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Trip Rept of 960908-11 Visit to Greeley,Co to Attend Fourth CRCPD Workshop for LLW Regulators in Order to Inform Mgt of Possible New Policy Positions by CRCPD Affecting Licensed LLW Facilities.List of Attendees & Workshop Agenda Encl
Person / Time
Issue date: 09/26/1996
From: Neel R
To: Weber M
REF-WM-3 NUDOCS 9610070284
Download: ML20129G766 (9)


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September 26, 1996 MEMORANDUM T0: Michael F. Weber. Chief Low-Level Waste and Decommissioning Projects Branch. DWM/NMSS THROUGH: Robert A. Nelson Chief s

Low-Level Waste and Regu tor a Issues

/f Section LLDP/DWM/NMSS FROM: Robert B. Neel . Health Physicist L /~ ' b. h Low-Level Waste and Regulatory Issues Section LLDP/DWM/NMSS




To inform NRC management of possible new policy positions by the CRCPD that would affect licensed low-level waste (LLW) facilities.

Attendees: See Attachment #1 Agenda: See Attachment #2.


---Tom Kerr of the Department of Energy (DOE) Low-Level Radwaste Program, spoke briefly on ~ "; ting New Waste Forms to meet the NRC's Branch Technical Position aquirements." He expects vendors to send waste containers to DOE for testing. If DOE tests its procedures are expected to follow those proposed by NRC for testing waste forms. Kerr was not certain if the CRCPD E-5 Committee on Radioactive Waste Management would be interested in a review of the test results. In the future. DOE plans to request that the State of South Carolina review its potential protocols for testing metal containers, because it believes that SC has expertise in this area.

Kerr also indicated that the " Waste Acceptance Matrix " which is complete except for addition of disposal criteria used by the State of New York, and j the " Treatment Technologies Catalog." which contains current 3ractice, will ,

both be ready for Jublication in several months. NRC is on tie CRCPD l mailing list for tiese documents.

---Paul Merges, Chairman of CRCPD E-5 Committee, re)orted that the I I Environmental Monitoring Reports for Commercial Low _evel Radioactive Waste 961007o284 96o926 . @g g


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M. Weber . .

Disposal Sites (a ten-year effort) would be published in November 1996. He reported that a number of anti-nuclear groups have expressed interest in this publication.

---A. Wallo. DOE Environmental Safety and Health, said that DOE is moving towards a design basis as an alternative to a performance assessment basis.

It was not clear to the participants if this alternative referred only to LLW facilities or to all DOE facilities in general. and no further discussion ensued.

---J. Simek. Texas LLRW Authority, indicated that long-term impacts of radionuclides released from LLW facilities in Texas were estimated with computer models for a period of 10.000 years into the future. When I l asked him why this period was adopted, he said: "They saw it in the l literature."

---Nancy D'Albegaria. CRCPD facilitator, instructed the workshop participants in the use of the Decision Support Center (I did not attend this session). On both Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. each 3articipant in Group 1 (see column 5. Attachment #1) was seated in front of lis individual monitor screen and was instructed how to interact via the computer with the other participants. Their discussion centered around the identification of additional Suggested State Regulations that might be necessary for the licensing of two ty)es of radwaste management facilities: One operated only for DOE. and t1e other non-DOE facilities. No written documents or policies were generated from this exercise at this meeting, only exchanges of ideas and information during these sessions.

---Regina Wightman, another CRCPD facilitator, assisted Group 2 to prepare.

" Criteria for Determination of Alternatives to Disposal " the topic u]permost in the minds of the Group 2 participants (see Attachment #3). l T1e topic proposed in the agenda by T. Devine the CRCPD coordinator. I "suggest acceptable concentrations...for radionuclides in alternate i disposal methods." was not addressed. Most of participants were convinced that all these criteria must be considered in order to properly regulate an  ;

alternative t6 disposal at a LLW facility. There was no further ,

amplification of this one-page document. I l

---T. Devine. CRCPD. suggested that the Group 2 participants identify I issuec/ concerns that they could agree upon. and that could be recommended in writing to the CRCPD Board of Directors for adoption as CRCPD policy statements. With the assistance of the fac.litator, the participants formulated a number of these policy statements. Devine promised to prepare a " clean" draft of the exact text in the proposed policy statements and to fax it to all workshop participants (including'the CRCPD Board) by the second week of October 1996. I have identified below only the main ideas in the proposed statements.



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a M. Weber


  • Statement 1: CRCPD should request that national programs be ex)anded l to allow Federal agencies to accept radioactive materials for W1ich l other disposal options are not practicable (such as radium-dial sources now under military authority, or greater than Class C waste).
  • Statement 2: CRCPD should adopt the Draft Final NRC Staff Technical

! Position. " Disposition of Cesium-137 Contaminated Emission Control l Dust and Other Material." which allows disposal at RCRA-Subtitle C


disposal facilities. CRCPD should also recommend that state and federal governments adopt regulations to permit use of recycled materials l (I repeat here several significant comments on recycling by i participants. R. Turner. David J. Joseph Co., a member of CRCPD '

1 Committee E-23. Resource Recovery, commented that until a " safe"

! level for use is established, no mills will melt down metals that  !

I contain radionuclides. J. MacKinney EPA Office of Radiation

Programs. indicated that by December, 1996. EPA is expected to ,

i publish a proposed rule on recycling that will apply to all licensees  !

l and to Federal facilities.  ;

  • Statement 3: CRCPD should request that states prepare regulations l

! that would permit both burial and decay of those radionuclides with '


half-lives less than 300 days in a landfill. Regulations should be- i j initiated to allow these kinds of radionuclides to undergo decay a

.while stored at the site of their use. 4 1

i ---T. Devine CRCPD at the conclusion of the meeting, requester,that participants identify topics of interest and a location and d time for the 4 next meeting. It was decided that the next meeting of this group would be i in March or April 1997.

9 NRC- publications distributed to the participants:



  • SECY-96-103 - Regulatory Issues in Low-Level Radioactive Waste i Performance Assessment, May 17, 1996, 1

. Notifications for Disposals of Radioactive Waste by Land Burial Authorized Under Former 10 CFR 20.304, 20.302, and current 20.2002.

dated August 19. 1996.


  • Draft Final Staff Position: " Disposition of Cesium-137 Contaminated 1 Emission ~ Control Dust and Other Incident-Related Material."
  • Information on MARSSIM.



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4tn CRCPD Workshop on Low-level Rad Waste Licensing arx1 Regulation Greeloy Colorado, September 7-11,1996 Participarits into or septerrenrr 5 Diec. Tue. Wed.

WW Voice Phorse Telefax ggg g Igg gate Raoulators 41 #%24-2209 91 &323-9869 2 Yes No Denne Basey CeMomia Rest Cornrol Pegrain 1 Yes Yes Mass. Radiagon Contal Pmeram 617n27-6214 /e17/727-20P8 Salifu Dakubu No 512/s14-<708 2 No leras Radianon Commi Pmpram 512/834-e688 Was Dunn 20W424-4065 2 No Yes Conn. Radsbon Contml Program 203/424-3029 Denny Galloway 614/644-1909 2 Yes No ONo Radiadon Contml Program 614/644-277~

Marsha Howard 717/737 z' '63 717n83-8965 2 No No Rich Janasi Penn. Radiation Conpoi Psegrarn 2 Yes No Joe ICinger llL Radiaten Contml Program 217/785 4 930 217/782-1328 518/445-8390 1 Yes Yes l N.Y. Envir. Red. Contml Pmgram $13/457-2223 Paul Merges 517/335-4',o4 517/335-4706 2 No No i David Minnaar 14ch. Radiation Cormel Pmgram 80u533-4097 1 No Yes l Ray Nelson Utah Radisson Contmi Program 80u536-4272 61& 644-2727 614/644-14ne 1 Yes No l Robert Owen ONe Redission Centrol Program 803/8%d242 1 Yes Yes l Henry Porter S.C. Radasion Contml Piogram 80W896-4245 402/471-o109 1 No Yoo Howard Schuman Neb. Radission Coreal Pmeram 402/4/1-a ms 40Vn6-1295 409Pn6-2325 1 No Yes John Simek Texas LLRW Authority 1 Yes No Nancy Stanley N.J. Raduton Control Pmgram 609/984-5452 60W63}-2210 Sokdo2-3068 30V70-500 1 Yes Yes Ken Weaver Colorade Real Centrol Pogram Others 1 No No Kors Alhama Ermrocere of Utah 801/s32-1330 801/537-7345 80U262-1527 1 No Yes Rogers & Assock (assdred Stor.) 80U263-1600 Robert Baird 513/C11-477o 513/345 4306 2 Yes Yes Chris Sedet David J. Joseph Co.

30y620-1000 303/620-l'M7 2 Yes No Ted Borst Pubile Sonnes of Col, Pt. St Vrain 613/SW443 No No Don Cherie$wofth A.E.C.L Weste Mgt Systems 613/584-3311 1 303/966-4454 30W966-5713 2 Dennis Floyd Manutessuring Sosenoes Corp.

423/220-1358 423/483-4706 2  ;

Doug Jamieson S.E.G. Corp, metal melt inomty Yes Yes l DOE LLRW Program 20s/s26 8465 20s/526-9165 1 Tom Merr 202/213-9487 202/233-9651 2 Yes Yes John MedGnney EPA Omco of Redenen Programs 30U415-5399 2 No Yes Robert Neal NRC D6v. of Wasse :t , -.em 30U415 4696 301/415-6212 30u415-5389 2 No 7 George Powers NRC Omos of Reseemh 303/830-2200 305/863-8 515 1 No No Jim Reed NahonalConf.of State Lagisients 202/ sed 3915 1 No No Ed Regrk DOE Envir., Sa% & Heath 202/546-5027 513/621. 8770 513 m 2 Yes Yes Ray Tumor Devid J. Joseph Co.

203/S$6-3915 2 No No Andy Wallo 00E Envir., Safety a Heath 202/586-4996 Staff 97tF351-2$00 1 No No Nancy D'Albergaria Declulon Sigsport Contar facilastor ritY)51-2053 502/227-4543 502/2ZF2026 2 No No Terry Devme CRCPO Sc2/227-4543 502/227-7862 Yes No curt Hopkirs CRCPO 80 &l68-7769 804/868-7835 2 No No Regina Wighhnan Facilmeser for guidance documents


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5F,F-05-1996 16:16 FFON NFL iu . Aw:L:::' 'C e

un-4th CRCPD Workshop for LLRW Regulators: Development of Regulations and Guidance Sept 8 - 11,1996, Greeley Colorado, Ramada inn,970/3563000, Fax 970'352-2549 Sunday, Sept. 8-11:30 uopert to college of Busiwee Admnetrabon 12:00 Welcome, opening remarks, introduceans; Terry Devine i

15 Testing New Waste Forms to Meet BTP Requi ements; Tom Kerr j

] 12:30 "--- -- .e; tn pnennous workohep feeoanmendatons: Paul Morgoe 1

00 Lhecuesson; Regina Wightman, fanistator j 1:30 Update on DOE retenee limits; DOE Envis., Saftaly & Huath j 1:45 Update of the Weste Acceptunos Metrix, and j introduchon of the Treatment Technologies Ca:ajog'; Tom Kerr

! 2:00 Refreshmems

! 2:20 The Texas experience in LLW management; Gen. John Simei, Texas LLRW Authonty Board j 2:45 Report on the Ramp feedely cleanup; Men Woavor, Richard Graham (EPA Region 8)

] 3:30 Demonstrabon of the Deasion S@ port Center; Nancy D'Abegaria j Mo Retum to Ramada inn i 7:30 Informal docussion Group 1) steel recycling, Group 2) status of rege and guides 1

f Monde. Sept 9 CoGege of Businese Adtrunistrenen j 8:00 faf2 ELL Deceon Support Center, Nancy D'Albegaria, facilitator 1 Preotieel problem involving licensing a rad was:e management fadlity: identification of issues, quescons, i iniormabon needs, regulatione, and Suggested State Regulabone to fill regulatory ggs.

! ftGML2 contorence room, Regina Wightman, facilitator

! Sugeset acceptable conoontrabone and rates for radionuolides m dicooeal methods other than burial:

l review incineration and land terming; address Cs, Co and pipe scale in eteel recycling.

12:00 Travel to Plattaville for lunch  !

1;30 Fort 9t. Vrain C+:es

  • M., hestory, esues, challenges and lessons loamed; Ted Boret


2 30 Tour Fort St. Vrain power plant (photo ID required); led by Ted Borst l'  ;

3:45 Break i

, 4:00 Waste ir,&^ ^; m at Fort St. Vrain Those interoeted in eteel recyling may, 5:30 Retum to hotel if they wish. convene instead of the kust Tuesday, Sept.10 College of Businese Admineereben 840 Group 1 Nancy D'Abegaria, facdneter Prececal problem involving licensing, overseeing and reguWing a rad weele management facility for DOE- i ony LLRW and mhed weste within a state. Identfication of applicable rules, roGutatory gaps and Su0gested 8 tate Regulations.

Smun.2 Regina WWWman.1eemster OulBne performance acessement parameters and model staridarde for LLRW sites, noene any dif'orences for burial. assumd storase or metal recyceng.

1240 Lunch; diverse restaurants in no'0hherhood 1:00 Resume work, breaks when tmely 4:00 Concluding remartie and planning for subsequent workshooe; tod by Regina Wightman 4:30 Tnces who wish to de 40 may depart ,

5:45 Van to basebed game, A5 ants vs Rockies, (optional, pre-register with Ken Weaver, g12) 10:00 Retum to hotel Wednesday, Sept.11 opsonal tour, especes of Rocky Flots, arrange with Ken Weaver,30SN#2-3068.


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L1 .

Criteria for Determination of Alternative to Disposal -

4 Material Characteristics 1

i L Chemical and physical form j i Radionuclide concentration Quantity or volume Non-radiological hazard Radionuclide bio-hazard i Radionuclide

Half-life Fixed or removable concentration Total activity l

Disposition i

Expected future use Accessibility i

Ecosystem mobility i Period of storage Local climate and geology Pathways of contamination  !

i ,

l Constraints l Public perception and acceptance of risk j Dose or risk limit Cost ($)

1 Sources or frequency ofgeneration Existence of supporting recommendations j Other regulatory constraints l Political constraints i ALARA l Relative risk f

f N


k A Hric6 m f 3

M. Weber . .

CRCPD publications brought back from the meeting:

  • Radioactive Waste Broker and Processor Services. CRCPD notes. Sept.


  • Radioactive Materials and Devices Accepted. CRCPD notes. Sept. 1996.

. Services for Aerial Measurement of Ionizing Radiation and Collection of Radionuclides. CRCPD notes. January 1996.

Attachments: As stated i

l l

I 1

I 1

W M. Weber CRCPD publications brought back from the meeting:

. Radioactive Waste Broker and Processor Services. CRCPD notes. Sept.


. Radioactive Materials and Devices Accepted. CRCPD notes. Sept. 1996.

. Services for Aerial Measurement of Ionizing Radiation and Collection of Radionuclides. CRCPD notes. January 1996.

Attachments: As stated TICKET: LLDP-125 I DISTRIBUTION: Central File LLDP r/f NMSS r/f PUBLIC JSurmeier TCJohnson LBell MBell RMeck RES CTrottier RES LLW & RI Section ? i k receive a co y of this document in small box on "0FC:" line enter:

Copywithattackment/ enclosure;"N"=Nocopy "C" = Copy without attachment / enclosure: "E" =



NAME RNeel/cv RNdson DATE 9/19/96 9/////96 I 0FFICIAL RECORD COPY l ACNW: YES NO M Category: Proprietary or CF Only IG YES NO A LSS YES N0 1 Delete file after distribution: Yes 1 No

M. Weber /

CRCPD publications brought back from the meeting: / i

  • Radioactive Waste Broker and Processor Services, CRCPD notes, Sept.



  • Radioactive Materials and Devices Accepted, CRCPD notes, Sept.1996.


  • Services for Aerial Measurement of Ionizing Radiation and Collection of Radionuclides, CRCPD notes, January 1996.

Attachments: As stated cc: M. Federline



T. C. Johnson L. Bell /

J. J. Holonich /

M. J. Bell /

R. Meck, RES C. Trottier, RES



/ kn LLW & RI Section L ' D F- t AC TICKET:

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