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Trip Rept of 961119 Visit to Oak Ridge Natl Lab Re Removal, Treatment,Containerization,Certification for Disposal & Transportation & Disposal of Transuranic Alpha LLW
Person / Time
Issue date: 11/27/1996
From: Gary Comfort
To: Ten Eyck E
NUDOCS 9612040236
Download: ML20135B252 (23)


.. .- .

purag p '4 UNITED STATES j

g NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION o & WASHINGTON, D.C. 2056tK1001 8 November 27, 1996

%, * * . . + p MEMORANDUM T0: Elizabeth Ten Eyck, Director Division of Fuel Cycle Safety and Safeguards, NMSS THRU: Michael F. Weber, Chief 4/

Licensing Branch '

Division of Fuel Cycle Safety and Safeguards, NHSS FROM: Gary C. Comfort, Jr.

[b Licensing Section 2 Licensing Branch Division of Fuel Cycle Safety and Safeguards, NMSS



' On November 19, 1996, I attended a Department of Energy (DOE) pre-solicitation conference for the removal, treatment, containerization, certification for disposal, and transportation and disposal of transuranic (TRU)/ alpha low-level waste at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Attached are copies of the agenda, presentation handouts, and attendance list.

The presentation focused on the background of the proposed project, arocurement issues, and the schedule of procurement. The scope of the project aas expanded from treatment of sludges containing TRU material to also include 4

' the supernate in the tanks (with undetectable quantities of TRU) and a significant number of solid wasteforms contaminated with TRU material. All of the waste would be treated for disposal at either the Nevada Test Site (NTS) or-the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) depending upon its characteristics.

The winning vendor would gain ownership of the tanks and be leased adjacent land for construction of their facility to treat the wastes. DOE would take back ownership of the tanks upon project completion; however, the vendor would be responsible for decommissioning any constructed facilities. The contract is expected to be awarded by October 1, 1997, and licensing would be expected to be completed by April 2000. The facility would be expected to begin cperations by July 2002 and to complete sludge treatment within five years. {7 '

Other waste treatment activitier may continue past this date. 1 After the presentations, there was a discussion period. Although most of the I participants were concerned about procurement issues and project details, there were a few questions regarding NRC participation. The vendors were clearly in favor of NRC licensing the project. The vendors, however, were primarily concerned about the available resources and timeliness of NRC's licensing activities and how it would impact their schedules-(DOE called for 2.5 years for licensing). Other issues related to NRC licensing included:

9ggog O M -1 5-/ q y W {

9612040236 961127 PDR ORG EUSDOE j( #ib!7 NLC 8


Elizabeth Ten Eyck 2 NRC requiremt:nts and availability of nuclear indemnification insurance for a site surrounded by DOE, whether the state (as an agreement state) would have to license any aspects of the project, and if the tanks would meet NRC's licensing requirements.

Two issues came to my attention which may require followup. First, DOE was not completely sure that systems associated with tank operations could be isolated and therefore cwid make no commitment that they would be transferred to the vendor. Second, DOE stated that DOE would do the associated NEPA work and that this had been discussed with NRC.  ;

I DOE plans to next meet with the vendors during the week of December 9, 1996, to give presentations and tours of both NTS and WIPP. A copy of this notice  !

is attached. Finally, DOE made reference that they are planning to meet with NRC sometime in December to continue discussions on this project.


1. 11/19/96 mtg agenda
2. 11/19/96 mtg handouts
3. 11/19/96 attendance list
4. Notice of NTS and WIPP presentations i

Di_stribution NRC File Center PUBLIC FCLB R/F NMSS R/F FCSS R/F



NAME GCoMt PShea(hl$ GPanhurn MWeber/k DATE 11/2,1/96 II/fd/96 11/ d /96 11/2,9/96 C = COVER E = COVER & ENCLOSURE N = NO COPY ~


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I i Elizabeth Ten Eyck 2 I 4

NRC requirements and availability of nuclear indemnification insurance for a-

site surrounded by DOE, whether the state (as an agreement state) would have
to license any aspects of the project, and if the tanks would meet NRC's o licensing requirements.  !

l 'Two issues came'to my attention which may require followup. First, DOE was not completely sure that systems associated with tank operations could be

! isolated and therefore could make no commitment that they would be transferred.

to the vendor. Second, DOE stated that DOE would do the associated NEPA work and that this had been discussed with NRC.

l' DOE plans to next meet with the vendors during the week of. December 9,1996, 2 to give presentations and tours of both NTS and WIPP. 'A copy of this notice j is attached. Finally, DOE made reference that they are planning to meet with p NRC December to continue discussions on this project.

l Attachments:

a j 1. 11/19/96 mtg agenda

2. 11/19/96 mtg handouts j 3. 11/19/96 attendance list
4. Notice of NTS and WIPP presentations




8:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. Registration 8:30 a.m. - 8:45 a.m. Welcome

. Conference Purpose

. Today's Agenda i

. Logistics l j

45 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Project Overview

. TRU Program


. Schedule

. Deliverables 9:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Question & Answers 10:00 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. Break 10:15 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Overview of Acquisition Process

. Acquisition Process to Date

. Two Step Sealed Bid Process l

. Responsibility Criteria

. Technical Qualification Criteria

. Attemate Proposals

. Acquisition Schedule

. Questions and Answers 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Lunch 1:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. Questions & Answers ,


Wdcome to the' Pre Soudtadon Conferencefor the Removal, Treatment, Containeri:adon, and Cert {ficationfor Disposal, Transportation and Disposalof Transuranic /Alphe L&evd Waste at the Oak Ridge NationalLaboratory A

E1. S. Deperonent ofEnergy Acpirition November 19,1996 m

Conference Purpose-Information Exchange Department ofEnergy Oak Ridge Operations Transuranic / Alpha Low-level Waste -

Treatment Project DraftInvitationforBid Conference Gary Riner, ORO TRUProgram hianager November 19,1996 1


Treatment Objective

  • Treatment of the Transuranic / Alpha Low-level Waste (Sludge, Supernate, Rif and Cll Solids) to:

- Meet Resource Consermtion and Recowry Act land Di,masalRestrictions

- Meet the Waste isolation Pilot Plant's Waste Acceptance Criteria (Most Current Revisig

- MeetI:evada TestSue Waste Acaptance Criteria (NVO 3D)


. .)

Available Utilities Water 1 12" line @ 75 psi 14" line FC 75 psi .

Fire Protection Process, and Petable Water Are  !

Provided from These Two Lines.

Electrical Aerial Feeder Providing 2.4kw i

Sewer Nene. MVST Area System Provided by Septic Tanka er Portable Facilmes Compressed Air None. Instrument Airla Also Not Available.

1 SludgeInformation

  • MYSTs Centain Appretimately 700 m 8of TRU Waste Sludge
  • Typical Tank lias a Botten layer of Studge Approviantely 4 Feet Deep with Depth Ranges from 19 to 68 Inches
  • Sludge IIan pil Range of 12 to 13.5 l

l 2

I i

l SludgeInformation (Cont.)

  • Shadge Contains Some fleavy Metals Listed Under


RCRA As !!asa rdous (Cadmium, Chromium, Lead, and Mercury) but TCLP lias Not Been Performed

  • Tank Surface lies a Dese Rate Greater Than 200 mrea/br Thus Requiring Remet @perations
  • Samples llave Shawn Done Rate to be 1.0-2.8 R/h Per 250ml Sample
  • Sludge Is Not Espected to be Completely 11emogeneous Radiological Consdtuents ofthe Sludge Constievent liigh Lew 15,463
  • 1,283 Total Cur 6es (Cl) 6 TRU (nCilg) 2,057 145  ;

Cesium 137 (Bqt) 634 E+05 1.94 E+05 Curium 244 (Bq g) I A7 E+05 1.64 E+04 SupernateInformation

  • MVSTs Centain Minimum 900 m 3of Supernate
  • An Aqueous Top La>er of Supernate Appresimately 6.5 Feet Deep Covers the Studge
  • Supernate lies a pil Range of 7.0 to 13.1
  • Samples llave $bews Dose Rates to be 0.10.5 R/br per 250 mL
  • Superuste is Net Espected to be Completely llamegenous l
  • Supernate Periodically Solidiraed to Meet NTS NVO-325 I

i 3

  • i l

l i

l Radiological Constituents of the Supernate Constituent fligh Lew Total Curies (Cl) 6,776 110 TRU(mCl/g) een detectable nem detectable Cesium 137 (Bq/g) 2.07 E+06 1.M E+0S Curium 144 (Bq/g) 1 t50 4 RHand CHSolidsInformation

  • At least 150 m2of retrievable Ril solids stored in approximately 102 cylindrical concrete casks
  • At least 900 m8of retrievable CII solids stored h approximately 3,400 drums and boxes
  • Solids generated from glove box operations, laboratory operations, hot cell cleanup operations, equipment repair and maintenance, sources, and radiochemical processing l

! RH and CHSolidsInformation (coat)

. Solids consist of a beterogeneous mixture of glass, plastic, tubing, filters, pumps, protective clothing, metal cans / drums, glove boxes, cloth, and other miscellaneous debris

  • Solids have not been ebaracterized for chemical and radiological characteristics to determine if they are hazardous or non-hazardous and transuranic or non-transuranic
  • Rii solids contain approximately 550 curies
  • CII solids contain appr3ximately 100,000 curies l

l 4

l l

i l

l RII and CilSolids Information (cont.)

+ Concrete Ril casks have outer dimensions of 7.5 feet high by 4.5 feet in diameter

  • Solids may contain small amounts of potentiaUy hazardous material such as mercury (light bulbs), lead (shielding), oil / solvents (cleaning l rags), unknown liquids, and unknown solids i

l i

RII and Clf Solids Information (cont.)

. Cilcontainersinclude:

- 59 metal baxes

- 99 30-gallon drwns


- 3.331 $$-gallon drums

  • Ril containers

- 102 CylindricalConcrete Casks .,

ExternalRegulations Applicable Laws, Codes, and Regulations that May be Associated with the Project include, but Are Not Limited to:

- NasamatF#,framesan Amramman(NF7'4

\ ~ TaarSubmensCaeolM(75CG l - Rameer Cmammma"aut Roanwy MINCR4

- C u w.,a M r w4 i - Chan At M CAN r '$$sy eatNean M tt1914 l

- #=rke A,sdaryCa="h=aa (NO

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1 l

ExternalPermits DOE Anticipates the Contractor Willllave to Obtain Regulatory Permits and/or Licenses famn the:

- Tennessee Department ofEnvironment and Conservation (TDEC)

- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

- Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)

Description ofServices Phase I Contractor to Obtain All Applicable Perenits and Licenses

  • DOE Will Provide up se S Gallons of Waste Sludge
  • Centracter to Perform AdditionalCharacterizaties or Tasteg
  • Centracter to Initiate laterface w6th WIPP or NTS

- Documentarum ,

- Quality Assunmce imject Plau

- Audiu

- Chamcumarnon

- Wasse Cen@ cation I

Description ofServices (cont.)

Phase II- Contractor to Perform Site Preparation, Treatment Unit Construction, and Pre-operational Testing

  • Complete Final Design of the Treatment Unit
  • Mobilize to the Site
  • Take Over Operation of MVSTTank and Vault Ventilation System
  • Provide AD Materials, Labor,and Additional Utihties for Site Preparation and Constructies of the Treatment Unit I


Description ofServices (cont.) l Phase II (cont.)

  • Meet AB Applicable Local, State,and Federal Codes and Standards
  • Perform Pmeperational System Testing er Other Operstmaal Demeestraties as Required by Applicable Permits or Licenses
  • Continue interface with the WIPP er fGS for Waste i Form certification j 1

Description ofServices (cont.)

Phase 111- Waste Treatment

  • Perform Pre-treatment Sampling and Characternation, I as Needed .I I
  • Measure Volume of Waste Sludge and Supernate in Each of the Eight Mehen Valley Storage Tanks
  • Remove the Fludge from Each of the Eight Melton Valley Sternga Tanks a Continue Reutine Malatenance sad Operat6es of the i Tank sad vault Ventilation Systems 1 Description ofServices (cont.)

Phase III- Waste Treatment (cont.)

  • Trossier the stedse and Sepernam tree the Seerage Tasks en the Comarecier's Trentaset Llos a Basshe behd Wasu Costassers and Perform Oarecerrassmee es Rogered for Treatment
  • Remove Sebd Weser from Contamers and if Regelred. Pedern Chase endrer Germag
  • Caetieur Beersfeer e6th WIPP er NT1 ee Ensure Final Wasne Cerencense
  • Trent the Wome to Meet the RCRA thR's med H1PP er MTS W AC (Current Rewmees) and Acharge a $e% veteer redernes fur Sehes
  • Prerere WAC epproved C=N i


1 1

i l

4 1

Description ofServices (cont.)

l l

Phase III- Waste Treatment (cont.)

  • Containerise and Certify sk Final Waste Farm to the 1 WIPP er NTS WAC i Phase IV - Decontamination and Decommissioning

= Perform Closure Per the RCRA Permit and Decentamination and Decommissioning (D&D) of Au l Equipment and Material Except the Existing Tanks and )

Yeasilation System. i

  • Dispose AB Secondary Waste Generated During the '



Description ofServices (cont.)

Phase III . Waste Treatment (cont.)

  • Remove All Weste er Other Centaminated Material that May Have Spuled During the Project
  • Remove from the Site All Equipment including Structures Erected by the Centracter and AB Other Centracter Materials and Equipment Associated with the Project Waste Treatment Project Schedule


A.1 i Ps .n,amag lM WW W i- ,




l 1

1 8

Project Deliverables TDEC Commissioner's Order Milestones:

  • By June 30,1998, Award Contract for First Production Increment
  • By June 30,2002 Initiate Treatment of Rii-TRU Studges
  • By September 30,2002, Initiate Shipment of Stabilized Ril-TRU Studges to WIPP l

l Statement of Work Deliverables rsasai sesa.u j

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d ash.d ' W As s.

Ps n y Dungs as,en As ly.Nbd b e.

e , dP s.a.d Lam o,es b.a e Statement of Work Deliverables (cont.)

Phaar U schedule Flaal Demgo Report eith Drawings As Comptem and Spedricamens SymemeCr . " Tesang Report As Complear FnmalEstesy Aasdysis Raport As Comp 6eer ansesses se or ar** # sport As Caanplear ES&H Fine With Bid and As Complem 9

Statement of Work Deliverables (cont.)

Phear III Schedste

% esse Studge ned Separeste Velemas As Dameressed for Each Tsak

% aste Form Corn 8 cates Ne Lawr Than Jeer 30,2006 Phase IV khedule D & D Car 6& cates Ne V Trustmens RCRA Oesere Ceruricaties As Required le RCRA Perest Statement of Work References I. WIFF WAC

2. M11B W AC
3. Weem Handbag teet Pleas & MYST $4m Intereisees
d. Cat for Utihtus
5. ORNLIJgeelim4evel %asu System leformates
6. MYST Vesana Symem premmy
7. "Seere Report"ee $amphag and Amelyes
5. RCRA Peredt by Role
9. Rad.elegical Servey Desa From MYST
30. TRU Ww Basekee levensory Report SL Femalbility $sedy for 7. . TRU Wasas la Eastleg med Modened Fedhanes IL TDEC Commesmaner's Order and Federal Fechey Agreement ORNL Liquid Low-level Waste System System Configuration

\d By Gary L Riner Pre-Solicitation Conference Draft teetsanee for Ihd Ne, DE-IB0H60R22516 November 19,1996



4 3,

I f

1 .

j Liquid Low-level Waste Design Features


  • Forty active tanks range from 50 to SO,000 i gallons in size


  • Thirteen of the 40 active tanks are 50,000
gallos size

! - Melson ValleyStomge seas:

W 24. 23, 26, 27, .28. 29. -30, and.31 ll - Esppemner Tads: C 1. and-2, and W-21. -22. auf-23 j

  • Stainless Steel Construction
  • Tanks and piping which do not meet the secondary containment and leak detection requirements of the FFA are being removed 4


i a

1 TRU Liquid Waste Flow Diagram


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J RH TRUSludge Waste Volume e sassed items'ef stades mared in the hfVris _ sevne anka old emuka, and gesues unks s

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Melton Valley LLLW Tank System

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g I

ou ama masnom c MVSTDescription

  • Storage Tanks

- 8 Tanks

- 30.000 Gallmas Each

  • Vauh

- 2 Vaulu

- 4 Taks Per Vault

  • Pumps

- 2 Mamo Pumps

- 200 GPM Each

  • Manhole

- ~19*1D

- 13' From North End of Tad

- 8 '4" Below Vault Roof Acquisition Process-to-date Feu Synapse se the Commaa Busmes Daily April 25.1996 Ralesse of First DrnA Sohaiance May 1.1996 Fhe Punohcaanen Cootemn d'*r 3.1996 DOE's Ramspi of Commens July J.1996 DOE's Rasponse to Commens Oradre J.1796 Seemnd Synopse to the Caramarm busmans Dmily Stimranner J0.1996 Release of Second Drah Soliannuan Oc* der 15.1898 12

Changes to solicitation in addition to those identifledin DOE's response to comments dated October 1,1996

  • Optional quantities identirsed in Cause B.1
  • Cause F.I Time Of Delivery revised to estend term of contreet te April 1,2009
  • Osuse I.15 Option for increased Ouentity deleted
  • Cause 1.16 Option for Separatelv Priced items revised
  • clause L38 Drur-Free workplace deleted
  • Cause L12 Telerrephie Bids deleted
  • C'ause L15 Descriptive 1,iterature deleted
  • Cause M.] Fvetustion ef Options added
  • Cause M.3 Price Related Facters deleted Attachments in Section J

= The finalsolicitation willinclude:

-then current wage determinations (AttachmentA)

-lease agreement with allthe blanksfilled in (Attachment C)

Acquisition Process Two Step Sealed Bid (FAR Part 14)

+ Step one consists of the request for, submission, evaluation, and (if necessary) discussion of a technical proposal

+ Step two involves submission of scaled priceft bids by those who submitted acceptable technical proposals in step one

+ Award to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder 13

A bidder willbe deemed:

  • Responsive if the bid conforms to the essential requirements of the invitation for bid, and

+ Responsible if the bidder meets the general and special standards stated in the invitation for bid (Clause L.9)

GeneralResponsibility Standards (FAR 9.IN sad DEAR 909.1N)

  • Adequate financial resources

. Compliance with proposed performance schedule a Satisfactory performance record

  • Satisfactory record ofintegrity and business ethics
  • Necessary organization and skills
  • Necessary equipment / facilities

. Otherwise qualified and eligible

  • Written workplace substance abuse program 7

SpecialResponsibility Standards (Clause L10)

  • Experience bandling Ril radioactive material and the removal of material from tanks

+ Satisfactory record in environmental, health and safety matters H

1 I


. )

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l l

Price i FiredwadFined Uma Price Amos ms:

1. Phase I. Ucensing med Permitang i a ACM #wra (as marawy) .

& AACJhamar l

e. C44 hrmar ks ,;

d hPDES to antamanry)

1. Phase II Design. Censtraction, and Operatiemal Tessing
3. Ptase III. Ressevel and Treatment Operations (Velasse of I)streated Wasse)  ;

m .htre j

- Gamerwuredsuemune q(7pp swer swarrs

- Ognknwal.Jte ary akkhaned qeamMas ap W l.000 cuhk anrwes eu M 1

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& E}$M 1 1

  • b 'EU4WaugeW g830 6 Whir N.rdsrs I


. Opamed.Jhr ery ademnsf pasvirass er e 700 cues answa a ors ur '

- Gememinadassahuism gpooswear sorws .

- Opsend.Jbr asy ataaknud c.anntart ap m 1300 c=&st meers  !

d sap 8 raser l

-c_ ' (sopaik erws

- Opamud,Jta ery m&#amed passerass, ap se 1.600 swk swasrs

d. Phase IV. Decentemnimation and Decessasissionier i

assess ar.suo s.uns

5. mk i Ir. : * --"

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. u 13

Alternate Bids Solicited e A bid based on the " required" delivery schedule MUST be submitted

  • A bid bared on the most cost emcient schedule as seen by the bidder MAY be submitted Acquisition Schedule Rasi,a .c ca...ete n - as, f ou Regeest far Technical P. '- (Seep One) Jannay 18. J997 Prebid Conference sad She Toer Janney 27,1997 f Technical Propeasts Due Way 1,1997 levhades for Bid Released (Step Two) Jane 2.1997 Pr6ced Bide Due AngssiJ,1997 Castract Awarded No Lier Then Ocador1 JPf7 l

)  ;

l l

4 I

i l

l l

16 i

i I'


! H. Nesteruk M4 T. Berg M4 W. Starke BNFL D. Skrincosky ADTECHS A. Benear OHM S. Hodges OHM


l H. Harmon Self R. Keenan Raytheon j R. Chance Raytheon S. du Mont HAZMED D. Schweikert J.A. Jones H. Dastmalchion Black & Veatch  !

Environmental S. Brown Horne Eng. G. Kodman Battelle T. Difilippo Raytheon P. Myers Framatone Technologies M. Christman Glasstech, G. Cunliffe Spar Aerospace I Inc.

M. Reibold Merrick M. Eisenhower Waste Control Specialists i

B. Adams Self B. Wowak Roy F. j Westottnet N. Jetta Vortec Corp. G. Benda NUKEM l

L. Peterfreund NCEIT K. Wetmore Stir-Melter j D. Miller SM Stoller A. Vaughn NFS l

T. Denmeade Red Zone G. Comfort USNRC l Robotics I J. Fabian J.A. Jones K. Jefferies SAIC ,

D. Schmidt NUKEM E. Day Pell Resources D. Mayfield IT Corp. K. Shah ALA, Inc.

B. Bath Sonsub P. Kruse Spar 4 International D. Mark DOE-Mound R. Linger Radian l

International J. Elrod Elk G. Pierce Merrick S. Reid Strategic A. Kelsey Bechtel l Sciences Environmental f R. Bannister HTA G. Hall Black & Veatch R. Meccia Foster Wheeler M. Leslie CDM Federal Environmental A TTA cs.mENr 3

1 l

1 Name Company Name Company j P. Pimentel Flour Daniel S. Sharpe BNFL, Inc.

J. Pride Foster Wheeler R. Lawson Foster Wheeler '

Environmental J. Beck EET Corp. S. Mitchell Numatec J. Boyd IT Corp. L. Smith BNFL, Inc.

D. Yannitell Parsons D. Bennert Envitco P. Hopper NMATS P. Kulligra Theta J. Goskowicz Bechtel C. Toth S.M. Stoller T. Johnson S.M. Stoller P. Venkateran TN Dept of Enyt & Cons. i M. Vestal TN Dept of S. Clark- IT Corp.

Enyt & Cons.

K. Wills Battelle G. Pennington Jacobs Eng.

M. Brownstein SEG T. Snyder SEG J. Allen Arrakis, Inc. L. Draus Framatone J. Tucker Arrakis, Inc. P. Cantin NUMATEC l

R. Eddins Dames & Moore C. Hutess S.M. Stoller j H. Haselton Waselwood F. Davis Delta 4 Int., Inc.

A. Clay DOE-CA0 E. Wannimacher Rust  !

R. Trent Foster Wheeler W. Goldsmith Theta Eng.

Environmental M. Duff SAIC R. Petersen EET TN Corp.

D. Murphy LATA F. Gardner GCS S. Carr DES J. Suminers Theta Eng.

L. Yong AIMSI S. Stockinger MMT T. Devis Afftrex Ltd. W. Oldendorf Camber W. Greenman GTSD A. Azadeth CNSI-IDSSI E. Watson Camber N. Durfee SAIC J. Smalling Canberra J. O'Hearn Morrison-Knudsen K. Chaney DOE-HQ J. Mocknick DOE-HQ D. Jessep Diversified Env. Services


-Presentations by NTS and WIPP on Waste Acceptance and Disposal Procedures .

t December 10 and 12,1996 j Nevada Test Site Presentation j The DOE Oak Ridge Operations in conjunction with Nevada Operations, is setting up a j session for potential vendors of the TRU Waste Treatment Project to acquaint vendors  !

with all the requirements and procedures for treating, packaging, transporting, and i disposing waste of at the Nevada Test Site (NTS). This NTS presentation will be held in )

Las Vegas on Tuesday December 10,1996, beginning 8:30 am at the EG&G/EM Complex in Building C-1, Room 6339. A tour of NTS will be conducted Wednesday morning December 11,1996.

Mr. Carlos Ramirez, Bechtel Nevada, is coordinating these activities for NTS. His telephone number is 702-295-1184 and fax number is 702-295-3084. Mr. Ramirez has provided a DOE /NV Security Badge Form for completion and information on the location of the presentation. If you plan on attending the NTS presentation, fax the completed Security Badge Form to Mr. Ramirez to reserve your space.  !

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Presentstion  !

Another presentation for potential vendors on the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP)  !

requirements and procedures for treating, packaging, and disposal certification at the WIPP will be presented. The presentJon will be held Thursday December 12,1996, beginning 8 am at the Pecos River Village Community Center in Carlsbad, NM. A tour of the WIPP will be conducted Friday morning December 13,1996 beginning at 7:30 am.

The tours usually finish around 1:30 to 2 pm. Those attending will need to wear leather shoes and safety glasses.

Mike Brown, Carlsbad Area Office, is coordinating these activities for the WIPP. His telephone number is 505-234-7476 anc. fax number is 505-887-0707. Mr. Brown has provided a tentative agenda, hotel and Pecos River Village Center Map, and Mesa Airlines Schedule.

If you are interested in attending one or both of these presentations, please complete the Sign-up Sheet.

arm W6 e 4
