MONTHYEARML20036A4781993-04-26026 April 1993 Requests Future Correspondence Pertaining to Radioactive Matls Packages Be Addressed to Jd Sieber ML20137U4211985-09-30030 September 1985 Responds to Re Submittal of Radioactive Matl Label.No Record of Request Located.Label Does Not Appear to Comply W/Requirements in 49CFR172.403,172.310, 172.436-172.440 & 10CFR71.85(c) ML19294B2281980-02-19019 February 1980 Forwards Revision 2 to Certificate of Compliance 5984 for Model 5984 ML19308D7471980-01-15015 January 1980 Forwards Application for Renewal of Certificate of Compliance 5984 for Model 5984.Renewal Fee Encl ML19290C5111979-12-31031 December 1979 Notifies of Expiration of Certificate of Compliance 5984 for Model 5984.To Continue Using Package,Should Request Renewal of Exisitng Certificate of Compliance ML19209C0521979-09-26026 September 1979 Notifies That Deleting Vendor as User of NRC- Approved Package Designs Was Sent in Error ML19208D6111979-09-14014 September 1979 Notifies of Termination of NRC Authorization to Transport Licensed matl.10CFR71.12 Was Amended 771018 to Require That Licensee Have Approved QA Program.Approved QA Program Is Necessary Prior to Registration as Package User 1993-04-26
MONTHYEARML20137U4211985-09-30030 September 1985 Responds to Re Submittal of Radioactive Matl Label.No Record of Request Located.Label Does Not Appear to Comply W/Requirements in 49CFR172.403,172.310, 172.436-172.440 & 10CFR71.85(c) ML19290C5111979-12-31031 December 1979 Notifies of Expiration of Certificate of Compliance 5984 for Model 5984.To Continue Using Package,Should Request Renewal of Exisitng Certificate of Compliance ML19209C0521979-09-26026 September 1979 Notifies That Deleting Vendor as User of NRC- Approved Package Designs Was Sent in Error ML19208D6111979-09-14014 September 1979 Notifies of Termination of NRC Authorization to Transport Licensed matl.10CFR71.12 Was Amended 771018 to Require That Licensee Have Approved QA Program.Approved QA Program Is Necessary Prior to Registration as Package User 1985-09-30
MONTHYEARML20137U4211985-09-30030 September 1985 Responds to Re Submittal of Radioactive Matl Label.No Record of Request Located.Label Does Not Appear to Comply W/Requirements in 49CFR172.403,172.310, 172.436-172.440 & 10CFR71.85(c) ML19294B2281980-02-19019 February 1980 Forwards Revision 2 to Certificate of Compliance 5984 for Model 5984 ML19290C5111979-12-31031 December 1979 Notifies of Expiration of Certificate of Compliance 5984 for Model 5984.To Continue Using Package,Should Request Renewal of Exisitng Certificate of Compliance ML19209C0521979-09-26026 September 1979 Notifies That Deleting Vendor as User of NRC- Approved Package Designs Was Sent in Error ML19208D6111979-09-14014 September 1979 Notifies of Termination of NRC Authorization to Transport Licensed matl.10CFR71.12 Was Amended 771018 to Require That Licensee Have Approved QA Program.Approved QA Program Is Necessary Prior to Registration as Package User 1985-09-30
[Table view] |
9 F s~7yy 21TURAITe A.MachEn FCTC: Cell SEP 3 01985 396-SS 71-5984 J. L. Shepherd and Associates ATTH: Ps. Juanita Folk 740 Salen Street Glendale, CA 91203 Gentlenen:
This is in reference to your letter of September 4,1985, regarding your subnittal of a radioactive reterial label, tie have no record of requesting this infomation.
It should be noted that requirements for Radioactive Paterials Package Labels are specified in 49 CFR 172.403 and 172.435 through 172.440.
Requirements for narking a package are specified in 10 CFR 71.05(c) and 49 CFR 172.310. Your label does not appear to comply with either.
I trust this information will be helpful.
Sincerely, Original Signed by gntEE3 E. PacDonLD Charles E. flacDonald, Chief Transportation Certification Branch Division of Fuel Cycle and Itaterial Safety, ffiSS Distribution:
l CEW1111ams Docket File NRC PDR IE HQ Region V NMSS R/F l
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=ro w; 09/30/85 09/D /85 nac ronu ns no-son uncu o24o OFFICIAL RECORD COPY