infonn the Comissioners of Senate Stil S.1765 which provides for the establishment of national seismic data centers and to recomend that the Commission support this bill.

i' DISCUSSION: Senate Bill S.1765 proposes to amend the Earthquake Hazard Reduction Act of 1977 to authorize the National Earthquake Hazard Reduction Program to establish two national seismic data centers. One center would be located east of the Continental Divide and one west of it. .

As stated in the bill, the two seismic data centers would collect and analyze data from regional seismographic networks, establish a i repository for these data, disseminate them to the public and promote activities to enhance public awareness of seismic hazards, t The Nuclear Regulatory Comission has supported regional sel5mographic -

networks to collect and disseminate seismic data from the Central and Eastern United States. The seismic data recorded by these networks have been invaluable in numerous licensing reviews and regulatory actions. This type of data is required to update NRC's regulations and regulatory guidance. The data have also been widely used by other

Federal, State, private and comercial entities. The proposed seismic data centers would be excellent vehicles to draw all seismic data together in a readily accessible place and format for future use by all interested parties.

This would be an important undertaking in any case; but it becomes even more so in light of the NRC's decision to withdraw its support for the regional seismographic networks in approximately the same time frame that these centers could be coming on-line (FY 1987-1988).

These centers could be important nuclei from which the current network operators might seek alternate sources of support for the operation of CONTACT:

A. Murphy, RES 427-4078 t

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6 I The Commissioners 2 L

regional seismographic networks in the Central and Eastern United States. Thus, this seismological data may continue to be available s

to the NRC in the future.

It is the staff's recommendation that the Commission support this proposed amendment, Senate Bill S.1765, to the Earthquake Hazard Reduction Act of 1977. This recommendation is consistent with the May 23, 1984, Commission approved testimony of Robert B. Minogue before the Subcommittee on Science, Research and Technology and the Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight of the House Committee on Science and Technology.

Victor Stello, Jr.

Acting Executive Director for Operations


Senate Bill S.1765 I





I FEB 111986 t

MEMORANDUM FOR: Thomas Rehm, Assistant for Operations Office of the ED0 l- FROM: R. B. Minogue, Director Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research



, You asked why we sent you a Comission paper on the subject bill, as opposed to I a memo to OGC. In a recent case in which the NRC was asked to coment on a proposed bill, RES coments were sent to OGC rather than to the Commission.

Those were the RES comments on a bill which would transfer epidemiological research from DOE to NIH. 0GC responded to the inquiry on the basis of those RES comments which in turn reflected the position that the Comission had

, previously taken on this question. Subsequently the Commission stated that due to changing circumstances, it wanted to reconsider this question and any future responses to Congress in which the NRC had a special interest or the Comission

" takes a position."

Although we are not aware of any request to the NRC to comment on the subject' legislation, we noted it and recognized that it could have significant impact on the NRC, particularly in the light of our plans to withdraw funding for continued operation of the regional seismological networks. 'The position recommended in the Comission paper is consistent with my May 23, 1984 testimony before the Subcomittee on Science, Research' and Technology and the Subcomittee on Investigations and Oversight of the House Committee on Science and Technology, which had been approved by the Comission. This fact has been added to the enclosed copy of the Comission Paper.

These considerations are why we prepared the subject paper in the form of a Comission paper rather than a memo to OGC.

i Original signed by:

ROBERTB. XI E SUE R. B. Minogue, Director Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research Distribution /R-2811: dn:Rehm/

Circ / on RMinogue EConti HRDenton, NRR DCS Dross LBeratan DGEisenbut, NRR ESB /Rd KGoller AMurphy RMBernero, NRR ESB:RES:pQ LBeratan F DRPES:RES KRGoller

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, t FOR: The Commissioners FROM: Victor Stello, Jr.

Acting Executive Director for Operations



SENATE BILL S.1765 WHICH WOULD ESTABLISH NATIONAL SEISMIC DATA CENTERS PURPOSE: To inform the Comissioners of Senate Bill S.1765 which provides for the establishment of national seismic data centers and to recomend that the Comission support this bill.

DISCUSSION: Senate Bill S.1765 proposes to amend the Earthquake Hazard Reduction Act of 1977 to authorize the National Earthquake Hazard Reduction Program to establish two national scismic data centers. One-center would be located east of the Continental Divide and one west of it.

As stated in the bill, the two seismic data centers would collect and analyze data from regional seismographic networks, establish a repository for these data, disseminate them to the public and promote activities to enhance public awareness of seismic hazards.

The Nuclear Regulatory Comission has supported regional seismographic networks to collect and disseminate seismic data from the Central and Eastern United States. The seismic data recorded by these networks have been invaluable in numerous licensing reviews and regulatory actions. This type of data is required to update NRC's regulations and regulatory guidance. The data have also been widely used by other Federal, State, private and comercial entities. The proposed seismic data centers would be excellent vehicles to draw all seismic data together in a readily accessible place and format for future use by all interested parties.

This would be an important undertaking in any case; but it becomes even more so in light of the NRC's dt. cision to withdraw its support for the regional seismographic networks in c.pproximately the same time frame that these centers could be coming on-line (FY 1987-1988).

These centers could be important nuclei from which the current network operators might seele alternate sources of support for the operation of CONTACT:

A. Murphy, RES 427-4078



~ .

The Commissioners 2 regional seismographic networks in the Central and Eastern United States. Thus, this seismological data may continue to be available to the NRC in the future.

It is the staff's recommendation that the Commission support this proposed amendment, Senate Bill S.1765, to the Earthquake Hazard Reduction Act of 1977. This recommendation is consistent with the May 23, 1984, Commission approved testimony of Robert B. Minogue before the Subcommittee on Science, Research and Technology and the Subcommittee.on Investigations and Oversight of the House Committee on Science and Technology.

Victor Stello, Jr.

Acting Executive Director for Operations


Senate Bill S.1765

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