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Ack Receipt of Report of Proposed Activities in Non- Agreement States & Receipt of Initial Recognition Fee as Required by 10CFR150.20 & 10CFR170.31
Person / Time
Issue date: 01/10/1997
From: Dan Collins
To: Grabeel J
Shared Package
ML20134G435 List:
NUDOCS 9702100404
Download: ML20134G432 (2)


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January 10. 1997 Geo/ Environmental Associates. Inc.

ATTN: John Grabeel. PG Radiation Safety Officer .

PO Box 31707 l Knoxville. Tennessee 37930-1707 1 l



Dear Mr. Grabeel:

This acknowledges receipt of your Report of Proposed Activities in Non-Agreement States (NRC Form 241) dated January 2.1997, and receiot of the initial recognition fee as required by 10 CFR 150.20(b) and 10 C R 170.31 (Category 16 - Reciprocity).

License Number R-47158-C01 issued by the State of Tennessee is recognized as valid for use in non-Agreement States for up to 180 days in calendar year 1997 only. We have assigned a Location Reference Number (LRN) to each site you i have reported. New activities should be reported on the enclosed NRC Form 241  !

marked as a revision. Revisions should be faxed to NRC Region II three days j in advance of the proposed activity, along with the fee for the revision. '

There is no limit to the number of activities re)orted at one time, and one fee is charged without regard to the number on tie revision page.

Clarifications change already-reported information or cancel jobs; they require no fee. Please indicate the already-assigned LRN for the site.

Reci rocal recognition of Agreement State licenses is intended to provide a meth$d whereby you can conduct limited business within NRC jurisdictional areas. Continuing beyond 180 days in a calendar year is not envisioned, and )

Geo/ Environmental Associates should obtain an NRC license if it wishes to work  !

in NRC jurisdiction for more than 180 days in a calendar year. You should apply separately for an NRC license. An NRC license issued in response to your request would permit use at temporary jobsites anywhere in the United States where NRC retains jurisdiction. We are enclosing information on applying for an NRC license. A separate fee will be necessary for an NRC license application.

Licensed activities at Exclusive Federal Jurisdiction areas which are within the boundaries of Agreement States (including your state) are under the jurisdiction of the NRC and should be reported to us via the Form 241. We have enclosed a procedure for you to use in seeking determination of the status of federal areas. We have enclosed information on contacting other Agreement States for your convenience.

Some NRC regulations may differ from those of your Agreement State. You are responsible for the content and compliance with NRC regulations while conducting work within NRC jurisdiction. We have enclosed copies of the pertinent regulations for your use. The regulations, and your license and

" 9702100404 970110 PDR STPRG ESGGEN PDR b 'fIO

2  ;

procedures are required to be available so that staff who are occupationally exposed to radiation can view them on the way to or from licensed activities.

The Commission may, at its option, conduct an inspectic, of your activities.

Enclosed is a copy of NUREG 1600. " General Statement of Policy and Procedures for NRC Enforcement Actions." We shall notify the appropriate NRC offices and Non-Agreement States of your proposed activities.

Our fax numbers are (404) 331-7437/5559. My telephone number is (404) 331-5624. Please call should you have questions.


8 David J. Collins. Health Physicist Materials Licensing / Inspection Branch 2 Division of Nuclear Materials Safety


1. NRC Form 241 w/LRN's
2. Blank Form 241 (carbon set & fax)
3. 10 CFR Parts 19, 20, 21, 30, 71, 150, 170
4. Form NRC-3
5. NUREG 1600 General Statement of Policy and Procedures for NRC Enforcement Actions
6. Exclusive Federal Jurisdiction Identification Procedure
7. Agreement State Listing
8. NRC Form 313
9. Draft Regulatory Guide DG-0008 Applications for the use of Sealed Sources in Portable Gauging Devices Distribution (Without Enclosures 24)

'r SFND TO PtRIC DOCUMENT 000Mt /I VTS / NO OFFICE RIl;pletS ,j / RII:DNMS SIGNATURE NAME Collins @ Potter DATE 01 / /O,J 97 01/M / 97 01 / / 97 01 / / 97 01 / / 97 01 / / 97 1 COPY? j[NO) NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO OFFICIALRECOR7 COPY DOCUMENT NAME: G:\DNM5\MLIB2\RECIPR97\GE0-ENVI.LTR I and includes transmittal letters for states of West Virginia. Virginia and i Tennessee  !

l l

NRC Reciprocity Application Form 241 UPDATED -

January 2,1997 For: Geo/ Environmental Associates,Inc.

P.O. Box 31707 ,

Knoxville, Tennessee 37930-1707 7 (423) 5316378, Fax (423) 5316327 &

John Grabeel, PG, RSO b66 o R w> b { d~

Tg g ;, ggg,eo I

14. Dates Scheduled II. Gient 12. Work I.oestion From to 15. s of work
9. Gient Name and Gient Address 10. Work Location Address Telephone Contact 13. Work Location Telephone JanI,1997 Dec 31.1997 Days (per year)

LRN 610 Rawl Sales & Processing Co Sprouse Creek Slurry impoundment 304-235-4290 Mr Gary llattield 304-235-4290 Weekly Wednesday 52 P.O. Box 722 / Dehind Prep Plant across from Rawl Project Engineer Matewon. West Virginia 25678 . Sales office in Lobata. WV AtW '97 t%6 MA LRN 611 Cinchfield Coal Company Moss #3 Sluiry impoundment 540-495-4258 Mr_ Matt Cartier $40-495-4258 Periodie on as Will notify NRC 0 days P.O. Dot 7 South on State liighway 63 to llamlin, Project Engineer needed basis on a monthly VA, then le!! on State Route 615, go r- A L 1\ basis ahead of Dante,4/fAfVirginia 24237'['/ g [b about 8 miles to Moss #3 on left h 4 It'Ig dAl4 3 time LRN 001007 '(( Full time Daily / Weekly Marfork Coal Company Highway 3 Pettus WV. Turn right on 304-854-1852 Mr. Mark Schuerger Same Monitoring 152 (estimated)

P.O. Box 457 Marfork Road @ Pettus. Mr. Eric Salyer a 7 days a week Whitesville WV 25209 g through April 30.1997

  1. e , , then weekly (Weekday M!T C /87 g P'" M16 i y , (,4 WDp undetermined undetermined) 1.AN M1008 k 1.-46 Coal Company Jake Gore & Elisa Fork Slurry (304)369-1269 Mr. Ray Nixon Same Weekly Friday 52 P.O. Box 367 Impoundments Madison, WV 25130 -

Unceda. WV f

91LRd Wo 166

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TM R 97/SS-Co(

I4. Dztes Schefe. led II. Client 12. Work Location From To 15. # of Work Contact 13. Work I,ocation Telephont Jan I,1997 Dec 31.1997 Days (per year)

9. Cheat Name and Client Address 10. Work Location Address Telephone LANIW10 BIN Full Time Jan I. Full Time, then 126 Consolidation Coal Company,Inc. Same (540)498-4564 Larry RattilT Same 1997 thru Mar weekly Buchanan Mine Slurry impoundment 31,1997 (est). (undetermined)

P.O. Box 230 thereafter Mavisdale VA 24627

, weckly,

. IRN 001156 kb initial November Twice a Month 26 e Mountain Processing,Inc. liighway 421 from Pennington Gap to (540)383 4455 Keith Mohn Same ,

2I,1996 on Thursdays ller Cove Slurry impoundment State Route 352 to St Charles to Route P.O. Box 40 636 to Lone Mountain Processing Pennington Gap Virginia 24277 Security OfTice.

'97 Ma oeo/VI S.


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