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Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Forwards Documents Listed in App A,Which Are Partially Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 7)
Person / Time
Issue date: 10/01/1992
From: Grimsley D
To: Corte B
Shared Package
ML20128C150 List:
FOIA-92-231 NUDOCS 9302030326
Download: ML20128C145 (3)



. U s NUCLL AR REGUL A10RY CoMMisS10N uc s oiA noutu Nunct M.,

i FOIA 231

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g INFORMATION ACT-(FOIA) REQUEST o^'t N .7,', . OCT 1 1992 VOCect s NUVt\t Rtsl tilopphcarn)

M OVE$t L H Bobby Corte, Jr. __


No agency records subject to the requnt beve been tot.ated.

No additional agency records Nbject to the r'.' aunt have been located.

' Requested recorf6 are available through another pubhc disttsbution program. See Comments section, Agency records subject to the request that are identified in Apperxf, min) are already available for pubhc inspection and copying at the NRC Pubbc Daerment Room. 2120 L Street, N.W. Washington, DC.

Agr ncy records subsect toht e tequest that are identitled in Appendixfen) are being made available for public inspection and copying _

et the NRC Pubbe Document Room,1.10 L ',treet, N W., Washington DC, in a foldtr under thel Fot A number.

The tionproprietary version of the proposal (s) that you agreed to stcept in a triephone conversation mth a member of rny staff is now being made aslable for pubhc inspection and copyirig at the NRC Public Document Room,2120 t Street, N W.., Washington, DC, in a folder under this F 01 A number.

Agency records subject to the request that are identified in 'Appendim(es) mey be inspected and copied at the NRC Local Pubhc Document .

Room identified in the Comments secteon.

(nelosed is informat!on on how yau may obtain acttss to and the cha'ges for copying records located at the NRC Public Document Hoom,2120 L Street, N W , Washington, DC.

X Agency records subject to the tequest are enclosed, (Releasable portions of Appendix A-1)-

Hecords subject to the request have been referred to another rederal egancv(ies) for review and dhect enoonse to you, ,

Fen You wilt be billed by the NRC for fees totahng $

You will receive a refund from the NRC in the amount of $ 4 in view of NRC's response to this request, no further action is being taken on appeal letter dated - , No.

PART 11. A-INFORMATION WITHHELD FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE Certain intorniation in the reauested records is being withheld frem public disclosure pursuant to the exemptions described in and for the reasons stated in Part it, B, C. and D. Any released portions of the documents for which only part of the record is being withheld are beine mada available for pubite :

X' inspection end copying in the NRC PWic Document Room,2120 L Street, N W., Washington, DC in a foldes under this FOI A number. '


  • You may submit an appeal from this denial by writing to the Assistant Attorney General s Office of Legal Policy (Attention: Office of Information ~and Privacy): United States-Department of Justices Washington, DC- 20530, within thirty days from receipt-of this ,

-letter. The envelope and the letter should be clearly marked " Freedom of Information Appeal" +

or "Information Appeal ."



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Huotds sutiett to the request that are descrit+d iri the enclosed Appendia tes) _ A are tieing vWthheld in their critirety or in part under the E n:mption No.M a id for the reasonis) given teelow pursuant to 5 U.S C 552M ans' 10 CF R 917(s)(4 N AC regulations.

1 The wiW+4d irdoematmn to peopeW c'est40 pu*ava< : to (semove Orde. (Isomption il e enternal persont+e6 ev ee and peoudvees of NHC ([semption 7) n .

2. The webtend infu mation eerstes soleiv to te e

3 f t,e weinheid minemation *s suc,fw, eiernpied from pute d sciosvee by statute 6ndicated. -

((sempt.on 3J . - _ _ _ . _


Gec16ons 141145 of the Atom c t nergy Act whech pohitute the discloswe of Restested Data or f ormerly Restricted Oste (42 U S C. 71612If.6L l Gertion 147 v the Atom 6c f nergy Act. which prohituti the omelotu*e of Unelairf+d $siegards bluf mstton (42 U.$ C 2167L i

4 The wrthheld mforreatton es a vede sevet or cornine+cial oe entotte.ation that is b_ettig nethheid for the teasontsi ind(ated. (f memption 4)

,,,,,o The en toemat.on ,e oemde<ed to tse contdential bunness (pmpeta<vt erJoemahon

_.-.- - _ . - - . ~ . . ~ . ,

The intoerration is cons oeied to be empoetae, Wumanun pesvent le 10 Cf H 2 790idu t s The was sutimitted and eer.e4.ed se. c onfusence twsw.t to t o C F H 2 790w@

4 6 The withheio in'oemanon tens >sts et irivegenn e mt.evnt, 'etomiin,t en est e aut.w menf $.uc.m . d*<1 tbyabon ik mempt;on 6). Apphtable Privnege:

Deletersteve Peotens D,sclosse of pseuecisesi en'oemate wmmt tend to mhit,.i v.e own and ben 6 ' schenge of eacas essenhel to the oe!.betative process Whese rectmts ese withheld en then enteeet, the f oc ts e+e. an etu *Nv aw teined *.tb the peneters u%,mebcm Theet s'so a+e no tenowabir seyegabne fe;tual poetes because the seiesse of the f acts would penut an m_rt #cct m.usi _imo the .F_edeme. _# Pra ess et the e_rnc e ._._. . . _ _ .

Astons e, now p e r ipo sep @qumems netw, b, a , clon , . mwn,u n n e t o p. -


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Aitorney st+nt priuege. (Conf wnt ai c.ommumcations between an ettoer+v sod h. ster cient I_ _. - . . _ . _ _ _ . _ _ . . _ _

.- _ . ~ . _ _ . - . _ . _ . . - _ . _ _ _

6 Tte *dnbeto m'mmeon is e=ernmed bum b,t oc d sowe t' ewe a i J mes et

  • W u soit e e t 4 m, u% e"a'tes m ee on of pem<-ai p% oc y (t nempdan 6)

. , ~ . - _ . , . . - - - - - . -

- . -. -~ - - - - . - . . . .

7. The withhele mtorenenen consists et 9tuos rompaed fot inn enfut ement tapenes enri ". t.cmg wahhed fue te e etasomst mdicated Mnemption 7)


D scwwe couid tsesonat[v'bMEcted to eniertere with en entwement Fweedmg because et coukt eeveal the scope, direction. end of enforcement efforts and thus could ponot4 anow eecip+nts to tak e e(tion to shield potent er wroev6ng oe a vietetion of NRC requirements from .n.eststors (E nemphor,7 ( Au . _ . - - _ , _ - . - . _ . _ . - _ , _ _ . _ _ - . . . . _ _ _ _ . _ _ . - , , F Disc 60sve novie consbtute en una uranted mvesion of peson.e prassy if atmpbon 7(CH


T he indremenon i unsats o' names et M wie f A u1- t% 6. *m i e' M t < at w an . tw ra m ment +cs n' conteent er sources. Itsempoor 7 (DO

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ointn PAHT ti C -D(NYiNG OHICtAl$

n Puesus^t to 10 CS R 9 7'Atd est'or 9 7 Mci cA the US Nucrest Regulator y Cornm45 on regWapom. a taat t<een determe ed that the inimmaboo w.thhed es eumpt from p>

dutteon et dWosure. mod shst m prodochon o< st v60sv's as tont-a> y to it'* pubbt irrterest The perwm eesponote int the denial e.e those ofloa4 nienpf ed beh as denrng of bcia4 ana the D.eector, D=ves=on et Freedom of in%,mahon and Pupcel ont Seint en Of fee of AJm1natrabon, tot any denA that may be appmed to tae f urcutive U+rectst im Ooeraeions tEDOi . _ - ~ . ,

ormoomcm l . Tmomcr__ _ _T--.-ntconos_oiwto__- - Apmt_Ait o._mcm . .

Chiefs F0lPA Section, FBI 4 P"* C '

J. Kevin O'Brien g


4. nee eo a e p.

WWN_ .MMm"P-.PM--

  • .b.M.

Oa.' --"g64*r h.e.pagg.g .A m.G PART tt. D- APP (AL HlOHTS _

Off <cial iderof +d tt y such appeal must be made in *' sting withot 30 d Th o, oe,es,onte-,

d:nial by each _me ecenying offic.s1 edentif,ed in Part ll.C may be oppealed to the Appetim.e.see e, .p-ete. ,o the

. ~e.,

Repilat Jry COsnfmscon,Washir+gton. DC 705W, and should clesely state on the envelope and in the letter that it h en ~ Appeal from en frutief FOf A Det esion "



1. 1/9/90 Case No. 4-88-028 Report of Investigation S-W Controls: Suspected llisrepresentation of Replacement Valve. Parts (28 pages)

(Withheld in Part. Exemption 7C) s M5 N _n___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _





P.O' BOX 9076 110UMA, l.A 70361 C~~"OR-VA .

, ,51 31 .

FAX:(504) 8515102 h

.j hb. 22, 1992'


United states lbclear Regulatory Comtission 's .

Washington, D.C. 20555 ffEE00M OF INFORMAll0F_ .j Attention: Icif J. Ibrrholn hrA J3 /

Dear Mr. tbrrholm kdC fc / 6-/ y 9 b Thank you for your response letter of thrch 31, 1992. 'nn _ N.R.C. ~ ,

Staff issued in .88 - 97 and supplemnts reguardire potentially sub standard valve replacamnt parts.

Under the Freedom of Informtion Act, I am hereby requesting tha:'

all the supporting documentation showing that-these parts cien3 fran Cor-Val and that all thini party inspection reports toth dimnsional '

and mtallurgical which are related to 88 - 97 are supplemnts be made available to m.

- Sircerely, l~s

. Bobby Corts Jr.

[. A President s




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