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Summary of 790918 Meeting W/J Guerrero,Lawyer for Bataan Bar Association,Re Public Hearing on Export Licenses for Facility,Equipment Design & Possibility of Volcanic Eruptions on Plant Site.Iaea 1977 Mission Rept Encl
Person / Time
Site: 05000574
Issue date: 09/19/1979
From: Lafleur J
To: Becker J, Bickwit L, Harold Denton
NUDOCS 7910160281
Download: ML20136C761 (199)


{{#Wiki_filter:l C G C y'

         /        3cg                             UNITED STATES


r. j WASHINGTON D. C. 20$55 j


                   /                                                                                    l September 19, 1979 m

MEMORANDUM T0: G. Eysymontt, OCM i T. Gibbon, OCM V. Harding, OCM D. Hassell, OCM l J. Stephens, OCM A. Kenneke, OPE L. Bickwit, 0GC J. Becker, ELD H. Denton, NRR . FROM: Joseph D. Lafleur, Jr. , Deputy Director Office of -International Programs


MEETING ON PHILIPPINES NUCLEAR POWER PLANT (PNPP), BETHESDA, SEPTEMBER 18, 1979 j About close of business on September 17, 1979, I learned that Lindsay Mattison, Center for Development Policy (CDP), had made an appointment to see me at 9 A.M., September.18. I called him about 5:30, and he said that a Mr. J. Guerrero, lawyer for the Bataan Bar Association, one of the three " opposition groups" in the Puno Hearings, was in town and would like to meet me and leave some documents. I told him that it was too late to set up a meeting with all the staff who would like to attend. He said he realized this but would like to come to NRC and to start with me, leaving off some documents, with additional meetings, as required, to be held later. Mattison also invited Vickie Harding of Comissioner Ahearne's office. Early September 18, I invited J. Shea and H. Schechter of IP, and Joanna Becker of ELD, all of whom attended. I expected two v.isitors, Mattison and Guerrero. About 9:45, five visitors (Enclosure 1) appeared. The following is a brief summary of the meeting, with an explanation of the enclosed documents furnished by the visitors, j Mr. Guerrero was the main speaker and made the following points:

1. Three key opposition " panels" were recognized by the Puno Comission:
a. Bataan Chapter of the Philippine Bar Association, composed of lawyers of various Bataan towns. (Guerrero is counsel of this panel, which is referred to below as the "Guerrero Panel.")
b. Tanada panel, headed by Senator TaEada, with counsel,
c. National Society for Seismology and Earthquake Engineering of the
     ;                 Philippines (NSSEEP).

7 91016 0 2_ F /

        .                                                                                                 1 Memo to G. Eysymontt, et al                                 2. CDP and Guerrero want to show NRC that Westinghouse and Ebasco had sufficient contradictions in their positions to cast doubt that they were acting in good faith. In light of questions about the safety of the Philippine reactor, CDP wants NRC to t:enduct its own public hearing on the PNPP Export Licenses.
3. The first phase of the Puno Hearings involved technical facts concerning equipment design. Though they have no technical background, the Guerrero I group became interested, since they are from towns near the plant. They were l surprised that PAEC still was unable to get full answers to questions raised by the IAEA, even though Ebasco said they had done 70 manyears of work.

Petitions of the Guerrero panel and NSSEEP are at Enclosure 2.

4. The first position which Mr. Guerrero noted to be contradicting that of Ebasco was that of the Society of Volcanologists, saying that volcanic eruption was a possibility (Enclosure 3), Guerrero was concerned that disagreement on this point existed. Guerrero questioned Mr. Tilford, Chief Ebasco Geologist, who he said gave some answers about the eruption potential of some possibly volcanic terrain features that were inconsistent with statements in some Ebasco reports.
5. There appear to be differences in the estimates of likelihood of eruptions as derived from various estimation methods. Differences were not explained satisfactorily in the hearings.
6. IAEA said an eruption of Mt. Natib must be considered a possibility. Ebasco said an eruption on the west side of Mt. Natib (toward the plant) is incredible.

The report of the IAEA mission in July 1977 said the volcanology and seismol-ogy of site should be carefully considered (Enclosure 4). ,

7. Ebasco said they were in close touch with experts of the Philippine Bureau '

of Mines (PBM) and these PBM experts agreed with Ebasco that all suspected active faults at the site had been investigated. However, a PBM letter of July 18 stated a position contradictory to this Ebasco statement. These two statements are given in Enclosure 5. Later, Willis of PAEC, an Ebasco repre-sentative, and a PBM representative went to the site; Willis and the Ebasco - representative then submitted a paper supporting this Ebasco position. The PBM man would not sign this paper. The PBM has not taken a position on this paper, nor has it been asked to.

8. Guerrero was puzzled by the following: An Ebasco statement in the record said that the site was "aseismic." Leeds, the Taifada-CDP seismic consultant, in the Puno hearings said the definition of what is an "aseismic" site depends on the time interval between earthquakes, how close they occur to the -

site, etc. Ebasco obviously did not consider the site to be aseismic, since the plant is being designed to resist a certain eartnquake force. In a press interview, just before leaving the Philippines, Tilford of Ebasco said Ebasco had never said the site is aseismic.

Memo to G. Eysymontt, et al l

9. Guerrero and Leeds contend that Ebasco has ignored possible large fault lines east of the site-(Enclosure 6). Residents of the area know well the dangers of earthquakes on this line east of the site from historical reports of damage from earthquakes in 1852 and earlier.
10. A serious concern of Mr. Guerrero's came to light during the Puno Hearings, about quality of the concrete in the PNPP containment structure. Apparently,
        ,   PAEC had not been informed of a clash between NPC and Ebasco-Westinghouse on honeycombing of the concrete. Honeycombing occurred at one level almost all around the structure, mostly near the reputed site of a gushing water spring. At one point, some voids wer'e one foot in depth, in a 5-foot thick wall. Guerrero feels unsure that there have been adequate repairs of this honeycombing (Enclosure 7).
11. Guerrero believes there is a strong effort by the Puno Commission to come to an honest decision, but noted that it had almost run out of money and had stopped its hearings while apparently looking into. establishing an international . group of experts to advise it on the plant. CDP is concerned that the Puno Commission will not be able to come to a correct decision.

Both Guerrero and CDP feel that the opposition is underfunded and has not had long enough, in view of the long period of " imposed silence" before Puno, to prepare and present its case adequately. Guerrero says the people of Bataan need an NRC approval before they will be happy with the safety of the plant.

                                                .O     ,
                                                 . .L R j Josephl.Latieur,Jr.

Deputy Director Office of International Programs


1. List of Attendees
2. Petitions of Guerrero Panel and NSSEEP
3. Letter of June 28 on Volcanology 4 Report of 1977 IAEA Mission
5. Statements on Position of Philippines Bureau of Mines
6. Brochure Showing Fault Lines t
7. Reports on Concrete Honeycombing cc w/encis: S. Chilk, SECY (for PDR)

L. V. Gossick, ED0 J. R. Shea, IP H. Schechter, IP G. Helfrich, Dept. of State 1

   ,* 4 e



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l 1i e f ENCLOSURE 2 l o l l e e

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b 3m y s .. b SAIGGilMG BAYA1 PA.EALAWGAN s A T A A .! T EXCCar'T FRut THC httmC'  ; ur ril!" aCr. clan t.4/.Tla ; f T::;- 5ANG30tJIANG l1wA!J f..l.L,sLAJ!;..a lirLa T :;. L.. :C.t ie' tfl JULY.16, l'n2 Pnt:UIT: W - + flon Cfren 2. Pasem.1, Govt.rnor .*. B ruciding Gf f!.c .: Hon. Criscatomo G. L nron, Recrossntative l I

                                                                                                                                           .. lg                                                                     .

lion. Remigio H. SeedJ1'en, IIep.' of A' wwcay

                                                                           ..                                                                                 vi                                                                lion. Caronimo C. Ursula, Rep. of ugee
                                                                                    .                                                              "U          '-                                                               lion. Alfreuo D. Jarebn, Rep. of Celanca Hon. .!aime D. Cenope, Rep. of Dinclupilen                                 '
                                                                             . g. .                                                                                                                                             Hon. >brtin R. Henciansen, Hon. of her:neca
                                                                            ,,a.                                                                                                                                                Hon. Joeve T. fliccfrente, Hop of I crive!se' l                                                                                                                                           ,

Hon. Teodorico D. c.'s Jesus, Itap of Mor6n; Hon. Jose A. Uu.Ay, Rep. of Urani


Hon. Antonio U. Mariano, Re,9 af Crion

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           , lion. Rustico T. Cwncunji, Hop. of L.ual
                                                                                 .                                                                                                                                             Han, fieleer, J. Cruz, !!ap. fica, of ;00
                                                                           ,                                                                                                           A2 C.'Ts lion. Jesus C. Lancher, flepre*cntative Hon. Irene 3. Flores, depresent tive                                               ,

Hon. Arturo 5. Rox e, !!st:. .f Liu.y l

                                                                                  ,                                                                                                                                            Hon. Phlo C. Roman, Jr., liep of C
  • 4 a IfCtulufICf4 f4U. Ii1
                                                                             '4                                                                                                                                                              .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               'UlGCAO, the Gcverncr and Pr':cidinc Afficer '.ruu,ht j.a!,                                                                                                    to the attention of' the Dooy the current invectiaat;on t.cing
                                                                                                                                                                              . conducted relative to the construction of the nuclect pl.nt

(! irr Nepot, Morong, Se,te nl [ UllEll'CAC', the Covernor else enucht the individu 19:si. k. nion of all membere rogarviinej the setterg e WGCC, all the membero esccpt the reprosontative or Degas, Mr. F.orsniuo Ursulw, were very vocal in t!' oi .. sitisa to the continuation of the nucleeir project for tte foi? g reasone;

1. While this 'l.,dy . o not t rteno * . he fulla c. n.

verosat inith the atte.. .nt technictd.ities to canniser *..n esfety of ti e nuclear it esuid easily ' e ;:!cened . .': -

                                                                                             .              ,                                                                       even the desi..norr, i.. ve tiuir 'Juhts .9 '- in ' *                                                 .

plant sy their reluct nce to eseui e liability f rau anu c .:i . ' cent tW.S may rise irva the avur:stion af. 'Le nucle r t. ut. i That the 31&nt te very vulei reale t'.e accicente '. : = ' .. ., n

  • otros, ec1 functions and r:cfects in i.csi n y e ciwarly 11;ur,.

trated in the recent %ci.'eut in Threc.taif o f r 8-nd in _he Unitwd States W. ore i.o M..we to oduit nucb a'u; is

                                                                     - .                                                                                                            far advanced tiun ours.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               %A Q
                                                                            *k ho                                            .

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og}D OD h.

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  • NATIONAL OCirrY FOR SC80!H1, tscam:ma or rue; oGY AN![ >: ART!!QUAhr; emurrmcs
                                                            '. t          u. in.lar,. se.,s sun, A , e e v. 4,                                                                           l w c ,. c .u . , i scans        are.

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f( , Gyc ,.) j 24 July 1079 d'#/ l'USIT!ON PA1's $F (NSSEEl')

           .j :
           'g                            A.            CENEnAL : Tho genJr:1 pocition of NSSCEP on the dcaign and
              '                                        cocaitrucaca cf the Datssa NucIsar lant is neutet!,                                                                 NS::EE18 rrould 11!:e
  • 3 '_ s on11-Stened on tite chmicity, 4ecanta ucical and 1 /(ingineering stucics,/snalysec/sceumptionc,/denign methodolo::y
                ;.8 -                                 and considor:tiona especiallv nu related to cef m olon and g
          , ,        ,e y-thquako enginecring and to comunent on the intorniption reisvant theruto subscitted by all parties concerned.                                                                                     -


                .     .                  D.           SPECIFIC : Cn cluestions Nos. 5,0, and 7, NSSCEP cubmits tho **

g e fcilowing posit!cn in relation to scismology and carthquaks ersgineerir.g of the Botaan Nucicar Plant. b 1 Cn questica No. 3: Y - {(['*X M Jc[ (a)# On coicmicity of the cito: V/ith reforcacc to the cotur. tic

              #                            f risk map, NPC, PSAlt Figura 4, if as stated elsewhere, d              7f~I                                           thl:'mcp weaarecered on the basic of s thr~.mocth fi'VI N '..                                           uticro.carthquaka or clicro.tramor obsc:-/ tierA, we
                                ,/              ,

doubt ita velidity :ta a uciando riult ntap far t::Tas (fe:fdn

            .'***p                                                         data or acaumption fur upwetaan senpvaca nualycia t.,

cupccially for a very italmirtant sud w::trantcly c. pensive

                                 ./ .

I by , project lihJ 1hc 13stan Nuclear Plant. Wo unbmit that 6 /' micro. tremor observsticate sav unoJ to confirm cito f Jgoology and geologic profilcs in relatlua to ccien:1c V:ve Q ' . .

                                      *'     #'-              k" propagation characturbtics and dynan ica of p ound g*
  • motion and that 'h" P on e e-+'-"* betwean .
                                      .; ., / ,,#"'*     .

and strong motivn cru thqu ken. T!=: r: turn period of

                                   )     ' ', / ., .f 10,00g yearc ctated ia ttn sai:imic ri;,;h msp tendu tte                                                         -

glya 1 talca s;cnnts of se*~n-ity to a luyt. nan. 's*bo thrac. month

                                                /           -

micro.enrthquake obuccrutious cannot poscibly La unsd g/l ((,. f ' ( .f for.staticticci prvjection on :2 1:raic rit:h or vve . on

                                        . -        ,                   m yf p,sig ly. . ;> > I , ,> - rer.:rn reriodo of asoceant .artur em:.

i - a.L uninh e- W-

a. 1s .

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                         -r i                                            er-p' C. C. ws sA Mrs lhf                                              ,

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l 6d 8 j i l ' NATIONAL' SOCll3Y FO!! SI:1.CtOf.O(;Y AND M!.*Tl!OUAfiH l

                                                    ,           .~-
                                                                 ,1                 ENGINElttNG UP TIIM 1*!lilJITIN13 Lt.14 Mar, D4.A l'ansy Ava l' r. M. .ae h Mana m Ave.

Qws.s l '.t y wt. :m- 8%Hpyi mi en

                                                                                                                 ..        _ . -                                                   l
                                                               ..                                                                               . . . . . . . . - -      ..        1 pago .2.                                                                                                   ,                  q l

Tho/courco,!dats,/ methodology of preparation, tho

                                                                                  / number and, location of observations cro not im'testad 3           ,

en the m p so th t wo ennnot chee!: tho or even the rolov nce of the sourco nistorials with riek analysis of strong motion carthqunkcc with firuund l}.,

                                                                                   =ccolorsticas of 0.25g or 0.35g or cvun hi;nor sa 01.

indiented on the said coismic rink msp.

                                                                                 We noto here that in the esco of the Prince William Sound, Alaska, enrthqurJte which occurrud on k-
                                           -                                       !.hrch 27,1904 (local time), cccurato recordu frotn 1899 to 1963 showed no occurrenes of oarthqua.hou i         ,. E                               !

of S cr grentar msgmtudo en the Richter =calo witMa a 200 kilometar todius, and vet this ret tbr" int.a took 1 pineJ with a tasguitud3 of 0,4 to 0.0 e s tho. lichter - cesis, We siso mentica *.hst<Alasks,jCalifornia, If'O if 4: pan and thed'hCippinca in world sarimalcity r. taps . are en th.s varae etreumeceifle ref err @ Mt, that is,

Tor.g th0 odgou of tho ;; rent 153cific tocton'ir: plato, i.[
                                '                                         (h)    Ca earthcuako ennfneerin r: Wrs nam r;till rtudying the
                                 .g                                              bdar:aation en tito il??t" t "e"'wathnc and procedurcs sud dosi~t h-evh v "u att t and win mora luformnLica so that wu can m4boilt u in.itio.i pt.por ur
                                  &                                              h42mcrs=dum est this matt #*r.

p 2 On quarthm No. Os l C,, Ih'en if the Dat:an Ntt:1cor Iinnt in <jfMielv not on any f Ht, it doec not follow timt it 19 free from .u / t..t. arc carthqual:o

                                @.                                     .:EiT:'isumnu. Tu inint h.: vun the.u: fatdthsd Lu genorr.11y rel;:rdod an onuwn of .mt6 tmd... ., fm ithe; b; also
                             ' Y '.
                                  #                                   a Ngult Or effect uf i:t: .M i *-*"l*'*J duu to tjo thtwaing '

meca nisin, which in tura, la duc to %uixNciloo" ha plata tucionics, it b not .c. mucie rSne the. ^e'*" m:, u.t'.ehurc

                              'E ' . ,                                the "subJuettuo" non- t :, that datormi u o 1;..t ioc:.tNi tho
                             - i;"-

i [


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                                        .i g    r.
                                                     /                   A.
                            '.'                  *\, '. y* NATIONAL SOCl!.TY t'Olt FE1.%IOLOGY AND EAltT1! QUAKE
                                                        ' ,I -

ENGIN)T111NG 06' 7118 Wi!LIPMNES 1.h Diels., leie.4 rassy Aw. f'oe. , P*. ie limi Smassan Aw. Quesus i ity, a I M a %.? page .3.

              .i I I !;


             )       4 ft                                         focus or hypocenter of the strongest enrthquake. , and in ,

[ h# listaan, as indicated and shown in the " Schematic Model of Soquentini Subduction Contral ! u=on Tsetonic Provinco f- Cross-Section" NPC, PSAlt, FIS. 2. 5.1 13, the "subductior" sonos No.1 and 2 are directiv 'mder tha Datsan Nucicar 1+1sn.. L.f To postulato a "Gosting" cartfelunko of 4.5 magnitudo and a 7.0 maximum rnagnitudo is in our opiniou not conrer-ativu onough on such an in2podant, expensivo :nd critical ctructuro i no the Dataan Nucitrar Plant and this postulato eveniirnplies I seceptance of risk of dangers of Is11ure of tieplant and its

                                                                 ~ component parts is.the ovent of onrthquaken cf magnitude 3                              --

jj or groster which aro not only possiMo but in p!ste tactenic

                         ;'(                                   ,, theory pgo. -
  • jf,f.,
                         ,'.'                          3.        Os question No. 7:                                                           *
                                                       '         Even if one can establish that within the isst 400 yours, thero                    .
  • has definitely been no Isrge earthquakes whoJo epicccter is in Datssa, it does not follow that thera will be no la2-to

f a earthcuaks there in the future. Thu explanation ist seismologist.a speaac cf "syismic noc" rolsting to periodicity, that is, regions sicag a chain thqt could bo quioscent for evon thoucands of years.

             ! .                                                but metowhile are neeumulating strains for a lar;;u carthquaka.

Many largw onrthquw.w. wiuen L.tvo occurrud in wisu.iu ruciuns

            !'                                                  which havo been quioscout for hundrodu of yunro pruvo t!ds.
            ;        1.

A Wo wish to(reservo a furthur im:sition lispor, meniorandunt or corntnont en t!io~Yport of the IAi!:A Salaty Mission vf 107Cf I l Rospo ully submittod, , . Andres O.1:1:t.n , Sk/ Attestedt

                             .i, .            Committoo Chairm
                     -]?':..ii3 SEEP J-e-                   (L-y.

W i Anuul L sn.i.f&r. o, a g/s'l y l'rca;ideus, N1st.:01' ese;g,'

                                               + _ .                    . . -          .. _              .


                                                                          - . ~ ~ ~                                           ~~


                    -                                            '                                                         _         __   l a 1
                                                         .                                                                                l t            !,             -

4-. 27 August 1373 MZ:hcRANDULt NO. I OF NS$EEP We begin by stating that the records wul abow that N53EEP was subjected to two days of intensin and cotuprobenelve interpellation by a team of Ebasco emnerts cornposed of, amotw Utharsr. JrDrintreJ.Tuford, Gupta, Healy and their legal counsel on the first positico. $ Position Paper No. 2 and Position Paper No. 3 of NSSEEP, Given every opportunity to question, ginn enry opportuntty to chaDenge,1stven enry opportunity to submit d1 Net proof against, no question, chauenge or specine dinct proof was made or submitted during the interpeustion on Position No. 5(c) of POSTITN PAPER No. 2 of mrP *1ch reads as fonows:

                                                       "Poettion No. 5(c). In line with the appannt concern of the President              I regarding the Bataan .% clear Power Plant and in the inttrust of the l

Fiupino people, we botsn that an acrthquake of at least 6.0 cwhh on the Richter scale shculd os postulated on au caphble faults and cotsputent geclegic and tectenic structuru et, under or near this Nuclear 1 lant. We submit that the aproper opprsoch is to pcomiste on 8.0 magnitude earthqauke cu au capable fualts and geologic structures competent in generating such earthquake, compute the resulting groond acceleration, analyze probabuities and then make the necessary ressemahle judgmenttr. The approach of Ebasco is: dismiss tbo possibiuty of 8.0 ~=ahda on au but the most distant tectoub structans, postniste and select iower magnitudo earthqnate based on a niu. year selected CAA usting (nature may not agree with their se selection), use selected attenuation carns not barid on Phnippine seismicity on amariJ.y capable fanits and tectoair scoes, analyze with times opinion of probabiuties, come up with a low salemicity risk map and then use this map for .4dgment on critical design considerations. We substi that the Ebaseo approach is tnaccurste, unre aL*Ma and biased. (Underiining ours)". Under the rules of evidence, therefore, we ecesider this position fairly won.estahiished and admitted by Ebasco. We can even state that we felt sure that the Ebasco experts were appreEehsive that we could marshal . rave and incontrovertihle procts which would then be more forceful in the record of the proceedings. But ad=ttted and established, we werg matf af'ad,

                                                                                                                    . I,
                                                           .r X                    _ . ,

Page.2 We have siso noted but not presented to the Commission grave doubts on several of the IAEA concerns which, we hueve, were not satisfactorcy attended to by Zhasco and possiblF/ even by PAEC, since ve 4shed to avoid lengthy discussions which require considershle study and time and a piling up or disarray of our own prtrate concerns, but rio are -Q 1ater to veico our doubts to the proposed biernatiocal Fanel. In our cress azamination, c:any inconsistencies, contraddbens:,, inaccuracies and bisses were brought out and, we believe, also fairly nwen-estan11shed and proven. We now turn to the long litany of contradictions, misleading statessents, artifiales and even what seems to us blatam prevarications too tiresome to enurserete but we may gention same examples:

1. Mr. Tilford: On Bataan peninsula being clearly stated in their position paper as "sseismic" stated t!st they never said Estaan was "aseismic" and oven danieJ it speci!!cany in the Inserpenation of I.1r. David Leeds. He even argued the same in a press interview on the c:atter. On being shown up by Atty, Guerrero and Engineer IE.:en, he flip.ficps and said :basco tnada a mistake, stated a very late correction because he no it,nger had any choice, When asked to present sthe asserted mistake and correction in writing, he kept silent, no promise.
2. Mr. TilfoM s b order to support a Cupta error and -

contracietton, stated that tbs Bataan Nuclear Finad is on rock .- fa=d=H= so that the predominant period of the ground ,T was as Capta stated ecmputed on the Kanni equation on rod R this were so, the IAl% report would not runtlon "stnia , sc.noning" of the foundation which could not occur en rock. He probably assumed and knew that the Commission would not understand. l o

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l I , <ll w. ;.ct. . pe ;, , . 6 u i I. .

                                       */            .
                        .~                                                               Sangay ng *ataan
                    .,4@ tend                                                            J !L SC A G7P0 3 A WhC!L 3 AMA!!A*
                      **M:                                                                  m roce, sataan                                                     -


             ~                                                                                                                                       '
                                           ?                                                          Horung, 4;osto n ,N'S (t?Proeidente q Mala 4ar.acg' Palace 7ardi:a:d I. Marcos tro,.vanila
a. .}._
               ;w w. ..                                 **         ='"1**

Isai pong aga g'.tro y Distrito cg Morong, Pataan, ay ra;.

                                      . kakaise sa pagtutel sa pugtatay o ng :hiclear Power nant sa
                                ,y,aming tegna dahil ss aga sunstsunod cm kadahilsun
                                     .y. .              . ;.
                              ,. .f                     1)' ing possibilidad ca maskaroon ng human et mechanteni                                     t
                             .is ,.orror es pagpapaan!ar ng .melear reactor.                                                           .
                                '[                      2) Paedade;ende utin sa isacs depletable energy scuree
                                . pgeya sg Creatua.

1 o. .* ,

                                'Ey-                    3) Vala pass saluayco sa paglilitir.gan ng nuclear vnste.


                           . ?                          4) Di.tlyak na pay.staynen ng p1' ant:it ;! trJr37ar sa vida.
                      -yap-L,."            hilamaag naam aPacif14-rus-et. fire a ang Pilipius at aeg aktiteng pe% . Balkang Istib ay 1!. as kilcmetro laarng ang layo as pisats,                                                                    ,
                      . 'h '                             $) ' Zahlar.gan ng age ekspertoeg Pili;1ro r.a kacyst ta dudu-g.v...:
log sa isaq meing maguap u suolear accident.
6) Di-enlaan$ na tech:elegical base u saksaam Yp sa un-
                                                 .ag ugaup aa aksidenta gaya =g *tne P.ile Island fDC).

i L..

  • a..- En ang aning pagtstal sa pactatsyo y " feels. Pu.or ?1.n+. l
                                     - M Mpdi- = y=Wingas y partutal sa aA=Natraayon y aning                                                                                      !

4 - ^ a. P.agal.,1 w, an tangiag k.dahnama ey au 3 - Iw muusiv.

  • isa...


                      . at "             .
                                     .Y " , .          2         .                                         hbes 34 gusagalaag,
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  • aa
                                                                             -   2-
        ] r".Q$}'                       '
2. Presently and within the foreseable future, thin Oody
                ' .. t iconsiders that the nuclear technology in the country ccnnut cdv nc6 to the deg:se necessary to guarantas the safe opcretion and :.sintenc;nce of the PflPP - 1.                                                                                                                            l
                     .i.                                                                   .                                                                         i
                   ' N.'                         3 /,.,3 In,the event of a nuclec: incident this ody do not believej                                           .
                 &that the Philippines posessa the necessary scientific resources to pro.
                     ^'n.t the contamination that will. ensue.
                    . .. m .
                   'W,'                          43' Testimonias presented to the Commicolon indicctes the
                      'existance cf geological faults in the area of the nucluar plant site
                      . W , So far no assurance hoe been made thut earthquake or volecnic coti-not,cause damage or malfunction that could result in the lock.?
          ~ .fvity      egowill,dioactive of.:s                  elements. Waste dieposni has not been satisfactoril"
  • 9jemplainej;' Improper disposal could pose a sericus hocard to the hacith 1
                    ,,,,nd y vea'to the :ceidents in the arse.
                    , ,.T.'                                                                                                                                          l
                                              'IMd TliEREFCRE, in consideration of the foregoing rococnc, un                                                  '

1 7;-[ motion duly made and ascended, be it W:' J. .'..', RESCLVED, that the Sangguniung Peniciawicon of Dats"n exprecs, 4 as it vigorcualy do, its opposition to the centinur:d cenetruct'.cn c? ti... ' h.' n,ucles: plant in flapot, Mc:eng, Cataans SkE .

                ,f                               RESCLVED, FURTHER, that on oppsal be :..ade to hic "xecliency, J'f.,'P:ssidentTe:dinandE.Marcostocausethediscontinunceofthenucles:

E roject p until such time os sufficient guarentco could Le mcds ri:1ctive *

                   'to the safoty of the nuclear plant; j..
              ',                                RESCLVED, EJf1 ALLY, that this resolution be forw rdud to Ute                                                        !

Excellency, President Fs:dinand E. Herens, P.clacariang, f:etro f:cnilo l nd copies be fu:nished all pu,rties concerned. b .' . APPROVED DY VOTES CF ELEVEf1 Ifl FAVLR biPJ Li'l n0AIl'OT.d p- '

                f '"                           I hereby certify to the co :cetness of the ob ve_ geted,                       '

4.v..r.asciution. , [-E...

            .,N.#                 '

(Sad.) TIRSO' T. DAV D . 8 Secretary N (-l ATTEST: (Sgd.) EFREN 3. PASCUAL

                                       ,,     .f:cvi.ocial hva:n--             -

e grueCopyt - y. N' ' e _ __ _ _ _ . _ _ , _ . _ _ ,

              -~..,                                          ..     .
                                   .t-Republie of tho Philippinoe                                 '
                      . T7 W.                                      Municipality of >CRONG B A ,T A A N
   .                     ..... .'s.-    ,

Office of the Socrotary

    '.            sw..
 '                                              BATAN, MORONG, BATAAN, MEETING HELD ON JULT 30,
                        /~           .

1979. ' I PRESENT : D Actg. Mun. Mayor Hon. Antonio S. Calimbas

                 .l,;g '                                                                     Presiding Officer A           . .t.:                                                           .
                  'R                                         1A          E1da331
                  '.$'.V                                             .                          -

f,8: Hon; Zosimo V. Poroz Hon; Bionvinido Vic'odo Hon

  • Toodorico d6 Josus Hon; Pascual Pastoloro
              '/                                   Hon; Fortunato'M. Poroz                  Hon; Mariano Darrantos
                'r                              h Hon; Cesario G; Domingo                   Hon; Adriano 0. Chinto j$.
           ..                                      Hon. Jacinto M. Puzon                    Hon. Bi~onvinido Royos 5
  • Hon
  • Rodolfo P. Duran Hon; Clemento Evn11e .

[,( Hon. Policisimo Ignacio H6n. Democrito Paguio

       ' rem g                                                   Hon. Bonifacio Dulay, Jr.
       ,A '                                                x          x    -

x x x RESOLUTION NO. 16 [9-

       ,h                                           "WEREAS, it is a gmat opoortunity of this muni-WM                               cipality that the Country's First N uclear Power Plant is-                         '

D1.! . being constructed at Napet Point, Morong, Bataan, omploy-

        ,         :q                    ment problems was solved and it will insure the development                          -
                  .y'.                  and progross of this municipality, but in the contrary, tho i           g.                   Body is extremoly frightoned and worriod duo to the fact i           ik                   that tho said project is 9 kilemotor away from the tow
       -         ' fl.'
                   .                    propor and tho targot aron /sito is'sorrounded by an cetivo                     I M                      volcanoes such as Mt. Natib and Mt. Marivelos, both in tho
        .      '7;.                     Provinco of Bataan;
        ;          *p .

3,y,.f "WHEREAS, on June 29 1979 a public hearing was 5 , c.- hold at tho National Power Co,rporationi s Offico at Napot s.. Point, the governmant panol represented by P. A.E.C. and

        .7 E                            N . P . C. , st at ed t h at presently thorcis no approvod/propor
          di ,.                         placo in tho Philippince to disposo the wastos of the W
       .s, Nucion*r Roactor; 3,k8'A . ,.                                  "WBREAS, tho Body is not convinced of tho safety K                                 claims of the buildors of the Nucicar Roactor duo to human f;c..                          and mechanical orror that may happon, like what was happonod G                                or occured in 3 milo Island in Pensylvania;
                     ~                               "WHER3AS, it has bocn known that tho of f ect of the
           .                              radiation of tho Nuclear Ronctor to the health of tho
           .Q.' ;{                . ' pooplo is very dangorous, causing gonctically defectivo
        .g ;$.:/                          baboic, loukomia, cancer of tho bonos, and ote.;
           ',% d!.' .           .

NOW THEREFORE, on motion duly soconded by, Bo it; l 9S v ' RESOLVED as it is hereby'. mselved, t at this

                                     ;                                              ert ruct                             -



we,% Body acainst Power o Plant atthgap,n-E2

                                                             - ot roint, i

ng.-co()orong, theuclearour ion of because Bataan,

                ,;:                       country may not bo ready yet and wo have no exports to s

handlo this kind of dolicato projcet;

  • e .


                        .-v         , ,
                                                                                                  #p&'.                                                                         ,
                                                                      " RESOLVED FINALLY, to furnish cortified copios of this resciution to His Excelloney, Fordinand E. Marcos,-


                                   , ), .';               '

President of the Philippinos, Manila, The Chairman, Com- ' iy'l' sittoo' on Invostigation on Safot , Nukloor Power Plant, t Maniin, the Prosident, National .yowog Corporation, Pope

  • g'y?[.: Aroa, Manila, the Philippino Atomio "norgy Cor:nission, MetrofManiin and tho Honorablo Sanscuninng Panlalavigan, lP-h~ . Balansa, Bataan for t heir propor infomation.


                                   ./i'                               " APPROVED UNANIMOUSLYa
                                ' d'                                .

X X X X X X-

                                                ,[' f. . X j                              n k. . .'
  • y , Ts , ,

I .HEREBY CERTIFY to ho oorroofnosa pf the abo

                                                     .' qo     .

resolution. , t

.i -h: Ed.IILIANO A. MEND 0ZAA Jr.
  • Sangguniang Ba ' n Soorot ary
                            .L               .




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                                                                                                                 ,s :-
      ,-                    ;.s. . .                                                                                     , ,

Mi' . '

                                                ' '%                                   REFUDLIC OF THE PEILIPPE.'23 COMMr35A)N ON NUCLEA.R PLAh*r3
                                                                          .                M2 REC M.LNILA s
                          .                                                        .tt
      '3 11 0 : L%UEtY GN Tile S.U'ETY TO Tl!E FUi.:LIC OF tit S 13ATAAM NUCLr.:An PLANT u-...............                                          .. 1 1 (. :TrTuil l'Al till Ms. 3 (.:!/ IL 3:a*'E
                                                            ', s.   *- -

CC.MJ .A / y.a aldT repeweetad Ly Cu;Lwan iea t.. %ca .

                                       =:.! .W4yl ...1zarv, Jr. uf 21W2li3' tcd t:w Comrc:ia.wlan
                                       ....ost reuWoudDy uubu'.ita tita .ittaciud k l..                       3TL .1 li'A i I';                         'I.  . ., 6.

M..sist.:P. G*u Ncret t!nt it haa tainm Jo.20tia.. t.' '.1:'.j a*t ;er.9 / n cita, cut na .o1 ; tr.Lloc for this po :itiv.i (c. par. .

  • Strv he .tib, t i Au;fuut t il?9.
                                                                                                             'si * - . . .....,i a .c                            : , .. .wd Mmi
                                                                                                          ' L E'1. ' 61' ,           t ' n s *g t ' .* n' il s;, n [.P P *dllMJM L./:      ,
                                                                                                                                                               / . ,'                             /

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                                                                                                                  ~-                                  .

y .- . _. _. f r. hb 'h' 'L, 4 h~ ,

                  .""EgN SDCIETY 'Fdk                       %10LOdk AND EARTHQUAKE                          *        ~'


  • LL Bik,160 A Panay Ave. Cor. E. de los Santos Ave. ._

Quewn City, Philippines i*

                                                **el. 443 54
     ,.                                                                                                              .t
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I HJSIT%.I! F. IFS IE . 3 OF L,u::GP 1 l I

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IT . 4 f

                                                  <om                ,


  • ENGINEEltlNG 41F TIIE Pillt.JPPINES .ho.
  • 1.!, r4kiv., :e:O .\ l'attay .he. Car.1L ile ha 4ftf o* '
                                                                '.)uev..i Fit y, l i                                               . , .

rr r. .* .m.'hitirph e- -

                                                                                                                                                          .->       s_
                   "                                                                   .i 14 .8, u _ t' ;' T M.1.3 f 10 N F:d e:At v./.. J..U.. F N > i.,i:.2-
1. On qu:stion NO. 3: A Positian No. 5 (3n):

h veder tb.'t La;:cem awl irr'upon.nt!'la ;tatoc.cuto raay i M c iocho.1 tt tN h.mrign 1. e u.a Co.' luutoa on tr e l Pat. tan Muel cr Ilan', R,Q3 p:es>utn t1.' Ml t:JC 4 'm1w...'O n- .a ite 1 ic...t.., u;. / .4' to: Log 39 E = 11. 4 . 1. 5 .' *. when. M is the Eichh'r :'ag@:d' a td E in tb.) :norty . relcaust! in orga, fet.zi . u= uciterstal ground cecoloration are sico cotsputed for cincrant :wy.itudos breed on (a) Kanai equatice (Cali.trsic ad hpcnece earthquakes) nad (b) the Manila Gbaervatory ec2ation (most probable values).

                                                                                          -                                     -                                              l REFElf ENCES:                                                                           . . ,

(s) Ennai equaticc:


5 - 0001tn - r' log R + Q 7 d Tc' From "Euflding Practicos for Dicaster Mitigation", Eu11 ding Science Serias 48, US Nationni T3urocu of Sta.@rds. (b) ManDa Olmm.dcry eqaction: In A (% ef g) = 3.19 + 1.27 ML - 2.095 In (R + ro) e 5

                                                             .p o

j ft .4 ' IN f

                                                           ..s i                               2.
                                                     .J^4' 7        h.. k. ,*            b.g,,.

g .1g/g.:.-

                                                                                                                                                                ,,%q. N .,
  • s e..'. :.:.. ? ;- t s. $.. _a ?

i . . . . L 2A . w.~. . . S ,...;. J e

  • NATIONAI, SOCIETY FOR SEl.% MOI,0GY AND EARTl!QlJARE ENGINEEHING OF Tile Pilli.lPP!NFS 1.I. Bl<le., IM. A Panny Ave. ror. M. .le 1o4 Santna .b c.

Qurwn f *ity, Philippirwa y r. i. 98.n3.., i pag ."- (c) " L.e i t irm ' 'UIL- w.<u h ., ' t. '..., !".%..q.:.b uf t Gi

      /                                and Mie.s14cLa. U: Depnt :e. of Co. . mece, U i Gev%

PrInti:.4; C fnee. (xoros copy of p. rext atta: hod) (d) Tie . top *p, Yup.Ja'.'ta Carthqua,ho" try Glen V. Derg Amerienn Iron ca.1 Jtcol Listituto. (som.. copy of p.10

                                       .. tin'.. d)

(9.1 L.o .snt 71/ '.e .9duitu@ - by J. )<risim. . and r . R ,

                                        .L         m. . ; .u:. (snvx e 3./ v. ;;p.10 cM !! MeacovJ)

ThLL.; 1 (N . a- ) , 1

                                  ~ ~~     ~~'-~ - - ~ "                                                                   A.t. up. hurumorm1 Emrgc.-                            ground acceleration in "g" M.'m7 a t.:nergy                relva m :                                                         l 14.:Me r                 relc< and                 equimleut                                     daad                  Cbservatory in Tos:                  to a mu..imr                                 &h    t                equaGoo W:;nitt.d.?

Tiff of Ilicoshit.>a Ih. bs H = .3 0 14 = :30 R = 30

4. 0 1,000 0.36 10 .08 .00 6.3 to,000 1 Wan44.4 ,
                                                                                                                          .15              .12                     13     ;
5. ; 40,000 2 .,
                                                                                                                        . 20                 16 200,000                        11                                   , /40:               33'                   33 f.0 450,000                       22                                      . G3               43                    43 7.3                                                                                                                                         l 1,250,000                          63                                     .01              .GG                  . 33 7.5                                                                                                                                         '

S.O 7 n11115ca. 3 55 1.04 1.33 1.13 s.5 40 minforP1 2,000 _ _ , _ _ _ Fosition No. 6 (3b): , Nre is prosoded hocowith Figure 4 (NMET.lF) abowing u a ecmpartoon of Atwkm citryos, Kansi (Caufern.ta and - Japan:,ee

  • eartLquakes) and Msnna Cbaratory (Phfuppine eartim,imWS). ,



J .

                                                                                       ,.                                       t *:e
                                                            $                                            x. . <.,~ n?hY            .. i+.g.=hhk
                                             .. c::w    _ n ..
                                                                                                                                             .n e
           .       NATIONAL SOCIETY FOR SEISMOI,0GY AND EARTl!QU.\KE                                                                                                      i
  • ENGl. N EEHING OF TilM l'Illt.ll'I'INIM Panay Av. ('eir. E. ile lam % ?the* T *.

LL Bl.lg,, b'.d..\ I Quenm wi. 'na.ea.' , if ity, l hifipteinra j e __ l

 ,/                                        . . . .

page 1-  ! I'c -iti.m No. .) (Uc): There is im;ented bemwith Nevil.10 C. Donovan curven tahan fnne. "ThrtLque.ko Ifaze.rdo for Tiuildin3e" from previously cited " Building, Frncticeu for Diaastar Mitigation" p. 39, Figura 5 (NS 1M@). Using the curvo " clean + " ::taniced deviations" moving - .I

                                                                                       '"I' . if c.?! . e > , m pt p- ._.' . a p. . -t t . .Het 'xceiu aJ I' UtL M 2 ( 3 4 i           T)
                                                                                       ,;0           10             70                100 N^* U"I                                10           20 Distance in F*.r. .

J40 240 M 2C"Iy*U" in er:/::0c 1100 0.30 640 000 Fee accolmtit,n 85 06 54 35 24 g, g,1 c-value ircultic.c No. 5 (3t!): Thers is prueented herewith TM!!.C 3 (MT-ZEP) repr>duced A TAELE 2, Dsm "Eard qunho Fernrrta fcr Cundirgo". . T A E L E D G T. C ~.' U ) RETURN PEIi10D.; FUR ITV. ACFM~" ATIO!! l (copy froci p, 05) u l Reupectfully submitted: D (.. N , .O p.y h <. - eh/ /. m% ..\ .. nl , , ,. y~- N /,>, ..! wet to , u. m o. nac. Pres 1&rnt, 135ZGP, NS5EEP Cornem . .. e I'

                                                                                                                         . ! :,r .
                                                   'g ;        'r
                                                                ,               .g                                         . .:p      . ..      m 4.....

k~. . .s. -

                                                                                                                                  ;.'. "      n.x              y.m y.
                                                                                                        . : . .' . .;y . % t.? . . . .... a
                                            .. r        n- , ~ .          -

Introduedun l Shortly after duk en March 2*i,1M (L.c:.1 date or March 28 Greenwich


Mean Time), an earthquate of tmt.tual :w'e.:'y reda:.1 the Prince William Sut.nd area in i.oaih-cer. tral Ala.ska. Mn L . au..,inale scaaded as he tween 8.1 d.d on the iud.ter seale ( .r...:..t up .ae.tio.e;: Aftershoch Studies),

     >. [                      it wa.t the mo::t viole;.t earthquake of to..dein tirne and o..e of the gicatest nnt.

1., aral d6 asters "that had occuni.d in die n eo.ded histohy of ' Unite.d Sta.ter.. 1%ituates are th:a twice as n:uch enei.9 telea:.ed by ibis earthquake as b:.

     'A^                       the one which struch San Fr:u;cisco, datifoinia, ia 12. This release of enen:v u:s annnwinweir ..nivalent to .tu s.ic i.a> n. fit ons inna of TNT.

The shoch w..;ich over :.hout Irdi a t..ibu :.quase inites. Ilowever, it wa<. with*n a 50.000 s., :aea sa.ioauuhq, the et.i.:..o..r that tuai..r ilane

                       to Luildings; pun k.eilide.:. :aal du- nailw:.. aadyighway .pter.r.
       'V,                      vei urred. The dear..q.e icsuh.d var'iomJy hv.a siotent viiur. tory groun        d u.uti on; 3

fre i cumulative ven i;eal and hadzotuu! di .pl.. en env.; the .en.mpanying earth.

          '                     .p..she-gCUCralCtl MaasanN (tei..diiC ::; a-W;..Y) W$.iCh Wiped oat nLu) Vatel-
       .j                        iiuats, their facilhie , and induarica: i .no tidal h.andations following
~ubsid:nce of the 1:.ud.

Althout;h d:anat;;ng cifee.s of it.e e.adng..Le. induce.1 tsunan.i weie feli as tar away as Cre.secta City, ('alifornia, the u.o... :.. a re u...aage asua lated wit h 4hc earthqualar occurred alon:.t ihe sl.oie:.of Frnae Williaiu Sound t ook Inlet. i.. and on the Kem.i Feuiusula in Ala.ka. s This aica oi u..dinann datuage t only 10 percent of the soud land :aca of ataska. fo. wever, it contaim the y: economic heart o! the bate, almut 50 peicent ut ie, poguiadon, and all inajoi

                                  ..eaports. In additivo, une saajor raihuad:; ; aid hinuur.y:. leading to the interios aie within this aica. h.btic and priv;ae piopeuv .c c; ceeded ">00 inillion d.@aig hut there weie only 114 6 :o. aliies.1.ou. of p opnty and life would itave been far gn::acr if the carthquake h:.d stin L c.alica in the day when the business districtst .,enixally weie crowded, when the schoots were in .scs.n, and when the tide waa at iu Idghe.:t.

The di.vtster atti mh.o on a tung ie. ve.nized in this part of

                                   .ifanka where canin,uake:. :ae a reem iinn obcoomenoa. ti has einpuar.iwd the a.ed for nian to m..nove upon. e:.ptuh, and tolly evt.tu:ae his accumulated Luowledge m predict Lawre v.aihqu:.i.r:. in .adec .o 1.u a the loss of life and nay stiike.

pa upesty whencyt c :.nd a hewver unjor ewin o.iL.. Whhin inintaes ;ater the arthqua!.e, itse I. val &,a. .aul Federal (;ovcin.

u. eat 4 started to ingani e a hieat hwaan:6.ah.a i 4.ou to iaine retief and aviat-aata to the people. Ahhuugh nunu.u ocih.a u,nanunic: atom i,een com-pleted disrupted, the Mil.$.a y Co..un....d quh Lif reestablith<d com.

natnications between N.aska and the re>t of the Umt..t,.u.aes, and in particular with Washington, b. C. v.:d e I

           , . %' J'r.' h-.

isin.. :wnim. AKr_f

                                                                                                                                                                         ~ ~ ~ '         ~~

a .

o ,


         ~.t        .       ,
           ;rt           r-                    ,              ,
                                                                -             O!u ::at. Tt: ta aie..; vt' ttie ;,uake . s. their cad ud
             ' ' .1 t!'9 M                     -u                                                                                                                 .

e.;a 1 to . o .u; !:'J. dle aaJ Ya i.... ly. Ihirut;; the

                                        ;     j; * ..s.
                                  ;   i Tr .                                  Re.s o.'. e.tricai al..: ef Use,11. P/o7, Ph.:ti. )) t he idt area had                                                                    

3 a .pties of about .40') 1.m and it. image area was spread in a

                                                                                                                                                                                                           '*            k r Jh., of aiiaut 60 ktu due to speci.d pological features.

[14 l1 '. ] A relationship betweca strain cuercy released by an carth- {


q;ai and its magnituda is given by ltichter as follows:  ;

                         ,j                   j,                                                                  10 9 Ea ll .4 'e l .5 .II                      ...(1.6)                                               .-
                          ,-                  j                                         Jaar; /re: cased in caithquake, of dhferent magnitudes is                                                                            ,

11 '

                                              !                               pr t.e: ted in Tabte 1.3. which wool i ghe anidea of their relative
de:lre tive power. Some of the pa>t Indi .n carthqu.:kt,;- p re i

1  ;:ract.tedinTable !.hnich giv:; the toentian of their epiecuter *

                                                                              .           .;:ir rnt.guitud: un 1*ici. 2/4 t>; 2!:.

1 Taste 1.3 J ti .

.su.>.am s or r.'.ar;ta. s.; s Aso c.:rtc,y utzt.;t.,
                          ..                          I l                     I
                           *4 y
ll.'. 2::rs 5.0 6.0 G.3 7. 0, 7.5 3.0 3.4 3.6
                         !                      t                                     . . _ _

d A i d .;: u 0.33 2.5 14.1 so n 3 60 luvoo ;t44a

1- . . _ _ _ _ _ _
                                                                  . .            ..ats:

Ener:7 rc!ca:cd by an carth;nks of i.u..dtada 7.0 staid L,.: . j.

                                                <                                                or tr.a ordct of $3 4 ION cr:s.                        8 I

l 1'

                                                                                         .. : m:wmum :nte . tty of :haking attala:d clu.-i:.; an earth-                                                                    J i                                         .
                                                                                 , ult:: of ghen ma;;nitud: der:nds upon th: depth of focus as                                                      *'. .r         e3:1
                          .;                          f                        * :!! = fcil constL.m b:!aw th: f.:undadora of sin.:!ur:3. Fcr
                                                                                ..                                                                                                                          D:4 ?f
                                                                                                                                                                                                           'l .M if i                  ,

d.;2: f::ns eatuquakes, of depth *:out 30 ';m or !m, .a . l 2l. r. .imat: re!ali mehip m:y 1.: expr:.s:d b t :::q M:gpitude

                                                                                                                                            .                                                       " ,..d!!:7p.b.
                          .i . -               )
.ad .::.ximum Iat:nsity in t!u epicentral area. Represent'ttiEc - 'd
                                                                                                                                                                                                              "{4          'd u!ues are given in Tab!: 1.5.                                                                                         $,...v'      f j:?$j i
                                                                                                                                                                                                           ' %.1,d 1

On an :; versa,e,12 earthquakes hwing a m:gtitude of 7.0 l cr gt: ster orcur every ye::t somewhere in th: world. It is inter-  :


l estta; to compare the cr. rgy pf an carthquake with that of an 3]J eterb e mlosion. Tet: ener3y relb. sed by lliroshints typs atom En 6 . 8"10:$ ern or enu:1 to an : nth m.:he er M: i.iit si,. [ , 6. M 'Thus in terms of ener;y re::tu. an earthqn1!c of tip s,i:: . j , vt ' < ' u i .dth rni a of .W:n;t 13, 1950 ( Al.nS.6) /.ill b: equivalent to 2500 r.n:h bimbiexplcJed tog;ther. l l *"

                                                \                                                                                                                       ' F'
                                                '., l
                                                                                                                                                               ,                     (s.
                                    'e                    ls                                                       .
                                                                                                                                                         ..              W.     .

U .

                         ' k<nphEl?."W:5                                                             .$.
                                                                                                      . . ,{} A. 5      2 $ h< T ?. e. ,. $.       ..... Y n c.,. >.                                                                                                 i, ,yW              . i.s .w.
                                                                                                                                                                 ..u.q.,,,.QWlM%!                    %. s . ., w.
                                                                                                                     ..n . .
                                                                                                                                                   ,,t                                 .
y. *.*

fa,~ so p 4

                                                                                                                                                                                                            . we.a.eum. -ema n                             .
                                                                                                                                                         . c;;;;p D
                                                      ..s: 4 .            .                                                                                                                          '
                              .  *-4,
a. .  : .::.t 4
                , ,               ,                                                        y         s: ,; ....:. .              .                     .
l. :. . .. . ... . . ,
y. ... .n. . ,


                                                                                                                                                                                        ,,j                                                                          ,
                                                                                                                                     . s ... .s               ..t 151')                % m;!a                                      Jun 14                                                                  S.0
i. ) ws..a .\u; . o ./. 4 ...e ./.7 m .u.a . m.!:. , J:. . ..J
                                                                                                                                                ..>                                    e..; IW Mght.Nars: n Feb s 10. " "J.7 6.9 l'J3  !?ny.s Art 1 32.5 IJM '0 d U.a u;r.::: J.. 1 J1 .J .. ~: 1 u ,. . ., s . .. ..>.. .._s.. .. .. ... J it .t.:, ' t. iga . . :.4 .l.3 .i . 0 . 1.4) *. ::a.: :;nd 0.: .J .J J 41.J  ! 'l

  • s..J .':.u )
                                                                  . . :.31. ;.:.)                                                     .a                      as a                     s .*                          . .

DJJ A.: ~ t . i 21 ..t . J

  • J. )
                                                                                                                                                               .                        *3  .

1 *5. .:... l.:.5:.7 ,8 .'. ) Qs ;J .5.1 . /. 7 s. ! .

1. !:  % e-.: : :. . ." i L,4:.3 W ;J.J .J a ** Us %J.s .'s;; ?1 :2 1 1.4 . . . ~)
                                               <>>                     .... . s. .         ....)                  .

s ., ... .1 , . .. i > '& W. .s.*s..I s t 27  :~).$ 3i.J e.s I

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              *                           )

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                                                                 ..I.; al;.hJ i.1.'.;

A:;) I$ 2004 ' J.J 7 > ') J.3 ft

              /                             1347                 ;.*. . e:.:                                J!  ;      2                 J.3                 .U . 4                  J.J
  • 341 '
                                                                 . e c.a                                     l':a 11                  17.4                   73.7                    J.J
                    .                          .                                                                                                                                                                              8,                        1 I                                            s J.                  i.
                                                                             . . . . . . .. ..                 . , ...s
                                                                                                                                     . . . .s                    .2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ,s         .

. 1e.0 ... .. . ar .s ,.

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                                                                                           . v .. y .,t.e. f t;[ *j;! t. . ". i t . * .* * .*.. t.                                                                                                      4 s t . .s t . t. . . n. ..                                                                                                                          . *.                           p' s
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                . :.        t f 5

n * . ,i .;p.s W. .., . *

s \
                            ,        .g..                            .
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g # l l Y.. l

                                                                                         *                                                                                                                                 .                                             4 I
   ,   w

(.l u>

...y         '
d: ~

_; -i along the fault plah. them .to the su.ndar'd distance. Advances in the seisnological since the' imroduction of

',;.'; l . inclined. Tremendoh.may be horizontal, wrtic:J, or
, .                                                              s.seitical movement outured                         Rhlaer n.agnitude h.r.e let the scale be exter:ded k;.p t.)in the great earthquake of luw at                                                                          Yakatut            itay, to make it applicable               to caithquakes oct.urring I           . f ' .California Alaska.                     Movement h horizontal,                            on the San and sic!d observations                in        .\ndreas fault in anywheir and oxonted on instruments other than the type tur whkh h was first defined.

j/.v.,.] the vifmity of the San Andreas fanit after the 1906

               ~                                                                                                         The ictation lawscn mag.inp3 et _and snergy, as
                    , San Franciaco earthquake played a large past in n p the development of Reid's ria.stic rebotmd tincry.                                               ghdibltichter,":s
                 ? n-           For those carthquako where surface faulting can                                                        IOM", F. = ! ! A + 1.5 M,

d@.I y be..obsened, the evidence in ' favor of the clastic g,, n. i.; 9 g,c .,,,. ;n .ont ht idhe Richter !

 ,7,@ ; rebound thenry is strong. llowever, diese aie un-                                                                                                                                         -
        .y . s cert.mities that have not yet been resohed m extend- n..opiiua idilk n no .d one degice in magni.
   .-                     mg tin,a theory to tectonie carthquakes n. p,< . ial.                                       mi b. .an .pe, ni a fm mr ed DP 5 or :l'2 in The losation in the crmt of the emth where ths-                                      tja. ,m,,,...t d t.a n o nl. c .a 't bi e i.. rev reimril i y,. r        .( fault musement tommences is ralled the focus of                                                  m .m ..n,.a b.. ode .J the Ill.. hisa n L ch c[

I'.,;, /s! N the c:uthquake, or the hypocenter. The m. me point

                                                                                                                                 ,n,,,,oati.nen.,(,,no,,,2,nn             ,,s u x n e c,g.

w im b it. rumvMent n.the enenty icleascit io an_ i

                 ..p thy smface disectly above this is called the epi-                                                                                                                                 l p g, center. of the e.nthquakes which occur une                                                                 canhoo A. a mat.nimde 63.

g shat!ow, widi focal depths of sixty kilometeis ur leo. - T14m is no limit to the Richter scale of magnitude. The .laigest umpitude ever, recorded

j. : . "

b 'l 9. l'huical limit.nions on magnitude are im. h Earthquake Mensures posed by the suengt,h and mechanical.p_roperties g(g k@': .. h, a . . It is well to connnent' briefly on two measurp g, ,pf an earthquake -- magnitude and intenshy - fui of the canh's crust, and ahhom:b these limitatiom are noi known, h is doubtlui that an earthquake these are sometimes confused. Roberte ha.5 sug- of magohude much gieater than 8.9 could occur. 1 2 b f

,k, , . f,s . jested, usime the. term.s ..en.e.r_cy Ja.c. tor. imtead o i              ,
 !M ,9 magm,tude, and                                                 f         6n a),, <fa,iend,qr,Latog                                            Intensdy m>tead               ofiEe.mith_9 avoid .m n       h.yb' by Roberts are more desc,riptive, butInte"O
                    .                                                                                                          no general 15 4. rating of the 3cverity or damage-0      A N change in usage h.u resuhed.

PL dusing pmpe,rties of the grou,nd motion, at a N

                                                            ' EMugnitude e                                                        ushe h,catwn.1 he scale at measurement is based
 'p,                                                                                                                    "Pon the sensations of per>ons and upon physical S I                     The ,ma                                                                               ihunam' to natural nmi man:made objects. Imensity W.        related            io'    gnitude initliiLunt         of'of  an earthquake ceiugy'iphs.                      is an ni. M.. ant.         index
                                                                                                                        'rala *uinv hnu being lum' hetore magnitude >cale-4 j,p      ' 8 t'uIle'Es originalTy~&ffETE .Veh'ter in. m:ss as I" ause n.ncimty don not require imtrumental ob-I                    f2_a rithin,1:g,10,j of the amplitu, de in eniaons                                  servah,ons. ,I,wo papcas by Dav,ison ove th,trt).nme
 *hv.4       '
                     *>;S     of thethe.I                               a wismo neter of a standard trace written by,'ne hmshctfL'ilomsters hum I                                      diHricut intensity .cain.'
  • The earlicht is dated h' 3, ' ' type at a distam.c of o 17tri an.i is ainibute.1 to an lialian phpician, Dr.

9 1 the roicenter.' Obse vations at distanco odier than it l'ic.natam. Tim Pign.amo a ale had five degrco.

                 8j 'I bdre[kiloincters i au be'. ories ted to convert            '        ' ~ ~ '

of inte:L ity. Eberif ruakes note of two earlier

                  ,f r         'oF tl. iitolscru,M!sgidiude and f ruenshr N at s," Ibliechi, waln, a dvPuardi si. ale ni l'i27 and h Gastaldi wa[e,,f 1561.
  • S.smoleintat Sod:ty el Ausciira W1. 47, p.13, J..nnarr, l'157. l'he brst inteu>ity >cale to t.ume into widespread
        .   ,2 f.'           'Froni Mmentasy 3.ismolny by C. F. Ehto. San Fr.u.-                                         uw was thelJMi,fgrel scal.c_of .l'                d d. It is a scale w 4                        ct.c o : W. H. Freetuan and t ompan),1958, p. :nso.

td tesi uri; ices of instensity .md is still frequently kg, 'b, ; Ch ' tles Davbon, On the Scales ofJune, I... sl' LWlh Scisn.ic un, uxd!atendty in Ib ic. .nsdMacdi .c!% d'.ich a14 b

    /                           on the    Coruiruction,and            t!se of ! mcismal                                                      ! The p r,                 sciunoksx21           sonciy     ut Aincrita,  vol. tI,   pp.   <.is.I r.              ten a gico of imenshy, was first ,mtroduced ,m
     %. g, n21. . 3 , , ' ,;                                                                      sup                     1902. 't he Mercalli dama i tu 9.. ' charles Dasisen,-scales of sciunic inirnen,a,nco.plementary gi~,"..C,y Paper,"                 Duneun,           Ecisuiological      socicir .i .

a, voi. II, Odi'5A.ti.. E. ge descriptions are more

..cj                             pp.1581t4          Octolser,      l'Ji).                                                 the degree of damage anos lated with a given index d              , A. Sieberr, "Ce'dgie der Erdbchen," !!.9..%WC11 DER


     .?                                                                                                                   diffeu somewhat f or the two scales.

CEOPHYSIK, W1. ,4 p. MO, Bun.uncan, e . an,193u.

  • C .Q[$;.. ' "

w-u. og

                         ,;/,-            r, , ,

? ' 4 ~4.s Dt,)y '

                                                    ,,*' +                                                                                                                                             t
                                                                                                                                                        .         . me. .           e I


w 3,. u. I P

  • q vf j (NATIONAL .50CIETY FOlt SEISMOLOGY AND Mall.71tQUAK:0 I' ' '
                                                                      ' IGGINIT111NG OF Till? I
        , eA1-                      ,

a u. luu., io.4 r.,,m, 4... c..,. n.'It!!JITJNES 5$@ ym,. c. y, ri .nppi. ...>. i. ., . ,,, ,.. a, Tel :r.m :.i

                                                                                                                                  .                                                           i
                                                                                                                              , y j
                               .24 July 1979
                                                                     ' NATIONAL SOCIETY FOIL SEISMOLOGY h                                                                   AND EARTIIQUAKE ENGINEEI(ING OF
    $                                                                               THE PD1LIPPINES-t:

A. GENERAL : The doneral position of NSSCEP on the decign and f constnsc. tion of the Bataan NucIcai pinnt is neutrhl, by NSUEEP would like to be entiebtened on the 6ciumicity,4:cicinological and

                                          /6ngineering studics/analycoc,/accumptionc,/denign rnothodology
    "#                                      and considerationu especially no roInted to sciantolo"y and oarthquake engineering and to conuncut on the infor:Uption relevant
     ,e                                     thereto submitted by all partieu concerned.
  .p,i.                      D.             SPECIFIC : On questions Noc. 5, G, and 7, NSSEEP cubmits the -


        '                                   following position in relation to scismology and carthquake engineering of the Bataan Nuc1 car Plant.


1. , On question No. 5:

a W([ X) Vl ]t/ (s) On cciamicity of the cite: With reference to the coiurnic.. .. . l (( g risk map, NPC, PSA11 Figure 4, if as stated elsewhere,  ! thia %sp was propared on the basic of a thrM-month [l'UlCd' 7 micro-carthquake or micro-tremor observations, we )

                     '[ ..           '                              doubt itd validity no a coinnife riul: map for uce as deci t:n
                          / ;/                     .

data or a;numption for upactruin renpunca analyaic

                     ' ].p             4'  -

cupccially for a very important and extremelf c::pencivu M ( ' project like the 13ataan Nuclear Plant. We unbmit that

 %                                   <3 micro-tremor observations are unod tu confirm cite h .                  , "* '""'                           *f* Jgcology and geologic profHca in relativa to ccicmic .7 ave 1

propagation characturintics and dynansica of ground Qv ', . motion and that thom to no corr <*1"% betwcon tuiero-tremora ! * *' i and strong inotivn carthquaken. The return period of g) ,' / .: .l . j .j '

                                                  / , .j            10,000 years stated in tha beinmic map tendu tre                                                                      *
                  ,                    ','[.                       give a falce conen of security to a laytaan. The threc-month
                                                   ..              micro-carthquaho obucevations cannot poccibly bc used hy f [.,'r ,. jd/(9                                      for.utatistical prvjection on aciamic rich or even on w:p,fz.;o,1WJ            i                               r*t" I'*riod" f "in' d tle""t '"rt!'4"**"-

D. % f~n~ V" - S. yq umn ..r V ,. y

            .J                                                                       *
                                                                                                    ..                                          %3s um,m..a eQ-        .-

e.a. n n gup

                                                                                       -                                      p,-     - . - . - -                                      w          ,y.    ,  g,   ,

[;.u ' . v$ + ff *

                                                           -]..       .


                                          .1          1.1. In. lit., 160-A P.tri. y A vi . (*.or. 1:. dc !.m .S.itium A v .
        , %176 @                                                          Que m f *ity Phili t pinen r

eg .c w ra. u...;a. ra

  • page 2. .

t Tho/courco, sta,/ methodology of preparation, the

                                                           / number anddocation of observations are not indiented jj,-                                               on the map so that we cannot c,J,1csh the annlycic or                           -
     , i .. .                                                oven the relevanco of the sourec materials with rist:                                       ,

ann}yi:is of strong motion carthqunkcc with ground

          '$'s . '.                                 .

accolcrations of 0.20g or 0.35g or even hl: hor au t~ indiented on the said coismic rick map. En c - g". - We note here that in the cane of the Prince William

       $% 4                                                 Sound, Alaska, earthqucJco which occurred on
     .kdff:.2 * -

T.Iarch 27,1904 (locci time), accurato recorda from 1890 to 1903 showed no occurrenco of carthquN:ou [ {

      . .P                                     t cf 8 or greatcr magnitudo on the Richter cenic within a 200 kilometer radius, an_d yet thic enethottalm tool:
     .# -                                                   place with a inagnitude of 8.4 to 0.G oji the Richter                          .

ccale. We niso mention that Alaska, California,

       %'f                                                4cpan and thc4hilippinca in world soimaicity maps ff.-

are en the same circumnacifle ceiamic belt, that is, clong the ed3 cc of the great Pacific tuctonic pinto.

   "g';s                                          (h)      On onrthquake entrincerin t: We aro still studying the-- --
    ' g.,'f
                                                         . htformation on the de 'f ern ac"umotions nnd proccduros
g. and doniin f emvimo coer tra and will apprecinto more -

lufortuation so thnt wu can nubloit a pouitba p:.per ur 4 tacmcrandum on thi.! mattor.  :

  ,,; y;..                                                                                                                                                    :

2 On quection No. U: . 1 5.N l 1 C ,, Even if the l'latonn Nuc1 car IInnt in definitolv not on any fault, p ., , it de,2a not folloyv that it ic free from .mf nitarc .:arthqual:o p!f ,curfaca faul. tint:. The ininL it.:- . vun thou:? fatdtiat; is Eie generc.ny regarded ..n entumn of emethilms. ,, fm itin:: b; also N.' h... p'


a result or effect of ntruin - codencu duo to thu tht.tatin" . ~ I s

                                          '     mechanism, which in turn, iu due to. subduction" in plato tectonica. It 19 not im muchayhore the o n9" nre, but where h !.*                                          the " subduction" nono in, that determinos tho loc:. tion                       -um of
                                                                                                                                    -- tho v...

C. '

26. .

4. I. g 2 l' L.Q .;~.

w. _
c. y p,
                  "h;, ,
  • NATIONAL [ SOC]ETY 1'Olt SE!SMOLO(;Y ANI 1:AltT!!QUARE f '# .: .- ENGIN!TitlNG 01' Ti!E l'IllLil'I']NES
           4-_                1*            I
                                                         !.l.111Jg., li;o.A Panny Aw. For. M. ile le Sanie Aw, 4      , Wf  IPPU #                                                        qucwn City, Piolippm Tel. :18.o;;! .44                                                                           1
        .4. A;,                                                                                                                                          t                          1 C;.0                      . Page -3.

u c. . . .i' .

      $ N.y'                                          focus or hypocen'.or of the strongest earthquakea, and in ,

F4 l 13staan, as indicated and shown in the " Schematic Model  ! of Sequential Subduction Central Luzon Tectonic Province lhi!$,i. P.. Cross-Section" NPC, PSAR, Fig. 2,5.1 - 13, the " subduction" yw, , zonca No. I and 2 are directiv under the Bataan Nuc1 car Plan:. . {. g. To postulato a " floating" earthquake of 4. 5 magnitude and a l 7.0 maximum magnitude is in our opinion not conservative

       '-                                             cnough on such an important, expansivo and critical utructurc
               '                                      no the Dataan Nucidar Plant and this postulate even11ruplios J

acceptance of risk of dangers of failure of the plant and its 1

                  ,                                   ccinponent parts in.the ovent of carthquakeo of magnitude 0
       '/                                             or greater.which are not only possiMc but in olate tectonic g- l . '.".                                        , theory probabic. -

.c (* * . , 3 On qucstion No. 7: * , ],,, . , , ., Even if one can establish that within the last 400 years, there , y has definitely been no large earthquakes whoso epiconter is D)I.;


in Bataan, it does not follow that there will be no large p.' earthounke there in the future, The explanation 10: seismologista DW N, speak cf "s'cismic nnos" relating to periodicity, that is, regions f f, '. '- , along a chain that could be quiescent for even thoucands of yearc, g;; but meanwhile are accumulatbig strains for a larde earthquaka, p N!any large carthquanew wideh have occurred in cuismic regione g which have been quiescout fur hundredu of yearu prove t]ds.  ; Q  ! [" 1 * ' . Wo wish to(reseg a further pouition paper, mervorandutu or 'y comment en tlWRoport of the IAEA Safety Mission of 107G . l

 - t ..                                                                                                                                                                             ,

W Ecspectfully submitted, - i.,' . i O. 5 ",3

                             . , Andros O. Ill::cn ,

99/ Attacted: g, . Committoc Chairin i l

              . P. "            , h'SSEEP (L .                                 '
b. *
                                                                                                                       ~. A        V fi Ant:e1 Lav.4 o, Jr. / } -

d Providcut, N3:4LCEP

                                                                                                                                                                             ... l
           &**           _ _,,:,,.                                                                                                   4
                                                              . . , . . .        ..                       .                         -                          - - - - ~ - ~ -


                           ]                                                                       ,
    .                      3 f                                     .

f 1 _/ g >-. ,/ 27 August 1973 . MPmnRANDUM NO. I OF NSSEEP

                                                                               ,          E We begin by stating that the records win show that NSSEEP was
  • subjected to two days of intensive and comprehensive interpenation by a team of Ebasco experts composed of, among, Utbars,e ArssMrs0,Tilford, Gupta, Healy and their legal counsel on the first position, JPosition Paper No. 2 and Position Paper No. 3 of NSSEEP. Given every opportunity to question, given every opportim.ity to chauenge,'tgiven every opportunity to submit direct proof against, no question, chauenge or specific direct proof was made or submitted during the interpenation '

on Position No. 5(c) of POSTIION PAPER No. 2 of NSSEEP ,tich reads as fonows:

                   "Positien No. 5(c)- In line with the apparent concern of the President regarding the Batasa Nuclear Power Plant and in the insurest of the            i Filipino people, we believe that an earthquake of at least 8.0 me*tu4a         !

on the Richter scale should be pertulated on au caphble faults and competent geologic and tectonic structure et, under or near this Nuclear Plant. We submit that the aproper appraoch is to postulate on 8.0 magnitude earthqauke on au capable faalta and geologic structufres competent in generating such earthquake, compute the resulting ground acceleration, analyze probabilities and then inafie' the necessary rene~kle NN The approach of Ebasco is: dismiss the possibility of 8.0 magnitude on au but the clost distant tectonic l structures, postulate and select lower rnagnitudo earthquake based i on a nine-year selected NCAA listing (nature may not agree with their se  ; selection), use selected attemtation curves not basdd on PhiUppine l seismicity on nearby capable fanits and tectonic zones, analyze with  ! thefe opinion of probabilities, come up with a low seismicity risk l cisp and then use this map for judgment on critical design considerations. { We submit that the Ebesco approach is inaccurate, unrotiutble mi biased. , (Underlining oura)".

  • Under the rules of evidence, therefore, we consider this position fairly wen.astablished and admitted by Ebasco. We can even state -

that we felt sure that the Ebasco experts were apprelief:sive that.we could marrdial grave and inecutrovertihie proofs which would then be more l forceful in the record of the proceedings. But admitted and established, W we were satisfied.

                                                                                 . (.

_-1 P age.2. We have also noted but not presented to the Commission grave l doubts on several of the IAEA concerns which, we bwlieve, were  ; not satisfactorny attendad to by Ebasco and possibly/ even by j PAEC, since we wishod to avoid lengthy discussions which require considerable study and time and a piling up or disarray of our own private concerns, but we are willing lator to voice our doubts to

                            .the proposed International Panel.

In our cross a:camination, many inconsistencies, contradetians. inaccuracies and biases were brought out and, we believe, also i fairly nweH-established and proven. l , We now turn to the long litany of contradicticus, misleading statements, artificias and even what seems to us blatant prevaricaticus too tiresome to enumerate but we acy gention samo examples: 1 Mr. Tilford: On Bataan peninsula being clearly stated in I their position paper as "ascismic" stated tlut they never said Estaan was "aseismic" and even denied it specifically in the interpellation of Mr. David Leeds. He even argued the same in l a press interview on the matter. On being shown up by Atty. . Guerrero sad Engineer Hizen, he flip-flops and said Ebasco , tnade a mistake, stated a very late correction becsse he no l longer had nay choice, When asked to present athe asserted mistake and correction in writing, he kept silent, no promise. 2 Mr. Tilford : In order to support a Gupta error and contradiction, stated that the Bataan Nuclear Plant is on rock foundation so that the predominant period of the ground ,T was as Gupta stated computed en the Kanni equation en rocl. E If this'were so, the IAEA report would not riantien " strain softening" of the foundation which could not occur on rock. He probably assumed and ' mew that the Commission would not understand. . 0

 ,   ,             w ,   ...,. , - - . .                                                -. _ - _ - - - - - . _ - - - -     n     -- --- -
                         ,4 W

Pago -3., 3 Mr. Tildord: On boing pursued t\trther, he coely prevaricated and stated that the natural period of the ground was determined and was in an Appendix to the F3AR report. Ile even pointed out the Appendix reference to a volutto of P dB to Engineer E!zon. On being puraued further, the Commisolon roque.rted t!wt the indleated volume of the FMR be t ceught in. Vihen Mr. Tn*crd saw that the volumes of the I 3AR mre being trrought in, he knew the $g

                     'vas up, he reversed his..self and said that th data was not in the PMB.

4 Mr. Tilford: Ca bela.g told by Engineer Ulzon that if the natural period of the greetd was not in the 1%\R, then it could be G .. /., found in the resulta of the three-month miere.cnrthquake or raicro-tremor obs.orvations, Mr. Tilford again poonibly prevaricated and vtsted that they did net d:termine the naturni period of the ground. One of the principal elements deterclined in micro.treu.or observations, in fact pr'obably the principal 'Ibnvent, is the natural petto6 4Nbe padcl. Again, Mr. Tilford resg!hly deliberstely prevaricated know:ing that the ruotubers of the Comr'ission, not being technical men, would not know. Ihst be for::st that the oncom1LW International T anel wocid know as:f unde rstand. S. Mr. Tilford: When Mr. Leedo aug;+st7d thht'Ph111ppine data and the work of FL11pico 3eistuologist.1 chould be used and exploited, Hr. Tilford stated th t they wore in the I"ME. T.intnioned, maybe yes 7; used, caybe not; but Mr., Tilford pecha!.ly ngnin hopod that the Co= mis:ica vreuld ct und: ratand and ce further. G. Mr. Tilford: I raidig P111pino cei.=ottglsts like Reppetti, and others, Mr. Tnterd stated that thir acrh was used.

                     *3 hen challenged by 2:trlinuer Hizon tu chor7 airy Fulploo name in the long list of t references used ih tine TotamTc!Rf3 IMtysrs ileptrrt by Ebasco, ho could not nn:ce any. The cely nzo ' contained in the Report was that records in the Philippines wera unavailable, "unrellahlo" etc., ad sen:: cum.                                                                 '
                                                     - , , _ . .    .,     -n- ,,a        w          .,n..,y

l Page 4-

7. Dr. Gupta: On being shown by Engineer Hizon that the Kanal equation shown on Appendix 2.5.L " SPATIAL ATTENUATION OF STRONG GROUND MOTEN AND VALIDITY OF SS2" was not the snme as the Kanai equation published by Donovan in the"Bunding Science 3eries 46" of the U.S. Bureau of Standards, read the equation from a published paper, Cn being pursued further, the oquation he used was good only on a Hitachi mino and on completoE/

rock and and that the Donovan reported Kanal equation was good for any kind of ground. The next day, on being pursued by Engr. Hizon that the ground traversed by the attenuation (actually more than 200 km.) was not all rock, Dr. Gupta demoretrated that, like Mr. Tilford, be can also alp-flop, said the equation was not , used. Thiu,in the face of Appendix 2.5.L and its attached l curves, is a direct contradiction.

6. Dr. Gupta: The second day of interpellation, he submitted l l

a drawing with an indicated "Su-curve" without explanaky. We learned later that the alleged "Su-curve" was not previously seen by Fr. Su and was not authorized by Fr. Su (Soo attatted letter of Fr. Su). 9 Dr. Gupta Dr. Gupta asaarted that the curves and values used by Ebasco were conservative and the latestt . Engr. Hizon chewedbl.m that "IhtDding Science Series of 40" of the U.G. Bureau c4 Standards

  • 6 dated only 1073 Encr. Hizen told him that the Housner curves and values used by Ebssco were obsolete and prcbably tiu lowoct. (Exhibit 1- N33ECP).

10 Dr. Healy: Mr. Gilmore stated that the practices and methcds cf Ebasco fonowed US and California practices. California seismicity is comparable with l'hilippim coismicity. Dr. Healy when he was questioned by Engr. Hizon whether he was fansalar with the Califdrnia Code !tated that he pr:aticed in New York State and that be was not famniar with the d'alifornia Code. Engr. E12cn was therefore not able to question him. 1 g.

       .     /
           /                      ..                                  _

Page .5 -

11. Dr. Healy: stated that the Ang-Newmark Curve was for Diable.WErhibit 25-A NSSEEP). Engr.. Hizon stated that the seismicity of DiableeCanyon was of the same high order of seismicity as in the Philippines and that therefore the curve is applicable (see the latest U.S. Uniform Building Code and the Philippine Bunding Code).

12 Dr. Healy : suggested a 0.1 g SSE value for a nuclear plant in the U.S. When told by Engr. Rizon that that plant was situated in a low seismicity area in the U.S., he stated that it was a low SSEEvalue anyway and insisted on the comparison. Engr. Hizon rejected the comparison. The attempt to avoid, to concehl and not uset. geod, applicable and reliable data, the attempt to substitute low cnd definitely inferior and inapplicable data even to the extent of a contlaucus pattm of contradiction after contradiction, and making inaccurate assertions they knew were outside the technicalImowledge of the Commission but which they must know are within our technical cornpetance is readHy apparept to any dedicated and impartial observer of Ebasco. . Any unbinson engineering firm in the long chain of analysis would  ! have chanced and stumble.d upon at least on? of the many higher values needed for safe engineering. But we were catenishad for fin'd out that in the long chain of study and analysin involving many i parameters and many stops, not one value ethich could be proven ' high or the highest by .well. known authors was ever used. In  ! fact practically unknown authors and researchers giving low values were assiduously searched for in publicctions not casily available in the Philippinas, perhaps to conceal froin Filipino eyes their inapplicability, and then assert the low rish and low seicmicity vdues in the Western deserts and Eastern parts of the U.S. as applicable to the high Philippine seismicity. . l The persistence and tenacity to use and cpply low selamicity and low risk values even to the extent of a long train of contradictions can only be explained if a streng blnc cr motive existed, other. ~ l wise the applicable e.nd sc.fe values which N3 SEEP presented would 1 q;

                   /                                                                                                                        .
             /     '

a Page . 6 have been readily accepted. Faul A. Samualmon, economist, w: iting in Newsweek of August 13,1979, page 46, about Corporate handouts in relation to the Chrysler petition for belp has this to say, and we quote:

                                                                      "E I were Parkinson or Potter writing a hnWk for Machiavellian managers, I'd remind thom of the old saw:
                                                                      "Who steals a handkerchief goes to jail, who steals a county becomes a duke." If you are going bankrupt, be sure you go bankrupt on a big scale.

Westinghouse must have learned from this school. After it rashly contracted to deliver uranium at a price that - turned out to be commerciaHy disastrous, the very mag-nitude of its loss was considered by some to be a mitigating - , factor. It reminded cynics of the Scot who, on trial for murdering his parents, threw himself on the mercy of the jury on the ground that be was an orphan." unquote. We do not suggast-that the que'tation has a direct, bearing on this present investigation of the Bataan Nuclear Rea, ctor Plant but the very mention of " uranium" rings a ben, especiany if

  • uranium may be needed by this nuclear plant.

Mr. Winis, testifying before the Commission repeatsdly l stated and admitted that raising the scismicity design value and SSETAins' freed.44 to 0.63 may mean about 70 million donars difference, a difference'.that goes both ways, that is, lowering the ] design value of the ground acceleration ~from 0.6g to 0.4g would I spen the same difference. ,, It is difficult to beneve that the determined, persistent I and tenacious effort to bring down the actual and currect seismicity value to a low Iwvel is not a part of a concerted effort and not in any way associated with a desire, intention er compulsion to creste' i

                                                                                                                                  - g, iI

Page-7 an advantage of U.S.$70 minion or more to the Contractor or owner of the nuclear reactor plant, to the grost preNdice of the safety of the pocple of Bataan. But even if it is aneged that tids advantage or savings of U.S.

             $70 millinn or more win accrue to NFC, stin this amount is a poor and inadeguate price to measure against the higher ris!c imposed on the nuclear reactor plant and against the diminished safety of the people of the Philippines.

We note in passing that the conditions and arrangements imposed possibly by the foreign loan, that practicany au the best Filipino earthquake ongineers who are practicing outside the government service or teaching in the UP have been effectively shut off from the study and analysis of this nucioar plant to the great detriment and loss of tecimology transfer to the Filipino people. All this weatth of Fuipino talent and even Filipino

           ;,pcidists and their world renowned data and records were not exploited and utnized. N3 SEEP, by the merest chance, became interested and involved in a very small part of this investigation.

We submit that in any arrangement for other loans, Philippine data and the best Filipino scientists and engineers, especiany those outside the government service, should be funy utnized and exploitad. An these should be imposed ca conditions in the loan acreement and subsequent contracts. In the case of the Einga Hydroelectric Power Plant, the condMan_a of the loan were that outsido consultants, with joint Filipino and Ameridan exports (EDCOP-TAMS) were utilized with the Fnipino team of EDCOP as the senior partner. In Japan, this arrangement is usually done in the first propet, but the second and succeeding simnar projects arn always by purely Japanese e=perts, Example: Kamishiba Dam, Narugo Dam and subsequent l arch dams. . e e l { 1

                             .                                                                                                                                                                                                                             l

o j, _ . _ _ . _ . .

                                                                                             ' ~

l 1 l


Page -D.

                 "3 We entered our involvement in this investigation in the spirit of civic consciousness without compulsion, obligattdan or remuneration, and we feel that we have done our part. We now bow out to attend to our own private concerns, but we wish to state here that we are willing to be called back only in private by the Commission or by tin constituted andteterrat**mi Panel, or otherwise in open discussions and interpe11ations subject to our consent and convenienco.

We again ask the indulgence of the Commission le some of our impatient outbursts in the face of what appears to us obviouc prevarications. With many thanks for the many ccurteclos c: tended to us,

                 .7e respectfully submit tids Memorandum, h

Y{ =' fN ) . Q.. Andres O. Hizon ) - Angel Lazarof Jr. V Chair ran, NSSEEP Committee - Parrt President, NSSEEP l O e

                                                                              'r h

5 ,h ,. . $ .



                   -                                              METRO MANI.I.A Do H E: I.\QUDiY ON TIIE SAFETY

[>Y og c k HUCt. h 'p7 EAR TO TIIE PUBLIC OF Tile i g y','/,s v E DATAAN NUCLEAR REACTOR Pl. ANT p Uf MC

                                                                                                           ,j , 4' , ,,t u .    

U x....... . .... .. ..x . '. ,., , s i ts. i'h POSITION PAPER NO. 2 OF NSSEEP

                                      . . COAlCS NOW Engineers Andres O. I!!zon and Angel Lazaro, Jr.

v: NS4i:EP untu the Ilonorable Cummission and um. t respectfully sulimit . i t he .e,.:.c!: eel l'OS1 TION pal'Eli NO. 2 OF NSSMEl'. We ho', c cr.ceived iiata o t which to base our position paper only recently, aletro 51anila, G August 1979

                                                                          % tiuna l % . . . . r .+ . . u ,legy r. .d I:.irt!ntu ike '".n .in. r! q of 9e Philii'pi ne -;


                                                                          ;.                              ,/ i.

(/ L. . w

                                                                                         , L. ,l . .,' 5<- .


                                                                                                              . . = , . )l',//
  • S Andres (). Ili. r. }

Chairnuni, ', :.-il'.1:F Ce,u nit'no

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                       )+[lw.' ' .MONAL SOdETY
                                                    'FORSf*TS$0 LOGY Nb EARTTIQUAJ{E ENGINEERLNG OF TIIE PJIILIPPINES                                             -
                                                                                                                                 '   h' LL BMs, Inc.A Panay Ave. Cor. M. de los Santos Ave.                           ' , * ,. .
              ..                                        Quewn ( ity, Philippines                                               l4 ' '-

Tel. 08 ro..,4 - I 6-t

                                                                                                                                      $A POSITION P.LPEll NO, 2 OF NSSEEP e

l l

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                                                                ~#                                                                                                                                           u ENGINEERING OF T11E PIIILIPPINES                                              
                                                                                                                                                                                  ' >     #i           . U      J j*                                 '                                                                                                        s
           .d '                                                  1.L Bhb Ico.A Panay Aba. Cor. E. ale ton Santos Aro.

i M, Quesen Cat , chilippines Tci. o c:s..,1

                                                                                                                                                                                     '$.6'((4         J
                                                                                                                                                                                        , , . t.i.>~

G August 1979 IIbif0 4.'2d p' *~ . .o POSITION PAPER NO. 2 OF NSSEEP ,

                                                                                                                                                                                                     .? t:.t"  , e.

I. On question No. 5: I .

                                                                                                                                                                                -                          M
f. Y "5 In case there should be an carthquake similar to the one , 7;T.

that hit 3Iindanao in August 1977, which was of 7.2 intensity

                                                                                                                                                                                             *. . !4.(.Y    . M u the Richter scale, will the 13ataan Nucicar Power Plant be able to withstand the shock without leak or spillage resulting                                                                                   '[p.'?,T$

in r.uclear contamination? ,'-", s{ . 2 ~-

                                                                                                                                                                                                   .m: "A        .

Position No. 5 (a) The President identified the earthquake .-

                                                                                                                                                                                         .I. "s          9.-t as hining "311ndanao in August 1977, which was 7.2 intensity on 'he Richter scale". . .. (preliminary value of 7.2 published                                                                            47.3,j($<


                                          ' ,. the newspapers).

The World Data Center A (NOAA) at Nulder, C<>1orado, U.S.A. ,

ave the following final determination of this t to ihquake a.s follows: .

August IG,1976 1G:11:07.2 UTC in latitude 4..3 0 N, longitude 123.70 8, mnenituite 8. 0 l l'1. '. the<e discussions, therefore, the magnitude of this

                                                 .        i:tiake should be 0.0 Ricime scale as o .at 1,j .' .c                              -
                                        . : . K .io n .. This v.e hold .ir: nie o n . : m i n e, .  t u l ' n .- M o n t, u i' P0guerst a rulin : m' the ( 'e n n :r i - 'i i .


                                               .'.i i        ilt' et*tice be t Wt'e n 7. 2 i n: "n il.i.. I i                   .iu.U.              .9        .i' ' ;:,                                           l 4
                                                    's ' 4 5 d 4'51rtI}llp (V titC }tii'it[t'I' < [L t. o                    . '. , ...         . ed           '                                                l i
                                                .tiV lletit tL's SIsUllt 22 Illl'ocihill10 h4i. .!t                                iilH l i', i j .- 4
  • i . [ . s ' '. .Q Q t about 4 55 Ilir . ihima heial".. l
                                              . ..<i'io n No. 5 (b ) - % hold s hal I.he iluadio's e,nw h
  • the Per oii'm translated le technical Jannua:t is:: "wi l r .he IL%an l
                                            .(1014:ar l'oWOr 3'lant b0 Mhle tie h iihSh'Id! Iht h8 +Ch  in L .irt.hnjltakC of hia'!Dihtile 0. 0 inu t he I !r hb i '- r 'i-                                                             sut 4 >r epillam resn.lin, in n < le:a ei m :i # '                                                  N ' o '.' " In ?. hor
                                                      .     , i. t ile ll.i; ..:e n .\Mi L i.i.                        .
                                                                                                                                  .r.   -             *         -

isT nn

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      ..i              ,          .,~
      '                                     f.       1.L Bk!c., 260.A Panay Akti. ror/-1:. do Ivs S.utu, Ave.

Quezon City, Philippines S;kj NN.7

                                                                                                                                                                           ' , ' ',5 Mjw

Tel. 93 RI54

                                                                                                                                                                           ....--: ga page                                                        i                                                                                                   '

Pesition No. 5 (c) - In line with the apparent concerr of the 2* President regarding the 13ataan Nuclear Powet- Plant and in ,$d.'; the interest of the Filipino ' people, we helicyc that dn carthquake ' '" of at least 8.0 magnitude' on the Richter scale should be postulated 5 on all capable faults and competent geologic and tectorne structure .,

                                                                                                                                                                                       '?i at, under or near this Nuclear Plant. We submit that the proper                                                                                      ',-

approach is to postulate an 8,0 magnitudo carthquake on all capable wJ~ faults and geologic structures competent in generating'such d'}' earthquake, compute the resulting ground accoloration, analyze probabilitics and then make the necessary reasonabic judgments,  : The approach cf Ebasco is: dismiss the possibility of 8,0 magnitude en all but the most distant tectonic structure, pontulato and solcet lower magnitudo earthquakes based on a nine-year selected NOAA

                                  '+:ing (nature :ay nor. agree with their scicction), use selected
                                   . tenua* ton curves not based on Philippine scismicity on nearby enp:,ble faults and tectonic zones, nnaly: c with their opinion of
                                 .scimbilities, come up with a low scismicity rink map and then use this map for judgment on critical design considcrations.

We submit *. hat the Ebasco approach i.. Inaccurate, unreliable and biased, ylition Nu, 5 (d) - We submit.attenun' lion curvej. of Philippine .

                                    .vmicity cotcputed and plotted 6n the %m!10 ONorc .tury
                                 . .u:dion:                                                                                      *
                                                  '. n A ( 5 of .e ) = 1,19 ' 2 , 2 7 ?.l i,                    '. 0% h: (l'              r) o
n. submit that taese curves are niuru reliablo nu applicable.
                                     - lure 1 NSSEEP, u 4 ion No. 5 (e) - We submit Fhrure 2 NSSGPP containing a
                               . . mparf.:on o: ationnation curves on magnitude G. 5, We submit a 'i .... l'hilippine attenuation curves a re not used, the
                                   .*.enuation. curres derived fcum California and Japancsc
                              . rt..qua.:es are more applicable than he ono5 used by Ebasco, k          k                W       g l    , j '            l
  • t 3
                                                . m .1   oe 2..,.,s co . m ee (wo ru t e                  ..
                                                                                                               ) anei a n , g s t ' h a r .':e m u i:7 .t m
                                                                                                                                       . i.;'

5 e ,



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                                                  .:,, e G. %;ENGINWRfMG:cF '1111s PHILIPPINES                                                   1
  • t W 'f." + ,. ,
                           / g,          _&        * ^*M.         4-1.1. BMr ISS A Panny ' Ave. Cor E. de loa Santon Ave.                            .


                                   ?                                                                                                                                   - -

Queron City, rhilippines 3&t$ Tel. Og.c3 54

                                                                                                                                                                 .              s.

t'-. . *. -: page

  • grcund acceleration to be considered on the U.S. Geological Survey return period of 10,000 years should ho 0.75 g and .

not 0.35 g, based on Ebasco scismic risk analysis We . ' ].. believe a design of the Nuclear l'1 ant based on 0.35 g would , be unsafe. P sition No. 5 (g) We submit that a proper safe shut down - r:nquake (SSE) should have a g-value more than or at least equal to the design carthquake acceleration and that an .35E s. ve.'t.e of 0,35 g against the design value of 0.40 g is poor . engineering. Any design value such as 0.10 g, whether by

                                                              .crl:in;: stress analysis or by ultimato strength analysis, hr e a sr.foty margin above the design value, and it is good e:.gineerin,c to utilize this safety margin which has alreadv
                                                            ' ..en paid for very dear 1.y, in safc]y shuttin di>wn             ;        i: o pian ~.
" case of high acceleration carthquakes. The additional c.ost
                                                            .a h wing better valves and rittings, more fast.enings, bettar p' .nection for the fuel rods, etc., should be minimal compared to the huge cost of the structure.

J 'i. tion No. 5 (h) - Since Ubasr o has testifie<1 that a safe

                                                             -:1 u'. down earthquake of 0.35 g,1vwer than the desian accc12 ration n,10 g is in accordance witti current li.S. pryqtice in h.da, u e suggest that F.hanco be reipiired u :ahmit t 4     ail bbC and aI.1 corrC'49UndiMf desb;D Cari hq'm!M
  • i a mar plants in Califorain, linilt or in .h p. xm.4 c.
                                                                        ." .Clinn, \\ e h.sVO a Pi .1% .if a puliliche l j                               .a e O n ' )norre hac w. : l '!a nt , C at:6er n b , f: e               .         .    .u.a. s catio n
0. '.'.T g working stress, and t he safe shu ! m n ea rd. quake s 0,50 g.

J ', Eon No .~2 (i) - We eq>ent that our position and the

                                                              ... C 1:basao piI2 tion will not ag ree. Th artJo ro, we su.g st
                                                              .' at tho two positions be submitted to a panci of wo"1d-renowacd s:inraologists and earthquake engineurs. Tha ll.l'. onllineering p". ire. -ors ca n sug;.est names.                                                                                         .

I' ' v,: . i s 9 a  ? 'I

                                                                                                                                                                           .* a [.h
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                        *".                    +,.,i nf%'8yus.7.M.C M *% j. g.              Di S;*!_       ;n*" Q n::l.'.q d

a .r. an %,.e?it p C 7,.&iTIONA11 SOCIETY FOR,M. ,f..;u, ,W;,W. p;Eih'  ? %y;; v . aT.7

                                                                                                                    . . . .                        . y                                                                 >. .

s; . .. .. .:. . ,. .n 4 ra. e .4  ;.. . SMOLOGY AND EART11 QUAKE - - 5.4 g f(.(

  • d , . . ENGINII!!!NG .OF 'IIIE PillLIPPINES 'ti '2': b'T
             ,           *s.          -

1.1, Illdz., IGo A Panay Ave. Cor.1:. ele los Santon Ave. , *f . tL 3. . J


Quezon City. Philippines Tel. 9%C3..*> t

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so f,$i t t finwa 7.17. Variation of maximum ground niveleration with focal J l dintance. Ahrr Erune (196P). Fiewe 7.18. ) 1 A

  • i L "6' ct l necessary lo adort functional' relationships different from those of rg. 7. .

fI f.o' ' Still these espressions have already been adjusted from an earlier version (l'siera ami Itosenbhrth, tWW m that they predirt finite vnhecs ofit. c. and whers .r denmes tran i l it follows that j f,. dgR tends to vero. , 1 I f.- ( t. - M 16 n dimenh to set an upper limit lu ar at the focux. On the basis of the strength of most rocks, llousnct (1965) concludes that' the maximum sceelcration cannot l l N,

  • escred 0.!g (g aercleration of pavity) afier admitting that the carthquake. Decuse de/dA =ar (l generating mechanism is always fault slippage. This limit is mit neceptable and can withstand, dt/di
                   !                                    nhould IV raised to at le.ut 1.0x. and p shaps ewn to I.9 ; 1500 emises8,                                                                                                                        d ent wain of the if repstes of venical anxicrations peater than ilurmr. the IK97 Assam earth.                                                                                                                     snout llence. woh a F,                          ; apiaLe (liit'hter 19.M) are trusainorthy. Or psibly the f wal an eleration should                                                                                                                        8P,Pf"d'"38'N M '
                                              \., vary with Af.                                                                                                                                                                                                 11ns luno, no the n The m.nirmun pusible pound vehwity near the surface of the earlh can he                                                                                                                      I"II1serntdiny.In approsimately on the following premiws. t he.mnst violem portion                                                                                                                      triocu, y hi ingt the S phase. The storressmding waves ratisfy thc1:spn:xsum                                                                                                                   sprcad of flu corrit properly c timated a n A(R e n,1)                                                                                 (7.6)                                     Some data indicatt h;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          l t.

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i I. . . ..:.. - - 10 20 30 40 50 70 60 0 OISTANC E IN K 8d 5 At t enu a tion Curves - Philippine Soismicity , I Fr Sergio S. Su - From Proc. U.S - SE Asia Symposium, Sept 1977 Log on: 353 I mm -5 Derived from isuseismal maps of .30 Philippt.e ecrth.rsones compiled ey Fr M Sacerra Maso, S J. ( :M st ) 2 F rc,m Fr Sergio S Su , Aug 19,9 ' Ln A (',b r.,t g ) : 319 + t 4' 7 Mt . - 2 C 95 L n ( R t ro ) M : iocal magnif ace , R dister cc :: km , r, : 30 km.

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s .. . , , i lt.l' \ .

f.  !. f..

g s" l r? 5T*m' ,

               .i .

r, A / ,. f r ,

                           ,,j, TADt.C 1 ATTPMt'AT10?! QtlAttfS'If:

0*** I^J ETh'tdS geference,

               ..               I 1.           San Ferr...# te. t..p t!.-pa ke fettuary 9 lir 21 y e        ,38&pt)G k'I.83                                                                                   ..

1 f

                                ,2.            Ca li fe rr.t a r it t P :uak..r.              y .

9 81 Y.i _ Himo ( 1965) 1 + q';.') 8 where I c.<1 y,, * = (l.e ll i d.dtn - 0.0.t7a.' . B i As a r.sto I

3. Ca!! f e r .~. a r is t!..;.e.6 Aen .trierh teal Press rit,at ion lleur.netr (1965) *
                       .t/ 4 i'.i! i !. t f. i .i 4 .la t .,;.e., c
                                              . , t r. , e... . .

y + ,, s , 10"

  • I' 8 "'
  • I' I '" 8 "

a ' S' gan.6 i (l946) t

                                                                                                           'G whsro P
  • 1.66 + 2. 09 44 O6 0. ] C 7 = .I ' O I. .

H tg e. Iun.l.inen t a i iscr n r I o f se h a

5. C1ciu l (1.): 11 y = 1:.7 7 "I * #"'". .

n g s ,,, 5 gi.,, t 1.lclal" e n' ( t sc.n ,

6. Cirud i!=s.3) y = 1230 ch.HS (pe:5)*8 ratuva (1970) llou s ne t ilh?)
7. II.8.C. & C. S. lovig gy => 6.5219.i34 (u'iCol Clt.ieil & l't ica '..

y ( l is / l )

8. I l f e ! . .* t i' l 1:4 r.$ t .l u Pr et.ent al ton
                                                                                                                                                                                               " r.'cl.a. l I a                r,. . . i (P//JJ
f. .ll' 1 Ir. tnx.ntal V less y a. 110 0 o"
  • 0 I* ( lo .a )
  • I ' --
14. hei. t .-t . v . c e cce.i .& y = 10,'9 e0
  • 8'" t h's Dial
  • I --

y a r. c: i.' r ..,. 8 N n t, l. n l e . . . t . r t. ( f t .. ' si. i.f.

  • i$1.. e l n 'c ss f.v.a l t, )

It ' e s. n t ! . : f p . . i. i s .. I si i . :. . . ) la i t. ra 1. , i:, i l *

                                                                                                                                             .i..r i :ij                                          .

m i n n.e..ea n t u t.. I I I I O l ..

                                                                                                  .                                                                                                          ?                               *
                ..m.    ~
                                                                                                                                                                                                              .           . m, .. , .. s: ' ..          .._..n

Eg. .. i .. . l

  • nr
 /.                  I.                                             (,                         .
                                                                                                            ~ h/ .. .b h .'. . '                               106 Q.i
       . ..}e.$I sPEcnL coNUNUOUS PnoDADLUTY Morm
                                                                                                 " * *)"

W*f r, - t

                                    .                                                              0.20s                                                                        k                                   p(p - 1.90,                     l
  . '.. ,'g-    4,             a T                                                                                                                                t, s
 'k!Vdfi.1 'i -                                                                                   asin s                                                           P(o     ;
      .,,.[g .                 , ,


 . '... ;$ny::  . . , ,

i, P(u - 2.5Sa i' ?lf,:?W;n

                         .I h.h;l"lJ,..                                           o.242   --d-
                        .*                                                                                                                                                                                                                  P(s
 ?{p?4fe                                                                                                     Il I                                                              J-Second, the fnet that i lI Sj .                                                                                                          l that the greater the dev
         '5 e                                                                                                  i I ability density of X. Th8
    . . -'t,'j '.                                                                      '                                                                                     1 enen decreasing densi!Y. 8 r cd                                 oosa -- l
       .hij                           '
                                                                              . , 'go                                        .
                                                                                                                                       .,,,                                  I of the density fnnetion cu
          'G' 4



N aoi4-.h. 3, i r' - -- h U$1-- , T the value of Xis identien

           '.7 ' '                                          j l L or, .,,7m..I                          I i.

4,, y i reduced to 1/a[E, thc g I 5 i l$,, j' 3,, 1

nnrmal distributmn ts un l

k, j i.-__ _.m .,m._j


1 l 2 Third, the curyn for r

            !?                                                                                                                                                                                  aistance of >.from either
                                                               - - _ _ _ _.onosm..                                                .J Fourth, the normal d.5 if.,                        Figure 5-I 7                                         Graph of the Cencra! Nornm! Densfry Function                                                                         i                    curvo never touches the .

M, i will have nonnegativo k., I, deviations from a is negi:

       . c ..    -

dbcuurd j m Ihe mllowing paragraphx. graph of the er$ct normal dty i density . is fu { irst, a nonun! distnbutmn has na its parametern I to : ,,.

  • vimate other dis y

henac that the aren under its density curve n (normal y ,given the proh hilit )u and Fifcii a changea (orin a') the *in th magnitude of a, is completely defined by the dixt:uien between I while n chango in the v j u anel n p alweiMi value of a. As such, the yvorking part of ihn nonnat I deu4.toW reference a Dxed thescale. is renlly a family of disti {. variable,p)'/2a' .\ , beenusc and ihe at contains a particular valueof t he Imramet ers u and l

                                                                                                                                                                          ! nonnal e' of the di:q rib y                       der:ntmn of a particular z from u, the greater is the numerator                                                                       i                                     of this cut values of X showing the same absolnicl devintinn                                                                                                                a (s.*L innuexpo

[ - i.

          }                        cat w u, h ret.pcet topri.hahihty. Tin,s n flects the fact that                                                                      !

the normal distrib'ution

           >                                                  u. That is, n(p -i. ) . ,,(y                               2), ym. mqq>

P(u - 0.67a < X < p) - p(y < y < y .;. n,n7,,) e 0.:.WX), or { /qf

          ,                                                       P(u               0.Gra) e 0.7,000; (J)
                                                      /*(u - a < X < u) = P(,a < X <                                       .l. ,)                                                                Figure 5-5 (a) Nor ma!
  • 4 0.:t115, or '

Different Mcnns;(h) Nor P(u a) 4 0.G8:10; Standard Deviations 0 e , , . ,t

  • e.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     . *... I b , .*.~ . * ., . . , ,s. .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            . .           .e         ,

i l Y 1

g. ..
    . .Vl
                                                                           % . L)a .'                                            y. -
   ., r . ^j-J)- l{\ ' "


      ',,'},                                                            Q, f' , (, *               ,

6 * . 4./

                                                                                                                                           .f n f                                              ,
     .Y:'.5.                     .
      ,. us
         .n. #              .,
      ,. i!*I t i, y i? ff d 1.5                 .

Earthrutoke 1.ovel s for Design 1 n:. tc

           .' t. -          *                                                                                                                                                                                                  !
v.s . .1 -
  • A thorough review of all data collected hv connuttants was made ,ind i rc.tehed upon carthquake design levelu to be used for the San
       %)3 . . 'F                                ogreement                                                                                                                                                                       1
                       , f r'                    Onafra site.
         " .!..                                                                                                                                                                                                                 l i                                      In taking a conservative approach, [L was decided that the follow-
              .)ff                               ing two maximum hortrontal ground ucecierat ton levels he used for the f

design criteria: , l

1. 0.25 g Nuclear plant component strensen do not exceed working rangn.

I k ' t e h 2. d.30 g Plant be safely shut J ew n . f "A",__ " H" a nd "C'_' i CATEC04 f f.E M CNp0NF.NTS . SYSTitttS 6 STutfCTt'IMS . the k ', mest The objectivo of tho scismic design of the plant was to ;verify th ' r.ormal and carthquake loads will not impair safe operation or ..[ influenec ot orderly shutdown of the plant under the applienble earthquake denign levels. , It can be readily reallred that all components, riyntems, and nt ructures arc f... i

                !                        not     equally          in.partant          for  plant  sa  fetyl  t   hereforc,          in  order        to it was decided to classify all  insura    a  enn.                               .

I sistent approoch ta the design of tho plant, . plant ice.r.s into One af 3 categories. ' s

                 -                                                                                                                                                           to carceorv " A'_ :
                                                                         '        Compnnents,        systems      and      ntructures           that   are    important Theso were designed lit accordance with                                     .

the nuelear us ety of the plant. ared the dynar.iic renponso spectrum approach outlined below which was prep " by eenAultantit. 4 -*'% ' t

                                                                .                                                                                                              to i'.; t eco rv "6": C.miponents, syntents and utrnetnres. that arc important                                                                            g. . ,'

the conceaulty of power generation or whorne contwerc fhc8e alited etctivityfor designed is such a '. 's'

                                                                                                                                                                                                   ,?-                    '

that relsaue would not constitute a hazard, ity, loads of 0.2 g in ,- .

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ',a taast:nurs horiaunt.a! acccieration factor for                        '

tirav ,, , ,' [ . acenrdance with criteria used int non-ntn;1 car steam power plants on the ij. . west coast,

l. iteral forens are applied sca'tically for nnalysis. ,

it i..e.srv "C": All remaining structuren not direct ly associated with pa ir geocration, auch as warehounoThin buildino npeelflen , were a maxhnumdenibned bort. in accord. aoes with the "t:nliorm Itullding Coite". lateral

                                                     . antal' acccieration f artor for gravity loa.In on (1.111 g with s ervo appiled nt at ically.
                                                                                                            "A"       1.T..I.M.. .I Mr d Fr.s t ia. s'R I iTR I A l'Olt t'ATIT.ORY

i t ems worc desigt,ued for earl hqu.dce in .accordanec with prenont-wr it ten C.tegory "A" lhene rit eria wcen erst 6i i .4 pi ep.u c.l in ron innetion wit h eininul t ena u. ;eferred to carlier. c.l in ..a

                                                                ;d.len.h..a t o t hu Preliminary U.elet y Anaticula it. port and runanttaurn of the Anninie The y w. re appr.w ed .nc .nvept able by t he estal lin the innuance of a ennutruction permit .

Ene ri.:. C. ..m.t s a i on resu l t i ng .

                                                                                                                                                             '        e 4

168 e

                                                                                                                                    .b        %
                                                                 . . e f

N I .I

e. ,. u .


                                                                                                                                                                                                      "-          ' l Mp..d
    , ,/ ? , ,

h - k $Manila Observatory gd .Aucust 25, 1979 Engr. Andres 0. Hizon National Society for Seismology and Earthquake Engineering of the Philippines

Dear Mr. Hizon:

l In answer to your letter of the 24th, let me first. l make a general clarification, and then later Go back to your'in- t j dividual questions. The equation I furnished you: ' (1) Ln A = 3.19 + 1.27 Mt - 2.095 En (R + 30) l was derived from three equations: 5 (2) I=Io + 10.83 - 2.73 Ln (R + 30)


(3) I o= 1.66 Mt - 2.167 . (4) I =~(3/Ln 10) Ln A + 4.5 '- Equation (2) is my results, based on regression analysis from . 67 Philippine earthcuakes, 45 of which are from Maso. The curves shown in the proceec.ings of the 1977 Symposium were based only on Fr. Maso's data. Hence, even though they are fairly close to equa tion (2), I put more confidence on the latter. . Equations (3) and (4) are from Gutenberg and Richter (BSSA, 1942) based on U.S. data. The scatter of these curves is const- ' derable. gin It is this that gives the coefficient of ML (1.27) a mar-of uncertainty. You will recall that I suggested to you that , you try a factor of 1.07 instead of 1.27 because this would make the curves for different magnitudes come, closer together, and hence, would not make the curve for. magnitude 8.0 anomalously high as the ,:' NPC people claim. - My regression results, i.e. equation (2),are in fairly close agreement with the Ebasco results (PSAR, Amendment 3): (5) I(R) = Io + 4 359 - 3 479 Log R or alternatively in the Ln R scale: - - - . . > (6) I(R) = To + 4.359 - 1.51 Ln R The answers to your individual questions therefore are: Ans. to Q 1: a f firmative Ans. to Q 2: affirmative . Ans. to Q 3: negative, except with the suggestion of changing 1.27 to 1.07 as stated above. Ans. to C, 4: negative Ans. to Q 5: the explanation I had above h id been discussed with, Dr. Gupta ; we were in agreement. Ann. to C 6: I assume Dr. Giapta pren"med that he was free to pre-sent the results of our discussion. ' . Anr.. to G 7: nagati ve Sincerel'y, ll r. Sergfo . Su, S*J.

        ,                                      ,,                                . . .    . . ..                                                  ~ ~ ~
                                                                                                                                                                            . .* Y . ._ Q
          . - . / / ' 5+3
                                             . qs'e   y:
                 ,          77.'                    '


                                           ' /g g'gt. _%                    LL Bldg.,100-A Panay Ave. Cor. E. ile los Santos Ave.

Quesen Chy, Philippines Tel. 08 63 54 24 August 1979 Father Serio S. Su u.nna Chaervatory Me- -c. y ' b[hh p.

Dear Father Su:

Som=Hme ago I consulted you about attanuation curves applir=hle to i Philippino fonowing coismicety and you gave me in your.D:nd:arriting the equation: l In A (Te of g) = 3.19 + 1.37 M ' based en 67 Philippins carthquakes.L . 2. 035 In (ft o + r ). , 1 Subsequer.tly in our talks, wo talked about the nManuation curyca prenanted by you in the Septa;nber 1977 US-SE Asia Cympestum and you confirmed the statement in your paper that those curvas were derived from isoeeismal maps of 40 Philippina earthquaksa Ap C compued by Fr. Saderra Maso S.J. (1895). May I, therefore, questicas: request in writier the answers to the fcDowird Fabr sd uswas

1. Did you furnish:tae too equation above?
2. Did you state that the 40 Philippir.3 carthquakea compiled A hn'mM/b N i

by Fr. Maso were a also includod in the subsequent 67 Philjppins


be dmors orless the same? earthquakes and t' at the nMen::mtio


hYeafteds:MM cophisiofMhidiMw+*4i%vecnuV

                                                                                                                                                        -Affnott W drawn by ma sud we talked abcut those curves.

au three positica papers of USSEEP. Did you state In fact to I..oshowed you3 any of those curves were in orror? that 4 Alapi f t v < -  :- Did you ten mettan that the curves publishad by you in the 1977 Symposium were in error?

                                                                                                                   /s;,eg,3 lm e                                          .

your5. Dr. Gupta testined timt :fou used several stepe in derts ng formula. Apparently he used one or two of your steps then

  • Did he submit and show you tha curve he designa CypI:.h.iw,, o.'w s tro ifq le f r 9

4 u-_ __ _ _ - _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . - __ _ _- -,

 -                                       ~~

__ . , _ "***~T,-*"""""

                                                       ~ ' T_; , .
                                                                    *~d'a-*~~~                    -,,,p          ,


             ,  Page 2 6, Did you authori::e Dr. Gupta to use pa-t of ycur derivation and continue the derivation er presentation and submit a curve to be designated as Su curys?            g       g g ,g,r r m E Cv's /e k 3
7. If Dr. Gupta ahos'6d you the curve as presented by him; did you authorize him to state that his new curve is more reliable '. hen the ones published by you and should therefore be corrected in substitution in any investigatica he may be involved in ? pjtegv e TMnHng you for the many courtes!es you have extended to me, Iam ,

Very truly yours,

                      ,(lb h/Y$                                                                                '

Andres O. Hi::en (' ' y

                                                               ,                        ,               ,   h O


                                                                      '.         ~

1  %.

!i                                                                                         - _ _ _ -                  i.                                           ^a*aut!1a 3      -
i. .
              -         s                                                                                                                       -


    'i I                        N._N                    ,,


   .I i.
                                                  ' h *-                -
                                                                                                -    N


                                                                                                         - ~ ss 2-   I. ii. Su,S eqUBfhon vuas g,itwh                                                                              .

h De. 6vpts only in AustJ97.2 '%. -

a. 4e-f he putikk wiILod'f eqlanafios )~ , m%~ . '
                      *h theiy Qg 197g_ Amedmi'n'l'-

5<. L Yrom fl>6 poir f one can use a low chk

                                                                                                                      ~~%  - ' ' ' ~ . '                         ~            
          ,'.o s-ivrinala er a high risk jo' r,nula io get
                      ]round a ccelevallon.

b'W-Q% "Q~ ~~ 3.5basco used a low Evendla-la ~


w 9ef ik cyrucci aceder:1&n '


l - s 7_ . 8- . , , , i i 10 20 30 40 50 70 100 200 300 400 500 EPICENTRA' L DISTANCE. R. IN KILOMETERS

                                                                                                                                                      &A(Ss'EEP EXP L A N AJIO N                                   ..

(- h ee = Data kom Philippine e.arthquakes .


Pholippine data,incan curve f ~

                                                                             ~ Philippine data,incan + RMSerrorcurve                                                                                 >


                                                                            ~ Western U. S data, unean cueva
                                                                   ~~~~ Eastern U. s data, snean curve
                                                                   %                   su's caus ro n                  1 t'n) w r, + t o e3 -2 73 .% C R+30)


g emhe e e 4


I A i l ENCLOSURE 3 i l 6 l I t

i A (,,,, ,. , .j s .g , M  !"E. i

         ? .: .
    - }; ',         j'.                                                                         .

v. 5 O.\ - June 28,1979 n" A. The Honorable Ricatdo Puno .  % l 00 l:.;2,8 ChaL1 man, Comtulon on inquLuj on Safety of Bataan .

   . 'M:

Nuclea Pcwtr Plant

      ,f                           Room 309, 71CC, Metto Manila                             .
       ' ' 'l                      THRUs Tits Depa.ta Minuter NS08, Bleutan, Tagulg Metto Manila                                                                                                    \
  • l-
                ;.                 Sir:                                                                                                               -"

This is in connection to de volcanic and seismic rbla retxUve to the PHPP-1 site at St.taan and v;hich tvere anona the hazards censidered during

                           /       4ts selection.                                                                                         ,
s While volcastic risti 4 not mentioned specificalt:) under Lol 876, .the Chalw

[t that of .thenCory4ttee teCcmla mentioned on Volcanologtj (CCMVOLduMno)the f4tst day should sutet4C of the hearing, a position paper ' a on alcanic and seisml.c Msh on &c area .in question. In compliance

 *f,;                             thereof, C3WOL respectfuttf~sutalta t.hb pa,cct.
                '.                         We would L.the to make 4t eteu at this po. int .that CCMVOL has venu nen-g3r data of 2.he arca in question. This 4 because the volcance.s located tn (*                                       o as ca.uan Per.Lnsula ue consitiered dmt and CCMVOL, becaus e el !1~Itod resources, has to glue pMorttijto active volcanou L4ks Taat, Ma.jon, Bata-san, Canlaan and Hlbok-Klbok and to neothe*& lloth assoc. Lated with donmant volcanum, unless requested for special stud.Les on p:vst4culzt MeM in wMeh 4 C0}VOL maj, rcspond favorabst).                                                   .


                 .'          v                                                                                 -

T vlue of the above r aut of t.he. Com1uinn, QCHVOL conducted a Q

                         >e'   .$..ultil ocul 1% Lnwectlen af e arta in que.s tlon and Aathetc.l
  • ew *< nI s 07REGreenetes tha.t conducted sevens in .the uca t e.g/ El>asco Servicu Tnc.,
    ' f f) ,/7AEA Saf t,tt) Misston,'NPC,sPAEC) and other LLteratues b.pertinent to Vy                           g4Jeat matter. W4th as bases, CCMVOL sulatts t.he follcwing comentst                                    ,
 .Ylf-                                      1. CCMVOL admLts the faat dat Volcanology Lf..ucLan gact science, and u such rooms for doubts have to be gluen consideracGn*s.


 /~l          '
2. Ebasco Servlees Inc. has made an J.n-derth stadtj of the aea and b at standard wLth the present stat. eT[ut.
  . .-                                    ),3. CCMVOL shares the vIrw ni the Twi c-t& uission that the danger a                                     posed by a renewed volcanic activitu of Mt.' No.tib volcanic complex y;                                 exists.                                                                                  -
      ' .4      ...        .

i i e',*.

           .Y.,                     s                                                                                                           ,
                                                                       - , , , .                                                                      p  2,r.<     m

k-~ '" b c . .. . , t .,.

       %. n.                              .

Wd.4 COMVOL blututs ua.t an tAuptlon take place at the ma.ln Q' # , ,


crater (caldera) of Mt. Natib Autticient nament W hu (e.g.

     "O                &,                           -     dralnage channets and ridqts) us st to otorent .the plant sLtt from the dhset tffeats af ptjrostasucTf tows, glowing avcLanches, lava-
                ,           (.,..                         flows and direct bpact of volcanic ejecta.
m 5. COMVOL be.licuts enuation from any of the volcante complexa Q.., T. j' .? -
                         '     '        g               6      h         b ocastbl.4 not orfor fran .the prestnug obsuved cra-ters and vinb, bu.tAtttuanet inom anu point in the pentnsula,
  .,y&     h ht0 .$                              Y) pEs.tnn*   Lnknuinnt e tensoa attacu m coalitinn~06         .cwo dormant volcano,        -

9' h t f Mt. Hallb and Mt. Mau,vetu. ThtJsossiblLL4g is extspilfled by

  '?g                                                     Taat.
  .  it                              (%l*m\' Mand       and the recognized kamerous pausille craters (e.g. E.lninuangIt and Sinintlang Malaki alttrnattty trupted bef are 1749) but OY hm ) & y lVuou from 190.p. uu.                           was abit to make oper les southwestern flank and hosted the erup-f/Q
                 .e                                  6. CCM0L agrets with the IAEA sungtsuon to Lnstall a volcano mont-torkg system Ln Mt. Nattb and possibly in ut adjolning volcanots
        ^:Y; fu the pupose of predlethq fu.tue actividu.                 WLth this, it b
                 *:                                        tzptettd that umely unrnings could be 4 sued befare any 4pending
           ..T                                             tAuption utreby aRowbg time f or the lmtdlate. shu.tdom of ut power plant.

g M 7. In conjuncuan wLth item 6, the suggtsuon of 1AEA .to estabLbh an

   ?.4 -

ott-sitt luet unent wherein radloactLut mattA.lats could be depc- )

     .T'                                                   uted a the tutn.t hat the plant is endangered by volcanic activ4-
  • j
    .s;:$t.,                                               ty should be considered.                            y                                         :

N<.v. 8. CCWOL beutyts that the. problem on volcanic risk has bet.n sufft.

     .                                                     citndy dhcassed and studled by pidttl'es cona                   and that 4t is
    , M. . ,f.                                             Just a matter of imp {estating Accodit'MWis  n 4                                  . VLth regards to sturnle risk, while CCMVOL kna d$=* data on tectante
        'Y                                   tarthquakts in conntClion talth Lts s.Cuay on r tionsRp bl.C9ttn tieton4C
              'i ,                           ta464uakes and volcanic eruptionf ,11me dat.:                 1 havt Een us td in et 4tudy of schaic risk conduetti by the proponent. TWC a tadtj on tec tonic tzsthquakes *>
       '4                                     falls under .the reLponsibility of WA'A. Howtutr, COUVOL 5elieves tlat .ths *
                  .                          ptoblem Is1s been well dLacassed and reccmendaunM btt T AEA alaston on this
        ..'                                  regard should bt considered.

gg.h. .".  %

Z;.1 i VtAy tuly yowss, ,

qv . -

4. . #

(.fy;, .-

                                                                                                                         -                 n0 k.:,
  • C' REG 0210 A. ANDAL .


     ' );9. .',                                                                                 Cumlss10 net
     . Wl. ? ,'.,                                                                                                               A(.

CP/asb "3 , m... .

    . g.h,; .

! 3'p'.' t y - gg,N .. , 1:[Q .-

  • O h

d 4 l l

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                                                                           - - - = - _ - -            . _ - r
                                                                                                      -                                                                                                                           rr.-. __-.        -

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AA=$ l:h C d l* JP

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ' ! 
  • N,8 ' $.x/h6Q'W* + p,<

L.~. C-

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   -l                                                . , n.e's 7
                                                  '    &,9 . T,                                                           {                                          v.                                                                 lQ                       f

(' ' '.;l. . :Q;,',.?.!.g, ( 7 [_f.J. < p

                                                              -                                                      L. y( -                                                                                                                                   t t 6-                                           .v}. . _

_ ', ??!j iT.3 sin Al:o i.i t i.n. W.i:Is.'.T10H:' uit Tile T AEA

.. ii i v ni:::.o u Tis Tlil.1 till.ll'l'1flHS *',

(.fi.t y S - 22, 19 /7) ., ,;

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     . s:.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ,.I'.,' ;;'i U.C. Iturhe                                     Uhn lear liegulatory Cointnission, U.S. A.)                                                                                                                                                ?:;.4 (ints rnat Atonale Energy Agency, Vienna)                                                                                                                                .
                                                                                  ,1,1) . }lcC.all un fl.       1tusen                                 (IHLernalinnal Atomic Energy Accucy, Vienna)                                                                                                                                                .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           . . *.  .. a.,:


                                                                                                                                                                                                                    'lat.le of cont enes                                                                                          ,i
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          .,..,..p .

Prea mlil e

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 .                ,i-
1. in ti odnet ion , . ,.',....: .uh..

IJuiel grunnel . , .0,.1,. ..

2. 1
3. licti latory Organization. ,

4, PSAl. lieviw .ind Major 1(ecomendations ,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   'c$.  .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        .2          '

5, l) anu,alon or P: Alt cliapturu Appenilix A - Washlup,flehe61ulu Alij,en tix 15 - Participante 9 e _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ ._. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ m _i -

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                                                                                                                                         ., d .-

l' !! F A ll 15 1. I* . }. [

                                                                                                                                         , .:; f f

t ', d,j i the Philippine Atomic Energy Commiss on i . . v. At the requuct ol' . , i E .$ ' .

  • t
                                                                                                                                             ;s b,;.

(PACC), a Safety Hiur. ion org*,anized by the International Atom . < i l.ncrgy t.n ncy (I AEl.) revieuvil the Preifminary Safety Analys s 1 Ncport (PSAR) for the l'hllippine Nuclear Power Plant Unit No. The MI=,EIun cousluted of it.C. Burke of the United ,, (PNPP-1). Status lluelear Regulatory Cominission, J.D. McCullen and H. Ro . of the IAlsA. . The Director Cenural of the I AEA would like to place on .. ,. ,, record his underutanding that upon completion of its work the

                                                                                                                                                         '[ i Hinaion may make to the Phflippine authorities and to the orp,.mi;:ation recponulble for the conotruction and operation                                "

of t he PilPl'-1, unch recommendationu as the Mission considers .i  ; deoirable recording the meus6rea that aihould be taken for > - j the plant personnel ensi.rInn the uaf 1y of the nuclcar plant, und flic public. Thu tiloulon's ruunonenducions will be made c.n its own expertf aa and will not ear. age thu IAEA in anyway or the IAEA. imply any i.n the part ol' .

       .                                                                                                                                                          i 1

l l 0 l

- ~ M hf

                                                                                                                    ,      :.iff $
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                      'l H.. i. .r.i ..h..t s.' t. 5_0 4..
                      .                                                                                                                                  (

h lata %:ucy riie.uivo engaged in discussions with ciembers 1 Pow er Cotporation (llPC), tiestinghouse, and of PAKC, the !!at is,n : ' The major technical ciectings

                                                                                                                            ;                [ ' *!.t;
                                                                                                                                  ! ...s their consultanto ui,4 contractors.                                                                           . >.: ,
                                                                                                                              ~ > 7 *, , . L of the >11sulan were during the period 5 July -22 July 1977                                                   T                  i i     for some-               I,"              ,,,,

although the ttist.Jon members were in the Philipp nes .: .  % The schedule of principal incetings " , ' ". [ v what varying period.u of time.

                                                                                                                                                       *h und the list of participuuts are presented in Appendix A and B,                                              .
                                                                                                                                       , .'. ]

respectively. '

                                                                                                                                     ,.,. l, rhe illanion report presents the significant itema discussed                                                      '

and uppropriate recotecadations whf ch it is hoped will f acilitateh - r:iits ,

                           .further review of the PGAR and iusuance of necesenry pe In presenting                .

j by the responsible authorities of the Philippines. l its report and recommendations the blission must emphasita ' i it is not , , f-that due to obvious limitationu on time and manpower ' If poss!ble for the f APA through thf u Safety ?tission to perfern

  • l a complure uuruty ruview, but only a review of the tsors aignific '

The }llsalon emphaulues the itiportance sufuty reluted lisau J. of an independent und on-guing regulatory review sines it is the authoritius of rho Philippines who must take full responsibility I for the adc<piacy of the eaa.> piece wafety revicu of which this

                               !!ine ian'a u ..k f u one phauc.

1 Thio repose cc, of diccussione and recommendations en Principal cephasis genuru t as well su uptcific rechiiical items.


                                                                                                                 ._                               __1
    ",                                                                                                                                 6. T ;.
                                                                                                                                           .nw g J-                                                                                    .
                                                  - Poue 3 -                             .,i          ,., ,'. ,,,j.;.,;.
                                                                                             ,.        g., ,.

t ' ' :. g . ., ~

                                                                                                                                           .3 ,L*
                                                                                                                                      , (:f-
                                                                                                                          ..            ' .t;.'pl
      .-                                                                                                                             NN.',I' t,as pl. iced on uut.ab11:,1.iup, t he cafety standards to which the                                                   n.,

y.ex .-

            .            plant will be construer ed and to comparison with similar plants,.                                 c.' T3.!5. >.: . ;t .,
                                                                                                                    . ','.                /          t

The Hiasion notuu th..t all recommendations are made en its

                                                                                                    .                    f l.D.,t'[j.          -
l. .
                                                                                                                         ,.u..a);              . .,

own uxpertise und do not necessarily represent t.he views of any,'*. '?N,S'.th

                                                                                                                                   ..i .
                    ,                                                                      .                L                 * * '],l . g. ; .
            .j           other organizatf un.                                              ,
                                                                                                          #' s', ffMU
                                                                                                                   . .gg t 9 y$
                                                                                                                       ..d.                .;).9
                                                                                                           ,.          ' ;, 'M
2. B ack e t ound  :. f.
., ' l.
                                                                                                                        .                :;,ji, C j } l;j The PHPP-1 nucicar pwer plant is located at !!apot Point,--                                                                j
                                                                                                                              -           <t. :

Dataan. The National Power Corn. oration has contracted with

                                                                                                                                       . ..eJ   . ':
                                                                                                       ,,             .r,i               .,.ai* /

Westinghousu E1cetric Corporation on a turn-key basis for *,s;

                                                                                                                     ,m                    ,fi.3l ia construction of a 1876 intt' (621 !!We) pressurized water recctor                            , , . ,. ,
                                                                                                                   '. ,, ; ; , ,.,. .z.

q.' with two coolant loopu and with commercial operation scheduled . . . for 1987. The Pt!PP-1 is similar in design concept and has bee' .#[ ..'f$I

                                                                                                                 ......            .     .. , :,  ' 9,

referenced in tho contract ro the nuclear powcr plant "KRSK0" ."m .. jy;

V i.i currently being constructed in Yugoulavia by the Westinghouse.
  • 1
                                                                                                                                       ' ; jy o n.  +. S Electric Corporation and scheduled for operation in 1979. The                        . .                        ,.;g ,if MRSKO pinnt hud boun previouuly referenced to the 2-ioop Angra                             .

pleut in tiras!1 which huJ levan refdonced to a 2-1 cop plaut in Puurtu lhco. The plant in puurco Rico was ncycr constructsd due to t,uiumic conuidurt.tions ne the uite and thus soms featuras . of that plant and the subcuquently referenced plants have not

  • boca rhoccur.hly by n large regulatory organizatlon, t-The referenced Kl& O pl.'nt la nico nelumically designed for a s

0.2 g hor.iaoural .wceleration /compar ed with 0.'4 g for PNPP .



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Vagu 4 Ul',:,f ,

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                                                                                                                                  . . .~!'.%.n                   ty .
                                                                                                                                       ' '.11.hyI!.

s)ms ,


anil in . nidi tion b.n; a ini t t urent archi tect engineering firm n , :)e,ds,

                                                                                                                                         . ' . - , .w         . x,f f run i ti..t i.e i un nan.1 i a t he l'hi1 i pp inen .                                            . f ".lfDJ.:             ,d,
                       'I . it. rula t orv On no i aa t iini                                                      .
                                                                                                                                      .~ m u )

The l'AEC in ib. 1:egulatory organization responsible for 5l;2i' g,..; ,

                                                                                                              . - :<. . . s:. .q.                  .
                                                                                                                                                    ~ f:jf.@
                            *the iunninr, of ennuttuction and other permits for the PflPP-1.
                                                                                                                                            '   ' d.i ,f.'

While having an extent.ive expericuro in the research reactor

                                                                                                                                               . . g, ,
                                                                                                                                       . t : ap;g....

field i:sined over the last 15 yearn, this nuclear plant is of ' ],.:l',] . course the first power generating plant that it hits had to deal J. .?, .h f

                                                                                                                                                        ;h. .I i with,      i t is, therefore, no implied criticism for the }tission to                                   .                  ' : ;..
                                                                                                                                                          . ? ;r l note that the pal'C lacks experience in many of the areas required                                                      i .'.Of 4 for the effcetive tuview and regulation of the PNPP-1, To carry                                     .
                                                                                                                                                 ' ...pp,;
q'A'i out its functions c[fectively, more t;taf f uill have to be  ; ~ L.r2Ti recrui tcd and cruined (an Inspection Croup is urgently required),' fC N
                                                                                                                                           ,  '; Jg ,-
                                                                                                                                                    J 1he Ct,uaissioner of the PAEC intendo to seek continu                                                                                .Q
                                                                                                                                          '      . r cr :4 ;W from the Agency,        in this ennouction, it might be noted that a '                                                .,gQ.

l-ruuident TARA nafoty expert will tuhc up his poot with the PAEC ' ' 7y .


In the nuxt rannth ur uo. s. nocauno of st.c hiiportuneu of the intipoeticts f unction, the Pliselon recor.unonih: pal:C invcatigasto the pounibility of having cuveral. if its pornonnel anul ined t t o a USNRC Regional Of fice for .. training pos puenos in the uruus of unlurecment, and inspcction . (perhapu t h rough i t.r.'. f ol l out.h i pu) . Such training should include ( secompanying tidli:C lut.pectoru on inspectione of plauts under canott act i.on en.l in operation.


                                                                               . . . . . . . ~ . _ . , _ . . . . _ ,. _                            ,                     3
        .+'                                                                                                                        ..a..p3 TQifM
      ,..-                                                                                                              ,r .            .
                                                            - Panu 5-                                                                  '

g [....; .JME l

                                                                                                                                                      ' S,
4. PSAlt I:ev .. v and tla )..e th c a.m.ethlat ions _ ',;P[

e .

                                        !!h: au thu ev.iitual operating utility is responoible for the                                                               1'

uaful y ol' thu PflPP-1 anJ ter the uuhmi ttal of the Preliminary ..i.

                                                                                                                                                          '.(il d and final Saf ety Analyuis reporto to the PAEC. Westinghouse                                                        .i.' 5,J. 5 ',
                                                                                                                                                    ;              4.. '
                           ' cu the turu-kuy contractor had prime reuponsibility for pre-                                         ~ ' , ' ". {

i . .. 'Y paration of the PSAlt. llouever, several important sections were ' , ..$.! .

                                                                                                                                                      'r i.:

prepared by 11PC with the usuistunce of their consultants, EDASCO 2 - e of the U.!!.; namely. Sections 2 and 17. Burns and Roe, the Architect


Engincer also developed inany sections not directly involved with . < the !!uclear Stena W.pply ! yutew, principally, sections involving . the Dalance of t he Plunt. . .l, .. ',, l. (,E J It is the opinica of the !!!asion that the submitted PSAR

j. . . ,
                                                                                                                                                                .y...g ,

follows the " Standard Formar. and Content of Safety Analysis ][v; l'[ . Reports for Nuclear Power Plants (iteviuion 1)" issued by the ,,

                                                                                                                                              , .. a . ;

USAEC in October, 1972. 'rbe Midalon review indicated that in . . .

                                                                                                                                                '.                               I general the iu ccmparablo in content to those that have been                                                                        .' l unbtaitted by dt,meutic utilf t.ius in the United States using the S:nndard Fort. tat Documcat tnd oppuuru to be based on tho Westinghousa                                                                          !

1 Reference Safety Analyulu Itt. port. There oro hcwever sections, , cubic.a and figuruu of vanious chapture that have not been submitted. i There are e.cii.e errotu und incunt.iut encies which should be corrected o by an erruta uheer. A par tleular dullciency la that etany of the . I concluulone that n.uut 1,u thrained from Figureu and Tabled are not diucun uJ in the tent at appropriato sections. More specific th:i l ei enc ien are cont ained in sect ion 5 of this report, where the

J,J.: : R =&nL; & L s k ~,,J Q y .:,,isas.f ,. .

_ w

                                                                                                                                    . s . . . ..% .:

, (v..,' ' 7,, S MNj{.f.. .: MN

 .. f                                                                                                           .
                                                                                                                                    , ;.?fl
                                                          - Pane 6 -                                                      ;5                    (p,, . ;,,,g
                                                                                                                                                    .s                  ,e.
                           !!iunion diucubuca carh of the PSAR Chapters.
                                                                                                                                    ' ,Nh.,((.j'f.

6.; . 1 For t he uituation in the Philippines where construction , ' " -,'J.4 j

                                                                                                                                         \ *s            *              **

(foundation work) in scheduled to hegin in about 3 months, it is

  • i ~ 5bk'
                                                                                                                                    .,.3,BI.f reccuuaunded that only revision and updating of specific sections                                      ', '.[Gy'k.)
                                                                                                                                       ..v.<.w g r of the PSAR be undertaken und emphasis be placed on the Final                                              ' ~.b'M ,'I
                                                                                                                          , ; .. . ;                                       l-Safety Analysis Report (FSAR). The }lission urges that the                                           '
                                                                                                                                   , . . ,;,'l.'y           :-}' '
                                                                                                                                    .o.,.... . , f.,u                ..r':!

FSAR, which is not , duo to be submitted for several years, be n y< p. r

                                                                                                                                 . .e ,                                        a
                                                                                                                          ,                               s     fl             .I carefully prepared taking into necount the recommendations of
                                                                                                                                              . v'<[.. , .g                 .
                                                                                                                                                           . . .. .a this report and any additional cocunents from PAEC. In general'                          t       ,

I;{I// l,.iy ,

                                                                                                                                   . . y P ~:1 5 the PSAR should bc'prophred with principal emphasis given to eutablishing the narvty standards to which the plant was constructed .                                                     ,,
                                                                                                                                                                   ,:. 9 by specifying in each sectica the regulatory guides which have                                                      ,
                                                                                                                                       .              .y.

been used and should contain more detailed comparison to other ..#1

                                                                                                                                    , p.                   n..Y..,
                                                                                                                                              .ei                  .3 sitnilar plants ,           systems cud equipment than now appears in the                          d
                                                                                                                                                    .! : ' i,'."


                                                                                                                                    . .., . . ,.y ? .

As subsequently noted several amendments will be necessary .

                                                                                                                                                      ' ~ ,;.
.y to the PSAR which la currently under review since come significant '

enfcLy i clut ed information has not been included. One of the mora imiottant amenduiento chould be reuubmitted Appendix 3A which contair.s the diuenculon of Regulutory Guidos and where special . attuncion unust be given to cicarly stating the uso of thcee guides , in the Mll'P-1 plant dWign. i

                                  't he f t h... hni h.a., abur raeted the following ' recommendations -                                   '

l from its report us.d Lolleveu these have special cignificance ' for gr.uiting Lbc i.onu t ruct iini penui t for MlpP-1 (additional 1 recam:.dat ions are ecutsh.ed in the speciffe discuusions of cach PSAR <haptwr): ' I l 1

                                                                                                                                                  .y,sg. g.                                          J
                ,e . -                                                                                                          .                            .

f 1

  • v. }.;J.s,f 7)f:idj$uh
4. P - + . ( .tj..pyy
 . ' 'E .~' .                                                Pap,v 7                                             .
                                                                                                                                . j:;( . w:,4;...: 4.
                                                                                                                                                       ,s....i. ;,g.8.

v y. .; .

       'r                    1.       Table 1.3-1 containing comparison of PNPP-1 to other                                      '
                                                                                                                                                 .                           . *i?-
                                                                                                                                                        . ;.       *,,f,Ul"h

facilitics and the Apptndix 3A discussion of Regulatory , ' ' '" f [ ..[h. s .

                                                                                                                                                                .       ar*; ;.y Gui lus must be nulacantially improved and be resubmitted.                                                                     - ]:, h
                 .                                                                                                                   .                                . ..x.
                                                                                                                                                                           .:: . . L.
      '.           .'        2.       The Safuty unpects or nuorby military facilicios are not D                                                               ', :;g .,4 g.              ..

p discussed in the PSAR. Thi s in formation should be submittek' .-..' c..y'lc ':. ';c .; c,u. w . sW.; in accordance with section 2.2 of the Standard Format Document. .'. ;VM - e  :, '.'* .,)u .

3. The proposed uco of cooling toucrs for essential services n' '; ,-,p
                                                                                                                                                                          ~ $ .' .

f u not discuased in the PSAR. This'information should be , .1 ,

                                                                                                                                                                                    . ;g, subtaicud in accordance with section 9.2.5 (ultimate heat sink)                                                            .

of the Standard Forruat Document. ,

                                                                                                                                               ,                  M,M.5%.
..s. .:..:. . g. .
4. The detaih il'informa tion uuud for determination of the scismic , ..' ..".. ..'. .. .

I design hori:'.ontal acculcration values be given to the IAEA . , , , . . .l . n.>.v. .. - in Vienna for adviue as to the need for additional evaluatien. ,

                                                                                                                                                                           '..' wN.: S
5. A report uhould be submi.tted describing changes in asfoty . '
                                                                                                                                                         ,.               ;f; ,,j ,i
                                                                                                                                                                       ;,$.c related structures, componenco, and systems in the PHPP-1
                                                                                                                                                        ' Y$)           ; ,, 'M.?:'

thisign et,mpared with thu KRSK0 plant as a result of the , % r . W .'

                                                                                                                                                                    ,,                  .nr iocrescedsolumicrequiret$cnts.                                                                                                        . ,7 j. '
                                                                                                                                                                        ..     : . Y,   , . .. .i   q
6. Design couniduratinui, due to the potential ef fects of .~r' volcanic activity are not diucussed in the PSAR. This informacion i.hould be uuhndt red as part of Chapter 3. ,
7. A report di:. cut ainn t ha unt avorabia orientation of the ,.; .

t urbion (mint.ile problem) t;hould be submitted - Included -l" s: i.hould be r..mpaiisona with other plants having this orientation 1 l ~ L and the u r at,. i they -

                                                                                                                                                                                       , .. 1   .

1 e

                                               -%.-        _ _ -          .-                ,y-     . ., -.- y-   v-,, . - - , . + . , ,                  ~


4d4%. ' l

                                                                                                              - .. ' < 5sn9pi:,7gg f.e
                                                                                                                        .       , .. nj >;, f             '
                                                                                                                      }l~ '

pa;;e 8  ;* 1.[{'d" 'l;'f .d

     .                                                                                                                               'a    .
                                                                                                                                       ,; C . .
8. A monitor loose parts should bc installed and .

Ihe proposed system described.

9. conaiileration el.nuld be given to installing a seismic .

neram switch connecteil to the reactor safety circuits and ., uith .ensoro at upptopeJate locations. '

10. A report should be submitted discussing proposals to increase the capaci ty, f ue opeu t fuel s torage.
11. A repoit. should be unhmitted evaluating the UStiRC review i t;roup report of the fire at llrowns Ferry to determine any n:odificutions required at ptmp-1.
12. Consideration should be given for some provisions to assure the habit'Udlity of the control room in the event of a chlorine release even if they are not in full cocipliance with the p'  :

applicable regulatory guides. .

13. The dosos due to 11<luid and gaseous effluents should be .

calculated In accordance with Appendix I (10 CFR 50) and .S. ; o uluni t t ed . 14 A cicar discuusion be submittud to explain the icw of f-sica doses calculated for the 1.0CA (including the aignificant au u tuup t ions and thei r ju:.i l rication) .

15. A report be unhmitted preuenting a more detailed discussion of the Ucutiny, house on-site QA pregram including current and I f uture staf f ecynirement and qualifications.

Iti . The. tcehnical specifications provided for the FSAR should be in conformance with the ll::lIltt; !;tandard Technical f;pecifications.


ss= - < [lT;W (p,. ' 1:. ,

                                                                                                                            . . itr, ,y
      .t .         s.                                                                                                   .          T. ' .


       '.                                                        Pane 9                                                .


17. The FEAR nhould be prepared with principal emphasis 5

t iven to e:,taht i: hinu the safety standards to which the pl. int was codstructed by specifying in each section  :,, J a theapplicableutandarJaandguidesandskmoredetailed - .

                                                                                                                                          . ,g coinparisons of uyscumu and equipment with similar plants.

e,. .

5. I)(scuuaion of PSA1: Chapenes I Chanter 1 - Introduction and Cencral Dcocription of Plane _
). , '

It will be necessary for the PAEC to do much of its review by comparison of major ayutemu and components to the KRSK0 plant and Ip other 11.S. domes tic plantu. Toble 1.3-1 of the PSAR contains comparisons '! . of PHPP-1 to other facilities. '1his table in not cceplete and requires further explanation of the signif,1 cant ofmilarities and of the sf gnificant .; . diffarences shown. 'nie mission recon. mends that this important table be improved and ro-oubmiteed as an ammendu.ent to the PSAR in cenfortiance with the suggest Ions made by the !!! suis.,a during the technical ::cuting between PACC, NPG, and U0utinghonue. rhanter 2 - : lire Characteristics Thlu chaptar has been wesentially a. i tten in. accordance with US ,

                              *:t.inthir.1 Pot aL t t , lieviuluu 1. It contalnu much of the information which i . requi rca l oi a tu.ei ni 1 n .u t e.f re of the uit e area.

t l i


               .<r,nw           ~               - - - - - - - -      .       ._              ,
                                                                                                             * '"';p.,7.,*gmg;rgn
                                                                                                                            ; * . r. um.   '
    . *. .                                                                                                                    .         < . :ph
   ,; - :                                                                                                             .f                          6' 1       .) a                                                     Page 10                                                             g .n. t g.,

ic r k A somewhat urique problena at the !!apot Point site is the proximity , . j.., i of volcanic conpitxec. In Section 2 . 5 .1.1. 6 . 5 . 4 .1 of the PSAP,the t, t a t u r. e n t iu .usde that the potential ef fects of possible volcanic activity n uniat be considered. Ilazarda which must he addressed, in decreasing

                                                                                                                                                   .ll order of probable ef fect upon the site, are volcanic ash, glowing avalaneus, n.uJ flous, lava flows, air uhock waves and volcanic carthquakes, .

As noted in our discuusion f or Chapter 3, there is no presentation in the ,. l PSAR related to deuiyk t considerations for volcanic activity. In view 1 of this potential volcanic activity NPC should also subntic plans to monitor volcanic activity in the region in conjunction with other agencies, .}.


Section 2.2 of the PSAR is titled "Industriai and Other Usen". . The U.S. Standard Formac Document title for this scetion is " Nearby ",t.,..

                                                                                                                                               . :d     .

Industrial, Transportation, and Military Facilitics". Considering -  ; h:. the proximity of Clark Air Force Base and Subic Bay a description of I k[ ..., these military buucu including locations of any military firing ranges, - o LA. x j, nourby airplano low lovel flihhty holding and HWag patterns, be , submitted au nn umcodment to tho PSAlt. tiith regard to aircraft crash .., y probability specilic reference uhould be made to appropriato !!RC , I Regulatory Guideo. l PAEC utaf f noted that ecresin occtors around the site may exceed the UttC objective of leva than 500 persons / square mile and 1000 persons / square mile prnjected population. The tlission recocuuends that NPC suEmit the hasos for t.he demography data and verify the population densi ty as..I tha t , if they are hip,her than IIRC guidelines, additional, atten.ian he given to the :.rea of emur;;ency pionning. The PSAR referc to the South China 1:ea as the ultimate heat sink. i


                                              '~, , . . .                                                                               ,     -.':a< : ..~s.,lY.'    w.                     l .
                                                                                                                                                        <                      .              i
                    'd? ..                                                                                                                          - [ ' i}!.T.1
                                                                                                                                                                 'f I'/f Page.I1                                                              '

y, -

                                                                                                                                                                 . .y , 7,
                             .                                                                                                                           ,     n . -
                                                                                                                                                                                ': .;f
                                                                                                                                                               .  ' 'D.l
                                                      %e Mission was informed that due to draw-down ef fects related                                                   . . J 'to probabic maxin+m tsunamin, coolini; towers uould be used for esuontf al                                         '

acrvicca during normal, uhutdown and accident conditions. 'The f:;;, this change in design and a thorough discussion of fy jf he amended to reficet .

                                                                                                                                                                  ~ ';jt'.? I
                                                                                                                                                          . ; .1 the coolinr, towers should he presented fu section 9.2.5.                                                            u ..e,'
                                                                                                                                                             , /,'. * ; G PAEC staf f asked some specific questions related to geology and                      ,.i..,

The ' .

                                                                                                                                                                          "'E, scismo3ogy, uome of whis.h will require written responses by NPC.

l Hinaion netos* the 1:9porrance of the correct determination of the safe .

                                                                                                                                                                   '. 7 uhutdown carthquaku for specifying maximum accelerations at the site for                                           *'~...

design purposes. Alihough a previous I AEA Safety Hiscion advised that i . ', a ciulmuu horiconCJ1 acceluration of 0.5 g be considered, EBASCO has ' -

                                                                                                                                                                     %f.'9 recenanended 0.35 g(Ucstinghouse is using 0.4 g for design purposes). .                        .                   :C.1; M,,. '@

In vicw of the sofoty importance of this value, the Mission recoaunends i '35

!                                                       that PAEC obtain the detailed infutmation used for this determina                                                    ' 9.?

r review in Vienna. A , ', ' T*..s, and that it he forwarded to the IAEA for furthe' , p recorvendation may then be made which could suggest the need for l additional independent ovaluation of the design basis acceleratien Values .. to be used in the P!;PP-1 design, t.

                                                                                                                                                                                 -s; ia .

f and Svetems. , 3 Chaptor 3 - Deslun of Structuren, Components, Ecuipment, (  : resubmitrud Appendix 3A (subsequently

                                                                    'lhe Hlasion was inforred that the                                                                                       l I

l dia/cuuned) woul.1 whou that essentially all current !!,S. ,11eguistory  ! requiren.eurs i,.ith regard to the design of unfety rs. lated components,

                                                                                                                %ia would luclude for example -                                             )
t. t r uc tu re u and 1.;yn t emu 'uould be mi t . )

nach a r.

                                                                           . a de te rminat i.,n of br eak h.catJons and dynamic ef fectu.                                                  :

i I  ; I

                                                                                             ,,                                                              ._-m.s

mm u.s aa,.us : = :: = ic ss-_ - - :-


Par.e 12 , e

                                                                                                                                    ',p-     ,

M f piping, and consideration of loads ,,', I .- 4.succiated with postulate.1 rupt ure o nuppoi c r,ynt emu in the event of a loss of coolant , in precctu e vesse] acci dent (l.OCA) . As pieviously uc,ted, t.he prnposed design horizontal acceleration . ve.lue is 0.4 g for PllPP-1, this value is considerably higher than the 0.2 g value t'or the KidKO ref erence plout and is the highest seismic designed licuringl.ouse 2-' loop plant. Westinghouse stated that the scistlic , deoign ulli use techniquen almilar to thone used fi.- II.S. domestic plants.

                               'the llissis,a recommends t hat a report be prepared which discusses chan;;e3 in cafety reinted structures, camponents, and systects in the PtiPP-1 desi d scibt:ic requirecer coupared with IGSK0 which have recuired from the increase the technical meetingu
                                '1 hic uhould include itema s.hich wera discussed at such sa:                                                                                              ;


1. Shield building thickness
2. Steel framing for the fuel handling building ,
3. Sti f feners in the contaf uuient vessel
4. Iteinf orcinu requi rements
5. He1cention uf equipment f rom the shield building annulua.

Tha mission was nico informed that EllASCO would audit the seismic design of the plant for NPC.

                                       'Dic Pt1PP-1 plant is also sited in un area of high humidity and tumperature ennilitiono and .my ulcuificant design changco in, for exceple, ventilation systema requirud by these conditione sheuld also be included in the report on uv i um i e rh.m;;es .


         .M                                                                                    ' a... :,w,vty.j f'   ,
                                                                                               . ' M,2) d'                                                                                                   3;.g. u           .

. / ~. - . l; ,Ik Page 13  : ', ', , .; ,.bg' G,i:' 1he Pt'PP-1 plant deutuu haa a turbine orientation similar to KREKO,.*...g jdQ V, f'- f avorable in riegard to the potential ef fects of q'I This oriein ation is not - r turbine generstud mi[uiles and damage prnbabilities to safety related structurch (capecially thd containment) . Westinghouse informed the Mission. ..$ p' .. l(j)) that the Byron /llraidwood stations currently under review in the United :Q ; Schtes have tac came turbino orientation. If additional protection is . required b ycnd that alt eady of fered by the present turbine orientation , ..Yj i,nd structurot barricro, the itiusion reconocnds that they be considered . [ . ,', . for'PNPP-1. Westint,houuc should be required at this time to justify why the present design would be acceptable in accordance with NHC regulatory t .. . - nu' ides, and make compariunns with other plants having this orientation . . including compariuon of the structural hcrriers. , .. t As mentioned in Chnptor 2, E13ASCO has recommended that the plant. '.I . ,-,, i design consider potential volcanic activity in the vicinity of the site.3';' .]p

                                                                                                                 - ylli
                  'lhe Mission recommendu that an onnendment to the PSAR be submitt ed which                        1.pq contains the modification to the plant deuign rectuired for the pote'ntial             .         ];O..             ,
              ,                                                                                                           <.y effects of volcanic nerivity.                                                              ' . .f 57          ,

chancor 1 - Annendix 3A (nineussion of,,31tulatory cuidos) A principal, criticism of the PJAR is the lack of precise statements , ao to the aufety utsndards and guides that are being used in the design. t The contractual arrangement for Pl!PP-1 huu October 1973 as a Safety criteria cut-of f date. 'the miculon would have some di f ticulty in accepting . on}y 1973 standardu for a plant which will first operate in 1982, l Appendix 3A which contains a diucusulon of the applicability of t:hC Regulatory Guides to the deuir,n i8 unaccepenble as written. The mission recomrcunda that thin i .: port ant uee t ion he rewritten und include at least b the 6 11uwing:


g sg3 enter mse wy m ie ~ - -te- - - - , - - - - ,q =---

             /                                                                                                 ',-
         ,a, 1'

A <.

    ~                                                 Page 14                                        '

l. All regulatory ruiden iumed to July 1976 (i.e. guide 1.120)

      -                2. INvisions of rets.latory guiden issued to July 1976.

rrucit,e statuu ntu as t) whac parts of the guide are being

3. .
                            .ompliud with ..nd for t iose parto that are not,        ,

a differentiation 1.c uado as to hencric Westinghouse positiotv applicable to all .; PNPP-1. , thuir desieno .md to those af fecting only , t Chapter 4 - lle ictor_ The core design for the PNPP-1 reactor includes use of the 16 x 16 fuel This fuci design is a change rod array which is alco to be used at 1;RSKO. To ecmpared to previous deuigns uued in Ueutinghonec 2-Icop reactors. date, all Wrutinghounc 2-loop reactors operating in the U.S. have utilized a 14 x 14 f uct rod ar ray , 'llic planned utart-up of KRSK0 and the Angra plant in Brazil should he several yearu before Pth'P-1 and thus there shc be suf ficient operational infoimational available for this new fuel design to assure satisf actory operation of the Philippino plant. The 11iosion notes that both KRSK0 and PNPP-1 itava the highest pcuer uccput of any 2-Icop Woutiny,houso plant und some discussion related to The t!ission the uututy aupects of the increueud power ohould be submitted. and therrac1 and hydraulic comparison table. aluo rucatuunds that the nue!unt, in this et. apter be expanded to include the propoucd North Coast plant in Puerto Rico and c. recent 4-loop rencror. Vastiny, house ciated that pMPP-1 would, siinilar to KRSKO, have part length rods. The tiis.. ion wau informed that their use would be contingent en imC acci; . hili t y c.i operation wi t h pa rt 1cngth roda in doci.; otic ll.S. planta. I

f> v q, .,pl

        , s.

f' .;'

                                                                                                                                                    * /.;

G. Pap.e 15 *1

    .                                                                                                                                         .      .       l
                                                                                                                                                          n Svutem 99p e r b - nuae to n' Cnoinu t the reactor conlunt tiyntem for PtfPP-1 is Ucs t isq:h.ou.u ::tated t ha t uneil in pinvlunu Uestiny, house 2-loop designs.
                 -     cr.uent i ally si in.ila r to t ha t lloweve r,              f Adequare inst.ection of the enolant system in, cscential to safety.

for inservice the 1: Salt cont ains only a genc ral dicetc.r. ion of provisions ituipcetion programs. NPC nhould submit the details of the inservice ^ program including the provisions for oeceus to the reactor coolant system, i tion j the equipn.cnc to be used, the >!acnuient at ion procedures and the organ za t hat vi! L provide the bat.e-line ruensuren.entu .

f. mall items sus h au m.tu and hol ta have becomo loose parto wi thin reactor ecolant systen.s aiot can lonsar,e other components within the system or 1 roduce un.htu ucur or vibration, l!crently in the linited Stateu looso parts monit oring syuican have been developed and are presently in or heing innta11cd at ueveral plants. 'lliesc systemo consist of accelerometers und ousicciat.ed data acquinition and presentation nyutems.

Although not envered by a vpecit'ic regulatory guide this system has aluo hvon renni.u.emled by t he U.!:, A.lvis,on y voimultt ce on Rouctor Su f 'Juardu . The illualun rucon.nien.In t hat n siystem t.o moni tor Ji usu parte be ins talled in the PH1'P-1 pl nr, soul ti.a t un umemimen t to the PSAft be submf cted describing a proposed cynts.n. f: g ret (> - l'oe reil ..t v r.atoren i of the 1.ngineered Safet/ Peaturcu

                                            'the Minuion revie vil neveral aupoc.tJ
                             ; n.1 hau cooi.l o.h .! t ha t in n, the it.mico nud performance characterlutico f o r .'. l oop plant s l i cenueti in the Dolted Ici P!:PP- L a n. e t uii i.o to t ho..
t. t ,i t u n .

l 1

                                         - ~ . . . . . . .
                   }h& ' ~~ -                                                                         -
  • a K- *
                                                                                                                   .                *f;':l .,,4 r3,m
   . A,.,
                                                                                                                               , 'ifi
        ..                                                               Pac,e 16                                                   '....
                                                                                                                                  ' " ' i ct; the ded;n of PNPP-1 w.11 include the use of                      f.,               .9 Tue PSAR states that
      ;                                                                   the conecuttation of hydrogen gas in the            ,        {'l' l.j hydrogen recombince: ro Jimit
                                                                                                                                                . ,3
                                                                                                                                       .I, . , p
    ..                                                                            apparently, a hydrogen purge system containment in the i .eent of a 1. ora,                                                                                      'd i h the recuire- .&

vi)) be included as part o.f the plant. deuign in accordance w t  :. C .,

                                                                            'lhe H uulun recommends that a description                               .;

ments of Regulatory Guide 1.7. '

                                                                                                                                                     .a to the PSAR with some further                .( ,  J of this nystem be si.t.mitted in a supp ement                                                                  X would be used.

explanation as to the time at which is . The PNPP-1 will contain a Reactor lhiilding Negative Prescurc C Sys tem.

                                       'lhis systera may he somewhat tiodifiel f rom that ut Kr.1XO due to from the increas d thichness requirements for space limitations re.;ultini                                                                                         

PHPP-1 du.: to t he sei nnic deuign. The figurus the abield ht ilding ..t the perfor, ance of thia system as well as the and cabics which show

  • FSAR.

cont.sinment hnt removal systenir, have not hcon supplied in the Y,. are uomcwhat routiv, the Although tho :alculat ions for thu containmen:  :


dote.mination of the annuluu conot tier.s af ter an accident are nec .(* Addit ionally, sinc's the courainme nt un! ehic: d building concept is no ' i d'I cer:mu.n in the U.S., this ty in of calculaticn has not been recently rev ewe The HI usi )n re, ommet.da tha : NPC, perhaps throu[;h . by t se U. 3 NRC. i Its enuuttant, veriiy the cuoulis of the calculatic.ns espec ally for the condi:ioni in th. shicjj hui'iding. In Soction 6.5.1, "En;ineurt d-Saf sty Feature Atmosphere Cleanup

                                                                                                                   'Itese the 2ystema are not st'ated.

Systems", the Icsigt crites a foi 1.52, the cri cria coutuined in Regulatory Guide syutems shoub iae c t confcrmanei and deviations is by means of a A conveniant t iy of showing c to an it un in 1:egulatory Guide 1.52 is

                             . tabic, Whuse ion-ci u format ii.di cat ed i n i i s           t. I,!o ,  }o:.t i fle . Lion for the non-conformance
                          --~~ 'NW'ATiWir.f&rhm*,3
                                                                          -- ~e. # .+e.trir~       , .            -                     ~

y- ..v;

                                                          - l'a,,e 1/ -
'i n j :

reviously the plant will be der nsd for tha potentia .q st . ;


As discusac  ! ae This must include the potential effects o'fV E?fr W, offcets of volcanic activity. d"' l ashfall on the engineered safety featurce filter systems and any design , ;!4 Ik

      *-                features provided to mitigate these effects.                                           '
                                                                                                                                 ':a  :. . .
                                                                                                                                    ,p.l?g' chantor 7 - In .trumcatation and Co scrol_

35 We Missi .n did not review details of he Reactor l'totection System. .uy.- the appropriata criteria, s tandards { llowever, check . were made to insure that .. j In renponse to several questions, Westinghout and guides wer. bein;., applied. assuren the ML sion that the instrinnentation and control systeu vould meet ial scandards used in the ll.S. as well as HEC requirements current indust and would be e. sentially similar to that uupplied to domes tic utilities. Wis included i ansideration of cah c size and acparation requirecients.

                                   %c taissii a bela eves that in view of the seismic nature of the                                      .i t'

and the specif c saft uhutdown carthqu.;ke for which the plant h..s been designed, seist ic inacrumentation 1 e installed using Regulatory cuid 'l,

                                                                                                                                          .Y (Rev. I) as a : Jido.           The Mission also reccmmends that consideration be given to insta'. latieri of a seismic scram switch, connected with the reacto safety circuit: , and with sensors located at appropriate locationc.                                                 .

The Missic i was also informed that the Post Accident Monitoring 1,9/, syntam would fi tiow thu lotuot version of Regulatory Guide f

                                                                                                                                                 .1 Chaeter_l - Ele trical Pow..                                                                                     . . .

The Missi<- ud i.oc ruview the details of the electric power systems; 7..u hAR states that i riteria 17 and 18 of the U.S. Ceneral Ucuir,n Criteria 1 and appe priate reguli.cory and industrial guides will be met. Ues inbhouca infi emed the Hf 8sion that to grid system was basically t

                            . stable a J th t nn uni.lue condit ions existed which would necess'.ca a
                             *cnsider. tion o addit ions.L safety reepairementa bevond thoue uwd for
                              'cecutic plants It i:. noted that the l'hilippines operates on 60 cycles
                             ..nd not     ) cycl. ; as 1. ituired for 13:H:0

_,,_ I . M I C f ' J. .P~E T W ? ::" .::"!' ' - ^ - *"' ' '""""'-"~=-w -~ s,. .. .,. ,. . ,

 ,f.                                            - Page 18 -                                                                                 ..

^ .

                                                                                                                                  . 6 Chapter 9 - Auxiliary Systemn In t.nuwer to specific questions the Mission was informed that

che capacity for spent f ici : storage stated in the PSAR (prenantly ',

                   )ne and oi.e-fl.ird cores) would he increased to four and onts-third
o res. could be accomplished by cubctituting the prose.nt- ,',

eacks in the opent fuci pool with others of smaller pitch or with glP. ce'-design d storage r.icka, and by increasing the size of the pool. [.'

                   \1 te rna tt methods of storing the fuel, such aJ on site or off site                                                  ,

facilitis could .tiso be connidered. The 1tiosion recon:monds that scoe mort definitive position be tuktn 1,y NPC and that an amendment , io cubmit ed discussing the al.ctnatives and the latest date by which  ;, i decicis i is required. As icncioned in Chapter 2 the 1:outh China Sea is specified ..

                    .s the ul.imate huat sink in the PSAb. llowever, cooling towers                                                              '7 sill now e used /or esuential servicas during normai, shutdown and                                           ,

ccident enditions. The design criteria for this system should be ,, W

                   .upplied a an amundment to the PS.AR.                                                                                    ,,

T1.e Mission discusted the impliantions to the PNPP-1 plant design , l (i the h a at thu Drewnc Ferry Nucle ar Plant in the U.S. Westinghouse 1:nted but this guncri's issue wou otill under consideration in tho l J.H. The tission reconuucads that the epocial t!5 Nils review group report if the firu at Fer y which d Lacusscu the adequacy of smoke d .te : tors ,1 rearhing appar ttuti, etc., in various plant areas We evuliat.d to dutor:uine any inplicucionb of the fira to the l'NPP-1 i

                   .lesign .nd that.a rep.)rt he subiitted t- l'AEC on this subject.

r- ,


[D'iPhit'.Rmetac s %.4

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in a ' , f.. .. .4-:.! >

.!'                                            - Iage 's9 -                                                                    ,
                                                                                                                           .,,< , ;;r
  • J'L*

j,. ' ' 'L)5" i ' C1 contro.1 rosm heating, ventilation, and air condition ng .N.A j Th. 'y? l ses on system d. sign will not consider the ef fects of chlorine re.'e.a ,. ired in the U.S . The , the habliability of the control room au requ 1 d that some , ,, Mission iecommends thuc ibis position be reconsidered an i ith the

                     'provisiot s be made even : f they are not in full compl ance w applicabic regulatory guides.                                                                     .

Chancer 10 - See am.nnd Pc uer conversion Svstem i l design, The steam and power conversion ayucem is of convent on a PNPP-1, s:milar to similar to plant s previously approved in the U.S. . .: This will be KRSKO, is desigt ed to aciommodate 100% load rejection. d er through accomplicned by bypassing. 85% of fuel load to the con ens ' The Mission's recommendation regarding ., the turbine bypa ss systuti. i ed previously. , f. the turbine orientation 1robi.m has been d scuss blems ' &p.] :- The Mission was co corni d about recent sten:n generator .. , pr ..- A report should be

                                                                                                                            ^'Qy e:.porienced at Ueutiachoice de signed plants.             ~

i i is for [* submitted concerning theio priblems, including any impl cat er . , . the P!1PP-1 doulun. i The Mission notas that i estinghouso utsted that informat on i d by en the uteam generator blowdot n syscums wi31 be uubm tte October 3977.  ;' Manouiemenc i'honcer 11 - Radioactiva Weet dling l the treatment. and controlled han

                        '            Systems are provided fi..

d Icakage char results of radic. active Ifquid, gascoun and .wlid wacces an l fr.m noimal plant op-station an.) during, anticipated operationa for thi,t 1.olid ra.lwasco syntem, theue syster., arc  ! oc urret.:es. Except l

    -                                                                                                                                                    \

a ~ ~~ .

                .f*'                                                                                            ."','   , ,+. j.!$. f; d*                                                                                                        '.**9<;hg
                                                                                                                             ; F:. .

j'.' . ,

.w ;
                                                              - 20 -                                                         ,

si l t ' %;

  • of compas able design to those installed in the Faricy nuclette p an .

raduasce oysten will be one of sever il aimilar deaigns The solic system vill utili:e rement- . prcuently under consideration, and th.) ' being ,, sodium silicate as the solidification agent wi.h the system The liqu.d and gaseous radwaste . op,erated in a re. note cent rol mannar. the requirements of 10-CFR Part 50, } systems i ill bc designed to n.cet .


Appendix I. In its review, the Mission found some dePiciencies in thin The Chapter t.nd reco nmendu that these deficiencies be removed. i calculation of radioactise ef fluent quantities f rom the plant dur ng . normal operation were not perfonar:d ut ilizing t he PUR-CAI.E code and ' A e r.plete abic of all the parametera used in the 11UREC-0017. ided calculation of ene rndicoctive ef fluent quantities should be prov ' i , in order to permit evaluttien of .my dif ferences between the rado- . hich could . . . active effluent quanticico pracented in the PSAR and those t. -


I utilizing cae PUH-CAL,E code and HUREC.0017. be calculated by PAE( ,.t on the liquid and gaseous waste mandgrsent systems, .q In the seculone ' the dose deuign the calculated doseo should be provided and coinpared to 0 FR Part 50. objectivu s in Scotf or. IIA, I1n, and ITC of Appendi:c I to 1 -C The desin i crita'.ia e n which the nyotems will he designed should ..; f 10 CFR

  • stated, included in these criteria should be Appendic I o . l Part 50, degulatory ( ilde !.109 and negulatory Guide III, as a

The systems quality ecoup and sciomic clacsifications exceed t Since the most present: y accepte d I,y the USNRC for radwante system. addreva rei nt i evision o Re ,ulatory Cuis eu ! .26 und 1.29 do not r _ ._m___- _ ,-

_ _. . _ _ _ 1 [ Y ~ ::' - y

                    , f .w. M w n .; r n w _
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. . y i,. y
                                                                     - l'.y>.e 21 -                                                                       .
   ,                                                                                                                                                     t
                                                                                                                                  ,          s-         x
                             > adunt;      c u; .r. cms and the ! rcues C lif tlltC Branch Technical Position t r:13 1 -1 s ill not b utilized, the appropriate revision to Regulatory                                                           .

Cuiden, 1.2t, and 1.29 which have heten uned should be stated. t 4 .,. in Sc.: tion 11. -22. "P.utimated thiset.", in. t he last par.+. graph on , , Page 11.2-22, it i s n ot cicar whether the radionuclide concentrations . . aad dt.:4e coacributions are prior to plant construction or as a result 3 o f pla nt up.:rution. This ambi;;nity nhuuld he climinated. If the Ritit pumps will Le locatud in the auxillory building. s3al leakag: should occur Juring their ut.e, a large volume of water aet h ity wuuld lei.h into the auxiliary building. with 1.rimar/ coulant T tis water aill mout 1iku! / ha proccouud thrcus;h the liquid raihlauto, '


sretem. Th2 procedures by thich this 'J arge volunie of water vill be p oceuued snould be descri md in the PSAR. ...

ccti.m descriheu the cream generntor blowdown system ',." .


a. a 1.'i gr.m per etcom r,voetutor .syntem with treatment by demf ~ .:lr ai d wi..h al l treated nioudown being ret.urned to the condenser 1,.otwell. , . ',',

T.blo 1.1 -e. of Section 11.1 ind cutuu that the fraction of blowdown tI at w: 11 hu discharuuJ is 1.0; Lect li i 10.4.11 Steam Consrator Ulow-d6..en indien eu that the information on thlea cystem will be cuppliud lacce, The intormaiion in thu u oections shuuld be made consistent. ' In Se., tion 11.4. Itadiation and Proccus lionitoring, no design criters a ar. speci f i v.t. Cenural Denitu Criterla 60, 63 and 64 end itet;ulat ory i.ulde 1.21.are .:he crit. uria to whidh wonformance cho".1d be indicat e.l . 4 i e

                                                                      ' ' ~ ~ ' --          -
                  # Tr             r_     ;,;;;_ mpg            3    , , s.g.
              /                                                                                                   4
                                                         - Pano 22 -

f t I anrer 12 - Radsatin i Protection  ! i Tie Mission did not review details of the shiciding design

1. ature a and the health physics program to control radioactivity s e thin :he limits of 10-CFR Purts 20 an.150. The shield design is  !

I sed on noraci plant operations with I percent f ailed fuel which i the U .S. til:C requi rement. 1 pal:C staff askej neveral questions related to missing $nformation ) J the lack of refer 2nceu to appropi inte regulatory stif des. This 1.cter point is a genJral critirium for many sections of the PSAR. The health physico program uhonht receive special artention

                          . om P Ai C . This should include review of provisions to maintain                          i
                       . xposures as low as practicable and to insure the adequate qualificacions l

1 if key personnel. l ahanter 13 - Conduct _if Oncrations Tie Mission emphaaized the importance of the overall training I;egram for the station staff (o'perating, maintenance and technical

                            .pport personnol).          Veutinghouse utated that the training program u..ats tto requirement.+ of Regulatory Culdo 1.8.            They further s tated i iat   th.ty believe the overall program fu more extensive than that usually a pplied to their foreign projects. This includes additienal training ii crea s such as instrumentation and control, and tunintenance.
                -                  Tie tiission untas that importance of emtrengy planntng. Specific
                         ..etails of this plan sill be submitted with the FSAR. The FS AR will .

also coatain detail 8 )f the leview and Audit functions of NPC. Consideration shoul.1 ic given to au:,uring that uomo of the

ropesed 1, vieu and a Jic cui.uit. Lee he independent of !!PC.

frX_v * " ~=. m ;.m:,;;.

                                                           ...  ,_,,u,,,,,,,~-   ,,>   a -w u. e.,                        _


     ..   ,5-g*.    .
                                                                - Page 23 -

Chanter 14 - Inicial_*ests and 00c:.itim s In g.:ncraf , a comprehensive testing program is estahtished to enuurc that equipinent ami syntums will perforta in accordance with The l'SAtt cot.taina a listing design criteria prior to fuel loading. of testo saich 5as ot.ited by Westinghouac to be the came as theoc uued f c>r domen t i c U .!. . pl aa t s . Additional dura 10 of this program uill be supplied at the operating Licente stuhe of the revicu. [liapter l'. - Acc ident_ Anal _ / sis In t su accident analysis section of the PSAll, a full re.nge of the design postulated distubanc..u un.1 accidents are considered includic,1, basis loss of ecolant acci. lent (1.0CA) . The tilasion had come Jif ficulty with this sceion sinca many tables have not been included which usually nhow a sum.tary of the important assumptions used in the dose estimates. Of p articular o gnificance cru the results for the !.0CA uhich usually te mit in the highest whole body and churoid doses at .the

                               <xclusion arcanad leu population zone. The values presented on Thusa i agu 15.4. :0 are 4.8 em wanto body and 0.77 rem to the thyroid.                                      4 s aluos aru unuuually , cw hat may ruoult f rem the "shiublo" centaincicnc sancept,     ise 1 La exc unioa area, and the high couumed filter efficiencies
                                < f 99% .:1u wntui and ' 8% oegan ic.                The Hiusion recenmends that aciur l       ith a t .<planacio i be it ven ; o explain the low calculated
  • es a ong w n s.. ,6iens and their justification.

c impletc 1:scing of a 1 ciani.ricant , A satcton chan).

                                                                      ...; be added io this chapter entitled
                                 ">ostul a.. .,adi oac t i e 1:eleanes Due to 1.iquid Tank Failures". This t he conw pn nreu of a tank f ailure locate I etion u}d . idra.

1 i

           ,c?                                                                                       .- NW        ,
       ,f s -
                                                                                                     .v         ,;
 ;-v.                                                                                                               .
  .                                                                                                          s
                                                 - Pav,e 2, -                                                             ,
    ..                                                                                                        .          (

I' sutside of reseror con ainment that could resul t in release of t.3dio- , 2ctive liquid to the e viror.c. "he evaluation should convidot . (1) the radionuclide invent (.ry in the tank acauming 1% operatir.g power i liasion product source term, (2) a tank 1iquid inventory equal to 80% *

                                                                                                                  ,j, J

c ' its dc cign capacity, (3) t he mi tigating ef fects of r.,lant dasind ' 1

                     .ncludli.g ovurriew lineu and drain r.yneems, and (4) the ef fcern of                               ,
                                                                                                                  ,c d

site goulogy and hydrology. The concentrations of radionuc11dte n the rearent pocable watci supply should not exceed the limits

                   ..f 10 ClR Part 20, Appindix H. Tabic 11, Column 2, for unrestrict:ed                   .      .
                      .reas.                                                                                             #


                   , h ter 16 - Tech.iient Speell'icntic_n3.,
                                                                                                                          ;I Tha blission recommends that in the l'SAR technical specif!' ations Ia proviled chac will 14 in conforaiunce .ith the ilStlRL: Standard Technical             '
                   !pecifications.       )ncludad in Appundix A of those technical specificatiens               v. /
                                                                                                                         *l thould he the radiancti/o cifluent technical specifications in the format                    ,

that is :urrent a;: thur time. Any specificat! ion which is not included ' 5e devi cions fron t hou : in oue uhould to clearly nocod und discusned 11 the iAR. I is noted that the Technleal Spu:ifications in thu PSAP sa btitten lo not mak e any ref erencu to tha 1:escter llulldjug liue,ative

                    !tussur Cc.n t ro l S y s t eit. which is part of the l'tiPP-1 design.

4 8

  • l l


                              ~4h;nviwn                         u~-                                                                                             . .

Panc '.!5


f.*s s g,ger 17 - Dual i c / Amaur;un a 111 quality .umurance critoria ci The P:iAlt uratea that the 3

                                                                           .'in will be follound. The Minulon believeu APPethlix h to 10 cr.t Part                                                                               being that       impluv.ent at ion of su.tuy 4 !pecin of ther.e crireiin to a plent Theref ore, et special constructed out:.lde the 11.!i. will 1,e dif ficul t.

ind.3pendence aiol aut.lairity of the quality , iniportanco in t he abili t y, atsurance group of Ill'C. til'C s t at ;al t hat it iu i r. t in. prrce:m of preparing, u detailed in. alit y asuur. nce piogran, inc lu2ing a mannal which iu expect ed t o be The Mission ecn ph ted befi re f ut uance of the countrocrion penuit. snphaii?cs the itupoi tanee of the qua1i y .umuranc e area and the need

                                                                                                      ..f all r afety related
  • f c.r sc hedulud and vc 11 documvated muliu.

4 allows flPC to cenduct activitica nt the uitu. Alihour.h the cant ract d th :t unty 2 f ull auditu tic the site per year, \!esting. house state smaller "ulni" nudits would he allowe l t requently. NPC will utilize lihuneo lor uoms trainion of cloulity assura tcu pen >onael and has thu i,urvices, of. one Rhauco consultant full tit'e on Thi.> Miuaino diseunuad the possihi.!(ty q u 111 t / ausuranco i n Mani l.i. of b tv; nn llPC utaf f ann.ignud .u work ui th the kleutiny,buttua sito qualif y au.lurance group as a tremit; of nn-the- ob traluing. ' their a r" i,nulit y .auuurance stal'f will

                                                \.s utinthouca u t. h l that lhe present staf f of hu the largunt for nny of t hei r foreli n planti..

11 ikirion the ne:.t 3'yua n. the Mius.f on

                       '              3 vill increar.u to al.u u t.

a niore det ailed discosteion of rci onadnds th..t. t!cu ciur.houau .ulaai t . its i).\ p n t , t he u i t e , it.ludinr. information about the number an vel I o. i hei r i f li ut ionn. , i

                                       .. . ! , o r i e n L. .aut i ut ure .i..ti l

I 1 1 S*O. 6 } I_- ^^ ---- - ~ - , . __, *=es-.e>,,-y

                                                                                                                                                              ;_. )

[?MM"* ~ . . .. .

                                                                                                                                            ,,,      se,y       ...
                                                                                                                             #:                          j,;
     , . 4                                                                                                                                            . -
                                                                                                                                                        .1 5                                              _

Annen 1:: A. tiert: Inn Un ,lut o (or T ARA Safety fli s sion Ju te 2:1 - July 4 - l'eg icy ol' l'UAlt ,,,


1>rs paration of qu.istluns for Tcclutical '. July 5 - July 7 -

                                                                                                                                              , .1. ,. , -
                                                                                                                                                    . .s .
                         .                                               DLucusulosts                                                                       .

Ju.y 9 - Sitc Vlutt , , July 11 ,

                                                             - Teihnicsl Dlacussions at PAEC with flPC                                                        .

i cutini:houac and EDASCO . , . . . July 12 - Tuihulcal Diucussionc Continued . , ., July 13 - Teihuical Discussions Continue:1 , s July l!. - Dr.fting of Itaport b>f y July 15 - oc. feing of 1:eport 'f ,,

                                                                                                                                    '                    '1."'

July 16 - Dt. .:uu s ka ns at l'AEC of Qucations to be ' Sul>mitted to HPC ,

                                                                                                               *. _      , $.'..p. , r.o,
                                                                                                                                      + 4,i           'a.4 July 19                           - Fit 11 Dreif t of Itcport Cotuplotc(.                              .

July 20 - Fir $ 2l Draf t Edited ' . [ ' t' a July 21 - $11 : V I:. I t . , July 22 - Dit tuusion of Plusi IABA lloport with PAEC July 23 - Dit :nus!una Cont inued .

                                                                                                                                                           . ='




                       .                                                                                                                                           a p 9                                             t I

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g 'l'lll11 X 11 PAkT1Cil".tlTS AT file Tl:C11r:lc st Ml:1.TTil(;S AT PAL.C UITil t:PC, UESTU! Cit 0t!SE ..- Attn 1.'ll \SCO IJESTi t1C110llSE/I:B ASCO PAEC' Lt.S. Wilgus L.D. lue B.C. Iarnas lo E. Stutfel C.R. lluca t!. Tilford J. Feigl R. Iceul 11 . '.cshitaki A. Peters - D.D. 1,umeneca J. lisnkownky 1 i L.R. de la Paz F. Laceff q.. s R. Stark s ' b. - C. Caballin . u' 1lanalos tas

  • R. Saro 'n
l. . '


        .                                                                                                                                             c e

0.L. t.mparo II. Corcoran .. T Al* A_ 1 IlPC_ l C.T. Ibalite W.C. Durke  ; l lI.D . L:lanco .l .1) . McCull en l il . llose n l J.C. 'larreu h.ll. Tourra t l i f

'~-                ,

a 6 . 9 9 l l l

           ' ENCLOSURE 5 l

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Ats:;tTluJ ur :,n . u2;,,y Wrill id %ItL*r lu ' iter ;s tig.j m L'/d*L L or_ l'Id eL1 Ivirils 5 ,1uty I.;/.j,

                    'Vd) T11A'l' UF d.1l\t.a. LiiLQ .!U Jld.t;     l',/9, f

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                 ,                                                                                              _.                           : .i .cc t.     :                         ,,

a it ,a i f 6 J., 'i ( l *At .r WA) liased on calculatlwiss us11pj 1:uagnitudMiaL uce accelt.rationau

                      .            relatioishi at develo 4 by foreign audors, an eartliqua).e vt' auyitituJe 7.2 (iccfrER SCME) with slu.llow depth will have appru>anute (jrcurd accelerations of 0.59 - 0.39 near tha epicenter up to about 15 'ew.                                                           r     ,

0.2g - 0.01g at about 50 kas. , dirninishing to alac8t 'Jero (0) value at 300 has. fron the epice.nter. In the questions used in these calculations, the efjects. of site ecnd tions wre not taken into eca - sideration.

                                                        'Ihe resistance of buildings / structures to earth.luake of uay rnagnitude depends upon tre design of the structures is                                                                             -

by tre structural engineers. Nlt - DECO u. mutt': WE ACIEE WI'n! PACASA 11Wr A0*f i"Wrlu4 CALCULATIQJS IEECR'ItD UlW iY SO'.C AUrluhS Y1CLL> VAIRE.S Hi T11E IWG 0.510 3.3G NEAR EAku!CUAr - EPICl2tfERS UP 'IO 15 D1 hhG1 THE /CIUAL SPICutrun W1112J 'it!E EARalG(' A KE M/CJITU2E IS 7.2 h leo LEl'ul , OF ECCUS IS SHALIfW. ALSO, WE ACHEE *ntESE hUtu-ZO(IAL bOTIO4S t%Y BE Hi THE RAtG CF 0.'2C '10 .01G

  • AT AbOff 50 im Flot THE ICICAL EPICcn'Ea.

CUR STURY, RE!CMn:D UW11 111 Pt&P IElGe.S t>1uch

                                                                'IO TliE PSAR, '11fE PSAR ITSELF, AND SUBSt.O.:12tr CA.Ats tr-ATIO4 IN RES10 TEE '10 hECULA10tfl QUERIES,11AD UinM-                                  -
                                                                                                                                                                         !.a. . ,, 1 : I. s. ,!

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                                        .-                      Thn*11*O CCNCLUSIVELY T11E inCi CF /JIY Cu)L4AllC.L F/dJl r-m
                                                                                                                                                                                 .; ,, 1,. ,/                  ,[
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  • gae j L t.PACASA VK.ULD CCNCIfDU, [ESEO QJ CUR EATA,111nT ; 'U t ,-
                                                                                                                                                                                     ' s.' ~ " .U.
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1%TIO4S AT 111E SITE LD tsY AN EARus. ,UAt(E 14rus 30-35 ret

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i 1 NFC - k.basa) Ccritiunt cont 'd: gg 3xt y ,

                  .                       DISTAttr WOULD IE Bt2Lu 0.20.      '1111S ICNtulclS OUR CAUTICLE ASSIGNCIr CF ME SSE VALUE AT
                                                                           .                                               I 0.35G.


                                        'IO BE' CELIVERED 'IO STliCIURES AT TIEIR fiASE Ato
 ,                                      'IMAT CESIG4 OF ME STFUC".URES IS THad TtE RES-         .



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  • O 4

e 4

                                                                              ..4,...         ,     ,      .--r
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Shout 3 Questions tb. 6 (PACASA) ,

                              'Ihe study of geologic faults falls under the Bu.mau of MI.nes.
             .      'Ihe U.P. Department of Geology also undert.skes studies along this lire.


                                    'nE U.P. NO BELIEVE CUR FINDINCS ARE CCNSISIEW                                                                                ,

j wIm mEInS.

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                       .D 4 Cuestion No. 7 (P/G\SA)



                                                                    $h    * *
           *      's %        Q. g 8
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_ / /

                                                             .      s V %,% 7"I      %. , f m        d4%M"*w ,                                               g-t O

e e o e O O 9 0 t

Stwut S 1410 - E!.MSCD CONiltrS 04 '11tE lEstu18E OF CLt4NOL 11JCL1)DED IN T!E Ol%CL LLTTER OF 28 JU4E '10 TiiE OIAllt4AN OF '111E CCtMISS!Q4.

       -                                                                                                                 i Please rute tbt CLt4%CL did not resp:nd directly to tb qwsticns             ,

before tN Cmmission. We therefore address the CQtVCL responses in their cNn order: CDh0L Nsponse No 1 - CONOL adnits the fact tMt Volcanology is not an e. xact sciur e and as such rucrn for doubts have to te given crnsiderations. NPC - EP.RSCD CCriMENT: WE / GEE WITH MfE CQ4CI.IJSICN OF CCttv0L NO HAVE niEJEkOW s ICSCVED DESE DC1.!BrS Irrli CETEft124IUrICALLY NO Pih'./dsl- ' LISPICALLY. APPLICATICN Ci TDE SERIES NJALYSIS Th.Ct:4 KUus YIEI.DS TIE RATE OF LAEG-SCALE VCIEN4IC E1CPr10JS C44 UATAAAN PENDJSLLA 10 bE AboUr 3x10 (3 TIMES PER 100,000 YEM<S) PER YEAR. DilS VAIRE IS DJ APPICXDWTE AChLINt2tr Wfr!! E o TilAT CERIVED BY FCBIREY (1.88x10 CR DC TDES D4 10,000 ' m./,4 C4 A .. YEARS D4 T!E PHILIPPD4ES AND DJDCNESIA) 04 TIE BASIS OF D!E t h ifISIOldC fcIDIOS CF 'LAFCE ERJPPIOlS WIT 11D4 DtB 1*tt1LIIfitES M4D D1DCNESIA. BY CCNSITElt!2iG Tl!E ASti Fall DISridhUrluJ Flol ' lite Mr KA1NAI ERU1'rKrJ UF l'>12 R4D 't1LE icClu e.L CATA, ' lite R4 NUN PtOuABILITY CF VNUOUS Adli FALL Tlib.Mt.SEL:.1

                     , FALL.DJG AT T11E SITE !!AS P1124 ESPDW11D. '11tE RESUtes INLICA'It DiAT AS11 FALL MUCP BE TAKII4 EtIO CCNSICOATidl DJ T1IE LES10J CF DLE PLAttr.                                                                                    !

l 1

         **                                                                                                              1 I

1 1 I

                                                                        ,                                                1 1

Siwt ti CCMCL ffuswnse tb 2 Ebasco Servlees Inc has nudu ut Ln-depth study of the area cuid is ut - standard with the present state of art.

  • 1 NPC - EBASCO CIMDff: I
                             'WE T!!ANK COACL TOR RECCWIZD{G OUlt bOl<X AS BEING OF ME BEST GUALrrY ECSSIBLE '10 CAY. IN THIS IECARD WE tt'RITIER HOPE-             l l
                             'It!E CDMISSICH WILL BE DEURNCED BY A STA'1Dietr D4 THE PAEC                   J CENSTf0CTION PERLIT IUR UfE PIAt/P p  n
                                     " Site studies for the PNPP-1 is note.d to 1x the nost canprehensive and exhaustive ever nude in a developing country,       ,4      :

per Status Suninary 1%eport on Resolution of Issues Raised by - */ the 1978 IAEA Safety Mission to the Philippines of Ch.arles D A Willis, IAEA Nuclear Peactor Safety Expert fron the USNBC. ' N y AND OF DE IAEA SAFE'l*l MISSION, WlOSE HEPORT CLrtfAntS THE STATDEfr "The review of relatEd sections of the PSAR ard of the additional data conbined with the discussions held in July 1978 indicates that a co mrehensive series of investigations, have been conducted towards establishing suitable seismic design bases and considering the need to design for surface 9 faulting. The technig w and methods used in the investi-

  • If ,

gation tre generally regarded as state-of-the-art and ccnsis- c tent with those usea in the United States, Europe and elsewhere." CQ4CL Pesponse No 3 COMWL shares the view of the IAEA Safety Missicn that the dsnger posed by a renewed wicanic activity of Mt Natib volcanic comlex exists. , IEC - EBASCO RESKNSE i WE PN 'IO CUR C,, '1UT AIC /E CN PISiCNSE 1. Of itAS BEW ' CCNCLLtED AS THE RESULT OF OUR SltDIES Ti!AT NhXP '10 SfH2C




5 e 9

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                        \CICANIC EVDES IS S%LL, THUS REDUCLNG '11E PSCf3ABlLrrY CF OCCURPaiCE CF CATASTIOPHIC Ef7ECTS AT Atu CIVUl E01ttr.                  ,




                     . A If/E1 OF RISK hE FDO ACCEPTABLE Di VILM CF QUR 5


                       \CLCANISM CrHER 3%N ASH FALL.                                   .
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                                                                                                                                                 ,j J**               C             Z Mocipits wsCAtU INIEN1!rY Tio. 5. Craphic represcutat!ca ci selected L:sensity/se ccleration correlatiens.

OURC6. NRR7Hy 9, g' gglg g ([qq fj Eutt se s iw c 3;, c . Anca,,4 i e S


      .        .                                    i       , ,,                               s
                                                              *                 -          I   I Shuut d CDfCL Pesuonse No 4 CIMOL believes that should an eruption take place at the stuin cratar (caldera) of Mt Natib sufficient natural barriers (e.g.

drainage channels and ridges) exist to protect the plant site frm the direct effects of pyroclastic flows, gicwing avalanches, ' lava flows and direct 1.q:act of volcanic ejecta. NPC - 2ASCO CCitBC: DiIS CCNCLUSICN IS DE SME AS Tl!AT PEJCID DURLNG CUR STUDY AND If:CCEED Di TIE PSAR. CCM IL Ikrsponse No 5 CQfCL believes that eruption from any of the volearac cunplexes ' in the area is possible, not only frcm the presently cbserved " craters and vents, but virtually fr:xn any point in the peninsula, Bataan having focad by t.he coaliticn of two doniunt volcanoes - Mt Natib and Mt Mariveles. Utis possibility is exernplified by Taal. It did not cnly erupt frtxn the Main Crater (1911 eruption) \ and the recognized numerous parasitic craters (e.g. Bl.nintiang . Manti and Binintiang Malaki alternately enipted before 1749) but was able to make open its southwestern flank ard rested the eruptions frcin 1965 to 1977. NPC - EBASCO CCFMCE: BAST.D CN CUR 1::0!AUSTIVE SILOIES WE DIS / GEE CAnIDRICAILY WITH DlIS FINDD4G BY CCM\CL. UtE EDfMATICt1 CF A tOLJANIC VE2R CN '111E WEST EutE OF Mr NATIB IS tJCrf A C1 EDIBLE LV126. RECDC SCIDCIFIC STUDI!S OF AREAS LIKE IJf4U4 ItAVE IMLtiS-TRATED 'IliAT TILE DISf;14CE BEIhn21 ME SUBOUCrlui SITE ' tMANIIA TEDCI) Ato TE FITSr LINE OF \CLCAtoES (Mr NATIB AND Mr MARIVE!.LS) ALMAYS INCREASES WIT!! TLT. All tlE Pit-SE2C CASE DilS MEANS THAT NkM W4CANIC WICS MUST bE LCINW EASP OF Tile EX.ISTING W CS - EUl(11tER Ato FUl(11tLR blot TiiE O





                            ,                gIFICE !TRE DURDIG THE DirIPi LIFE (MCRE T!WJ 5,000,000
                                                                                                                          ,       ,    r":h4, .

YEARS) CF M BATAAN VCI4ANCES IS EAST OF 'IME Q:2(PERLDIE wm OF M BATAAN PD1D4Stf.A. 'IEERE ARE, ALL 'Iow, SEVEN SUOi PARASITIC FEA'IURES D1 ADDITICN TO THE PitD4ARY Vulr$ OR , CAIIERAS. ICRRTIOi CF A ECANIC VH7r Q4 THE WESr EIANK , OF Mr NATIB IS NCTP A CRECILLE EVaft BErAUSE IT HAS for HAPPD C DURING THE 5,000,000 YEARS CF OPPOR1U4ITY. af" CDMtGL Restense No 6 CQ%CL agrees with the IAEA suggestion to install a volcano noni-toring system in Me Natib and possibly in tM adjoining solcances for the purpose of predicting future activities. With this, it is expected that tinuly warnings could be issued taefore any un-pending erupticn allowing time for the imediato shutckNn . 'r of the power plant. NPC - EBASCO CCW.kNT: AT M DIRECTICN CF PAEC, NEC WILL CESIG4 AND I!h,T id.L A M24rICRDiG SYSTEM AT Mr NATIB. CCNtCL Resuonse tb 7 In con] unction with itan 6, the suggestion of IAEA to esteld an off-site fuel storage wherein radicactive natorials .could 1;a i deposited in the event that the plant is ordangered by vole mic activity should be considered. NPC - EBASCO CONDIT: , AS DIRECrtD BY P!ESIDaff MAld A LVVEIetc4T PAttEL !!AS By:1 ACr1VE EOR .' ORE THAt1 '1WO YEAf6 DJ Tl!E DJ1T1/.L Pi!ASES 0F SELECr!Ct1 CF SUQi A SrrE. ' ene 9 h n __ . _. _ .

Sleet 10 t, CIMOL Festonse No 8 CQf,CL bellews that the problem on wicanic risk has b.een suff1-ciently discussed and studied by pa.:: ties concerned and that it is just a natter of impleenting recomerdations. NPC - EBASCO CQ14El#: WE / GREE. PAEC, DE RESPOISIBLE LICalSItG At4D ROCLu'IORY , BCDY, HAS RESCLVED ALL CUISTANDRG ISSUES PAISED BY RESPCN-SIBIE REVIINERS AND HAS PRCVICED SUCH STIPULATICNS IN T1E CCNSTMJCTICH PER4IT AS EU.ND NFreeRARt EUR CQ4PLIAtCE BY NPC. d Final Paracrach Pesocnse by CrmCL. With regards to seisnic risk, Mtile CCMCL has scnw data on tectcnic earthquakes in connecticx2 with its study on relaticnship betwen tectcnic earthquakes and wicanic eruption, sane data nay have been used in the study of seismic risk cenducted by the proponent. The study en tectonic earthquakes falls t.,%r the responsibility 1 of PACASA. R:wewr, CEMCL believes that the problem has been I well discussed ard recomendaticas by I.AEA mission on this regard ) should be ccnsidered. - NPC - ESASCD CD2OC: PAEC HAS TAKEN IJEA MISSICN RECOrCDCICN nnO ACCOUta l IN ESTABLISHDG STLCULATICNS TO THE PFCJD2P COMM<UC3'ICN l PET +1IT. ALL OUTSTANDD4 ISSLTS ARE DLETOGIE NOW PESCLVED. l l l l l

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                                       '%d'G,#9#-%.,                                     ,..,              Repuuic of the Philippinos Mb l.h7.I[ jig                                                    Ministry of Natural Resources                                           .

g Q'jf BURGAU OF MINGS - A 3ll R g

 ~:                  -.4... #M         g,k;b-y                       pMW                                                                                                                                                   g%gTOM g                      rO.g#

' [' / J*uly 18,1079 #

                                                                                                                                                                     $g 1
                     ' 90.T
                                %                               The Ilonorable Ricardo Puno d Q.%
  • l g Q[n 5 Chairman, Commission on Safety y ,

N f3 l g of 13ataan Nuclear Power Plant '.'. ,./7 4{ .k g.hj;N[/,. . Room 300, PICC, Metro Manila l Lj,,, 4V, g^>v ." Q.,.v.m. n;na M ,;.u - .: .jf-sie:


3 I rg1.4-  :. , l

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if7..fd..GJ,. .g. . .i . . . The 13ureau of Mines, respunding tRa directiyp_Lo_ submit

  ' gy.jf' ,' ~                                                 a position paper containing the answer to@[ueit' ion No, G/of                                             _ ,,

N.# .!

    . s               ..u LOI No. 37G dated June 1G,1970, immediatriv made.a study of d -J                                       the photo.gnlill} of llataan Peninsula taken by satellite (I,andr at_

9%e.s.%..<y,.i I,c y' , .C ' .. I Lon6+y). MUdium and low altitude aeri

                                                                                                                                 ":hich 2n ,al photographa were                                           t m;bscquently interpreted *9.                                                        on11e iner" Hon of the
      $                           t; area was conducted un                            .luly 14 - 15
                                                                                                                                             ' '  d Key areas, parti , , 7 cularly those with th,tgu)cpts,p _l oreted on t,.bc_pbotograph.i f%jf.

d,; .f.:;. * ' were clouely investigated. A shot <. lineament is defined as , y6.! ;,l' - "ahou aerial photographs tat is structuenBv conte (Med

    >>l~              '. ,                 .;                  including any alignment of separate photographic imygh such                              . . .
      .(y. ,, c             ,

u stream beds, trees orjnp;hes that are@o.c_onj.tlo,l_1,e,il' 9(l)j,ctionar,y _

         < 'j , ,;. ,                                            qt Geoluulem Ter,mn, p.                                           Shorelino and road geologie mappine, ,

g;(' g. , .. . g was ulu,> undertal.en e .

     . , .m , ; . -                                                                                                                                                                      ... fPA' .;

w ia c .

                                                                                                                                                                                                    . p q% <

d.%+r -T,. yg.

e. -
                                                                             '"he ip- .of t he study are as follows:
  • e p.
       .>.'-f. , ff n .                                                                                     .                                                                           ,7         v ., " ,t., A-T 4
1. In the satellite photograph (Landsat Imagery se Mo J';
                                  ', , , .                        1:1,000,000) a4ovoiennnn northwest (NW) tretulin;ktifQg, v k                                                                                         (
         , g. . -

5 a out 4 kni northeaat of th'e Nuclece Power Plant Site, ag :ui

    .:..               .q.                                   , neonsnb"o.ns northeast (NE) trending systent of lineaments                                                                          (fyg v1y g       d h       t
      .,'.$.          .i.l.f.,                               passing .cu the                         sicinity of the plant site were interpeuted (see                                             .4, J fDb        .M
                   .;.g'               ,, ; f f                   l? .lt; . i).


           . - l . . e, -                                                                                                                                                                              4.t .

Fj .:..t..; ' .; -. h, , , e::~- y. ,, p 1

            p.{[J '

In tin medium and low altitude aerial photogr"phs (neale,u g g

    .MY.d.. l                                                       1:32,unn and 1:l:.,000 respectively), both the NW and NM trending                                                                                  ,
      .M'.'i"                                                      sy.cLeins of Line:nni ots are stuite clear (see Piq. 3).

W ,, . '< " '


()n the v round, the N W trendiaq sy. stem of lineanu ins

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p. .i T j -
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                                       .y.~ p? . * .7,. ;: [+..<                           .. e.
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4,s 4/ 6; ...o.
                              ; 'tA.      ,. 6                 .%* . . u-f.


y . Y.*""j,N.N ' '4. A 'northeast y.1,"v'[f. trending fault dinohut to the sonthe'
                        .f.. D E.. .                 was obs,3 wed-just southwest 07 lhe nuclear reactor ( A)                                                                               .                                            ,


  ..M,6.M.,        d@y.' .y.,3,.
                                                   .,.8{di and is qpparentls
                                                                       ,              .Nfc.(see           , .Plate located          lincament 1). According No.

agivint almm the northeast trending to Ni cEN" Mis, , P# ' this feature was reconoized by their sp olo;;ints and/or con-

    ,W e..


                      ")l:.R.                          ,. . ' tO.

sultants who.'reconunended

                                                                                              , . . ; ' y . the dir,ing of n series of trenchen                                                                }6'    -                          t wo :e. .' . .
          .). " Ub. perpendicular to the N1' trending,linu:unent. Accordind ,                                                                                                                                         Tgn 9.; : .>/.1...iM.9 , - .their observations from these trenchen negater
                                                                                                                                                         - - -           llo nvenencu                                      i                            '
    ;1. h'%..p,;,t     gh,..                        of any maior structural feature.                                                                                                                                                   ,

w v(

      .,.                  , n;.y
.V.W.. ..f;.r .t . A northeast trending fanit dinping to the om lhwst was
          " 7., ' j                                    found cast-northeast a the nuclear renetor (Outerop n)                                                                                                         '
apparently coincides with the interpreted northeast trending
. lincan.cnt No. 2.
1. .. . . ,

4 *

y. , ' ,-
                                   ;                                     A iQgggt.which dips generally to the south and who'se
  • fi..) '  ; easterrunost segtuent is the southe..unout portion of lineament No. 2 was obset".>,vd. It is i.,.,rth of Outcrop H.
     ':ui'IS';., ' '
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  . . .f S
5. The thinterpreted northeast trending lineament dG W, l is found between linenmei.tu Nos.1 and 2 (see 1'ig.,) wi , ,.
                                   'c .                  is relativNv cWo to tho intelene r":" lor. Due toQM Holl                                                                                                            ,

cover and vecctation no fich_l o. bservation could be maito-i': .. \ . afong this particular alignment.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 . ;*?


                                     .A              -


        ,%@                            d
  • I hope that thiu short paper e in help ou in your
       <(p . A,                                           inquiry.

y, ., . C.,s. ., a V ery truly yours, g, w I k. s [. n a , ~~' M -4 a

                                                                                                                                                                    . \ i. M a n o s z( (\, ' . -
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12 6 82 8 IJO A' 642 1 Wp 18. Seismicity of tlw Philippines. Region 22. (Seismicity contours are numbered in 10's erss km

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                                                                                                                               .. l Thilippbles (Repon 22: Map 1.t Table !$.2)

EXICIISioti ellll 54't$1Illrity The Phdippines Areldpelago a a large and eninplex repon, winch accounts for on - 3.2% of the world's seisinie astivity. !! consists of several arcs with associated rifts and arcas of block tectonics. T Atil.If. I5.2 l'.arthquakes of the l'hiltprinen iRepen 22) Date spurrnter .t! Omsnrents 1599 June 21 Wnila 1619 Nov. 20 N.1.u ron 1645 N,w. 30 W nila - several hundred dead 1658 Aug. 20 W uta 1675 W t. .\lindoro 1743 Jan.12 Tayatus.Iusi.n 17N7 Wy 13 Pana) 1796 Nov. 5 Wnila 1824 Oct. 26 Wnita 1830 Jan.18 1 i.< n 1852 Sep.16 5%. Lu/i a lb6) Jun. 3 wnn.. 100 dead 1869 Aug.16 $ Wu ..a 18*1 Dve.8 5 shn .ne 18"6.Jul. 26 N Nt.wi.. t 1878 Sep.16 I879 Jul. I S t.n, ... W..! n.. 1880 Jul.14 Liuen Ia89 %) 26 b.ita.1ja s. 1892 %r.16 l ui..n th97 Sep. 20. :) Isaul.... u . \!anJan. . 8.6. h ? tsunami 1897 Oe: th. o L:n . S. I. *.9 1908 Dw 14 lia s.ngas. I t.i. .n *h . 1903 Dec. Ja o:: i \ lino na-  ?.h 1997 Apr.14 S Luit.n 7.2 1911 Jul.12 N \linoan o 77 1916 Aug. !! ui; S. \linJan.w 8.3 1924 Al r.14 c: S t. \lo. .n.,.. b.3 19.14Ivl 14 .

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Attach barn:ith, wa m::s.hMfM to yea the r- -d - 51tn P:cblem @, rom: ding tbs ab:n n:tjeet (syk.c0. 03, 04-12). .. .. Xindly 4h us of the%=ctive 'actids you, tM b ,] cany c2t fcr caca. cod also.the critsein for which hstirrf:ccan bacca its <%-* h.a safety-related w. eta em i la to be.:sjecesi ar zap < rat. . . . _ '.. 2 tanks 2:e . .. f J Very truly yoces, [m or,cu$i1 ~7 ~

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DATE: 2 Februcry 1978 ' s . l-  :. " SITE PP^mm4 REIORI" SPn No* C01.03.04-12 -

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Pace 1 of 1 '

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