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Discusses 961009 Generic Fundamentals Exam Administered to 179 Candidates at 24 Facilities & Statistical Results
Person / Time
Issue date: 11/27/1996
From: Boger B
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
To: Heublein R
NUDOCS 9611290372
Download: ML20134P915 (4)



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November 27, 1996 l l

l Mr. Robert Heublein, Manager l Training Activities Department Institute of Nuclear Power Operations 700 Galleria Parkway Atlanta, Georgia 30339-5957

Dear Mr. Heublein:

1 1

The October 9th,1996 Generic Fundamentals Examination (GFE) was administered to 179 l candidates at 24 facilities. The examination operated smoothly and without incident. Of possible interest to you was the larger than normal number of candidates that were withdrawn from this test administration during the last several days leading up to the l exam. Although facilities had originally registered 205 candidates to take the exam, there were 26 late withdrawals reducing the final group to 179. By contrast, there are usually no more than five to seven candidate withdrawals on any given examination. l j

The October examination summary statistical results are as follows:

BWR EYifi '

Number of examinees 55 124 Number of failures 2 11 Mean score 90.9 87.3 High score 100 98 Low score 74.7 72 Number of facilities 8 16 Number of comments 2 (2 questions) 30 (10 questions)

Facility Failures 79.00 Fitzpatrick 79.00 Catawba 74.00 Pilgrim 78.00 77.00 McGuire 78.00 Sequoyah q 74.00 0y 79.00 St. Lucie 72.00 78.00 Surry 79.00 South Texas 79.00 Wolf Creek '

79.00 Zion I 0 2G0063 {- + 1PTES 9611290372 961127 wa

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, R. Heublein l In summary, overall examination difficulty level (e.g., mean score) is acceptable and expected in a criterion-referenced examination of this type. As in previous exams since February 1992, this exam was developed using the merged INPO/NRC test bank from your catalogs. Overall, we believe this exam was a good product and a valid measure of generic fundamental knowledge.

Facility Comments and Answer Key Changea

, Two BWR facilities made comments on items 54 and 82, contending that each item had two correct answers. Based upon our analysis, we concluded that there was only one correct answer to each of the questions. However, one facility contended that item 82 required a high level of operator plant knowledge. Upon further andysis, we concurred that, indeed, there was a higher level of plant knowledge required, but not expected, of a l GFE candidate to answer the question. This fact made the item invalid for GFE use and I consequently, item 82 was eliminated from the October 9th examir.ation and from the GFE l examination bank. I

The above BWR item (82, Form A) will be deleted from the NRC examination bank.

Accordingly, that item has also been deleted from the BWR hard copy and computer i diskette enclosures to this letter so as not to be entered into the BWR examination catalog l bank in your annual catalog updates. l The PWR examination received 30 facility comments on 10 items. Based upon our

analysis of those comments, we agreed that two items-42 and 55--be adjusted to accept two correct answers. No answer key changes were deemed necessary to the remaining 8 items.

Accorr"ngly, the PWR items (#42 and #45, Form A) will be deleted from the NRC examination bank. Those items have also been deleted frorn the PWR hard copy and computer diskette enclosures to this letter so as not to be entered into the PWR examination catalog bank in your annual catalog updates.

As we have routinely done, we are enclosing both BWR and PWR hard copies of the exam as well as a floppy diskette which contains the contents of this examination along with its associated catalog input data needed for updating your catalogs, if you have any questions, please contact George M. Usova at (301) 415-1064.

Sincerely, Bruce A. Boger, Director Division of Reactor Controls and Human Factors Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


As stated

3 _.

R. HIublein In summary, overall examination difficulty lev:1 (3.g., mein score) is acc ptable and a expected in a criterion-referenced examination of this type. As in previous exams since February 1992, this exam was developed using the merged INPO/NRC test bank from your i catalogs. Overall, we believe this exam was a good product and a valid measure of generic fundamental knowledge.

Facility Commenta and Answer Kev Channes Two BWR facilities made comments on items 54 and 82, contending that each item had two correct answers. Based upon our analysis, we concluded that there was only one correct answer to each of the questions. However, one facility contended that item 82 required a high level of operator plant knowledge. Upon further analysis, we concurred that, indeed, there was a higher level of plant knowledge required, but not expected, of a GFE candidate to answer the question. This fact made the item invalid for GFE use and consequently, item 82 was eliminated from the October 9th examination and from the GFE l examination bank.

The above BWR item (82, Form A) will be deleted from the NRC examination bank.

Accordingly, that item has also been deleted from the BWR hard copy and computer l

diskette enclosures to this letter so as not to be entered into the BWR examination catalog )

bank in your annual catalog updates. '

The PWR examination received 30 facility comments on 10 items. Based upon our analysis of those comments, we agreed that two items-42 and 55--be adjusted to accept two correct answers. No answer key changes were deemed necessary to the remaining 8

itsms.  :

! i j Accordingly, the PWR items (#42 and #45, Form A) will be deleted from the NRC '

examination bank. Those items have also been deleted from the PWR hard copy and i computer diskette enclosures to this letter so as not to be entered into the PWR examination catalog bank in your annual catalog updates.

! As we have routinely done, we are enclosing both BWR and PWR hard copies of the exam

as well as a floppy diskette which contains the contents of this examination along with its j associated catalog input data needed for updating your catalogs.

If you have any questions, please contact George M. Usova at (301) 415-1064.

4 i

Sincerely, i Original signed by:

l Bruce A. Boger, Director Division of Reactor Controls i and Human Factors l- Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation i


As stated .

l i DISTRIBUTION: w/o encis.

N21 PUBLIC H O L B r/f SSpessard/BBoger G
\USOVA\GFEHEUB.6 f *See DOCUMENT previous concurrenceNAME: n $p d Ts receive e copy of stile destemment. lsmesses in ties bes: 'C' = Copy without ettechenent/ enclosure *E" is Copy with attachment / enclosure "N" = No copy j OFFICE HOLB:DRCH lC HOLB:DRCH C, DDIR:DRCy DIR:DRC%7/l NAME GUsova:rc SRichptds LSpe,ssardf ) BBoger /2

] DATE 11/J2/96

  • 11rg/96 11(4/96 11$,7/96 4


R. H:ublein

  • In summary, overall cxamination difficulty level (e.g., mean score) is acceptable and 3 expected in a criterion-referenced examination cf this type. As in previous exams since l

' February 1992, this exam was developed using the merged INPO/NRC test bank from your catalogs. Overall, we believe this exam was a good product and a valid measure of generic fundamental knowledge.

Facility Comments and Answer Kev Char =es Two BWR facilities made comments on items 54 and 82, contending that each item had two correct answers. Based upon our analysis, we concluded that there was only one correct answer to each of the questions. However, one facility contended that item 82 required a high level of operator plant knowledge. Upon further analysis, we concurred that, indeed, there was a higher level of plant knowledge required, but not expected, of a GFE candidate to answer the question. This fact made the item invalid for GFE use and consequently, item 82 was eliminated from the October 9th examination and from the GFE examination bank.

The above BWR item (82, Form A) will be deleted frcrn the NRC examination bank.

Accordingly, that item has also been deleted from the BWR hard copy and computer diskette enclosures to this letter so as not to be entered into the BWR examination catalog bank in your annual catalog updates.

The PWR examination received 30 facility comments on 10 items. Based upon our analysis of those comments, we agreed that two items-42 and 55--be adjusted to accept two correct answers. No answer key changes were deemed necessary to the remaining 8 items.

Accordingly, the PWR items (#42 and #45, Form A) will be de!sted from the NRC examination bank. Those items have also been deleted from the PWR hard copy and computer diskette enclosures to this letter so as not to be entered into the PWR examination catalog bank in your annual catalog updates.

As we have routinely done, we are enclosing both BWR and PWR hard copies of the exam as well as a floppy diskette which contains the contents of this examination along with its associated catalog input data needed for updating your catalogs.

If you have any questions, please contact George M. Usova at (301) 415-1064.

Sincerely, Original signed by:

Bruce A. Boger, Director Division of Reactor Controls and Human Factors Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


As stated .

DISTRIBUTION: w/o encis.

Central Files PUBLIC HOLB r/f SSpessard/BBoger DOCUMENT NAME: G:

  • See previo,us rrence T. + . n. m.4 concu\US0VA\GFEHEUB.6

.we v

e /.y wm.wm c . con whoui.ti= c con .=h .tt. chm.nt/.nclosur. *N* No copy OFFICE HOLB:DRCH C HOLB:DRCH C, DDIR:DRCF;lf DIR:DRCH g V NAME GUsova:rc SRichptds

! DATE LSpessardi) B8oger p 11/J2/96

  • 114.6/96 11 % /96 11$7/96 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY
