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Responds to 920709 Facsimile Message Requesting That NRC Provide Informal Interim Rept Which Summarizes Economic Impact of Initiatives Being Implemented by NRC as Result of President Regulatory Moratorium & Review
Person / Time
Issue date: 07/14/1992
From: Taylor J
To: Ryan K
Shared Package
ML20128D549 List:
FRN-57FR39353, RULE-PR-20, RULE-PR-50 AE30-2-002, AE30-2-2, NUDOCS 9212070306
Download: ML20128D563 (3)


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< July 14, 1992 g g _ ]~g _ g

- Ms. Kristin Ryan DR *;

Council on Competitiveness Office of the Vice President Room 286, OE0B The White House Washington, DC 20501

Dear Ms. Ryan:

This letter responds to the facsimile message transmitted to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) from the Office of the Vice President on the morning of July 9, 1992. The message requested that NRC provide an informal interim report which summarizes the economic impact of the initiatives being implemented by the NRC as a result of the President's regulatory moratorium and review.

On Thursday, June 18, 1992, the NRC published in the Federal Reaister (S7 FR 27187), for public comment, a proposed rule entitled, " Reducing the Regulatory Burden on Nuclear Licensees." This notice discussed in detail the eight actions being taken by the NRC in response to the President's moratorium program. The eight actions including annual cost savings are summarized in the enclosed table. These eight items were also previously discussed in detail in the NRC letter to Ms. Nancy Mitchell, Associate Director, Office of the Vice President on April 22, 1992.

The NRC anticipates that it will publish the final rule on " Reducing the Regulatory Burden on Nuclear Licensees" by the end of August 1992.

Additionally, the NRC will continue with a follow-on effort to identify additional regulations that place a burden on nuclear licensees that is not consistent with their safety significance. At this time a few specific candidates are under evaluation, and others have been identified for consideration.

Sincerely, Original signed by James !A.Tcylor James M. Taylor Executive Director for Operations


Summary of Potential Savings From the Special Review of Regulations

  • See Previous Concurrence ...

D:RES' o Offc: RDB:DRA RDB:DRA DD:DRA:RES D:DRA:RJ),. DD:GIR:R Name: JMate:lc* JTelford* FCostanzi* # CJHeltemes EBeckjord JM .a lor Date: 07/13/92 07/13/92 7/D /92 7 /1 4 /92 7 / 6 /92 7/ij/92 ( /92 0FFICIAL RECORD COPY g20g306921123 '

20 57FR39333 PDR


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OF POTENTIAL SAVINGS FROM THE SPECIAL REVIEW OF REGULATIONS (Dollars in Millions) ficensee BPC 1ssue Savinos Savinos

1. Frequency of FSAR Updates 11.1 0.9
2. Annual Design Change Report 1.5 0.4
3. Elimination of Unnecessary Event Reports 35.2 2.1
4. Use of Fuel with Zirconium-Based Cladding 1.9 0.1
5. Frequency of Radiological Effluent Reports 16.8 0.4
6. Re-'ipt Back of Processed Low-level Waste 1.1 0.1
7. Contamination Monitoring of Packages 66.4 ---
8. Posting of Rooms Occupied by Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine Patients 0.3 ---

Sub Totals 134.3 4.0 -


TOTAL 138.3 Note: These estimates are cumulative over the lifetime of the facilities and are addressed in the Regulatory Analysis supporting the proposed rule.

These estimates will be confirmed through the public comment process on the proposed rule.


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Distribution: [ BUSH-VP)

-Subj-circ-chron ESBeckjord JMiaylor CJHeltemes JSniezek BMorris HThompson FCostanzi - JBlaha rd HBridgers (E00 No. 7460)

C lsen ASummerour (RES No. 920280)

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