MONTHYEARML20203H7071998-02-18018 February 1998 Forwards Copy of Results of Operator Initial Exam Conducted at Univ of Massachusetts - Lowell on 980130.W/o Encl ML20128G0571985-07-0202 July 1985 Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp of License 50-23392-01 IR 05000233/19920011985-06-20020 June 1985 Forwards Amend 1 to License 50-23392-01 ML20039C0161981-12-22022 December 1981 Supports Rejection of Governor Brown 811217 Suggestions Calling for Halt to Audit & Adoption of Util Proposal. Alleged Possible Improprieties Between Util & Consultants W/O Merit ML19338G2731980-09-24024 September 1980 Requests Endorsement 109 to Policy NF-34,Endorsement 47 to Policy MF-59 & Amends 29,30,31 & 32 to Policy B-9 ML19254E4661979-10-10010 October 1979 Forwards Amend 32 to Indemnity Agreement B-9,modifying in Course of Transportation. Requests Return of One Signed Copy 1998-02-18
[Table view] Category:DKT 30 MTL BYPRODUCT
MONTHYEARIR 05000233/20060011993-09-28028 September 1993 Matls Licensing Package for Amend 4 to License 50-23306-01 for Mappa,Inc.Control:571843 IR 05000233/19630021990-09-25025 September 1990 Safety Insp on 900910 of License 50-23363-02.Insp Findings: Documents Not Properly Posted or Otherwise Made Available IR 05000233/19630011989-09-19019 September 1989 Safety Insp on 890817 of License 50-23363-01.Insp Findings: Radiation Exposure Repts Not Provided for Two Individuals Terminated on 881119 & 890116,respectively,as Required Per NRC Regulations IR 05000233/19780011989-01-19019 January 1989 Matls Licensing Package for Corrected Amend 2 to License 50-23378-01 for George C Schwaderer,Inc ML20128G0571985-07-0202 July 1985 Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp of License 50-23392-01 IR 05000233/19920011985-06-20020 June 1985 Forwards Amend 1 to License 50-23392-01 ML20133A7681985-06-20020 June 1985 Amend 1 to License 50-23392-01 for Cold Regions Consulting Engineers,Inc,Amending Conditions 12 & 18 Re Possession & Use of Licensed Matl by or Under Supervision of Listed Individuals 1993-09-28
MONTHYEARML20203H7071998-02-18018 February 1998 Forwards Copy of Results of Operator Initial Exam Conducted at Univ of Massachusetts - Lowell on 980130.W/o Encl ML20128G0571985-07-0202 July 1985 Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp of License 50-23392-01 IR 05000233/19920011985-06-20020 June 1985 Forwards Amend 1 to License 50-23392-01 ML19338G2731980-09-24024 September 1980 Requests Endorsement 109 to Policy NF-34,Endorsement 47 to Policy MF-59 & Amends 29,30,31 & 32 to Policy B-9 ML19254E4661979-10-10010 October 1979 Forwards Amend 32 to Indemnity Agreement B-9,modifying in Course of Transportation. Requests Return of One Signed Copy 1998-02-18
[Table view] |
Inspection Report - - 1992001 |
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JUN c 0 GS Docket No. : 030-21013 License No.: 50-23392-01 Control No.: 70181 Cold Regions Consulting Engineers, Inc.
6541 DeBarr Road Anchorage Alaska 99504 Attention:
Dr. Arvind Phukan Enclosed is the NRC license amendment which you requested.
Please review the enclosed document carefully and be sure that you understand all conditions. If there are any errors or questions, please notify us so that we can provide appropriate corrections and answers.
Any future correspondence relating to your license should specifically reference your license and docket numbers to expedite your inquiry.
Sincerely, Beth A. Riedlinger Health Physicist (Licensing)
Nuclear Materials Safety Section Enclosure: Attachment A Amendment No. I to License No. 50-23392-01 8500050557 850620 REG 5 LIC30 50-23392-01 PDR l
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NZC FO%M 318 tio/80) NRCM o24o OFFICIAL RECORD COPY t u.s.ono au-4oo-247
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