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Responds to Inviting Jt Greeves to Make Presentation at 42nd Annual Mtg of Health Physics Society to Be Held in San Antonio,Tx on 970629-0703.Accepts Invitation & Encls Hard Copy of Abstract of Talk.W/O Encl
Person / Time
Issue date: 02/28/1997
From: Greeves J
To: Yusko J
REF-WM-3 NUDOCS 9703130075
Download: ML20135F560 (5)



February 28, 1997 l Mr. James G..Yusko. CHP Pennsylvania Department' of Environmental Protection 400 Waterfront Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745 Dear Mr. Yuskoi I l

I am writing in response to your letter of February 6,1997, inviting me to

- make a presentation at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Health Physics Society to be held in San Antonio Texas. June 29 to July 3. 1997. I am pleased to be able to accept this invitation, and have enclosed a hard copy of the abstract l of the talk that I plan to give on "NRC Radiological Criteria for  !

Decommissioning".  !

I am :lso providing a copy of the abstract on diskette to the Secretariat off < of-the Society, in accordance with the instructions included in your le > e .


Thank you for this opportunity to participate in this important conference.


,' 's Sincerely.


. [0riginalsignedby]  !

> John T. Greeves, Director .

. Division of Waste Management j Office of Nuclear Material. Safety H s

and Safeguards 3 ; Enc 1osure: 'As stated ..

.(cd:LKaren;S.: Langley- '/

4 [)\

  1. ~

~ . ~HPS Secretariat'

, 1313 Dolley Madison Blvd.

t pp1

/ ," Suite-402 iMcLean, VA 22101 1 '

QD90eg TICKET NO. !DWM-082[/ h DISTRIBUTION: *w:or *w/o att tCentraliF,ils ;LLDP r/f JGreeves MFederline MBELL JAustin JHolonich NMSS r/f DWM t/f ACNW LBell- RNelson TCJohnson PUBLIC


NAME JKennedy/cv JWHickey Mree'v'es 3TE 2/24/97' 2/25/97 7 '2 /28/97 s OFFICIAL RLCORD COPY ACNW: DES N0.

IG : YES NO Delete file after distribution: Yes No LSS : YES NO 9703130075 970228 7~ v7 l (t?3 eon QC WE UNS Y

kutt '


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NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20666 4 001 4 o 4.,,,,g February 28, 1997 Mr. James G. Yusko, CHP Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection 400 Waterfront Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745 Dear Mr. usko I am writing in response to your letter of February 6,1997, inviting me to make a presentation at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Health Physi.cs Society to be held in San Antonio, Texas, June 29 to July 3. 1997. I am pleased to be able to accept this invitation. and have enclosed a hard copy of the abstract of the talk that I plan to give on "NRC Radiological Criteria for Decommissioning".

I am also providing a copy of the abstract on diskette to the Secretariat office of the Society, in accordance with the instructions included in your letter.

Thank you for this opportunity to participate in this important. conference.

Sincerely, John T. Greeves Director Division of Waste Management Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards


As stated cc: Karen S. Langley HPS Secretariat 1313 Dolley-Madison B1vd.

Suite 402 McLean. VA 22101

3 . ,

February 28, 1997 '

Mr. James G. Yusko, CHP 4 Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection 400 Waterfront Drive j Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745  !

Dear Mr. Yusko:

I am writing in response to your letter of February 6.1997. inviting me to l make a presentation at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Health Physics Society .

to be held in San Antonio, Texas, June 29 to July 3, 1997. I am pleased to be able to accept this invitation, and have enclosed a hard copy of the abstract of the talk that I plan to give on "NRC Radiological Criteria for Decommissioning".

1 I am also providing a copy of the abstract on diskette to the Secretariat '

office of the Society, in accordance with the instructions included in your letter.

Thank you for this opportunity to participate in this important conference. l Sincerely.


John T. Greeves. Director Division of Waste Management Office of Nuclear Material Safety


As stated

  • cc: Karen S. Langley HPS Secretariat ,

. 1313 Dolley Madison Blvd.

Suite 402 McLean, VA 22101 TICKET N0.:DWM-082 DISTRIBUTION: *w or *w/o att Central File LLDP r/f JGreeves MFederline MBELL i JAustin JHolonich NMSS r/f DWM t/f ACNW l LBell RNelson TCJohnson PUBLIC i


NAME JKennedy/cv JWHickey Mree'v'es DATE 2/24/97 2/25/97 7~2/78/97 UFFICIAL RECORD COPY ACNW: YES NO IG YES NO Delete file after distribution: Yes No LSS : YES N0 l


.s . .



U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION RADIOLOGICAL CRITERIA FOR DECOMMISSIONING. J.T. Greeves, Director (Division of Waste Management, Office of j Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC, 20555)

Over the past few years, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has placed'a high priority on the development of decontamination and decommissioning standards. The Commission initially put into place general requirements for decommissioning in 1988. These regulations addressed many of the various aspects of decommissioning a nuclear facility, including planning requirements, timing, assurance of the availability of adequate funds, and environmental review requirements.

One area that our 1988 regulations did not address was the acceptable levels of residual radioactivity for decommissioned facilities. Therefore, the NRC initiated a rulemaking in 1992 to establish appropriate radiological criteria for decommissioning. Over a two-year period, the NRC conducted a series of workshops and meetings across the country to discuss the scope, issues, and alternative approaches to the rulemaking. The discussions involved a broad cross-section of interested entities and individuals, including the Environmental Protection Agency, industry, States, local governments, Native Americans, academia, vendors, civic and environmental groups, environmental justice organizations, and other Federal agencies. The workshop and scoping discussions were used in the preparation of the proposed rule on radiological criteria for license termination that was published in August 1994 (59 FR 43200) for

  • public comment. In formulating and promulgating its final rule on radiological criteria for license termination, the Commission has given particular consideration to: (1) an all-pathways dose criterion in the range of 15 to 30 mrem per year; (2) inclusion of specific alternative criteria for certain facilities; (3) whether to include a separate groundwater standard; (4) the appropriate ,

application of ALARA based on the dose criteria selected in the final rule; (5) a greater reliance i on institutional controls; and (6) the appropriate value of the maximum dose limit permitted if restrictions should fail.

Heshh Physics Society PRESENTAT10N FORMAT: Oral only (per request of sponsor)

Annual Maung SESSION SELECTION: BB San Antonio. TX June 29-July 3.1997 PRESEN11NG AUTHOR: J.T. Greeves AFFILIATION: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commissen MAILING ADDRESS- U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, M.S. T 7-J 9 Washington. DC. 20555 TH.ffHONE: (301H15 7437 FAX: 00lH15 5397 E-MAIL ADDRESS: JTOl@NRC. GOV PRESENTER IS NOT AN HPS MEMBER SPONSOR NAME:

James G. Yusko (Sign)


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Mr. James G..Yusko CHP Pennsylvania Department 400 Waterfront Drive /f Environmental Protection '


Dear Mr. Yusko:

I am writingLin response to your letter of February 6. 1997, in ting me to make a presentation at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Health ysics Society-to be held in San Antonio Texas. June 29 f, July 3. 1997. I pleased to be able to accept this invitation, and have enclosed a hard py of the abstract of the talk that I plan to give on "NRC Radiological Cr' eria for Decommissioning".

I am also providing a copy of the abstract on disk te to the Secretariat office of the Society, in accordance with the in ructions included in your letter.

Thank you for this opportunity to_participa in this important conference.

Sin rely,  ;

i 1

1 John T. Greeves. Director Division of Waste Management Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards


As stated cc: Karen S. Langley .,

HPS Secretariat 4

t ,

1313 Dolley Ma son Blvd. ,l Suite 402 McLean. - VA P/101 ,

f TICKET NO.:DWM-082 -

1 DISTRIBUTION:/- *w or *w/o att a'< '

h Central File / " LLDP r/f JGreeves." 3 Fed'erline~"' _' JAustin JHolonich NMSS r/f

/' RNelson- . TCJohnson DWM t/f.



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'DATE G/N97 )[)f/97 2

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/ 'ACNW: YES X NO . -

IG  : 'YES NO V Delete file ^after distribution: Yes No LSS : YES NO < ' '

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