ML20128H784 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 10/28/1992 |
Shared Package | |
ML20128H788 | List: |
References | |
FOIA-92-384, RTR-NUREG-0940, RTR-NUREG-940 EA-88-302, NUDOCS 9302170162 | |
Download: ML20128H784 (5) | |
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_a stp W Listi g Q J . ,~ - qp\ '\- RESPONSE TO FREEDOM OF ;S] m lpm'^t dQ*/j N . . . . . /,
OCT 2 81992 pa r t 1 rwyn H & w s;i menet flD(l@ 1OD .
PAR 7 f.. AGE NCY RECORDS ret E ASIO OH NOT LOCAT E D der c M A r tImm No erncy recwas ss%ect to the reu u han twen hathf No alt t.ooat v ocy re:or.!s se ett to the requtst t ave been to;ated Newsta.t rew-as a'e he4Ne thre 7 avthe r dc% ton prorem D e Cur" meats sectio %
/ Arnt( ruerdi ssb;Kt to the rew#.t t' 6t re ident ' ed in Appt ed.a w re alt My whine for pubbc impM tion 6rd top,vi at the
/N N RC PuM : Dx unnt Rom 2120 t Stu et N W . ,3sh M on DC.
Arncy ret ords obst tu the a queu that oc identihed in Append nies; yte . ., re teng ma je adaMe for pubbc instntion and coprang at the NRC Punc Drument fe'om. 2120 L Stuet. N W Wevon. DC. in a Udtr undo the F OI A nutte The nonpronnetary vr osion of the proposamt that you ayeed to eccept in a tt + Aont-(oneniition mth a twmbee of my stof f n now being irwir ava :able f or pubhc. %,n t sn sod (op r n) at the N F J. Pv9c Dovent Paom 2120 L SUcet N W Mungton. DC. in a fw er uwb r 14s I Ol A noinber A gnc y r ec o'ds subje.! to the re: pest that a'e identihed in A ppend a teL . _ re st be st4p+ cted end (c p ed at the N RC loc 0 Pubhc Docu~ ent Huom identified in t' e Comments sec tion.
g g L ntlosM is ir !sonatio , on hua you ma y oM61n r : m to u"d l' Wf s 6- r y recoros tccateJ et the NHC PiL4 I4cumert Houm,2120 L $t eet,
'N -N W , W r).agion DC
, .o A rnt , m_ ds swin t to the es ;ont are endw-' _ ._ _ _ . . _ _ _ ._
P t t ord1 Lbl oc t to the req #st t+ c l+en nfroM to o t h<
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Yw ma 14 bad by " e h R C f v 4 s t ot* ; 5___._._ _
Y ou e d. ime a ref und hur s the N HC m the pount of $ ____ . . _ _ _ _ , .
in Wr* cf N R C's espo"se to t' : r ecpest no Nm . < art e .s t.ema 14 en on a:+. a: ietu r daed . . _ _ ._ . N o _
'/ Certon inf e mation m the reatped re:ords is t'eing wht heid from petdic d:ickasse ps saant to i s tes empwms described in ami for the reasons statM in Port II. O C. and D. Any relOC part es of t% (Lce e"u 6 #ch c*y t rt ( 8 the record is t eir g A.thbeM re t eing mer evaM!e f or pubh:
entMction end c@vi g in t' e hRC Mc DM umW Roo+ 2120 L E1reet, N W , Uutton, DC m a f:Mer unde- this F OI A nunkt.
C 'PM N T S In a telephone conversation on 10/8/92 with Connie Pappaa, you re-scoped your requect to the recorda identified on the enclosed Appendices A, B and C. For your information, the staff informed us that certain records are available in the Local Public Docuent Room (LPDR) located at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. The contact at the LPDR is Ma. Eileen Brown, Reference /Docuitenta Librarian, William Madison Randall Library (Depository), 602 S. College Road, Wilmin0 ton, NC 28403.
Telephone numbera 919-393-3760 or 919 395-3277. In your conversation with Mrs. Pappas you niso agreed to submit a new FOIA requent if you need additional records. You were informed that the Statement of Estimated Fees, which was sent to you on 9/23/92, was cancelled since you nurrowed the scope of your requent.
_' Al.
VFf DiRI U "j. ph,1510N O f R[t.pov or is p W AT ION AND PUB L M. A T IOM $t R v iC( 5
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FOIA -Q g OCT 2 81H2 y e PAHT 11 R- APPLICABd b!MAiONS flecords sut> ject to the requer,t that are dextitied in the enc'osed Appendodes)_ sie t.eing othheid in their entirety or in part under the Enemptiott No.(s) and for the f eason(s) given tielow I.eursuant to 6 U $ C %2M and 10 CF ft 917(s) of N RC regutanons, ,
1, the wohheid mformetnin 4 proved, tlessAed pesvent to laewtwe Oroer, deemsmon 11
. ~ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ - _ _ _ . _ . _ . _
- 2. The withhted mf ormanon 'etstes sole *y to the it terne' oc'so'inei tules and p'ocedees of NHC (t aampt on 7) 3 the mthteid ,s speofic e!'y es e,mpted f<pm pub 6c o sciosure t., statun wecated. (g sempt.or,33 -
Lectens 141 145 of tu Atom 4 Inergy Act. wNth probitrts the dadosure of Reitotuo Data of Formerly Restocad Date 147 U S C,216121%L Supon 147 of the Atomic Enegy Ad. nh4h prohituts the disciowe of Unc estf.ed ta'eguards Inform:0on142 U S C.2167L 4-
. - .The mmheid information a a tiede secret o' commert
_- - ~.~~~- --- - si ce hnancial ,<4emation the se t,eing n<thheid for the ernstemas
-.-w - -. --- indSsted n.sempt'on 4) ,+.-
Y the ento,te ate es vi enf mmation
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The mtwn aig,n a runodered to te p<orme*try mfoernate pursuans to 10 Cf A ; ?90tdatl
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we ie.o.,n.non ... .am.,ned omf ,e_e d ~, w.,, ~.. .a ,e w Cm eu r, e .. .-
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- 6 The mihbeid mtn'rt
- ene cowsts o' ge erm, e < gem 'et t al n e a ..e +e y m e d o e,e-9 es q 6tv. * (f mempbon 6L AppbeaNe Pr v er.
>chberanve Pro < ess (tsciesure of peedet .sior'a* enfeme n on avoid umf to r%t the os en end bank eet ter of ideen, to the tietwetive svocest n T heet m:sp get nr, fraptmeWy le yegefle f af tuel
[\ Wheff\ pOthont tecOfbetd3 8vse af the t mthhe.d d6ette ofmthe (herf M enteetg.
it *DJd Ot9fRI the fAh g(1smddMt pg ing d%"tstogRf Cgblyl'ie o'eWyet fleustim Amtet n ett,ess At p*fer N rfppdept.
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-Attemn wms poet om_de9e __ Dot I wer;ts pei a o be en vrome, e < mwow .a u w.te <
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Attwney t,hent prMep. (Cont dent # comm utatais an 14teten an sno# rey and t 4 be thent] .
6 The *>tewid mtwmai<on is e semrrets Imm pubw d are to am ts d u en n *o.1 'e se en a ver, ra,"emen Nese M re< sons + pnvecy (f nemption 0 -
7 the nithheid nN<mc on e nas in of en enos comp,ir-d tw raw entwr emer,t panes erut is oc,ng *,thheid f or it-e eeasonian ,,as c nied (E nemptioft 7) ,
! 04doeure could seasonsuy t>e empersed to mterfe's with an entrarcement peo,eed.<48 basuie et touid neveel the irope, dM.<>n, and focus of enteet.ement efforto end 1% cow pmuy show <rc+ets to take er t.on to sh e4 puer +r *iory%ng or a vannon of N AC rewnements If Dm mvettigatorg {[pempt.oq F QAt) .
Diedewe would (oost tute en we a enar +e ins asion of pe<sont pmocy tt memphon 7(Cll T he H en ( ogs b ( f d*e s VI r ' b . 4 % # U) 'A N
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_I PART IL D _ APPE At RIGHTS The denist t>y each denying off, cia: utent,0ed in Part fl,C may 14 appeCed to the Appehate Othe # utentde Me. Any such appeo must te enade m wineg mttun 30 days of rece+t of this ;xponse. Appas!s must b4 addressed. as appropnate, to the imecut;we Derecto# for Operanons. to the Secretary of the Commission, or to the inspector General U S< Nursest Repstory Commission, Washington, DC 70%$. and should clearly staa on the envelope and in the letar that it ii en " Appeal from en Imtial F Ot A Decision."
NRC FORM 464 (Part 2) (1911 - U S. NUCLEAR REGUL ATORY COMM!$$10N -
t' i Re:- FOIA-92-384 !
- 1. Undated Listing of Escalated Actions Contained in HUREG-0940 (1 page) - HOTE: You may obtain the listed records from the PDR by referring to the accession numbers which are handwritten in pencil.
r t
W y -a,1s e
e ,
b Re FOIA-92-384 APPENDIX D !
- 1. Undated Two Tables showing the Annual Whole Body Doses at Certain HRC Licensed Facilities and _
the Annual Whole Body Doses at Licensed .
Nuclear Power Facilities. (2 pages)
NOTE: The staff informed us that in response to your requeut for the median done for all-workers at the three facilities the above two tabloo show the annual whole body doses bschen down by number of individuala with whole body doses in the various doue ranges.
This information was taken from the Radiation Exposure and Information Reporting System and represents information that was oubmitted by the licennees puruuant to 10 CFR 20.407..
Regarding your question as to the number of r workers overexposed at these plants, the termination data submitted by the licenaces '
pursuant to 10 CFR 20.408 was queried for these plants during the years listed on the tables. One record was designated as an overexpeorue for the Branavich licensee. In 1981, one individual at Brunswick received a whole body does of 4.212 rom, which exceeded the 3-rem whole body dose limit per. calendar quarter.
I d
m._. . .
Het - FOIA-92-304 APPEND 1X C '
, 1. 10/17/92 Enforcernent Action Tracking System -
Licensee f History Report -
Portions deleted (Three canea) - Exemption.5 - Predecisional Information (10 pages) a e >- , ,--e'ee-r re-, n , m , w as ,- , - ~ + - ,r- ~m,m e +.. --,w.