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Discusses ,Which Informed Commission of Plan Not to Pursue Export Application for Grohnde Station Unit 1 & 2. Request That Application Fee in Listed Amount Be Refunded
Person / Time
Issue date: 10/11/1996
From: Gerard Jackson
To: Noss D
Shared Package
ML20128L374 List:
NUDOCS 9610150035
Download: ML20128L369 (3)



~* October 11, 1996

, Siemens' Power' Corporation  !

--ATTN: D. L. Noss Safeguards Specialist' Nuclear Division 2101 Horn Rapids Road

'P.O. Box 130 l Richland, WA 99352- i 1

' Gentlemen:

J This refers to your June 5,1996, letter informing the' Commission that you do not plan .to pursue your export application for Grohnde Station Unit 1 l (XSNM-02898), .and requesting a refund of the $2,900 application fee.

Please note.that Section 170.12(a) of Part 170 of the Commission's regulations, copy enclosed, provides that application fees will be charged irrespective of the Commission's disposition of the application or a withdrawal of the application. If, however, an application for which the appropriate fee has been paid is. withdrawn prior to the staff commencing its l review, the fee would be refunded. Since the licensing staff spent considerable ~ time reviewing your application prior to withdrawal,- the fee is not refundable.

If you have any questions, please let me know. My telephone number is 301-415-6057.

4 Sincerely, Glenda C. Jackson, Chief l License Fee Section License Fee and Accounts Receivable Branch Division of Accounting and Finance Office of the Controller l


10 CFR 170.12(a)


L. Tremper, OC/DAF/LFARB/ARS R. Messier, OC/DAF/LFARB/LFS OC/DAF LFARB RF (w/o encl)

R. Hauber, OP OC/DAF RF (DAF-6 145)

8. Wright, OP OC/DAF SF (LF3.2.2) (w/cy inc & encl)

License File'XSNM-02898_(w/cy inc & encl) '

sNUDOCST(ML-61) (w/cy inc & encl)s

  • PDR'(w/cy'inc & encl)'


<r.-i.. \.0AF6-145 r a g . m i. a. w c .c a m w .-6 r - c.,y .iin <s < <6 s . u. cy.


tutE I k GCJacksonk M DBDandois D b nAtE- 3 /' /96 -


9610150035 961011 ]'


l l I

l i

l l

g geguidory Commissioti

$ 170.12

pas, p A construction permit, license,

! ally of compliance, or other ap- accompanied by a remittance in the

  • god for by, or issued to, a full amount of the fee. Applications

!ning b nt agency, except where the subject to fees for which no remittance

ortu[a* teng> on is authorized by statute to is received will not be processed and an ****tmeg ,sch fees, may be returned to the applicant. All 8t Ieston bn g N M paserved] applicauen fees will be chswed irre-g gisse spooMegastests?00miqHoposF b $g. owned research reactors ly for educational trai t1 f"

! clos. o ^-=gl i

asadsamio research purooses. For ning

oun, of this exemption, the term (b) IJeense fees.

resciar means a nuclear reac- (1) Fees for applications for materials i,MooneeMREW gy %esased by the Nuclear Regu*

licenses not subject to full cost reviews g 8h8406 4 gg 8 must accompany the application when it is filed.

d DemstilP ty Commission under section 104c.

$ Atomic Energy Act of 1964 (42 8 (2) Fees for applications for permits

'ston. DC C 8g4(c)) for operati n at a ther- and licenses that are subject to fees  !

bon ago N 86 ,,,,f level of 10 megawatts or based on the full cost of the reviews are

"**g,, , es p tfand

,, .lleensed for operation at payable a upon notification by the Com-IEC e ,,,g) power level or more than I applicant at mission. The NRC intends to bill each t' 8"3' M ,gp,stt, does not contain--

quarterly intervals for all

> ***6* accumulated costs for each application

! m e se 4 A circulating loop through the the applicant has on file for Commis-I , :s which the licensee conducts sion review until the review is com-is asperiments; f5 **igsha y A llquid fuel loading; or pleted. Each bill will identify the appil-cations and costa related to each.

C An espsrimental facility in the (c) Amendment fees and other required no laterlandh e to excess of 16 square inches in p and mese,us ,,,peection, approvals. (1) Amendment fees for ma-pquirmammans ,, terials licenses and approvals not sub-jon A4t et g y Activities of the Commission un- ject to full cost reviews must accom-cann, pursuant to part 75 of this pany the application when it is filed.

I (2) Fees for applications for license sus'8 n of th 1 S/I S - amendme ,

der mq

! . ,ere Agreement. ap p als and requests for dismantling, decom-missioning, hI8*****tua ' N1 Co asion may, upon ap- and termination of 11-pn fees egna te pauon by an interested person, or censed activities that are subject to .

see sia own initiative, grant such ex- cm of the mdew am payaMe escoes from the requirements of this upon notification by the Commission.

The NRC intends to bill each applicant mit er meEm art as it determines are authorized by at quarterly intervals for all accumu-to, o eseggg ' se and are otherwise in the public in-lated costa for each application the ap-ifor a 8 MllIB plicant has on file for Commission re-LF 'G"' W 2 Applications for exemption under to garsgraph may include activities view until the review is completed ex-

    • P88"'8E0 cept for those costa relating to amend-

'tdrial **use en ns. but not limited to, the use of ment and other approvals for early site est amesecut , asesed materials for educational or apply te mED ===amarcial public displays or sci- permits that were deferred before Au-scial am assp esoc conections. gust 9,1991. These costs will be billed itgeria, in a deferred manner consistent with 4a m lese, Aug.1, 4 Jan. 6, in Iges, as amended at 36 that addressed in paragraph (d)(4) of ces te een this section. Each bill will identify the

,", f:,f,((i; 38 FR l I 18173, Sept 10, fig,heb 1, '1 applications and costa related to each, rodert 8uuan as his 31. lado: to FR 21302, May 21, leet; material licenses an)d approvals not(d) Re scial assamur He atu. May 23,1se0; 86 FR 31400. July 10 ataistay y a B FR 3001'i, July 20,1994; 80 FR 32288, subject to full cost reviews must ac-me a.1816) masartaLsp 9 company the application when it- is filed.

ad ed ender - 6 ' (2) Fees for applications for mnewals

t. . Each application that are subject to the full cost of the

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _V 'itich a fee is prescribed _ _ . .


" ' " 'shall .-


' payable

. ha. _ _ _ _upon

. . notificaHe. - _


l l

l DAF Action Items Actions DAF-6-1453 Siemens Power Corp - Grohnde Station Priority Item (*) OC#2 9610S EDO#2 1

Duo Date 96/08/21 Completion Dates Responsible: LFARB D3te Received: 96/06/25 Craments (1)- June 23, 1996 LETTER TO: Ms. Trisha Dedik, DOE, l

. FROM Ronald Hauber, OIP,


Letter requesting l I

DOE to withdraw export license application for Grohnde.

(2) June 5, 1996 LETTER TO NRC, Attn.: R.D. Hauber, OIP, FROM D.L. Noss, Siemens,


Request for withdrawal of export application for Grohnde Station Unit 1, Siemens Power Corporation, j m

l i

4 3