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Discusses Timely Issuance of Repts That Document Impep Reviews of Regional Matls Programs
Person / Time
Issue date: 03/19/1997
From: Bangart R
To: Blough R, Lohaus P, Mallett B
Shared Package
ML20137H191 List:
NUDOCS 9704020087
Download: ML20137H186 (3)


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WASHINGTON, D.C. 200eH001 l

\.....p'2 March 19, 1997 4

i MEMORANDUM TO: Paul H. Lohaus, Deputy Director Office of State Programs Randolph A. Biough, Director j Division :f Nuclear Materials Safety, RI i i' l l- Bruce A. Mallett, Director l Division of Nuclear Materials Safety, Rll  ;

A. B. Beach, Regional Administrator, Rlli 1

1 Ross A. Scarano, Director 3

Division of Nuclear Materials Safety, RIV FROM: Richard L. Bangart, Director l- Office of State Programs / ,lf th{ ' /MM6d





Carl Paperiello's February 10,1997, memorandum on this subject (attached) identified l

j steps to assure the timely issuance of reports that document IMPEP reviews of regional i materials programs. Similarly, this memorandum addresses timely issuance of reports of IMPEP reviews of Agreement State programs. Each addressee for this memorandum has identified staff that are candidates to participate as an IMPEP team member or team leader (see attached IMPEP Schedule).

i i'

During the January 31,1997 briefing to the Commission on the IMPEP status, the issue of timeliness of IMPEP reporting was discussed. In the Staff Requirements Memorandum dated February 21,1997, the staff is directed to report back to the Commission in one year on the steps taken to improve the timeliness of IMPEP reports issued to Agreement States and Regions, and whether those steps have resulted in more rapid feedback. The -

staff's goalis to issue the draft report for comment within 30 days of the exit meeting and 1

to issue the final report within 90 days, in order to improve the process for Agreement l States, it is important for team participants and their management, to recognize the  ;

l commitment of effort that is needed to achieve the following: l i


1. Team members should be prepared to give high priority to participation on the j review team, including the allotment of sufficient time to prepare for the review, draft the report, modify the draft and final report, and participate in the 1 Management Review Board meeting. An individual that does not have sufficient


time available to participate, will not be assigned to an IMPEP Agreement State program review team, and should identify that they do not have sufficient time (

available to both their supervisor and the team leader.

i '020019 k

- gi3: EFalTEB COPY 6 P .I- A l 9704020087 970319 STPRG ESGG


i f i Multiple Addressees 2 N I 8 1997


2. Team members must provide their report input to the team leaders within one week j of completing the onsite review. If team members do not complete their report  ;

input during the week of the review, they must be provided at least three days in the week immediately following the onsite review as dedicated time for preparation of the draft report. OSP will consider reconvening the team at a dedicated work location during the week following the review, if necessary, to enable the team to complete the draft report.


3. The complete draft report should be submitted by the IMPEP team leader to the Office of State Programs within 17 days of the onsite review. (Note, this is a

. reduction of four (4) days for the submittal of the report to OSP, to allow additional -

management review).  !

i The following actions will also be adopted to improve timeliness: [

1. Team members should make an effort to take a laptop computer to the Agreement l State being reviewed to facilitate documentation of the review. If the individual is unable to obtain a laptop, they should contact the team leader. The team leader will make every effort to make a laptop computer available to the team members.

Laptops can be properly packaged and delivered to the Agreement State's offices, in advance of the review date, if they are too bulky to hand carry.

2. Team leaders will be authorized to obtain meeting space at the team's lodging to facilitate meetings and provide work space for the team onsite.
3. Before the IMPEP review of each Agreement State, the team leader will contact each team member and confirm that sufficient time is available to adequately prepare for, conduct, and document the IMPEP review, if you have any questions, please contact me at 415-3340.

cc: C. Paperiello, NMSS D. Cool, NMSS/IMNS J. Greeves, NMSS/DWM IMPEP Team Members Agreement State Radiation Control Program Directors Attachments:

As stated :


.a e  :. -

Multiple Addressees 2 10 E

2. Team members must provide their report input to the team leaders within one week of completing the onsite review. If team members do not complete their report input during the week of the review, they must be provided at least three days in the week imrnediately following the onsite review as dedicated time for preparation of the draft report. OSP will consider reconvening the t3am at a dedicated work location during the week following the review, if necessary, to enable the team to complete the draft report.
3. The complete draft report should be submitted by the IMPEP team leader to the Office of State Programs within 17 days of the onsite review. (Note, this is a reduction of four (4) days for the submittal of the report to OSP, to allow additional management review).

l 1

The following actions will also be adopted to improve timeliness: i

1. Team members should make an effort to take a laptop computer to the Agreement I State being reviewed to facilitate documentation of the review. If the individual is unable to obtain a laptop, they should contact the team leader. The team leader will make every effort to make a laptop computer available to the team members.

Laptops can be properly packaged and delivered to the Agreement State's offices, in advance of the review date, if they are too bulky to hand carry.

2. Team leaders will be authorized to obtain meeting space at the team's lodging to facilitate meetings and provide work space for the team onsite.
3. Before the IMPEP review of each Agreement State, the team leader will contact each team member and confirm that sufficient time is available to adequately prepare for, conduct, and document the IMPEP review.

If you have any questions, please contact me at 415-3340.

cc: C. Paperiello, NMSS D. Cool, NMSS/IMNS J. Greeves, NMSS/DWM IMPEP Team Members Agreement State Radiation Control Program Directors Attachments:

As stated Distribution:

DlR RF (7S-39) DCD (SP02)

SDroggitis PDR (YES X NO )

IMPEP File DOCUMENT NAME: G:\KXS\7S39.KNS T3 receive a copy of this docisment. indicate in the boa: "C* = po[y wit g [out attachment / enclosure *E" = Copy with attachment / enclosure "N" = No copy OFFICE OSP l OSP(Dp/// OSP:DM q .

NAME KNSchneider:kk PHLohaysf#s RLBangarti \l/b DATE 03/ fy97 03f'l/97 03//'f/97 DSP FILE CODE: SP-l-2

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! Attached List for Memorandum Dated February 10, 1997



Dhnsion of Nuclear Materials Safety, RI i
Bruce S. Mallett, Director i Dnnaion of Nuclear Materials Safety, Ril l i  !

! Cydia D. Pederson, Director

Division of Nuclear Materials Safety, Rlll Ross A. Scarano, Director  ;

Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards, RIV

Donald A. Cool, Director i Division of Industrial and Medical l Nuclear Safety, NMSS
Elizabeth Q. Ten Eyck, Director

! Division of Fuel Cycle Safety And Safeguards, NMSS


John T. Greeves, Director Division of Waste Management, NMSS i'

Charies J. Haughney, Acting Direcbr l Spent Fuel Project Office, NMSS

! John J. Linehan, Director i

Program Management, Policy Development t and Analysis Staff, NMSS 1

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