Category:Safety Evaluation Report
MONTHYEARML20129J8982020-05-0808 May 2020 ABWR DC Renewal Supplemental FSER List of Abbreviations ML20129J8962020-05-0808 May 2020 ABWR DC Renewal Supplemental FSER Appendix D Principal Contributors ML20129J8952020-05-0808 May 2020 ABWR DC Renewal Supplemental FSER Appendix B References ML20129J8932020-05-0808 May 2020 ABWR DC Renewal Supplemental FSER Abstract ML20071G2632020-03-31031 March 2020 ABWR DC Renewal Supplemental FSER Section 3.3 Wind and Tornado Loadings OGC Final ML20071G4862020-03-31031 March 2020 ABWR DC Renewal Supplemental FSER Section Short-Term Pressure Response OGC Final ML20071F3902020-03-31031 March 2020 ABWR DC Renewal Supplemental FSER Section ABWR Containment Vent Design OGC Final ML20071F3382020-03-31031 March 2020 ABWR DC Renewal Supplemental FSER Sections and ASME Code OGC Final ML20071D6952020-03-31031 March 2020 ABWR DC Renewal Supplemental FSER Section 6.3 Emergency Core Cooling Systems OGC Final ML20071D4832020-03-31031 March 2020 ABWR DC Renewal Supplemental FSER Section Shutdown Panel OGC Final ML20071D3692020-03-31031 March 2020 ABWR DC Renewal Supplemental FSER Section 9.5.1 Fire Protection System OGC Final ML20055F3142020-03-31031 March 2020 ABWR DC Renewal Supplemental FSER Section 12.3 Radiation Protection Design Features OGC Final ML20042D8062020-03-31031 March 2020 ABWR DC Renewal Supplemental FSER Section 9.1.1 New Fuel Storage OGC Final ML20023B7072020-03-31031 March 2020 ABWR DC Renewal Supplemental FSER Section Aciwa Qte, TS, & OGC Final ML20034D3552020-03-31031 March 2020 ABWR DC Renewal Supplemental FSER Section 11.4 Solid Waste Management System OGC Final ML20016A3762020-03-31031 March 2020 ABWR DC Renewal Supplemental FSER Section 2.6.8 Site Acceptability ML20016A4032020-03-31031 March 2020 ABWR DC Renewal Supplemental FSER Section Post Accident Monitoring System Qte, Dnrl, & OGC Compl ML20016A3992020-03-31031 March 2020 ABWR DC Renewal Supplemental FSER Section Suppression Pool Dynamic Loads OGC Final ML20023B0412020-03-31031 March 2020 ABWR DC Renewal Supplemental FSER Section 5.4.7 RHR Qte, TS, & OGC Final ML20016A3872020-03-31031 March 2020 ABWR DC Renewal Supplemental FSER Section 3.2.3 Safety Classifications ML20073F6382020-03-31031 March 2020 ABWR DC Renewal Supplemental FSER Section 13.5 Plant Procedures OGC Final ML20087M2322020-03-31031 March 2020 ABWR DC Renewal Supplemental FSER Section 5.4.8 Reactor Water Cleanup System OGC Final ML20087M2292020-03-31031 March 2020 ABWR DC Renewal Supplemental Chapter 1 Introduction and General Discussion OGC Final ML20086P2922020-03-31031 March 2020 ABWR DC Renewal Supplemental FSER Section 22 Fukushima Recommendations OGC Final ML20086P2882020-03-31031 March 2020 ABWR DC Renewal Supplemental FSER Section 16 Technical Specifications OGC Final ML20086P2802020-03-31031 March 2020 ABWR DC Renewal Supplemental FSER Section Class 1E Bus Isolation OGC Final ML20086P2842020-03-31031 March 2020 ABWR DC Renewal Supplemental FSER Section 13.3 Emergency Planning OGC Final ML20073K2582020-03-31031 March 2020 ABWR DC Renewal Supplemental FSER Section 8.2.5 and NRC Bulletin 2012-01 Electical Power Vunerability OGC Final ML20073J9242020-03-31031 March 2020 ABWR DC Renewal Supplemental FSER Section 2.5 Geological Seismological and Geotechnical Engineering OGC Final ML20073J6942020-03-31031 March 2020 ABWR DC Renewal Supplemental FSER Section 2.3 Meteorology OGC Final ML20073G0252020-03-31031 March 2020 ABWR DC Renewal Supplemental FSER Section 19.5 Aircraft Impact Assessment OGC Final ML20071G5222020-03-31031 March 2020 ABWR DC Renewal Supplemental FSER Section Fuel Racks OGC Final ML20071G5162020-03-31031 March 2020 ABWR DC Renewal Supplemental FSER Section New and Spent Fuel Storage OGC Final ML20071G5132020-03-31031 March 2020 ABWR DC Renewal Supplemental FSER Section Missiles Generated by Natural Phenomena OGC Final ML20071G5072020-03-31031 March 2020 ABWR DC Renewal Supplemental FSER Section 19.1 Probabilistic Risk Assessment OGC Final ML20071G5042020-03-31031 March 2020 ABWR DC Renewal Supplemental FSER Section 12.2 Radiation Sources OGC Final ML20071G5012020-03-31031 March 2020 ABWR DC Renewal Supplemental FSER Section 9.1.4 Light Load Handling OGC Final ML20071G4962020-03-31031 March 2020 ABWR DC Renewal Supplemental FSER Section 9.1.3 Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleanup System OGC Final ML20071G4912020-03-31031 March 2020 ABWR DC Renewal Supplemental FSER Section Containment Debris Protection for ECCS Strainers OGC Final ML20129J8972019-10-31031 October 2019 ABWR DC Renewal Supplemental FSER Appendix E Report by Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards ML18170A1182019-02-0808 February 2019 GEH ABWR DC Renewal Safety Evaluation for Subsection ML17065A1972018-02-0101 February 2018 Chapter 12, Radiation Protection, Section 12.2, Safety Evaluation with No Open Items, GEH Advanced Boiling Water Reactor DC Renewal 2020-05-08
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D-1 Appendix D ABWR DC License Renewal Supplemental FSER Principal Contributors Name Responsibility Anderson, Joseph Emergency Planning Barss, Daniel Emergency Planning Basturescu, Sergiu Instruments and Controls Budzynski, John Reactor Systems Caruso, Mark PRA/Severe Accidents Cushing, John S Environmental Dias, Antonio Plant Systems Dudek, Michael I Project Management Ezell Julie OGC Giacinto, Joseph Hydrology Gilmer, James Reactor Systems Green, Sharon Licensing Assistant Hansing, Nicholas James Mechanical Engineering Harbuck, Craig Technical Specifications, Regulatory Treatment of Non-Safety Systems, Availability Controls Hayes, Michelle PRA Hart, Michelle Accident Analysis Harvey, Brad Meteorology Heida, Bruce Plant Systems Hernandez, Raul Plant Systems Hernandez,Raul Plant Systems Mitigating Strategies Honcharik, John Environmental Huang, Jason Mechanical Engineering Hsueh, Kevin Radiation Control Istar, Ata Structural Engineering Johnston, Jeanne Instrument and Controls Le, Hien Plant Systems Li, Chang Plant Systems Li, Yueh-Li Mechanical Engineering Li, Zuhan Geotechnical Engineering Li,Chang-yang Plant Systems Li,Huan Structural Engineering Li, Yueh-li C Mechanical Engineering Lupold, Timothy Mechanical Engineering Krepel, Scott Technical Specifications Makar, Gregory Materials Engineering Martin, Jody OGC Martinez-Navedo, Tania Electrical Engineering Mikula Olivia OGC
D-2 Name Responsibility Miller, Joshua Reactor Systems Muniz Gonzalez, Adrian Project Management Musico, Bruce J Emergency Planning Nakanishi, Tony PRA, Plant Procedures Nolan, Ryan Plant Systems Otto, Ngola Electrical Engineering Patterson, Malcolm PRA Patton, Rebecca Reactor Systems Palmrose, Donald E.
Environmental Evaluation of NPSI Patel, Raju B Plant Systems Phan, Hanh PRA Quinlan, Kevin R.
Meteorology Rankine, Jennivine Project Management Ray, Sheila Electrical Engineering Reed, Addison Reactor Systems Roach, Kevin OGC Sacko, Fanta Electrical Engineering Salgado, Nancy Instruments and Controls Scarbrough, Thomas Mechanical Engineering Shea, James Project Management Shukla, Girija S ACRS Project Manager Spencer, Michael OGC Stutzcage, Edward Radiation Control Tammara, Seshagiri Rao Site Hazards Taneja, Dinesh Instrumentation and Control Tesfaye, Getachew Project Management Thomas, Mathew Reactor Systems Tjader,Theodore R Plant Systems Tech Specs Tseng, Ian Mechanical Engineering Vettori, Robert L Plant Systems Fire Protection Whitman, Jennifer Plant Systems Fire Progectoin Wagage, Hanry Containment Analysis Wang, Weijun Geotechnical Engineering White, Jason D.
Meteorology Williams, Donna Structural Engineering Wilson, Anthony OGC Wittick, Brian Mechanical Engineering Wong, Yuken Mechanical Engineering Wu, Cheng-Ih Mechanical Engineering Xi, Zuhan Reactor Systems Zhao, Jack Y Digital I&C