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Solicits Continued Participation in NRC State Liaison Officer Program
Person / Time
Issue date: 01/29/1993
From: Selin I, The Chairman
To: Hunt J, Leavitt M, Lowry M, Merrill S, Schafer
Shared Package
ML20128F646 List:
NUDOCS 9302120047
Download: ML20128F832 (10)


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'a.** January 29, 1993 CHAmMAN The Honorable Steven Merrill Governor of New Hampshire Concord, New Hampshire 03301

Dear Governor Merrill:

As you assume the Office of Governor of New Hampshire,-I look forward to working with you to fulfill the Nuclear Regulatory Commissicn's responsibilities to protect public health and safety in regulating nuclear facilities and materials. More specifically, I am writing to solicit New Hampshire's continued participation in NRC's State Liaison Officer program.

In 1976,'the NRC adopted a recommendation of State organizations, including the National Governors' Association, that we request each State to appoint a single person to act as liaison to NRC to improve Federal / State cooperation. The NRC looks to Governor-appointed State Liaison Officers to provide a communication channel between the States and the NRC, to be'the key-person in the State to keep the governor completely informed on regulatory.

health and safety matters as sppropriate to their interests and responsibilities, and to provide NRC with answers to questions posed to the States on particular_ issues.

In a separate program, New Hampshire entered into an Agreement With the NRC in 1966 to regulate the possession'and use of certain radioactive materials. New Hampshire is one of 29 Agreement States which together regulate over two-thirds of the-radioactive materials users in the United States. This program has been a successful partnership and I look forward to continuing thac partnership in.your administration.

If'you or your staff have any questions or wish additional information, please contact Carlton Tammerer, Director, Office'of State. Programs (301-504-2321), or Todd Fish, our Acting-Regional State Liaison Officer (215-337-5246).

930212G047 930129 PDR COMMS NRCC



2-4 4 Thank you for your cooperation on thic matter. At-your-

. convenience, I or one-of my fellow Commissioners will be available-to teet with you to discuss any areas of concern you may have with regard to NRC activities. I look forward to continuing an excellent-working-relationship _with the State of New Hampshire.

Sincerely, f

LA' h sx van Selin cg: George L. Iverson Office of Emergency Management I


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e t WASHINGTON, D.C. 20%5

Dear Go"ernor Hunt:

As you assume the Office of Governor of North Carolina, I look forward to working with you to fulfill the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's responsibilities to protect public health and safety in regulating nuclear facilities and materials. More specifically, I am writing to solicit North Carolina's continued participation in NRC's State Licison Officer program.

In 1976, the NRC adopted a recommendation of State organizations, including the National Governors' Association, that we request each State to appoint a single person to act as liaison to improve Federal / State cooperation. The NRC looks to Governor-appointed State Liaison Officers to provide a communication channel between the States and the NRC, to be the key person in the State to keep the governor completely informed on regulatory health and safety matters as appropriate to their interests and responsibilities, and to provide NRC with answers to questions-posed to the States on particular issues.

In a separate-program, North Carolina entered into an Agreement with the NRC in 1964 to regulate the. possession and use of certain radioactive materials. North Carolin> is one of 29 Agreement States which together regulate over two-thirds of the-radioactive materials users in the United' States. This; program has been a successful partnership and I look forward to continuing that partnership in-your administration.

-If you or your sthff have any questions or wish additional information, please contact Carlton-Kammerer, Director,-Office of State Programs (301-504-2321), or Robert Trojanowski, our Regional-State Liaison Officer (404-331-5597).



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Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. At your-convenience, I-or one of my fellow Commissioners will'be available to meet with you to discuss any areas of concern _you may have with regard to NRC activities.- I look-forward to continuing an excellent working relationship-with the State of North Carolina. ,

Sincerely, Viu Ivan Selin cc: Joseph Myers Division of Emergency Management i

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o ; WASHING 10N, O C. 20555

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Dear Governor Schafer:

As you assume the Office of Governor of North Dakota, I look forward to working with you to fulfill the Nuclear Regulatory

. Commission's responsibilities to protect public. health and safety in regulating nuclear facilities and materials. More specifically, I am writing to solicit North Dakota's continued-participation in NRC's State Liaison Officer program.

In 1976, the NRC adopted a recommendation of State organizations, including the National Governors' Association, that we request each State to appoint a single person to act as. liaison-to-NRC to inprove Federal / State cooperation. The NRC looks to Governor-appointed Jtate Liaison' Officers to provide a communication-channel between the Statec and the NRC, to be the key person in the State to keep the governor completely informed on regulatory health and safety natters as appropriate to their interests and-responsibilities, and to provide NRC with-answers to questions posed to the States on particular issues.

In a separate program, North-Dakota entered into an Agreement-with the NRC in 1969 to regulate the possession and use of certain radioactive materials. North Dakota is one of 29 Agreement States which together regulate over two-thirds of the radioactive materials users in the United-States. This-program has been a succesrful partnership and I look forward to continuing that partnership in your administration.

If you or your staff have any questions or wish additional information, please contact Carlton Kammerer, Director, Office of State Programs (301-504-2321), or Todd Fish, our Acting Regional ,

State Liaison Officer (215 '337-5246),

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  • _Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. At your conv2nience, I or one of my_ follow commissioners will be available to meet _with you to discuss any areas of concern you may have with regard to NRC activities.-.I look forward to continuing _an excellent working relationship-with the State of North Dakota.

Sincerely, (M

Ivan Selin cc: Dana Mount North Dakota Department of Health

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    • "' January 29, 1993 CHAIRMAN The Honorable Mike Leavitt Governor of Utah Salt Lake City, Utah 84114

Dear Governor Leavitt:

As you assume the Office of Governor of Utah, I look forward-to working with you to fulfill the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's responsibilities to protect public health and safety in regulating nuclear facilities and materials. More specifically, I am writing to solicit Utah's continued participation in NRC's State Liaison Officer program.

In 1976, the NRC adopted a recommendation of State organizations, including the National Governors' Association, that we request each State to appoint a single person to act as liaison to NRC to improve Federal / State cooperation. The NRC look" to Governor-appointed State Liaison Officers to provido a. communication channel between the States and the NRC, to he the key person in the State to keep the governor completely informed on-regulatory health and safety matters as appropriate to their interests and responsibilities, and to provide NRC with answers to questions posed to the States on particular issues.

EIn a-separate program, Utah entered into an Agreement with the-NRC in 1984 to regulate the-possession and use of certain radioactive materials. Utah is one of 29 Agreement States.which together regulate over two-thirds of the radioactive materials users in the United States._ This program has been a successful partnership and I look ferward to continuing that. partnership-in

.your administration.

If you or your staff have any questions or wish additional information, please contact Carlton Kammerer, Director,-Office of State Programs (301-504-2321), or Charles A. Hackney, our Regional State Liaison Officer (817-860-8267).

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-Thank you for your cooperation on-this matter. At your-convenience, I or one of my fellow Commissioners will be available to meet with you to discussiany areas'of: concern you may have with regard to NRC activities. I look forward to continuing an excellent working relationship with the State of Utah.

Sincerely, Vt4, q Ivan Selin cc: Larry Anderson Department of Environmental Quality .






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f- WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555
    • .+* January 29, 1993 CHAIRMAN The Honorable Mike Lowry Governor of Washington Olympia, Washington 98504

Dear Governor Lowry:

As you assume the Office of Governor of Washington, I look forward to working with you to fulfill the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's responsibilities to protect public health and safety in regulating nuclear facilities and materials. More specifically, I am writing to solicit Washington's continued participation in NRC's State Liaison Officer program.

In 1976, the NRC adopted a recommendation of' State organizations, including the National Governors' Association, that we. request each State to appoint'a. single person to act as liaison to NRC to-improve Federal / State cooperation. The NRC looks to Governor--

appointed State Liaison Officers to provide a' communication channel between the States and the NRC, to be the key person in the State to keep the governor completely informed on regulatory health and safety matters as appropriate to their interests and responsibilities, and to provide NRC with answers to questions.

posed to the States on particular issues.

In a separate program, Washington entered intoLan Agreement with the NRC in-1966 to regulate the--possession and use of certain-radioactive materials. Washington is one of 29 Agreement States. ,

which together regulate over two-thirds 1of the radioactive materials users in the United States. This program has been a

, successful partnership and I look forward to continuing that partnership in your administration.

If you or your staff have any questions or wish additional information, please contact Carlton Kammerer, Director, Office of-State Programs (301-504-2321), or Dean Kunihiro, our Regional State Liaison Officer (510-975-0225).

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- Thank you for your cooperation on this matter._ At your convenience, I or one of my fellow Commissioners will be available-to meet with you to discuss any areas of concern you may have with regard to NRC activities. I look forward to continuing an excellent working relationship with the State of Washington.

Sincerely, Eh /

Ivan Selin ,

cc: Dan Silver Office of the Governor T

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