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Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Agency Records Subj to Request Encl
Person / Time
Issue date: 12/10/1992
From: Grimsley D
To: Mcgoldrick M
Shared Package
ML20128N843 List:
FOIA-92-575 NUDOCS 9302230460
Download: ML20128N839 (1)


- _ _ -

M,g /,,4s e..g U 5. HUcL L AR R[ DOL A10RY COMMILLION  % iva mum vifet an, FOIA - 92 575 e e .s. _

w wm un g t j HESPONSE TO FREEDOM OF x lwt 1 I"atm INFORMATION ACT (FulA) REQUE3T "'"


.....j DEC 101992 DOCdt NUWil419 It! apt %dhief nt oum o M. Sean McGoldrick ,

PAH11.-AGE NCY HECORDS HE L[ ASLD OR N(,T LOCAf t D #5re chei a c'tboars!

No arncy tecords sotyect to the reqmt have been loc ated No additionst ernry ret ords sutyect to the request have t+en locatut l

ReQursted records ers avadat"e theout another puhhc dismbut.on oreyre See Comments sectin%

Agent y ruoms sutgut to the reavest that are ktentihed in Append a ft$1 an e red y avai'able fod PuMc entret tson and copying at the NRC Pubhc Docun ent Hoom Jt ?O L Secct. N W , Washington DC Aynty ret oms sytyect to the rcomt that are identlued Hi Abomt mL are leg made avadable for t utac inspechon and copying at abe NRC Nbhc Document Room 2120 L Street, N W , W&nte DC, m a toider under this F O! A number ,

The nonproporte ry vces>on of the oropossiiO that you ayeed to au r et in a tHephone (onv ers20n Cth a member of my statf is naw being made avadab!c for pubhc rnspect:on and (opymg at the f.RC Pubhc Oucument Room ?120 L Strtot N W., Ash.ngton, DC, in 6 fo der under th.s FOI A number.

Arnty records s., tars t to the request that are ide niihed m Apynn . tes)__ mn be ,ny etted isnd cop +d at the NisC Local Pubhc Document Houm idenetted in the Ct,mmeets section i ociosed . nfu rnat>n, on how you may obta+n atteu to end tN coarys for c opong recoras notett> at the NHC Nbac Document Room,2120 L 6treet, 1 e N.W . W m., m on DC

)( Agency records hubiect to the request are endoned

  • Cecords svN -ct to the rraves! have been refored to another hdM a:W Ant for aview and d wt ruponse to you f ecs


S os 41 be bSed hby t e NRC r fo fem totahng a $_9 b__

-e You win recewe a rer und hom the NRC in the amount of 5 ._

In view of NRC's regionse to tNs request, no f urther action is bem;1o e" un enmaa letter dated _ No ,

PART H A-INF ORMAllON ult HHE LD F HOM FUf1LIC OlbCLOSUH1 Certain information in the reuvem d recoros is being vdthNfd from outu disclosure pu svari to te e enter etions described in and fur the reasons etsied e

in Iart Il, B. C, add D. Any reieeled D0rtiJns GI the dXuments I Or whic h only g grt of the tsce/d 4 beir g withheld are t>Nng made 6,adable tDr pduc insDection and CQ0,mg 1D the NHC Nblic Dxument Room, ? t ?O L 5'reet, N W , Wainington, DC in a fo! der under this F OI A wrnt te COMME NTS

  • Enclosed is a computer printout listing Grant Awards in Texas in FY 90-FY 92 For CFDA 77.003.

The fees associated with the processing of your F0I A request are as follow 3:

Clerical Search - 15 minutes e $3.04 CPU Processing Cost = $6.00 Total = $9.04


UR L, Ot H E (10 Divipe 4 i t I 0iDOM Of shi OHM f A f KrN AND Pol'c ICA11045 St R elCE S MGM-)/k l k Q Mt& '

1 9302E20460 921210 PDR FOIA I/)s MCCOLDR92-575 PDR ,

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