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Mod 9,extending Period of Performance to 851101,to Severe Accident Core/Vessel/Containment Interactions
Person / Time
Issue date: 12/26/1985
From: Edgeworth P
Shared Package
ML20136F755 List:
CON-FIN-B-8634, CON-NRC-03-83-093, CON-NRC-3-83-93 NUDOCS 8601070537
Download: ML20136F757 (1)



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i to,.i miiocoot r. ( c,, , .c.u AMFNDMENT OF SOLICITATION / MODIFICATION OF CONTR ACT 1 1 1 T awt oot ifwoo.a .c i.oN ,.o. t c it ci vt ou t . st ov.s.v.o 4vacMAss eo No o e*on c i ~o <u e,.,,,,se.,

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U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Division of Contracts Washington. DC 20555 e Nawt Ano Aoomtss os coreimacTom eue,.,,,, ,..ary,as.,e.a. 2tr Cea.i yi *A. Aute.outNi or soucat aT oN No Purdue Research Foundation se oatto ,ste n o ,44, Hovde Hall -

Purdue University West Lafayette, IN 47907 "^ qu'8 'caf'oN o' coT a Ac teoa ou

'y NRC-03-83-093 i c t* L 6 T t o <St e ITL hr 13 9 CODE lF ACILITY COO ( 6/16/R3

11. THis ITEM ONLY APPLIE s TO AME NDME NTs OF SOLICIT ATIONs The ehe.* aumte ed son.citet.on is emenoad as set forin in Iwm 14 The how, one date enac '.=3 f o, reap o? o' OHe : is ea wnoat. .s not
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IN 8'LJECTION OF YOUR OF F E R f f t>y w.rtue of th.s e,rendment you Oes ,e to chen0P en offer apem3, m> tam *tted. such che'59r ehey tw pwde tw misp e* o t:im. pro o.5 a.c* wayem o, se ne m n o, eve <ena to te, as..c.iei.nn eno on.. e4..enent. enc . rv,. p.o, to ene ot r..% how end o.t u=:.'a 3 2 AC CovN T.NG AND APP 8.o&H e A1 SON DA T A ,t/ eve..,dp 13 THIS ITEM APPLIES ONLY TO MODIFICATIONS OF CONT R ACT S'OF DE RS.

IT MODIFIES THE CONTR ACT/ORDE R NO AS DESCRIBED IN ITEY 14 y, T H.S C H ANGE oN ot a es issut O Pva svAN T T o; ($pe,,f, r.) T ML C Ma% NGL S 56 i P o R T H te. 6 t E. la A m t W ADL 8N T HE Coe.-

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C T M.s svPost wt N t a6 AG at t ut N1 5 (Ni t s.t o .NY o pus *SuaN1 t o Au t O N.T v o8 X mutual agreement of the parties.

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M 8'O R T AN T: Coritractor es not. b is recuer=3 to sign this document and retur n 3 cotwes to the o'

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a q The purpose of this modification is to provide an extension to the contract at no cost to the Government. Article II - Period of Performance is revised as follows:

" ARTICLE II - PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE The period of performance hereunder shall commence on June 16. 1983 and shall continue through November 1,1985."

8601070537 851226 PDR C ONTR NRC-03-83-093 PDR

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