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Further Response to FOIA Request for Four Categories of Records Re Proposed Rule to Reduce Use of Highly Enriched U at Research & Test Reactors.Forwards Documents in App I. Documents Placed in PDR
Person / Time
Issue date: 05/09/1985
From: Felton J
To: Hirsch D
Shared Package
ML20132D921 List:
FOIA-84-784 NUDOCS 8507170578
Download: ML20132D917 (2)




  • % *...* / O(b MAY 0 9 M5 Mr. Daniel Hirsch, Director Adlai E. Stevenson Program on.

Nuclear Policy University of California IN RESPONSE REFER Santa Cruz, CA 95064 TO F01A-84-784

Dear Mr. Hirsch:

This is in further response to your letter dated September 30, 1984, in which you requested, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (F0IA), four cate-gories of records related to the proposed rule to reduce the use of Highly Enriched Uranium at Research and Test Reactors.

In my letter to you dated April 17, 1985, I indicated that the review of two remaining documents that are subject to your request was continuing. That review has now been completed; and the documents, which are identified on en-closed Aprendix I, are being placed in the NRC Public Docurent Poon located at 1717 H S t re 0 *. ""a', 'a'athington, DC ?0%5, in file folder FO' A N 784 in your name.

This completes.NRC action on your. request. ,, ,

Sir arely, e , e..w.y . . w. .. . < , - a . v ., :. . . _ . . ., ; v . . . . . . . . . . . .. % , . , en. ......u,..,.

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i l M. Felton, Director nh dr3r- */<: ..

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/ Office of A mir'itre.*irr


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7170579 950509 FO!A RSCH94-794 PDR

i Re: F01A-84-784 APPENDIX I Documents Being Placed in the PDR

1. 03/02/84 Letters to Rep. Bevill and Sen. Hatfield from Victor Gilinsky (5 pages)
2. Undated Briefing Material for Lloyd Hearing (40 pages)

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ADLA2 E. STEVENSON CK)U.ECE SANTA CRt'Z. CAUTORNIA 95064 September 30, 1984 Director Division of Rules and Records Office of Administration REM OF INFORMATON I U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ACT REQUEST Washington, D.C. 20555 FOIA Request foQ qq

,d to-y-m l 1

Dear Director Felton:

This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act, l as amended. l

' ' I hereby request thp following documents related to a.

propose'd ~rble to Feduce'the'u'se'of H'ighly Enriched Tr&nium'(HEU) at research and test reactors:

(1) all written communications f rom January 30, 1984, to the the.above. subject be. tween no,n-NRC individuals (e.g... representatives of' reactor operators or the nucl' ear industry) and'(a) the'NRC '

ke,.He e -gvi. ,sim:4 w-G095.145$Me.rh4.shh.$he.i&osuminionan'a.J soapdjeto 4tAQh. @ swwg and'(c) other me'mbers of the'NRC Staff. '

l (2) all records for the same period of meetings and phone cor,ersatict.s betw er, r. c n - fG C i r: d i v i d t.a l s a r. c t h e individuals identified in (a), (b), and (c) above related to the HEU conversion issue.

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memor.anda, correspondence, and other written communications, including SECY documents, between members of the NRC Staff, and between the NRC Staff and the Commissioners, for the same period as to the HEU I conversion matter.

(4) the transcript of the meeting of the ACRS Subcommittee on Safeguards on June 12, 1984, in which the HEU conversion issue was discussed, as well as references 5-8 of the ACRS letter of June 18, 1984 (attached), as well as the transcript of that portion of the ACRS full meeting on June 15, 1984, in which the HEU matter was discussed.


. \

l J.M. Felton September 30, 1984 Page 2 SECY-84-211,216, and 220 need not be provided.

The material is requested on behalf of a research project of the Stevenson Program on Nuclear Policy at UCSC, a not-for-profit research center working on, among other things, a review of the policy implications of the proposed HEU conversiun rule.

The results of the study, relying in part on the materials requested, will be used in preparation of detailed comments on the proposed rule, Congressional testimony, and publication, contributing to the public debate on this matter and providino factual and analytic insights of value to the NRC and Congress as they consider the implications of going forward with the long-standing HEU conversion policy or reversing it. For these reasons, I request waiver of search and copying fees, because the material will primarily benefit the public.

I look forward to your prompt response to this request,

.as.the comment peri.od for the proposed rule.expi,res 1.n.early ...

November. If you have any ques'tions, please do not' hesitate to call at (408) 429-2833, -2555 (messages), 336-5381 (home).

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Adlai E. Stevenson Program on Nuclear Policy enclosure: ACRS letter of 6/18/84

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. j ,,. ..:a .,( , y P.S. This request does not address public comments on the proposed HEU conversion rule directed to the Secretary of the Commission in response to the Federal Register solicitation of public comment and already placed in the PDR.




, { ADVISORY COMMITTtt ON REACTOR SAFEOUARDS WAsntwoTow.D.C.sessa June 18,1984 ,

Honorable Nunzio J. Palladino Chairman U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission kashington, DC 205S5

Dear Dr. Palladino:



! During its 290th meeting, June 14-16, 1984, the Advisory Comittee on

' Reactor Safeguards reviewed a proposed rule for limiting the use of highly enriched uranium in research and test reactors and a plan to increase security measures at nonpower reactors that use high-enrichment fuel. These matters were considered also during a Subcomittee meeting in Washington, 'D.C. on June- 12,1984. .During our review, we.fiad . the .

benefit of discussions with representatives of the NRC Staff, affected users, and acvocates of reouced availability of highly enriched uranium fuel. We also had the benefit of the documents referenceo.

With,~regNd 16 the pr'op'osed rule' limiting the use of highly enriched

. uranium' in doustic research and test .r'eactors (contained in SECY wegif ge. pore gLate to base .the proposal on I bWWA.w.-(JJ.GMigy4 h'articu' Tat,e5"in'jppro ttWTutTMP'llbnprM WrWfbn-9sHey W/u.4 national ' policy as Act of 1976 than to try to tie it to an unidentified threat. If the prcposal is basec on national policy, it would be appropriate for the gcvernrer.: tc pay tr.e costs cf conversion fror high-er.richM nt (HEU) to icw-enrich: ant urar.iu: fuel (LEU), inclucing such costs as the lica. sees may incur to accomplish the conversion. The conversion should be made C mannscs.As.. funds..And fuels become available.



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shduld' grderly provide th 'e Tice'nse,eN1Wtiii,651fion'of tbhidsiorr"t'o! X ' 9' c LEU or retaining HEU and meeting appropriate security requirements.

If, as a consequence of changes needed to effect a conversion, a license amendment is requirec, then a hearing with the opportunity for public intervention is possibl'e. Before the Corrr.ission adopts a rule which neight permit unrestricted intervention, we recomend that the Comission obtain an evaluation of the course, nature, costs, and other relevant aspects of previous contested hearings involving nonpower reactors to

.l determine if the hearings are serving their intended function effec-tively. It may be that the rules regarding hearings involving low power research reactors should be different than those for power reactors.

. .<Y



June 18,1984 [

e honorable Nur.zio J. Palladino  !

V The exceptions in the propos d rule which would pe[1 nit spec reactors to continue to use highly enriched uranium fuel are appropria and should be retained.

With regard to the plan and schedule to increase security measures a nonpower reactors that use highly enriched uranium fuel, w objections to the proposals.


j Two of the Comittee members who participated i Because they are rendering advice of a general ment of this rule. nature from which their employers will gain prefere they are not required to refrain from participating in this matter.

M. W. Carbon did not participate in this review.



,j%<$/ W/.L ..

Jesse C. Ebersole Chairman f . . . . . , , -




7. 'Rulemaking Issue (SECY-84-211) from Ma 22, 1984 William J. D ,

1 + wn te, .W',4., AEn{ri s Qoners, c


he5'UPuh1oWh 4tirstdech. and:Jos1,.Jtegtors J. yM"MtW p,a.tp61 %4 l

2. Rulemaking Issue (SECY-64-216)Security from ~ William Measures at Nonpower Reactors, l comissioners,


dater May 2E, ISEt frce Williac a. Dircks for the

( 3. Pclicy Issue (SECY-64-220) Reactor Fuel Conversion


Research Comissioners , 30, 1984 l: The l > n p.-N,j . .e.c . ..fReport . peye)opments

.epc felated Issues to' KRC 'Conrii'ssfehsr01 , dated hay

%'eapons+Gr.ade @ranium top C


l i

Need to Convert Research 27, 1984 Reactors to Low California, Santa Cruz, dated Feltz,January Nuclear Science Center, Texas A&M S. Letter from Donald E. C. McKinley, Advisory Comittee on University System,'to Jchn ACRS seeting of l y 12, 1984,


Reactor Safeguards, dated June l June 12, 1984 regarding proposed rule on HEU i 6.

Letter from James J. McGovern, Business Manager, Radioch >

j Union


Carbide Corporation to D. 5. Nuclear Re l dated June 12,1984 Report by Edwin L. Zebroski, Energy Study Center l

j 7. Electric PowerResearch Institute, " Relative l l

l l

l 1

l b l

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E""' I8' #

,, Honorable Nunzio J. Palladino f

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Relation to University Research Reactors.* dated June 4 f 1984 Administrator, GA l

8. Statement of William R. Howry, License -

Technologies. Inc. .before the ACRS Subcomittee on Safeguards and ,

Security dated June 12, 1984

9. Statement of Dr. David W. Hafemeister Before the NRC Regarding the  :

Need to Convert Domestic Research Reactors from Highly Enriched to t Low-Enriched Uranium Fuels, dated June 12,1984

10. Statement of Paul L. Leventhal, Nuclear Control ACRS,Institute, Regarding Before the  ;

the Subcommittee on Safeguards and Security Need to Convert Domestic Research Reactors Froa. Highly Enriched '

to Low-Enriched Uranium Fuels, dated June 12, 1984

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