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Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents Re IE Info Notice 85-40, Deficiencies in Equipment Qualification Testing & Certification Process. Search Completed.No Addl Records Located
Person / Time
Issue date: 10/04/1985
From: Felton J
To: Grade B
FOIA-85-454 IEIN-85-040, IEIN-85-40, NUDOCS 8510090484
Download: ML20133E679 (1)


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"% , , , , , #j October 4, 1985 i

Ms. Billie Pirner Garde Citizens Clinic Director Government Accountability Project 1555 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 202 IN RESPONSE REFER Washin9 ton, DC 20036 TO F01A-85-454 l

Dear Ms. Garde:

l This is the final response to your letter dated June 19, 1985, in which you

. requested, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (F0IA), copies of all records regarding IE Information Notice No. 85-40 " Deficiencies in Equipment Qualification Testing and Certification Process."


! By letter dated August 23, 1985, we provided a partial response to your

request and infonned you that staff members were continuing to search
for records. The search has been completed by the NRC staff, and no t

additional records were located.


In your telephone conversation with Mrs. Pappas on October 3,1985, in which she infonned you of the above, you inquired whether the Office of Investi-gations (01) has records subject to this request. For your infomation, j the staff informed us that the IE Notice 85-40 dealt with the quality of j cable and that 0! was not consulted on this matter.

t If you have any questions concerning this response to your F0IA request, please telephone Mrs. Pappas at (301) 492-8992.


! Si rely, _

l M. Felton, Director Division of Rules and Records Office of Administration l


! 8510090484 851004


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GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY PROJECT 1555 Connecticut Awnue, N.W., Suite 202 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202)232-8550 June 19, 1985 FREEDOW OF WyfOWATION mc muass.

FREEDOM OF INFORMATION REQUEST Fora-es-4s4 Of of Administration U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA"), 5 U.S.C. 552, the Government Accountability Project (" GAP")

requests copies of any and all agency records and information, including but not limited to notes, letters, memoranda, drafts, minutes, diaries, logs, calendars, tapes, transcripts, summaries, interview reports, procedures, instructions, engineering analyses, drawings, files, graphs, charts, maps, photographs, agreements, handwritten notes, studies, data sheets, notebooks, books, telephone messages, computation, voice recordings, com-puter runoffs, any other data compilations, interim and/or final reports, status reports, and any and all other records relevant to and/or generated in connection with IE Information Notice No. 85-40: " Deficiencies in Equipment Qualification Testing and Certification Process," as well as any and all records relevant to and/or generated in connection with this FOIA request.

This request includes all agency records as defined in 10 C.F.R. 9.3a(b) and the NRC Manual, Appendix 0211, Parts 1.A.2 and A.3 (approved october 8, 1980) whether they currently exist in the NRC official, " working," investigative or other files, or at any other location, including private residences.

If any records as defined in 10 C.F.R. 9.3a(b) and the NRC Manual, supra, and coverd by this request have been destroyed and/or removed after this request, please provide all surrounding records, including but not limited to a list of all records which have been or are destroyed and/or removed, a description of the action (s) taken relevant to, generated in connection with, and/or issued in order to implement the action (s).

GAP requests that fees be waived, because " finding the information can be considered as primarily benefitting the gene-ral public," 5 U.S.C. section 552 (a) (4) (a) . GAP is a non-profit, non-partisan public interest organization cocnerned with honest and open government. Through its citizens Clinic, GAP offers

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1 .o i FOIA REQUEST j Page Two 1 June 19, 1985 We are requesting the above information as part of an ongoing monitoring project on the adequacy of the NRC's efforts I. to protect public safety and health at nuclear power plants.

4 l For any documents or portions that you deny due to a speci-fic FOIA exemption, please provide an index itemizing and describing the documents or portions of documents withheld. The 4

f index should provide a detailed justification of your grounds for claiming each exemption, explaining why each exemption is rele-j vant to the document or portion of the document withheld. This j index is required under Vaughn v. Rosen (I), 484 F.2d 820 (D.C.

Cir. 1973), cert. denied, 415 U.S. 977 (1974).

We look forward to your response to this request within ten i days.

Sincerely, I d ib j Billie Pirner Garde Citizens Clinic Director i

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