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Certificate of Compliance 9177,Rev 3,for Model Nupac 10/140. Approval Record Encl
Person / Time
Site: 07109177
Issue date: 05/22/1985
From: Macdonald C
Shared Package
ML20129C987 List:
NUDOCS 8506050749
Download: ML20129C995 (4)



y------mmm----mmmA&mmmamm------- A----------m---------y CERTIFICATE OF CIMPLIANCE l socrar'* FOR RADl'lACTIVE MATERIALS PACKAOES I D REVISION NUMBER c. PACKAGE loENTIFICATroN NUMBER d. PAGE NUMBER e. total NUMBER PAGES f s ace _TiricATE NUMBER g 9177 3 USA /9177/A 1 3 y I z paE4ustE .R ..

! I a. inis c nincat. es issu.d io certiey inat in packaging and contents descrio.d in item s o.iow. m..t in.appacani. safety standards .t rortn in titi. io. cod. R l g of Federal Regulations. Part 7i

  • Packaging of Radioactiv. Matenais for Transport and Transportation of Radioactiv. Material Under Certain Conditions." g iI a. rnis cenir. cat. does not r n v. en. consignor trom comphance witn any r quirement of tne r guianons of in u s. o.panment or Transpanation or otn r R I appocani. regulatory agenci.s. 6ncluding tn. government of any country tnrougn or into wnscn tn. package will b. transported. k I iH I !N
  • 'E'*eh'e"NES^e'v'55 . ,*Y'ffEE.'t*** ' * **" ^**"S o"'r7tE"'fdo'Io'E0'E!!r'8N 'EUS"oMfa^g'#FcArioN.

II Nuclear Packaging, Inc. NUPAC application dated October 29, 1982, p I 1010 South 336th Street as supplemented. N I Federal Way, WA 98003 E I W I .. n CCn. 71-9177 8 li . c occxEr NuueER c.,. . ,- N il

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rnis coniricat. is conditionai upon voivanng in. r.quifern.ats et to crR Pan ri. as appocani.. and in. conditions speciri d o.iow- j g

(a) Packaging jU s

l y

lI (1) Model,No.: ;NUPAC 10/140 +



'i l (2) Description I n m s; / l 5 l _

Steel encased lead shielded ' cask for low specific activity material.

s' g u The cask is a right circular _ cylinder with a 66.0-inch ID by 73.0-inch j I IH cavity. The walls of the cask 1contain a lead thickness of 2.75 E I


II inches encased in 0.50-inch: thick -inner steel shelliand 1.13-inch ll thick outer steel shell. . The top cover and cask bottom are made up of lg g two s. teel plates ranging in thickness from 2.0 to 3.0 inches. The gj primary cask l'd is secured 'to the' cylindrical cask body by eight, a l 1-1/s-inch rachet binders. An ' optional secondary lid is centered in E Il the primary lid and is secured to the primary lid with eight, 3/4-inch I I s tuds and nuts. Each lid is provided with a Neoprene gasket seal.

The cask may be provided with an optional 12 gauge stainless steel ll l liner (seal welded along all edges), an optional lid vent line with y-g g,

g pipe plug, and an optional 3/4-inch drain line and pipe plug. The t J cask is provided with four equally spaced lifting / tie-down devices. I fl. The primary lid is provided with three lifting lugs and the optional I ,

i secondary lid is provided with one lifting lug. The cask has a gross lg

)l 1 weight of 56,500 pounds.

5 g (b) Drawing R I i The package is fabricated in accordance with Nuclear Packaging, Inc. E Drawing No. X-20-204D, Sheets 1 and 2, Revision No. D.

l l1 l i

5 i 1 6-1 I p l-1 I l l l' i s 5:

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I W g 8506050749 850522 f g PDR ADOCK 07109177 W g C PM y I- - - - - - - - - - - - ,nwr- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,.r- - - - - - - - n I


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Q"ge f*- c::Nonilons (continued) 2 - Certificate No. 9177 - Revision No. 3 --Docket No.

l Pa 71-9177 l 1 k I I I _

n g:

1 (b) Contents i l

I E l (1) Type and fonn of material l I k I (i) Dewatered, solids, or solidified waste, meeting the requirements t I for low specific activity material, in secondary containers; or I I E

] g (ii) Activated solid components meeting the requirements for low specific activity material, in secondary containers. l g

i R-I (2) Maximum quantity of material per package I I QCm, I Greater than Type sA, q. Ouantity; of'rddioactive material which may contain I l fissile material provided the fissile" material does not exceed the g t ll i limitsin10CFf671.53. The decay heat loadjis limited to 24 watts. I g I

I 6.

Q #

n (a) For any package containing water and/or organic substances which could i

K I radiolyticallysgenerate combustible gases, determination must be made by I tes.ts and measurem'snts or by analysis of a representative package such that l 1

J s the following' criteria"are met over a periodtof; time that is twice the g s O* h g expected shipment timeQ \ g, g

The hydrogenmk i~ k. D [/] generatedj)must' 95./limiteditoia molar qIa'ntity thaty w I (i) E I be no more than 50by v' olum'e.t(or--equivale6t limits for other inflam- I I


  • gases))of; thelsecondary contaiger; gas ioid if;present at STP I

] (i.etr'no moreithant0,06ps;mo1Ei/ftcat ,14.7 psia and 70*F); or


Tf^,A,,Mt1 qj]1 .h l

c&.f g

l l

(ii) The secondary:containerfan]d; cask avity must~be inerted with a diluent g I to assurk that(oxygerr:ntist.bijli ited;to 5% by volume in those portions i l I f l of the ' package v' which,Lcould haveihydrogen e

t.w y: greater'.than

<* 5%. L yf j l For any packag'edjel.ivered to a"caNieY for thansport,' the secondary container (

y must be prepared' for-shipment in the same manner i_n~which determination for g I gas generation is made. Shipment period begins when the package is prepared ni I (sealed) and must be completed within twice, the expected shipment time.

n 4

,{ 7 7l [

(b) For any package shipped within 10 days of preparation, or within 10 days (~

l after venting of drums or other secondary containers, the detennination in y g

g (a) above need not be made, and the time restriction in (a) above does not g I apply. g I E I 7. Maximum gross weight of the contents, secondary containers, and shoring is 1

] limited to 15,000 pounds. l l 8. Except for close fitting contents, shoring shall be placed between secondary  !!

I containers and the cask cavity to minimize movement during nonnal conditions of ltI I transport.

I F il I ll 1 il R I E I 5 I I I 'l I >

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CoNDITl NS (continu:d) p I - Page 3 - Certificate No. 9177 - Revision No. 3 - Docket No. 71-9177 N I E I N I :g  :

1 N i 9. The lid and shield plug lifting lugs shall not be used for lifting the cask, and g I -

shall be covered in transit. E l >


10. The cask shall be provided with either (or both) a drain line or a lid vent line i g as shown in the drawing in order to provide a method to leak test the package. f i
11. In addition to the requirements of Subpart G of 10 CFR Part 71: I,g ll i g

i s

I (i) Prior to each shipment, the packaging Neoprene lid seals must be inspected. N The seals nust be replaced with new seals if inspection shows any defects ly -

l or every twelve (12) months, whichevet occurs first. Cavity drain and vent g

lines shall be sealed with app?,opriate G &y * ' ' ~ sbalant applied to the pipe plug g y threads.

  • l./ /

i l


W %d, (ii) The cask must meet (the Acceptance Tests and Maintenance Program of Section 8.0 p


I of the application). In addition, the cask shall be, leak tested at least E l every twelve (12) months in accordance with Appendir,8.4 of the application.

, (

jl 12. The cask body Sand iach h g shall be marked in;acco[ dan $e#with 10 CFR 571.85 l Qi 94x /fl:7 , I I 13. The package authorized by thisscertificate;shall be transported' on a motor N <

1 inland'watercraf t . E l vehicle, railroad l car, vessel assigned;for the sole Use aircraft,[of s the lilcenseeQ,for j', hold or-deck of a fse g


t- %WD r / .

The package authorized bybth'isrcertificate is,/Chereby, approved for use under the p

i .g I general license' provis' ions of 10,CFR. 971'.12.Q~ '

> I I 95 $1 ~p j jj]?'E 4' ;y%

N l 15. Q ,- -


, s.w,nv Expiration date:(o,Marchq1h1988pyt 2'



\ sa/ ~ . ~ ,

n I Nuclear Packaging, Inc. applicition dated October 29, 1982*' 'N l t >

February 18 anbarch_24,,1983*.~ [ f g' Supplements dated: , m o I,


  • See Docket File No. 71-9159 _


I B I E p

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l lI eM /

Charles E. Mac anald, Chie N

I Transportation Certification Branch i I Division of Fuel Cycle and l

Material Safety, NMSS j i#

! Date: MY 2 7 tout  !

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I lbf I W I I I. N


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Transportation Certification Branch Approval Record Combustible Gas Mixtures Conditions were imposed on packages containing water and/or organic substances to limit the accumulation of radiolytically generated gases _

over the shipping period to preclude the possibility of significantly reducing the packaging effectiveness due to explosion. .

Part of the conditions included " must be detennined by tests and measurements of a representative package whether or not...."

There is no reason to believe that calculational methods could not be used as means of determining gas generation. So as not to preclude a valid analysis, part of the condition to limit the accumulation of radiolytically generated gases is revised to read " must be determined by tests and measurements or by analysis of a representative package <

whether or not. . . ."

The analytic approach involves detennining the hydrogen generated in the waste by radiolysis based on the absorbed dose of the waste over a given period of time. To satisfy the condition to preclude a combustible mixture, the period since closure and twice the shipping time must be considered. The calculation requires that the properties of the waste are known. These properties may be detennined from test and measurement of representative waste fonns or from data that is applicable to the waste form. The determination should be documented and retained as part of the records for the shipment.

f Charles E. MacDonald, Chief 1

Transportation Certification Branch Division of Fuel Cycle and  ;

Material Safety, NMSS Date:

'8 e