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Occupational Radiation Exposure at Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors and Other FACILITIES,1990.Twenty-Third Annual Report
Person / Time
Issue date: 01/31/1993
From: Hagemeyer D, Raddatz C
NUREG-0713, NUREG-0713-V12, NUREG-713, NUREG-713-V12, NUDOCS 9302020464
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Occupational Raciation Exaosure; e lat Commercia: Nuclear Power Reactors and C!ther Faci:ities

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,4 "fwenty-Third Annual Report 4

1 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 'i: . -Ollice of Nuclear Regulatory Research , DT._ Raddatz D. Hagemeyer

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NUREG-0713 Vol.12-Occupational Radiation Exposure at Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors and Other Facilities 1990 Twenty-Third Annual Report ) i i i Manuscript Completed: November 1992 Date l'ublished: January 1993 C. T. Itaddati, D. llagemeyer' Division of Regulatory Applications Office of Nuclear llegulatory Research U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 1 iam% 9, f g

 ' Science Applications International Corporation 301 I;thoratory fload Oak Itidge, TN 37830 l

l PR[VICUS RtPCtfl lW $tRIE$ WASH +131% A Cwpilation of Occupational Redistion Exposure f rca Light Water Cooted tuclesr Power Plants, 1969 1973, U.S. Atomic Energy Cmnission, May 1974. WURIG 7$/032 occupational Radletion Esposure et Light kater Cooted Power Reactors, 1969 1974, U.$. Nuclear Reputatory Canission, Jme 1975. WUREG 0109 Occtpational Radiation Exposure et Light Uater Cooted Power teactors, 1969 1975, U.S. Wucteer i Reputatory Cmpission, August 1976. NURt0 0323 occupational Radletion Exposure et Light Water Cooted Power Reactors, 1969 1976, U.S. Nuclear Reputatory Comission, March 1978. WUREG 0482 Occupational Radletion Exposure et Light Water Cooled Power Reactors,1977, U.S. Nucteer Regulatory C m nission, Mar 1979. WUetG 0$94 Occupettoral Radletion Esposure at Comercial Nuclear Power Reactors,1978, U.S. Nucteer Reputatory Cmnission, Noventer 1979 WUntG 0713 occtpational Andletion Exposure et Commercist Wucteer Power Reactors 1979, Vol.1, U.$. Wuclear Regulatory Crealssion, March 1981. WURIG-0713 occupational Redletion Exposure et Cenercial Wuclear Power Reactore 1980, Vol. 2, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cunissip% December 1981. NUREG 0713 Occupational Radletion Exposure et Cwnercist Wuctear Power Reactors 1981, Vol. 3, U.S. Nucteer Regulatory Cunission, November 1982. WUREG 0713 occtentional Radiation Exposure et Cmmerclet Nucteer Power Reactors 1982, Vol. 4, U.$, Nuclear Regulatory Cmnission, Decceter 1983. WURIG 0713 Occupational Radiation Exposure et Comercial Wuclear Power Reactors 1983, Vol. b U.S. Wucteer Regulatory Cmnission, March 1985. WORfG-0713 occupational Radiation Exposure At Commercist Wuclear Powsr Reactors and Other Facilities 1984, Vol. 6, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cmnission, October 1986. NUNEG 0713 Occupational Radiation Exposure At Cenerclet Nuclear Power Reactors and Other f acilities 1985, Vol. 7, U.S. Nuclear Reputatory Connission, April 1988. , NURtG 0713 occupational Radiation Esposure At CmnercInt Nuclear Power Reactors and Other Facilities 1986, Vol. 8, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Connission, August 1989 WURIC-0713 Occtpational Radletion Exposure At Cwnerclet Nuclear Power Reactors and other Facilities 1987, Vol. 9, U.S. Wucteer Regulatory Connission, Novenber 1990. NUREG 0713 occtpational Radiation Exposure At Connercial Wuclear Power Reactors ard Cther Facitltles 1988, vot.10, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cmnission, July 1991. Occtpational Radletion Exposure At Connercial Nuclest Power Reactors and Other Facitlties 1989, e NUREG 0713 Vol.11, U.S. Nucteer Regulatory Connission, April 1992. Previous reports in the NUREG 0714 series, which are now cabined with WORIG 0713, are as follows: WASH-1350 R1 First through $lxth Annual Reports of the Operation of the U.S. AIC's Centretired lonialng through Radiation Exposure Records and Reporting Systefe, U.S. Atomic Energy Connission. WASM 1350 R6 leventh Annuat occupational Radiation Exposure Report for Certain WRC Licensees 1974, U.S. Nuclear WUREG-75/108 Regulatory Comission, October 1975. NUREG 0119 Eighth Annual occupatlonal Redistton Exposure Report for 1975, U.S. Nuctear Regulatcry Connission, October 19T6. WUREG 0322 Winth Annust Ocespational Radiation Exposure Report for 1976, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory ConnRelon, October 1977. NURIG'0463 Tenth Annuat occtpational Radiation Exposure Report for 1977, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Consission, October 1978. NUREG 0593 Eteventh Annuat Occupational Radiation Exposure Report for 1978, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission, January 1981. NUREG 0714 Twelf th Annuat occtpational Radiation Exposure Report for 1979, Vol.1, U.S. Nuclear Reguistory Connission, August 1982 NURIG 0714 Occtpational Radiation Exposure, Thirteenth and fourteenth Annual Reports,1980 and 1981, Vols. 2 and 3, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Connission, October 1983. WUREG 0714 Occupational Radiation Exposure, Fif teenth and sixteenth Annual Reports,1982 and 1983, Vols. 4 and 5, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Connission, October 1985. ii

1 I l ABSTRACT This report summarizes the occupational exposure data that are maintained in the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC) Radiation Exposure Information and Reporting System (REIRS). The bulk of the information contained in the report was extracted frpm the 1990 annual statistical reports submitted by six of the seven categories of NRC licensees subject to the reporting requirements of 10 CFR 9 20.407. Since there are no geologic repositories for high level waste currently licensed, only six categories will be considered in this report. These six categories of licensees also submit personal identification and exposure information for terminating employees pursuan'. to 10 CFR 9 20.408, and some analysis of this " termination data -is also presented in this report. Annual reports for 1990 were received from a total of 443 NRC licensees,116 - i of which were operators of nuclear power reactors. Compilations of the 443 1 reports indicated that 214,568 individuals were monitored, 110,204 of_whom ' received a measurable dose (Table 3.1). The collective dose incyrred by these individuals was calculated to be 39,739 person-rem (person-cSv) which represents an increase _of 652 person-rem (-cSv) from the 1989 value. The i number of workers receiving a measurable dose increased slightly, and the ' collective dose increased slightly, resulting in the average measurable dose  ! remaining at 0.36 rem (cSv) for 1990. The average measurable doso is defined J to be the average dose to workers receiving a measurable dose. A total of 113,361 termination reports (Table 5.1) were submitted to the NRC , which contained aersonel identification and exposure information for 77,633 ' individuals who lad completed their work assignment or employment-with a- . covered category of NRC licensees during 1990. The total number of monitored individuals for whom personal identification and exposure information has been incorporated into REIRS during the 22 years that it has been operating is'now 663,712, with 586.572 of those terminating from nuclear _ power facilities. Analyses of these termination data indicate that 11,083 individuals completed _, work assignments at two or more nuclear reacter facilities during calendar  ; year 1990 and received an average dose of 0.67 rem (cSv). Approximately 3,786 of these individuals worked at two or more reactor facilities during one calendar quarter and received an average quarterly dose of 0.20-rem (cSv). The dose distributions reported by reactor licensees under 10 CFR 9 20.407 are adjusted each year from termination data to account for the duplicate reporting of. transient workers by multiple licensees. In 1990, the average >

measurable dose calculated from reported data was 0.34 rem (cSv). The  ;

corrected dose distribution resulted in an average measurable dose of 0.37 rem- , (cSv).  : Comercial nuclear power reactors; industrial radiographers; fuel' processors, fabricators, and reprocessors; manufacturers and distributors of byproduct material; independent spent fuel storage installations; facilities ' for land disposal cf low-level waste; and geologic repositories for high-level waste. In the International System of Units the sievert (Sv) is the name given to the units for dose equivalent. One centistevert (cSv) equals one rem: therefore, person-rem becomes person-cSv. iii

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EDITOR'S NOTE The NRC currently has a three-year contract with Science Applications international Corporation (SAIC) to assist I the NRC Staff in the preparation of the NUREG 0713 I series. Mr. Charles Hinson (NRR) assisted in the preparation of this NUREG, serving as the NRC Technical ' Reviewer. SAIC will be suggesting changes in the presentation of certain data in these reports. -Readers should be alert to these changes, and the NRC welcomes 1 responses, especially where these changes can be i improved upon. Comments should be directed to: Charleen T. Raddatz (301)492-3745 Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 l r f I r l iv


                                    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                       11 PREVIOUS REPORTS IN SERIES ABSTRACT      ................................                                                                       iii ED110R'S NOTE         ,.............................iv PREFACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi 1   INTRODUC110N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                           1-1 2 LIMITATIONS Of THL DAin          .......................                                                           2-1 3 ANNUAL PERSONNEL MON 110 RING REPORTS - 10 CFR S 20.407                                     ........               3-1 3.1      Definition of Terms and Sources of Data            ......... ...                                         31 3.1.1     Statistical Summary Reports       ................                                                  3-1 3.1.2 Number of Monitored        Individuals ..............                                                   31 3.1.3 Number of Workers with Measurable Doses                                   . .........                  3-1 3.1.4 Collective Dose        ......................                                                          3-2 3.1.5 Average Individual Dose          ..................                                                    3-2 3.1 ~ Average Measurable Dose          ..................                                                    3-2 3 .1. 't Number of Licensees Reporting ...............                                                       33 3.1.8 CR............................                                                                         3-3 3.2     Annual Whole Body Dose Distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 3.2.1    Log Probability Plots       ...................                                                      3-6 3.3      Summary of Occupational Exposure Data By License Category                                     . .      3-10 3.3.1     Industrial Radiography Licenses, Single and Mul tiple locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                        3 10 3.3.2 Manufacturer and Distributor Licenses, Type "A" Broad and limited    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                       3-11 3.3.3 Low Level Waste Disposal Licenses . . . . . . . . . . . .                                            3-14 3.3.4 Independent Spent fuel Storage Installation Licenses . . .                                            3-16 3.3.5 fuel fabrication anj Reprocessing Licenses .                                         ....        . 3-18 3.3.6 Light Water-Cooled Power Reactor (LWR) Licenses                                           .  . .      3-20 3.3.7 High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Power Reactor (HTGR) Licenses . 3-22 4 COMMERCI AL LIGHT WATER REACTORS - FURTHER ANALYSIS . . . . . . . . , .                                             4-1 4.1       Introduction . . . .......................                                                              4-1 4.2      Definitions of lerms and Sources of Data . . . . . . . . . . , .                                         4-1 4.2.1     Number of Reactors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                        4-1 4.2.2     Electric Energy Generated .................                                                          4-1 4.2.3    Collective Dose per Megawatt-Year .... ......                             ...                        4-5 v

i TA_BLE Of CONTENTS (Continued) 4.2.4 Average Maximum Dependable Capacity ............ 45 4.3 Annual Whole Body Dose Distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 4.4 Average Annual Whole Body Doses ................ 47 4.5 Plant Rankings by Collective Dose per Reactor . . . . . . . . 4 11 4.6 Collective Dose by Work function and Employee Type . . . . . . 4 18 4.7 Number of Personnel by Work function and Employee Type . . . . 4-24 4.8 Graphical Representation of Dose Trends in Appendix E . . . . 4 26 4.9 Health implications of Average Annual Doses . . . . . . . . . 4-29 5 TfRMINATION DATA SUBMITTED PURSUANT TO 10 CFR 6 20.408-. . . . . . . . 51 5.1 Termination Reports, 1969-1990 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 5.2 Limitations of Termination Data ................ 5-1  ; 5.3 Transient Workers per Calendar Quarter . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 5.4 Transient Workers per Calendar Year at Nuclear Power facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5 5.5 Temporary Workers per Calendar Year at Nuclear Power facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10 4 6 EXPOSURES TO PERSONNEL IN EXCESS Of REGULATORY LlHITS ........ 61 6.1 Control Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 6.2 Summary of Exposures in Excess of Regulatory Limits ...... 63 7 REFERENCES . . .... ....................... 71 APPENDIX A - LISTING Of ANNUAL EXPOSURE DATA COMPILED FOR CERTAIN NRC LICENSEES IN DESCENDING ORDER Of AVERAGE MEASURABLE DOSE,. . 3 1990 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1 APPENDIX B - ANNUAL WHOLE BODY DOSES AT LICENSED NUCLEAR POWER FACILITIES, 1990 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1 APPENDIX C - PERSONNEL, DOSE, AND POWER GENERATION


, 1969-1990 .. C-1 , APPENDIX D - NUMBER Of PERSONNEL AND PERSON-REM BY WORK ANu JOB FUNCTION, 1990 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D1  :

        - APPENDIX E - GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION Of COLLECTIVE DOSE TRENDS BY YEAR AND JOB FUNCTION FOR EACH SITE, 1973-1990 . . . . . . .                                                                              .




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J ABLLOf CONT [RTS (Continued) [JST Of TABLES fin Table 3.1 Annual Exposure Data for Certain Categories of Licensees, 1981-1990 ................... 3-4 Table 3.2 Distribution of Annual Whole Body Doses by License Category, 1990 ...................... 35 Table 3.3 Sunmary of Annual Dose Distributions for Certain NRC Licensees, 1968-1990 ................... 3-7 Table 3.4 Annual Exposure Information for Industrial Radiographers, 1988 1990 ..... . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10 Table 3.5 Annual Exposure information for Manufacturers and Distributors, 1988-1990 . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 13 Table 3.6 Annual Exposure Information for fuel fabricators, 19 88 19 9 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-20 Table 3.7 Annual Exposure Information for fort St. Vrain, 1974-1990 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-23 Table 4.1 Summary of Annual Information Reported by Commercial Boiling Water Reattors, 1973-1990 . ............ 42 Table 4.2 Summary of Annual Information Reported by Commercial Pressurized Water Reactors, 1973 1990 . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3 Table 4.3 Summary of Annual Information Reported by Commercial Light Water Cooled Reactors, 1973-1990 .......... 4-4 Table 4.4 Summary Distribution of Annual Whole Body Doses at Commercial Ligt.t Water Reactors, 1977-1990 ......., 4-6 Table 4.5 Boiling Water Reactors listed in Ascending Order of Collective Dose per Reactor, 1986-1990 . . . . . . . . . 4-13 Table 4.6 Pressurized Water Reactors Listed in Ascending Order of Collective Dose per Reactor, 1986-1990 , . . . . . . . 4-14 Table 4.7a five-year Totals and Averages Listed in Ascending Order of Collective Dose per BWR, 1986-1990 . . . . . . . 4-16 Table 4.7b five-year Totals and Averages Listed in Ascending Order of Collective Dose per PWR, 1986-1990 . . . . . . . 4-17 vii

i 1AULE Of CQHlf ;E (Continued) LIS1 Of TABLES Eagg i Table 4.8 Annual Collective Dose by Work function and Personnel Type, 1990 .......................419 Table 4.9 Percentages of Annual Collective Dose at LWRs by Work function, 1980 1990 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-21 Table 4.10 Annual Collective Dose by Occupation and Personnel Type, 1990 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-23 Table 4.11 Number of Personnel by Work Function and Personnel Type, 1990 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-25 Table 4.12 Number of Personnel by Occupation and Personnel Type, 1990- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-27 lable 4.13 Average Doses by Occupation and Personnel Type, 1990 .......................428 Table 5.1 Termination Reports Submitted to the NRC, 1969-1990 . . . . . 5-2 Table 5.2 Transient Workers Per Calendar Quarter, 1981-1990 . . . . . . 5-4 l Table 5.3 Transient Workers Per Calendar Year at Nuclear Power facilities, 1981 1990 . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Table 5.4a Reported and Correct Oose of Transient Workers for Calendar Year at Power Reactors . . . . . . . . 58  ! Table 5.4b Effects of Transient Workers on Annual Statistical Compilations ................. 5-9 Table 5.5 Annual Whole Body Doses Exceeding 5 Rems (cSv) at Nuclear Power facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10 Table 5.6 Temporary Workers Per Calendar Year at Nuclear Power facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 11 Tabic 6.1 Occupational Exposures in Excess of Regulatory Limits 1982-1990 . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . .-. , , , 6-4 l l l~ l l viii

JABLE Of CONTENTS (Continued) i LIST Of FIGURES Dat l Figure 3.1 Annual Dose Distribution of Workers at Certain NRC Licensees, 1990 . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . 3-8 l figure 3.2 Average Annual Values at industrial Radiography facilities, i 1973 1990 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12 figure 3.3 Average Annual Values at Manufacturing and Distribution l Facilities, 1973-1990 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-15 l Figure 3.4 Average Annual Values at Low-Level Waste Disposal facilities, 1982-1990 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-17 figure 3 $ Average Annual Values at Independent Spent fuel Storage facilities, 1982-1990 ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-3-19 Figure 3.6 Average Annual Values at fuel Fabrication and Processing facilities, 1973-1990 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-21 figure 4.1 Average Collective Dose and Number of Workers per Reactor, 1973 1990 .................... 48 figure 4.2 Number of Operating Reactors and Gross Electricity Generated, 1973-1990 ................... 4-9 figure 4.3 Average Measurable Dose and Collective Dose per Megawatt-Year, 1973-1990 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-10 figure 4.4- Average, Median and Extreme values of the Collet tive Dose per Reactor, 1973-1990 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 12 Figure 4.5 Collective Dose by Work function and Personnel iype, 1986-1990 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-22 ix i -. . . _ - _ _ . - _ _ _ . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ ._._ _ - ._ __ _ __. .-....-.-,__ _ _ . _.~ .. .-_-., _- _.--,._ . , , _ _ ..

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PREFACE A number of NRC licensees have inquired as to how the occupational radiation cxposure data that are extracted from the annual statistical summary reports required by s 20.407, the termination reports required by 9 20.408,_ and the annual dose data reported by work function in accordance with Subsection of the standard technical specifications for nuclear power plants are used by the NRC staff. This is a very appropriate inquiry that may be of

             . importance to many affected licensees. In combination with other sources of.

information, the principal uses of the data are to provide facts regarding routine occupational exposures to radiation and radioactive material that occur in connection with certain NRC-licensed activities. These facts are used by the NRC staff as indicated below:

1. The data permit evaluation, from the viewpoint of trands, of the effectiveness of the overall NRC/ licensee radiation protection and ALARA efforts by certain licensees. They also provide for the identification (and subsequent correction) of unfavorable trends.
2. The external dose data assist in the evaluation of the radiological. risk ,

associated with certain categories of NRC-licensed activities and are used for comparative analyses of radiation protection performance: US/ foreign, BWRs/PWRs, civilian / military, plant / plant, nuclear industry /other industries, etc.

3. The data provide for the monitoring of transient workers who may affect dose distribution statistics through multiple counting, or who may exceed regulatory limits on radiation exposure due to the accumulation of exposure at multiple sites per calendar quarter or calendar year.
4. The data help provide facts for evaluating the adequacy of the current risk limitation system (e.g., are individual lifetime dose limits, worker population collective dose limits, and requirements for-optimization needed?). t
5. The data permit comparisons of occupational radiation risks with potential public risks when action for additional protection of the public involves worker exposures.
6. The data are used in the establishment of priorities for the utilization of NRC health physics resources: research, standards development, and regulatory program development.
7. The data provide facts for answering Congressional and Administration inquiries and.for responding to questions-raised by public- interest groups, special interest groups,. labor unions, etc.
8. The data provide information that may be used in the planning of epidemiological studies.

xi l

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_ _ - . - - - . - - . _ ~ - - _ - - - - . - -- - t FOREWORD flUREG-0713 presents a statistical analysis of info)mation contained in the Radiation Exposure Information Reporting System (REIRS) database. It does not present staff positions or requirements. Ilowever, 11RC staf f believes that it can be a useful tool in evaluating the effectiveness of an ALARA program. Over the next several years, as licensees implement the revised 10 CFR Part 20, 11UREG-0713 will begin to look a bit-different-than it does today. The majority of the information we process to produce the 11UREG today comes from annual statistical summaries submitted by licensees. Most of the analyses you see ' in this volume of 11UREG-0713 are based on an extrapolation of termination data applied to these statistical analyses. In the future, we will receive specific data on all occupationally exposed workers for whom monitoring is required. Instead of extrapolating, we will have actual data on the numbers of workers in certain categories. So, this is the time to suggest new analyses you would like to see from the REIRS data. i {ahtn l< Charleen T. Raddatz lisal h Physicist Radiation Protection und Health Effects Branch Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research U. S. 11uclear Regulatory Commission l l l 1 i

Occupational Radiation Exposure at Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors and Other Facilities Twenty-third Annual Report,1990 1 INTRODUCTION One of the basic purposes of the Atomic Energy Act and the implementing regulations in Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 3, Part 20, is to protect the health and safety of the public, including the employees of the l licensees conducting operations under those regulations. Among the I regulations designed to ensure that the standards for protection against I radiation set out in 10 CFR Part 20 are met is a requirement that llcensees provide individuals likely to be exposed to radiation with' devices to monitor their exposure. Each licensee is also required to maintain indefinitely records of the results of. such monitoring. However, there was no initial provision that these records or any summary of them be transmitted to-a central location where the data could be retrieved and analyzed. On November 4,1968, the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) published an-amendment to Part 20 requiring the reporting of certain occupational radiation exposure information to a central repository at AEC Headquarters. This information was required of the four categories 3of AEC licensees that were considered to involve the greatest potential for significant occupational doses and of AEC facilities and contractors exempt from licensing. A procedure was' established whereby the appropriate occupational exposure data were extracted from these reports and entered into the Commission's Radiation-Exposure Information Reporting System (REIRS), a computer system that was-maintained at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Computer Technology Center in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, urlil May 1990. At that time the data were transferred to a database management system at Science Applications International Corporatica (SAIC) at Oak Ridge, Tennessee. The computerization of these data ensure that they are kept indefinitely and facilitate their retrieval and analysis. The data maintained in REIRS have been summarized and published in a report every year since 1969. Annual reports for each of the years 1969 through 1973 presented the data reported by both AEC licensees and contractors and were published in six documents designated as WASH 1350-R1 through WASH 1350-R6. Ccawrcial nuclear power reactors; industrial radiographers; fuel processors, fabricators, and reprocessors manufacturers and distrtbutors of specified quantities of byproduct material, 1-1

I i in January 1975, with the separatica of the AEC into the Energy Research and Develepnent Administration (ERDA) and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), each agency assumed responsibility for collecting and maintaining occupational radiation exposure information reported by the facilities under its jurisdiction. The annual reports published by the NRC on occupational exposure for calendar year 1974 and subsequent years do not contain l information pertaining to ERDA facilities or contractors. Comparable information for facilities and contractors under ERDA, now the Department of Energy (DOE), is collected and published by DOE's Division of Operational Safety at Germantown, Maryland, in 1982 and 1983, paragraph 20.408(a) of Title 10 of the Code of federal Regulations was, amended to require three additional categories of NRC licensees to submit annual statistical exposure reports and individual termination exposure reports. The new categories are (1) geologic repositories for high-level radioactive waste, (2) independent spent fuel storage installations, and (3) facilities for the land disposal of low-level radioactive waste. Therefore, this document presents the exposure information that was reported by NRC licensees representing two of these new categories. (There are no geologic repositories for high-level waste currently licensed.) This report and each of the predecessors summarizes information reported during previous years. However, more licensee-specific data, such as the annual reports submitted by each commercial power reactor pursuant to 10 CFR 9 20.407 and their technical specifications, may be found in those documents listed on the inside of the front tover of this report. Additional operating data and statistics for each power reactor for the years 1973 through 1982 may be found in a series of reports, " Nuclear Power Plant Operating-Experience" [Refs. 1-9]. These documents are available for viewing at all NRC public document rooms, or they may be purchased from the National Technical , Information Service, as shown in the Reference section. 1-2

2 LlHITATIONS Of THE DATA All of the figures compiled in this report relating to exposures and doses are based on the results and interpretations of the readings of various typef, of personnel monitoring devices employed by each licensee. This information, obtained from routine personnel monitoring programs, is sufficient to characterize the radiation environment in which individuals work and is used in evaluating the radiation protection program. j Monitoring requirements are based, in general, on 10 CFR 9 20.202, which requires licensees to monitor individuals who receive ar are likely to receive a dose in any calendar quarter in excess of 25% of the applicable quarterly limits, for most adults the quarterly limit for the whole body _is 1.25 rem l (cSv), so 0.312 rem (cSv) per quarter is the level above which monitoring is required. Depending on the administrative policy of each licensee, persons i such as visitors and clerical workers may also be provided with monitoring devices for identification or_ convenience, although the probability _ of--their  : being exposed to measurable levels of radiation is extremely small. Licensees l are given the option of reporting the dose distribution of only those individuals for whom monitoring is required, or the dose distribution of all those for whom monitoring is provided. Many licensees elect to report the latter; however, this may increase the number of individuals- that one could consider to be radiation workers. In an effort to account for this -the number of indiviauals reported as having "no measurable exposure" has been subtracted from the total number of individuals monitored in order to calculate an average dose per individual receiving a measurable-dose, as well as the average dose per monitored individual (for example, see Table 3.1). One source of error that is present in the calculation of the annual collective dose (i.e., the summation of each monitored person's whole body dosc) incurred by workers is the assumption that the midpoint of the dose range is the mean dose of the individuals reported in each dose range (dose ranges are shown in Table 3.2). This allows the collective dose to be calculated without knowing each person's actual annual dose. Comparison of calculated collective dose with actual reported TLD dose totals shows that the actual mean dose of the individuals reported in each range is usually less than the midpoint. Thus, the collective doses presented for categories of licensees shown in this report may be as much as 10% higher than the sum of the actual individual doses. However, 85% of the nuclear power reactors reported the actual collective dose in 1990 so the total collective dose used- , in this report is more accurate than if the collective dose would have been calculated for each site. l l 2-1 i f

         ,                                   ..J                = --            ,  .-   .           - . - . _ _ - . . . --,   - . _ . -- , _ - . -

l The average dose per individual, as well as the dose distributions shown for groups of licensees, also could have been affected by the multiple reporting of individuals who were monitored by two or more licensees during the year. Since individuals are not identified in the annual reports, an individual who was monitored by five different licensees would have been counted once on each report. Therefore, when the data were sunaned to determine the total number of : individuals monitored by a group of licensees, this person would be counted as five individuals rather than as one. This could also affect the distribution  ; of doses because the individual has been counted five times in the lower dose ranges rather than one time in the higher range corresponding to the actual accumulated dose (the sum of the dor,es incurred at each facility). This source of error has the greatest potential impact on the data reported by power reactor facilities since they employ many short-term workers. Further discussion f this o

  • t is provided in Section 5.

Another fact that should be kept in mind when examining the annual statistical data is that all of the personnel included in the report may not have been monitored throughout the entire year. Many licensees such as radiography firms and nuclear power facilities may monitor numerous individuals for periods much less than a year. The average doses calculated from these data, therefore, are less than the average dose that an individual would receive if involved in that activity for the full year. Considerable attention should also be given when referencing the collective totals presented in this report. The differences-between the totals presented for all licensees that reported versus only those licensees that are required  ; to report should be noted. Likewise, one should pay close attention to the differences between all power reactors [ including the high temperature gas reactor (HTGR), all pressurized water reactors (PWRs), all boiling water reactors (BWRs), and all light water reactors (LWRs)]. The totals may be - inclusive or exclusive of those licensees that were in commercial operation-for less than one full year. These parameters vary throughout the tables and appendices of this report in order to provide the most comprehensive analysis of all the-data available. The apparent discrepancies among the various tables are a necessary side-effect of this endeavor. Also, it should again be poilted out that this. report contains information reported by NRC licensees only. Since the NRC licenses all commercial nuclear -power reactors, fuel processors, fabricators and reprocessors, and independent spent fuel storage facilities,_ information shown for these. categories reflects the U.S. experience, This is not the case, however, for the remaining-categories of indestrial radiography, . manufacturing and distribution of specified quantities of by-product material, and low-level waste disposal. 2-2

l Companies that conduct these types of' activities in Agreement States' are licensed by the state and are not required to submit occupational exposure I reports to the NRC. Approximately twice as many facilities are licensed to I Agreement States than the number licensed by the NRC. This report also does not include non occupational exposure such as medical x rays, flouroscopy, and accelerators. Information shown for these categories does not reflect the total U.S. experience. l l l l


l l l I l 4 f s h t i States tMt have entered into an agreement with the NRC that allows each state to licenu organtrations using tedicactive materials for certain purposes. There are now 29 Agreement Statet._ O 2-3 l

3 ANNUAL PERSONNEL MONITORING REPORTS - 10 CFR 6 20.407 3.1 Definition of Terms and Sources of Data 3.1.1 Statistical Summary Reports 4, 1974, 10 CFR 9 20.407 was amended to require certain On Februar{ of licensees to submit an annual statistical report indicating categories the distribution of the whole body doses incurred by individuals whom they monitored for exposure to radiation. Since the regulations do not require these licensees to report the collective dose incurred by the individuals shown on the statistical reports, the dose distributions are used as the basis for the staff's calculation o' the collective dose (see Section 3.1.4). 3.1.2 Humber of Monitored Individuals This is the total number of individuals that the NRC licensees covered by 10 CFR 6 20.407 reported as being monitored for exposure to-external radiation -l during the year. This number must include all individuals for whom monitoring  ! is required, and may include visitors, service representatives, contract l workers, clerical workers, and any other individuals for whom the licensee I feels that monitoring devices should be provided. Most licensees submit the dose distribution of the total number of persons for whom monitoring was provided in their annual 9 20.407 reports, but a few report only those for whom monitoring was required. 3.1,3 Number of Workers with Measurable Doses The number of workers with measurable doses is obtained from the annual dose 1 distribution reports submitted by NRC licensres pursuant to 10 CFR s 20.407 by subtracting the number of individuals having less than measurable doses from j the total number of monitored individuals. This figure is used to calculate L the average measurable dose per worker because it deletes those individuals who received exposures too small to be detected by personnel monitoring I devices, many of whom probably did not routinely work in radiation areas.(and were monitored for convenience or for identification purposes). , l l Comercial nuclear power reactore; industrial radiographers; fuel processors, fabricators and reprocessors; manufacturers and distributors of by-product material; independent spent fuel storage Installations; and facilities for land disposal of low-level radtoactive waste. , l 3-1 l

3.1.4 Collective Dose The concept of collective dose is used in this report to denote the summation of the whole body external doses received by all monitored individuals and has the units person-rem (person-cSv)6 The collective dase is not usually provided in the annual dose distribution reports submitted pursuant to 10 CFR % 20.407, but NRC staff calculated it from the reports by summing the products obtained by multiplying the number of individuals reported in each of the dose ranges by the midpoint of the corresponding range. This assumes that the midpoint of the range is equal to the arithmetic mean of the individual doses in the range. Past experience has shown that the actual mean dose of individuals reported in each dose range is less than the midpoint of the range, and the collective doses shown in this report for these may be about 10% toa high. In 1981, a few power reactor licensees began reporting the actual collective dose (as determined from official personnel dosimetry results) on the 5 20.407 annual reports, and, when provided, the NRC staf f used these doses instead of the above-described calculations. The staff would prefer to use the actual collective dose and encourages more licensees to make it available. 3.1.5 Average Individual Dose The average individual dose is obtained by dividing the collective dose by the total number of individuals reported as being monitored. This figure is usually less than the average measurable dose becaute it includes the number of those individuals who received zero or less than measurable doses. 3.1.6 Average Measurable Dose The average measurable dose is obtained by dividing the collective dose by the number of workers that received a measurable dose. This is the average most commonly used in this and other recorts when examining trends and comparing doses received oy workers in various segments of the nuclear industry because it reflects the deletion of those individuals receiving zero or minimal doses, many of whom were monitored for convenience. In the International systems of Units. the sievert (Sv) is the name given to the units for dose equivalent. One centistevert (Csv) equals one rem; therefore person-rem becomes person-cSv. 3-2



3.1.7 Number of Licensees-Reporting This is the number of HRC licenses issued to companies to use radioactiva l material for certain activities that would place them in one of the six  ; categories that.are required to report pursuant to 10 CFR 6 20.407. The third I column in Table 3.1 shows the number of licensees that have filed such reports l during the last several years. State licensecs do not submit such reports to =I the NRC. 3.1.8 CR One of the parameters that tha United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) recommends be calculated for occupational dose distributions to aid in the comparison of exposure data is a ratio "CR." CR is defined to be the ratio of the annual collective dose incurred by individuals whose annual doses exceed 1.5' rem to the total annual collective dose. One UNSCEAR report (Ref. 10] states that normal I values of CR should be between 0.05 and 0.50. This means that, usually, no i more than 50% of the collective dose should be due to-individual doses that exceed 1,5 reta. The last column -in Table 3.1 shows the values of CR for the 1 different types of licensees; one can see that most categories now have a CR that is less than 0.50 and that 1990 is the sixth year in a row the CR for commercial LWRs and the grand total for all licensees has dropped below 0.50, 3.2 . Annual Whole Body Dose Distributions Table 3.2 is a compilation of the statistical summary reports currently being submitted by six categories of licensees (see Section-3.3 for a description of licensee categories). In nearly every category a large number of the doses are-less than measurable, and very few doses exceed 4 or E rem (cSv). About 90%~ of the reported individuals continue to be monitored by nuclear power facilities where they receive about 90% of the total- collective dose.- l It should be pointed out that annual. exposures that exceed:5 rem (cSv) are not' I necessarily classified as personnel overexposures. Although 1.25 rem (cSv)-is the quarterly limit set forth in paragraph (a) of 10 CFR 9 20.101,' paragraph (b) permits licensces, under certain conditions, to allow a Lworker ~ l The collective dose of workers with dose 1 exceeding 1.5 rems (c5v) was calculated by assuming that half . of the collective dose incurred by workers with doses between 1 and 2 rems (cSv) was due to doses greater than 1,5 rems (c5v). This value was then added to the collective dose incurred by workers _tn _ the higher ranges. 3-3 2

                                                                                                                                                                                                           -TABLE 3.1 ANNUAL EXPOSURE DATA FOR CERTAIN CATEGORIES Of LICENSEES 1981 1990 k W ar of                                                Cottactive                  .

Average Work ers case Avero9e me asurable n#ser of hder With tperson. IrativtAst pose per t iserwe Latervjar Licetwees of Manitor ed peasuratite rens or Dose trame worker (ress (gggry+ Vtar 9 tgart inn -- 1rnf' virkgle em verson c5v1 2,120 or c$vi 0.31 or tivl C.48 09* 0.42 1emostrist 1990 258 6,523 4,458 e adio9r etty 1989 274 6,745 4,352 2,067 0.31 0.47 0.42 1988 286 - 6,8 78 4,223 1,981 0.29 0.47 -0.43 1987 312 '7,236 . 4,454 1,835 0.25 0.41 0.36 1986 335 7,952 5,130 2,108 - 0.26 0,41 - 0.39 1985 340 8,476 5,550 2,374 0.28 0.43 - 0.45 1984 361 6,458 5.44 2.490 0.30 0.46 0.46 191L5 340 8,624 5,131 2,3M 0.28 0.4 0.45 1982 353 9,235 6.160' 2,998 0.32 0.49 0.4 1981 266 9,9J __ (4g 2.652 0.27 0.48 0.48 persif acturtre 1990 55 4,195 2,7 72 693 0.17 0.31 0.55 erus 1989 48 4,554 2,345 770 0.17 0.33 - 0.53 0 ta t r Itut ian 1988 16 2,1T7 868 343 0.16 0.40 0.62 1987 ' 24 3,589 2,317 716 0.70 0.31 0.54 1956 33 4,042 2,065 745 0.18 0.36 0.49 - -l 1985 33 3,958 2,250 755 0.19 0.34 0.50 -l 195s - 40 5,076 1,977 611 0,13 0.34 0.4  ! 1983 33 5,051 2,003 824 0,14 0.41 0.54 ' l 1982 34 - 5,453 2,199 . 890 0.16 0 . 41, 0.51 1981 29 4.6 6 2.395 904 0.19 0.38 0.52 tortevet 1990 2 184 115 26 0.03 0.23 0,17 waste 1969 2 925 119 35 0.04 0.29 0.17 Olspaal 1968 2 864 171 27 0.03 0.16 0.06 1987 2 778 1 73 24 0.03 0.14 0.00 1966 2 996- 1 75 31 0.03 0.18 0.05 1985 2 1,240 252 70 0,06 0.28 0,24 1984 2 925 297 72 0.08 0.24 0.16

                                                                                       '19&3                    1                                        612                                                            358                                                         71      0.12        0.20       0.14 1987                  t                                        6 80                                                           251                                                         33      0.08        0.21       0.20-t rutepervient          1990                   2                                            56                                                             22                                                       6      0.11        0.27       0.00
                                                                $ pent Fust              1989                   2                                         190                                                            102                                                        33      0.17        0.33       0.09 storage                  1988                   2                                        217                                                                57                                                      25      0.12        0.44      -0.27 1987                   2                                         129                                                               64                                                      41      0.32        0.64       0.60 19M                    1                                             32                                                             32                                                     34      1,06       '1.06       0.4 1985                 -1                                              32                                                             32                                                     34       1.06        1.06 . 0.51 1984                   1                                             32                                                            32                                                      13      0,41-       0.41       0.06 W83                    1                                             33                                                             27                                                      8      0.24        0.30       0.00 1932                   1                                         - 35                                                              12                                                       9      0.26        0.28       0.00 funt                     1990                10 .                           13,756                                                             3,233                                                             207       0.02        0.09       0.01 Febr eation .            1969                  8                            11,583                                                             2,992                                                             243       0.02        0.08       0.00 sai                      19M                 10                             11,994                                                             3,869                                                             455        0.04       0.12       0.01 Process m9               1987                10                              10,370                                                            3,994                                                             514       0.05         0.13 -    0.01 19M                  10                                8,017                                                          3,790                                                             466        0.06-    - 0.12       0.01 1985                 11                                8,5v6 .                                                        5,022                                                             643        0.07        0.13      0.05
                                                                                       . 1984                  14                                9,488                                                          5, 772                                                            818        0.09      .0.14       0.04 1983                 15                                9,023                                                          5,013                                                             835 '      O.09        0.17      0,19 1982                16                                 9,808                                                          5,433                                                             831        0.08        0.11 -    0.20 16                             10.552                                                            5.942                                                         '.94 0         0.09        0.16       0.09 -

195L 6covercist 1990 116 109,254 " . 100,104 " 36,607 0,19 0.37 0.34 L ten t Witer 1989 - 115 182.477 " - 100,080** 35,939 0.19 0.36 0.33 e en t er s"* 1986 11t 193,532 " - 96,653 " 40,164 0.21 0.42 0.38 1981 105 - 205,895 " 97,992** _ 39,7C8 0.19 . 0.41 0.37 . 19M 101, 191,978 " 96,535** - 41,932 0.22 0.43 0.44 1985 93 180.254 " 94,873** 43,624 0.24 0.46 0.47 1984 88 165,801 " 93,224 " 55.353 . 0.33 0.58 0.57 ' 1983 80 139,885 " 83.546** 56,758 - 0.41 0.68 0.60 1982 79 127,904** _ 80,871** 52,227 0.41 -0.65 0.57 1971 73 121.9 ?8 " 80.664 " 54.271 0.44 0.67 0.58 GrarvJ totats 1990 443 214,568 " __.110,204 " 39,739 0.19 0.36 0.34 ' arms Averages 1969 449 212,474 " 109,990 " 39,087 0.14 - 0.36 0.34 1 1988 - 427 215,662" 105,841 " - 42,W5 0.20 U.41 0.38 1987 455 227,99? " 108,994 " 42,838 0.19 0.39 0.37 1986 442 ' 213,017 " 10?,127 " 45,316 0.21 0.42 0.43 1985 ' 480 202,556**- 107,969 " 47,4h 0.23 0.44 0.44 1984 506 187,782 " 108,748 " 59,421 0,31 - 0.55 0.56 1983 470 143,2:4" 94,878** . _ a0,850 0.37 'O.63 0.59 1982 '482 153,118 " ' 94,94P* 57,006 0.37 0.60 0.56 1939 385 149.3t4** 94.490** 1M.767 0.39 0.42 0.56-

                                                                      ' these cate9eries constat enty of autC licensees. Agreement sta's licensed or9anisations do ret report occ4ationel esposure data to the maC. tsee sectlan 2 for cate9eries)
                                                                        *Ca is the ratio of the arramat coitect ve dose delivered at arvuol doses exceedirie 1.5 rems to the total arvust cet tective dese taee Section 3.1.0) _
                                                                      **These figures are adjusted to account for the eutttple comttre of translant reactor workers (see Sectlan 51.
                                                                     ***inctuces at t LWes in comerctet opretion, sitbugh some of them sisy ret have been in operetters for a full year,

- 3-4

                 ;                          , . _                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    z_________


                                                                                              *Namber of Individuals with Whole Body Doses in the Ranges (rem or cSv)                                                TOTAL TOTAL NUNBER COLLECTIVE-

[ LICENSE CATEGORY N 7sER .WITH DOSE t (f reporting) No Mea- Meas. 0.10- 0.25- 0.50- 0.75- 1.00- 2.00- 3.00- 4.00- 5.00- 6.00- 7.00- 8.00- 9.00- MON 1- (JLS. (Person- 'f surable <0.10 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 12.00 >12.0 TORED EXPOSURE rem) . ! r P INDUSTRIAL RADIOGRAPHf

Single Location (66) 528- 194 79 20 6 4 1 832 304 41  : i Maltiple Locations (192) 1,537 1,661 671 569 354 251 459 140 33 13 3 5.691 4.154 2.079 Total (258) 2,065 1.855 750 589 360 .255 460 140 33 13 3 6.523 4,458 2.120 -l MANUFACTURING AND l DISTRIBUTION  :
                                               ~7"-Broad (10)             1.229 1.227             243            106    56       31'   97    59     37    6                                         3.091    1.862     655 Limited (45)                 694           345      40             16     7        1                  1                                              1,104      410      38 Total (55)               1,923 1.572             283            122'   63       32    97    59     38    6                                         4,195    2.272     693
  • LOW-LEVEL WASTE DISPOSAL Total (2) 669 74 10 19 2 4 6 784 115 26

IhDEPENDENT SPENT FUEL STORAGE Total (2) 34 2 12- 6 2; 56 22 6. , FUEL FABRICATION Total (10) 10.523 2.563 511 133 19 4 3 13.156 3.233 287 l !: "COMMERCI AL POVER REACTORS l Boiling Water (38) 39.347 17.233 7.336 5.992 3,717 2,493 4.162 625 41 1 80.947 41.600 15.781 Pressurized Water (78) '58.733 29.988 13,051 10,750 5,759 3,384 4,712 607 43 127.027 68.294 20.826 l i GRAND TOTALS. 113,294 53,287 21.953 17,611 9.922 6.172 9.440 '1,431 155 20 - 3 233.288 119.994 39.739 i

                                       *Dese values exactly equal tr the values separating ' ranges are reported in the next higher range.                                        .


                               ** Includes all reactors in comercial operation, although some of them may not have been in operation for a full year. and these values have not been                                         -' 4 adjusted for the multiple counting of transient reactor workers.

to receive a:whole body dose of 3 rem (cSv) per calendar quarter (up to 12 rem (cSv) annually]. The conditions are that the licensee must have determined and recorded the worker's prior accumulated occupational dose to the whole body and that the worker's whole body dose when added to his accumulated occupational dose does not exceed 5(N 18) rem (cSv), where N equals the individual's age in years. Altnough there is currently no annual limit, annual exposures that exceed 12 rem (cSv) indicate that an exposure in_ excess of regulatory limits has occurred.

    ' A summary of the annual whole body exposures reported to the Commission by-certain categories of NRC licensees required to submit reports pursuant to 10 CFR 5 20.407 is presented in Table 3.3, which shows that about 95% of the exposures have consistently remained less than 2 rem (cSv) between 1967 and 1984. For the past 3 years the percentage of workers with less than 2 rem (cSv) has been greater than 98%. The number of individuals receiving an annual exposure in excess of 5 rem (c5v) has been gradually declining since 1971 and has been less than 0.01% since 1985.

3.2.1 Log Probability Plots Since personnel monitoring data have been found to have log-normal distributions [Ref. 11], trends in the data reported by licensees may be observed from log probability plotsa of data. Figure 3.1 displays such a- plot of the doses incurred by workers monitored by certain NRC licensees (see Section 3.1.1) for the yea 1990. There are a few characteristics of these _ distributions readers should keep in mind. First, each single plotted point represents the total cumulative percent of all workers with measurable doses up to tiie plotted value. All measurable-doses up to 0.1._ rem are included in the value plotted at 0.1 rem,- and the values shown on the " Annual Dose" axis-are derived from the dose ranges specified in 10 CFR s 20.407(b). Second, because it is not possible to-plot 100% on these figures, the data for the highest dose group are plotted at 99.99% and can be said to account for all of'. the workers. If the data have a log-normal distribution the data points will form a straight line when plotted on log probability paper on which cumulative probabilities are laid of f on the vertical axis at distances prcportional to the corresponding number of standard deviations above or below the median and the dose is plotted on the horizontal axts with a logarithnic scale I 3-6 l I l



OF ANNUAL DOSE DISTRIBUTIONS FOR CERTAIN NRC LICENSEES 1968-1990 l Percent of Percent of Number of Total Number of Monitored Persons Individuals Individuals Individuals i Reported Corrected With Doses With Doses With Doses i Year Number Number * <2 rems * <5 rems * >12 rems

  • l 1968 36,836 97.2% 99.5% 3 l 1969 31,176 96.5% 99.5% 7 1970 36,164 96.1% 99.4% 0 1971 36,311 96.3% 99.3% 1 1972 44,690 95.7% 99.5% 8 1973 67,862 95.0% 99.5% 1  ;

1974 85,097 96.4% 99.7% 1 4 1975 78,713 94.8% 99.5% 1 1976 92,773 95.0% 99.6% 3 1977 98,212 93,438 93.8% 99.6% 1 1978 105,893 100,818 94.6% 99.8% 3 1979 131,027 125,316 95.2% 99.8% 1 1980 159,177 150,675 94.6% 99.7% 0 1981 157,874 149,314 94.6% 99.8% 1 1982 162,456 154,117 94.9% 99.9% 0 1983 172,927 164,239 94.6% 99.9% 0 1984 181,627 168,899 95.1% 99.9% 0 1985 212,217 201,339 97.5% >99.99% 2 1986 225,582 213,017 98.0% >99.99% 0 1987 243,562 228,013 98.7% >99.99% 1 1988 231,234 215,662 98.6% >99.99% 0 1989 229,353 212,454 98.9% >99.99% 1 1990 233,288 214,568 98.9% >99.99% 0

  • Dats for 1977-1990 are based on the distributton of individual doses af ter adjusting for the enultiple counting of transtent reactor workers (see Section 5).


Figure 3.1 Annual Doso Distribution of Workers at Certain NRC Licensees 1990

   "~                                                                   I               di          i                                        /1       Il      I      II l                     l
                                                                                //                                                         /      /

99 9 - p

                                                                        /            /                                        /
                                                                                                                                        '/                              -

99.8 - [ j/ /

                                              /                               /                        /

t s <, -

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3 - 95 _

                                                                                    ,p 5                                                           /-"        -         /

I 90 -

                 ,#                              #       --                  /                                                                                            -

B s s a 80 -- '-y 7 # ---- Industrial Radographers


j 70 - ',,,,-

                                              /                                               ----

unduturm and Dmtitution p j

                                                                                              ~                                         trmlevelWaste Disposal

Irdependent Spent - 50 - Fuel 40 - == Fuel Fatxk:ation Commerdal Ligd - 30 - Water Reacbs i I l 1 l l I I l i Ii 0.1 0.25 0.5 0 75 1.0 2 3 4 5 6 7 89 10 Annual Dosa(Rems or cSv) Ucense Category Average Meas. Cose CR* (Rom or cSv) Industrial Radiographers 0.48 0.42 Manutacturing and Distribution 0.31 0.55 Low LevelWaste Disposal 0.23 0.17 Independent Spent Fuel 0.27 0.00 Fuel Fabrication o.og o.o1 CommercialLight Water Reactots 0.33 027

                     *CR la the ratio of the dose delivered at indivkjual doses exceeding 1.5 rems to the annual collective dose.

Note- Each point on the curves represents the cumulative percentage of worters with measurabia doses who received doses loss than the indcated annual dose. 3-8

Another feature of these types of graphs-is that several comparisons of various dose distributions can be made quickly. For example, one can easily see in Figure 3.1 that in 1990 about 90% of the workers monitored by firms licensed for independent spent fuel storage received doses that were less than 0.50 rem (cSv), while all of the workers monitored at fuel-fabrication facilities received doses less than 2.00 rem (cSv). One should also note that-the doses at which the 50 percentile line crosses the plot corresponds to the median dose, i.e. the dose below which half of the dose fell and above which half fell, for industrial radiography and commercial light water reactors, the median dose is near 0.10 rem (cSv), while for manufccturing and distribution, fuel fabrication facilities, and low-level waste disposal facilities, the median measurable dose is considerably less. The relative positions and curvature of the graphs are indicative of certain characteristics of the dose distributions. The positions of the 1990 plots of the dose distribution of workers at fuel fabrication facilities and independent fuel storage facilities above that of the other plots indicate smaller values of the average doses and CR (as shown in the chart at the bottom of the graph). This is due to the lower number of workers with doses that exceeded 1.5 rem (cSv) in 1990 as compared to other licensed activities.- The tendency of the plots to curve upward for doses greater than one rem-(cSv) is typical of distributions having several workers with doses in the higher dose ranges (Refs. 10, 11], and indicates that the entire distribution is not a log-normal one. Another theoretical analysis of occupational dose distributions [Ref. 12] has found that these data may be fitted by a hybrid log-normal distribution. At low doses, this distribution is log-normal, but at-higher doses, where radiation control programs very closely monitor each worker's total dose so that the frequency of doses approaching the dose limits is reduced, the distribution is normal. An example of this " feedback" mechanism which reduces exposures ' reported at higher doses can be seen in the plot for independent spent' fuel storage and-low-level waste disposal facilities. The relatively low points on the curve between 0.10 and 0.25 rem (cSv) indicate a large percentage of individuals receiving dose in this range, while the curve takes a steep' upwards turn at 0.50 rem (cSv) indicating tighter controls limiting exposure above this level. This distribution characteristic is further reflected in the relatively high average measurable dose of 0.27 rem (cSv), but a CR value of zero for these facilities. l 3-9 l

workers receiving measurable doses (304) decreased by 6% over last year's , value, while the collective dose increased to 41 person-rem (cSv). This resulted in the average measurable dose increasing from 0.12 in 1989 to 0,13 rem (cSv)in1990. At firms having multiple-location licenses in 1990, the number of monitored workers with measurable dose increased by 3%, and the collective dose-increased by 4% from the 1989 values. This resulted in the average measurable dose remaining at-0.50 rem (cSv) for the thi'rd straight year. i However, the average dose for workers performing radiography at a single location was one-fourth that amount. This was probably due to the fact that it is more difficult for workers to avoid exposure to radiation in the field, where conditions are not the best and may change every day. In order to see the contribution that each radiography licensee made to the total collective dose, a summary of the information reported by each of these licensees in 1990 i is presented in Appendix A in descending order of average measurable dose. Figure 3.2 shows the number of personnel with measurable dose per licensee, the total collective dose per licensee, and the average measu, able dose for both types of industrial radiography facilities from 1973 through 1990. All three parameters have remained fairly stable since 1983 with the increase from 1987 through 1990 due primarily to an increase in the total collective dose ^ j and a decrease in the number of licensees. 3.3.2 Manufacturer and Distributor Licenses, Type "A" Broad and Limited Manufacturer and distributor licenses are issued to allow the manufacture and distribution of radionuclides in various forms for a number of diverse purposes. The products are usually distributed to persons specifically licensed by the NRC or an Agreement State, lype "A" Broad licenses are issued to larger organizations who may use many different radionuclides in many different ways and who have a comprehensive radiation protection program. _The Limited licenses are usually issued to smaller firms requiring a more-restrictive license. Some firms are medical suppliers that process, package, or distribute such products as diagnostic test kits, radioactive surgical implants, and tagged radiochemicals for use in medical research, diagnosis, and therapy. Limited firms are suppliers of industrial radionuclides and are involved in the processing, encapsulation, packaging, and distribution of the radionuclides that they have purchased in bulk quantities from production-reactors and cyclotrons. Major products include gamma. radiography sources, cobalt irradiation sources, well-logging sources, sealed sources for gauges 3-11

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s 7 f 1 e _ l u a 8 V # a79 l 1 a u n A n / N  % 7

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o A  % 3 a79 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 g 0 0 - 0 0 m. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 0 g' 6 4 2 0- 8 6 4 2 2 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 - i x.7:;b goi l $ 2- 28 eE.5 8 vE .mg ,yaE$ =.m $5obe8 $ - - o + !om u gw '.*I$8 aS e72$a$ $?c  ; Yg i:  : I  !(l: ~ i

and smoke detectors, and radiochemicals for non-medical research. However, only those NRC licensees that possess or~use at any one time specified-quantities of the nuclides listed in paragraph 20 408(a)(6) are required to submit annual (10 CFR 9 20.407) and termination (10 CFR s 20.408) reports. lable 3.5 presents the annual data that were reported by the two types of licensees for 1990 and the previous two years. The total number of workers receiving measurable doses as reported by these types of licensees decreased by about 3% to 2,272 workers in 1990. The collective dose also decreased resulting in an average dose of 0.31 rem (cSv).-Looking at the information shown separately for the Type "A" Broad and Limited licensees, one can see that the values of all of the parameters-remain higher for the Broad licensees. However, when attempting to examine trends in the data presented for this category of licensees, one should note that the types and quantities of radionuclides may fluctuate from year to year, and even during the year, so l that some licensees may report dose data one year and not the next and may be included as a Broad licensee one year and a Limited licensee at other times. l Since the number of reporting licensees is quite small, these fluctuations may have a significant impact on the values of the parameters. TABLE 3.S ANNUAL EXPOSURE INFORMATION FOR MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS. 1988-1990 Collective Workers Dose Average Number Number of with (person- . Measurable of Monitored Measurable rems or Dose (rems Year Type of License Licenses Individuals Doses person-c5v) or c5v) 1990 M & D "A"-Broad 10 3,091 1.J62 655 0.35 l M & 0-Limited 45 1.104 410 38 0.09 Total 55 4.195 2.272 693 0.31 1989 M & D "A"-Broad 11 3,617 1,956 721 0.37 M & D-Limited 37 937 389 49 0.13 Total 48 4.554  ?.345. 770 0.33 1988 M & 0 "A"-Broad 10 2.119 837 340 0.41 M & 0-Limited 6 58 31 3 0.10 Totil 16 2.177 868 343 0.40 l 3-13

     , , ~                                                         ,
                     .   ..   -      _.  =-      -   -

Figure 3.3 shows the number of personnel with measurable dose per licensee, the total collective dose per licensee, and the average measurable dose for both Type "A" Broad and Limited manufacturing and distribution facilities. While the collective dose per licensee has decreased considerably from a value of 62.5 person-rem (cSv) in 1975 to a value of 12.6 person-rem (cSv) in 1990, the number of workers with measurable dose per licensee has fluctuated greatly over the years with the largest yearly decrease occurring between 1987 and 1989. This value decreased in 1990 to a value of 41.3, which is the lowest value recorded since befora 1973. I In order to see the contribution that each of these licensees made toward the total values of the number of persons monitored, number of workers, and collective dose, Appendix A lists the values of these parameters for each - licensee in descending order of average measurable dose for 1990. l 3.3.3 Low-Level Waste Disposal Licenses These licenses are issued to allow the receipt, possession, .and disposal of low-level radioactive wastes at a land disposal facility. The licensee has the appropriate facilities to receive wastes from such places as hospitals and laboratories, store them for a short time, and dispose of them in a properly prepared burial ground. The licensees in this category are located in and licensed by Agreement States that have primary regulatory authority over its activity. However, they also have an NRC license that covers certain special nuclear material they might receive. The annual dose reports submitted by these licensees include all doses received during the year regardless of whether they were due to NRC or Agreement State licensed material.- The requirement for this category of NRC licensee to file annual- reports - became effective in January 1983. While in 1982 and 1983 there was only one licensee in this category, there have been two licensees in this category since 1984. Table 3.1 summarizes the data reported for 1982 through- 1990. In 1990, the number of workers receiving measurable doses (115) decreased slightly from last year (119), while the collective dose decreased from 35 to 26 person-rem (-cSv). The average measurable dose, therefore, decreased from 0.29 person-rem (-cSv) to 0.23 person-rem (-cSv). Appendix A summarizes the exposure information reported by these two licensees in 1990. Figure 3.4 shows the number of personnel with measurable dose per licensee, the total collective dose per licensee, and the average measurable dose for low-level waste disposal facilities from 1982 through 1990. As one would expect, since only two licensees have been involved in this activity over the r 3-14

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 . - - - ..-.--.. -. - - -                                             . - - . - . - . - - - . . - . - . ~ . , . - - . . . - -

past six years, the numbers have remained fairly stable from 1984 through 1990.

                           .3.3.4   Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Licenses These licenses are issued to allow the possession of power reactor spent fuel and other associated radioactive materials for the purpose of storage of such fuel in an independent spent fuel storage installation (ISFSI). Here, the spent fuel, which has undergone at least one year of decay since being used as a source of energy in a power reactor, is provided interim storage, protection, and safeguarding for a limited time pending its ultimate disposal.

There have been three licenses issued for these activities, two at nuclear- l power plants and one at an independent facility. In 1987, one reactor licensee , began reporting the dose-distribution information for the spent fuel storage j activities separately, while the other reactor licensee combined the data with I the report for all activities at the site. Only those two licensees (one 4 reactor and one independent) that reported dose distribution information 1 separately are included in this analysis of independent spent fuel storage . installation facilities for 1990. For 1982 through 1986, table 3.1 summarizes the data submitted by the only ISFSI that is separate from a nuclear power plant. For 1987 through 1990 this table also includes data from the ISFSI located at the power plant. The number of individuals receiving measurable dose in 1990 was 22. a significant decrease from the 102 individuals reported in 1989. The colleccive dose also - decreased from a value of 30 person-rem (-cSv) in 1989 to a value of 6 person-rem (-cSv) in 1990. The average measurable dose decreased for the fourth year in a row to a value of 0.27 rem (cSv). The value of CR has also decreased to zero. A contributing factor to the relatively high average dose reported in

previous years was that the licensees reported the doses of only those workers reauired to be monitored for exposure to radiation, unlike most other licensees which report the doses of all individuals for whom monitoring was provided. This had a tendency to result in the calculation of a-higher average dose.
                          --Figure 3.5 shows the number of personnel with measurable dose.per licensee, l

the ' total collective dose per licensee, and the average measurable dose per worker for independent spent fuel storage facilities. The values for all 7

                          -three of these parameters decreased in 1990. -Appendix A summarizes the exposure information reported by the two installations that reported in 1990.

1. l l 3-16 i

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8 8 S t x eleos esn - eosuaon Jad esoO eAagoaltog pua esoa elquansean yum saaqJog lo JaqwnN 00t + alcos esn - Japon Jed esco OlgeJnscan e6sJ Ay 3-17

3.3.5 fuel Fabrication and Reprocessing Licenses The fuel fabrication licenses are issued to allow the processing and fabrication of reactor fuels. In most uranium facilities where-light water reactor fuels are processed, uranium hexafluoride enriched in the isotope U-235 is converted to solid uranium dioxide pellets and inserted into zirconium alloy tubes. The tubes are fabricated into fuel assemblies which are shipped to nuclear power plants. Some facilities also perform chemical operations to recover the uranium from scrap and other off-specification materials. On a much smaller scale, fuel assemblies containing plutorlum oxide pellets can be similarly fabricated and used in reactors for experimental purposes. However, there are no NRC licensees engaged in this activity at this time. Table 3.6 shows that there were 10 fuel fabrication facilities in 1990. A number of licensees were involved in decontamination and decommissioning of their plutonium facilities, and for several years the data for these licensees were shown in the " Decommissioning" category in Table 3.1. Since these facilities have ceased to fabricate plutonium fuel, they are not required to file annual reports and are no longer shown in the tables. Table 3.6 also shows that in 1990, the collective dose increased by about 18% to 287 person-rem (-cSv), up from 243 person-rem (-cSv) in 1989. The number of workers with measurable external doses decreased, resulting in the average measurable dose increasing slightly to 0.09 rem (cSv) in 1990, figure 3.6 shows the number of personnel with measurable dose per licensee, the total collective dose per licensee, and the average measurable dose for fuel fabrication licensees. For the past three years the number of personnel with measurable dose per licensee, collective dose per licensee, and average measurable dose has experienced a decreasing trend. Appendix A lists each of the eight licensees reporting in 1990, with the number of persons l monitored; the number of workers receiving measurable external doses, and the collective dose for each licensee in descending order of average measurable-2 dose. Fuel -reprocessing licenses are issued to allow the separation of usable uranium and plutonium from spent nuclear fuel. There was only one commercial facility that was ever _ licensed to reprocess fuel, and it has been shut down since 1972. However, the licensee did some decontamination work and stored radioactive waste-at the facility for several years, and the annual report that was submitted each year was usually grouped with those of the fuel , fabricators. In February 1982, the Department of Energy assumed possession i 3-18 I

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TABLE 3.6 ANNUAL EXPOSURE INFORMATION FOR FUEL FABRICATORS 1988-1990 Collective Workers Dose Average Number Number of with (person- Measurable of Monitored Measurable rems or Dose (rems Year Type of Licent.e Licenses Individuals Doses person-c5v) orc 5v) l 0.09 1990 Urantum Fuel Fab 10 13.756 3.233 287 1989 Uranium Fuel Feb 8 11.583 2,992 243 0.08 1988 Uranium Fuel fab 10 11.994 3,869 455 0.12 and control of the reprocessing facility to conduct waste solidification activities necessary for final decommissioning. During this period, the NRC license will, in effect, be suspended, and no reports will be filed with the NRC. 3.3.6 Light Water-Cooled Power Reactor (LWR) Licenses These licenses are issued to utilities to allow them to use special nuclear material in a reactor which produces heat and generates electricity to be sold l to consumers. There are two major types of conunercial LWRs in the United i States - pressurized water reactors (PWRs) and boiling water reactors (BWRs) - each of which uses water as the primary coolant. As shown in Table 3.1, annual reports were received from nuclear power facilities for 116 licensed LWRs where 189,254 individuals were monitored for exposure to radiation in 1990. Of this number, 100,104 workers received a measurable dose and incurred a collective dose of 36,607 person-rem (person cSv). This is slight increase (<2%) over the collective dose of 35,939


reported for 1989. The number of workers with measurable doses has increased somewhat which has resulted in the average measurable dose increasing to 0.37 rem (cSv) in 1990, it is important to note that these. figures have been adjusted for the multiple counting of-transient reactors workers (see Section 5). The reported dose distribution of workers monitored at each plant site is presented in alphabetical order by site name in Appendix B, 3-20 l

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0 0 0 0 0 M E 0 0 4 " -'3 0 0 0 5 2 0 0 2 0 5 1 0 0 1 0 5 0 5* 2n g@g k 3g :Eo* oo vf*0 2jE$ g5 2ig 2 j[esz g + $ $38 $$ { ho jRae2 =cm 2 wd~

More detailed presentations and analyses of the annual exposure information reported by nuclear power facilities can be found in Sections 4 and 5. 3.3.7 High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Power Reactor (HTGR) Licenses A license to operate a power reactor is issued to utilities to allow them to use special nuclear material in a reactor to produce haat to generate electricity to be sold to consumers. In the HIGR, a gas, usually helium, is used as the primary coolant. Fort St. Vrain near Greeley, Colorado, was the only such reactor in operation in the U.S. but has not been in commercial operation since 1989. As shown in Table-3.7, annual whole body doses incurred. by workers at the plant have been minimal. ] No one exceeded an annual dose of 0.25 rem (cSv) until 1985 when the highest annual dose was between 1 and 2 rem (cSv). In 1986 the average dose per worker dropped back down to 0.03 rem (cSv), along with a large decrease in the number of workers at the site. Although the 1986 maintenance activities resulted in the largest collective and average annual. doses in the history of the plant, these doses remain much smaller than those for PWRs and BWRs. In 1990 the number of workers with measurable doses was 30 with an average measurable dose of 0.02 rem. I t 1 l l l 3-22

i i i i l TABLE 3.7. . ANNUAL EXPOSURE INFORMATION FOR FORT ST, VRAIN i l 1974-1990 1 No of Individuals with Annual Doses in Ranaes (rems or cSvl Annual Average Total Collective' Gross Measurable No No. of Dose Electricity Dose per Meas *ble Meas'ble 0.10- 0.25- Individuals-(person-rems . Generated Vorker Year Mse Oose <0.10 0.25 2.00 Honitored orperson-c5v) (MV-yr) (rem or c5v) 1974 1.597 63 1 0 1,651 3.3 0.0 0.05. 1975 1,263 0 0 0 1,263 0.0 0.0 0.00-1976 1,362 25 0 0 1,387 1.3 2.8 0.05 1977 -946 55 1 0 1,002 2.9 25.8 0.05 1978 896 34 0- 0 930 -1.7 75.7 0.05 1979 1,149 120 2 0 1,271 6.4 28.6 0.05 1980 902 57 1 0 960 3.0 83.2 0.05 1981 1,096 31 0 0 1,127 1.0 93.6 0.03 1982 978 22 0 0 1,000 0.4 72.6 0.02 1983 965 48 0 0 1,013 1.0 94,4 0.02 1984 1,616 62 8 0 1,686 3.0 10,9 0.04 1985 1,929 370 40 33 2,372 35.0 3.8 0.08 1986 221 66 4 0 -291 1.8 9,7 0.03 1987 155 52 2 0 209 1.2 23.8 .0.02 1988 238 24 0 0 262 0.7 81.8 0.03 1999 316 47 6 2 371 2.7 0.0 0.05 1990 226 30 0 0 256 0.6 0,0 0.02 l l i 3-23

4 COMMERCIAL LIGHT WATER REACTORS - FURTHER ANALYSIS 4.1 Introduction l General trends in occupational radiation exposures at nuclear power reactors are best evaluated within the context of other pertinent information. In this chapter, some of the tables and appendices that summarize exposure data also  ; show the type, capacity, and age of the reactor; the amount of electricity generated; the types of workers being exposed; and the sort of tasks being , performed. Exposure data is then presented as a function of-these data. l 4.2 Definition of Terms and Sources of Data I i 4.2.1 Number of Reactors j The number of reactors shown in Tables 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 is the number of BWRs, PWRs, and LWRs, respectively, that had been in commercial operation for at least one full year as of December 31 of each of the indicated years. This 1s the number of reactors on which the average number of workers with measurable dose and average collective dose per reactor is based. Exc1uded are those reactors that may have been in commercial operation for only a;few months during the first year and reactors that have been defueled and declared that they will not be commercially operated again. This yields conservative values for many of the averages shown in the tables. The date that each reactor was declared to be in commercial operation was found in Reference 14. In prior years Three Mile Island 2 has been -included in the compilation of data for commercially operating reactors. The reactor has been shut down since the 1979 accident and has been in the process of defueling and decommissioning since that time. Three Mile Island 2 is not included in the data analysis for-1990, and will no longer be included in the operational' data analysis presented in this report. Data for this reactor, however, will be , listed in Appendices B, C, D and E for reference purposes. 4.2.2 Electric Energy Generated The electric energy generated in gross megawatt-years (MW-yr) each year-by

each facility is shown in Appendix C and graphically represented in This number was obtained by dividing the gross megawatt-hours of Appendix E.

electricity annually-produced by each facility by 8,760, the number of hours in the year, except for leap years when the number is 8,784 hours. The gross , -megawatt-years of generated electricity that are presented in Tables 4.1, 4.2, L and 4.3 are the sums of-that produced by the number of reactors included in l 4-1 l



OF ANNUAL INFORMATION REPORTED BY COMMERCIAL BOILING WATER REACTORS + 1973-1990 Average Annual Collective Average No. Average Collective No. of Average Dose Per Personnel Collec- Average . Average Number Doses Vorkers Grcss Dose Per Peacter With tive Dese Electricity Mastrue of (person- With Electricity Worker. (person- measurable per W-yr Generated Dependable Reactors rems or Measurable ~ Generated (rems or. rems or Ocses (person-rem . Per Reactor . Capacity' Year Included person-cSv) Doses (W-yr) ' cSv) person-cSv). Per Reactor /W-yr) (W-yr) het ( We) 1973 12 4,564 5,340 3,393.9 0.85 380 445 1.3 283 438 1974 14 7,095 8,769 4,060.2 0.81 507 626 1.7 290 485' 1975 18 12,611 14,607 5,786.4 0.86 701 812 2.2 321 595 1976 22 12,300 16,604 8,137.9 0.74 559 755 1.5 370 630 w 1977 23 19,041 21,388 9,102.5 0.89 828 930 2.1 396 637

            /o                1978            25                                       15,273      '20,278       11,856.0     0.75          611           811         1.3           474          660 1979            25                                       18,325       25,245       11,671.0     0.73          733        1,010          1.6           467         ~660    ,

1980 26 29,530 34,094 10,868.2 0.87 1,136 1,311 2.7 418 663 1981 26 25,471 34,755 10,899.2 0.73 980 1,337 2.3 419 663 1982 26 24,437 32,235' 10,614.6 0.76 940 1,240 2.3 408 663 1983 26 -27,455 '33,473 9,730.1 0.82 1,056 1,287 2.8 374 663 1984 27* 27,097 41,105 10,019.2 0.66 1,004 1,522 2.7 371 754 1985 29** 20,573 38,237 12,284.0 0.54 709 1,319 1.7 424 775 . 1986 30 19,349 37,928 12,102.1 0.51 645 1,264 1.6 '403 5786 1987 32*** '16,717 '41,737 15,109.0 0.40 522 1,304 1.1 472' 832 1988 '34 18,092 40,305 16,665.4 0.45 532 1,185 1.1 490 845' , 1989 36 15~,558 44,360 17,543.5 0.35 432 1,232 0.9 487 857 1990 37 15,780 41,577 21,336.1 0.38 426 1,124 0.7 577 862

                                +1ncludes only those reactors that had been in cerercial operation for at lease one full year as of December 31 of each of the indicated yearn and all                  '

figures are uncorrected for multiple reporting of transient individuals.

                                *In 1984 it was decided that Sanboldt Bay, a plant that has been shut down since 7/76, would no loncer be included in the count of rear: tors.
                               **!n 1985 it was decided that Dresden 1. a plant that has been shut down since 10/78, would no longer be included in the count of nacters.
                              ***In 1987 it was decided that Lacrosse. a plant that has been shut down since 4/30/87. would no longer be included in the count of reactors.




OF ANNUAL INFORMATION REPORTED 8Y COMMERCIAL PRESSURIZED WATER REACTORS + 1973-1990 Average Annual Collective Average No. Average Collective No. of Average Dose Per Personnel Collec- Average Average Number ' Doses Vorkers Gross Dose Per Reactor With tive Dose Electricity Maxioun of (person- With Electricity Werker (person- Measurable per W-yr Generated- Dependable Reactors rems or Measurable Ger.erated (rems or rems or Doses (person-ree Per Reactor Capacity Year included person-c5v) Doses (W-yr) csv) person-cSv) Per Recctor /wW-yr) (W-yr) Net (P%) 1973 12 9,398 9,440 3,770.2 1.00 783 787 2.5 314 544 1974 19 6,555 .9,370 6,530.7 0.70 345 493 1.0 344 591 1975 26 8,268 10,884 11,982.5 0.76 318 419 0.7 461 647

 . 1976            30          13,807          17,588           13,325.0            0.79          460            586           1.0             444             701 4, 1977            34          13,467          20,878           17,345.8            0.65          396            614           0.8             510             688 1978            39          16,528          25,700           19,840.5            0.64          424            659           0.8             509             706 1979            42         21,657           38,828           18,255.0            0.56          516            924           1.2             435             746 l    1980            42         24,265           46,237           18,289.3            0.52          578         1,101            1.3             435            -746 1981            44         28,673           47,351           20,553.7            0.61          652         1,076            1.4             467             752 1982            48         27,753           52,146           22,140.6            0.53          578         1,085            1.3             461             777 1983            49         29,017           52,173           23,195.5            0.56          592         1,065            1.3             473             785 1984            51        .28,138           56,994           26,478.4            0.49          552         1,118            1.1             519             809 1985            53*        22,469           54,633           29,470.7            0.41          424         1,031            0.8             556             820 1986            60         23,032           62,995           33,593.0            0.37          384         1,050            0.7             560             878 1987            64         23,684           62,597           37,007.3            0.38          370            978           0.6             578             900 l    1988            68         22,786           62,921           42,929.7            0.36          335            925           0.5             631             885 i    1989            71         20,381           63,894           44,679.5           0.32           287            900           0.5             629             897 1990            73         20,812           68,073           46,955.6           0.31           285            933           0.4             643             907      i
    + Includes only those reactors that had been in comercial operation for at least one full year as of December 31 of each of the indicated years, and all figures are ancorrected for enultiple repwrting of transient individuals.
     *In 1984 it .wes decided that Indian Point 1. a plant that has been shut down since 10/78, would not be put in comercial operatier,. and it is no longer included in the count of reactors.                            -




OF ANNUAL INFORMATION REPORTED BY COMMERCIAL LIGHT WATER COOLED 1973-1990 Ave ...e Average No. k.erage Collective Average Average Annual Dose Per Perso mel Collec-No. of Average Electricity Maximas Collective Reactor With tive Dose Workers Gross Dose Per per W-yr Generated D-pendable humber Doses (person- Measurable With Electricity Worker (persen-rem Per Reactor Capacity of (person- rems or Doses rems or Measurable Generated (rems or Fer Reactor /W-yr) (W-yr) Net (Wel Reactors (W-yr) cSv) person-cSv) person-cSv) Doses Year Included 1.9 299 491 7,164.1 0.94 582 616 24 13,962 14,780 550 1.3 321 546 1973 10,590.9 0.75 414 1974 33 13,650 18,139 579 1.2 404 626 25,491 17,768.9 0.82 475 671 1975 44 20,879 502 658 1.2 413 26,107 34,192 21,462.9 0.76 464 667 1976 52 0.77 570 742 1.2 57 32,508 42,266 26,448.3 1.0 495 688 ? 1977 31,696.5 0.69 497 718 ^ 64 31,801 45,978 956 1.3 447 714 1978 29,926.0 0.62 597 67 39,982 64,073 1,181 1.8 429 714 1979 29,157.5 0.67 791 68 53,795' 80,331 1,173 1.7 449 719 1980 31,452.9 0.66 ' 73 1981 70 54,144 82,106 1,140 1.6 443 737 84,381 32,755.2 0.62 705 74 52,190 1,142 1.7 439 743 1982 32,925.6 0.66 753 1983 75 56,472 85,646 1,258 1.5 468 790 98,099 36,497.6 0.56 708 804 1984 78 55,235 525 1,133 1.0 509 43,042 92,870 41,754.7 0.46 508 847 1985 82 0.42 471 1,121 0.9 42,381 100,923 45,695.1 0.8 543 877 1986 90 52,116.3 0.39 421 1,087 96 40,401 104,334 1,012 0.7 584 871 1987 59,595.1 0.40 401 102 40,878 103,226 1,012 0.6 582 883 1988 62,223.0 0.33 336 107 35,939 108,254 997 0.5 621 892 1989 68,291.7 0.33 333 110 36,592 109,650 1990

        + Includes only those reactors that had been in comercisl op> ration for at least one full year as of December 31 of e figures are uncorrected for multiple reporting of transient individuals.

each year. These sums are divided by the number of those reactors included in-each year to yield the average amount of. electric energy generated (MW-yr) per reactor, which is also shown in Tables 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3. The number of gross megawatt-hours of electricity produced each year was found in Reference 14. 4.2.3 Collective Dose per Megawatt-Year

  .The number of megawatt-years of electricity generated was used in determining the ratio of the average value of the annual collective dose to the number of megawatt-years of electricity generated. The ratio was calculated by dividing the total collective dose in person-rem (cSv) by the gross electric energy generated in megawatt-years and is a measure of the dose incurred by workers at power plants in relation to the gross electric energy produced. This ratio us also calculated for each reactor site and is presented in Tables 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 and Appendix C.

4.2.4 Average Maximum Dependable Capacity Average maximum dependable capacity, shown in Tables 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3, was found by dividing the sum of the net maximum dependable capacities of the reactors in megawatts (net MWe) by the number of reactors included each year. The net maximum dependable capacity is defined as the gross electrical output as measured at the output terminals of the turbine generator during the most restrictive seasonal conditions, less the normal station service loads, This

   " capacity" of each plant was found in Reference 14, and it is shown for each site in Appendix C.

4.3 Annual Whole Body Dose Distributions Table 4.4 summarizes the distribution of the annual whole body doses received by workers at all commercial LWRs during each of the years 1977 through 1990. This distribution-is the sum of the annual dose distributions reported by each licensed LWR each year. As previously mentioned, the distribution reported by

_ each LWR site for 1990 is shown in Appendix B. Table 4.4 shows the reported dose distributions corrected for the number of transient workers that were reported by more than one site (see Section 5). The table shows that the i . total number of individuals monitored increased every year since 1981 to a j value of 184,604 in 1990. The number of individuals with measurable dose also decreased to a value of 99,860-in 1990. The total collective dose, after i leveling off through the years 1980-1984, declined sharply in 1985. It has continued to exhibit a moderate decreasing trend since that time, but increased to a value of 36,592 person-rem (-cSv) in 1990. The value of CR

( (see Section 3.1.8) also increased slightly to a value of 0.34. This is the 4-5




  • 1977 - 1990 Collec-tive Niber of Individuals with Whole Body Doses in the #aws f rer s er t$v) Nunber Dose" -

No Total with .(person-Meas *ble Meas *ble 0.10- 0.25- 0.50- 0.75- 1.0- 2.0- 3.0- 4.0- 5.0- 6.0- 7.0- 8.0- 9.0- 10.0- Neter Measurable rens or Year Egosure <0.10 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 12.0 >12.0 Monitored Egosure c5v) ' CR*** 1977 23.562 12.395 6.030 4.518 2.890 2.220 5.649 2.856 1.288 651 186 89 47 23 6 62.420 38.858 32.508 0.65 1978 28.372 15.101 6.342 4.998 3.088 2.247 5.995 3.034 1.197 514 109 37 9 0 1 0 2 71.046 42.674 31.801 0.61 1979 43.330 22.508 8.985 7.469 4.797 3.259 7.572 3.404 1.400 545 117 42 17 3 1 103.449. 60.119 39.982 0.57 1980 50.873 26.903 10.676 8.904 5.570 . 4.134 10,671 4.607 1.816 831 235 119 29 7 1 125.376 74.503 53.795 0.59 1981 39,265 26.836 11,226 9.330 6.042 4.497 11.170 4.811 '1.999 533 103 93 9 3 1 0 1 115.919 76.654 54.144 0.57 1902 41.713 29.225 11.713 9.903 ' 6.229 4.420 '10.220 4.716 2.066 596 97 31 5 0 1 1 120.936 79.223 . 52.190 0.58 - 1983 47.048- 29.107 11,195 9.344 5.851 4.276 11.345 5.332 2.269 716 121 38 8 2 126.652 79.604 56.472 'O.60 1984 54.670 36.296 13.427 10.275 6.336 4.804 11.283 .5.206 2.122 487 52 22 144.980 90.310 '55.235 0.57 M35 59.634 36.831 13.008 11.041 6.627 4,547 10.040 3.575 1.001 157 1 146.4G2 '88.828 43.0C 0.48 , 1986 67.701 41.467 14.570 11.842 7.016 4.693 10.241 3.062 868 146 161.606 93,905 42.381 0.45 . 1987 85.181 41.222 15,834 12.839 7.586 5.332 10.611 2.192 477 69 181.343 96.1 C 40.401 0.38-1988 87.254 40.225 15.913 13.153 7.903 5.461 10.310 2.442- 511 26 1 183.199 95 945 40.878 0.39 '!989 83.947 45.282 17.267 13.777 7.945 5.137 ~8.634 1.614 370 34 184.001' 100.P53 35.939 0.33 1990 84.744 '42.851 17.664 14,407 8.427 5.408 8.985 1.785 312 21 184.604 99.E60' 36.592 0.34'

  *$xmary of reports submitted in accordance with 10 CFR 20.407 by plants that had been in comercial operation for at least one full year as of December 31 of eed, of the indicated years. Figures shown have been adjusted for the muliple reporting of transient indivicbals (sa Section 5).
 **The collective dose, when not reported by the utilities, was calculated by the MC staff using met 5txis descritwd in this doctrent.
***CR is the ratio c? annual collective dose delivered at individual &ses exceeding 1.5 rems (c5v) to the total annual collective dese.

sixth year in a row that the value of CR has been less than 0.50. 4.4 Averaoe Annual Whole Body Doses L Some of the data presented in Tables 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 are graphically l displayed in Figure 4.1, where it can be seen that the average collective dose l l and average number of workers per BWR have been higher than those for PWRs since 1974 and that the values of both parameters, in general,-continued to rise at both types of facilities until 1983. Between 1983 and 1989, the averago collective dose per reactor dropped by 55%. In 1990, the collective dose per reactor for PWRs decreased slightly from 287 person-rem (-cSv) in 1989 to 285 person-rom (-cSv) in 1990. The collective dose per reactor for l BWRs also decreased slightly to 426 person-rem (-cSv) in 1990, resulting in an overall increase for LWRs to 333 person-rem (-cSv) per reactor. The number i of workers with measurable dose per reactor has decreased to 1124 for BWRs and increased to 933 for PWRs in 1990. 1 Figures 4.2 and 4.3 are plots of most of the other information that is given l in Tables 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3. The value for the total collective dose for all l LWRs increased from a value of 35,939 person-rem (-cSv) in 1989 to 36,592 person-rem (-cSv) in 1990. Together with the increase in the number of workers with measurable dose, this resulted in the average measurable dose remaining at 0.33 rem (cSv) in 1990. Power generation indicators such as gross electricity and average maximum dependable capacity net continued to increase for the tenth straight year, while the average collective dose per megawatt-year dropped to less than half the 1980 values during the same time period. The fluctuations in the parameters for the years following the accident at the Three Mile Island plant in 1979 may reflect some of the impact that this incident had on the nuclear power industry. The decrease seen in dose trends since 1983 may be attributable to several factors. - Utilities have completed most of the tasks initiated as a result of the lessons learned from tne Three Mile Islend accident, and they are increasing efforts to avoid and reduce exposure. The importance 7f exposure control and the concept of keeping

 - exposures as low as reasonably achievable (AtARA) is continually being stressed, and most utilities have established programs to collect and share information relative to tasks, techniques, and exposures.


Figure 4.1 Average Collective Dose and Number of Workers per Reactor 1973 - 1990 Average AnnualCollective Dose D , .1. .I 1

                                                        !    - BWR 10M       -

f wm PWH -- b o i nne I.WR

                                      $    800      --                    -

g3 , , , 600- - -

                                                                                -                                   ,M                -

400 kp



                                                                            -h       a wf l                                                           %9
                                                                                                                                                       %g ;h%                         g C t
                                       ,                      w                                                                                                      ~

4- _ 200 - 0 .

                                                 '973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1961 1982 1983 1984 1985 19B6 1987 1988 1989 1990 Year Average Annual Number of Workers with Measurable Dose
                                           *'-                  1. n    2 4
                                                          ! - BWR                                                                             -

g 1400

                                                              == PWR                                                  ,=

q _av A ggs , == tem 1' ... tWn m ,.,____ i

p, ,0x _

g ms f , k 800 = ,  % , y 4'% W COO y _.,& p +# 400-- 200-0 y , , 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1964 1985 19B6 1987 1988 1989 1990 Year i 4-8

Figure 4.2 Number of Operating Reactors and Gross Electricity Generated 1973 - 1990 Number of Operating Reactors 123 I- -.__.} I 110 -

  • E BWR gp 100 J
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  - [. , .

f;:Ib --([. $. 5

                                                                                                                                                                                                           ..y     r:, -                     7; l                                                                                                                                                                                            .
j h-lf! :,b.!ji 93 _, [,'j PWR ,-_-- _. __ _ _ _ _ __ _
f. i;i}-.{ic:.p p . :, .

g !{

                                                                                                                                                                   -p:'.y.g'g-i;0:;g-69 -     -L             - -- :     --        ----                                    - - -                                ---           .- -

+- e.s q: p .-. g c f * ..

E.- l.  : i; - [ '&,

M 70 - -- --- - - -- --

                                                                                           -,..--         e-s 4.-

m ,. . -' t.;.- , . -0. :4.-Ic:b U4, .- 4

gl9. .- s,i;L p4  :.;j ..

g I;; 60 f ~"'t 3.'<'I - $i1  !; -ff,: h- dk.i- I lY- -(ky: !b  ;" Mi- 4kjh-I:{dt :!:d(i g  ;- I -{5.N 1::q . j:F: f; e a yh f{.h;; -L:::{. .q 50 _ . _ _

                                                   -{; : 3-.                   ;:j-.{f::] '}{3 --4![                                 .
                                                                                                                                                   ' :1p        ,
4. :{. .i: fib ],i:'[-jjh[j--f, j . '!. *

["[ ,p!; ...p1j:4 js:: S ._p.. ., ,.;..:

                                            .                : I. : .,;j:4pc.
                                                                            ;:- .            p5 M h. ,py~.i[             g :4 . v, . "                                                                                   .: ..


                                                                                                                                                     .:9 g;.. . .gs:. .y;i'p                                          fp;fm z 49           . . _ _ . .                                ,y           ,-                            , -   , . .                                                           ,                                                                         7 17;                                           ,f; 10                           h' : Ai:


                                                               .-{ji_;;:<l                                k:::                         .*                             te!:j y

3((.! f t' F t j>p -h;p- {!f}:j~ l'];F -- !::[-([<!;'y ylY: $;b 3' ' inill;,illill:li l*l l' 33 - 4.[. j {  !!,}; f} 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 '978 1979 1980 1991 19B2 1983 1984 1965 1966 1987 1968 19B9 1990 Year Gross Electric ty Generated 70

                                        .l         .l.


                    !         ====          DWR !,                                                                                                                                                                                        p 60       _4
                                                                             . _ _ _ _ .          _.           _            __                                               _-                                               . re-          ___

wm PWR

                     ! '" " ' LWR                         p._                                                                                                                                              ._r 3                             __
 $' 50                                                                                                           _ _ . .. _ _ _              ___

l ,<(*r ' ad { 40 - j G

                                                                                                                                                          /pt-                                            //


  • jd k 30 f s% y %p
                                                                                                                                                          *y f t-g n                                                     /s                                                                                  n   n*
  $N 7
                                                              / f% _

W ff p/ ,d , 1-l l,

                                                                                                                                                                  #                                        f 10         -g                          -

7 --- i-- -

                        ,s l                I 0

1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 19M 1964 1985 1986 1987 1958 19B9 1990 Year 4-9

Figure 4.3 Averago Measurable Doso and Collective Doso per Megawatt Year 1973 - 1990 Average Measurable Dose 1.1

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              .l_-_L              L 1.0 - ,-             --            -                                    -                               ----           ---                         -
                                                                                                                                                                                       -                                             -        OWR                  -

0.9 $- -- - - - - - - - - -- - -- - = PWN k 08 -v/ -

                                                                                                                                                                         --g --                                          -           w LWH                         --

g a TA- N

                                                                                                                      ~                                                                                                        j s


                                                                                                      < ~ ~           g%s g%#                                                                                 -

o O f, .- - - - - - ---

                                                                                                      - - - -g g*-%-

g% n(-N g 0 f, -- -- -- -- -

                                                                                                                                              %#                           #'h % A q %                              --

i 04 .- - - - - -- -- - -- khg g 03- --- - -- - - --- - - - - - -- - M

                         .c 02       --          -               -- -                ---            --              --              - - -           ----                                 -

0.1 ----- - - -- --- --- - 00 1973 1974 1975 1970 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 IN85 1986 19'B7 1988 1N89 1990 Year Collective Dose per Megawatt Year 30

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              .I.           I 28                   _ _ _ . .       _ _ _ _                                            _ _ _ _ .       _ _ _ .__                            __                               . - - -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     -          _L-b DWR tr   26                                 - ----                                -              --                          -                      - --
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     .ww      PWR
$ 24 L -- - ---- -- -- - -
a -

22 _ - _ __ . _-. _ . _ - -. _. - - ----- -- m LWR -

                          -   20-           -      -                     --            ~~                 -            - --- -                                                             --

1.3 g___ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _. 16- -. - - - - - - -- -- [- I%rdb y  % 14

p. #'%b


                                               $,                                                                                    v                                        -

g 22 _% l a i0 __. - 3 7 pL  % f 08 w%%

, 0e _ _-

u 04 __ _ 02 --- - l 0.0 - , . , , , , , , , l 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1968 1983 1990 Year 4-10

I To further assist in the identification of any trends that might exist, figure 4.4 displays the average and median' values of the collective dose per reactor for BWRs and for PWRs for the years 1973 through 1990. ihe ranges of the values reported each year are shown by (he vertical lines with a small bar at each end marking the two extreme values. The rectangles indicate the range of values of the collective dose exhibited by those plants ranked in the twenty-fifth through the seventy-fifth percentiles. Since the median values usually are not as greatly af fected by the extreme values of the collective doses, they do not normally fluctuate as much from year to year as do the average values. The median collective dose for PWRs experienced an incrqase from 239 person-rem (-cSv) in 1989 to 288 person rem ( cSv) in 1990. At 3WRs the median fluctuates more from year to year, and in 1990 the median collective dose increased to 437 person-rem (-cSv). figure 4.4 also shows that - in 1990 50% of the PWRs reported collective doses between 162 and 365 person-rem (-cSv) while 50% of the BWRs reported collective doses between 220 and 553 person-rem (-cSv). Nearly every year, the median collective dose is less than the average, which indicates that the collective dose for most plants is less than the average collective dose per reactor (the value that is widely quoted). 4.5 ,P_lant RankingjLhy Collect ive Dose _per React _or lhe number of reactors from which data have been collected is still rather small, and the information reported by a few reactors where unusual conditions or problems may have occurred could have a large impact on some of the statistics presented in this report, in an effort to identify those plants, Tables 4.5 and 4.6 list the BWRs and PWRs in ascending order of collective dose per reactor for each of the five years from 1986 through 1990. The total - collective dose per site is listed in the tables even though the dose per reactor was used for all ranking. Two other parameters, average measurable dose per worker and collective dose per megawatt year, are also given for each plant and could have been used in ranking the plants as well. Also shown is a parameter CR, which is defined as the ratio of the annual collective dose delivered at individual doses exceeding 1.5 rem (cSv) to the total annual collective dose. in 1990 the value of CR continued to decline for most plants, and the CR for all but two of the U.S. LWRs, one BWR and one PWR, fell between 0.05 to 0.50, the range recommended by the UNSCEAR [Ref. 10]. In 1990, the five BWR sites with the highest collective doses all exceeded 700 person-rem (person-cSv) per reactor (Table 4.5). Although the eight The value at which SM of the reactors rewrted greater cnllective doses and the other 50% reported smaller colle:ttwe doses-4-11

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          .                                    $,       $.         E.,.       k~         k~                    k                                   k-( Aso-uosJad Jo swaj-uosjod) Jogoe88 J8d seso0 eAlto81loa 4-12                                                                                                                ,

, TABLE 4.5 BOILING WATER REACTORS LISTED IN ASCENDING ORDER OF COLLECTIVE DOSE PER REACTOR 1986-1990 1986 1987 1956 Dose Dose Dose l Cort per Col. Cott per Co Coi: par Co Dose Womer Do.e tme We, Do e Dose We, Dos. per (-ems per pre (v as pe- pr pr s par Sie Narne Sm" or ch) MW-Yr CR' S!eName- Ste* orcs 4 MWYr CR" Sm Na-e Sm" or cS4 MW Yr Cir" Sg Nch Pcet 84 0 42 1.4 0 33 Cooper S:aJon 103 0 59 02 0.17 tero 1 52 0 05 0.1 0 00 M::s1one Port 1 150 039 0.2 030 Hope CNek i 117 020 01 0 3t Pe"y 105 0 -3 0.1 0 02 Duare Arnold 187 039 05 022 Nme Me Pont i 141 0 12 03 0 04 8b"' Bend t 107 0 21 0.1 0 06 Wasneg'on Nuttow 2 222 022 04 0 14 tr onch i 174 O Ce 03 0 00 MorSc*e it0 0 29 02 or la Crosse 290 1.12 14.8 0 89 BGRod' Pant 222 0 88 49 0 57 Ve"9trs Yrwee 124 033 03 0 t5 Cooper S: anon 320 036 07 0 34 Vermort Yannae 303 037 07 0 17 h 2 0.17 02 0 14 Ascueranne 1.2 024 04 0 07 Wsens M 1 144 0 44 02 03s Browns Ferry 12.3 1.050 035 - 030 621 02 . Fcom:nda 411 035 08 032 OJad Cees 12 720 050 06 034 l4f

                                                                     %eautharma 1.2               828         028        06     0 16           sher Dead 1            378        030          06     0.17          Coope Sta3cre         25'         C 2T         05        0 17 Grand Gulf                   436         029        09     023            Browns For y 12.3    1.18;        038            -

0 31 knouca.arme t2 5t6 027 02 0.06 La SaHe t2 898 056 1.0 039 Washr1pon Nuciow 2 406 034 06 025 Hope Creen 287 0 17 03 0 08 j Ouad Cees 12 950 0 65 09 0 46 Ha1ch 1.2 816 037 06 030 Wasnr1;'or* f%onar 2 353 0 34 05 0 29 4 Poactt Bot 1om 2.3 t,000 0.44 08 036 Gend GJf 420 031 05 014 gree,,er.y 121 t.155 0 35 - 025

  • M moceHo 55 4 067 15 0 40 Oyser Creen 522 027 14 031 P1garn 392 0.'9 -

0 16 Hatch 1.2 1.497 0 43 1.7 032 Mar'9ce'io Se8 C to 13 032 0 ad Cees t2 827 0 56 04 0 34 Piig'*m 574 033 72 0 31 Desom 2.3 1.145 056 12 038 Duerm Amod 614 054 16 029 Brunswdt 1.2 1.909 057 1.8 052 Duare Armd 667 0 81 22 0 37 Hasch 1.2 1.40 t 0 56 of 0 at

)                                                                    Vermont Yartoo             1.188         0 86       48     056            Wstone Porit 1         684        0.43         13     028           Dmsoen 22           1AN            0 58        07        0 40 j                                                                  h  Nirw MiePomtt              1275          0 68       34     0 58           La Satie 12          1.396        4 80         14     054           Fcos'ack               786         0 51        15        0 44 Bnsswo 12            1.459        0 de         12     0 43          ** "*
  • P 'nt 854 0 33 - 0 48 s Dresden 2.3 2.668 0 86 36 0.82 8'W'*** 'l  ? 787 0 88 09 051 i ** Oys:or Creek 2.436 0 65 155 058 Fcom:ro 940 0 60 1.9 0 50 2 2.436 058 0 42

! W Peadt Bottom 2.3 2.195 050 6.0 035 Lassie t2 2.471 0 90 09 0 58 Ptignm 1.579 034 - C34 Oyser Cree = 1.504 0 52 36 0 49 i 1989 1990 Dose Dose COIL per Col. Com. per Col. Dose Worker Dose Dose Wormer Dose per (m-s per per tv-s per Sm Naae Scie

  • or cSv) M W-Vr CR- Sm Name Sm* or cSv) MW-Yr CR**

Bg Rock Pomt 177 0.42 35 0 at For=w 2 83 0 18 01 0 07 Duane Amold 194 0.46 05 025 tenero 1,2 175 0.12 01 0 01 ] Pugnm 207 0 12 1.0 0 05 McrSosib 94 028 02 0.19 i Broums Fer y 12.3 654 024 - 0.15 Wsene Port i 131 0 35 02 0 24 Fer-s 2 255 020 04 0.04 Peact' Bortom 2,3 377 024 02 01t LJmoncu 1 266 0.15 0.4 0 04 Hope Cremat t T96 0 14 02 0 to Hattfr i.2 556 0.41 04 023 Susweharma t.2 440 026 03 0 08 f*ne Me Pomr 1.2 564 0 21 1.1 027 FMgnat 225 0. t 2 04 0 07 Vennont Yar*se 288 035 0.7 0 10 BgRodsPort 232 0 66 45 0 62 Cooper Stasort 343 0 29 06 0.19 Ve mont Yarmee 307 036 0.7 0 13 Susquehanna 12 704 0 34 04 0 17 OysierCreek 310 0.*6 06 0.17 Peac21 Bonom 2.3 7*8 032 15 0.18 Nme We Port i,2 699 029 1.1 0 22 Octort 3 72 03t 1.1 0.18 Cnocer S:ason 379 032 0.6 020 . ! Fiup**w 'S*7 M7 '55 025 Browas For'y t. 2.3 1Jt0 0 48 - 0.40 ****""#8'" ' OuadQDes

  • 2 900 0 52 08 0Je * * %a:iet.2 948 0.52 05 036 opera *Jr$ **ador,34 cow Misione Pont 1 462 054 08 0 39 Grane Gwf 482 0 27 05 0.? 5 dese per mador is obamed t'y Hope Creek 1 465 025 06 0 21 FherBond1 489 030 07 0.11 038 N de doador Washnc*on Nuclear 2 492 0.7 027 Ouad Cees t. 2 1.028 C47 09 0 29 Grand dulf 498 025 05 0.17 Washry*crt Nuclear 2 536 0 40 08 130 N sw h N nur'er of
Mor'Dcailo 507 0.46 1.6 0 31 Octon 553 0 40 13 022 e aver Bond 1 558 03e 1.0 0.t5 Peny an8 0 42 08 0.t 8 en ,, n ,ase or N e,nual Dresden 2.3 1.130 050 th 034 Dresoort 2. 3 1 A'O 0 63 13 0 46 Lasane12 1.386 0.56 09 0 41 Hatch t.2 1.455 050 1.1 030
Pony 757 0 41 12 0.?8 Brunsw o 1.2 1.548 0 49 t6 0 49 mevdami comes encuecir1315 Brunsedt 12 1,786 0 46 18 0.45 Duane Amoid 861 0 59 23 031 ry 's (cSw) e N t
ra' cor ceve Oyster Creek 910 038 32 0 43 Fcomtecit 884 0 58 1.6 0 47 an,,,

TABLE 4.6 PRESSURIZED WATER REACTORS LISTED IN ASCENDlHG ORDER OF COLLECTIVE DOSE PER REACTOR 1986 1990 is.F im b*l"* M* a Ca ser Ca Can ser C* C. h,e,s C. t=e Wow Daa. voo (xse == r ee t,ee .,,e,

                                                                                                                                           -         ew=           rer                                                  se me                   ser r,e wwe
                                                            ,e,       por,e war w% MW v.
                                                                                      ,e, C m-         Pet-=                        w         *(M          u* v'     t""         Se. het                         **

Fr "W O n0 "I'_P' 00 Om 4, O o. Oi 0% Camrer i 0 06 D.a.s n.,see IM 01 00e kwnArmat2 ft2 0ft 01 tkmer 1 23 0 00 00 0 00 P syecree es.a.nd 0 23 or== n- 3 u 011 01 cm veime n 45 D i2 03 00 Wot i 1J in 0 20 02 0 07 0 11 02 0 03 02 0 17 Twos Mae taand t 0 12 02 0 06 fiamse bee 75 fr Ca# con F4 0 10 tot haen M 3 93 011 01 0@ ftyran 1 76 0 07 01 0 0e Weis*wd3 1H 0 10 02 0 06 199 027 02 014 01 0 17 Deteo Canyon IJ 318 0 29 02 0 16 Piene inand 12 Wu e Yankee 100 0 20 Vrete i 13e 012 02 0 01 Davs (wene 124 0 13 376 0 0.t Arkareas t 2 Y2 0 34 03 02) 291 0 22 02 0 14 OM 03 0 22 Caberi Cit's 1J harte loand 12 mI C.reen i 2%6 443 0 31 0 21 03 01 04 Off 0 03 02I CaNert twee IJ herer Valey 412 210 420 0 18 0 70 03 0 04 0 12 Q'g g y lh ll04 h[ 017 kon etenee 169 0 34 t ortenah 12 me wsones 2to 0 30 C anon CHns 12 347 02F 02 0 19 y ennae tvoo 217 0 37 14 0 22  % Masleed1 210 0 21 03 0 11 03 pjy gy 0 p0 hegl flew h 12 402 0 $1 06 0 31 Cassee iJ 449 0 74 0 10 y, % 0 3g l'enh Poet 3 #02 0 34 03 0 70 Kenasnee 726 0M o6 017  % 11 4% 0 36 03 017 T hese Mee 6tund 1 211 0 tt 04 0 10 pie (here 1.2 3 eve 0 33 04 0 21 trvtan Pont 2 2M 0 26 03 0 18 Wstortard 3 723 0 t8 03 017 Wieare Part 2.3 606 0 36 03 0 34 Hernism hook FJ7 0 32 06 029 7/6 O il 03 0 04 here hnaM 11 br.4 0 77 06 0 48 horn 12 M3 0 31 03 0 02 Ca r meer 1 023 03 0 66 m t ut e 17 se t 02 03 0 23 9 wwy 13 fda4 0 32 04 weiergned 3 750 0 21 03 . 0 10 han Odes 12.3 791 0 34 04 0 26 lon 12 474 040 0 29 Rarwk bore 's so O P0 021 fierpovoh tf tus 0 10 - 0 24 gesm1y e00 024 04 0 26 tisaver Vaney 12 SM CM 04 h/4 023 06 0 16 6*,1 0 62 06 OM f ort Cancun 272 0 17 09 0.12 De Ovos 12.3 Pa3n i 2 ' ' 04 tse 0 30 06 02t F arer 11 662 0 30 04 024 Caient.a 1 Jos 0 17 0 04 Ca41J ss6 0 20 03 0 16 Miam t 2 m 0 17 04 0 21 Pas vents 1,2 4* 8 0 37 04 0 41 Cainehe 12 M4 07 0 29 (Amee tJ,3 871 0 33 04 0 14 Detno tanyon 's >4 0 24 06 D ie Gmns 0 46 of 0 18 027 06 O gg nenne 796 0 33 f amree 1) 3 648 0 18 06 0 30 %ery 12 712 029 04 0 18 013 Wot Cseem 1 297 Omna 24 7 0 40 06 077 1,uian 23 0 30 07 0 82 04 0 20 06 06 0 79 m Cut

  • 1J 8'i hurth Anna 12 72 2 0 26 08 0 40 02F (Auee 1,2.3 f ort Cahun 1.1 42 ve 0 41 0 31 11 0 36 Dave heese W 0 78 21 0M Cae 12 746 0 42 W 'yeh11 s Fe 026 14 0 14 381 0 29 04 0 16 Caeweg i W1 0 36 06 0.22 04 0 29 T ernan ' rte 12 t* e 0 32 4aruso here 402 077 -

0 22 Pa%aet 466 0 el 14 024 P'* V' pud 3 4 M 0 80 00 0II 06 0% 047 07 0 36 I W k'? feep12 668 01F fe tute 12 9'51 N '" # 0" 00 0" Crysta! $wer 3 472 0 46 16 0M Crye'al Have 3 eaa 0 36 1.1 0 21 U o Iwhey hMI 3 4 946 0 62 13 0M hsannon 2 aat 0M 1.0 0 29 fj*y y p 3 Weare hats 2 3 W1 0 41 08 0 10 putan pm y too 0 3e 09 0 2C beteo Canyon iJ e77 0 48 06 0 33 L4%se 1.2 1.016 0 44 07 03F M4ee 1,2 1.043 0 36 06 0 31  %#ww 1 611 0 46 09 026 Skednean 2 sw 0 34 09 0Jo Arnerer 1 150 0 62 00 0 42 kor pare 1 J 1.104 0 39 00 0 ?8 A4 areas 12 1.141 0 63 11 u47 f weiey Purne 3.4 1.3 71 0 49 32 0 42 gg,roon 2 u4 0 of 16 0 26 Never Wvky 40 7 0 40 11 (M l.4stie Yanim 722 0 66 16 0 39 y gy q y,o 0 66 08 0 40 047 44 0 44 Heinem het a 750 0 43 26 0 36 Amwene 1J 1,M ? O 67 13 0 48 Pe%4 >a e F2 0 40 t hree Mme twand 2 e16 0ei - 0 69 Nash Anris 1J 1.521 0 68 14 0 64 Masso Yemme T26 0 69 12 22 0 64 76 0 0 42 1.2 0 33 Pasemates 730 0 60 18 0 44 ktry i 2 2T4 0 64 terton 1 O sa 21 0 60 Iruen Purit 2 1350 046 27 0 46 f fwes pae isend t 971 0 71 - 0 69 hery ),2 1.642 intsen Pos,t 2 1,217 0 81 to 0 37 Three phe isiand t 917 0 74 - 0 68 He tta+ hec k 1,M F 0 91 63 0 63 1940 1690 (Nee Dose Com per Cut Call get Col Done Wwhar (kee Ckee Worker Ckee p ms ser ger (come ser ser C W' has hama $ne* or cN) MW Vf his Name . Sne{ w ch(WW Yr CWi 0 12 0 00 mes C roen 1 te 010 00 0 00 kam>e hee 13 - Weiertoro 3 47 0 11 00 0 00 Yugne 1 12 007 00 0 00 0 09 Dave Denne 3n 0 og 00 0 04 Harre 85 0 t0 0t N 0 21 01 0 04 tirankrund 1 J 164 0 17 01 00t

                                                                       %ata toerwJ 11                                                                 h arre 6earws 1,2             ike          0 Ps         01         0 07 Sumerer 1                          f.2          0 14       01       0 01 b4           0 De       01       0 10       tuarsh losas t.2              206          0 it          01        0 02 t hree Mee learnt 1                                                                                                                     02        0 07 62           0 13       04       0 11       Omroe 1.2.3                   404          02l va nneeik=e                                                                                                               0 07          02        0 22 inancte Sero                      91           0 13       06        0 00       f.a m 11                     2 72 172           0 is       01        0 03       Keenanes                     146          0 10          03        0 12 F$rr an 12                                                                                                  304          0 16          19        0 12 f or1 C#houn                       91          0 06       01        0 02       Cahen Cune 12 013        Debio canyon 1J              373          0 22          of         0 04 myse Vankee                        W           0 26       01 02         0.16 Ju6            0 20       02       0 64       Paso Veros 1J.3              499           0 22 tse ma eram11 J                                                                                                                        03         0 07 Har,o                           tb6            0 17       02       0 10       fleavw Vatmy 12              348           021 02       0 02        Poem bath 1.2                37s          0 61         04         0 43 both temas t                    141            0 to                                                                                   02         0 06 02       0 De       Wol Greek 1                   186          0 24 Caisate tJ                       334            0 20 flyton 1.2                   434           0 31         03         0 21 Maom 12                         318            0 11       02       0 17 348            0 to       10       0 13        i anwy 1 J                   457          027           03        0 26 C aNort Cirns tJ                                                                                            ene          0 29          03        0 12
  • , 6an thM IJ,3 h6 7 0 26 03 0 20 vogue tJ 06 0 10 Va mae Fhme 244 0 36 24 0 19 Rossnoon 2 19% 0 19 06 0 14 t m,an tsa 0 22 04 0 00 Twney Pane 3 4 433 0 27 03 019 Three Mae lserni t 264 0 20 04 012 rawee t.2.3 Be4 0 31 0 30 06 0 ?!

tiew Caryon t 2 4AA 0 78 02 007 bery l .2 6 76 Crystalleer 3 214 027 07 0.16 Cook 1.2 bao 0 31 04 0 16 06 Fort Casnoun Puo 0 38 10 0 21 Kenamn 739 0 42 0 21 0 14 North Anna 1J WO O27 04 0 37 I.D' otse d Peo Yorue : *.3 720 0ft 07 443 0 31 03 019 San Onahe 1J.3 an6 0 40 04 0 28 mase tws one Cote 11 koiswe Pers 2,3 W1 0 18 04 0 24 tu. L uns 12 ails OM 03 0 10 34 7 0 39 08 0 17 WSMO '*ec% Pornt Nach 1J h04 0 68 00 047 Genna N conecte doere Wsteriard 3 46 0 20 03 0 06 Esin 11 He O So 08 0 31 trdan Pont 3 %e 0 34 06 D ie get roactot is Coneesy t 293 027 03 0 09 06 0 20 03 0 22 M4 e 1.2 72 7 0 32 gg D g'O Mmeo 1.2 620 0 31 730 0 35 08 0 19 314 0 31 07 0 16 Twamy Pwes 3.4 Pausados 04 0 21 bemer 1 376 0 34 06 013 the cdectve kne hopnah 1,2 657 0 33 0a 0 16 lam 1.2 664 0 63 06 0 33 Anarsen1J 762 0 31 kw the see h 2se 777 0 41 01 0 27 Amarnas 1.2 711 0 34 07 0 17 91 Cuce 1.2 0 37 06 024 **'0'"'" F esey 1,2 749 0 34 06 016 Caiseba1J th'$9

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       " CR in he re io of Arry 1,2                        636            027        17       0 37         Hadlam hect                 421          0 43           30       0 36 04        0 23        Fka.mnean t                 437          027            t.t      014        the snnual collectrve l ean                           421           0 31 442          0 39           06       0 23 LA.esane Ps-4 2.3            1.0 'S            0 64       08        0 39                   1 Wee McM st 0 41       1.7       0 32        CaAsbarer Cryst           3           476          0 33           to       0 20 H 11mm hett                     6f*6 one          OM             1.0      0 23       bdedae! doses Gana                            006           0 48       16        0 33        Dave tiease Never Vaney 12               t.3 ?S           0 S9       14        0 47        pdan Poet 2                 000          0 30            10       1 01      esaedng 15 rems 882          0 60            12      0 29 hon % Anna 12 ledan Pomt 3 1.4 71 t?9 0 61 0 49 12 16 0 47 0 31 Mace Yankee Pa%ehe                      75 6         0 32           2t        0 29       MDNW 6eowyah 12                1.6 78          0 67           10       0 44       coEsct!ve dcma trxieri Poet 2              1.4 in           0 60       27        0 44 4-14
  . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ...e

reactors at these five sites represented only 22% of the 37 BWRs, they contributed 39% of the total collective dose incurred at BWRs in 1990. Some

  • of the activities which contributed to the collective dose accumulated at the BWR site with the highest collective dose per reactor [884 person rem (-cSv)]

were in-service inspection and intergranular stress corrosion cracking repair, motor operated valve related work, traversing in core probe replacement, leak rate testing, and refueling activities. At PWRs, tha five sites with the highest collective doses all exceeded 480 person-rem (person-cSv) p_gr reactor (Table 4.6). Although representing 8% of the 73 PWRs included in 1990, they contributed 20% of the total collective dose at PWRs. Much of the collective dose accumulated at the plant with the highestdoseperreactor[839 person-rem (person-cSv)]in1990wasattributed to steam generator maintenance including eddy current testing and sludge lancing, resistance temperature device piping removal, refueling activities, and hanger modifications. Tables 4.7a&b list the sites that had been in commercial operation for at least five years as of December 31, 1990, and show the values of several parmeters for each of the sites. They also give a number of averages for the two types of reactors. Based on the 147 reactor years of operation accumulated by the 30 BWRs listed, the average annual collective dose per reactor was found to be 536 person-rem (person-cSv), the average measurable dose was 0.44 rem (cSv), and the average collective dose per megawa'.6 year was 1.2. Based on the 309 reactor-years of operation at the 63 PWRs listed, the average annual collective dose per reactor, average measurable dose, and average collective dose per megawatt-year were found to be 335 person rem (person cSv), 0.35 rem (cSv), and 0.6 person-rem / megawatt-year, respectively. All of these values, at both types of facilities, are lower than those found for the five year period ending in 1989. l In some cases, the plants having the lower values for most of the parameters ! shown in Tables 4.7a&b are the newer plants. Some of the older, smaller l plants, such as Big Rock Point and Yankee Rowe, also appear near the top of the listings since they report small collective doses. However, the ratio of collective dose to megawatt-years is generally higher for these plants due to

their. limited power generation capability, in 1990, there were some notable exceptions to these generalizations. Cooper Station and Millstone Point-1, both BWRs, each have a capacity greater than 500 f1We, have been in operation r over 15 years, and are among the top four sites for this five-year summary, For PWRs that fall into this category of size and ago, Prairie 4-15 l

l __

TABLE 4.7a flVE-YEAR TOTALS Af40 AVERAGES LISTED !!4 ASCEt10 LNG ORDER Of COLLECTIVE DOSE PER BWR 1986 - 1990 Total lotal Workers Avg. Total Average Collective Coll . with Meas. Mega- Collective Dose per Dose per Meas. Dose matt- Dose per Reactor 5tte Doses (rem) years %Yr

  • Site heme 177 BB5 1,525 0,58 253.9 3.5 _

BIG ROCK P0thi 779 1,396 4,762 0.29 2,792.0 0.5 0000tR 51A110N

 $U50V[HAhNA 1,2                    311    3,109                  11,202                     0.28    8,104.7         0.4 314   1,571                          3,521              0.45     2,971.9        0.5 Mill 510hl P0lhi 1 BROVNS FERRY 1,2,3                 357   5,352                   14,B42                    0.36          0.0       ---

375 1,875 3,049 0.51 2,221.9 0.6 M0NilCELLO GRAND GULF 397 1,98 7,273 0.27 4,308.1 0.5 402 2,0h 5,911 0.34 3,374.6 0.6 VASHING10N NUCl[AR 2 442 2,210 4,276 0.52 2,029.7 1,1 vtkMONT 1ANr(( QUA0 C111ES 1,2 443 4,425 8,273 0.53 5,738.7 0.8 Nlh[ MIL ( POINT 1,2 505 3,533 10,836 0.33 2,097 3 1.7 505 2.523 4,591 0.55 1,816.3 1.4 OUAh[ ARh0LD HAICH 1,2 573 5,725 12,449 0.46 5,707.9 1.0 PitcRIM 655 3.277 13,113 0.25 830.0 3.9 f80 3,398 6,879 0.49 2.992.7 1.1 FlilPA1 RICK P[ACH B0110M 2,3 683 6,826 14,907 0.46 3,935.7 1.7 LASAtt[ 1,2 110 7,099 10,400 0.68 6,53a.9 1.1 DRESDIN 2,3 775 7,752 12,071 0.64 4,981.1 1.6 BRUNSVICK 1,2 641 8,409 16,096 0.52 5,177.0 1.6 1,136 5, f,82 12,883 0.44 1,747.2 3.3 OYSitR CR((K Totals and Averages 18.601 179.459 0.44 67.675.6 1.2 Averages per Reactor Year $36 1,221 400.4

    *5ites where not all reactors had completed five full years of Lomercial operation as of 12/31/90 are not included 4-16

TABLE 4.7b ' FIVE YEAR TOTALS AND AVERAGES LISTED IN ASCENDING  ! I ORDER Of COLLECTIVE DOSE PER PWR  : l 1986 1990 Total total Workers Avg. Total Average - Collective Coll, with Meas. Mega- Collective Dose per Dose per Meas. Dose matt- Dose per

            *11te Name                       Reactor       Site       Doses     (rem)    years         MW-Yr PRAIRi[ 15 LAND 1,2                  88          876      3,356      0.26    4,759.4          0.2 VOLF CRIEK 1                        158          791      3.351      0.24    4,454.9          0.2 VANK([-ROVE                         159          797      2,913      0.27       705.3         1.1 CALV[RT Cliff 5 1.2                 170     1,700         7.781      0.22    4.629.7          0.4 RANCHO 5fC0                         175          474      4,453      0.20       535.7         1.6    I THatt Mitt 15 LAND 1                178          890      5,620      0.16    3,373.7          0.3    j WAffRFORD 3                         190          950      5.187     -0.18    4.41'9.5-        0.2    i EfWAUNil                            198          989      3.022      0.33    2,327.1          0.4 Davis BESSE                         201     1.005         4.570      0.72    2,145.4         0.5 FORT CALHOUN                        223     1.117         5.567      0.20    1.799.0         0.6 POINT BLACH 1,2                     225    t,248          3,471      0.65    4,339.0         0.5 SAttM 1,2                                                                                            J 131    2.312        14,786       0.16    7,592.1         0.3 BYRON 1,2                           239     1,910         6,634      0.29    6,460.0         0.3 5AN ON0rRE 1,2,3                    250    3,753        12.517       0.30    9.484.8         0.4 O!ABLO CANYON 1.2                   256    2,305          1.343      0.31    7,567.8         0.3 OCONEE 1,t.3                        270    4,050        11.996       0.34  10.780.9          0.4 CATAWBA 1,2                          770    2,434         9,432       0.26    7,315.2         0.3 CALLAWAY l                          274     1,370         4,676       0.29    4,654.4         0.3
            $UMMER 1                            304    1.522         4,058       0.18    3,460,1         0.4 FARL(Y 1,2                         321     3.214         9.931       0.32    7.213.7         0.4
51. LUCIE 1,2 333 3.325 -8,029 0.41 1,317.1 0.5
          -COOK 1,2                            335     3,351         9,162       0.31 6.418.6         0.5 CRYSTAL RIVFR 3                     347     1,734         5,331       0.33    2,296.3         0.8 TROJAN                             365     1.824         6,467       0.28    3,535.7         0.5 2 ION 1.F                           371     3,707         6.606       0.56    6,722.6         0,6 8EAVER VALLEY 1,2                   387     3.093         8,645     - 0.36    4.939.9         0.6 GlhNA                               390~    1,948         4,816       0.40   7,098.9         0.9 SEQUOYAH 1,2                        396     3,959        11,195       0.35   4,005.1          1.0

, MILL 510h[ POINT 2,3 397 3,974 9,297 0.43 7.576.3 0.5 IN0!AN POINT 3 406 2,029 5,213 0.39 3,205.5 ' O.6 TURKEY POINT 3.4 422 4,218 9.353 0.45 3,618.t_ l.2 ARKANSA5 1.2 438 4,383 10,235 0.43 5.924.9 0.7 NORTH ANNA 1.2 442 4,416 11,469 . 0.39 7,187.0 0,6. ROBINSON 2 447 2.234 7,0!$ 0.32 2,209.1 1.0 MCGUlRE 1.2 451 4,509 12,282 0.37 8,115.9 0.6 MAINE YANKEE- 466- 2,328 4,387 - 0.53 - 3,199.8 0.7 , PALISADt5 - 588- 2.938 -7.472 0.39- 1,644.4' - 1. 8 SURRY 1,2 602 6.021 14,669 0.41 4.729.3 1.3 HADOAM NECK 714 3.571 6,877 0.52- 1.495.9 2.4 INDIAN POINT 949 4,746 8,942 0.53 t,938.7 1.6 Totals and Averages 103,415' 297.636  : 0,35'187,767.5 0.6 Averages per Reactor-Year 335 963 606.0

  • Sites where not all reactors had completed five full years of comercial operation as of 12/31/90 are not included.

l- 4 l 9Yw .g,-,. pw

                                        - _ _ _ . . . _ _                             . _ . _                 __..m._                    -_____

T island, Rancho Seco, Three Mile Island 1, and Kewaunee are among the top eight sites in the five year summary. Usually, the combination of a large annual collective dose and a large collective dose to megawatt year ratio for a plant indicates that extensive i maintenance or modifications were undertaken during the year. For example, maintenance jobs that were large contributors to BWR doses in 1990 included recirculation pipe replacement / crack repair, valve repair and maintenance, intergranular stress corrosion cracking related in-service inspection, refueling work, and the installation and removal of scaffolding and shielding. At PWR facilities, the major contributors to the collective dose were steam generator related work, refueling operations, resistance temperature device piping removal, and valve maintenance work. Even with the use of better , techniques and robots, these tasks continue to be responsible for a major percentage of the collective dose. It should be noted that the differences in nuclear plant designs and the ages of the plants (Ref.15), even between , plants of a given type, affect the nature of these parameters. Therefore, care  : should be exercised when attempting to draw conclusions from these data. 4.6 Lollective Dose by Work Function and Emnloyee Type A second type of annual statistical report that is required by each plant's technical specifications provides the collective dose of workers monitored at each plant site by employee type (plant, utility, or contractor) and by work , and job functions. A copy of the report submitted for each reactor site is provided in Appendix 0, and much of tne data are graphically represented for ' each site in Appendix E. Tabics 4.8 through 4.13 summarize the 1990 data for BWRs, PWRs, and 1.WRs. Table 4.8 show:. that at both BWRs and PWRs about 65-70% of the collective dose is incurred ouring routine and special maintenance activities. Also, the portion of ;he collective doso-incurred during most of the other activities is similar at the twc types of plants. _In 1990, refueling activities at PWRs accounted for a larger percentage (10%) of the collective dose than for BWRs (4.2%). Reactor operations and surveillance at BWRs accounted for 15.8% as opposed to only 9.8% at PWRs. , One should note that the collective doses obtained from these reports are not , used in any other tables in this document for the following reasons: the l technic;l specification of each plant requires only 80% of the plant's

collective dose be accounted for, and some utilities may use the results of 5?lf-reading pocket dosimeters instead of the results of the official '

dosimeter (usually thermoluminescent dosimeters) in compiling the data. Also, when examining the number of personnel shown on these reports, it should be 4-18 i c,.,-v--n.- , ~~,-~,n...,,.- --,. ---.~,. ._ _ ,.,_ _ -- - -_ .- --,._ .--.. , . .

TABLE 4.8 . ANNUAL COLLECTIVE DOSE t BY WORK FUNCTION AND PERSONNEL TYPE  ; 1990 I i WORC AND STATION EMPLOYEES UTILITY EMPtotEES CONTRACT WORKERS TOTAL PER WORC F'JrCTION , JOB FUNCTION PERSON-REM  % OF TOTAL PERSON-REM  % OF TOTAL PERSON-REM  % OF TOTAE PERSON-REM  % Cf TOTAL i B0! LING WATER REACTORS REACTOR OPS & SURV 1,506 9.5% 51 0.3% 940 5.9% 2,497 15.8%  ! ROUTINE MAINTEk4rCE 3,051 19.3% 213 1.3% 3,184 20.2% 6,448 40.8%  ! IN-SERVICE INSPECTION 83 0.5% 70 0.4% 1,179 7.5% 1,332 8.4% [ SPECIAL MAINTENANCE - 897 5.7% 167 1.1% 3,330 21.1% 4,395 27.8% WASTE PROCESstNG 218 1.4% 5 0.0% 241 1.5% 464 2.9% REFUELING 275 1.7% 23 0.1% 369 2.3% 667 4.3 f TOTAL 6,030 38.2% 528 3.3% 9,264 58.5% 15,833 100.0% { PWESSURIZED WATER REACTORS 1

3 a s y REACTOR OPS & SURV 1,146 5.3% 59 0.3% 895 4.2% 2,100 9.8%

i ROUTINE MAINTENANCE 2,337 10.9% 606 2.8% 4,191 19.6% 7,134 33.3% l l IN-SERvfCE INSPECTION 280 1.3% 205 1.0% 1,472 6.9% 1,957 9.1% j SPECIAL MAINTENANCE' 1,577 7.4% 495 2.3% 5,307 24.8% 7,379 34.4% . l WASTE PROCESSING 267 1.2% 9 0.0% 376 1.8% 653 3.0% REFUELING 752 3.5% 130 0.6% 1,322 6.2% 2,203 10.3% TOTAL 6,359 29.7% 1,504 7.0% 13,564 63.3% 21,427 100.0% i ALL LIGHT WATER REACTORS - l REACTOR OPS & SURV 2,652 7.1% 110 0.3% 1,836 4.9% 4,395 12.3% ROUTINE MAINTENANCE 5,388 14.5% 818 2.2% 7,376 19.8% 13,583 36.5% IN-SERVICE INSPECTION 363 1.0% 275 0.7% 2,651 7.1% 3,289 8.8% r SPECIAL MAINTENANCE 2,474 6.6% 662 1.8% 8,637 23.2% 11,774 31.6% WASTE PROCES$!NG 485 1.3% 15 0.0% 617 1.7% 1,116 3.0%  ! REFUELING 1,027 2.8% 152 0.4% 1,691 4.5% 2,170 7.7% TOTAL 12,390 33.3% 2,032 5.5% 22,808 61.3% 37,23J 100.0%  ! f r l'

f kept in mind that individuals who perform tasks in more than one category may be counted more than once. Table 4.9 shows that workers performing special maintenance have historically incurred the largest portion (35% 45%) of the collective dose and that workers performing routine maintenance activities usually incurred between 30% and 35% of the total each year since 1979. However, for the past four years in a row, the percentara of collective dose attributed to routine maintenance has been greater than that of special maintenance. This may be indicative of a trend showing a reduction in IMI-related activities and a greater emphasis on steady-state routine maintenance. Overall, figures have been fairly stable over the years with these two categories, special maintenance and routine j maintenance, always accounting for the majority of the collective dose. Some l of the fluctuations shown in the percentage of the dose incurred during i refueling activities (particularly in 1987 and 1988 when it increased to over 8%) is due to the fact that some sites include doses other than those directly associated with fuel movement in this category. figure 4.5 graphically shows the trends in the collective dose by work function and type of personnel for the years 1986 through_1990 for BWRs and PWRs separately. Contractor personnel still incur most of the collective dose during special maintenance and in-service inspection, but, at least in recent years, the collective dose is more equally divided between contractor and plant and utility personnel during routine maintenance, reactor operations, waste processing, and refueling activities. The general decrease in collective dose is also apparent among most of these activities. lable 4.10 presents the distribution of the collective dose for 1990 at all LWRs among five occupational categories. As in past years, maintenance personnel incurred the majority (66%) of the collective dose with contractor maintenance personnel receiving about twice as much as the station and utility l maintenance employees combined. In 1990, supervisory personnel received 3,3% of the dose, while workers in the remaining three occupations--operations, health physics, and engineering--received 7.5%, 14.0%, and 8.7% respectively, of the collective dose. None of these values changed significantly from those - found for 1986 through 1989. The collective doses shown in Tables 4.8 and 4.10 do not equal those shown in other tables in the report because they are the sum of the doses taken from the type of annual reports shown in Appendix 0 rather than the collective dose that was obtained or calculated frcT the annual reports required to be submitted pursuant to 10 CFR Part 20.407. 4-20 l-i

1 I

TABLE 4.9 i PERCENTAGES OF ANNUAL COLLECTIVE . 4 DOSE AT LWRs BY WORK FUNCTION i 1980 - 1990 I l PERCENTAGE OF COLLECTIVE DOSE EACH YEAR WORK FUNCTION 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 ,1988 1989 1990  ! 4 [ REACTOR OPERATIONS AND SURVEILLANCE 9.5% 8.9% 9.4% 10.1% 11.4% 12.8% 12.8% 11.9% 11.0% 12.2% 12.3%  !

   =-                                                                                                                                                !
   $    ROUTINE MAINTENANCE  35.5% 36.1%- 27.9%       29.7%       26.9% 34.6%  33.2%     35.0% 37.7%       36.2%        36.5%

INSERVICE INSPECTION 5.5% 5.3% 6.5% 7.6% 6.3% '8.6% 8.3% 8.0% 8.7% 9.5% 8.8%


SPECIAL MAINTENANCE 40.6% 40.5% 46.8% 43.9% 45.4% 32.5% 35.5% 33.2% 30.1% 31.3% 31.6% 4 i WASTE PROCESSING 3.0% 4.2% 5.0% 4.6% 3.6% 5.1% 4.0% 3.9% 3.6% 3.4% 3.0%  ! i REFUELING 6.1% 5.0% 4.4% 4.1% 6.4% 6.5% 6.2% 8.1% 8.8% 7.3% 7.7% 4 . I f i.. p L l I j v w y A W y ',yd 7 Y .- . , - e e-we r W cw ^-Me"> --

Figure 4.5 Collective Dose by Work Function and Personnel Type ggg 1990 Dolling Water Reactors Plant


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i i . TABLE 4.10 . ANNUAL COLLECTIVE DOSE BY OCCUPATION AND PERSONNEL TYPE 1990 r b i STATION EMPLOYEES UTILITY EMPLOYEES CCaiTRACT WORKERS TOTAL PER WORC FUNCTION [ OCCUPATION PERSON-aEM  % OF TOTAL PERSON-rem  % OF total PERSON-REM  % OF TOTAL PER$06-REM  % OF TOTAL I B0 FLING WATER REACT 0pS MAINTENANCE 3,459 21.9% 404 2.6% 7,092 44.9% 10,955 69.3% OPERATIONS 1,050 6.6% 13 0.1% 255 1.6% 1,318 5.3% r NEALTN PHYSICS 920 5.8% 6 0.01 836 5.3% 1,762 11.1% SUPERVISORY 335 2.1% 23 0.1% 210 1.3% 568 3.6%

ENGIstEERING 265 1.7% 83 0.5% 852 5.4% 1,200 T.6%

TOTAL 6,030 38.2% 528 3.3% 9,264 55.5% 15,803 100.0% 1- , PRESSURIZED WATER REACTORS A [ 4 MAINTENANCE 3,586 16.7% 1,120 5.2% 9,0 71 42.3% 13,777 64.3% i , w OPERATIONS 941 4.4%. 101 0.5% 440 2.1% 1,482 6.9% ) HEALTH PHYSICS 1,074 5.0% 41 0.2% 2,326 10.9% 3,442 16.1% > SUPERv!SCRY 298 1.4% 28 0.11 349 1.6% 675 3.2%  ! i, ENGINEERING 460 2.1% 213 1.0% * ,377 6.4% 2,050 9.6% i TOTAL 6,359 29.7% 1,504 7.C% 13,566 63.3% 21,627 100.C% ALL LIGHT WAfta REACTORS MAINTENANCE 7,045 18.9% 1,524 4.1% 16,163 43.4% 24,732 66.4% , OPERATIONS 1,992 5.3% 114 0.3% 695 1.9% 2,800 7.5%  ! , HEAL 1H PHYSICS 1,975 5.4% 47 0.1% 3,161 8.5% 5,203 14.0% t SUPERVISORT 633 1.7% 51 0.1% $59 1.5% 1,243 3.3% i ENGINEERING -725 1.9% 296 0.5% 2,230 6.C% 3,251 8.7% l 1  ! l TOTAL 12,390 33.3% 2,032 5.5% 22,808 61.3% 37,250 100.0%  ! i s

Another use made of the reports given in Appendix 0 is in proportioning the collective dose obtained from the 5 20.407 annual reports into the work functions and personnel types shown in Appendix C. This was done in the 4 following way: (1) The collective dose incurred by workers in the work function " Reactor Operations and Surveillance" on each plant's annual report submitted pursuant to their technical specifications (the first number in the last column la Appendix D) was determined. The ratio of this dose to the total collective dose (the last number in (2) the last column in Appendix D) was calculated and multiplied by the total collective doi.e that had been calculated or obtained from the 10 CFR 20.407 annual report. This product is the collective dose shown j in the column headed " Operations" in Appendix C. (3) The collective dose shown in the column headed " Maintenance and Others" in Appendix C was determined by first summing the collective doses incurred by_ workers in the five remaining functions given in Appendix D  : and then calculating the fraction that this dose is of the total collective dose. This fraction was multiplied by the total collective dose calculated from the 6 20.407 annual reports to yield the collective dose shown in this column of Appendix C. (4) A similar procedure was followed in determining the collective dose for the columns headed " Contractor" and " Station & Utility" in Appendix C. 4.7 Number of Personnel by Work function and Employee Type Half of the information presented in the statistical annual reports shown in Appendix D concerns the number of various types of personnel that performed certain work functions. Tables 4.11 and 4.12 sum this information to show the percentage of personnel by work function and occupation. The major problem in interpreting tne figures shown in these tables is the fact that the same . person may perform several work functions during the year so that the total l number of personnel obtained by summing those shown in the various work functions would be inflated. However, Table 4.11 is still useful in showing L the percentagg of personnel associated with each of the six work functions i shown. About 60% of the personnel performed routine or special maintenance functions, about 18% were involved with reactor operations and surveillance, and the remaining 22% were divided among the other three work functions, i I 4-24



RJLITINE MAINTENAhCE 14,526 16.2% 1,890 2.1% 21,335 23.8% 37,751 42.2% IN-SERVICE INSPECTION 741 0.8% 301 0.3% 5,947 6.6% 6,989 7.8% SPECIAL MAINTENANCE 3,917 4.4% 963 1.1% 12,039 13.4% 16,919 18.9% WASTE PROCESSING 2.870 3.2% 263 0.3% 1,832 2.0% 4,965 5.5% l REFUELING 2,509 2.8% 391 0.4% 2, 778 3.1% 5,678 6.3% TOTAL 35,038 39.1% 4,729 5.3% 49,777 55.6% E9,544 100.C% 3 P.RESSURITED WATER REACTOR $** a

       $    REACTOR OPS & SURV                    7,046          8.5%        1,740          2.1%                 6,049                                        7.3%                        14,835        17.9%
ROUTINE MAINTENANCE 9,802 11.8% 2,873 3.5% 14,799 17.9% 27,494 33.2%

IN-SERVICE INSPECTION 1,740 2.7% 8C8 1.0% 4,682 5.7% 7,230 8.7% SPECIAL MAINTENANCE 5,979 7.2% 1,795 2.2% 13,286 16.1% 21,060 25.4% !- WASTE PROCESSING 1, 74 9 2.1% 247 0.3% 1,952 I' 2.4% 3,948 4.81 REFUELING 3,549 4.3% 615 0.7% 4,043 4.9% 8,2C7 9.9% TOTAL 29,865 36.1% 8,098 9.8% 44,811 54.1% 100.C% 82.774 ALL LIGHT WATER REACTORS ** REACTOR OPS & SURV 17,521 10.2% 2,661 1.5% 11,895 6.9% 32,C77 18.6% ROUTINE MAINTENANCE 24,328 14.1% 4,783 2.8% 36,134 21.C% 65,245 37.9% i IM-SERVICE INSPECTION 2,481 1.4% 1,109 0.6% 10,629 6.2% 8.3% 14.219 SPECIAL MAINTENANCE 9,896 5.7% 2,758 1.6% 25,325 14.7% 37,979 22.0% WASTE PROCESSING 4,619 2.7% 510 0.3% 3,784 2.2% 8,913 5.2% PEFUELING 6,058 3.3% 1,006 0.6% 6,821 4.0% 13,885 8.1% total 64,903 37.7% 12,827 7.4% 94,588 54.9% 172,318 100.C1 m* Workers sney be counted in more than one category. The ruter of personnet in Tabte 4.12 should be considered to be more accurate than Tabte 4.11, because the actuet total nuutmer of individuets in each professim was provided by sone plants in an attemt to correct for the multiple counting of individJats. ) Table 4.11 does not include the ruser of personnet from the PWRs at Point Beach 1,2 (429 people), because the data esere not sadzeitted in the suggested format.

Table 4.12 shows the percentage of personnel in each of five occupational categories at BWRs, PWRs, and LWRs. The workers were similarly distributed at BWRs and PWRs, the largest difference occurred in the maintenance and health physics categories with 60% and 11% at BWRs and 55% and 16% at pWRs, respectively. A large part of these two categories were contractor personnel whereas station and utility personnel formed the majority of the " operations
  • i category. Overall, 56% of the personnel were contractors, 37% were station employees, and 7% were utility employees in 1990.

Table 4.13 presents the average annual dose incurred by workers in the five  ; occupational categories in 1990. These averages were calculated by dividing I the collective dose reported for these groups (see Table 4.10) by the number of individuals shown in Table 4.12. It shows that in most instances, the maintenance and health physics personnel incur the highest average doses and that supervisory and engineering personnel usually have the lowest. When examining the values of the averages that are given in Table 4.13, one should bear in mind the several sources of error to which they are subject: (1) the number of individuals may be inflated because the same plant contractor , employee may work at several plants so that the employee would be counted mere than once in a summary such as Table 4.13; (2) the occupations are not clearly defined so that workers performing certain tasks in one plant may be classified as being in one occupation and be included in a different one at another plant; (3) some plants count only those workers whose doses exceed 0.10 rem (cSv) while other plants count all workers regardless of the dose received. It is because of these reasons that th9 usefulness of the numbers of individuals obtained from tha reports provided in Appendix D is rather limited, and they are not used to develop any other statistics in this document. 4.8 Graphical Representation of Dose Trends in Appendix E Appendix E is a recent addition to this report series. Each page of Appendix E presents two types of graphs for one site. One graph plots certain dose- performance indicators from 1973 through 1990, and the other indicates the collective dose by job function for 1978 through 1990. The dose and performance indicators shown in the top graph illustrate the history of the collective dose for the site, the rolling three-year average collective dose per reactor, and the gross electricity generated at the site. These data are plotted, beginning with the plant's first full year of commercial operation, and continuing through 1990. flowever, any data reported prior to 1973 are not included. The three-year average collective dose per reactor data is included because it appears to provide a better overall indication of the plant's L general trend in collective dose. This average is determined by summing the 4-26 l w Nr-r-w y, 4 maw w --w a'w y y -.- m == .--wwe e.-w-wrrm, 7-weum -e m mi se ,-. 7 -.w4 - a w. -yw.we- -- %evw wyi



STA110N EMPLOYEES UtiL!TY Eu?LOYEES CONTRACT O G RS TOT AL FER WCet FUNCTION  ? OCCUPATION arpsE R  % of TOTAL NuessE R or TOTAL hip 5E R  % or TOTAL Nup*BE R  % OF TOTAL BOILING WATE8 REAC10RS , MAINTENANCE 8,335 18.2% 1,793 3.9% 17.444 38.1% 27,572 60.2%  ; orERAT10NS 3,236 7.1% 110 0.2% 1,462 3.2% 4,508 10.5% r MEALTH PMYSICS 2,339 5.1% 79 0.2% 2,526 5.5% 4,944 10.8% , SUPEavISORY 1,559 3.4% 327 0.7% 1.C37 2.3% 2,923 6.4% , ! ENGINEERING 1,633 3.6% 1,143 2.5% 2,752 6.C% 5.528 12.1%  : i I 4 TOTAL 17,102 37.4% 3,652 7.5% 25,221 55.1% 45,775 100.C% [ f PRESSURIZED WATER REACTORS MAINTENANCE 10,817 16.7% 2,002 3.1% 22,776 35.2% 35.595 55.1% { d OPEftAT10NS MEALTH PNYSICS 4,503 3,000 7.0% 4.6% 368 253 0.6% 0.4% 2,041 6,749 3.2% 10.4% 6,912 10,002 10.7% 15.5% 4 SUPEnv!SORY 2,556 4.0% 455 0.7% 1,852 2.9% 4,863 7.5% ENGINEERING 2,511 3.9% 1.514 2.3% 3,220 5.0% 7,245 11.2% total 23,387 36.2% 4,592 7.n 36,638 56.7% 64,617 100.C% ALL LIGNT WATER REACTORS l I MAINTENANCE 19,152 17.3% 3,795 3.4% 40,220 36.4% 63,167 57.2%  ! a CPERAft0NS 7,739 7.0% 478 0.4% 3,503 3.2% 11,720 10.6% .{ MEALTM PHYSICS 5,339 4.8% 332 0.3% 9,275 8.4% 14,946 13.5% SUPERY150RY 4,115 3.7% 782 0.7% 2,889 2.6% 7,786 7.1% i ENGINEERING 4,144 3.8% 2.657 2.4% 5.9 72 5.4% 12,773 11.6% i I

<                     TOTAL                          40,489           36.7%          8,044        73%         61,859       56.0%                       110,392      100.C:

f l i-Workers may be counted in more than one category. The ruber of persomet in this tabte is considered to be sere accurate than Table 4.11

 ,                  because the actual total ramber of individtsats in each category was provided by some plants in an attee to correct for the sultiple comting of individ.sols. this table t$oes incitaie the rumber of personnel from Point teach 1,2.                                                                                       l i

_ _ _ _ _ _ .,n- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._._______m..____

I t E rt G 07692 5 91448 3 94565 4 a A E 42312 3 32312 3 32312 3 i RS 00000 p EO 0 00000 0 00000 0 V D A e h t F S t OE 28433 5 52235 7 70663 2 y a E 70422 7 91 064 1 62487 9 t T c RT EO 5 7,8,9 9,5, 7, 5,9,0,8,2, 6 t,7,9,7,7, 3, de T B 4425 5 56047 4 31 472 0 d r 2 4 3 1 6 611 1 1 uM tE 1 i v e r 3 LE 58280 5t 660 3 C 72250 7 20331 0 L S 78475 2 30045 3 s UC 9,3,7,5 2, 8, 7,4,4,60, 6, 7,8,2,2,2, 2, e, CD a 0tf 1 5 313 2 1 425t3 7 1 1 1 2 2 3 t i h 1 7301 7 02493 7 00497 7 d E 41323 3 42314 3 42313 3 e AE s RS 00000 0 00000 0 00000 0 u EO VD A sa T w C f S 42672 1 61920 8 03592 0 y A OE 46235 2 74452 3 2C787 5 r R T R E 44,5,0,7, 7,1 2 t 2 2, 7,0,7,8,2 6, 2, 5, 2, 8, 9, 8, o g u E C' 5 22613 6 03925 1 e o B 1 2 2 3 4 6 t C pM J c a FE N t O LE LS 25%15 95 02 4 6 2, 10697 74247 4 6 351 90 69653 8 0 a e c I OC 0,2 8 2 8 0,4 3,3 3, 5, 1,61,52, 8, CD 7 9 9 2 3 2 n T 1 1 6 1 3 2 2 i A

  • s P E l a

U P bc C Y i C T E G 32877 5 67664 3 04461 5 v O AE RS 21000 1 52101 3 42101 2 id 3 L 00000 0 00000 0 00000 0 r 1 Y E RO D i A f

        . B N                                                                                                          o 4         N 0        T F S        30973        2          28354           2        58227            .            r S O 9            T OE         91 724       5           C6551          9        97385           4             e 1       E    7,1     31,  4,         0,3 2 4 5,      5,       7,4376         0,           b E E S 9              l  RT EO                                                                                       n L S R 1              i T  S 1          1 3          2             1 4        3            2 8              a r

B OE U M JM A D P FE l a T . 43633 t t E D LE 01 28 8 01 1 83 4 471 6 2 t LS 2 20421 0 1 459 3 G N OC 4 5 1,1 2 5, m,1 2 0, l A A CD 1 2 a 1 1 u R t c E a V e A E h t G 22916 5 31628 7 76758 1 AE 43321 3 32311 2 32311 3 t RS u EO 00000 0 00000 0 00000 0 b VD A , y N r O 5 S I 0E 56993 2 73061 7 29954 9 o g T 33353 0 1C051 8 5331 4 8 E A E T EC 3,2,3,5,6, 1, 8,5,0,5,5, 3, 1,7,3,1,1, 4, t e T S SL 83211 7 04322 3 97544 0 a MP 1 1 2 1' 4 c JM e WE n o LE 90055 0 61 480 9 52535 0 n LS OO 55236 3 -84796 5 49932 9 a CD 4,0,9 3 2 C, 5,90,24 3, 0,9,9,67 3, h t . 31 6 3 1 6 711 2 1 e r o m 5 i n o S d T R e 5 C O t 8 A T s 0 E C sm T R A c C E c A a R E R E T R e b s A S E S

 ..                                   R      t            W           C              T         C                      y E      l                         I             A         I                      a i


                                             $YG          D E

E CSYRu SY G W E CSYRm SYG m. o W mNH O! L IT N NMOt L T wuHO1 L s t AOPSR A A0PSa A M AoPSR A r f s #I  ! E T R ml  ! t T G aI I E T e A u ET 4vE O U Ef HvE O 1 tT MVE O k P f T ATRw T S TATRN T L t ATRw T r U t NRLE! S wRLEI uRLEI o C f I EAP0 E l EAPG L l EAPG W C 0 P EUw R AP EUN APEUN O 8 MOMSE P MOM SE L A MONSE

  • eNO
    .       ,     ,:iid l;       4                      ,  li         '      i     ,   ,         '          : !j;             :

collective dose for the current year and the previous two years and then dividing this sum by the number of reactors in operation during those years. This reduces the sporadic effects on annual doses of refueling operations (usually a three year cycle) and occasional high dose maintenance activities, and gives a better idea of collective dose trends over the life of the plant. One should note that for sites with more than one reactor, the plot of the three-year rolling average will lie below that of the plot of the annual collective dose for the site because it is calculated on a per-reactor basis. The second type of graph at the bottom of each page in Appendix E displays the breakdown of collective dose by job function and employee type for the years 1978 through 1990. The horizontal axis lists the six job functions of reactor operations, routine maintenance, in-service inspection, special maintenance, . _ . waste management and refueling operations, and the vertical axis indicates collective dose at each site. This representation quickly shows the job functions where most of the dose was accumulated as well as the division of the collective dose among plant and contract workers. The data are taken from the submittals presented in Appendix 0 and therefore represent at least 80% of the collective dose at each site. Only those reactors that have completed at least one full year of commercial operation are presented in Appendix E. 4.9 Health implications of Average Annual Doses _ Studies of populations chronically exposed to low levels of radiation delivered over protracted periods have not shown consistent or conclusive evidence of an associated increase in the risk of cancer. Thus there is nn evidence that the doses to workers recorded here cause harm. The risk estimates presented below are based on extensive studies of Japanese A-bomb survivors and other populations exposed to large doses of radiation delivered in short periods of time. This information is supplemented by animal and in vitro studies, such as irradiation of cell cultures. These studies have confirmed that human cells have mechanisms that repair damaged chromosomes. The existence of this repair helps to explain the finding that lower doses of radiation delivered at lower dose rates produce less of an effect on a cell per unit dose than high dose, high-dose-rate irradiations. Thus the estimates of risks to radiation workers are likely to be conservative. Health effects due to radiation exposure fall into three groups: carcinogenic effects, genetic effects, and mental retardation. Mental retardation has been observed only in Japanese A-bomb survivors exposed at 8-15 weeks gestational age, and is consequently not applicable to the workplace except in the case of 4-29

_ . . . _ . _ - . ,. -.-- _.- ___ _ _ _ . _ a _ _ _ . ~ ._ a pregnant female worker. Genetic effects have never been observed in man, though they have been observed in mice. Risk of cancer induction is known to increase with increasing dose, but is hard to quantify as the risk varies with the site of the cancer, the age and sex of the exposed individual, the energy and nature of the radiation, the magnitude and duration of the dose, and exposure to other carcinogens. Since nearly 20% of all deaths in the United States occur from cancer, the estimated number of cancers attributable to occupational radiation exposure is a small fraction of the total number that occur. (Those who do not succumb to cancer i will perforce succumb to some other cause and in essentially the same time i frame.) The Comittee on the Biological Effects of lonizing Radiations (BEIR) of the i National Academy of Sciences (NAS) National Research Council has been conducting an ongoing study of the health effects of ionizing radiation. Its latest report, BEIR V, was published in 1990. Based on this report, the , 110,204 workers receiving the average dose of 0.36 rem (cSv) or the maximurr, accidental dose of 24 rem (cSv) to the whole body during 1990 (see Section 6) might expect an increased cancer death risk of about 11 chances in a thousand for the average dose and 18 chances per thousand for the maximum dose.30 Should a worker receive 0.36 rem (cSv) continuously during an entire working career (working from age 18 until age 65), the lifetime risk of dying from cancer is estimated to increase by less than 5%. Since the American Cancer Society estimates that an individual's risk of dying of cancer is about 20% (one in five), the risk to an individual receiving 0.36 rem (cSv)-would be approximately 21%. The potential genetic effects from a worker population receiving 39,739 person rem (person-cSv) (Table 3.1) are small compared to genetic damages that normally occur spontaneously in a population of this size. Approximately 110.204 serious genetic defects occur normally in one million live births, i.e., an average of about one serious defect in every ten live births. Theoretically, the total genetic damage in the first generation children of the 110,791 exposed workers would, according to the report-NUREG/CR-4214 [Ref.17), be an increase of about 1,2-cases (approximately-V 10 These estimates were calculated f rce table 4*2 of Ref.16, The average dose risk estimate assumes continuous lif etime exposure (ages 18 6s), wnite the acute dose risk estisete assumes e one-time, instantaneous exposure - Note that these estimates are based on ota$ervettorn of individuals exposed to high doses of radiation over shcrt periods of time. The Bilt cenittee, in its report, c&utions that dose rate redJction f actors (DetFs) will need to be applied to tow dose and low-dose rate exposures. (see kef. 16, pp. 171 and 174) i 4-30  ; wa e ~,.---.-,-.em,,m,n, -o,,,--m .-_..,,_un ,,v,,+,, -,._,n,--en.,

0.01%) compared to the expected 10,000 cases that occur normally." No significant increase in the number of genetic defects has been observed in the children of individuals exposed to much higher levels of ionizing radiation at litroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. 11 Assming that, on the average, each exposed person will have ore live-born child in the future, i.e., children born to this worker population. 4-31

1 5 TERMINATION DATA SUBMITTED PURSUANT 1010 CFR 9 20.408 5.1 Termination Reports. 1969-1990 In 1969, the Atomic Energy Commission (predecessor of the NRC) began requiring certain categories of licensees" to submit personal identification and exposure information upon the termination of each monitored person's employment or work assignment at their facilities. The appropriate informat 'on on each report has been manually coded and entered into the Commis' son's computerized Radiation Exposure Information Reporting System (RElc ) for permanent retention. The data are retrievabic by several criteria ocial security number, name, facility, etc. - which allow statistical analysis of the data as well as the tracing of individual dose histories. During the years that this information has been collected, nearly 1.7 million reports have been received for the 663,712 individuals who have been reported as having terminated their employment at facilities in one or more of the categories of covered licensees. The figures given for the number of reports and the number of individuals are different because thousands of individuals have worked at more than one facility over the years and a termination report was submitted to the NRC each time they left a facility. Table 5.1 provides a breakdown of this information for individuals terminating during each of these 22 years and, since the majority of termination reports are submitted by nuclear power facilities, the number of individnals terminating from power reactors is displayed separately. The number of individuals terminating employment or work assignments at nuclear power plants has decreased by 17% since 1987 to a value of 74,488 in 1990. However, tha 1990 data are subject to revision as more termination reports covering this period are received and processed into REIRS. For this reason, each year that this report is produced, the previous year's termination data are revised to reflect all of the reports that have been processed to date. 5.2 Limitations of Termination Data i When examining or u;ing the statistics that are based on the termination data, one should keep in mind that these data have various limitations: (1) some licensees submit a termination report for each moilitoring period rather than waiting "ntil the individual actually completes a work assignment at the Comerci al nuclear power reactors; Industrial radiographers; fuel processors, fabricators, and reprocessors; and manuf acturers and distributors of specified quantities of by-product material . Three cther types of NRC licensees are now required to sutnit reports pursuant to 10 CFR i 20,407 and i 204408: ceologic repositories for high-level radioacthe waste; recebers of radioacthe waste from other persu.s for land disposal; and independent installations for the storage of spent fuel . 5-1 l I

f acility; (2) the reports contain no indication of the tasks the workers may have performed nor of the type of employees (contractor, plant part-time, etc.) they were while monitored by the licensee; (3) the period (s) of exposure that is reported for terminating individuals may indicate the monitoring period during which they may have been exposed to radiation rather than the actual dates of exposure; (4) some licensees report cumulative periods of exposure and doses rather than the actual periods and dose incurred during each period; and (5) licensees having more than one licensed facility some-times include-in the termination report, submitted when individuals leave the TABLE 5.1 TERMINATION REPORTS SUBMITTED TO THE NRC 1969 - 1990 All Eovered Categories

  • Power keact:r Licensees i

VfAR Number of Number of humber of Number of Reports ferminatIng Reports terminatin9 Submitted Indtviduals S utat t t e'1 Individuals 1909 4,194 3,917 576 531 1970 6,520 5,828 1,995 1,807 1971 8,812 8,181 2,070 1,938 1972 10,633 9,599 4.051 3.364 1973 17,366 15,240 9,533 7,860 , 1974 26,347 21,729 19,963 15,721 i 1975 36,154 27,680 30,632 22,680 1976 52,865 39,274 47,623 34,630. 1977 56,516 41,885 50,807 31,209 1978 61,121 44,020 55,063 38.570 1979 78,176 57,903 71,802 52,432 1980 100,344 72,475 93,515 66,816 1981 101,592 14.510 101,656 69,115 1982 108,309 68,809 103,810 64.779 1983 114,997 78,089 110.982 74.510 1984 113,745 80.958 121,474 77,708 1985 117,264 81,605 112,831 71,742 1986 113,745 83,459 109,548 79,736 1987 127,842 92.492 124,592 89,636 1988 110.697 83,558 113,390 80,832 1989 115,729 80,468 112.050 11.446 1990 113,361 77,633 109,418 14,488

  • Co meretal nuclear power reactors; industrial radtographers; fuel processors, fabricators, and reprocessors, manufacturer! and distributors of spectiled quantitles of byproduct materials; low-level waste disposal facilities; and independent spent fuel storage installations, 5-2 I
 - - , - e-- U--,,---.,,..., ,-r,+,        ---rw-    - - . - - - . . _-,,y .   ..a. ,,v-.w-r-,-----,y     ,  -,w      .e-.---,   ,. - ,.w      -         - - - -   7 +-m w

second facility, the dose that they incurred at the first facility, which may already have been reported. Although attempts have been made to correct for some of these problems, they are still a source of error in any statistics developed from the termination data. ! 5.3 Transient Wprkers per Calendar Quarter One use of the information contained in the termination reports is the

examination of the doses being received by short term workers. Since a large number of the termination reports indicated periods of exposure that were less than 90 days, it is possible that several thousand individuals could have been employed by two or more licensees during the same calendar quarter. Thus, in this report, a " quarterly transient" worker is defined as an individual who hysan and ternt i nated employment at two or more different licensed facilities within one calendar quarter. This allows one to examine the doses of those workers who move rapidly between facilities.

Table 5.2 displays some of the information gathered from these termination reports that were submitted by al covered licensees and by licensed nuclear

power facilities, separately. One can quickly see that the vast majority of these i.idividuals are monitored by nuclear power facilities. The number of these individuals at all licensees has increased during the past ten years from 2,344 in 1981 to 3,859 in 1990. The average individual dose (which is approximately equal to a quarterly dose for these workers) has decreased over these years to an all-time low of 0.20 rem (cSv).

The bottom half of the table separates the information shown for power reactor licensees into that for reactor workers employed by two, three, and four or-more different reactor licensees. The table shows that most of these transients were reported by two different licensees during a quarter and that their average quarterly dose has decreased from 0.40 rem (cSv) in 1981 to a - value of 0.21 rem (cSv) in 1990. The average dose incurred by persons terminated by three licensees decreased to an all-time low value of 0.15 rem (cSv) in 1990. All of these average doses are considerably less than those incurred 10 years ago. This is believed to be a reflection of the industry's continuing efforts to reduce the exposure of all individuals working at their facilities and their efforts to limit the workers' annual doses to less than 5 rem regardless of the number of facilities at which they work during the year. Examination of these records also revealed that some individuals have worked for as many as six different NRC licensees-during one calendar quarter, and examination of their-doses revealed no instances during the-last nine years in which a worker exceeded the quarterly limit of 3 rem (cSv) as a result of 5-3

 . _ _ _ _ _ . - - . . -  . a. __. u. u_   . _ . - _ . - _ _ . ~ - - _   _ _ _ - . . _ . . - _ .s

F TABLE 5.2 TRANSIENT WORKERS PER CALENDAR QUARTER 1981 - 1990 4 l -All Covered Licensees- Power Reactor Facilities l' No. of Persons- Collective Average No. of Persons Collective Average i Year Terminated by Two Dose- Individual Year Terminated by Two Dose Individual L or more Licensees (person-rems Dose (rem or more Licensees (person-rems Dose (rem [ Within'One Quarter person-cSv) or cSv) Within One Quarter person-cSv) or cSv) ll 1981 2,344 955 0.41 1981 2,335 952 0.41 1982 2,428- 935 0.39 1982 2,396 914 0.38 1983 -2,774' 913 0.33 1983 2,728 886 0.32 1984 3,414 1,123 0.33 1984 3,356 1,083 0.32

1985' 2,791 700 0.25 1985 2,746 674 0.25 i' 1986 3,069- 921 0.30 1986 3,033 910 0.30
 ;                          1987                                           3,543             1,022           0.29          1987              3,517               1,011        0.29

T- 1988 3,840. 1,019 0.27 1988 3,799 1,011 0.27

                  *        .-1989                                          3,649               768           0.21          1989              3,604                 762        0.21 1990                                           3,859-              769           0.20          1990              3,7E6                 751        0.20

! Power Reactor Facilities No. of Persons No.:of Persons No. of Persons Year Tenninated by Collective' Average. Terminated by Collective Average , Teminated by Collective Average j Two Licensees Dose- Dose Three Licensees Dose Dose >Three Licensees Dose- Dose 1981 1,967 780 0.40 308 145 0.47 60 27 0.45 1982 2,047- 789 0.39. 288 '113 0.39 61 12 0.20 l 1983 2,276- 767 0.34 362 101 0.28 90 18 0.20 l- 1984 2,782 901 0.32 431 147 0.34 143 35 0.24 l' 1985' -2,340 597: 0.26 335 67 0.20 71 10 0.14 l 1986- .2,612' 785 0.30 362 115 0.32 59 10 0.17 1987 '2,992' > 875 0.29 425 121 0.28 100 16 0.16 , 1988- 3,081- 826 0.27 .573 162 0.28- 145 23 0.16 'l i 1989 2,967 620 0.21 504 109 0.22 133 33 0.25 , 1990 3,126 656 0.21 516- 76 0.15 144 19 0.13 - i !l # [ . .~ _ _ _ __ _ -

l working at two or more different licensed facilities within one calendar quarter. However, because some facD ities do not report the workers' doses in quarterly increments in the termination reports that are submitted to the NRC, it is not always possible to determine, from the data in REIRS, the portion of the dose received during each quarter. This inability could have allowed any of these doses that exceeded 3 rem to go undetected by the analyses presented in this document. Regulations require that each licensee take measures to ensure that such exposures do not occur, and if they do occur, they are reported to the Ccmmission separately (see Section 6). 5.4 Transient Workers Der Calendar Year at Nuclear Power Facilities Since the number of transient workers per calendar quarter comprises only a small percentage of the total number of individuals terminating each year, it was decided to examine the dat.a reported for workers who beaan and terminated two or more periods of employment with two or more different reactor facilities within one calendar year. An examination of these data would allow one to determine the number and average dose for these " annual transients." Since more than 95% of these transients are reported by nuclear power j facilities, only the termination records of these individuals were examined in 3 detail. Table 5.3 summarizes the number and doses of the transients found among the individuals terminating during the ten years from 1981 through 1990. The number of these individuals increased from 5,425 in 1981 to 11,083 in 1990. The average dose remained at about I rem (cSv) until 1985 when the average dose decreased by about 30% to 0.77 rem (cSv). The average dose increased from a value of 0.64 rem (cSv) in 1989 to a value of 0.67 rem (cSv) in 1990. The lower portion of Table 5.3 shoas the number and doses of workers who were terminated by two, three, and four or more different licensees during each calendar year. The averaoe dose of warkers terminating from two plants has decreased to about 0.5 rem (cSv) and the average dose of workers terminating dt three plants decreased to about 0.8, while the average dose of individuals terminating from three or more facilities remains at about I rem (cSv). Another way in which the distribution of the doses received by transient workers can be useful is in the determination of the impact that the inclusion of these individuals in each of two or more licensees' annual reports had on the annual summary (Table 4.4) for all nuclear power facilities (one of the problems mentioned in Section 2). Table 5.4a shows the correct distribution of transient worker doses as determined from the above-mentioned termination 5-5 1

TABLE 5.3 TRANSIENT WORKERS PER CALENDAR YEAR AT NUCLEAR POWER FACILITIES 1981 - 1990 Collective No. of Persons Dose Average No. of Dose Commercial Terminated by (person-rems Year Reactors Two or More Licensees person-cSv) (rems or cSv) 5,425 5,381 0.99 1981 71 5,303 5,610 1.06 1982 75 6,340 6,675 1.05 1983 76 7,760 8,045 1.04 1984 79 6,871 0,319 0.77 1985 83 7,816 5,954 0.76 1986 90 9,469 6,712 0.71 1987 97 9,295 5,875 0.63 1988 103 T 10,509 6,776 0.64 m 1989 107 11,083 7,382 0.67 1990 109 I No. of Persons No. of Persons I No. of Persons Terminated by Collective Average Terminated by Collective Average Year Terminated by Collective Average 90se Dose >Three Licensees Dose Dose Two Licensees Dose Dose Three Licensees 1.27 756 1,176 1.56 3,033 0.81 924 1,172 1.52 1981 3,745 1.24 745 1,130 0.92 913 1,131 3,645 3,349 881 1,357 1.53 1982 0.86 1,256 1,694 1.39 1983 4,203 3,624 1.33 1,181 1,875 1.59 4,224 0.83 1,461 1,945 0.99 1984 5,118 1,400 1.03 930 920 4,584 3,000 0.65 I,357 1,539 1.23 1985 1,508 1.01 1,247 5,079 2,907 0.57 1,490 1,680 1.11 1986 1,852 1,693 0.91 1,510 6,107 3,339 0.55 1,507 1,465 0.97 1987 0.49 1,899 1,529 0.81 1988 5,889 2,830 0.82 1,677 1,676 1.00 3,362 0.50 2,111 1,738 1,897 1.02 1989 6,721 2,032 0.83 1,867 6,772 3,452 0.51 2,444 1990



reports and compares it with the distribution of the doses of these workers as they would have appeared in a summation of the annual statistical reports submitted by each of the nuclear power facilities. During each of the years shown, each of the transient workers was counted an average of 2.6 times so that in 1990, the 11,083 transients would have been counted as 29,803 individuals. This was not surprising because some individuals were reported by as many as 24 different facilities. Table 5.4b illustrates the impact that the multiple reporting of these transient individuals had on the staff's summation of the annual statistical reports for the years 1984 through 1990. Since each nuclear power facility reports the distribution of the doses received by workers while monitored by the particular f acility during the year, one would expect that a summation of _ _ _ these reports would result in individuals being counted several times in dose ranges lower than the range in which their total accumulated dose (the sum of the personnel monitoring results incurred at each facility during the year) would actually place them. Thus, while the total collective dose would remain the same, the number of workers, their dose distribution, and average dose would be affected by this multiple reporting. This was found to be true because too few workers were reported in the higher dose ranges. For example, in 1990, Table 5.4b shows that the summation of annual reports indicated that 109,650 workers received a measurable dose (203,324 monitored minus 93,674 with no measurable exposure),1,317 of whom received doses greater than 2 rem (cSv). After accounting for those individuals who were reported more than once, the corrected distribution indicated that ther^ were really only 99,860 workers who received a measurable dose and that 2,118 of them received doses greater than 2 rem (cSv). Thus, 2.1% of the workers with measurable dose received an annual dose greater than 2 rem rather than 1.2% that would have been computed from the " Reported Statistical Distribution" shown in the first row of Table 5.4b for 1990. Since the number of transient workers receiving measurable doses and the collective dose they receive are only about 9% and 20% of the total number of workers and of the total collective dose, respectively, for 1990, their impact on most of the statistics derived from compilations of the annual summary reports is not very great. Ilowever, when examining the number of annual doses in the higher dose ranges (Table 5.4b), one finds that the correct statistical distribution indicates that the number of workers who received doses greater than 4 rem (cSv) is usually about two to three times the number found in the reported statistical distribution. Rut there is still a clear trend for the number of higher doses to decrease; in 1990, there were only 333 annual doses that exceeded 3 rem, which is less than the number for 1989 (404). Table 5.5

   . hows that no doses greater than 5 rem were reported in 1990 and that since 5-7
'                                                                                                                            TABLE 5.4a                                                                                            '
                                                        ' REPORTED AND CORRECT DOSE OF TRANSIENT WORKERS FOR cal.ENDAR YEAR AT POWER REACTORS
  • l
                                                                                                                                                                                                    ** Collective          Avg.

Arter' of Individuals =ith Whole Body Doses in the Ranges (rems or c5v) Dose Avg Meas. (Ferson- Dose Dese Type of Distribution and Le s than Meas *ble. 0.10- 0.25- 0,50- 0.75- 1.00- 2.00- '3.00- 4 C0- 5.0- 6.0- 7.0- 8.0- 9.0- Total ra. or (rem or (rem er: Year Measurable <0.10 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 >10 Individuals -c5v) es ) es.) . t l Correct Distribution of 8 045 1.04 1.21 Transients - 1984 1.108 1.852 557 540 425 387 1,193 878 544 202 52 22 7.760 [ 979 2.370 20.495 e c45 0.39 - 0.56 l Reported Distribution 6,054 5.440 1.894 1.757 1.255 639 97 10 of Transients - 1984 _ Correct Distribution of 455 314 967 629 336 74 6.870 5.319 0.77 0.94 t l~ Transients - 1985 1.201 1.854 518 521 1 t 6,037 - 1.,484 17.748 5,319 0.30 0,45 Reported Distribution 5.014 1,625 1.459 1.042 664 371 51 1 , of Transients - 1995 , Cerrect Distribution of' 5.954 0.76 0.92 Trcasients - 1986 1,319 2.006 648 MS 472 363 1, M 691 325 72 7.806 Reported Distribution 6.866 5.372 2.071 1.935 1.236 856 1.685 299 50 1 20.371 5.9 54 0.29 :0.44 > of Transients - 1986 i l g e CC Correct Distribution of' fransients - 1987 1.992 1.717 773 922 767 632 1.681 670 266 48 9.468 6.712 0.70 0.88 Reported Distribution' S,369 5.276 2.762 '2,650 1.780 1.125 1.835 189 30 1 25.017 6.712 0.26 OA2' f of Transients - 1987 [ Correct Distribution of ., 0.88 . Transients '1988 2.601 1.276 :B66 900 679 610 1.544 628 174 17 9.295 5.875 0.63 i 5.875 0.24 0.42 '  ! Reported Distribution 10.892 4.272, 2.703 2.616 1.650 1,087 1.498 144 5 24.867 cf Transtents - 1988 Correct Distribution of a Transients - 1989 2.544 1.640 1.009 1.128 933 665 1.621 659 278 24 10.501 6.776 0.65- 0.85 Reported Distribution ~11.249 5.120 3.220 3.010 1,802 1.069 1.628 234 7 1 27.400 6.776 0.25 0.42  ; t of Transients - 1989 e Correct Distribution of . . 0.85 Transients - 1990 2.443 'I.554 1.129 1.268 988 ,796 1.930 719 236 20 11.083 7.382 _0.67 4 1 Reported Distribution 11.373  ; 5.704 3.831; 3.600 2.037 1.265 1.819 166 ' 8 29,803 . 7.382 0.25 0.40 of Transients - 1990  ; i

  • Includes data from Fort St. Vratn. .
                      ** Collective dose by suming the actual doses reported for those workers in their termination reports.

_ - . - ~ . . -

                                                                                                                                          ~                ,                _ _ __ _ ___


  • Col l ect i ve Avg.

Dese avg. Meas. NJnber of Individu.als with Vhole Body Doses in the Ranges (rees or cSw) Dese (Person- Dose Type of Distribution

  • 0.75- 1.00- 2 00- 3.00- 4.00- 5.0- 6.0- 7.0- 8.0- 9.0- Tetal rem or (rem or (rem or Less than Meas ble 0.10- 0.25- 0.50-and Measurable <0.10 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 >10 Individuals -cs.) cSw) cSv)

Year Geported Statistical 295 159.394 55.238 0.35 0.56 Distribution - 1964 61.232 39,946 14,772 11.492 7.166 5,396 12.453 4.957 1.675 487 52 22 146.666 55.238 0.38 0.61

    ** Correct Statistical       56,286    36,358 13.435 10,275 S.335 4.804 11.283 5,206 2.122 Distribution - 198A                                                                                                                                                                I Reported Statistical                                                                                ed                                 159.712     43.077           0.27    0.46 Distribution - 1985          66,399    40,361 14.155 12.012 7.214 4.897 10.557 3.317          716 143,834     43,077           0.29    0.49 37.201 13.048 11.074 6.627 4.547 10.040 3,575         1001  157      1
    ** Correct Statistical       61.563 Distribution - 1985 Reported Statistical                                                                                75                                 174.462     42,383           0.24    0.42 Distribution - 1986          73,469    44.699 15.997 13,121 7.780 5.180 10.678 2.670          593 161.897     42.383           0.26    0.45 868  146
    ** Correct Statistical       67.922    41.533 I4.574 11.842 7.016 4.693 10.241 3.062 Distribution - 1986 cn
 $3 Reported Statistical                                                                                22 196,894     40.402           0.21    0.39 Distribution - 1987          92.559    44.782 17,823 14,567 8.599 5.825 10.765 1.711          241 181.345     40,402           0.22    0.42 41.223 15,834 12.839 7.586 5.332 10.611 2.192          477   69
    ** Correct Statistical       85.1E2 Distribution - 1987 Reported Statistical                                                                                                                   199.033     40,879           0.21    0.40 D,stribution - 1988          95.783    43.245 17,750 14.869 8.874 5.939 10.264 1.958          342    9           1 183.461     40,879           0.22    0.43 40.243 15.913 13.153 7,903 5.461 10,310 2.442          511   26           1
    ** Correct Statistical       87.432 Distribution - 198F Reported Statistical                                                                                                                   201.277     35.942           0.18    0.33 Distribution - 1989          92.568    48.609 19,484 15.661 8.814 5.541 8.701 1.169            99   11 184.378     35,942           0.19    0.36
    ** Correct Statistical       84.263    45,329 17.273 13,779 7.945 5,137 8.634 1.614           370   34 Disteibution - 1989 Geparted Statistical                                                                                                                   203.324     36,592           0.18    0.33 Distribution - 1990          93.674    47.001 20.366 16,739 9.476 5.877 8.874 1.232            84    1 184.604     36,592           0.20    0 37
    ** Correct Statistical       84.744    42.851 17,664 14,407 8.427 5.408 8.985 1.785           312   21 Distribution - 1990
       *lrcludes data from Fort St. Vrain.
     **Jistribution found by subtracting the correct from the reported distribution shown in Table 5.4a and then subtractirg this dif ference from the reported statistical distritut on shown in Table 5.4b

{ __

1985, there have been no additional transient workers identified as having received a dose of greater than 5 rem that would not have appeared on the annual reports received by the Commission. This reflects the industry's continuing concerted efferts to keep the total annual doses of all workers under 5 rem and shows that such reductions can be accomplished without increasing the collective dose. TABLE 5.5 ANNUAL WHOLE BODY DOSES EXCEEDING 5 REMS (cSv) AT NUCLEAR POWER FACILITIES Reported Number Corrected Number Di f ference Year >5 Rems (cSv) >5 Rems (cSv) 1977 270 351 81 1978 103 158 55 1979 130 180 50 1980 311 391 80 1981 189 235 46 1982 74 135 61 1983 85 169 84 1984 0 74 74 1985 0 1 1 1986 0 0 0 1987 0 0 0 1988 1 1 0 1989 0 0 0 1990 0 0 0 5.5 Temporary Workers per Calendar Year at Nuclear Power Facilities To complete the examination cf the doses received by the short-term workers-employed at nuclear power facilities, Table 5.6 summarizes the data compiled

on " temporary workers." For purposes of this report, temporary workers were defined to_be those individuals who began and ended a period of employment or work assignment at only one nuclear power facility during the calendar year.

Table 5.6 shows that the number of these temporary individuals increased by about 60% between 1978 and 1990 while the number of reactors increased by 70% . during this time. The number of temporary-workers receiving a _ measurable dose, however, increased by only 38%. The collective dose reached a high of 5-10 1

l l TABLE 5.6 TEMPORARY WORKERS PER CALENDAR YEAR AT NUCLEAR POWER FACILITIES (Individuals Terminated by Only One Employer) Collective Average Average Number of Number with Dose Dose Measurable No. of Temps. Measurable (person rems (rem or Dose Year Reactors Monitored Doses person-cSv) cSv) (rem or cSv) 1978 64 28,864 17,110 9,821 0.34 0.57 1979 67 38,347 21,491 9,488 0.25 0.44 1980 68 48,383 28,305 16,168 0.33 0.57 1981 70 48,265 28,675 16,755 0.35 0.58 1982 74 44,503 25,646 14,266 0.32 0.56 1983 75 50,903 26,682 16,007 0.31 0.60 1984 78 53,438 29,988 15,856 0.30 0.52 1985 82 48,678 24,991 10,418 0.21 0.42 1986 90 47,108 22,911 8,014 0.1) 0.35 1987 96 51,365 22,433 8,303 0.16 0.37 1988 102 44,812 20,575 7,618 0.17 0.37 1989 107 47,041 22,252 7,134 0.15 0.32 1990 110 46,303 23,544 8,270 0.18 0.35 nearly 17,000 person-rem (person-cSv) in the early eighties, but has decreased to 8,270 person-rem (person-cSv) in 1990. The average measurable dose remained at about 0.6 rem during the early eighties, but in 1985, all of the parameters listed in Table 5.6, except for the number of reactors, decreased significantly, in 1990, the average measurable dose for these workers increased slightly to a value of 0.35 rem (cSv). One apparent discrepancy in the above analysis of termination data is that not all of the individuals who terminated during each of the calendar years are included. When one compares the total number of persons terminating during a year (Table 5.1) to the sum of workers terminating from one facility (temporary workers, lable 5.6) and the number of individuals terminating from two or more facilities (transient workers, Table 5.3), one finds a considerable difference in these figures. This is because of the criteria that are used to determine which individuals should be included in the

   " temporary" and " transient" worker groups. To be included in either of these 5-11

i i I groups in this analysis, the individuals' periods of employment must beain and . gnd during the same calendar year. Any individual whose beginning or ending dates of employment overlap the beginning and ending dates of _the calendar year are not included in these analyses, in 1990, for example, one finds that the number of individuals not included in these analyses is approximately 17,000. However, there is no indication that the exclusion of these individuals significantly impacts the statistics presented here. 4 4 ? I 4 i i 5-12 1

6 EXPOSURES TO PERSONNEL IN EXCESS OF REGULATORY LIMITS 6.1 Control levels 10 CFR 20.101 and 20.104, and 20.103, limit the external and internal exposure, respectively, of workers to ionizing radiation from licensed material and other sources of radiation within the licensee's control.13 Section 20.101 sets limits on whole body, skin, and extremity exposures. Section 20.104 sets limits on exposures to minors. Whole-body dose is generally limited to 1.25 rem per calendar quarter. Licensees are permitted to allow workers to be exposed to doses not exceeding 3 rem per calendar quarter if they can show that the worker's cumulative dose since age 18 will not exceed 5 rem multiplied by the worker's aoe since his/her eighteenth birthday. [ Cumulative dose <5(N-18) where N is the worker's age.] Form NRC-4 or its equivalent is used to record determinations of prior dose. Exposures in excess of regulatory limits are sometimes referred to as "overexposures." The phrase " exposures in excess of regulatory limits" is preferred to "overexposures" because the latter suggests that a worker has been subjected to an unacceptable biological risk, which may not be the case. 10 CFR 20.103 places a regulatory limit on the amount of internal exposure to radioactive material a worker may sustain in a calendar quarter, it is based on the intake a worker would experience if he/she breathed air containing the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of a radionuclide for 13 40-hour work weeks, using the breathing rate for moderate activity. (Note that the rule refers to the quantity of material taken in, n.ot the amount retained.) The MPCs are listed in Appendix B, Table 1, Column 1, of 10 CFR Part 20. Because there are 520 hours in 13 40-hour work weeks, the limit is frequently - expressed in terms of an intake of 520 MPC-hours. If more than one radionuclide is taken in, the sum of the MPC-hours for all radionuclides must be less than 520. This rule applies regardless of the route of intake (inhalation, ingestion, trans-dermal, wound, atc.).

      " These are the section numbers before they were changed by the revtston of Part 20, 56 FR 23360, May 21, 1991.


10 CFR 20.403 and 20.405 require that all persons licensed by the NRC submit reports of all occurrences involving personnel radiation exposures that exceed certain control levels, thus providing for investigations and corrective actions as necessary. Based on the magnitude of the exposure, the occurrence may be placed into one of three categories: (1) Category A 10 CFR & 20.403(a)(1) - Exposure of the whole body of any. individual to 25 rem (cSv) or more;' exposure to the skin of the. whole body of any individual to 150 rem (cSv) or more; or exposure of the extremities (feet, ankles, hands or forearms) of any individual to 375 rem (cSv) or more. The Commission must be notified immediately of these events. (2) Category B 10 CFR s 20.403(b)(1) - Exposure of the whole body of any individual to 5 rem (cSv) or more; exposure of the skin of the whole body of any individual to 30 rem (cSv) or more; or exposure of the extremities to 75 rem (cSv) or more. The Commission must be notified within 24 hours of these events. (3) Category C 10 CFR s 20.405 - Exposure of any individual to radiation or concentrations of radioactive material that exceeds- any applicable quarterly limit in Part 20 [ss 20.101, 20.104(b), 20.103(a)(1), or 20.103(a)(2)] or in the licensee's license, but is less:than the values given above. This includes reports of whole body exposures that exceed 1.25 rem (cSv), or that exceed 3 rem _(cSv),

                                                  -as discussed in 5 3.2 of this document. Reports of skin exposures that exceed 7.5 rem (cSv) and extremity exposures that exceed 18.75 rem (cSv) are included, and reports of exposures of individuals to concentrations in. excess of the levels given in 10 CFR s 20.103 and Appendix B (internal exposures) usually fall into this category as well. These reports must be submitted to the Commission in writing within thirty days of the occurrence.

Written reports'of events required to be reported under Category A.- l or 8 must also be submitted within 30 days, 6 6.2 Summary of Exposures in Excess of Regulatory Limits Table 6.1 summarizes all of the occupational exposures in excess of regulatory limits to external sources of radiation as reported by Commission licensees pursuant to @@ 20.403 and 20.405 during the years 1982 through 1990. For 1987 through 1990 it shows the number of individuals who exceeded various limits while employed by one of several types of licensees. For the years 1982 through 1986, only the exposures in excess of regulatory limits reported by licensed industrial radiography firms are shown separately. Most of the occurrences included in the "Others" category come from research facilities, universities, and measuring and well-logging activities. In 1990, thirteen individuals received external doses that exceeded applicable quarterly limits with the highest external whole body dose being 24 rem (cSv). In each of the _ years from 1985 through 1990, the highest external whole body dose was 27.0, 4.2, 7.5, 14, 93, and 24 rem (c5v), respectively. In 1990 there were four incidents in which external exposures of the magnitude described as Category A or B were received by five individuals. Brief descriptions of these incidents fcllow: A radiographer located the radiography exposure device on the step of a ladder during the exposure. The device began to tip when the radiographer, who had not made a survey, tried to lock the camera in the safe position. The radiographer grasped the guide tube containing the partially exposed source to steady the device and received a dose of 111 rem to his hand. A radiographer's assistant carried a guide tube containing an 80-Ci n2 Ir source draped over his neck for 2-5 minutes. Both the radiographer and the radiographer's assistant were exposed. No surveys were conducted and no film - badges were worn. The radiographer's assistant received a whole-body dose determined by cytogenetic dosimetry of 24 rem and an estimated dose to the skin of the back of the neck of 6000 rem. The radiographer received a whole-body dose of 17 rem also determined by cytogenetic dosimetry. A radiographer was exposed to an 80-Ci azir source as a result of moving the guide tube with the source partially exposed. The radiographer deliberately removed personal dosimeters during the procedure. The source was recovered by the manufacturer of the radiography exposure device. The radiographer received a whole-body dose of 8.9 rem. An assistant radiographer exposed his hand and whole body while holding the guide tube directly over the exposed source. The assistant radiographer, who was working without the supervision of the radiographer, failed to make a 6-3


              & W ANtX ACT.         SUM N DOSES O f >Of             NO. OF PLR' SONS        1 suW OF DOSFS       23 1


               &WANUFACT,            SUW OF DOSE S O Tit R             NO,OF fYRSONS            1                                       1                                                                       1 13                                       92                                                                     178 SUW OF DOSFS 1


                & W ANUF ACT OTHER              C E# PERSONS SuWOFDOSTS 1


                \1EDICAL            NO OF PERSONS                           1 F ACILniES            SUW OF DOSES                       75 2                            1 W AaKE TING        NO OF PERSONS 41 7                                 8';O
                 & W ANUF ACT         SUW OF DOSFS OTW R              NO. OF PERSONS             t                                      3                                                                                               _

Suu OF DOSF S 1S 11 8 INDUS T RAL W OFPtRSONS 2 FuDinGRAPHY SUM OF DOSE S 44 NO. OF PER$CM 1 1 2 ALL CNER 3 SUW OF DOSES $8 41.2 116 ST 1 WOUS T RAL NO OF Pt HSONS 6 3 1 RADIOGRVHY SUM OF DOSF $ 1 A.7 32 a 27 0 284 ALL OTHER NO. OF MRSONS 7 3 1 SUW OF DOSES 11 8 60 2 03 400SfHLAL Na OFPERSONS 3 1 1 3 fuDIOGRAPHY SUW OF DOSES 12 5 82 10 8 38.0 1279 ALL OTHE R NG OF PERSO43 9 1 6 110.7

  • WM OF DOSFS 15 0 52 1


         @e bdIWM N IsfMed & WhD4DDody $16e of 24 terft Yt arkfMOrt to 4 M tem mh done.

One of thaes e,divwas racerved a 9 **m = nae tsxty *me e nNtiorf to e 1070 rem extracey desa.

         'One Of these parto*.s entom1ed Ib4 quarteHy whose body dose Off1ts ifWD0 times m One Ca# ender year.
         % jwton $P%taleovey fecefwed so entf emny 94moufe Of $1 rems (cSV) itW 15 ftQt Ghow').
         'One of these persone sWitzw!y receked ea m esgrasure cd 15.2 roms (cSw) tfw is ect shoem.


survey following the exposure and disregarded the reading of his pocket dosimeter. Tissue damage (approximately a second-degree burn) was observed on the exposed hand. The assistant radiographer's whole-body dose was estimated at 0.4 rem and a hand dose of 2892 rem. The violations were judged to be willful. The NRC ordered the licensee's General License to perform radiography in non-Agreement States suspended for three years and the NRC i license to perform radiography in non-Agreement States was terminated at the request of the licensee. l l 1 I l l l l 6-5 l


1. U.S. Atomic Energy Cummission, Nuclear Power Plant Operating Experience During 1973, USAEC Report.00E-ES-004, December 1974.*

l 2. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cominission, Nuclear Power Plant _ Operating Experience 1974-1975, USNRC Report NUREG-0227, April 1977.*-

3. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Nuclear _ Power Plant Operating Experience 1976, USNRC Report NUREG-0366, December 1977.*
4. H.R. Beebe, Nuclear Power Plant Operating Experience - 1977, USNRC Report NUREG-0483, February 1979.*
5. Nuclear Power Plant Operating Experience - 1978, USNRC Report NUREG-0618, December 1979.*
6. Nuclear Power Plant Operating Experience - 1979, USNRC Report NUREG/CR-1496, May 1981.*
7. Nuclear Power Plant Operating Experience - 1980, USNRC Report NUREG/CR-2378, ORNL/NSIC-191, October 1982.*
8. Nuclear Power Plant Operating Experience - 1981, USNRC Report NUREG/CR-3430, ORNL/NSIC-215, Vol. 1, December 1983.*-
9. Nuclear Power Plant Operating Experience - 1982, USNRC Report NUREG/CR-3430, ORNL/NSIC-215, Vol . 2, January 1985.*
10. United Nations, Report of the Scientific Committee on the Effects.of Atomic Radiation, Annex H, General Assembly of Official Records, United Nations, New York, 1982.
11. A. Brodsky, R. Specht, B. Brooks, et al., Log-Normal Distributions of Occupational Exposure in Medicine and Industry. Presented at the 9th-Midyear Topical Symposium of the Health Physics Society,1976.

Report is available for purchase from the National Technical Information Service, Springfield,- Virs;inta, 22161, and/or the hRC/GPO Sales Program Division of Technical Information and Document Control. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cumission. Washtngton, DC 20555. 7-1

12. S. Kumazawa and T. Namakunai, A New Theoretical Analysis of Occupational Dose Distributions Indicating the Effect of Dose Limits, Hea1th Physics, Vol. 41, No. 3, 1981.
13. S. Yumazawa and T. Namakunal, A Method for implementation of ALARA for Occupational Exposure Using the Hybrid Lognormal Model. Presented at the 27th Annual Meeting of the Health Physics Society, July 1,1982.
14. Licensed Operating Reactors, Status Summary Report, USNRC Report NUREG-0020, Vol. 15, No. 1. Data provided on diskette by D. Hartfield, USNRC Office of Information Resources Management, Systems Development Branch.

L.A. Cross and A.P. Cross, Trends in Nuclear Power Plant Han-Rem Per l 1S. Negawatt-)' ear. Presented to American Nuclear Society European Nuclear Society International Conference, Washington, DC, November 17-20, 1980,

16. Nationa] Research Counci1, Health Effects of Exposure to Low Levels of ionizing Radiation: BEIR V, Committee on the Biologica1 Effects of lonizing Radiations, 1990. Available from the National Academy Press, 2101 Constitution Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20418.
17. Health Effects Models for Nuclear Power Plant Accident Consequence Analysis, Part 11: Scientific Basis for Health Effects Models, USNRC Report NUREG/CR-4214, May 1989.


 , .-- - . .. . ~ . . . .   -     -. ~ -.       ..   . . ..  . . . . - - . _ - ~ . - . .

l iI ll l

                                                                                               'I APPENDIX A Listing of Annual Exposure Data
                          -Compiled for Certain NRC, Licensees In Descending Order of Average Measurable Dose 1990 l


APPENDIX A INDUSTRIAL. RADIOGRAPHERS Single Location - 1990 Licensee Name Program Code - 03310 Licerse Total Workers with Collective Average Ntster Indivichele Measurable Dose Meas'ble Dose Monitored Exposure- (person-res) (rees or 4,$v) BRIGHTON CORP. 34 21480-01 6 3. 2.800 0.93 MAYNGRD ELECTRIC STEEL CAsilWG CO. 44-07080 01 5 3 2.500 0.83 UlSCONSIN CENTRIFUGAL, INC. 48-11641*01 5 5 2.025 0.41 SOUTHWESTERN ENGINEERING CO. 24-19500 01 4 2 0.750 0.38 j l QlCNESOTA VALLET ENG!bEERlWG 22 24393 01 7 3 0.800 0.27_ _ STRUTHERS WELLS CORPORATION 37-11152-01 16 4 1.025 0.26 LUCIUS PITKIN INC. 29-27816-01 18 10 2.550 0.26 THlC20LbORPORATION 01-00556 02 40 11 2.5 75 0.23 MANOld ELECTRO AliOYS, INC. 34 24346 01 15 11 2.450 0.22 LYNCHBURG FOUNDRY L1DMPANY 45 17464 01 9 9 1.975 0.22 A10 PRODUCTS AND CHEMICALS, INC. 37-05105-05 18 2 0.350 0.18 COPE S-WLCAN 37 19530-01 1 1 0.175 0.18 TRANS WORLD AIRLINES, INC. 24-05151-05 61 6 1.050 0.18 CONNEX PLFE SYSTEM 3 34-00850 02 5 4 0.650 0.16 HAQSISCH STEEL CASTINGS COMPANY 13 02141 01 5 3 0.400 0.13

  . QUAKER ALLOY                                           37-03671-01        11             7         0.925          0.13 UAVY, DEPT. Of THE                                      28-00102-AINP      42            41         5.175          0.13 DURALOT C(MPANY i, HL )                                 37 02279 02         9             7         0.850          0.12
 ' CAV), DEPT. OF THE                                      59-45249-AINP      18            13         1.4 75         0.11-AHEMICAN FOUNDRY, N'ICLEAR O!V.                         35-26893-01         6             4-        0.450          0.11 002 IRON CO., IkC FfJNDRY DIV.                          34 06398-01         4             4         0.450          0.11 P. X. ENGl%EERlhG-;0MPANY INC.                          20-15102-01         5             3         0.275          0.09 DEflKERY PRODUCT 5 'DRPORAfl0N                          48 03665 02         5             3         0.275          0.09 CAROWLELET FOUNDRY COMPANY                              24*26136-01         9             8         0.725          0.09 W VY, DEPT. OF TNE                                      37-00151 A1NP      52            21         1 .675         0.08 ATLANTIC RESEARCH CORPORATION                          45 02808 04        26            26         2.wo           0.08 NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMIN.                  34 00507 04        31             6         0.425          0.07 A8EX CORP. WAUKESHA FOUNDRY O!V.                       48-13776-01          7            1         0.050          0.05 CaQ0V TANK & ENGINEERiWG C04PANY                        22-13253-01         5             2         0.100         -0.05 BOHC0CK & WILCOX COMPANY                               34-02160-03        51            17         0.850          0.05-BUC1tEYE STEEL CAsilNGS                                34-06627 01         2             1         0.050          0.05 CON:lE CTICUT, STATE OF                                06-06472 03        23             1         0.050          0.05 DRESSER INO., WORTHINGTON PLS4P DIV.                   29-02210-02         3             3-        0.150          0.05 EMPIRL SIEEL CASTINGS, INC.                            37-02448-01         5             2         0.100          0.05 GENERAL ELECTRIC Co.                                   45-24957-01        34             1         0.050          0.05 GTE LA8S, INC.                                         20-15610 02          4            4         0.200          0.05 NICN STEEL STRUCTURES, INC.                            37 17534-01        16             8        -0.400          0.05 INGE3SOLL RAND CtetPANY                                29 02015 02         2             2         0.100          0.05 HASON & MANGER SILAS CO., INC.                         14-24479-01          7            3         0.150          0.05 Moni c THioKOL                                         17 16330-01        43             5         0.250          0.05 NAVY, DEPT. OF THE                                     04-60258-AINP      11            11         0.550          0.05 kAVY, DEPT. OF THE                                     46-00253-A1NP       4             2         0.100          0.05 A-2

1 APPENDIX A (cont.) INDUSTRIAL RADIOGRAPHERS Single Location - 1990 Licensee Name Program Code - 03310 License T ot al Workers with Collective Average Natwr Individuals Measurable Dose Meas'ble Dose Monituted Exposure (person-ree) (rees or cSv) NAVY, DEPT. OF THE 39-52903 A1NP 13 5 0.250 0.05 NAVY, DEPT OF iME 45-32732 AINP 13 2 0.100 0.05 NAVY, DEPT. OF THE 59-45255 A1NP 5 2 0.100 0. 0'2 SAVYER RESE ARCH PRODUCTS, INC. 34 02044-01 5 3 0.150 0.05 SMAFER VALVE CO. 34 21198-01 4 2 0.100 0.05 St. Louis STEEL CASilNG, INC. 24-01587-01 4 4 0.200 0.05 TAYLOR AND FENN CokPANY 06-02024 01 2 2 0.100 0.05 WILLI AM POWELL COMPANY (THE) 34 02 % 3 01 6 1 0.050 0.05 ARMY, DEPT. OF THE 13 18235-01 10 0 0.000 0.00 ARMY, DEPT. OF THE 35-19189 02 35 0 0.000 0.00 DAY & ZIMMERMAN, INC. 42 15051-02 4 0 0.000 0.00 E.1. DUPONT LE NEMOURS & CO. 07 001.55-30 0 0 0.000 0.00 GEhERAL MOTORS CORPOkA110N 21-02392-01 3 0 0.000 0.00 10Nics INC 37-20757 02 9 0 0.000 0.00 MIS $0)RI PRECISION CAsilNCS, INC 24 15152-01 5 0 0.000 0.00 MI$SOURI STEEL CASiiPG; Co. 25-15152-01 5 0 0.000 0.00 NAVY, DEPT. OF THE 19-0464A-AINP 4 0 0.000 0.00 NlLES SIEEL TANK COMPANY 21 04741 01 4 0 0.000 0.00 NORTHWEST AIRLINES INC. 22-12080 01 31 0 0.000 0.00 PELTON CASTEEL INC 48 02M9 02 4 0 0.000 0.00 PRYOR FOUNDRY, INC. 35 18099 01 3 0 0.000 0.00 VOLLR ATH COMPANY, FOUNDRY DIV. 48 05395 01 3 0 0.000 0.00 WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC CORPORATION 37-05809-02 10 0 0.000 0.00 WORD INDUSTRIES PIPE FABRICATING INC. 35-15458 01 0 0 0.000 0.00


832 304 41.025 0.13 A-3 l

APPENDIX A (cont.) INDUSTRIAL RADIOGRAPHERS Hultiple location - 1990-Licensee Name Program Code 03320 License Total Workers Nith Cottective Average hwber t hdividJat s Measurable Dose Mees 8ble 00te Monitored Exposure (person rem) (rees or cSv) CTL ENGINEERING, INC. 34-08331-01 2 2 4.000 2.00 CAPliAL X RAY SERVICE, INC. 35-11114 01 24 24 38.900 1.62 H&H X-RAY SEtylCES INC. 17 19236-01 8 8 12.750 1.59

            'H1G ikSPECil0N CO., INC.                                                                                            42-26838 01          9           9       13.9?5         1.55 1RI STATE INSPEC110N & CONSULTANTS                                                                                  37 19640-01          4           3        4.500         1.50 INDEPENDENT IN$PECil0N CORP. INC.                                                                                   35 26824 01          5           5        7.250         1.45 futSA GAMMA RAY, INC.                                                                                               35 17178-01        36           35       49.250         1.41          !
          -BARNETT INDUSTRIA! X-RAY                                                                                              35 26953 01          8           8       10.8T5         1.36 QUALITY ENGINEERING SERV.& YESTS.                                                                                   35-26815 01         11           8       10.873         1.36 TRI ST ATE ASSOCI ATES, INC,                                                                                        45 24967 01          8           7        9.350         1.34 INTERMOUNTAIN TESilNG COMPANY                                                                                       00 0787?-01        18           18       23.100         1.28 PIPELINE I LPECTION & ENGINEERING                                                                                   21 26060 01        10           10       12.425         1.26 BILL MILLER, INC.                                                                                                   35 19048 01        45           41       51.275         1.25
         - HIGH MOUNTAIN INSPECTION SERV.. INC.                                                                                  49 26808 01      104            78       91.425         1.17       ,

WESTERN X RAY COMPANY 35 19993 01 16 16 18.475 1.15 TECHMICAL WELDING & lWSPEC110N SERV. 16-24812-01 4 4 4.500 1.13 CLEVELAND X kAY INSPECTION, INC. 35*15205-01 124 119 132.200 1.11 0'CONNELL LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 35-117 h 01 4 4 4.350 1.09 MIDWEST INSPECil0N SERVICES 35-27005 01 29 29 29.675 1.02. FROEHLikG & R06ERTSON INC. 45 08890 01 11 11 19.925 0.99 NONDESTRUCTIVE INSPECTION SERVICE 47-11883 01 5 5 4.925 0.99 SCIENTIFIC INSPECTION TLCH., INC. 41 25027 01 44 41 38.950 0.95 RET CHEM TE$ilNG TABS Of. UTAH, INC. 43-26821-01 32 32 30.350 0.95 N04TH AMERICAN INSPECTION, INC. 37 23370 01 64 64 60.475- 0.94 COL 8Y & IN1ELMElER TESTING CO 24 13737 01 9 9 8.100 0.90 O 4 5 TESTING, INC. 34 21458 01 11 9 7.925 0.B8

          - NATTINGLY TESTING SERVICES, INC.                                                                                     25 21479 01          9           8        6.925         0.87        ,

1 INSPECTION SERVICES & TESTlWG $0 23257 01 33 32 27.450 0.86 GLOBE X RAY SERVICES, INC. 35-15194 01 40 37 31.225 0.84 l PENN INSPECTION CO. 35-21144 01 16 15 12.575 0.84 EDWARDS Pif'EL INE TESilWG, INC. 35 23193 01 101 101 83.675 0.83 CENTURY I MPECTION, INC 42*08456-02 96 89 73.525 0.83 TWIN PORf! IlSil4G, INC. 48-23476-01 39 26 21.475 0.83 CONSOLIDATED 40C, INC. 29*21452 01 126 122 98.575 0.81 QUAL 11Y SYSTEMS NDE, LTD. 37-28085-01 21 18 14.425 =0.80 ST..tou!S TESTING LABORATORIES INC. 2P00188-02 16 15 11.850 0.79 ARROW NDE CO, INC. 35-23198 01 4 4 3.100 0.78 , TEWELL GE0 TECHNICAL ENGlWEER . , L10. 53J23288-01 2 2 1.550 0.78 PR0f f$$10kAL SERVICES INDUSTRIES, INC. 37 00276-25 20 15 11.375 0.76 IEl AMRYTICAL SERJICES, INC. 37 2aL% 01 61 57 41.200 0.72 JAN X4AT SERVICE INC 21-16560-01 53 48 34.150 0.71 ALLIED INSPECTION SERVICliS INC. 18428 01 8 5 3.550 0.71 h'bt i l

APPENDIX A (cont.) INDUSTRIAL RADIOGRAPHERS Multiple location - 1990 Licensee Name Program Ccxic 03320 License total Workers with Cottective Average W mt.c r 1rdi viduals Measurable Dose Meas'ble Dose Monitored Exposure (person rem) (rees or CSv) AtttCH(hY LA85. 37 20734 01 10 7 4.825 0.69 AKRON INDU$1 RIAL $lRVICE, thc. 34 24673-01 4 4 2.700 0.68 ADVtX COEPORAllON 45-16452 01 13 11 7.125 0.65 CALUMET TE$tlNG SERVICES INC. 13 16347 01 40 25 15.740 0.63 h00STON IWSPECTION, thC. 42 26962-01 3 3 1.850 0.62 W15 CON 51k IWOUSTRIAL TE5flhG thC. 46 17480-01 80 75 46.100 0.61

  $1ERRA Test!WG, INC.                                 35 26950 01           64          61        37.400                                         0.61       ._

itsfMASTER INSPitfloN Co.. IhC. 34 ?4872-01 11 10 5.9 75 0.60 ALASKA IkDOSIRIAL x EAT 50-16084 01 to 8 4.725 0.59 AMfRICAN INSPICilON CO. IhC. 12 24801-01 94 85 49.725 0.59

  $ Pit CONSULTANI$, lWC,                              37 27891'01            14          11         6.325                                        0.58 X-RAY, Ikt.                                          46 03414-03            31          30        17.250                                        0.58 CTI, Ikt.                                            50 19202 01            70          55        30.700                                        0.56 EASTERN TEstlNG AwD IN5rECTION, IAC.                 29 09814-01            26          22        12.000                                        0.55 CfM9 f f CH l h5PE CT 10*d                            15 26978-01             5           5         2.650                                        0.53
   $AM50N th5PtCTION TfCHNICAL SE Rv! Ci s     thC. 34 25898 01           27          22        11.62'.                                        0.53 LEMIGH TESilkG L ABOR All*lt s, IK                   07 01171 03             5           4         2.050                                        0.51 H.R. INSPf CT ION SER'/lCE thC                       15-06207 01            10            9        4.525                                        0.50 NDT SPECIAll5.6, INC.                                48-25917-01              2           2        1.000                                        0.50 TWIN Clf Y TE5fikG AND EhGlkflRikG L AB.             22 01376-02            26          23       11.450                                         0.50 MGS INSPEC110N                                       12 00622-07          620         494       244.575                                         0.50 TESTIhG TECF CLocifs, INC,                          45-25007 01            12          11         5 .3 75                                      0.49 HJ4 f t hGiDM TE5 f t h; LAR. IkC,                   47 23076 01            31          31        15.125                                        0.49 iwtEwito x En (0-                                   03-23185-01            51          38        18.050                                        0.48 FROGRt S5 SERvlf t s, W                              34-19592 01            16          13         6.150                                        0.47 BAslN SERvlCES, Ixt                                  33 27023-01            23          21         9.725                                        0.46 thDUSTRIAL hDT 5!RVICES Civisia                      11-06147 04           16          12         5.500                                         0.46 WA1 AMK E h TL9PR i sE s, IN':                      53 23225-01             12          to         4.500                                        0.45 SF ACE SCIENR SIRVICES, IK                          09-07550-01           104          74        31.490                                         0.43 P90f E51 TONAL 4t Di kG AMOC . IK.              45- 2SEs 01             10          10         4.250                                        0.43 M10LLST INSPECilOW SE4VICE LT:                       i.5-16296 01           17          10         4.200                                        0.42 JACKSONVILLE SHIPYARCS lhC                           09-15611-01              7           2        0.800                                        0.40 OLD D m !hl0N f ABRICATORS                           45-15591 01              6           6        2.400                                        0.40 CLITSCH F IE LD SERylCE S/hDE . IN                    14-14071-01           51          36       14.075                                         0.39 HON T AN A X 4 AY ikC.                                25-21134-01             4           4        1.550                                        0.39 MAllRI AL S if SilhG L A[0R A TO41F s, INC            45 17151-01           12           10        3,800                                        0.38 ELFASO WATURAL GAS CCF A%Y                            42 03201-02             7           7        2.650                                        0.38 CARkCLL EhGlkEERS, thC.                              20-13042-02             4            1       0.375                                        0.38 LABA9CC PIPE & 5TLEL CO.                             35 26836 01              4           2       0.750                                         0.38 WOG ffSIING CO.                                       12 24050 01             2           1       0.3 75                                        0.38 CohAM lbsrECilGN, thC                                 12-16559-01          80           $2       19,400                                         0.37 N.V. ENTERPRISES                                     49 26 W -01              7           7        2.450                                        0.35 0-b

APPENDIX A (cont.) INDUSTRIAL. RADIOGRAPHERS Hultiple location - 1990 Licensee Wome Pro 9 rem Code 4 03320 License fotot Workers with Cottective Average Nudier . Indivicbets Meesurable- Dose Hees'ble Dose Monitored Exposure (person-rem) (rems or,cSv) CONSTRUCil0N ENGINEERikG CONSULTANT 37 18456 01 50 37 12.625 0.34 QUAllif ASSURANCE LABORATORIES, INC. 18 19078 01 8 5 1.675 0.34

 - 8.C. LA80RATORIES, INC.                           09 11579 03           28        25          8.350       0.33 INDUSTRIAL METAL TREATING CORPORATION             07 28478 01           13           4        1.300       0.33 WESTERN STRESS, INC.                              42 26900 01           80        46        14.600        0.32 SCIENTIFIC TECHNICAL, INC.                        45 24882-01             6          5        1.525       0.31 PITD DES MOINES, INC,                             37-27878 01           24        23          6.975       0.30 AMERICAN oil COMPANY (THE) ( AMOCO)               13 00155 10           27        24          7.2 75      0.30 INDUSTRIAL NDT Co., INC.                          39-24888 01           48        39        10.725        0.28-INSPECil0N SERVICE CORP                           37-11636 01             3          3        0.800       0.27 BR AdCH RAD]OGA APHIC LABORATORIES, INC.          29 03405 02           22        22          5.550       0.25 ABC TESIlNG                                       20 19778 01             7          6        1.450       0.24 RELIANCE TESTlWG LABORATORIES INC.                19-17176 01           28        21          4.825       0.23 NAVY, DEPT. Of YHE                                SS 20635 A1NP         11           8        1.825       0.23 ACCU TECH EVALUAflDN SERVICES INC                 29 28358 01           18        13          2.950       0.23-EDE SERVICES, INC.                                05-19821-01             8           7       1.5 75      0.23 STACCARD TESilNG & ENGINEERING CO.                35 17054 02             4           4       0.900       0.23 tfEWECAS INDU$fRIAL TESTlWG                       28 14847 02             4           4      '0.900       0.23 COI INDUSTRIES, INC.                              42 13553 02          168       129        27.700        0.21 S&ME, INC./ AIRPORT STA.                          41 24965 01           32         19         4.050       0.21-ANR PIPELINE CD, LABORATORY SERVICES              21 24502 01             6           2       0.425       0.21 INDESERV, (WC                                    45 25074 01             8           8       1.625       0.20 ATEC AS$0C OF VA., INC.                           45 16546-03            11           6        1.200      0.20 TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORifY                       41 06832 06           27          17        3.390       0.20 INSPECTION SERVICES. INC.                        41-21154-01            21         10        1.950       0.20 x c 1 TESTING                                     21 05472 01         160         60       11.625        0.19

' UNIVERSAL TECHNICAL TESilNG, INC. 37-00453 03 19 14 2.700 0.19 NAVY, DEPT, OF THE, (USS CANOPUS) 59-04720 A1NP 16 11 2.025 0.18 CRAMfR & LINDELL ENGINEERS, INC. 06 20794 01 22 21 3.800 0.18 PLAdi INSPECTION CO 04-21032 01 12 7 1.250 0.18 NONDESTRUCTIVE TEsilNG CORP 29 19742 01 22 15 2.550 0.17 DEWPORT NEWS SkiPSUILDING AND DRY DOCK 45 09428-02 82 71 11.875 0.17 NOVA DAT A TESilNG LA3s, INC. 45 24872 01 12 10 1.650 0.17 DQYTON X RAY CCMPANY 34 06943 01 10 1 1.300 0.16 ASTROTECH, INC. 37-09928 01 11 *0

                                                                                       ,          1.600      0.16 CONSUMERS POWER COMPWY                            21-08606 03           18         i '.       2.22)      0.16 HECRON TESTING LABORATORY INC.                    34-00681-03           14         11         1.700       0.15 A200LO GREENE TESTING LABORATORIES                20-01074 02           30         18         2,700       0.15 PARKER INDUSTRIAL M RAY Lt.BORATORY CORP.         06 01337 03           13           9        1.350       0.15 ANCHOR / DARLING VALVE CCMPANY                    37-15476-01             6          6        0.800       0.13 CEGCA CHEK, INC.                                  21 19111 02           31         17         2.250       0.13 CHEQlCON, INC.                                    34 02150 04           43           9        1.150       0.13 A-6

APPENDIX A (cont.) INDUSTRIAL RADIOGRAPHERS Hultiple Location - 1990 l i Licensee Name Program Code 03320 Licerse Total Workers with Collective Aversee Neter Indivicbats Measurable Dose Mees'ble Dose Monitored Exposure (person-rem) (reas or csy) C)0OTER CORPORAtl0N 24 03783-01 18 7 0.800 0.11 NAVY, DEPT. OF THE 59 05851 A1NP 12 9 1.025 0.11 EBASCO SERVICES, INC. 29-07056-03 15 6 0.675 0.11 FOSTER WHEELER CONSTRUCTORS,1NC. 29-28016 01 6 2 0.225 0.11 NAVY, DEPT OF THE 59-04697-A1NP 13 10 1.125 0.11 POWER PIPING COMPANY 37 09945 01 7 4 0.450 0.11 QC SERVICES 04 14875 02 24 8 0.900 0.11 OAVY, DEPT. OF THE 46 00251 A1NP 65 64 6.900 0.11 NAVY, DEPT. Of THE 59-04696-A1NP 16 13 1.400 0.11 NAVY, DEPT. OF THE 04-00221 A1NP 27 22 2.350 0.11 NAVY, DEPT. OF THE 39 00191 A1NP 64 60 6.250 0.10 ALONSO & CARUS IRON WORKS, INC. 52 21350 01 7 5 0.500 0.10 NAVY, DEPT. OF THE 06 68316-A1NP 21 19 1.850 0.10 BAKE 2 TEsilNG SERVICES INC. 20-19067-01 12 8 0.775 0.10 NORFOLK SHIPBUILDING AND DRYDOCK CORP. 45 12042-01 16 15 1.375 0.09 PUBLIC SERVICE OF INDIANA 13 15544 06 5 3 0.275 0.09 COLUM8!A GAS TRANSMIS$10N CORPORAil0N 47-16060-01 5 4 0.325 0.08 NAVY, DEPT. OF THE 45 00181 A1NP 73 69 5.300 0.08 BATH 1RON WORKS CORPORATION 18 00828 04 21 5 0.375 0.08 BRIGGS ASSOCIATES INC. 20 16401 01 32 14 0.9',0 0.07 EG & G FLORIDA, INC., BOC 005 09 21233 01 40 17 1.100 0.06 NAVY, DEPT. OF THE 53 00311 A1NP 31 28 1.650 0.06 STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORP. 20 05600-02 24 14 0.825 0.06 HUTCHINSON AREA VO-TECH INSTITUTE 22 15554-01 304 167 9.300 0.06 AMERICAN AIRLINES, INC 35 13964-01 51 5 0.250 0.05 AMOCO Oil COMPANY 45 01378-02 18 1 0.050 0.05 _ ARMY, DEPI. OF THE 30 02405-05 4 2 0.100 0.05 C & R LABORATORIES 53 19179 01 3 3 0.150 0.05 CENTERIOR SERVICE C0 34 23406 01 5 3 0.150 0.05 FACTORY MUTUAL RESEARCH CORPORAT10N 20 04007-02 5 3 0.150 0.05 F05TER WHEELER ENERGY CORP. 31 01776 05 12 7 0.350 0.05 INTERNATIONAL TESilNG LAB. 29 14027-01 6 6 0.300 0.05 NAVY, DEPI. OF THE 38-68329-A1NP 12 5 0.250 0.05 NAVY, DEPT. OF THE 82 62770 A1NP 13 6 0.300 0.05 NAVY, DEPT OF THE 53 00314 AINP 15 3 0.150 0.05 BAVY, DEPT. OF THE 04 68828-A1NP 6 3 0.150 0.05 NAVY, DEPT. OF THE 04-0581A A1NP 88 12 0.600 0.05 NAVY, DEPT. OF THE 53-68251 A1NP 13 6 0.300 0.05 NAVY, DEPT. OF THE 04-65918 A1NP 26 22 1.100 0.05 NAVY, DEPT. OF THE 45 32770-AINP 31 3 0.150 0.05 NAVY, DEPT. OF THE 46-68438 AINP 41 24 1.200 0.05 NAVY, DEPT. OF THE 59 21047 A1NP 26 26 1.300 0.05 A-7 l

APPENDIX A (cont.) INDUSTRIAL RADIOGRAPHERS Multiple Location - 1990 Licensee Name Program Code + 03320 License Total Workers with Collective Aversee Nudar Individkats Measurable Dose Meas'ble Dose Monitored Exposure (person-rea) (ress or csv) CAW, DEPT. OF THE $9 21063 A1NP 21 9 0.450 0.05 NAW, DEP1. OF THE 59 20132 A1NP 18 7 0.350 0.05 CAW, DEPT. OF THE 59 45247 A1NP 16 6 0.300 0.05 CAW, DEPT. OF THE 59 68780 A1NP 13 10 0.500 0.05 NAW, DEPT. OF THE $9-04628 AINP 14 7 0.350 0.05 i NAW, DEPT. OF THE 59 04620 A1NP 14 9 0.450 0.05 NAW, DEPT. OF ThE $9-04629 A1NP 13 6 0.300 0.05-NQUY, DEPT. OF THE 59-04648-A1NP 20 5 0.250 0.05-NAW, DEPT. OF THE 59 21098 A1NP 12 3 0.150 0.05

     . NAM , DEPT. OF THE                             59 04638 A1NP       6           4        0.200         0.05 NAW, DEPT. OF THE                              59 08808 A1NP      10           1        0.050         0.05 NAW, DEPl . OF THE                             59 21D46 A1NP      10           2        0.100         0.05 NAW, DEPT. OF THE                              59 04639-A1NP      10           1        0.050         0.05 PIPING SPECIAllSTS                             24 24826-01         2           2        0.100         0.05-LPECTRUM LABORATORIES, INC.                    29 07266-01         5           4        0.200         0.05 tCIUERSAL Test!NG LABORATORIES, INC            41 25097-01        19           2        0.100         0.05 PRECISION COMPONENTS CORPORATION               37 16280 01        68          30        1.270         0.04 VOITN HYDRO, INC.                              37 16280 03        21          18        0.570         0.03 ANU!L CORP-                                    46-23236 01         0           0        0.000         0.00 BMY, DIV. OF HARSCO CORP.                      37 20684 02         6           0        0.000         0.00 INDUSTRIAL TESTING LA8 SERVICES CORP          37 16406 01        11           0        0.000         0.00-NQW, DEPT. OF THE                              04-60036-A1NP-      0           0        U.000         0.00 NAM , DEPT. OF.THE                             59 08810-AINP      19           0       'O.000         0.00 CAW, DEPT. OF THE                              $9-05837 A1NP      14           0        0.000         0.00 5.691       4,154    2,079.035         0.50 A-8 4

APPENDIX A (cont.) MANUFACTURERS AND' DISTRIBUTORS - 1990 Liret.aee Name Program Program Liceme Total Workers with Collective Average Type Code Wuntier Irdividuate Measurable Dose Meas'ble Dose Monitored Exposure (person-rem) (rems or csv) Malt!NCKROOT, INC. A BROAD 03211 24 04206-01 300 164 222.475 1.36 ADVANCED MEDICAL SYS, INC A BROAD 03211 34-19089 01 9 5 2.9 75 0.60 QlWWESOT A MINING & 14ANUF ACTUelkG CO. A-BROAD 03211 22 00057-06 123 58 29.100 0.50 E.1. DUPONT DE NEMOURS & Co., INC. A BROAD 03211 20-00320-21 1,098 885 319.625 0.36 AMERSHAM CORP A BROAD 03211 20 12836 01 62 43 13.150 0.31 TEXAS NUCLEAR CORPORATION A BROAD 03211 42-01485-04 120 71 15.375 0.22 E. R. SQUlBB AND SONS, INC. A-BROAD 03211 29-00139 02 939 425 40.875 0.10 CCMausil0N ENGINEERlWG A BROAD C3211 34 00255 03 359 2% 11.425 0.06 ENGLENARD CORPORATION A-BROAD 03211 34-06558 05 42 1 0.050 0.05 NUCLEAR RESEARCN CORPORAfl0N A-BROAD 03211 29-04236-01 39 4 0.200 0.05 3,091 1,862 655.250 0.35 BEST IWD, INC B BROAD 03212 45 19757 01 65 15 3.625 0.24 OHMART CORPORATION B-BRDAD 03212 34 00639 01 89 56 8.050 0.14 FRONTIER TECHNOLOGY CORP R BROAD 03212 SNM-1957 17 5 0.625 0.13 REUTER-STOKES IN51R3ENTS, INC B-BROAD 03212 34-18233-01 33 20 1.125 0.06 NORLAND CORP B BROAD 03212 48 13403 01 39 13 0.650 0.05 CEWTOCGR, INC B BROAD 03212 37-19413-01 194 47 1.750 0.04 FIschER TECHNOLOGY, INC B BROAD 03212 06-19165-01 11 0 0.000 0.00 LEAR SIEGLER, INC B BROAD 03212 21-07265 01 12 0 0.000 0.00 STEWART EQUIPMENT C0 B BROAD 03212 35-23115 02 1 0 0.000 0.00 461 156 15.825 0.10 SEAMAN NUCLEAR CORP OTHER 03214 48 12016-01 14 13 2.950 0.23 MICRO DYNAMICS, INC OTHER 03214 20-13270-01 13 4 0.850 0.21 QUAL-X OTHER 03214 34 16907 02 9 1 0.175 0.18 RTS TECHNOLOGY, INC. OTHER 03214 20 27966-01 3 1 0.175 0.18 THERATRONICS INTF.RNATIONAL LTD OTHER 03214 54-28315 01 42 42 6.500 0.15 - MIE, INC OTHER 03214 20 07875 01 6 2 0.225 0.11 SCAN TECHNOLOGIES INC OTHER 03214 37 20807 01 3 2 0.225 0.11 PYROTRONICS OTHER 03214 29 08864-03 17 9 0.775 0.09 WORDION INTERNATIONAL INC OTHER 03214 54 28275 01 8 7 0.475 0.07 BINAX, INC OTHER 03214 18 28167 01 19 19 1.075 0.06 ACKER DRILL COMPANY INC OTHER 03214 37-28241-01 7 7 0.350 0.05 ADVANCED MAGNETICS OTHER 03214 20 20526-01 28 4 0.200 0.05 BRISTOL-MYERS SQUlBB OTHER 03214 13 00772 02 52 1 0.050 0.05 DIAMED, lWC OTHER 03214 18 20907-01 7 6 0.300 0.05 FENWAL INC OTHER 03214 20-15285 01 24 2 0.100 0.05 LIXI, INC OTHER 03214 12-18215-01 15 15 0,750 0.05 NUCLEAR RESEARCH CORP OTHER 03214 37-02401-01 45 20 1.000 0.05 CUTOKLhPU ELECTRONICS, INC OTHER 03214 37-28461 01 12 2 0.100 0.05 RADIATION MONITORING DEVICES, ?NC OTHER 03214 20-16325 01 23 2 0.100 0.05 A-9

APPENDIX A (cont.) MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS - 1990 Program Prograra License Total Workers with Collective Average Licensee Name Type Code Ntsnber Irdivicbols Measurable Dose Mees'ble Dost Monitored Exposure (person ree) (rems or cSv) STOCKER & YALE, INC OTHER 03214 20 16532 01 46 46 2.300 0.05 OTHER 03214 20 02237 04 18 1 0.050 0.05 UARI AN/BEVERLY MICROWAVE Div. B1000 ANT, IWC OTHER 03214 21 25897 02 9 0 0.000 0.00 DISPLAYS INC OTHER 03214 37-19629 04 3 0 0.000 0.00 EOSECO INCORPORATED OTHER 03214 29-09801 02 2 0 0.000 0.00 CEutRAL NUCLEONICS, INC OTHER 03214 04-12071 02 12 0 0.000 0.00 LASERMIKE, INC OTHER 03214 34 25899 01 18 0 0.000 0.00 PHARMACIA, INC OTHER 03214 29 13915-05 14 0 0.000 0.00 WING ConPORATION OTHER 03214 29 13180-01 16 0 0.000 0.00 485 206 18.725 0.09 PHARMACIES 02500 34-16654-01MO 27 10 1.200 0.12 SYDCOR CORPORATION SYNCOR CORPORATION PHARMACIES 02500 4517769 01MD 14 6 0.425 0.07

$70COR CORPORAllON                    PHARMAClES 02500 34-18484 01MD          20                                                                 7   0.390      0.06 HPI PHARMACY SERVICES, INC            PHARMAtlES 02500 34 26239 01MD            9                                                                2   0.100      0.05 CUCLEAR PHARMACY, INC.               PHARMACIES 02500 20 21227 01MD           19                                                                5   0.250      0.05 RAD 10 PHARMACY INCORPORATED         PHARMACIES 02500 13 26246-01MD             $                                                               1   0.050      0.05 SYCCOR CORPOR..'10N                  PHARMACIES 02500 29 19608 01MO           55                                                              15    0.750      0.03 PHARMAclES 02500 35 19583 01MO             9                                                               2   0.100      0.05 SYNCOR CORPORATION 158                                                               48    3.265      0.07 A-10

APPENDIX A (cont.)

                                     ' FUEL FABRICATORS AND PROCESSORS - 1990 Licersee Name               Program Code 21210         License        Total       Workers with Cottective     Aversee Nunter      Irnivichets Measurable       Dose       Meas'ble Dose Monitored     Exposure   (person-rem) (rees or csy)

RCCKWELL INTERNAfl0NAL CORP $NM 0021 78 34 13.450 0.40 CIMBU$fl0N ENGINEERING, INC. $NM 0033 111 74 10.150 0.14 GECERAL ELECTRIC Co. $NM 1097 1,028 588 76.125 0.13 CABCOCK AND WILCOX FtAL Co. $NM-1168 1 72 124 14.250 0.11 ADVANCED NUCLEAR FUELS CORP. $NM 1227 468 364 41.700 0.11 r.tNERAL ATOMICS sNM 0696 925 84 7.750 0.09 1 C06US110N ENGINEERING INC. SNM 1067 260 103 8.825 0.09 I NUCLE /A FUEL SERVICES INC, SNM 0124 7,3 73 739 46.025 0.06 j

 . BABCOCK As0 WILCOX CO.                             $NM 0042           3,118        1,070        66.275          0.06         l UCITED NUCLEAit CORPORATION, INC.                  $NM 0368              223            53       2.775          0.05         !

13,756 3,233 287.325 0.09 j INDEPENDENT SPENT FUEL STORAGE INSTALLATION - 1990 Licensee kame Program Code 23400 License Total Workers with Collective. Average Ntsrtier Individusts. Measurable Doso Meas'ble Dose Monitored Exposure (person rem) (reme or csv) GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY 'NM 2500 38 22 5.700 0.26 CAROLINA POWER AND LIGHT CO. $NM 2502 to 0 0.000 0.00 UIRGINIA ELECTRIC POWER * $NM 2501 0 0 0.000 0.00 56 22 5.700 0.26 0 Reported with surry 1,2 DPR 32,37 I l , LOW LEVEL WASTE DISPOSAL FACILITIES - 1990 i Licensee Name Program Code - 03231 License Total Workers with Cottective Average Ntsrter Individuale Measurable Oose Meas'ble Dose. Monitored Exposure (person rem) (rems or cSv) l l U.S. ECOLOGY, INC. 16 19204-01 217 27 4.600 0.17 CHEM NUCLEAR SYSTEMS 12-13536 01 567 88 21.725 04 784 115 26.325 0.23 A-11 l I

i l l

                                                                        -1 l

APPENDIX B Annual Whole Body Doses at Licensed Nuclear Power Facilities , 1990 l B-1

APPENDIX B ANNUAL WOLE BODV DOSES AT LICENSED NUCLEAR POWER FACILITIES CV 1990 . Ikster of Indivicbals with Whole Body Doses in th Ran9es (rem or c5v) TOTAL TOTAL ntreER COLLECTIVE-PLANT MA*!E TYPE %MSER VITH :DOSL ho Mea- Meas. 0.10m 0.25- v.20- 0.75- 1.00- 2.00- 3.00- 4.00- 5.00- 6.00- 7.00- 0 11 - MEAS. (Person-surable 4.10 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 12.00 >12.0 TORED EXPOSURE res.c5v) ARKANSAS 1.2 M 1.924 968 544 4 54 236 130 160 1 4.417 2.493 762 ** ' BEMER VALLEY 1.2 M 1.277 815 382 279 119 46 34 2.952 1.675 348 ** SIG ROCK PoliET M 83 168 31 33 18 15 49 22 15 434 351 232 BRAIDWD00 1.2 PWR 1.385 500 309 208 48 13 3 2.466 1.081- 186 **' BROWNS FERRY 1.2.3 BWR 2.544 823 592 4 56 260 167 304 111 4 5.361 2.717 1.310 ** BRUNSV!CK 1.2 M 1.076 1.432 .'415 3 50 248 136 426 175 4.258 3.182 1.548 ** BYRON 1.2 M- 1.838 557 325 222 103 79 99 6 3.234 1.396 434 ** CALLA dY 1' M 743 374 212 237 125 67 111 8 1.877 1.134 442 ** CALVERT CLIFFS 1.2 M 1.220 1,346 290 210 73 46 48 3.239 2.019 3 04 ** CATAVP.A 1.2 M 1.224 853 383 350 216 138 224 10 3.398' 2.174 809 ** - CLIkiON M 1.53 7 449 256 209 220 117 130 9 2.927 1.390 .553 ** COOK 1.2 -M 1.178 694 388 350 202 110 103 4 3.029 1.851 580 ** I

 ?   COOPER STATION            BWR 2.852        479      245    180      94      73   103                                                    4.026    1.174           379 **

N CRTSTAL RIVER 3 M 1.047 525 332 266 111 89 113 5 2.488 1.441 476 ** OAV15-EE55E M 1.106 542 285 174 131 92 153 2.483 1.377 '489 **  ! DIASLO CMYON 1.2 ' M 2.019 648 344 294 100 39 16 3.460 1.441 .323 DRESDEN 2.3 M 1.379 569 387 3 59 195 129 493 91 12 3.614 2.235 1.400 "  ; DUANE ARNOLD . M 2.083 309 205 237 215 172- 306 '.6 3.543 1.460 861 ** FARLEY 1.2 M. 519 796 364 263 144 42 65 26 2.219 1.700 457 ** FERMI 2 BWR 1.632 247 106 58 32 18 1 2.094 462 83 ** FITZPATRICK BWG 703 597 193 132 124 117 298 70 5 2.239 1.536 ' B54 ** ' ; FORT CALHOUM: M '854 295 '149 120 74 44 76 2 1.614 760 290 l GIMA M 903- 343 183 201 125' 62 67 4. 1.894 991 347 ** GRA C GULF-' M 1.B52 760 366 320 155 83 75 6 3.617 1.765 482.** HADDAM NECK M 731 392- 167 131 82 64 118 25 1.710 ' 9 79 421 " ,

   . HARRIS                    M         979    252       69      61     31     .10    10                                                    1.432        453          E5 **

HATCH 1.2 BWR~ 1.160 829 492 438 315 317' 484 22 4 1 4.062 2.902 1.455 ** ~ HOPE' CREEK' 1 BWR 1.039 949 194 140 67 19 25 2.433' 1.394 196 ** f thDIAN POINT 2 M 1.295 482 274 298 . 222 182 501 90 4 3.348 2.053 608 ** INDIAN POINT 3 M 765 391 248 197 ~ 104 60 61' 5 1.831 1.066 358 i KEW4LHEE M - 388 180 117 91 50 28 24 878 '490 145 ** ' LASALLE 1.2 BW .1.058 630- 274 ' 194 200 176 312 44 2.888 1.830 .948 ** LIMERICK 1.2* BWR 2.568 876 ' 336 160 43 5 2 3.990 1.422 175 ** MAINE YANKEE. M- 482 374 212 234 178 135 209 16 1 1.841 1.3 59 682 ** MCGUIRE 1.2 PWR 1.656 '898 .468 437 226 116 121 23 3.945 2.289 727 **

         * ' Indicates plants counted for the first time in 1990 after ctrpleting their first f'll year of operation.                                                           f
         ** Indicates, actual ccilective dose reported by facility, otherwise calculated by statf.                                                                               I

i  ! I;- APPENDIX B (Continued) . ANNUAL WHOLE BODY DOSES AT LICENSED NUCLEAR POWER FACILITIES l CY 1990 . i I 4 6 l' Nirter of Indiv%als with Wole Sody Deses in the Raaoes (reas or c$v) TOTAL i

to Mea- Meas. 0.10- 0.25- 0.50- 0.75- 1.00- 2.00- 3.00- 4.00- 5.00- 6.00- 7.00- e l- MEAS. (Person- >

! Turable <0.10 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 'Z.00 >12.0 TORED EXPOSURE rue.cSw) l ] i i MILLSTONE POINT 1 EUR 283 160 63 59 32 16 32 3 648 365 131 l ! MILLSTC#E POINT 2.3 M 1.279 122 287 269 143 71 146 14 2.931 1.652 593 l MOMTICELLO Lt 1.390 157 61 55 22 22 17 2 1. 725 336 94 " .l NINE MILE POINT 1,2 St 1.603 1.148 416 356 196 104 177 8 4.005 2.45 699 ** l NORTH ANNA 1.2 M 1.172 1.304 267 195 131 96 117 46 5 3.333 2.161 590 ** . OCONEE 1.2.3 M 1.440 885 485 392 112 41 31 2 3.388 1.945 404 ** f

,                                                       OTSTER CREEK                          M       205 1.362           199              158   96        67    55      4                                                                      2.146        1.941          310 **       !

PAL 15ADES M 574 1.179 359 330 203 128 186 27 2 2.988 2.414 766 ** [ ! PALD VERDE 1.2.3' M 2.842 1.179 476 310' 119 50 102 5.078 2.236 499 **  ; PEACH BOTTOM 2.3 M 3.741 681 392 264 141 55 51 1 5.326 1.585 377 ** PERRY M 1.000 402 282 363 206 134 148 2 2.537 1.537 638 **

  • PILGRIM BWR 1.869 1.425 198 152 70 33 20 3.767 1.838 225 "

l 3D POINT BEACH 1.2 M 383 186 86 100 66 44 101 34 1.000 617 378 l 1 te PRAIRIE ISLAND 1.2 M 632 276 200 135 '51 31 17 1.369 737 168 ** l QUAD Cli1ES 1.2 BWR 1.333 669 460. 291 188 205 360 13 3.519 2.186 1.028 ** l RANCHO SECO M 555 73 27 8' 3 666 111 13 i i RIVER BEND 1 BWR 1.273 643 355 287 182 80 69 2.889 1.616 489 l l R081N50M 2 M 96/ 739 302 277 124 104 80 2.593 1.626 437 ** { l' SALEM 1.2 M 2.160 3.033 353 144 49 14 28 15 5.796 3.636 2 72 **  ; l SAN ONOFRE 1.2.3 M .1.%8 , 849 381 313 258 192 187 44 4.192 2.224 885 **  ! ! $EQUOTAH 1.2 M 1.929 777 531 507 353 197 405 134 30 4.863 2.934 1.678 ** l SOUTH TEXA3 1.2* M 1. M4 562 268 205 77 IB 6 2.840 1.135 206 "

  • j ST. LTIE 1.2 M 1.201 667 383 346 157 94 206 23 3.047 1.876 777 l

j SUMMER 1 PVR 1.037 320 242 261 134 67 66 2.127 1.090 376 ** SURRY 1.2 M 1.749 913 333 286 189 97 115 14 3.G6 1.947 575 ** SUSQUEHANNA 1.2 BWR 2.062 684 368 32B 189 77 45 3.753 1.691 440 ** i THREE MILE ISLAND 1 M 435 685 294 195 60 41 44 1.754 1.319 264 ** 1 TROJAN M 1 228 555 254 199 85 44 32 2.397 1.169 258 ** i TURKEY POINT 3.4. M 2.199 781 406 355 219 153 172 3 4.2?8 2.099 730 ** VERMONT YANKEE BWR 985 230 224 204 84 57 48 2 1.834 849 307 , , V0GTLE 1.2*- M 1.272 56S 407 314 165 74 71 2 2.874 1.602 466 " l WASHINGTON NUCLEAR 2 BWR 1.692 532 226 209 125 99 132 24 1 3.040 1.345 536 ** , WATERFORD 3 PWR 1.068 304 96 22 9 1 1.500 432 47  ;

WOLF CREEF 1 PWP 759 324 216 157 58 30 13 1.557 798 195 M 246 **

YANKEE-RDWE 549 246 126 148 81 49 47 5 1.251 ^1 . , t

                                                           '*   Indicates plants counted fo- the first time in 1990 after cepleting their first full year of operation.

l J ** Indicates actual collective dose reported by factitty, otherwise calc 61sted by staff.

APPENDIX B (Continued) ANNUAL WHOLE BCDY DOSES AT LICENSED NUCLEAR POWER FACILITIES CY 1990 T0 % M*r of Individuals with WSole Body Doses in th= "amges (re-s r c5v) TOTAL 4JMEEE COLLECTIVE V SER WITH 3CSE PLANT MME TfFE MC=I- "EAS. (h No Neo- Meas. 0.10- 0 25- 0.50- 0.75- 1.00- 2.00- 3.00- 4.00- 5.00- 6 00- 7.00- TDtt3 EXP053 E -w c5.) 0.50 0.75 1.00 2.00 3.00 0 00 5 00 6.00 7.00 12.00 +12.0 sur able <0.10 0.25 3.322 1.385 595 ** 192 175 156 224 19 1 ZICM !.2 M 1.937 432 185 l 607 43 122.645 66.073 20.8I2 TOTALS: 73 Ms 54.572 29.791 13.030 10.747 5.759 3.384 4.712 50.E79 41.577 15.730 625 41 1 TOTALS: 37 E*=C s 39.102 17.210 7.335 5.992 3.717 2.493 4.102 203,324 109.650 36.592 84 1 TOTALS: 110 LWRs 93.574 47.001 20.355 16.739 9.476 5.8 77 8 e74 1.232 .__ cc e 4

  • Indicates plants counted for the first time in 1990 af ter ccroletim their first full yea- of operation.
     ** Indicates actual collective dese reported by f acility, otherwise calculated by staff.
 ,         ;   r r !f[(t!                     i[!'              [rlI          i >:  ? ('!it[?[ . !,. ff iIi ! if! i! ;!

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t i APPENDIX C* Personnel, Dose and Power Generation Summary 1969-1990 t f i-j A-discussion of the methods used to collect and calculate the information- l contained in this Appendix is given in Section 2.1. j

                                                                                                                                                                                                         'i 9

C-1 l ; l  ! l

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APPENDIX C PERSONNEL, DOSE AND POWER GENERATION SLPF.ARY Collective Pers m-rems eerson-reas avere9e (-csv) per (-csv) per mees *bie Peeson pe9s- Unit Total Dose Pees: met Type . _ Dese rems Aveite- Persome t (person- Werk Functica wett-rems we- m ornt. Ccv-t ree- Station 4 (rems (+csv)/ Years bility With Pessur- Utility or CSv) *W-Tr Factor able Doses or c5v) tims 1 Others toe Reporting Organizatfor- Year (ww-Tr) 0.14 0.0 588.0 76.5 147 21 0.6 ARU NSAS 1,2 1975 27 262 100 189 0.61 1976 464.6 56.6 476 289 0.43 0.4 Docket 50-313, 50-368; DPa-51: wPF-6 28 228 111 145 1977 610.3 76.8 601 256 0.26 0.3 1st comercist operation 12/74 722 1!9 32 157 109 80 1978 627.2 77.5 252 117 0.28 0.9 Type - PWes 55.3 1,321 369 54 315 Cepecity - 836, 853 W W 19 7 397.0 261 213 129 0.23 0.8 63.7 1,233 34 81 1980 452.8 9 72 Si3 259 0.50 1.0 68.3 2,225 1.102 130 1981 1,104.7 97 706 5 05 298 0.50 0.9 905.4 58.6 1,608 803 1.5 1982 06 1,301 1,165 252 0.66 1983 915.0 54.7 2,109 1,397 0.46 0.6 1,742 806 89 71 / 533 2 73 19SA 1,289.1 77.4 148 138 0.23 0.2 1,262 2S6 2 224 1985 1,192.3 73.6 260 0.53 1.1 2,135 1,141 194 947 881 1986 1,070.3 66.9 290 205 177 0.34 0.3 58.9 1,123 382 92 1987 1,366.1 0.57 1.3 7 fu 1938 1,0f0.3 69.4 2,421 1,387 138 36 1,249 675 1,094 522 273 1?9 0.34 0.7 1989 1,066.3 72.0 2,063 711 137 0.31 0.6 762 32 730 625 1990 1,351.9 84.2 2,493 l 79 38 29 0.26 0.2 57.0 331 87 8 SEAVER VALLEY 1,2 1977 355.6 1M 151 39 0.29 0.6 40.8 646 190 11 Docket 50-334, 50-412; DPR-66, WPF-73 1978 304.2 110 67 65 0.19 0.6 704 132 22 l 1st cornwrcial operation 10/76, 11/87 19M 221.0 40.0 477 477 76 0.30 13.9 , 1,817 553 76 Type - PWs 1980 39.8 6.5 191 142 87 0.19 0.4 l 73.6 1,237 229 38 Capecity - 810, 820 1981 5 73.4 473 481 118 0.34 1.8 l 41.6 1, 755 599 126 1.4 1952 326.7 614 615 15 7 0.52 68.2 1,485 772 158 1983 561.2 302 202 0.36 0.9 71.8 1,393 504 126 380 1984 576.7 43 12 48 0.10 0.1 91.9 619 60 17 1985 71 7.7 456 1 71 0.40 1.1 70.7 1,575 627 82 545 1986 581.3 167 137 73 0.16 0.3 83.8 1,282 210 43 1987 684.1 440 43d 92 030 0.4 87.4 1,764 530 90 1988 1,386.1 1,181 1,151 227 0.59 1.4 69.6 2,349 1. 3 73 197 1989 1,017.4 315 268 80 0.21 0.3 85.3 1,675 348 33 1990 1,271.0 0.82 2.8 45.1 165 136 4.5 SIG ROCK POINT 1969 0.67 43.5 290 194 4.1 Docket 50-155; CPR-6 1970 0.71 44.4 260 184 4.2 1si ewsnercist operation 3/63 1971 0.93 43 5 195 181 5.6 Type 3WR 1972 119 165 1.18 1973 50.9 241 285 6.8 Capecity - 67 MWe 54 222 42 234 1974 40.7 70.3 281 276 5.1 58 122 20 160 35.1 59.8 300 180 1975

p , 1 i ! ' APPENDIX C

;                                                                                                                                  PERSONNEL, DOSE AND POWER GENERATION 


Cottective Person-rems Person-rents Average  ! mega- tJnit Total Dose (-cSv) per (-cSv) per W.ees'bte Peason  !

erett- Avelle- Persomet (person- Wyk Fmetien re-somel Tvoe Dose rems  !

I.' Yeers bitity With maesur- rems Opers- matet. Contree- Station & (rees (-cSv3/  ! ! . Reporting Organization Year (MW-Yr) Factor able Doses er cSv) tions & Cthers ter W tity or csv) mi-? r I J  ! I i.. i j' 8IG ROCE PCIWT (Continued) 1976 29.5 50.1 488 289 82 207 105 184 0.59 9.8 l j 1977 43.6 73.4 465 334 94 240 60 274 0.72 7.7 [ 1778 48.5 77.9 285 175 93 82 9 166 0.61 3.6 1979 13.0 23.5 623 455 89 366 102 353 0.73 35.0 { i 1980 48.9 79.0 599 3% 91 263 91 263 0.59 7.2 i 90.6 . 1981 56.9 479 160 58 102 38 122 0.33 2.8 r i 1982 43.6 70.8 521 328 129 199 67 261 0.63 7.5  ! 1953 42.3 71.0 493 263 32 231 55 208 0.53 6.2  !'

1984 50.3 78.6 297 155 37 118 21 134 0.52 3.1 1985 43.8 73.3 435 291 54 237 60 231 0.67 6.6 1

1986 61.0 95.5' 202 84 34 50 17 67 0.42 1.4  ; 1987 45.3 71.0 251 222 45 177 35 18T 0.58 4.9 ! '7 -W 1988 46.1 72.8 303 170 34 136 25 145 0.56 3.7 i !- 1989 50.2 79.0 418 177 38 139 32 145 0.42 3.5  ; i' 1990 51.3 77.2 351 232 33 199 45 187 0.66 4.5 i t a l l: BRAIDWo00 1,2 1989 1,381.8 75.4 1,460 296 7 289 198 98 0.20 0.2 f

Docket 50-456, 50-457; WPF-72, WPF-77 1990 1,740.2 84.1 1,081 176 to 186 107 79 0.17 0.1 }
1st commercial operation 7/$8, 10/88 )

i Type

  • PWRs

! . Capacity - 1120, 1120 MWe BROWWS FERRY 1,2,3 1975 161.7 17.8 2,380 325 0.14 2.0 Docket 50-259, 50-260, 50-296 1976 337.6 26.9 2,207 234 0.11 0.7 DPR - 33, - 52, - 68 1977- 1,327.5 73.7 1,858 863 60 803 249 614 0.46 0.7

1st comercial operation 8/74, 3/75, 1978 1,992.1 73.5 2,376 1,792 4 T,788 261 1,531 0.75 0.9 i -3/T7 1979 2,393.0 79.1 2,689 1,667 a 1,667 239 1,378 0.62 0.7 Type SWRs 1980 2,182.1 73.6 2,712 1,826 4 1,822 50 1,776 0.67 0.8

. .Caoecity - 1065,1065,1065 MWe 1981 2,132.9 69.5 3,379 2,380 100 2,280 404 1.9 76 0.70 11 l 1952 2,025.4 67.6 3,277 2,220 181. 2,039 317 1,903 0.68 1.1- ( 1983 1,641.0 54.3 3.302 3,363 276 3,C87 909 2,454 1.C2 2.0 [ 1984 1.431.9 54.2 2,962 1,940 229 t,711 541 1,399 0.65 1.4 ) 1985 365.2 11.9 2,755 1,159 201 958 306 853 0.42 3.1 I 1956 0.0 0.0 3,0C3 1,050 196 854 343 707 0.35 - 1987 0.0 0.0 3,115 1,151 187 994' 222 959 0.38 --- i 1988 0.0 ' O.0 3,324 t,155 234 921 toa 1,046 0.35 - i 1- 1989- 0.0 0.0 2,683 656 97 559 131 525 0.24 -- i !' 19 6 0.0 0.0 2,717 ' 1,310 64 1,246 68 1,242 C.48 -- [ 4 I th , , i k i . f t i h

 .!t i!F r [i}liI                  l[t[ ?                      ji )fI It!                                        ,[fI     [*             i!t((                        lt f[ [I;i[t                                 !![ ; t I 1947549536 ms) e mv-t
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d n . e u n sro eei egt r vr e& t e v a N 115599037425556 17005732181 72c9 3 0,9 5,7,4 6,3,1,6 8 2,5,6,3,

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APPENDIX C PERSONNEL, DOSE AND POWER GENERATION SU??MRY (Continued) Person-reas avecoge Collective Fe son-reas mees'ble Peesan (-cSv) per (-cSv) per mega- Unit Tetal Dose rems (person- W ck Function Prescovet Tyre Dose wett- Avsilm- Pe-sorre t (reas (-csv!/ bitity With meesur- rens Otwra- Metet. Contrac- Stetton & Tears utility or CSS) WW-Tr able Doses or cSv) tions & cibers for R eorting organization veer (mw-fr) F actor 2 345 tot 246 0.27 0.2 1956 1,530.0 87.2 1,296 347 0.3 C/ *. VERT CLIFFS 1,2 (Contirued) 412 29 333 110 302 0.30 1987 1,207.3 71.8 1,384 0.2 30 261 90 201 0.22 1938 1,397.7 81.0 1,296 291 1.0 346 11 335 216 130 0.t9 1989 333.6 20.1 1,786 1.9 12 292 203 101 0.15 1990 161.1 11.0 2,019 304 27 25 9 68 218 0.17 0.4 1956 638.9 49.9 1,724 236 0.3 CATAalBA 1,2 449 32 417 161 238 0.24 1987 1,651.2 75.9 1,865 0.23 0.3 Docket 50-413, 50-414; NPF-35, EPF-52 71 435 200 356 tot comercist operation 6/85, 8/86 1988 1,6 75.2 77.2 2,009 556 0.20 0.2 48 236 110 224 19S9 1,733.6 79.5 1,660 334 0.37 0.5 Type - PWR 35 751 292 517 1990 1,616.3 70.8 2,174 809 Capecity - 1129, 1129 MWe o l 48 52 64 66 0.17 0.2 1958 701.3 84.2 769 130 CLInfou 91 251 26t 111 0.31 1.1 1989 3-8.3 48.5 1,196 3 72 1.3 Docket 50-461; NPF-62 407 146 438 115 0.40 1990 415.8 55.1 1,330 553 1st comercial operation 11/E7 Type - BVR Capacity - 930 rwe 103 71 45 0.29 0.1 E07.4 83.1 395 116 13 C00K 1,2 1976 21 2 73 135 161 0.37 0.5 1977 5 73.0 76.1 802 300 0.5 Docket 5-315; DPR-58, -74 49 237 139 197 0.43 744.8 73.6 778 336 0.5 1st comercial operation 8/75, 7/78 1975 45 673 454 264 0.50 1979 1,3 73.0 65.3 * ,445 718 0.37 03 f / pe - NR s 46 447 323 170 1,552.4 74.1 1,345 493 Capacity - 1020, 1960 Mwe 1930 48 608 443 213 0.49 0.4 1951 1,557.3 73.4 1,341 656 0.5 67 432 472 227 0.46 1932 1,461.6 69.8 1,527 679 C.46 0.5 50 608 467 191 1953 1,456.5 71.2 1,415 658 0.5 43 719 597 165 0.49 1984 1,526.0 75.3 1,559 762 1.0 92 E53 758 187 0.48 1985 925.4 47.6 1,984 945 64 681 585 160 0.42 0.6 1,307.1 73.4 1,774 745 1986 79 5E7 525 141 0.39 0.6 1987 1,199.5 70.2 1,646 666 0.7 52 815 762 105 0.38 1988 1,160.4 63.5 2,266 867 0.3 50 443 421 72 0.31 1989 1,453.1 72.8 1,5 75 493 0.4 87 693 504 76 0.31 1990 1,3i5.5 67.9 1,251 580




(Continued) l Collective Feesart- reans Persort- ramas average l' stege- Unit Total Dose (-csv) per (-c5v) per tec es*ble Persort e,att- AvsiLe- Personne1 (per sor*- Work Func;ior* Peesonnet tYDe Dose re=us a Yeers bility With eseesur- rtris opera. sie mt. Controc- statim 4 (ream (-cSw)/ i .; , Reporting Organization teor (w-Tr) Factor able Doses or esv) tions & Ot%cs tor utility or esv) w-t r i- ! CDOPER ST4710s " 1975 456.4 83.6 579 117 30 87 19 98 0.20 0.3 l Docket 50-298; DPR-46 1976 433.3 75.5 763 350 39 311 210 140 0.46 0.8 l 1st conenercial operation 7/74 1977 538.2 86.2 2-5 198 50 147 66 131 0.63 0.4 Type - SWR 1978 576.0 91.0 297 15F 40 118 58 100 0.53 0.3 l

Cepecity - 764 w e 1979 591.0 87.6 a26 221 50 171 90 131 0.52 0.4 1983 448.3 71.2 755 859 71 788 644 215 1.09 1.9 i 1981 457.1 71.2 935 579 63 516 382 1*7 0.62 1.3 1 1982 622.3 84.6 743 542 66 476 361 181 0.73 0.9 I 1983 396.6 63.3 1,383 1,293 57 1,236 1,081 212 0.93 3.3 1984 411.9 67.2 1,598 799 46 75 3 635 164 0.50 1.9 ii 1985 127.3 21.5 1,980 1,333 49 1,284 1,104 229 0.67 10.5 i , 1996 480.0 74.7 895 320 to 2 71 115 205 0.36 0.7

!- 1987 652.3 96.2 549 103 26 77 11 92 0.19 0.2 - + n 1988 493.4 67.9 942 251 40 211 118 133 0.27 0.5 e l C 1989 564.3 76.2 1,202 343 40 303 223 115 0.29 0.6 i 1M 602.0 79.4 1,174 379 34 345 265 114 0.32 0.6 i I' CRYstAt. RivtR 3 19M5 311.5 41. . 643 321 8 313 244 77 0.50 1.0 Docket 50-302; DPR-72 19M 453.0 58.9 1,150 495 29 466 346 149 0.43 1.1

l. 1st conreccint operation 3/77 1980 404.1 $3.2 1,053 625 24 601 382 243 0.59 1.5 i

l Type - PWR 1981 490.4 62.~ 1,120 4C8 18 390 236 1 72 0.36 0.8 i i Capacity -~ 821 w e 1982 589.8 76.0 780 1 77 9 168 116 61 0.23 0.3 1983 452.1 58.8 1,720 552 71 481 353 199 0.32 1.2 !' 1954 774.2 94.5 549 49 10 39 22 27 0.09 0.1 . 1985 344.2 47.6 1,976 629 44 645 424 265 0.35 2.0 1986 319.5 41.8 1,057 472 25 447 298 174 0.45 1.5 -

1987 436.0 60.9 1,384 488 49 439 302 186 0.35 1.1 i" 1988 690.2 84.0 569 64 2 62 17 47 0.11 0.1 1989 352.8 48.8 880 234 5 229 128 106 0.27 0.7 1990 497.8 63.8 1,441 476 8 468 318 158 0.33 1.0 l

. Davis.stsst 1 1978 326.4 45.7 421 48 13 35 14 34 0.?1 0.1 0.1 Docket 50-346; WPF-3 1979 381.0 67.0 304 33 8 22 5 25 0.t0 l 1st conumercial operatiarv 7/78 1980 256.4 36.2 1,283 154 4 150 121 33 0.12 0.6 Type - PWR 1981 531.4 67.4 578 58 1 57 32 26 0.10 0.1

1. ' Capacity - 874 we 1982 390.8 51.5 , 1,350 164 12 152 139 25 0.12 0.4 i 1983 592.1 73.0 718 80 6 74 46 34 0.11 0.1 1984 518.5 62.5 1,088 1 77 to 167 122 55 0.16 0.3

! 1985 238.3 31.2~ 718 71 5 66 44 27 0.10 0.3 j , 1986 3.3 1.3; 981 124 22 102 103 21 0.13 37.6 I l. 1 i

llll  !' n 1100 52622 998680855280 ,7 9 2 9 6 2 4.C.3 os)/r so v' 0201 00000 2010024111t22232131 111 rc sW e c P ( d e e ) h c 9E v n a reaoe's erss ae 8696 0203 49882 22422 048 704.%.197772127685556 9570460066803 i r

          - epr r                           0000           00000                                       01 1000001 11C000000 Am               ( o                                                                                                                                       w v


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awt at t e s t u 1 1 1 111 11 i r w s n )v yr e o s ei se - r e - e c o e( e a f e P P r 75541 66390 472939130175993813 r t r 25 02922 455491 495321 7 09045 e n ot o 2 4 22532 3 2 7 6 6 6 0,8,7,1,8 8 0,5 8 6 7 h C 2 11 12 2 T s n

  )                                  r e                                                                                                                             ia d                  n_r .t $                                                                                                                                        9 e       srot                              61 35          01 322                                      6       227D992761204464                                     $

u e ei r o 3 737 03762 9 55770688021 00972 n n ept r e ia 2 4 33843 7 1,4,3,1,6,8,6,7,4,6,2,4 9 1,9 2, o m 4 i - 311 1112231 12 1 1 t n )v tr it a n osF r s c e o r - k e( ro p C - o ( P w a rns l re 1 654 45431 3 1 8691 60663481 546 a Y oi 13 1 4 721 59323757641 57 1 22331 21 11 142221 1 ic R ct A r,. M e M v . U i - ) c S t n v ceosI essmc 7789 46753 6358923049052324685900 M N or ee rr 4038 037 62 841 2362592000257864030 O I llo D p o 3 4 33843 217796,4,6,6,5,8,1,8,9,5,7,6,6,1,4,1,4, t p u C ( 131 1 11 22231 1 21 1 1 1 CT e A - b XR r t IE t us o DN e se n NE l mas eo 5347 2807 00661 6724 4 1 40626771 241712495 491 4 6401 37561 151 53 d EG tao mD P s oeh e 61,43, 2,1, 5, 6, 6, 3,5,3,7 8,9,4,7,3,5,8,2,8 1,0,4,2,2, lu o PR t et l Pib 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 21 1 1222222232227 w AE wa W i t O P - t syr a D itt 6167 60650 9680570596356081 6 h i itt o t N nal c 9786 03771 44079451 755424536 d A J vi a 8295 88689 55877755765657787 e t AbF d E i c S e O d , D ) s

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N mwf w ( 61 85 66,3,8,7, 1 3 2,1,8 7 1,1,2,0,0,0,0,9 7 9 7 9 0,1,1 it 1 11 1 1 1 111 111 1 " 11 5 N 8 O 9 1 S R n 901 2345678901 23 0 E 677777777778888%888'567AM9 i r 7890 67890 P a 8889 88889 Y e 9999 1 1 1 1 99999 1 1 1 1 1 999999999999999a999999 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 t1 11 11 # dr a 8 7 2 M.s 8 , er

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ic N E t - o 2m der c1 7 ea c i t ee dh st o p t Bk ea sk P e k A ct pp E <Dt/ pp r n e A I osya R c s1 ya Di n D DD1 TC Do 1 1 T C

  • 7%

l' ll' I

APPENDIX C PERSONNEL, DOSE AND POWER GENERATION StM ARY (Continued) Persort-re9s A m ege Collective Persort- rm mees *dte Person (-cSv) per (-cSv) per mess- Unit Total Dose reas mett- Avelle- Persomet (persort- Wu F;.rrt i ? Persorinal Te Dose bility with measur- rems opere- samt. Controc- statier 4 (rem (-csv)/ Teers (Jtility or c5v) W-Yr Factor able Ocses or cSv) tions & Others Tor

    #eporting Organization              Year    (WW-Tr) 14           91        C              43    0.30         0.3 1976     305.2   78.0        350        105 DUA=E Atwott                                                                          36          263       220             79    0.56         0.8 1977     353.6   78.9        538       299 Doc 6et 50-331; 0511-49 974       59          915       932             42    0.83         6.5 1st cerwrcist operation 2/75        1975     149.2   33.2      1,112                                                                           0.8 275       35          240       219             56    0.36 Type - BWR                          19r9     352.0   78.0        75 7 0.61         2.0 32          639       570           101 Capacity - 538 W e                  19*A     339.1   73.3      1,108       6 71 2.8 790       56          734       593            192    0.61 1931     277.7   69.8      1,256                                                                           0.8 229        13          211       175             54    0.44 1982     278.5   74.7        524 119    0.77         4.0 62.9      1,468     1,135        42        1.cc3     1,016 1983     283.0                                                          117             72    0.31         0.6 T2.9        611        189       25          161 1954     329.4                                                          954            155    0.79         4.7 236.2   53.8      1,414     1,112        49        1,063 1935                                                                     94             93    0.39         0.5 82.0        476        187       49          138 1986     365.5                                                          4 78           189    0.61         2.2 64.7      1,094       667       241          426 1987     338.6                                                          4%             195    0.54         1.6 75.2      1,136       614        71          543 1933     336.5                                                           58            136    0.46         0.5 79.0        425        194       49          145 19*9     338.5                                                                                0.59         2.3 7

ca 1990 367.4 75.5 1,460 861 126 735 644 217 108 39 60 34 74 0.20 0.2 FARLEY 1,2 1973 713.5 86.5 527 3.0 643 10s 535 460 183 0.52 Dock et 50-348. 50-364; NPF-2, -8 1977 211.0 25.6 1,227 0.8 435 106 329 185 250 0.33 1st comercist operation 12/77, 7/81 1930 557.3 69.3 1,330 1.7 1 1,331 512  % 416 270 242 0.38 Type - PWR 1931 310.2 41.4 0.33 0.4 79.2 1,453 434 155 329 1% 233 Capacity - 824, 825 W e 1982 1,271.5 479 542 0.53 0.8 l 83.0 1,935 1,021 241 780 1933 1,356.5 397 0.44 0.6 85.6 2,046 902 175 724 505 1984 1s.47.0 641 442 357 0.31 0.6 l 1,368.2 81.1 2,551 799 158 1955 148 710 464 394 0.37 0.6 1986 1,409.4 83.8 2,314 858 598 105 493 347 251 0.32 0.4 1957 1,369.7 84.7 1,871 0.4 552 74 478 340 212 0.30 1958 1,567.7 92.3 1,840 0.5 749 88 661 516 233 0.34 1959 1/02.9 84.6 2,206 0.27 0.3 457 47 410 342 115 , 1990 1,464.0 86.7 1.700 I m 35 220 182 73 0.20 0.4 1989 624.0 68.5 1,270 255 FERul 2 31 52 14 69 0.15 0.1 1990 848.2 84.7 462 83 cocket 50-341; WPF-43 1st counercial operation 1/88 Type - BWR Capecity - 1047 W e

l-4 l i; U



(Continued) Cottective Person-rems Person-reau Average { l 88ega- Unit Tetal Dose (-c5v) per (-cSv) per mees *ble Person  ! l a.att- Availa- Personnet (person- 1 dock F ett @ Peestyv*rt Type Dose rvous { Years bility With meesue- rems opera- Maint. Centree- Station 4 (rees (-csv)/ [ !' Reporting organization Year (W-Tr) Facter able Doses or esv) tiors & Others tor Utility or csv) W-Yr  ? l i-

       .F!T2PATaICK                    1976       489.0      71.6            600         202                                                                                                                                                                 0.34         0.4 Docket 50-333; DPR-59         1977       460.5      68.4     1,380           1,080             14                       1,066                                                                                             937                143    0.78         2.3 1st comercist operation 7/73  1978       497.0      72.1            904         909          166                                      743                                                                                 597               312     1.01          1.8
       - Type - BWR                   1979        340.0      50.8           850          859          169                                    690                                                                                   538               321     1.01         2.5 Capacity - 782 W e           1980        509.5      70.3     2,056           2,040           118                        1.922                                                                               1,804                           232     0.99         4.0 1981        562.9      74.7     2,490           1,425           187                       1,238                                                                                1,0 72                          353     0.57         2.5 1                                      1982        583.6      75.0     2,322           1,190           136                        1,054                                                                                            863                327     0.51         2.0 l                                       1983       546.2      70.6     1,715           1,090           158                                     932                                                                                 667                423     0.%          2.0 1984        576.2      76.8     1,610
82 889 467 9 71 504 0.60 1.7 }

! 1985 492.3 63.7 1,845 1,051 85 966 718 333 0.57 2.1  ? 1986 711.2 90.6 1,185 411 81 330 168 243 0.35 0.6  ! 1987 496.2 70.3 1.578 940 1% 776 616 324 0.60 1.9 f l n 1988 514.0 69.0 1,553 786 162 624 506 280 0.51 1.5

i 1989 72 7.5 92.3 1,027 377 58 319 191 186 0.37 0.5 i j W- 1990 543.8 72.5 1,536 884 c2 - 792 5 327 0.58 1.6 f i FORT C4uouN 1975 252.3 67.4 469 294 92 202 0.63 1.2 Docket 50-285; DPR-40 1976 265.9 69.5 516 313 28 285 38 275 0.61 1.2 I 1st comercial operatico 6/74 1977 351.8 79.4 535 297 33 ' 2% 72 225 0.56 0.8 e Type - PwR 1978 342.3 75.1 596 410 59 351 151 259 0.69 1.2 i i Capacity - 478 We 1979 440.0 95.7 451 126 19 ' 107 47 79 0.28 0.3 I

[ 1980 242.3 60.4 891 668 38 . 633 426 242 0.75 2.8 f 1081 260.9 72.3 822 458 61 397 254 204 0.56 1.8 B i 1982 418.C 39.7 604 217 45 172 102 115 0.36 0.5 [ !' 1983 330.4 73.1 860 433 66 367 205 228 0.50 1.3 j 1984 279.2 59.9 913 563 91 472 313 250' O.62 2.0 f l 1985 367.0 73.7 982 3 73 54 319 231 142 0.38 1.0  ! i 1986 431.8 94.3 756 74 26 48 30 44 0.10 0.2 l , 1987 366.0 75.4 t,247 388 78 310 226 162 0.31 1.1 .: 1988- 315.5 74.1 1,594 272 74 198 173 99 0.17 0.9 [ } 1989 395.7 89.2- 1,210 93 31 62 50 43 0.08 0.2 j 1990 290.0 64.2 760 290 30 260 160 130 0.38 1.0 j f GtkNA 1971 327.8 340 430 69. 361 108 322 1.26 t.3  ! l' Docket 50-244; DPR-18 1972 - 293.6 677 1,032 71 961 278 754 1.52 3.5 ,

1st comercist operation 7/70 1973 409.5 319 224 55 169 84 140 0.70 0.5 i

! Type - PWR 1974- 253.7 62.4 884 1,225 1.39 4.8 Capacity - 470 We 1975 365.2 76.7 685 538 0.79 [ 1.5  :

- t i

i i r

i. L i  !



(Continued)  ; i l.' i- Mega- Unit Total Cettective Dose Perscrv-ress UcSv) per Person-rems (-cSw) per Average meas *ble Person f Avai t a- Personnel (person- Work Function P=*sonriet Tee Dose reams ( .. i watt-Tears bitity With measur- rems .coera- Maint. Contrac- Station 4 (rems (-cSv)/ f Reporting Organization Year (WW-TP)' Factor able Deses or cSv) tions & Others for Utility or cSw) . sad-Yr i GINNA (Continued) 1976 248.8 58.2 758 636 29 607 210 426 0.84 2.6 . 1977 365.6 85.5 530 401 15 386 120 281 0.76 1.1 f

.l* 1978- 386.5 80.6 657 450 20 430 98 352 0.68 1.2 l j r 1979 355.0 72.8 878 592 68 524 206 386 0.67 1.7 i i 1980 370.5 76.0 1,073 708 64 M4 302 406 0.66 1.9 [

!' 1981 399.0 82.1 925 655 49 606 321 334 0.71 1.6 3 1982. 289.0 58.8 1,117 1,140 80 1,060 471 669 1.02 3.9 j 1983 365.0 74.6 969 855 42 813 378 4 77 0.88 2.3 l l 1984 378.1 77.2 713 395 58 337 195 200 0.55 t.C l' T785 436.7 87.9 845 426 89 337 183 243 0.50 1.0  ! ! ' 1986 433.3 87.4 901 3ST 45 312 107 250 0.40 0.8 l 1987 459.0 91.5 773 344 35 309 151 103 0.45 0.7 .! l 1988 423.1 87.4 897 295 37 258 114 181 0.33 0.7 p 1989 1990 369.2 414.3 75.9 84.4 1,254 991 605 347 57 38 548 309 1; 2te ' 433 140 0.48 0.35 1.6 0.8 i a o GRAND CULF 1986 494.7 60.9 1,486 436 68 368 329 107 0.29 0.9 Docket 50-416; NPF 29 1987 920.7 82.2 1,358 420 106 314 303 117 0.31 0.5 , tot comercist operation 7/85 1988 1,136.6 96.7 692 147 57 90 52 95 0.21 0.1 , Type - EJR 1989 932.6 80.0 1,9 72 498 93 405 333 165 0.25 0.5

            . Capacity.- 1142 MWe                      1990-      863.5     78.9         1,765         482          52            433        321            161        0.27          0.5    ;

I HADDAM NECK- 1969 438.5 138' '106 27 79 0.77 0.2 Dociet 50-213; DPR-61 1970 424.7 734 689 463 226 0.94 1.6 t

1st camercial operation 1/68 1971 502.2 289 M2 166 176 1.19 0.7 l t  ; Type -PWR 1972 515.6 355 325 181 144 0.9s 0.6 [

l Capacity - 565 Mwe i 1973 293.1 951 697 544 153 0.73 2.4 .{ 1974 521.4 91.2 550 201 0.37 0.4 ' i 1975 494.3 89.9 795 703 20 . 683 0.88 1.4 19T6 482.9 82.5 644 449 5 444 253 196 0.70 0.9 1977 480.7 83.9 894 641 59 582 440 201 0.72 1.3 { 99 0.54 0.2 i' 1978 . .563.4 98.6 216 117 25 92 18 i

                                                      -1979       493.0      87.3         1,226     1,162           74          1,088        783            379        0.95          2.4 1980      426.8      75.0         1,860     1,353          175          1,178      1,076            277        0.73          3.2   -

1981 487.5 84.3 1,554 1,036 1 74 862 809 227 0.67 2.1 . 1982 543.9 93.4 559' 126 ' 46 80 22 104 0.23 0.2  ! 1983 453.7 77.8 1,645 1,384 107 1,277 1,022 362 0.84 3.1 1984 404.0. 71.7 1,430 1,216 154 1,062 803 413 0.85 3.0 l , l i i

i-  ! i ' t APPENDIX C


). Collective Person-rems Persort-rems average i Mege- Unit Total Dose (-cSv) per f-cSw) per mees'ble Person j esatt- (person-Aveite- Persomet Werk W tion Penorvet Yyre Dose runs ! Yeers bility With measur- rows 4me- meint. Contree- station & (resas (-cSw}7 l Raporting organitettort Yeer (mW-Tr) Factor able Doses or c2w) tiors & Others ter Utility MW-Yr or tsv)

4ADDAM WECK (continueo 1985 556.1 98.4 384 101 21 80 22 79 0.26 0.2
1986 294.8 53.6 1,945 1,567 179 1,388 1.274 293 C.81 5.3
1987 304.6 54.0 1,763 750 99 651 553 197 0.43 0.5 l 1988 397.4 70.3 735 237 43 194 107 130 0.32 0.6 i

1989 . 356.4 67.2 1,455 596 68 528 472 124 0.41 1.7 l 1990 142.7 32.2 979 421 75 346 268 153 J.43 3.0 l MARRIS 1 1988 652.9 75.0 721 169 29 140 118 51 0.23 0.3 l' Docket 50-400; NPF-63 1st commercial operation 5/87 1989 690.6 79.5 929 156 32 124 85 71 0.17 0.2 j 1990 776.4 89.6 453 35 13 72 47 38 0.19 0.1

Type - PWIt i Cepecity.- 860 MWe }

I t 7 w l

  • MATCH 1,2 1976 496.3 83.8 630 134 79 55 4 130 0.21 0.3 Docket 50-321, 50-366; pra-57; 1977 446.8 66.3 1,303 465 96 369 220 245 0.36 1.0 j tPF-05 1978 513.0 72.8 1,304 248 88 160 52 196 0.19 0.5 1st cornerclet operation 12/75, 9/79 1979 401.0 54.6 2,131 582 85 497 381 201 0.27 1.5 Type - SWRs 1980 1,008.7 70.9 1,930 449 306 cepecity - 753, 766 MWe 143 163 286 0.23 0.4

, 1981 870.9 64.3 2.899 1.337 200 1,13 7 792 545 0.46 1.5 1982 768.0 56.6 3.418 1,460 218 1,242 1,064 306 0.43 1.9 } 1983 934.7 68.6 3,428 1,299 253 1,046 851 448 0.38 1.4 l 1984 . 658.6 47.3 4.110 h218 311 1,907 1,861 357 0.54 3.4 l- 1985 1,211.0 79.6 2,841 818 182 636 508 310 0.29 0.7 l 1986 872.0 64.8 3,486 1,497 347 1,150 1,107 390 0.43 1.7

j. 1987 1,295.4 89.7 2,202 816 207 609 435 381 0.37 0.6

! 1988 1,001.4 70.4 2,500 1,401 L75 1,126 927 4 74 0.56 1.4 , ! 1989 1,271.1 87.1 1,350 556 154 402 305 251 0.41 0.4 i 1990 1,268.0 ' 83.5 2,902 1,455 224 1,231 1, 0 74 3c1 0.50 t.1 l

l. HOPE CREEK 1 1987 869.2 86.4 589 117 21  % 40 77 0.20 0.1 l Docket 50-354; NPF-57 1988 C2.7 80.7 1, 734 287 38 249 163 124 0.17 c.3 l 1st commerclet operation 12/86 1989 791.1 77.c 1,873 465 40 425 292 1 73 0.25 0.6
type - 8WR 1900 966.4 91.6 1,394 196 26 170 89 107 0.14 0.2 1 Capacity - 1031 Mwe i k

i. l i 1_ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ ___

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? i 1 4- ( t j APPENDIX C i'




l. .

Cettective Person-reous Person-f'eas Average ! Mega. tJnit Total Dose (-c5v) per (-cSw) per meas'bte Person I A vai t e. Persomet (person-wett- Work function P n emet T m Dose reus j Years bility With maesur- rems Opere- mairt. Contrec- Stetten & (reas (-c5v)/

  • Reporting Organization Year (W-Yr) Factor able Doses or c5v) tions & Others for Utility or c5v) W-Tr f I

! !NDIAN pol'ai 1**,2 1979 574.0 71.4 1,349 1,279 209 1,070 667 612 0.95 2.2 i 1980 510.8 64.8 1,5 77 971 304 667 6  %$ c.62 1.9 1981 367.5 46.0 2,595 2,731 237 2,494 1,595 1,136 1.05 7.4 ' 1982 532.4 65.4 2,144 1,635 343 1,292 883 752 0.76 3.1 1903 702.6 84.0 1,057 486 2i12 284 219 267 0.46 0.7 k ! INDIAN POINT 2 1934 416.7 51.9 2,919 2,644 650 1,904 1,863 Cocket 50-247; DPR-26 731 0.91 6.3 i + 1985 791.4 95.7 708 192 123 69 95 97 0.27 0.2 1st comerclet operation 8/74 1986 457.5 56.2 1,926 1,250 [ 330 900 349 901 0.65 2.7 Type - PWR 1987 611.4 73.4 1,980 1,?17 128 1,089 } Capacity - 939 m e. 805 412 0.61 2.0  : i 1988 719.3 86.9 890 23 51 184 117 118 0.26 0.3 t 1989 532.5 64.6 2,093 1,436 208 1,228 813 623 0.69 2.7 ! p 1990 618.0 66.6 2,053 608 66 542 450 158 0.30 1.0 [ i . w  ; f w , ! INDIAN POINT 3*** 1979 $74.0. 66.5 808 636 63 482 0.79 5 73 154 Docket 50-286; DPR-64 1.1 2 1980 367.3 53.2 977 308 47 261 210 98 0.32 0.8 I i 1st comercial operation 8/76 1981 367.5 59.8 677 364 46 318 255 109 0.54 1.0 'I Type - PWR 1982 171.5 22.5 1,477 1,226 42 1,184 1,093 133 0.33 7.1 9 Capacity - %5 MWe 1983 7.8 2.6 941 607 38 569 494 113 0.65 77.8 1984 '714.4 76.3 658 230 48 182 127 103 0.35 0.3 1985 566.5 66.0 1,093 5 70 35 535 455 115 1.52 1.0 1986 655.3 73.4 588 202 34 168 123 79 0.34 0.3  ! , 1987 574.6 62.7 1,308 500 84 416 365 135 0.38 0.9 1985 l i 792.5 83.3 451 93 41 52 39 54 0.21 0.1

;                                                1989    587.8       61.1       1,800                  876                                        130,           746            776            130     0.49         1.5 l                                                 1990    595.3      62.9        1,066                  358                                         69            289            23C            123     0.34         0.6 KtWAUNEE                          1975    401.9      88.2          104                   25                                           1            27               12           16'    O.27         0.1 j               Docket 50-305; DPR-43             1976    405.9       70.9         381                  270 1st commetal. operation 6/74 16           254            193             77     0.71         0.7 3                                                 1977    425.0       79.9         312                  140                                           8           131               76           63     0.45         0.3 type - PWR                        1978    466.6      89.5          335                  154 11            143               89           65     0.46         0.3
              . Capecity - 503 Ne                1979    412.0      79.0          343                  127                                           6 121               79           48     0.37         0.3 l                                                 1980    433.8      82.1          401                  165                                           7           158            103             62     0.41         0.4 1981    451.5      86.7          383                  141                                           7           134               94           47     0.37         0.3 1982    458.4      87.6          353                  101                                           5            96             51             50     0.29         0.2 1983    444.1      '83.7         445                  165                                         to            155            119             to     0.37         0.4       l 1984    455.3      85.7          482                  139                                           7           132               89           50     0.29         0.3       t l

i  ; a i. A

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(Continued) Persare rcass Av*coge Cot'ective Persor -reans (-cSv) per (-cSv) per peas'ble Person

                                                           #epe-          Unit        Tctal          Dose fen orvwl Tyt* _            Dose       reus Avaita-     Persmiet       fperson-            Work Fntf or*.__

wett-em opere- maint. Certt r ac- Stet sers & (ress (-efw)/ Years bility Wit % measur- Utility or esv) ow-vr Factor able Doses or cSvf t i ons & c%ers ter Reporting Organization Year (mW-Tr) f i 9 167 114 62 0.34 0.4 443.t 82.4 519 176 0.4 0.34 1985 161 lit SS KEWAUWEE (Cont f rued) 85.8 502 169 8 1986 461.7 218 173 53 0.33 0.5 89.7 755 226 8 1987 480.0 204 165 45 0.30 0.4 88.3 705 210 6 1988 467.5 229 179 60 0.42 0.5 84.9 5 70 239 10 1989 449.1 140 112 33 0,30 0.3 87.9 490 145 5 1990 468.8 40 71 7.2 15.3 111 1 LACROSSE

  • 1970 0.72 4.8 l 323.1 218 158 5.9 1 Docket 50-409; DPR-45 1971 1.14 29.2 151 172 9.1 1st etweercial operation 11/69 1972 1.41 1973 24.4 157 22i 1.21 3.7 Type - BWR 89 50 6 133 37.9 81.0 115 139 7.3 Capacity - 48 see 1974 1.42 32.0 69.6 165 234 5.2 1975 6 105 0.93 7
 +-*                                             1976        21.2         47.6           118          110          40 60 71 164         8                  215       1.60       19.9 11.3         33.7           141         225                                                                               7.6
 #                                               1977 69               95        6                  158       0.90 21.6         62.0           132          164                                                                              7.8 1978 65             121        21                  165       1.22 24.0         71.8           153          186                                                                              8.3 1979 63             155        11                  207       1.76 26.4         68.5           124          218                                                                              4.2 1950 62               of        3                  120       0.66 29.6         76.0           187          123                                                                             11.9 1981 65             140        16                  189       1.39 1982        17.2         44.6            148         205                                                                  1.94       12.6 103              210        31                  282 24.8         59.7            160         313                                                                              6.5 1983 141              111          5                 247       0.88 1984        38.5         80.5           288          252                                                                  0.46        4.4 76              97       22                  151 1985        39.2         86.7           3 73         1 73 1.12       14.8 1986        19.6         46.1           260          290                                                                  0.54         --

f 42 26 2 66 1987 0.0 0.0 127 68 223 88 164 0.20 0.4 77.8 1,245 252 29 LASALLE 1,2 1984 677.8 597 420 265 0.42 0.7 53.0 1,635 685 85 Docket 50-373, -374; NPF-11. -18 1985 987.9 527 371 0.56 1.0 1,614 808 143 755 st corrnercial operation 1/84, 6/84 1956 929.5 50.6 989 407 0.80 1.4 1,396 217 1,179 1987 1,030.0 39.3 1.744 1,9 78 493 0.90 1.9 fype - BWR 71.6 2,73 7 2,4 71 253 2,218 Capocity - 1036, 1036 mWe 1988 1,317.6 1,248 853 533 0.56 0.9 1,503.5 73.1 2,475 1,386 135 1989 818 503 445 0.52 0.5 84.6 1,830 948 130 1990 1,754.3 Therefore it is to longee incluhd in the count of cemercist reactors.

  • Lacrosse ended conmercial operation in 1987 and uitt not be put in correercist operation egain.

V n 'lt t

i l'


DOSE AND POWER GENEPATION S!RiFARY (Continued) i-h, Cottective Person-rems Person-reas Average i 1- Mega- Unit Total Dese (-c5v) pre (-cSv) pe-r meas *ble Person i

! watt- Avaita- Persorret (person- . Work F W tion Feesonnel Tvee Dose reas  ! lR Tears bitity With measur- rens O.;4ce- maint. Contrec- Station & (rews (-cSv)/ Reporting Organization Year (ww-fr) Factor obte Doses or esv) & Others tions toe Utility or cSv) MW-Ve l 1 !- LIMERICE: 1, 2 1987 636.1 70.2 2,156 174 7 167 114 60 0.04 ' O.3 i

Docket 50-352, 50-353; WPF-39,-85 1988 794.9 96.5 950 52 20 32 23 29 0.05 0.1 i' ist cossnercist cperetion 2/86, 1/90 1989 628.4 66.0 1,818 2$6 73 196 156 110 0.t5 .c.4 t Type - BWes 1990 1,527.7 78.2 1,422 175 37 138 97 78 0.12 0.1

, capacity - 1055, 1055 PWe i PAthE YAmKEE 1973 408.7 782 177 59 58 0.15 0.3 l Docket 5J-309; DPR-36 1974 432.6 68.7 610 420  % 356 138 232 0.68 1.0 , 1st commercial operation 12/72 ' 1975 542.9 79.9 440 319 15 3G4 181 138 0.72 0.6 Type - PWe 1976 712.2 95.0 244 85 27 58 26 59 0.35 0.1 Capacity - 830 MWe 1977 617.6 82.2 508 245 46 199 112 133 0.48 0.4 1978 642.7 84.1 638 420 54 366 262' 158 0.66 0.7

,   n                                                        1979      537.0    68.4           393                       154              70                        84              24               128                                          0.39          0.3 4

1 (n 1980 527.0 72.2 735 462 117 345 277 185 0.63 0.9 1981 624.2 78.2 868 424 11 413 308 lie 0.49 0.7 ! 1982 542.5 69.1 1,295 619 33 586 462 157 0.48 1.1 l 1983 677.1 83.6 592 165 41 124 72 93 0.28 0.2 1 1984 605.7 74.4 1,262 884 9 875 702 182 0.70 1.5 l 1985 635.4 79.2 1,009 700 54 646 529 171 0.69 1.1 1986 737.6 87.8 495 100 34 66 14 86 0.20 0.1 l 1987 4 78.1 65.3 1.100 722 39 683 531 191 0.66 1.5 1988 591.9 79.1 1,058 725 52 6 73 5 76 149 0.69 1.2

1989 819.2 93.7 375 99 38 61 25 74 0.26 0.1 l 1990 573.0 71.0 1,359 682 146 536 547 135 0.50 1.2 l'

l-I .. MCCU!RE 1,2 1982 524.9 80.4 1,560 169 26 143- 29 140 0.11 0.3 cocket 50-369, -370; NPF-9, -17 1983 558.3 55.4 1,751 521 35 486 123 398 0.30 0.9 l' 1st comunercist operation 1?/81, 3/84 1984 764.1 68.5 1,663 507 35 4 72 106 401 0.30 0.7 Type-- PWR5 , 1985 808.4 77.0 2,217 771 92 679 277 494 0.35 1.0 Capecity - 1129, 1129 MWe 1986 1,360.0' 60.1 2,326 1,015 47 968 389 e26 0.44 0.7 1987 1, 774.7 79.2 2.865 1,043 38 1,005 5t0 $33 0.36 0.6

,                                                            1988   1 UO.7     80.2        2,808                      1,104.             65              1,039                    592               512                                          0.39           0.6 1989   1,810.2    80.3         1,994-                      620              4C                     576               252               368                                          0.3*         ' O.3 l

i. 1990 1,340.3 61.3 2,289 727 63 666 288 439 0.32 0.5 1 it _. - - . . . . _ r. - _ _ ____m_ . _ _ . . - _- _ _ . _m_ _ .__ _ _ ___ _ _______ _ __ _ _______A



(Continued) Cottective Peeson-reaus Persar-- r eres avecege Me9e* Unit Total Dose (-cSv) pae (-cSv) per weC ttie P*eson watt- Avella- Personnet (person- Work Functier* Perso w l "v-w D ese ec=is Years bitity With meesur- re=us Ocers- m a mt. C xtrec- Stat?on 4 ( r em ( csv)/ Repr>rting Organization Year (MW-Yr) Factor able Doses or cSv) tions & Ot*ers t-r Utility ee cSw) **. - Y r MILLST0kE Pothi 1 1972 377.6 612 $96 50 546 %0 56 0.9' 1.6 Doctet 50-245; DPD-21 1973 225.1 1,15e 663 125 533 422 241 0.56 2.0 1st comercial operation 3/71 1976 430.3 79.1 2,477 1,430 0.5? 3.3 Type - BWR 1975 465.4 75.6 2,587 2,022 0.'3 4.3 Cepecify - 654 MWe 1976 449.8 76.1 1,337 1,194 54 1,14 0 c55 239 0.86 2.7 19'7 575.7 89.6 1,075 394 118 274 159 233 0.37 0.7 1978 556.6 87.6 1,391 1.416 160 1,256 1,036 180 1.02 2.5 1979 505.0 77.3 2,001 1,795 198 1,597 1,327 463 0.90 3.6 1980 405.8 69.0 3,024 2,157 100 2,05 7 1,863 294 0.71 5.3 1981 304.3 51.6 2,506 1,496 96 1,400 1,201 205 0.60 4.9 1982 4?0.2 79.9 1,370 929 78 851 587 %2 0.62 1.9 1983 640.1 95.6 309 244 63 ist 74 170 0.79 0.4 1984 516.1 78.8 1.a92 836 80 756 531 305 0.42 1.6 O 1985 546.5 83.6 732 605 65 543 369 239 0.*3 1.1 1 1986 626.8 95.4 389 150 67 103 53 97 0.39 0.2

  • 1987 523.4 79.6 1,588 684 56 628 523 161 0.43 1.3 1988 658.8 98.6 327 144 31 113 60 84 0.44 0.2 1389 554.6 84.2 852 462 40 422 334 123 0.54 0.8 1990 608.3 91.6 365 131 42 89 58 73 0.36 0.2 i MILLSTONE POINT 2,3 1976 545.7 78.7 620 168 I'6 142 73 95 0.27 0.3 Docket 50-336, 50-423; DPit-65, hPF49 1977 518.7 65.7 667 242 38 204 153 89 0.36 0.5 1st coarercial operation 12/75, 4/86 1978 536.6 67.3 1,420 1,444 5 65 1,379 1,366 78 1.02 2.7 Type - PWR 1979 520.0 62.8 525 4 71 81 390 3% 167 0.90 0.9 i Capacity - 363,1137 Mwe 1980 579.3 69.2 893 637 76 561 515 122 0.71 1.1 1981 722.4 82.6 890 531 44 487 393 133 0.60 0.7 l 1982 595.9 70.6 2,083 1,413 27 1,I56 1,219 194 0.68 2.4 i

1983 294.0 34.2 2,383 1,881 170 1, 711 1,548 333 0.79 6.4 l 1984 782.7 93.5 255 120 11 109 63 57 0.42 0.2 1985 417.8 49.4 1,905 1,581 60 1,521 1,256 325 0.83 3.8 l 1986 1,313.8 60.4 2.393 993 27 966 784 277 0.41 0.8 i 1987 1,624.5 84.1 1,441 505 19 436 370 135 0.35 0.3 , 1988 1,594.8 83.2 1,827 804 31 773 523 281 0.44 0.5 l 1999 1,428.3 72.9 1,984 1,079 44 1,035 877 202 0.54 0.8

1990 1,614.9 87.1 1,652 593 35 558 491 1c2 0.36 0.4 1

l t

L i i APPENDIX C PERSONNEL, DOSE AND POWER GENERATION SLHMARY (Continued) I Cettective Pe-son-* ems Person-reas Average

, nese- Unit Total Dose (-cSv) per (-cSw) per mees'tde Person i

wett- Avalte- Personnet (person- 'wcek % tion Personnet tviv Dose reggs ! Years bility With measur - reais Opera- maint. Contrac- Station & (rema (-cSv)/ 7 Reporting Organization Year (NW-Yr} Factor able Doses or cSv) tions & Others tor L!tility or cSv) nu-Tr Mou!! CELLO 1972 424.4 99 61 40 21 1 60 0.62 0.1 Docket 50-263; DPR-22 1973 389.5 401 176 48 123 67 107 0.44 0.5 j 1st consgercist operation 6/71 1974 349.3 74.9 842 349 91 258 0.41 1.0 1 7ype - But 1975 344.8 72.2 1,353 1,353 1.00 3.9 Capacity - 536 MWe 1976 476.4 91.5 325 263 59 204 52 212 0.81 0.6 1977 425.6 79.9 860 1,000 135 865 661 339 1.16 2. 3 1978 459.4 87.2 679 3 75 62 313 165 210 0.55 0.8 1979 522 0 97.6 3 72 157 62 95 52 105 0.42 0.3 1930 411.3 78.2 1,114 531 82 449 248 233 0.48 1.3

  .                                                            1981            389.3        72.6        1,446              1,004               101                            903                                   756           248     0.e9         2.6 J

1982- 291.1 63.3 1,307 993 130 863 760 233 0.76 3.4 1983 494.6  %.3 416 121 57 64 23 98 0.29 0.2 l .g 1954 33.7 9.2 1,8 72 2.462 208 2,254 927 1,535 1.32 73.1

e. 1985 509.8 91.7 586 327 87 240 47 230 0.56 0.6
         '"'                                                   1986            402.7       79.1            895                  596             94                           502                                     114          482     0.67         1.5 i                                                               1987            422.5       81.9            941                 568             102                          466                                    715            453     0.60         1.3 1988            542.5       99.8            375                  110             40                              70                                    to          100     0.29         0.2 1959            318.2       76.2         1,102                  $37              99                           408                                    113           3c4     0.44         1.6 1990            536.0       %.9             336                   94             42                             52                                     11            83    0.25         0.2 WiwE MILE POINT 1,2                .

1970 227.0 821 44 12 32 17 27 0.05 0.2 - l Docket 50-220, 50-410; Dra-63, NPF-69 1971 346.5 1,006 195 43 152 63 132 0.19 0.6 j 1st commercial operation 12/69, 4/88 1972 381.8 735 235 59 226 25 257 0.39 0.7 j Type - swt 1973 411.0 550 567 139 428 118 449 1.03 1.4

Capacity - 615, 1090 MWe 1974 385.9 70.5 740 824 42 782 279 545 1.11 2.1
- 1975 359.0 72.1 649 est 68 613 203 478 1.05 1.9 1976 484.6 88.2 392 423 52 376 229 199 1.09 0.9 1977 347.4 59.2 1,093 1,383 41 1,342 683 500 1.27 4.0 1978 527.7 95.1 561 314 59 255 26 288 0.56 0.6 1979 354.0 66.1 1,326 1,497 106 1,391 940 557 1.13 4.2 1980 533.9 92.3 1 t74 591 75 516 251 340 0.50 1.1 1981 385.2 66.0 2,029 1.592 144 1,443 1,064 528 0.75 4.1 1952 133.5 21.4 1,352 1,254 63 1,201 944 320 0.93 9.5 1983 329.8 56.2 1,405 360 50 810 5 76 234 0.61 2.6 l 1984 426.8 71.9 1,530 890 163 727 3 72 518 0.58 - 2.1 1955 . 580.9 96.4 1,007 265 61 204 43 222 0.26 0.5 1986 371.0 65.3 1,878 1,275 38 1,237 730 545 0.68 3.4 j 1987 542.6 93.3 1,190 141 35 106 39 102 0.12 0.3 e

j .. 4. h

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(Continued) i ! Cellective Persert-reps Pe+ son-rens Average Mega- tmit Tetal Dose (-cSv) per (-c$v) per mees *ble Person ! watt- Availa- Personnel (persor.- We t Firetion Den m lYvce Oose rees Years bility. Wit *t M*esur- remt Opeen- paim. Ccetroc- Station 4 (reus (-c5v)/ Reporting Organization Year (WW-Yr) Factor able Doses er cS<> tions & Otners ter tJtili ty or cSv) shi-Tr I i i h!WE MILE POINT ' 1,2 (Contirued) 1988 0.0 0.0 2,626 854 33 821 509 345 0.33 ---

                                                    &        527.5     29.7       2, 73 7       $64         53            511           382                      182      0.21          t.1 i                                                    1990     656.2     46.6       2,405         699         85            614           467                     232       0.29          1.1 1

i ! NORTN ANNA 1.2 1979 507.0 61.7 2.025 449 78 3 71 190 259 0.22 0.9 3 Docket 50-338; EPF-%, -09 198^ 681.8 86.5 2,086 218 128 90 85 133 0.10 0.3 1st comercial operation 6/78, 12/80 1981 1,241.9 71.5 2,416 680 188 492 343 337 0.28 0.5 l Type - PVRs 1982 777.7 45.8 2,8 72 1,915 78 1,837 1,207 708 0.67 2.5 Capacity - 911, 909 MWe 1983 1,338.4 76.1 2,223 665 129 536 296 369 0.30 0.5 1984 1,021.3 %8.8 3,062 1,945 155 1,790 1,417 528 0.64 1.9 1985 1,516.9 86.1 2,436 838 141 697 501 337 0.34 0.6 1986 1,484.5 83.0 2,831 722 111 611 343 379 0.26 0.5 t p 1987 1,112.6 67.8 2,624 1,521 60 1,461 1,075 446 0.58 1.4 l 1958 1, 772.7 96.7 992 112 28 84 19 93 0.11 0.1 CD 1989 1,226.8 72.5 2,861 1,4 71 36 1,435 1,159 312 0.51 1.2 l' 1990 1,590.4 90.5 7,161 590 12 578 433 157 0.27 0.4 OCONEE 1,2,5 1974 650.6 60.1 844 517 18 499 144 373 0.61 0.8 Docket 50-269, 50-270, 50-287; 1975 1,838.3 75.5 829 497 72 425 90 407 0.60 0.3 DPR-38, -47, -55 1976 1,561.4 63.0 1,215 1,026 65 961 219 807 0.84 0.7 i- 1st commercial operation 7/73, 9/74, 1977 1,566.4 65.9 1,595 1,329 244 1,084 294 1,034 0.83 0.8

12/74 1978 1,909.0 75.8 1,636 1,393 179 1,214 340 1,053 0.85 0.7 Type - PWRs 1979 1,708.0 67.7 2,100 1,001 123 878 181 820 0.48 0.6
 ,             capacity - 846, 946, 846 MWe         1980   1,703.7      70.1       2,124     1,055        117              938           '52                      893      0.50         0.6 1981  1,661.5      66.8       2,445     1,211         113         1,098             275                      936      0.50         0.7 4

1982 1,293.1 52.5 2,445 ', na 97 1,695 364 1,428 0.73 1.4 1983 2,141.5 82.2 1,902 s ,2 ' 88 1,119 316 891 0.63 0.6 1984 2,242.9 85.7 2,085 . 63 1,043 260 846 0.53 0.5 . j 1985 2,036.3 80.5 2,T29 1,30. 144 1,160 378 926 0.48 0.6 1986 1,995.6 79.0 2,499 949 36 913 261 688 0.38 0.5 1987 1,962.6 82.4 2,672 1,142 51 1,t591 376 766 0.43 0.6 1988 2,228.9' 87.2 2,672 871 51 820 317 554 0.33 0.4 1989 2,188.6 85.4 2,205 684 53 631 200 484 0.31 0.3 1990 2,405.2 91.4 1,948 404 36 368 132 272 0.21 4r.2 i

                                                                    '                             =      *y   ~
      ,                                                                                                                      r' - ,-   = . _ _ _ _        .___..-_-_.

! i 1




(Continued) l I h-Collective Pers e-rwas Person-ress Average [ {~ mega- Unit Total Dese

'                                                                                                                        ( c5v) per             (-cSu} per       mees'ble Person        ;

watt- Avalta- Peesonnel (person- Weet Function Pers p et Tvee Dose tems t Yeers bility With me asur. rems Opere- Controc- Stettert & ' Reporting organization Year

                                                                                                                             . Main %                            Crema    (-cSw)/'

( W-Tr) Factor able Doses or cSw) tions & Others tor Utility or cSw) W-?r i ! OYSTER CREEK 1970 413.6 95 63 21 42 11 52 0.66 0.1 i Docket 50-219; DPa-16 1971 448.9 249 240 50 Ho 92 0.96 148 0.5 '  ! , 1st cocnentet operation 12/69 1972 515.0 339 582 $3G 432 167 415 1.72 1.1 '!

     ' Type - BWe                         1973                  424.6                  782            1,236       195          1,041 Capacity - 620 W e 683           553      1.58         2.9 1974                  434.5    70.4          935               984      166             818      162           822      1.05         2.3 1975                  3 73 .6  73.3      1,210              1,140       169             971      271           869      0.94         3.1
                                        - 1976                 '456.5    79.3      1,582              1,078        70          1,005       587           491      0.68         2.4 1977                  385.7    70.1      1,673              1,614         76         1,538     1,048           566      0.96         4.2 1978                  431.8    74.3      1,411              1,279       134          1,145       696           583      0.91         3.0 1979                  541.0    85.9          842               467       95             372      135           332      0.55         0.9 1980                  232.9    41.4      1,966              1,733        97          1,636     1,183           550      0.88         7.4-1981                  314.8    59.8      1,689                 917       48             869      479           438      0.54         2.9      i n                                      1932                  242.7    + . '.5   1,270                 865       33             832      491           3 74     0.68         3.6      i a                                      1983                    27.9   14.5      2,303              2,257        65         2,192      1,863           3 94     0.98        80.9 G                                      1984                    37.1      9.6    2,369              2,054       134         1,920      1,537           517      0.87        55.4      !

1985 446.1 89.4 2,342 748 116 632 318 430 0.32 1.7  ! 1986 157.3 31.5 3,740 2,436 288 2,148 1,924 512 0.65 15.5 1987 ' 3 71.0 64.2 1,932 522 112 410 211 311 0.27 1.4 1988 419.6 65.9 2,875 1,504 135 1,369 1,232 272 0.52 3.6 1939- 287.5 57.3 2,395 910 138 772 566 344 0.38 3.2 1990 511.8 89.1 1,941 310 76 234 131 179 0.16 0.6 j i PALISADES 1972 216.8 78 [ 0.4  ;

Docket 50-255; DPR-20 1973 286.8 975 1,133 16 1,117 661 +72 1.16 4.G

[ 1st comerclet operation 12/71 1974 10.7 5.5 774 627 0.81 58.6 i Type - PWR 1975 302.0 M.5 495 306 0.62 1.0 i !. Capacity - 730 W e 1976 346.9 55.2 742 696 23 673 109 587 0.94 2.0 i 1977 616.6 91.4 332 100 13 87 23 77 0.30 0.2  ! 1978 320.2 49.7 849 764 52 712 173 591 0.90 2.4  ; 1979 415.0 59.9 1,599 854 99 755 360 494 0.53 2.1 , 1980 288.3 42.9 1,307 424 57 367 312 112 0.32 1.5 t 1981 418.2 57.2 2,151 902 147 735 73 7 165 0.42 2.2 i: 1982 404.3 54.7 1,554 330 '73 257 203 127 0.21 0.8 1983 454.4 60.3 2,167 . 977 145 832 494 483 0.45 2.2 , 1984 98.7 15.2 1,344 5 73 79 494 239 334 0.43 5.8 [ 1 4 1985 639.2 83.8 1,355 507' 105 402' 239 268 0.37 0.8 4 1986 102.3 15.1 1,438 672 148 524 204 468 0.47 [;

  • 6.6 1987 319.2 48.2 1.122 456 85 '3 71 216 240 0.41 1.4  !

l 1 s

        , + .   +-                 < m~                                              s    , - > - - ,




(Continued) 1 i Cottective Persm-resis Pers e-resas Average Me9e- LMit Total Dese (-cSw) per (-cSw) per ase es'ble Persorg neett- Swalla- Sht (person- Wert s W tion Persmi Yvre Dose remus 3

Years bility With stessur- re==s Opera- Maint. Contrec- Station & (romus (-cSv)/

! seporting or9anization teer (aeJ Yr) Factor able Doses or cSv) tions & Ot e tor Utility or cSw) 44-Yr I' ! PAL 15ADES (Continued) 1988 413.4 56.8 1,4 72 730 138 592 466 264 0.50 1.8 ! 1989 442.8 69.1 1,026 314 70 244 190 124 0.31 0.7 1990 366.7 58.7 2,414 766 109 65 7 629 137 0.32 2.1 PALO VER0E 1,2,3 1987 1,638.1 66.1 1,792 669 101 568 437 232 0.37 0.4 Docket 50-528, 50 529; 50-530; 1988 1,700.9 65.5 2,1 73 688 77 611 4 72 216 0.32 0.4 NPF-41, NPF-51, WPF-74 1989 965.3 26.5 2,6t5 720 87 633 559 161 0.28 0.7 1st cunsercist operation 1/86, 9/86, 1/88 1990 2,500.9 67.5 2,236 499 68 431 373 126 c.22 0.2 Type - PWes !. Capacity - 1221, 1221, 1221 Mwe n PEACil BOTTOM 2,3 1975 1,234.3 .80.0 971 228 0.23 0.2 M Docket 50-277, 50-278; CPR-44, -56 1976 1,379.2 73.0 2,136 840 150 e60 434 406 0.39 0.6 l o 1st comercist operation 7/74, 12/74 1977 1,052.4 58.7 2.827 2,036 223 1,313 1,374 662 0.72 1.9 i Type - Bt2 1978 1,636.3 84.0 2,244 1.317 162 1,155 709 608 0.59 0.8 Capecity - 1055, 1035 MWe 1979 1, 740.0 84.5 2,276 1,338 245 1,143 717 671 0.61 0.8 1980 1,3 74.2 66.3 2,774 2,302 311 1,991 1,506 7:2 0.83 1.7 l 2,506 1,880 626 0.88 2.2 i 1981 1,161.8 58.0 2,85 7 2 73 2.233 1082 1,583.3 76.9 2.734 1,977 313 1,66". 1,348 629 0.72 1.2 1983 824.7 41.0 3,107 2,963 331 2,632 2,422 541 0.95 3.6 1954 1,165.8 57.5 3,313 2,450 225 2.225 2,045 405 0.74 2.1 ' 1985 682.7 37.5 4,209 3,354 395 2.959 2. 72 7 627 0.80 4.9 0.8 1986 1,395.0 71.7 2,454 1,080 294 786 671 409 0.44 [ 4,363 2,017 483 0.50 6.0 i 1987 365.7 20.3 2.195 178 t.712 l 1988 0.0 0.0 4,204 2,436 119 2,31T 2,120 316 0.53 --- ' 1989 491.0 35.0 2,301 733 248 490 362 376 0.32 1.5 1990 1,684.0 85.7 1,585 377 99 278 179 198 0.24 0.2 i l PERRY 1988 860.3 79.0 782 105 34 71 36 69 0.13 0.1 ! Docket 50-440; NPF-58 1989 642.2 57.0 1,883 767 113 654 604 163 0.41 1.2 1st comercist operation 11/87 1900 792.7 67.1 1,537 638 51 557 494 144 0.42 0.8 i Type - SWR Capecity - 1141 MWe 1

jtI! F b r rliL fi! li[L[L{[jtjk{iI ;i j lLI : i({,j1[ hthgI!" i.f?t!f n /r eus) Y 3 5 6 2 9 6 8 1 5 9 1 7 5 2. 012992104325t7- --

                                                                                                                          - 04 4 5 8 4 6 4 5 3 8 8 8 3 2. C. 6 5 6 5 6 4 n

i reor sWs w- 10 01000000000021000000 _ P en-1 1 ( ei e ) gr w rat e 's e es eac ems 519180126400034922 5 9 6 0 6 8 4.C. 6 5 5 9 4 3 3 1 1 1 745835677928217681 173109007785767566 v eDrr 001210010000000000 101110110000000000 AM ( e

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                   )                                s r

d n t.h e e sro t 7 6260596565040403 65 269983728129675 u mei teO 7 580781 6263868371 12 1 64731326159422 n ept r a 6 5,9,1 8 4,7,2,8 4,8 7 4,3

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1 52 i 33255553,6434343 _ t nwu r 221 - 311 3 1 1 n o s$F  : o r-e(to t C r - ( P W e r ns Y ee 9 4 2667070467309872 46453071 94119531 20 77 831503211105473 pi ot 1

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                     ,          - - sr                           011865039954390065                                                    437223940242 L

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r 9i 6 8 O 2c 6i 4 H2 cs g - rt - C - rR - 10 e a. A0eW i t n 8 8 5 msy t t E5uP ny B m f 1 t oi t oi r R ec c o p Gk L ct pp ee T ec Nk I ct pp eec e I osya Oosya R PD1 TC PD1 TC 7 m**-

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APPENDIX C PERSONNEL, DOSE AND POWER GENEPATION SUWARY (Continued) Peeson-ress Average Cettective Ferson-reens Peeson (-esv) per (-csv) per mees'bte nega- Unit Tetet Dese eersmi Type Dose reais Personnel (person- Wk hretitet i,att- A vai l e-samt. Controc- 5tstien & ( rc== (-csw)/ leers bility With measur- re=s Ocu.c a - Utility or cSw) uw-Tr able Doses or c$v1 tions & Othem ter Year (MW-Tr) Factor Reporting Organization 5 13 0.12 0.1 43.9 150 18 0.26 0.1 PRAIRIE ISLAND 1,2 1974 181.9 83.3 477 123 0.55 0.6 Docket 50-282, 50-306; DM -42, -60 1975 836.0 68 3M 235 212 76.6 818 447 0.42 0.3 1st commercial operation 12/73, 12/74 1976 725.2 73 227 60 240 922.9 87.2 71 8 300 0.40 0.2 1977 43 17.1 48 173 Type - PWRs 941.1 92.2 546 221 131 0.30 0.2 1978 29 151 49 Capacity - 503, 500 MWe 86.0 594 1*J 0.36 0.4 1979 865.0 40 313 141 212 79.9 983 353 0.39 0.4 1950 800.7 37 292 128 201 844.9 80.5 836 329 161 0.36 C.2 1981 30 199 68 044.9 90.4 645 229 160 0.36 0.3 1982 14 2*9 73 921.1 86.8 654 233 95 0.27 C.2 1983 18 129 52 91.7 546 147 0.38 0.5 19S4 9 72.4 31 3S5 13e 280 84.0 1,082 416 0.31 0.3 l 1985 882.6 18 237 80 175 l 930.6 90.3 818 255 84 0.23 0.1 1986 9 126 51 91.6 593 135 0.27 0.2 n 1987 969.6 17 182 62 137 e 89.1 /32 199 0.21 0.1 1988 932.0 89 28 71

     %                                            1989   1,001.8    94.7           476 737 99 188 10 8             180       74             114    0.25         0.2 1990     925.4    89.2 36            446     c.71         0.5 72.3           678       482                                                         1.49        1.9 ouAD ClTIEs 1,2                           1974     958.1                                       114          1,504       692             726 833.6   68.4        1,083      1,618                                              1,0C3      1.35        1.7 Docket 50-254, 50-265; DPR-29, -30        1975 1,651       269          1.382       648 1976      951.2   73.1        1,225                                                            658     1.14        1.1 1st coronercist operation 2 / 73 , 3/ 73                                                       108             923      3 73 l                                                            970.1   84.0           907     1,031                                              1,.618     1.34        1.4  !

1977 358 1,260 722 i Type - SWRs 1,124.5 88.6 1,207 1,618 1.28 2.0 I 1978 1,943 1,250 908 Capacity - 769, 769 MWe 84.6 1,688 2.158 215 1.57 5.6 1979 1,075.0 271 4,547 3,657 1,131 866.9 64.4 3,089 4,838 1.40 2.7 1980 100 3,046 2,623 523 1981 1,156.9 81.1 2,246 3.146 3,580 2,653 1,104 1.62 3.7 2,314 3,757 177 2.3 1982 1,018.7 76.0 2,323 1,898 593 1.38 t,302 2.491 168 1.6 1983 1,088.5 79.2 1,457 1,075 504 0.94 1,678 1,579 122 0.8 1904 994.6 65.7 813 27 963 0.84 1,184 990 172 0.9 1985 1,268.0 82.7 822 568 382 0.65 1,451 950 128 0.6 1986 1,093.2 71.0 641 435 285 0.50 1,429 720 79 0.7 1987 1,126.6 75.3 691 545 232 0.56 1,486 827 136 0.8 1988 1,1 73.7 84.1 75 7 616 234 0.52 1,721 900 143 0.9 1989 1,196.3 85.9 845 713 315 0.47 2,186 1,023 183 1990 1,148.9 77.8



(Continued) Person-ress Average Cottective Person-rems (-csv) per (-csv) pee sac es*ble Person mege- Unit Tot et Oose perserrw; Tm _ Ocse ream a,e t t - Awailm- Persomet (person- Wrk Functim bility Wit *t Weesur- rems CW re- meint. Contrac- Station & (rems (-cSd/ Years Factor able Doses or c5v) tions & Others tor Utility or csv) W-Yr R e tting Or9anization Yeer (WW-Yr) 58 6 52 17 41 0.20 0.2 RAmCHO stCO 1976 268.1 30.4 297 0.76 0.6 391 of 329 248 142 1977 706.4 77.1 515 Docket 50-312; DPR.54 323 76 247 176 147 c.64 c.5 1st coronercist coeration 4/75 "978 607.7 80.5 508 0.44 0.2 126 27 99 64 62 Type - PWR 1979 687.0 91.1 287 0.46 0.8 412 110 302 281 131 Capacity - 873 MWe 1980 530.9 60.4 890 136 0.52 1.3 40.2 772 402 83 319 266 1981 321.2 120 0.44 0.8 53.3 766 337 49 288 217 1982 409.5 183 0.59 2.3 46.8 1,338 787 155 629 60. 1983 347.9 107 0.20 0.5 222 73 149 115 1984 460.0 $8.3 802 0.43 3.2 756 183 573 583 173 1985 238.7 30.8 1,764 1,513 402 36 366 277 125 0.27 --- 1956 0.0 0.0 216 84 0.20 --- 0.0 0.0 1,533 300 52 248 1987

  • 45 0.11 0.2 693 78 13 33 1988 355.8 63.1 62 0.13 *).5 603 81 9 e ., 19 179.9 54.7 7 1719 1990 0.0 0.0 111 13 4 9 2 11 0.12 ---

] 1,268 378 70 308 249 129 0.30 0.6 1987 605.2 68.4 0.21 0.1 RIVER REND 1 107 30 77 34 73 Docket 50-458; kPF-47 1988 880.7 94.3 513 146 0.36 1.0 1,566 558 44 514 412 1st comercial operation 6/86 1989 584.5 69.1 141 0.30 0.7 1,616 489 49 440 348 1990 682.2 78.0 Type - BWa Capecity - 936 MWe 42 173 137 78 0.88 0.4 1972 580.0 245 215 Ros!wson 2 0.84 1.5 1973 455.1 831 695 Docket 50-261; DPR-23 185 487 0.79 1.2 578.1 83.3 853 672 1st comercial operation 3/71 1974 1,142 1.35 2.3 1975 501.8 72.7 849 1.2 Type - FWR 715 30 685 457 758 1.20 1976 585.5 84.7 597 0.72 0.9 Capacity - 665 PrWe 455 52 403 223 232 1977 511.5 85.2 634 434 1.02 2.0 963 63 900 529 1978 480.5 72.0 943 794 394 0.82 2.5 70.8 1,454 1,188 60 1,128 1979 482.0 1,379 473 0.92 4.8 62.2 2,009 1,852 79 1,773 1980 387.3 513 220 0.50 1.7 73.0 1,462 733 45 688 1981 426.6 945 481 0.71 5.1 48.9 2,011 1,426 128 1,298 1982 277.5 628 295 0.41 2.3 409.8 75.5 2,244 923 96 827 1983 2,549 33t 0.70 102.9 7.0 4.127 2,880 196 2,684 1984 28.0 164 147 C.23 0.5 87.9 1,378 311 52 259 1985 629.5 340 199 0.34 0.9 80.3 1,5 71 539 46 493 1986 577.1 445 313 186 0.36 1.0 1987 510.1 72.5 1,379 499 54



(Continued) Person-rems Average Cettective Person-rews (-cSw) per meas'bie P m on Dose (-c5<> per wege- thit Total Pe7amet Y re _t Cose reen Availm- Fee somet (serson- We-k w tfon wett-orera- mint. C etrac- station & (rems (-esv)f i With measur- rems Yeers bility

                                                                                                             & cthe-s  for           Utitity  or ese)    su-Tr   i Year     (w-Yr)   Factor  sete Doses    or esv)    tions                                                            l seporting organization                                                                                                                                        I 370            194     0.42        1.5 1,351        564        44           520 1988      385.0    65.9                                                      't3          107     0.18        0. 6-postuson 2 (Continued)                                       48.7     1,098         195       31            164 1.1 1989      336.6                                                  404       356              81    0.27 1,626         437       33 1990      400.3    64.8 04        32             90    0.21        0.2 55.6        574        122       28                                                        2.3 5 ALE 4 1,2                               1978      546.4                                    100           4M        359            225      0.39 250.0    25.5     1,438         584                                              168     0.26       0.7 Docket 50-272, -311; Dra-70, -75          1979                                      449       55            394       251 1980      680.6    69.2      1,704                                                         102     0.15       0.3 l

1st consercial operation 6/7 78.1 1,652 254 4 250 152 0.8

                                             ??S1      743.0                                     66         1,137        846           357      0.37 Type - PWRs                                       1,440.4    72.6     3,228      1,203                                                       0.24        0.8 1982                                                                        463            115 Capacity - 1106, 1106 MWe                                    30.5     2,383         581        to           5 71 0.49        1.0 1983       742.0                                     10           6 71      469           212 31.8     1,395         681                                                      0.18       0.1 1984      650.1                                      59           145         54           150 1,657.7     75.8     1,112        204                                              140     0.17        0.4 1985                                                 to           589       459 1,484.3     70.4     3,554        599                                                      0.24        C.4 1936                                                                        433            167 7                                           1987    1,478.2    73.3     2,543         600         ,1          592 329            1 74    0.31        0.3 y                                           1988    1,591.6     73.6     1,600        503          1 4

502 334 209 129 0.11 0.2 1,675.4 79.5 2,944 338 84 0.07 0.2 1989 6 266 158 1,362.6 65.1 3,636 272 1990 5 37 0.34 0.1 42 to 32 1969 314.1 123 59 96 0.62 0.4 SAN ONOFRE 1,2,3 155 13 142 1970 363.9 251 47 0.41 0.1 Dxket 50-206, -361, -362: 121 50 12 38 3 0.8 1971 362.1 227 117 139 0. 77 DPR-13, NPF-10, WPF-15 326 256 29 1.3 1st comercist operation 1/68, 8/83, 4/84 1972 338.5 313 168 185 0.62 5 70 353 40 0.2 1973 273.7 0.32 7ype - PWR 36.1 219 71 0.69 0.8 Capacity - 436,1070,1080 MWe 1974 3 77.8 389.0 87.4 424 292 0.66 3.0 1975 147 733 629 251 70.2 1,330 880 0.86 3.0 1976 297.9 77 770 451 396 281.2 63.7 985 847 167 0.52 1.2 1977 25 376 234 80.2 764 401 0.27 0.3 1978 323.2 116 65 74 90.2 521 139 23 24.5 1979 401.0 2,167 2,017 369 0.78 22.3 3,063 2.386 219 33.6 1980 97.3 3,123 3,104 119 1.11 95.9 26.7 2,902 3,223 100 102 0.27 13.5 1981 81 751 730 61.6 15.7 3,055 832 0.09 --- 1982 124 113 42 0.0 1,701 155 31 1.5 1983 0.0 881 231 155 0.27 7,514 936 105 15.50 1934 67').4 68.30 173 151 38 0.24 5,742 722 16 1.10 1985 1,381.6 132.90 738 574 250 0.24 61.1 3,594 824 86 1986 1,698.2 583 408 258 0.33 0.4 1,983.0 78.8 2,138 696 it3 0.34 0.4 1987 99 682 518 263 1988 1,982.3 68.4 2,324 781

e ,, , .a _

                                                                                                                                       ,rr        .         nn                                  --



(Continued) Perton-rems Person-rems Average Collective Ur.. t Totat Dose (-cSv) per (-esv) per mees'ble Person wege- reens (person- Work Ftriction Peesonnet Type . Dose Av4,LA- Personnel wi t - bitity With keasur- rems Opra- msint. Contree- Station 1 (rens (-cSv)/

                                                           " srs able Doses    or esv)     tions           & Others  for            titi t ity or esv)    eTr Reporting Organization               Year      ('4 Yr)                    Factor
                                                                                                             567       23              544        357             210      0.25          0.3 SAN ONOIRC 1,2,3 (Contirued)         1989     1,840.8                       64.9     2,237 2,224          885      109               776       693              192     0.40          0.4 1990     1,980.5                       69.1
                                                                                                                                                                                           -       l 5 70        73             497         61             509      0.29          1.0 SEQUOYAN 1,2                         1982       583.5                       52.8     L965                                                                445      0.28          0.3 8, 772         491        74             417         46 Docket 50-327, ~328; DPR-77, -79     1983     1,663.7                       75.1                                                                      1,006       0.47          0.8 69.0     2,373      1,117        152              965        111 1st comunercial operation 7/81, 6/82 1984     1,481.9                                                                                    243             828      0.58          0.9 1,151.3                       51.3     1,854      1,071        118              953 Type - PWR                           1985                                                                                                                456      0.30          ---
                                                                                                               '26      101              425         70 Capacity - 1148, 1143 We             1986         0.0                        0.0     1, 735         ,

319 0.20 --- 2,080 420 55 365 101 1987 0.0 0.0 563 0.28 1.4 31.8 2,439 678 73 605 tis 1988 490.8 140 517 0.33 0.4 1,851.7 85.7 2,007 657 71 586 1989 t,326 0.57 1.0 1,662.6 77.2 2,934 1,678 102 1,576 352 1990 r'u 10 151 114 47 0.16 0.2 1989 769.3 65.6 989 161

  • SOUTH TEXAS 1, 2 18 188 126 80 0.18 0.1 1990 1,504.1 65.9 1,136 206 Docket 7-498, 50-499; kPF -76,-80 1st c - :lat operation 8/88, 6/89 Yype <>s Capacity - 1251, 1251 MWe 26 126 92 60 0.34 0.2 1977 649.1 84.7 445 152 ST. LUCIE 1,2 337 15 322 140 197 0.42 0.6 1978 606.4 76.5 797 0.7 Docket 50-335, -389; DPR-67; NPf-16 438 25 413 209 229 0.48 1st coanercial operation 12/76, 8/83 1979 592.0 74.0 907 0.50 0.8 1,074 532 82 450 195 337 1980 627.9 77.5 0.63 1.6 Type - P'.lRs 1,473 929 20 909 556 3 73 Capecity - 839, 839 MWe 1981 599.1 72.7 167 0.26 0.3 1,045 17 255 105 1982 816.8 94.0 2 72 230 0.54 4.1 15.4 2,211 1,204 5 t,199 924 1983 290.3 1,223 307 456 0.60 1.1 1,183.0 '69.6 2,090 1,263 40 1984 810 534 0.68 ' O.9 1,445.8 82.5 1,971 1,344 294 1,050 1985 322 169 0.38 S.3 89.1 1,279 491 81 410 1986 1.588.6 560 391 0.47 0.7 81.9 2,012 951 1 950 1987 1,461.9 240 0.42 0.4 1,630.7 93.0 1,448 611 54 557 3 71 1988 24 4 71 298 197 0.35 0.3 1,493.1 85.1 1,414 495 1989 83 694 482 295 0.41 0.7 1990 1,188.4 70.0 1,876 777



(Continued) Person-rems Average Collective Person-rems (-csv) per Mees'ble Person Tetal Dose (-cSv) ger Mega- Wt Persor1nel Type .. Dose resms Avstle- Persorrwl (person- Work Function watt-opera- Maint. Contrac- station & (rems (-esv)/ bility Wit 5 Measur- rems Years tions & Others ter Utility or cSv) MW-Tr (MW-Yr) Factor able Doses or cSw) Reporting Organization Year 266 202 93 0.26 0.6 61.1 1,120 295 29 0.6 1984 504.6 74 305 241 138 0.32 SUMMff 1 627.7 71.6 1,201 379 0.06 0.03 Docket 50-395; NPF-12 1985 5 18 12 11 853.7 95.3 392 23 0.52 0.9 1st commercial operation 1/84 19S6 34 526 454 106 618.7 71.0 1,075 550 0.45 0.8 Type - PWR 1987 35 476 403 108 1988 605.3 69.1 1,127 511 25 0.14 0.1 Capacity - 835 MWe 52 11 41 27 1789 652.4 83.1 374 54 0.34 0.5 376 29 347 322 1990 730.0 83.9 1,090 0.16 0.4 420.6 936 152 1.2 SURRY 1,2 1973 812 0.52 49.8 1,715 884 72 1.5 Docket 50 280, 50-281; DPb32, -37 1974 717.4 1,622 1,065 584 0.85 l 70.8 1,948 1,649 27 34 1st commercist operation 12/72, 5/73 1975 1,079.0 444 2, 721 1,873 1,292 1.15 l 930,7 60.4 2,753 3,165 1.24 2.0 Type - PWRs 1976 348 1,959 1,380 927 g 1,139,0 72.2 1,860 2,307 0.83 1.5 Capacity - 781, 781 *tWe 1977 530 1,307 1,248 589 s 1,21e.6 77.2 2,203 1,837 0.71 10.4 1978 2,975 609 y 1979 343.0 42.3 S,065 3,504 1 73 353 3,411 3,483 3,117 719 0.72 6.8 568.2 40.3 5,317 3,836 1.13 4.7 1980 428 3,816 3,040 1,204 907.6 59.3 3,753 4,244 0.79 1.1 1981 1,091 506 984 88.5 1,878 1,490 399 3.5 1982 1,323.3 2,649 1,786 1,434 1.17 1983 916.2 61.3 2,754 3,22) 571 0.70 2.2 536 1,711 1,575 672 1,026.7 71.0 3,198 2,247 0.57 1.6 1984 509 1,306 1,232 583 1985 1,166.4 ,78.2 3,206 1.815 679 0.63 2.2 430 1,926 1,677 19f6 1,080.5 69.0 3,763 2.356 387 0.27 0.6 712 192 520 325 1987 1,132.7 72.7 2,675 425 0.48 2.1 1,542 68 1,474 1,117 1988 750.4 50.0 3,184 306 0.27 1.7 836 27 809 530 1989 489.3 33.0 3,100 186 0.30 0.5 575 53 522 389 1990 1,276.4 81 3 . 9 1<947 127 181 0.11 0.4 2,827 308 74 234 1984 719.9 72.6 790 316 0.30 0.8 SUSOUENANNA 1,2 3,669 1,106 78 1,028 l 1985 1,452.2 76.4 402 426 9.28 0.6 Docket 50-387, 50-388; NPF-14; NPF-22 1,344.8 67.0 2,996 828 50 778 0.4 1st comercial operation 6/83, 2/85 1986 585 341 280 0.24 85.3 2,548 621 36 0.3 1987 1,749.5 464 281 235 0.27 Type - EWR 83.5 1,904 516 52 0.4 Capacity - 1033, 1039 MWe 1988 1,691.0 672 332 3 72 0.3', 77.1 2,063 704 32 0.3 1989 1,572.5 410 179 261 0.26 85.4 1,691 440 30 1990 1,746.9



(Contir.ued) Collective Person rena Persan-reens Average Mega- Unit Total Dose (-cSv) per (-c5v) per Meas'bte Person watt- Avalta. Persomet (person- Work Function Persomet hpe_ Dose 'rees - Tears. bit!ty With Measur- rem opera- Maint. Contrac- Station & Reporting Organization Year Factor (rems (-cSv t (MW-Yr} able Doses or cSv) tions 5 Cthers tor Utility or cSv) MW-Yr THREE MILE ISLAkD 1,2 1975 675.9 82.2 ~131 73 Docket 50-299, -320; DPR-50, -73 18 $5 0.56 0.1 1976 530.0 65.4 819 286 23 69

       .fst coasnerciat operation 9/74, 12/78 263                       217          0.35          0.5 1977                              664.5          80.9     1,122        360         15          344 Type .PWRs                                                                                                                                           128            231          0.32          0.5
  • 1970 690.0 85.1 1,929 504 32 4 72 235 269 0.26 0.7 Capacity - 808 880 MWe 1979 266.* 21.9 -3,975 i 1,392 197 1,195 907 485 0.35- 5.2 '

1980 3.J 0.0 2,328 394 29 365 239 155 0.17 --- l !- 1951 - b.0 0.0 2,103 376 50 326 190 186 0.18 -- 1 1982 0.0 0.0 7,123 1,004 62 942 433 571 0.47 1983 0.0 0.0 1,592 1,159 j 85 1,074 633 526 0.73 --- 1954 0.0 0.0 1,079 688 50 638 330 358 0.64 --- I

                                                '1985                               103.6           10.6    1,890        857      230            627        266            591           0.45          8.3          !

b 7 ikREE Mite ISLAND 1* 1986 585.2 70.9 1,360 213 44 169 89 124 c.16 0.4 rc Docket 50-289; DPR-50 1987 610.7 73.6 1,259 149 40 90

  " ist comercial operation 9/74
                                                                                                                                                 ?O9          50                         0.12         0.2 -

1988 661.0 77.8 1,012 210 40 170 88 122 0.21 0.3 Type - PWR 1989 871.3 100.0 670 54 22 Capacity - 808 MWe 32 3 51 0.08 0.1 i 1990 645.5 34.6 1,319 264 53 211 121 143 0.20 C.4 -  !


THREE MILE ISLAND 2** 1986 0.0 0.0 1,497 915 97 818 I Docket 50-320; DPR-73 6 15 300 0.61 --- 1987 0.0 0.0 1,378 977 90 887 687 290 C.71 -- 1st comercial cpration 12/78 1988- '0.0 0.0 1,247 917 26 891 691 226 0.74 --

     ' Type - PWR                                                                                                                                                                                                    [

1989 0.0 0.0 ' 1,014 639 88 551 382 257 0.63 -- Capacity - 880 MWE~ 1990 0.0 0.0 484 136 25 '-- 111 50 86 'O.28 TROJA4 1977 772.0 92.6 591 174 .J 144 105 69 0.29 0.2 Docket 50-344; NPF-1 1978 205.5 20.6. 711 319 83 0.45 1st comercist operetion 5/76 236 125 194 1.6 1979 631.0 58.1 . 736 258 74 184 113 145 0.35 0.4 Type - PWR 1980 727.5 72.5- 1,159 421 77 Cape.ity - 1095 MWe 344 305 116 0.36 0.6 > 1981 775.6 74.1 1,311 609 113 496- 363 246- 0.46 0.8 l I

  • Three Mite Island 1 resmed comercial power generation 10/85 af ter being eder regulatory restraint since 19'9 '
       **Three Mite Island 2 hes been shut down sisice the 1979 accident, but is atitt included in the comt of reactors iAlte dose is being accusatated to defuet and                                                '

deconseission the unit. I h i L



(Continued) i Cottective Persore rews Person +evs Average j Mega- Unit Total Dose (-c5v) per (-cSv) ,er Mees'bte Person i inat t- Avalta- Personnet (*> Work Function Personnet Type Dose reaus Years bility With Meawur- rems opera- Maint. Contrac- station & (rees (-cSv)/ , Reporting Org mitation Year (W-Yr) factor able coses or esv) tions & Others ter Utility or cSv) N- Y t- 5 i 1982 579.5 60.3 977 419 76 343 168 251 0.43 0.7 , Tt0J4m (Crmtirued) 178 0.32 0.6 1983 494.2 62.4 %9 307 35 2 72 129 1984 567.0 54.4 1,042 433 41 392 230 203 0.47 0.8 1985 829.1 76.7 852 363 31 332 210 153 0.43 0.4 , 1986 852.4 79.7 1,321 381 46 335 274 107 0.29 0.4 1987 525.5 54.0 1,209 363 66 297 266 97 0.30 0.7 1968 758.6 67.5 1,408 401 108 293 311 90 0.28 0.5 . 1989 6'4. 8 61.9 1,360 421 37 384 317 104 0.31 0.6 l

                                                   '1990      732.4    66.3     1,169         258                         9          249        185            73    0.22          0.4       )

i 0.18 0.2 " -' TURKEY POINT 3,4 1973 401.9 444 78 Docket 50-250,'50-251; OPR-31, -41 1974 953.6 794 454 68 366 202 252 0.57 0.5

       ? 1st connercial operation 12/ 72, 9/ 73 '   1975   1,003.7     74.9      1,176        876                270                 606        559          3'T     0.74           0.9 ro Type PWRs                                 1976      974.2    71.2      1,647     1,1%                         89         1,095        868          316     0.72           1.2        +
  • Capacity - 666, 666 MWe 1977 979.5 72.1 1,319 1,036 94 942 522 514 0.79 1.1  !

1978 1,000.2 78.8 1,336 1,032 90 942 546 486 0.77 . 1.0 1979 811.0 62.4 2,002 1,680 299 1,381 997 683 0.84 2.1 , 1980 990.6 73.6 1,803 1,651 232 1,419 1,218 433 0.92 1.7 1981 654.0 46.8 2,932 2,251 274 1,977 1,854 397 0.77 3.4 .i 1982 915.7 65.2 2,956 2,119 197 1,922 1,656 463 0.72 2.3 1983 878.4 62.8 2,930 2,t.81 272 2,409 2,119 562 0.92 3.1 p l , 1984 . 946.7 68.5 2,010 1,255 217 1,038 876 379 0.62 1.3 l 1985 1,034.9 74.7 1,905 1,253 91 1,162 817 436 0.66. 1.2  ; l 1.3 1986 754.1 54.9 1,808 946 71 8 75 716 230 0.52 t 1987 431.3 36.6 1,930 1,371 79 1,292 987 384 0.69 3.2 i l 1988 809.8 59.5 1,841 738 18 720 523 215 0.40 0.9 - ,t 1989 689.9 56.8 1,625 433 25 408 281 152 0.27 0.6 l l

1990 933.1 69.0 2,099 730 140 590 475 255 0.35 0.8

{ l VERMONT YAWKEE 1973 '222.1- 244 85 0.35 0.4 Docket 50-271; DPR-28' 1974 303.5 357 216 24 192 103 113- 0.61 0.7 ! 63 90 0.54 0.4 1st commercial operation 11/72 1975 429.0 87.8 282 153 70 83 .

7ype - swit 1976 389.6 77.1 815 411 36 375 246 165 0.50 1.1 .

Capacity - 504 MWe 1977 423.5 85.1 641 258 '83 1 75 90 168 0.40 0.6  ! l l 1978 387.5 75.9 934 337 78 261 158 181 0.36 0.9 j

1979 414.0 82.1 1,220 1,170 546 624 642' 528 0.% 2.8

I 1980 357.8 71.5 1,443 1.338 141 1,197 926 412' O.93 3.7 j, 1981 429.1 84.6 1,264 731 121 610 408 323 0.58 1.7  ; r l- f i l


APPENDIX C PERSONNEL, DOSE AND POWER GENERATION SUKMARY (Continued) Person-rems Average Cottective Person-rems (-esv) per (-cSv) per Meas'ble Person Mega- tJnit Total Dose pose rems Availa- Percorv et (person- Work Function Persomet f ree watt-With Measur- rems Opera- Maint. Contrac- Stetton & (rems (-c5v)/ Yeers bility Utility or cSv) sed-T r able Doses or cSv) tions & Others tor Reporting Organfration Yese (*sW- T r ) fs: tor 60 145 80 125 0.43 0.4 1982 501.0 96.0 481 205 4.4 VERMONT YANKEE (Continued) 1,527 215 1,312 787 760 1.16 1983 346.1 69.3 1,316 0.66 1.6 626 83 543 318 308 1984 398.1 79.0 954 0.76 2.9 1,C51 163 888 898 153 1985 361.4 71.8 1,392 0.86 4.6 1,188 44 1,144 1,091 97 1986 248.1 48.9 1,389 0.37 0.7 17 266 226 77 1987 423.C 84.2 827 303 0.3 27 97 67 57 0.33 492.1 95.7 379 724 1988 43 245 220 68 0.35 0.7 1989 432.8 84.7 832 288 0.7 37 270 236 71 0.36 1990 433.1 85.9 849 307 125 107 31 0.12 0.2 77.7 1,108 138 13 V0 GILE 1,2 1988 820.4 16 18 0.07 0.0 96 0 427 32 7 25 Docket 50424, 50-425; WPF-68, -81 1989 1,045.8 323 143 0.29 0.3 82.7 1,602 466 80 377 7 1st commeecist operation 6/87, S/89 1990 1,710.9 r0 Type - PWRs

  • Capacity - 1079, 1110 MWe 42 77 42 77 0.16 0.2 616.0 87.6 755 119 0.4 WASNINGTON NUCLEA2 2 1985 56 166 70 152 0.22 616.0 74.4 1,013 222 0.6 Docket 50-397; NFF-21 1986 95 311 143 263 0.34 639.0 70.8 1,201 406 0.5 1st envercial operation 12/S4 1987 81 272 91 260 0.34 707. T 71.8 1,050 353 0.7 Type - BWR 1988 161 331 216 276 0.38 72 7.2 78.3 1,299 492 0.8 Capacity - 1095 MWe 1989 121 415 209 32 7 0.40 1990 684.7 67.5 1,348 536 161 178 45 0.'8 0.3 79.1 1,244 223 (2 WATERFORD 3 1986 875.7 123 106 50 0.16 0.2 82.5 959 156 33 Docket 50-382; WPF-38 1987 891.e 180 207 52 0.21 0.3 75.4 1,245 259 79 1st consercial operation 9/85 1988 N4.3 TD 195 231 34 0.20 0.3 1989 909.8 82.4 1,306 265 0.11 0.0 Tyoe - PWR 47 0 47 24 23 1990 1,027.9 92.8 432 Capacity - 1075 MWe 116 78 65 0.21 0.2 73.3 662 143 27 WOLF CREEK 1 1986 832.6 1'2 82 56 0.20 0.2 71.1 675 138 24 Docket 50-482; NPF 42 1987 778.8 235 1 77 120 0.29 0.4 70.7 1,010 297 f2 1st c.msnercial operation 9/8S 1988 794.7 14 8 10 0.10 0.0 99.5 186 18 4 Type - PWR 1939 1,108.4 166 130 65 0.24 0.2 81.0 798 105 29 Capacity - 1135 We 1990 940.2

lb l APPENDIX C PERSONNEL, DOSE AND POWER GENERATION SUt9ARY (Continued) person-tems Person-rems Average Cottective (-cSv) per Mees'ble Person Total Dose (-cSv) per Mega- Unit Personnel Type _ Dose rems Avalta- Personnel (person- Werk Function watt-opera- Maint. Contrac- station & (rems (-csv)/ Years bility With Measur- rems utility or c5v) MW-Yr able Doses or cSv) tions & Others ter Year (MW Yr) f actor Reporting organization 132 78 113 1.11 1.6 193 215 83 1.7 1969 138.3 165 158 97 0.72 YAWEE Roue 35! 255 90 0.5 Docket 50-29; DPR-3 1970 146.1 46 44 19 71 0.58 155 90 3.2 1st corumercist operrtion 7/61 1971 1 73.5 192 146 109 0.90 l 282 255 63 0.8 1972 78.7 47 52 0.74 Type - PWR 133 99 1.8 1873 127.1 99 166 0.84 j Capacity - 167 Mwe 243 205 0.8 1974 111.3 64 66 50 0.47 145.1 82.4 249 116 52 0.39 0.4 ] 1975 17 42 4 55

                                                      ~52.2       89.8        152          59                                                     0.49       2.9 1976                                                                 328      174            182 7'; .9      725        356        28                                                        1.9 1977     124.6                                                      258         95           187     0.50 81.0        565        282        24                                                       0.9 1978     145.0                                                       111        52             75    0.29 441        127        16 1979     149.0       81.6 207         90           123     0.42       6.0 22.0        502        213          6                                                      2.8 19e0       35.6                                          8          294       136            166     0.59 g                                                      109.0       74.4        515        302                                                      0.58       4.4 1981                                                     7           467      215            259 s

73.4 814 474 0.4 W 1982 108.6 18 50 7 61 0.17 163.5 91.4 395 68 2.8 1933 15 333 141 207 0.53 124.8 71.4 654 348 0.32 1.5 1984 17 194 81 130 144.3 85.5 653 211 0.12 0.3 1985 20 25 2 43 159.7 95.0 384 45 J 37 1.6 1986 180 126 91 S2.7 593 217 37 1.7 1987 138.7 192 148 79 0.31 85.2 738 227 35 0.4 1933 136.4 42 19 43 0.12 92.9 496 62 20 2.4 1989 159.4 214 170 76 0.35 61.5 702 246 32 1990 101.1 13 43 0.18 0.1 425.3 71.1 306 56 0.29 0.1 210N 1,2 1974 17 110 49 78 1,181.5 74.? 436 127 0.74 0.5 Occket 50-2% , 50-304; CPR-39, -48 1975 64 507 257 314 1,134.9 61.9 774 571 0.7 1st concercist operation 12/73, 9/74 1976 43 960 561 442 1.28 1,358.6 75.0 784 1,003 0.92 0.5 1977 294 723 418 1,017 Type rvRs 1,613.5 80.2 1,104 1,01T 0.57 1.0 Capacity - 1040, 1040 NWe 1978 1'4 1,106 747 527 1,238.0 67.6 1,4 72 1,274 0.67 0.7 1979 107 813 560 360 1,411.2 7'. 1 1,363 920 0.98 1.3 1980 1,754 1,720 50 1,670  ?,1'5 565 1981 1,366.9 T2.3 2,061 1,688 415 1.34 1.b 64.3 1,575 2,103 42 1082 1,186.4 905 406 1.02 1.1 1,285 1,311 118 1,193 1983 1,222.3 69.4 763 556 230 0.71 0.6 69.6 1,110 786 23 1.0 1984 1,369.9 1,127 787 379 0.75 62.9 1,498 1,166 39 0.3 1985 1,187.9 453 330 144 0.49 73.2 967 474 21 1986 1,462.0

  - - -                               .                      .i



(Continued) Aversg C3ttective Person-reaus Perse-resas (-cSv) per (-cSv) per Mes3*ble Perssn Mega- 'Jnit Tetal Dose pose recs watt- tveits- Perscnnet (person- We+s Function PeesometT e With Mnesur- rems Opere- atsine. Coctrac- station & (re v. (-cSv)/ tears bliity Utility oreh) amt-yr Tear (MW tr) Factor able Drses or cSW) tions & Cthers ter Reportirg Organization 1 046 0 62 1987 1,337.0 71 0 0..5

      # # I'2 (CC"'I M                                 '1',926                             1.zzz           zis 1938    1,s49.1   75$3 1 ,,,        ,33
                                                         ,,,,                     ,                                                         ^
1. ..s,.., 77.. 4 2r 0 0 C.8
                                             49        1M          696        19            6 m

a G) w v -

APPENDIX D Number of Personnel and Person-rem by Work and Job Function 1990 D1

         - . -                - - - . .,             .      .~ .          ---    .       .   . .            ..         .            -          - -,

APPENDIX D YY%0btbBYN tY 1990 PLANT: *ARIANsAS 1,2 TYPE PWR VJAK AND WiMAER of PER50kNEt y (00 peEM) 10fA ( PERtC4 REN J0G IUWCil0N siA110N UitLITY CONTRACT 101AL 51All0N UTILiff CONTRACT TOTAL J M ACTOR OPS _& StNV 2.537 3.169 MAINitNANCE PERSONNEL 4 1 16 21 0.472 0.160 CPERA11DNS PERLOWNEL 26 0 0 26 8.345 0.000 0.000 8.345 PEALTH PHY$1C5 PERSONNEL 30 2 36 68 6.685 0.2N 8.345 15.310 EUPERVISORY PERSONNEt 1 0 0 1 0.165 0.000 0.000 0.165 ENGINEERING PERh0NNEL } O 55


122 ( 1.161 16,828 0.000 0.440

0. 48t' 11.362 W

28.630 TOTAL 64 3 ROUi!NE MAINH NANCE MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 102 5 306 413 28.290 0.856 71.859 101.005 GPERATIONS PERSONNEL 20 0 0 20 4.124 0.000 0.000 4.124 HE AL f H PHYSICS PERSONNEL 29 4 81 114 7,215 0.635 26.962 34.812 SUPERVitoRY PER$0NNEL 1 0 1 2 0.315 0.000 0.130 0.445 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL 0 9 6 6 0.000 0.000 1.147 1.147 TOTAL 152 9 394 555 39.944 1,491 100 098 141.533

 'N SERvlEE IN1PECT10N MAsNithANCE PERLUNNEL                      4            0              28           32             2.095      0.000       6.223          8.318 OPERAft0NS PER$0NNEL                       0            0                0            0            0.000      0.000       0.000          0.000 HEALTH PHY$1CS PERSONNEL                   0            0                0            0            0.000      0.000       0.000          0.000 SUPERylSORY PERSONNEL                       1           0                 1           2            0.145      0.000       0.180          0.325

[NGINEERlWG PtRSONNEL 2 2 20 24 M 97 0.905 6,326 M28 101AL 7 2 49 58 2.537 0.905 12.729 16.171 SPE CI AL MAINTEN ANCE __ MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 83 6 519 608 19.662 1.054 193.845 214.561 OPERA 110N$ PERA'.MEL 2 0 1 3 0.9 73 0.000 0.105 1.0 78 HE Alf H PHYSICS PERSON'JL 28 4 95 127 12.285 1.210 33.054 46.549 SunERVISrXY PERSONNEL 4 0 3 7 1.005 0.000- 1.386' 2.391 ENGINfERING PER$0kNEL 4 0 22 g6 E O 0.000 M 97 7.957 TOTAL 121 10 640 771 34.485 2.264 235.787 272.536 WASTE PROCESSING 0.505 0.000 1.846 2.351


MAINTENANCE PlR50NNEL 1 0 11 12 OPERAtl0NS PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0,000 0.000 0.000- 0.000 HEALTH PHY51CS PERs0NNEL 16 1 15 32 5.224 0.175 3.300 8.699

  $UPERVISURY PERSONNEL                     0            0                 0           0            0.000      0.000       0.000          0.000 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL                      9            9                 9           9            0.000      0.000       Ogoog          0.000 TOTAL                                 17             1             26           44             5.729      0.1 75      5.146         11.050 RELU1L,1NG M INTENANCE PER5ONNEL                    22              1            340          363             4.122      0.210     155.973      160.305 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL                        1            0                2           3            0.135      0.000        1.210          1.345 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL                 29             1              72         102            12.213      0.920      28.031         41.164 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL                      2           V                 3           5            0.830      0.000        1.153          1.983 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL                      {            1              35          38             gju        0_,307     15.085-        15.867 TOTAL                                ',6             3            452          511 -          17.775       1.437    201.452. 220.664-TOTAL RY JOB FUNCTION AIlNTENANCE PERSONNEL                  216 (136)      13        (8) 1220 (831) 1449 (975)        55.146      2.280     432.283      489.709 OPfRAfl0NS PER$oNNEL                    49 (43)         0       (0)      3  (3) 52 (46)          13.577      0.C 30       1.315        14.892 HEALTH PHY$lCS PERSONNEL               132    (52)    12        (4   299 (154) 443 (210)         43.622      3.220      99.692      146.534 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL                      9   (7)      0       (0)      8  (5)     17 (12)        2.460     0.000      -2.849          5.300 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL                    11   (10)      3       (3) 86 (69) 100 (82)              2.493      1.212      30.435         34.140 GRAND TOTAL $                       417 (248) 28 (15) 1616 (1062) 2cS1(1325)                 117.298      6.712 566.574          690.584
  ' Workers may be counted in more than eq category. Nmbers in parentheses are total rwt>ers of irwfividuals.

D-2 i


 $UPERVISORY PERSONNEL                  16                   0                6         22             3 . 21 5                          0.000      1.305         4,580 ENGlWEERING P!R$06.NEL                   Z                  0                Q            Z           1,290                             0.000      0.000         1.290 total                             80                   0              29         100            18.050                             0.000      8.670       26.720 gg))}N M AJNTENANC L                                                                                                                                                        _-..

MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 113 0 91 204 28.385 0.000 30.035 58.420 CPERAil0NS PERSONNEL 5 0 0 5 1.005 0.000 0.000 1.005 hlALTH PHYStrS PERSONNEL 12 0 40 52 3.150 0.000 14.510 17.660 WPERVISORY PERSONNEL 6 0 14 20 0.930 0.000 2.830 3.760 EWGINEERING PERSONNEL 2 9 9 2 0J 01 0.000 0J09 0J91 TOTAL 138 0 145 2 83 33.675 0.000 47.375 81.050 IN SERVitt JNJPJC110iN MAINTENAhCE PERSONNEL 0 0 54 54 0.025 0.000 28.595 28.620 CPERATIONS PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 HEALIN PHYSICS PERSONNEL 0 0 17 17 0.015 0.000 7.030 7.045 SUPERVISORY PER$0NNEL 2 0 17 19 0.515 0.000 6.150 6.665 EXGINEERING PERSONNEL Q Q Q 9 0.000 0.000 JO O 0.000


TOTAL 2 0 88 90 0.555 0.000 41.775 42.330 SPFCIAL MAINTENANCE iUINTENANCE PERSONNEL 3 0 196 199 0.705 0.000 84.410 85.115 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 0 C 1 1 0.000 0.000 0.150 0.150 . HEAllM PhfSICS PERSOENEL O 22 23 0.115 0.000 10.340 10.455

  $UPERVIS3RY PERS0kNEL                    5                   0             27           32             1.225                            0.000       7.885        9.110 ENGINEERlNC PERSONNEL                     Z                  p               9            2           0.385                             0.000       LOO _0       0.385 TOTAL                              11                   0            246         257              2.430                            C.000    102.785      105.215 WASTE PROCESSING                                                                                                                                                               ,

MAINTENANCE PFRSONNEL 6 0 ~1 7 1.400 0.000' O.395 1.795 _ OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 5 0 0 5 2.925 0.000 0.000 2.925 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 3 0 15 18 0.890 0.000 3.200 4.090 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 2 0 0 2 0.700 0.000 0.000 0.700 EXGINEERING PERSONNEL 0 9 9 9 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 TOTAL 16 0 16 32 5.915 0.000 3.595 9.510 REFUEllNG MAINTENANCE PERSO M EL 11 0 17 28 2.450 0.000 6.595 9.045 OPER4TIONS PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONMEL 0 0 6 6 0.075 0.000 2.175 2.250 SUPERVISORT PERSONNEL 4 0 6 10 0.830 0.000 1.255 2.085 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL 1 Q Q 1 0.430 0.000 0.000 0.430 TOTAL 16 0 29 45 3.785 0.000 10.025 13.810 TOTAL 3Y JOR FUNCil0N MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 138 0 369 507 34.295 0.000 152.685 186.980 CPERAfl0NS PERSONNEL 43 0 1 44 11.570 0.000 0.150 11.720 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNE. 35 0 113 148 8.760 0.000 41.9 5 50.725

 . SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL                   35                   0              70         105             7.475                             0.000. 19.425       26.900 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL                   12                   0                0         12             2.310                            0.000      0.000         2.310 t, RAND TOTALS                   263                     0           553          816           64.410                              0.000   214.225      278.635
  • Workers may be counted in more than one ca*egory.



  • RIG lt0CK P0lWT WC::K AND WBER OF PLR}gNN1LiiOO r@EN) 10T AL PiR19N REN JC3 FUNC1 tow stAtlON UllLIIY CWIRACI total $1All0h UllLITY CONTRACT TOTAL RfA(10R OPS & SURV 1.160 MAltitNANCE PtR$0NNil 1 0 1 2 0.400 0.062 0.698 cptRAY10N5 FIR $0NNtt 32 1 3 33 21.258 0.182 0.085 21.525 HEALTH PHY$lC5 PIR50NNEL 12 0 3 15 5.697 0.000 0.607 6.504 SUPikVis0RY PER50NWit 4 0 0 4 1.456 C.095 0.000 1.551

[NGlNEERIWG PERSONNEL 1 Q Q l 9212i 0M 0.%0 9Ji 101AL 50 1 4 55 28,935 0.339 1.590 30.664 RfXlTikt NAINT(NANCE MAlWifNANCE PtRSCNNLL 23 0 0 23 6.323 0.104 0.221 6.648 OptRAt tons PERSONNEL 1 0 0 1 0.457 0.037 0.000 0.494 HEALTH PHYSICS P[R$0NNtt 0 0 0 0 0.397 0.000 0.134 0.531 SUPfRVis0RY PER$0NNEL 0 0 0 v 0.046 0.002 0.000 0.048 EN6lwitRING PER50NNEL 0 0 g g 0.056 0,000 0 00J 2 Qg6 TOTAL 24 0 0 24 7.2/9 0.143 0.355 7.777 I!L11RMLJ.NRIC_UM 0.137 24.059 8.004 32.200 KAlmitNANCE PERs0kWEL 0 18 11 29 OPERATIONS Peas 0%CL 0 1 0 1 0.003 0.482 0.034 0.519 Mf ALIM PHYSICS PER$0NNtt 6 0 8 14 1.743 0.076 3.354 5 .1 73

$UPERVi%ORY PERSONNEL                       0               0                                  0                                             0        0.085       0.101       0.000          0.186 (NGINEERING PCR50NNEL                                       0                                  9                                              2       h}M          0,000      0.000          1.396 i

101AL 8 19 19 46 3.364 24.718 11.392 39.474 EP{LI ALMAINif WANCC MAINilkANCE PtkSONNEL 30 33 24 87 38.227 39.907 18.046 96.182 CPERAll0NS PERSONNEL 7 2 4 13 2.287 1.642 1.438 5.347 NEALIM PWT5tCS PERSONNEL 11 0 11 22 10.692 0.000 8.237 18.929 5UPERVISOGY PERSONNEL 7 3 0 10 2.179 3.183 0.000 5.362 [NGlWEERING PERSONNEL { g 1 3 1.027 OJO DE hl32 10?AL 57 38 40 135 54.412 44.732 27.928 127.072 WASif PROCES$1NG MAINTENANCE PIR$ONNEL 9 0 0 9 3.316 0.150 0.014 3.500 OPERAtl0NS PIR$0NNEL 1 0 0 1 0.750 0.062 0.000 0.842 HCALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 5 0 0 5 1.549 0.000 0.122 1.671 . SUPERVISORY PER$0NNEL 0 0 1 1 0.010 0.000 0.347 0.357 ENGINE [RlWG PfR$0NNtt 0 0 0, 0 0 009 0.000 0.MA Qu_9o0 TOTAt 15 0 1 16 5.684 0.212 0.483 6.379

  !L!M!d!!O            __

0.004 0.000 0.247 KAINifkANCE PERSONNtt 0 0 0 0 0.243 CPER ATIONS PER$C*NEL 19 0 0 19 4.506 0.018 0.000 4.524 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 0 0 1 1 0.142 0.000 0.221 0.363

  $UPERVISORY PERSONNEL                        0              0                                    0                                             0      0.003       0.000        0.000         0.003
  'WGINEERlWS PERSONNCL                        {              g                                    g
  • 0.433 0.000 0.436 0.869 TOTAL 21 0 3 24 5.327 0.022 0.657 6.006 10iAL BY J08 FUNCil0N
AINTENANCE Pf RSONNEL 63 51 36 150 48.666 64.286 26.985 139.937 OPERAil0N5 PERSONNEL 60 4 4 68 29.291 2.423 1.557 33.271 htALTH PHYSICS PER$oNNEL 34 0 23 57 20.220 0.076 12.875 33.171 5UPERVISORT PfRSONNEL 11 3 1 15 3.779 3.381 0.347 7.507 EkCINEERING PERSONNEL 7 0 3 10 3.045 0.000 0.641 3.686 GRAND TOTALS 175 58 67 300 105.001 70.166 42.405 217.572
  • Workers raay tw costited in more than one category.


APPENDIX D (Continued) I NUMBER OF PERSONNEL AND P RSON-REM l BY WORK AND JOB FUNC~10N 1990 PLANit *BR AIDWrXD 1,2 TYPE: PWR WORK AND NUMBER OF PERSOCNEL D100 MEM) TOTAL PIRSON REN JOB FUNCil0N stall 0N UilLlif CONTRA (,1 10TAL SIATION UilLlif CONTRACT TOTAL plACTOR OPS & SURV MAINTEhANC1 PER!iONNEL 9 7 2 18 1.532 0.052 0.232 1.616 OPERAll0NS PERSONML 83 0 61 144 5.074 0.000 0.607 5.681 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 3 0 0 3 1.224 0.000 0.004 1.228 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 16 0 0 14 0.497 0.000 0.000 0.497 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL gg 2 0 g4 0.818 gu005 gg 0.830 TOTAL 131 9 63 203 9.145 0.057 0.850 10.052 R_0Vy W LMA RTINANCE -.__ MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 119 20 607 746 20.965 0.148 58.182 79.295 OPERAi!ONS PERSONNEL 136 0 81 217 8.299 0.000 0.805 9.104 HE ALTH PHYSICS PERSOLNEL 30 0 83 113 10.668 0.000 11.286 21.954

     $UPERVISORY PERSONNEL                       1 73               27          106        306       6.205                 0.058          17.215        23.478 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL                        91               165            19       })J       L42                    0.476           M40           7.663 TOTAL                                   549               212          936       1697      49.576                  0.682         91.236       141.494 IN 5ERvlCE INSPECilON MAINi[ NANCE PERSONNEL                         0                 0           77         77      0.019                  0.000           7.370         7.389 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL                           0                0             0         0      0.005                  0.000           0.006         0.011 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL                       0                0              1         1     0.007                   0.000          0.066         0.093 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL                          0                0             0          0     0.005                   0.000          0.009         0.014 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL                          8                0              g         8      O g9_4 a                      0,302          0,004         0.300 TOTAL                                      8                8 78        86       0.330                   0.002         7.475         7.807 SP[C} Al MAINTENANCL MAINitNANCE H RSONNtt                        13                 0            37        50       2.318                   0.000         3.506         5.824 OPERATIONS PELSONNEL                         16                 0              2       18       0.999                   0.000         0.022          1.021 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL                        1               0              4         5      0.361                   0.000         0.543         0.904
      $UPERVISORY PEREONNEL                        19                18              0       37       0.678                   0.037         0.000         0.715 ENGINEERlhd PERSONNEL                          1                5              0         6      0.030                    0.013         0.000        0.043 TOTAL                                    50                23            43       116       4.386                    0.050        4.071          8.507 VASTE PROCESSING
      ~ MAElkNCE PERSONNEL M                                              0                 0              1         1     0.035                    0.000         0.110         0.143        _

OPERA 110NS PERSONNEL 12 0 157 169 0.705 0.000 1.562 2.267 HEALTH PHYSICS PEPSONNEL 3 0 0 3 1.048 0.000 0.035 1.083 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 17 0 0 17 0.599 0.000 0.000 0.599 ENG! PEERING PERSONNEL g 0 0, 0, D a 006 0.000 0.017 0.023 TOTAL 32 0 158 190 2.h91 0.000 1.724 4.115 , Pt f 0E L I N#) MAlk(LNANCE PERSONNEL 46 0 27 73 8.139 0.000 2.540 10.679 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 2' O O 24 1.434 0.000 0.000 1.434 '3 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 3 0 3 6 0.979 0.000 0.366 1.345 SUPERVISORT PERSONNEL $3 0 2 55 1.903 0.000 0.312 2.215 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL } 10 0 if 0.209 0.028 0.000 0.237 total 131 10 32 17, 12.664 0.028 3.218 15.910 TOT AL SY JO6 FUNCTION

     - MAINIENANCE PERSONNEL                      187                 27          751       965      33.006                       0.200     71.940      105.146 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL                       271                   0         301       572      16.516                        0.000      3.002       19.518 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSokNEL                     40                  0           91       131     14.287                        0.000    12.32J        26.607
       $UPERVISORY PERSONNEL                      276                 45          108       429        9.887                       0.095    17.536        27.518 ENGINEERING PfRSONNEL                       127              182             59      368        4.776                       0.524      3.776         9.096 CRAND TOTALS                           901               2$4         1310       2465      78.492                         0.819  108.374       187.885
  • Workers may be counted in more than one category.

1 D-5 l




  • UllLliY CC*1RACT TOTAL STATION UllLITY CONTD CT 101AL REACTOR OPS & SURV MAINilNANCE PERSONNEL /11 9 6 726 9.427 0.135 0.041 9.603 GPERATIONS PERSONNEL 24 4 1 29 2.685 0.008 0.005 2.698 HE ALTH PHYSICS PERSONNLL 96 11 0 107 37.927 0.067 0.000 37.994

$UPERVISORY PERSONNEL 21 0 2 23 0.250 0.000 0.023 0.2 73 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL 77 9 58 144 3.108 0.039 1.795 4.942 TOTAL 929 33 67 1029 53.397 0.249 1.864 55.510 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE PER$oNNEL 1317 10 44 1371 854.334 2.881 20.213 877.428 CPERA110NS PERSONNEL 23 1 1 25 0.556 0.000 0.097 te.633 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL. 115 4 1 120 9.000 0.000 0.087 9.087 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEt 34 0 4 38 5.964 0.000 0.556 6.520 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL 12 101 229 16.712 1.602 33.062 51.376 116 TOTAL 1605 27 151 1783 886.566 4.4a3 54.015 945.064 IN SERylCE laSPECilow MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 17 0 0 17 0.601 0.000 0.000 0.601 OPERAileNS PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 HEALTH PHYSIES PERSONkEL 22 0 0 22 0.069 0,000 0.000 0.069

$UPE htSORY PERSONNEL                    0               0              0                     0                                           0.000            0.000              0.000             0.000 ENGINEEPING PERSONNEL                     3              2              0                     5,                                          0.132            0.055              0.000             0.187 TOTAL                               42                2             0                    44                                            0.802           0.055              0.000             0.857 SPtCIAL MAINTEkANCE MAINTENANCE PERSONNE L                866                 2           12                  880                                    126.569                    0.074             0.288          126.931 CPERA110NS PERSONNEL                      2               0             0                     2                                            0.025            0.000              0.000            0.025 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNil               77                1              0                   78                                             1.313           0.015              0.000             1.328
 $UPERVISORY PERS0kNEL                  27                0              1                   28                                              1.614          0.000              0.030             1.644 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL                  69                8           55                  132                                               3.027           0.219              3.241             6.487 101AL                            1041               11            68                1120                                      132.548                   0.308               3.559        136.415 WASTE PROCESSING MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL                     0              0              0                     0                                             0.000          0.000               0.000            0.000 CPERA110NS PERSONNEL                      0               0             0                     0                                             0.000          0.000               0.000            0.000 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL                  5               0             0                     5                                             0.088          0.000               0.000            0.088 SUPERVISORY PERSONkEL                     0               0             0                     0                                             0.000          0.000               0.000            0.000 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL                     8               0              0                    8                                              0.463          0.000               0.000           0.463 total                               13                0              0                   13                                              0.551          0.000               0.000           0.551 REFUEllNG MAINTENANCE PERSONNCL                  29                0              0                   29                                               0.214         0.000                0.000          0.214 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL                      7              0              0                      7                                             0.279         0.000                0.000           0.279 HLALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL                16                0             0                   16                                                0.202        0.000                0.000           0.202
  $UPERVISORY PERSCNNEL                     0               0             0                      0                                              C.000        0.000                0.000           0.000 ENGlhEERING PERSONNEL                     3               0             0                      3                                              0.003        0.000                0.000           0.003 TOT Al.                              55                0             6                   55                                                 0.698       0.000                 0.000          0.698 TOTAL BY JOB FUNCil0N MAINTENANCE FERSONNEL                2940               21             62               3023                                        991.145                 3.090            20.542 1014.777 CPERATIONs PERSONNEL                    56                5              2                   63                                                3.545        0.008                 0.102         3.655 HEALTH PHYSICS MRSONNEL              331               16               1                 348                                             *8.599
                                                                                                                                              .               0.082                 0.087        48.768 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL                  82                0              7                   89                                                 7.828       0.000                 0.609         8.437 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL                276               31          214                    521                                             23.445           1.915             38.098           63.458 CRAkD TOTALS                     3685                73          286                4044                                     1074.562                   5.095             59.438        1139.095
  • Workers may be counted in more the one category.


AFPENDIX D (Continued) NUMBER BY WORK OF PERSONNEL AND P;10N150N REM AND JOB FUNC' 1990 PLANT: *BkUNSWICK 1,2 TYPE: BWR WORK AMD trJMBER of PERSONNEL (>100 s*EN) TOTAL PERSON REM J0G FUNCil0N stall 0N UTILITY CONTRACT TOTAL STAflok UTILlif CONIRACT 101AL RJACTOR OPS & SURV ._ MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 3 0 7 10 1.800 0.170 2.152 4.122 OPERAfl0NS PERSONNEL 89 0 39 128 58.277 0.000 19.632 77.909 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 65 1 79 145 40.484 0.160 37.963 78.607 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 18 0 0 18 6.436 0.015 0.125 6.576 ENGlWEERING PERSONNEL 0 1 5 6 0.975 0.150 1.806 2.931 10TAL 175 2 130 307 107.972 0.495 6i.678 170.145 ROUT lNE MAINTENANCE MAINithANCE PERSONNEL 205 63 410 678 163.994 37.422 230.912 432.328 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 0 0 17 17 1.064 0.005 10.062 11.131 NEALTH PHYSICS FERSONNEL 25 1 15 41 10.890 0.529 5.283 16.702 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 16 1 11 28 6.121 0.550 4.133 10.804 ENGlkEERING PERSONNEL 58 6 118 18? 21.104 3.511 67.54! 92.160 TOTAL 304 71 5 71 946 203.173 42.017 317.935 563.125 IN SERVICE !NSPECil0N NAINTENANCE P!RSm WEL 4 9 12 25 1.702 3.215 4.850 9.767 OPER Afl0NS PERSL.NEL 1 0 0 1 0.127 0.000 0.005 0.132 HEALTH PHYSICS PER$0NNEL 1 0 1 2 0.209 0.000 0.ks5 0.414 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 2 0 1 3 0.590 0.000 1.041 1.631 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL 5 2 38 45 2.422 0.559 28.478 31.459 TOTAL 13 11 52 76 5.050 3.774 34.579 43.403 1Pf CI A( NAJEE_N ANCE MAINfENANCE PERSONNEL 55 3i 542 629 17.348 12.918 645.292 675.558 OPERAfl0NS PERSONNEL 0 0 11 11 0.085 0.000 3.980 4.065 NEALTH PHYSitt PERSONNEL 13 0 33 46 6.192 0.040 27.208 33.440 SUPERVISORY FcRSONNEL 3 1 33 37 0.951 0.185 27.729 28,865 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL 21 4 171 106 7.303 0.839 125 730 133.872 TOTAL 92 37 790 919 31.879 13.982 829.939 875.800 WA3ff PROCFSSING MAINTENANCE PERSONNLL 15 0 13 28 8.166 0.425 5.087 13.678 _ OPERAll0NS PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.015 0.000 0.080 0.095 HEALTH PHYSICS PER$0NNEt 6 0 4 10 1.610 0.000 0.930 2.540 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.054 0.000 0.010 0.064 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL Q 0 0 g 0.120 0.010 0.140 0.270 TOTAL 21 0 17 38 9.965 0.435 6.247 16.647 REFUEllWG MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 20 0 72 92 17.058 0.080 29.034 46.172 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 0 0 1 1 0.410 0.000 0.215 0.625 HFALTH PHitlCS PERSONNEL 0 0 1 1 0.215 0.000 0.330 0.545 SUPERVISo#T PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.450 0.000 0.055 0.505 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL 0 0 25 25 0.520 0.025 9.889 10.434 TOTAL 20 0 99 119 18.653 0.105 39.523 58.281 TOTAL BY JOB FUNCil0N MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 302 10- 1056 1462 210.068 54.230 917.327 1181.625 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 90 0 68 158 59.978 0.005 33.974 93.957 HEA6TH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 110 2 133 245 59.600 0.729 71.919 132.248 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 39 2 45 86 14.60? 0.750 33.093 48.445 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL 84 13 357 454 32.444 5.094 233.588 271.126 GRAND TOTALS 625 121 1659 2405 376.692 60.808 1289.901 1727.401

  • Workers may be counted in more than one category.


APPENDIX D (Continued) A10 NUMBEROFgRS0gNgBFUN{~10N-150N-REM BY WO AN 1990 PLANT: *8YRON 1,2 . TYPE: PWR Wokt AND NUNDER OF PERSONhEt E>100 @EN) TOTAL P Q )ON REN JOB FUNCIl0N , stall 0N Uilltif CONTRACT TOTAL stall 0N Uf!LITT CONTRACT  : TOTAL DEACTOR OPS & SURV MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 2 1 2 5 0.051 0.009 0.302 0.362 fM call 0NS PER$0kNEt 90 0 221 311 14.345 0.000 0.346 14.691 HE0LTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 27 0 34 61 12.102 0.000 6.486 18.588 SUPERVISORT PERS0kNEL 44 12 0 56 2.282 0.013 0.000 . 2.295 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL M 1{ } Q 1.910 0.0 73 0.248 'LU1 TOTAL 189 25 262 476 30.690 0.095 7.382 38.167 ROUTINE MAINT{ NANCE EAIETENANCE PERii5EEE 136 19 659 814 .66.557 0.266 130.420 197.243 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 62 0 1 63 9.671 0.000 0.002' 9.673-NEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 20 0 97 117 8.926 0.000 18.576 27.502 SUPERVl50Rf PERSONNEL 250 72 66 388 12.983 0.075 1.712 14.770 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL 18 97 49 164 1.319 0 83 J 2.316 4,216 TOTAL 486 188 872 ifE 99.456 0.924 153.026 253.406 IN SERVICE INSPfCTION MAldiENAkCE PERSONNEL 1 0 188 189 0.203 0.000 24.284 24.487 OPERAil0NS PER$0NNEL 1 0 0 1 0.113 0.000 0.000 . 0.113 i HEAlfH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 1 0 1 2 0.465 0.000 0.018 0.453 1 SUPERV1SORY PERS0kNEL 33 10 1 44 1,747 0.010- .0.082 1.839' ENGINEERING PERSONNEL 2' 8 16 45 1 328 0.052 2M 0 2.347 TOTAL 57 18 206 281 4.056 0.062 25.151 29.269 SPECIAL MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 19 2 276 297 9.351 0.026 54.068 63.445 l OPERAi!ONS PERSONNEL 12 0 0 - 12 1.929 0.000- 0.000 1.929 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 6 0 1 7 2.435 0.000 0.037 -2.472 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 65 0 54 ^119 3.392 0.000 1.072 4.464-ENGINEERlWG PEPSONNEL LO 10 15 45 0.708 0.120 0.771 1.599 Toth 112 22 346 480 17.815 0.146 55.948 73.909 q (fASTE PRO ({1SJNG MAINIENANCE PERSONNEL 3 0 176 179 0.231 0.000 22.604 22.835 l OPERAll0NS PERSONNEL 4 0 82 86 1.243 0.000 0.131 1.374 i ' HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 2 0 0 2 0.191 0.000 0.000- 0.191 SUPfRVISORY PERSONNEL 3 0 2 5 0.149 0.000 0.010 0.159 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL 1 48 1 52 0.166 0.290- 0.098 OJ4 TOTAL 14 _48 262 32N 1.980 0.290 22.843 25.113- i REFUE' LING , MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 13 0 5 38 6.508 0.000 0.929 7.437 OPERAll)NS PERSONNEL 12 0 0 12 1.934 0.000 0.000 1.934

     -HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL                   1                 0               2                 3    0.298      0.000         0.010           0.308 SUPERV!SORY PERSONNEL                   41                  0               2               43     2.106      0.000         0.098           2.204-
     'EcGINEERING PERSONNEL                     9                41                 1              51     0.671      JM 0             _0J6]           0.966 TOTAL                              76                41             10                127    11.517      0.248          1.104        12.869 INTAL B1 Joe FUNCitCN MAldTENANCE PERSONNEL                  174                22          1306               1502     82.901      0.301      232.607        315.809 :

OPERAil0NS PERSONNEL 181 0 304 485 29.235 0.000 0.479 29.714 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 57 0 135 192 24.417 0.000 25.127 49h'4 l SUPERV!SORY PERSONNEL 436 94 125 655 22.659 0.u98 2.974 25.731 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL 86 226 88 400- 6.302 1.366 4.267 11.935

          ' GRAND IOTALS                      934              342           1958               3234    165.514       1.765     265.454        432.733
        *Workt's may be counted in more than one category.

D-8 o

 ,              -- - ..                  -     ~.               -     .                              . - .         - .            . -- -                                .         . - - .

APPENDIX D (Continued) NUMBER OF PERSONNEL AND P RS N-REM BY WORK AND JOB FUNC' 10 1990 PLANY:' 'CALLAWAY 1 TYPE: PWR WCK AkD NUMBER OF PERSONNEL (>100 n#EM) TOT AL PfitSON REM J00 IUNCTION STATION Uilliff CONTRACT TOTAL 11 All0N UllLITY CONTRACT TOTAL i REACTOR OPS & SueV MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 5 0 43 48 1.741 0.000 10.189 11.930-- DERATIONS PERSONNEL 60 0 5 65 17.900 0.044 1.125 19.069 HEALIN PHYSICS PERSONNEL 24 0 27 51 5.705 0.000 9.625 15.330 SUPERVISORY PERSONWEL 3 0 4 2.321 1 0.140 0.000 2.461 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL 0 g 0,000 9 9 g,482 0.326 QR TOTAL 92 1 75 164 28.149 0.184 21.265 49.598. ROUTINE MAINTENANCE MA WTENANCE PERSONNEL 98 0 216 314 33.771 0.000 99.948 i 133.719 OEdATIONS PERSONNEL 21 0 2 23 8.105 0.202 0.848 9.155 HEALIN PHYSICS PERSONNEi 7 0 3 10 1.560 0.000 0.827 2.387 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 9 2 0 11 2.450 0.584 0.000 3.034 EdGINEERING PERSONNEL TOTAL 10 145 0 } 1] 2.553 0.022 1.113 3 688 2 224 371 48.439 0.808 102.736 151.983 10 SERVICE INSPECfl0N CAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 3 0 59 62 0.742 0.000 25.523 26.265 OESAil0NS PERSONNEL 8 0 4 12 3.498- 0.000 1.342 4.840 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 3 0 12 15 1.041 0.000 4.701 5.742 SUPERVISORY PER$0NNEL 4 0 0 4 1.660 0.032 0.000 1.692 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL TOTAL 21 3 0 0 34 109 37 QR 0.000 21.557 22.30E 130 7.782 0.032 33.123 60,937-SPECIAL MAINTENANCE MalWIENANCE PERSONNEL 7 0 119 126 2.060 0.000 59.497 61.557 OERAil0NS PERSONNEL 13 0 14 5.590 0.000 1 0.160 5.750 NEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 0 0 4 4 0.000 0.000 1.760 1.760 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 0 3 0 3 0.046 2.332 0.000 2.378 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL 2 1 56 59 1.394 0.588 T H A*., 61.528 63.510 22 4 180 206 9.090 2.920 122.945 134.955 WASTE PROCES$ LNG MAINTENANW PERSONNEf 0 0 0 0 0.060 0.000 0.188 0.248 DERA110NS PERSONNEL 17 0 2 19 4.891 0.000 0.493 5.384 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.498 0.000 0.229 0.727 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 0 0 1 1 0.249 0.000 0.000 0.249 EDGINEERING PERSONNEL 0 g TOTAL 18 0 9 0 0 03 2 0.000 0.157 0.186 2 20 5. 72 7 0.000 1.067 6.794 ( E!!LUU1WG l MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 13 0 50 63 3.199 0.000 25.629 28.828 DERAfl0NS PERSONNEL 3 0 0 3 2.399 0.000 0.207 2.606 IIECLTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 0 0 12 12 0.133 0.000 3.424 3.557 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 0 0 1 1 0.513- 0.000 0.000 0.513 l ECGINEERING PERSONNEL ' } g 2 5 0.957 0.000 1.268 2.225 TOTAL 20 0 64 C4 7.201 0.000 30.528 37.729 l l TOTAt FY Joe FUNCTION l MoldTENANCE PERSONNEL 126 (108) 0 (0) 487 (314) 613 (422) 41.573 0.000 220.974 262.547 DERAfl0NS PERSONNEL 1?2 (113) 0 (0) 14 (11) 136 (124) 42.383 0.246 4.175 46.804 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 34 (26) 0 (0) 58 (50) 92 (76) 8.937 0.000 20.566- 29.503 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 18 (19) 6 (4) 0 -7.239 (0) 24 (23) 3.088 0.000 10.327 ' EOGINEERING PERSONNEL 18 (19) 1 (1) 95 (95) 114 (115) 6.256 0.610 85.949 92.815 cmAND T0fALS 318 (285) 7 (5) 654 (470) 979 (760) 106.388 3.944 33t.664 441.996 l CWorkers may be coulted in more than one .:stegory. Nmbers in perentheses are total rubers of Indivichaals. 0-9

APPENDIX D (Continued) Y WOM#N8WNR#" 1990 PLAMit *CALVERT CLIFF S 1,2 TYPE PWR WORE AND NLMBf t OF PERSONNEL (*100 nefM) TOT AL PERSON REN JOB Fl>NCTION SIA11DN UllLi1Y CONIPACI 101AL SIAll0N UI!Li1Y CONTRACT 101AL R1ACJOR OP,L),,WRV fW hiENANCE PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0  ; 000 0.000 0.000 0.000 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 21 0 0 21 2.966 0.000 0.000 2.966 HEALiM PHYS 1CS PERSONNEL 4 0 30 34 0.717 0.000 6.163 6.880 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 1 0 0 1 0.144 0.000 0.000 0.144 ENGINEf tthG PERSONNEL 9 9 0 0 gu000 0.000 0.000 0.000 10TAL 26 0 30 56 3.827 0.000 6.163 9.990

                                  . MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL                     5                                     0              16                21                  1.227               0.000                        2.616        3.843 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL                      0                                     0                1                 1                0.000                0.000                        0.201         0.201 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL                  0                                     0                0                 0                0.000                0.000                        0.000         0.000 SUPERV1SORY PERSONNEL                     0                                     0                1                 1                0.000                0.000                        0.108         0.108 ENGINEERING Pf RSONNEL                    g                                     g                g                 9                QJ09                 0.000                        OA09         Qtgg          o 101AL                                 5                                     0              18                23                  1.227               0.000                        2.925        4.152            l 1

lt.ERVICf . ! NSPE Cil0N 5.539 12.248-- MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 6 15 19 40 0.793 5.916 OPERAfl0NS PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000- 0.000 MEALTh PHYSICS PERSONNEL 1 0 7 8 0.118 0.000 1.416 1.534

                                     $UPERVl!ORY PERSONNEL                    0                                     1                 1                2                 0.000               0.446                        0.114-        0.560 ENGINtf RING PERSONNEL                    g                                     9                9                 [                 0,684               0.000                        0 099
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          .             0.684 total                                 9                                    16              27                52-                 1.595               6.362                        7.069       15.026 SPfCI4 MAINTENANCE..

MAINilNANCE PERSONNEL 80 37 257 354 28.036 13.236 99.475 140.747 OPERAfl0NS PERSONNEL 11 0 3 14 2.528 0.000 0.489 3.017 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 12 0 60 72 3.890 0.000 14.384 18.274 SUPERVISORY PERSONkEL 1 0 19 20 0.112 0.000 6.555 6.667-ENGINEERING PERSONNEL 6 g 14 30 M 60, 9 099 L8J4, 1,974, 101AL' 110 37 333 450 35.826 13.236 124.717 173.779 WAsif PRocEsstNG MAlW1ENANCE PERSONNEL 2 0 7 9 0.340 0.000 -1.135 1.475 0' ERAT 10N$ PERSONNEL 0 0 1 1 0.000 0.000 0.116 0.116 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 15 0 30 45 3.557- 0.000 6.617 10.174 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 1 0 0 1 0.155 0.000 0.000 0.155 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL g g 9 0 0,000 0.000 0.000 g2999 infAL 18 0 38 56 4.052 0.000 . 7.868 11.920 REf un t NG k.lutENANCE PERSONNEL 17 6 12 3$ 9.769 2.C33 3.519 15.321 OPERAfl0NS PERSONNEL 0. 0 0 0 0.000- 0.000 0.04 0.000-HEAllH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 9 0 49 58 2.387 0.000 11.367 13.754 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 2 0 0 2 1.331 0.000 0.000 1.331 - ENGIN'.ERikG PERSONNEL g 9 9 9 0.000 0.000 g00g 0.000 total 28 6 61 95 13.437 2.033 14.886 30.406 TOTAL BY JOB FUNCfl0N MA!NIENANCE PERSONNEt 110 (108) 58 (51) 291 (262) 459 (421) 40.165 21.185 112.284 173.634 OPERA 110NS PERSONNEL 32 (35) 0 (0) 5 (8) 37 (43) 5.494 0.000 0.806 '6.300 HEALTH PMYSICS PERSONNEL 41 (31) 0 (0) 176 (128) 217 (159) 10.669 0.000 39.?47 50.616 , SUPERVISORY FEESONNEL 5 (5) 1 (1) 21 (22) 27 (28) 1.742 - 0.446 6.777 8.%5 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL 8 (10) 0 (0) 14 (17) 22 (27) 1.944 0.000 3.816 5.758 GRAkD TOTA!S Iv6 (18?) 59 (52) 507 (437) 762 (678) 60.014 21.631 163.628 245.273

                                      *Uorkers may be counted in sure than one category. Nwt>ers in parentheses are total rubers of individuals.


APPENDIX 0 (Continued) l NUMBEROFPERSONN{0BFUNC10Nl BY WORK AND u AND PJRSON-REM 1990 PLANT: 'CATAWA 1,2 TYPE: PVR WCtK AND WOMBER OF PEPSONNEL (1100 nSEN) Y0TAL PERSON REN JC3 FUNCTION stall 0N U1tLiff COW 1kACT 10TAL stall 0N UllLl1Y COWIRACT TOTAL REACTOR OPS & SURV MAINTENANCE P'ERSONNEL 245 449 254 948 4.600 3.906 2.615 11.121 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 66 1 39 106 20.850 0.000 1.385 22.235 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 46 2 139 187 10.560 0.000 15.654 26.214 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 0 0 4 4 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ENGlWEERlWG PERSONNEL 97 19 13 129 6.910 0.015 0.245 7.170 TOTAL 454 471 449 1374 42.920 3.921 19.899 66 740 POUTINE MAINTENANS L __ MAINTENANCE PERSOM:EL 246 436 210 892 104.278 161.832 83. 7 3 349.E83 OPERATIONS PER50NNEL 62 1 46 109 1.425 0.200 29.215 30.840 NEALTH PHYSICS PERSONWEL 47 1 137 185 12.030 0.150 34.293 46.473 EUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 EtGINEERING PERSONNEL 89 15 4 108 17.195 1.160 3.530 21.885 TOTAL 444 453 397 129= 134.928 163.342 150.311 449.081 IN SEmVICE INSPtCTION MAlW1ENANCE PERSONNEL 80 209 82 371 4.530 42.227 20.445 67.202 OPERAfl0NS PERSONNEL $6 0 23 79 8.967 0.000 2.545 11.512 HEALTN PHYSICS PERSONNEL 16 0 69 85 1.645 0.000 15.965 17.610 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ENGINEERING PER$0hWEL 65 15 16 96 20.830 15.110 7.675 43.615 TOTAL 217 224 190 631 35.972 57.337 46.630 139.939 SPJQlAl MAfNTEWANC L MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 207 400 145 752 19.460 123.412 91.930 234.802 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 24 1 27 52 0.465 0.010 1.870 2.345 NEALTH PHYSICS PERS0WNEL 36 0 105 141 3.505 0.000 20.876 24.381 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ENGINEERlWG PERSONNEL 53 6 4 63 5.115 0.265 0.040 5.410 TOTAL 320 407 281 1008 28.535 li3.687 *14.716 266.938 WASTF PROCES$1NG MAlWTENANCE PERSONNEL 14 37 3 54 0.010 0.070 0.000 0.080 - OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 2 1 42 45 0.000 0.000 2.135 2.135 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 26 0 21 47 1.005 0.000 0.630 1.635

  $UPERVISORY PERSONNEL                         0             0             0             0           0.000       0.000                         0.000         0.000 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL                       19              0             0           19            0.725       0,000                         0.000         0.725 TOTAL                                  61            38            66           165            1.740       0.070                         2.765        .4.575 REFUFLING MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL                       37            37             11           85            2.155        0.065                        0.170          2.390 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL                          8              0            3            11           0.280        0.000                        0.140          0.420 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSCMNEL                     9              0           26            35           0.025        0.000                        0.080          0.105 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL                         0             0             0             0          0.000        0.000                        0.000          0.000 ENGINEERlWG PERSONNEL                       17              1             1           19           0.040        0.000                        0.000          0.040 TOTAL                                   71           38             41          150            2.500        0.065                        0.390          2.955 T0YA( Bf J06 FUNCTION MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL                     829 (247) 1568 (456) 705 (265) 3102 (971)             135.b33      331.512                      198.933       665.478 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL                      218    (66)       4   (1) 180 (47) 402 (114)           31.987         0.210                       37.290        69.487 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL                  180 (47)          3   (1) 497 (138) 680 (186)           28.770        0.150                       87.498      116.418 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL                         0   (0)       0   (0)       4  (0)        4 (0)       0.000       0.000                         0.000         0.000 ENGINEERlWG PERS0kWEL                     340 (97) 56          (19)     38 (18) 434 (134)         50.805       16.550                       11.490         78.845 GRAND TOTALS                         1567 (457) 1631 (477) 1424 (471) 4622(1405)            246.595      346.422 335.211                            930.228
  • Workers say be counted in more than one category. Nmbers in parentheses are total rubers of individuals.


 - - -             _ . - - - - - - - .                 -    = . .    . . - - - -                   -        .         .        .                 --


        - MAINTENANCE PERSONNII                     94            0            422         516        27.503     0.000    235.h52       262.855 OPERAil0NS PfRSONNEL                      34            0               31         65       13.031      0.000    12.026        25.057 KE ALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL                 40            0                81      121        19.275      0.000    42.4*2        61.727 SUPERVISORY PEPSONNEL                     13            0               38         51        3.487      0.000      9.196       12.683 ENGlkEERING PERSONNEL                       }           0                57        60        0.919      0 00_g 0.000
                                                                                                                           },1,,J0g 330.226
                                                                                                                                         ]2.119 394.441 TOTAL                               184            0            629         813        64.215 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE                                                                                                                         l
       . FAINTENANCE PERSONNEL                      10            0                31        41        5.042      0.000    10,622         15.664     j OPERATIONS PERSONNEL                        2           0                  0         2       0.687      0.000      0.028       :0.715 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL                   0           0                  1          1      0.470      0.000      0.899         1.369 SUPERV1SORf PERSONNEL                      0           0                  0         0       0.0 72     0.000      0.060         0.132    -

ENGINEERING PERSONNEL g g Z 2 0.104 0.000 0.489 0.593 l TOTAL 12 0 34 46 6.3 75 0.000 12.098 18.473 IN SERVICE INSPECil0N

        -MAINTENANCE PERSONMEL                         1          0                  8          9      0.241      0.000      3.757         3.996 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL                       0           0                  1          1      0.039      0.000-     0.267         0.306 HEALTN PHYSICS PERSONNEL                    3          0                  0          3       0.748     J 000      0.34 6         1.094 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL                      0           0                  0          0      0.000      0.000      0.125         0.125 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL                      p           g                  8          8       E O         0.000 -     1.750         1.832 7.355 total                                   4          0                 17        21        1.110     0.000      6.245
           $PECIAL NAlkiENANCE MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL                     72           0             160        232        26.292      0.055     61.686        88.033 OPERAi!ONS PERSONNEL                        9          0                  4        13        2.235     0.000      0.886         3.121 HEALTM PHYSICS PERSONNEL                  23           0                 24        47        7.406     0.000       7.832       15.238 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL                       0          0                  1           1      0.184     0.000      0.506          0.690 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL                       }           O                 1          4       1,132     0.000       0.303         1.435 total                               107             0            190         297       37.249      0.055     71.21J     . 103.517 WASTE PROCESSING

MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 0 0 2 2 0.561 0.000 - 1.823 2.484 OPERAil0NS PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.189 0.000 0.000 0.189 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSOHWEL 2 0 0 2 0.587 0.000 0.046 0.633 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.017- 0.000 0.000 0.017 - EWCIMERING PERSONNEL p 9 1 1 0.000 0.000 0.350 0.350 TOTAL 2 0 3 5 1.454 0.000 2.219 3.673

         --REFUELING MAINIENANCE PEWSONNEL                       0           0                 3           3      0.702      0.000      2.420         3.122 OPERA 110NS PERSONNEL                        0          0                  0          0      0.119      0.000      J 029         0.148 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL                    0          0                  0          0      0.058      0.000      0.167         0.225 -
  • SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.094- 0.000 0.143 0.237 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL 9 9 9 9 0.022 0.000 0.270 0.292 TOTAL 0 0 3 3 0.991 0.000 3.029 4.024 TOT AL BY JOB NNCTION HAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 177 0 626 803 60.441- -0.055 315.660 376.156
          - OPERAil0NS PERSONNEL                     45            0                36         81      16.300-     0.000     13.236        29.536-HEALTH PNYSICS PER$0NNEL                 68            0               .06       1 74      28.544      0.000    $1.742        80.286
             $UPERVISORY PERSONNEL                    13           0                39         52       3.854      0.000     10.030        13.884 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL                        6         0                69         75        2.259     0.000    34.362        36.621 GRAND TOTALS                        309            0              876      1185       111.398      0.055   425.030       536.483
  • Workers may be couited in mere than one category.

0-12 M rv

  • APPENDIX D (Continued)


  • Coor. 1,2 TYPE: PWR-V M AND hUMBE R OF PE R 50NN{L_p 10Le&f u) TOTAL PfRSON RIN, Joe FUNC110N 51Afl0N utit:1Y ContRACI 101AL stAtt0N UTILiff CONTRACT TOTAL

$F,AliOR OPS & SURV MAINithANCE PERsokhtt 9 1 56 66 1.169 0.098 9.833 11.100 OPtCATIONS PikschNtt 67 1 14 82 13.600 0.401 3.42 17.469 HEALTH PHYSICS PIR50NNEL 22 0 93 115 5.182 0.000 36.847 42.029 $UPLRVISORY PER$0NNEL 1 0 0 1 0.167 0.000 0.000 0.167 teGINEtalhG PERSONNEL  ? 0 1 g 2,068 !LQgQ ggs [d51 TOTAL 106 2 164 272 22.186 0.499 50.234 72.919 RruTINE NAlWTINANCE __ MA)WIEhANC[ PER$0NNEL 83 1 362 446 24.680 0.346 142.976 168.002 OPER Arlows PERSt*kEL 10 2 20 32 2.380 0.596 7.820 10.796 HEALTH PHY$1C$ PER$r*WE L 9 0 34 43 1.405 0.000 8.427 9.532 SUPERVISORY PERSOW4EL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ENGihttRING PER$0hNil 5 0 2  ? OA 0.000 QJ) lJf4, TOTAL 107 3 418 528 29.401 0.942 159.531 189.874 19 StevlCLIN}PICfLON MAlWlENANct PERs0NNEL 9 0 146 155 1.164 0.000 51.425 52.589-OPERATIONS Pits 0NNEL 3 1 12 16 0.544 0.117 5.440 6.101 kEAlfH PHYSICS PERSONNtl 1 0 8 9 0.226 0.000 2.253 2.479

$UPERvit0RY PERSONNEL                   0             0               0            0           0.000                              0.000      0.000         0.000 ENGlk[talhG PERSONNEL                   0             g               9            9           0.000                              0,000      CE            0;000 TotAt                             13               1           166          180            1.934                              0.117     59.118       61.169
$PICIAL NAINTFNANCE MAINithANCE PLASONhtL                   8             0            307          315            1.418                              0.000     90.081       91.499 OPERAll0NS PER$0hWEL                     2            0              12           14           0.720                              r , #0      2.313        3.041 HEALTH PHYSICS PER50hhtL                 2             0               4           6           0.242                              ( 000       0.453        0.695
$UPf RVl$0NY PLR50NhtL                   0             0               1            1          0.000                               0.000      0.097        0.097 ENGINf f RlWG PERSONNE L                 4             4               9          17           9d04,                                  6 Qu_35      1.545        2.784 TOTAL                            16               4           333          353            2.992                               0.635    94.489        98.116    -?

WASTE PkaCFssihG MAINTENANCE PLRSONNEL 0 0 73 73 0.000 0.000 20.635 20.635 i


OPERAi!Od5 PER50Nhtt 0 10 11 0.136 0.000 3.059 3.195 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNtt 4 0 16 20 0.427 0.000 3.856 4.283 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ENGINEERING PtRSONNEL 1 0 Q 1 0.194 0.000 0.000 0.194 TOTAL 6 0 99 105 0.757 0.000 27.550 28.307 Bif of't ING MAlkitkAkti PERSONNtt 7 0 50 57 0.852 0.000 9.668 10.520 OPERAil0NS PERSONNEL 7 0 57 64 2.M7 0.000 14.881 17.5M HEALTH PHV$1CS PERSON 4FL 2 0 23 25 0.212 C.000 5.269 5.481

 $UPERvis0RY PERSciNEL                     1            0               0            1          0.098                              0.000       0.000        0.098=

ENGlhtERlWG PERSONNEL 1 0 g } OJ 23 0.000 0.261 0.484 10TAL 18 0 132 150 4.072 0.000 30.079 34.151 TOTAL SY JOB FUNCTION MAINItNANCE PERSONNEL 116 (93) 2 (2) 994 (700) 1112 (795) 29.283 0.444 324.618 354.345 OPERA 110N$ P[RSONNEL 90 (81) 4 (3) 125 (105) 219 (189) 20.075 1.114 36.981 58.170 MtALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 40 (25) 0 (0) 1 78 (126) 218 (151) 7.694 0.000 57.105 64.799

 $UPtRv!SORY PERSONNEL                     2   (2)       0    (0)        1 (1)        3 0)      0.265                               0.000      0.097         0.362 ENGINEERING PERs0NNEL                  18   (17)       6    (4)     14 (13) 36 (34)           4.025                               0.635      2.200         6.860 GRAhD total $                   266 (218)        10     (9) 1312 (945) 1588(1172)        61 342                               2.193   421.001       484.536
  • Workers may be counted in more than one category. Nunteers in parentheses are total tubers of individuals.

1 D-13 l

APPENDIX D (Continued) Y W0btb8NN f 1990

    .,PJAff0R OPS & SURV MAINfENANCE PERSONNEL                      6           0           7            13            0.151    0.000       0.660           0.811 OPERAfl0NS PERSONNEL                    49             0           0            49           18.115    0.000       0.000         18.115
    . HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL                20             0          15            35            6.057   .0.000       0.464           6.541 SUPEpylSORY PERSONNEL                      3           0           2               5          0.163    0.000       0.422           0.585 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL                    18            4          13            Il            4.717    Q133        1.319           6.069.-

TOTAL 96 4 37 137 29.203 0.033 2.885 32.121 ROUTIFE MAINTENANC L MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 75 0 403 478 43.412 0.000 221.639 265.051 CPERATIONS PERSONW:L 4 0 0 4 0.051 0.000 0.000 0.051 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 20 0 30 50 13.504 0.000 12.325 25.829 j SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 5 0 1 6 0.459 0.000 0.001 0.460 'l E%GINEERikG PERSONNEL i 25 }l 6} 0.799 13,240 9.M5 13.794  ! TOTAL 110 25 466 601 58.225 13.240 243.720 315.185 l I IN SERVICE INSPECTION  !

    -MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL                       0           0          17             17           0.000    0.000       4.627           4.627.

OPERAll0NS PERSONNEL 1 0 0 1 0.054 0.000 0.000 0.054 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 SUPERVISORY PER$0NNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL 1 g 0 1 0.050 0.000 0.000 pg TOTAL 2 0 17 19 0.104 0.000 4.627 4.731 R E!AL MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 1 0 5 6 0.092 0.000 1.057 1.149 OPERAi!ONS PER$0NNEL 2 0 0 2 0.036 0.000- 0.000- 0.036 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 9 0 3 12 1.198 0.000 0.324 1.522 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000- 0.000 0.000 ENGINEERlWG PERSONNEL 4 g 2 6 0.328 -0.000 0,238 _ 0.566 - TOTAL 16 0 10 26 1.654 0.000 1.619 3.273 , WASTE PROCESSING MAINTENANCE PLR$0NNEL 5 0 0 5 0.042 0.000- 0.000 0.042 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 6 0 0 6 2.936 0.000 0.000- 2.936 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 12 0 4 16 2.223 0.000 0.197 2.420 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 EtGINEERING PERSONNEL 1 g g 1 0.115 0.000 0.000 0.115 ~ i- TOTAL 24 0 4 28 5.316- 0.000 0.197 5.513 l l REFurtihC MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 0 0 3 3' O.000 0.000 0.254 0.254 CPERATIONS PERSONNEL 30 0 0 30 1.083 0.000 0.000 1.083 , HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 1 0 0 1 0.055 0.000 0.000 0.055 [ SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ! ENGINEERING PERSONNEL 4 0 g 4 0.309 0.000 0.000 0.309 TOTAL 35 0 3 38 1.447 0.000 0.254 1.701 ! TOTAL BY .38 FUNCTION MAlzTENANCE PtRSONNEL 87 (75) 0 (0) 435 (420) 522 (495) 43.697 0.000 228.237 271.934 , OPERAil0NS PERSONNEL 92 (52) 0 (0) .0- (0) 92 (52) 22.275 0.000 0.000 22.275 L HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 62 -(25) 0 (0) 52 - (30) 114 (55) 23.037 0.000 13.330- 36.367 l -- SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 8 (6) (0)_ 3 (2) 11 (8) 0.622 0.000 0.423 1.045 EkGINEERING PERSONNEL' 34 (20) 0 . (25) 47 (37) 110 (82) 29 6.318 13.273- 11.312 30.903:

       -GRAND TOTALS                        283 (178)       29 (25) 537 (489) 849 (692)            95.949   13.273     253.302.       362.524-
  • Workers may be co uted in more than one category. Webers in parentheses are total rubers of individuals.

l D-14



SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 0 1 0 1 0.198 0.146 0.360 0.704 ENGINEERlWG PERSONNEL g 9 0 g 0,039 0.000 - 0.007 0.046 TOTAL 7 2 2 11 5.556 1.292 1.164 8.012 POUTINE MAINTENANC L MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 137 112 303 552 42.340 51.607 173.256 267.203 l

   -OPERATIONS PERSONNEL                    39              0         0           39      9.329            0.000       0.057           9.386 7:    HEALIN PHYSICS PERSONNEL               45              0       121          166     27.656            0.080 - 71.204           -98.940 SUPERVISONY PERSONNEL                   5              1        21           27      2. 734           0.626       6.652          10.012 l-
  ' ENGINEERING PERSONNEL                    1             1         3}           H       0.420            3.221     16,743          20.384-TOTAL                              227            118        478         823      82.479           55.534 267.912            405.925-IN SERVICE INSPECTION MAINIENANCE PERSONNEL                    0              1        17            18     0.291             1.659      6.242           8.192 CPERATIONS PERSONNEL                     2             0          0             2     1.619            0.000       0.000           1.619 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL                 0             0          0             0     0.059            0.000       0.354         -0.413 SUPERV1SORY PERSONNEL                    0              1         4             5     0.071            0.150       1.971         -2.192-ENGINEERING PERSONNEL                    p             p          6             6     0.000            0.075       3.057           M }{

TOTAL 2 2 27 31 2.040 1.884 _11.624 15.548 S S CIAL MAINTfNANCE MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 -0.000 0.000 CPERATIONS PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 HEALTN PHYSICS PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL r 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 EEGINEERING PERSONNEL p p 9 9 0.000 0.000- pagog 0.000 TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 WASTE PROCESSING MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 0 0 1 1 1.114 0.000 0.801 1.915 CPERAil0NS PERSGNNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 MEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 0 0 2 2 -1.550 -0.000 1.172 : 2,722 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.351 0.000 0.000- 0.351' l' EXGINEERING PERSONNEL g -g 9 Q 0.000 0.000 0 2 0_09 : o gu0_0 ! TOTAL 0 0 3 3 3.015 0.000 - 1.9 73 4.988 l l REFUELING i MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 3 3- 30 36 2.530 2.734 26.995 - - 32.259 CPERAil0NS PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.036 0.000 0.000 0.036 HEALTH PHYSICS PtRSONNEL 0 0 0- 0 0.221 0.000 1.991 2.212 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 0 0 3 3 ~ 0.071 0.145 1.115 -1.331= l E%GINEERING PERSONN h Q g 4 4 0,000 0.102 5.581 5.683 i TOTAL 3 3 37- 43 2.858 2.981 35.682 41.521 l TOTAL BY JC8 FUNCTION i MA!KTENANCE PERSONNEL 145 117 353 615 49.740 57.146 207.929 314.815 CPERATIONS Pees 0NNEL 41 0 0 41 10.993 0.000 0.057 11.050 HEALTH PHYSICS PEkSONNEL' 47- 0 123 '170 31.331 0.080 74.883 106.294

    $UPERVISORY PERSONNEL'                   5.            3         28           36      3.425            1.067    '10.098-         14.590 ENGIEEERING PERSONNEL -                  1             5         43'          49      0.459           -3.398     25.388          29.245-GRAND TOTALS                       239            125-       547         911      95.948           61.691   318.355         475.994
  • Workers may be counted in sore than one category.

D-15 i . .

APPENDIX D (Continued)- Y WOMHaWnN" 1990 PLANY: 'DAVil $fSSE TYPE: PnAt

        -WC2K AND                                  kUM3{R g PERSONNEL (>100 w#EM)                     TOTAL PERSON REN J06 FUNCTION                     STA110W      UllL11Y   CONTRACT       101AL    SIAil0N UllLlif CONTRACT                  TOTAL REACTOR OPS & SURV MAINIENANCE PERSONNEL                   8            0        134        142      0.096      0.000        0.609           0.705-
        -OPERATIONS PERSONNEL                     49            0          0           49   10.564      0.000        0.000'        10.564 65V*H PHYSICS PERSONNEL               39            0          6           45    1.515      0.000        0.036           1.551 5         'ORY PERSONNEL                2            0          2            4    0.009      0.000--      0.088.          0.097 alNG PERSONNEL               18            0         17           45    04J4 2          0.000        0.135           92E 5

A 126 0 159 285 12.618 0,000 0.868 13.486 m flNE MAJNTENANCE MAINTEhANCE PERSONNEL 83 0 332 415 3.031 0.000 17.984 21.015 CPERATIONS PERSONNEL 5 0 0 5 0.105 0.000 0.000 0.105 i HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 40 0 96 136 9.168 0.000 27.788 36.956 l

         ' SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL                   3            0          1            4    0.076      0.000-       0.017-          0.093   ;

ENGINEERING PER$0NNEL 23 9 4 17 0,661 0.000 0.204. 0_.865 1 TOTAL 154 0 433 587 13.041 0.000 45.993 59.034 J,N gDVICE INSPECilON MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 30 0 320 350 0.232 0.000 .78.747 78.979 CPE;:Afl0NS PERSONNEL 14 0 1 15 0.100 0.000 0.747 _0.847 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 16 0 28 44 0.652 0.000 1.602 2.254

            $UPERVISORT PERSONNEL                  1            0          2            3    0.020      0.000        0.039           0.059 ENGINEERikG PERSONNEL                  jj            g         16           !?    2 0  81      0.000        5.840           6.621 TOTAL                               72            0        367        439      1.785      0.000      86.975          88.760
           }_PECIAL NAINi[ NAN L MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL                  84            0        504        588     17.821      0.000     203.729'       221.550 OPERAll0NS PERSONNEL                   24            0          0           24    0.118      0.000        0.000         -0.118 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL              40            0         87        127     12.874      0.000      24.970-         37.844
            $UPERVISORY PERSONNEL                  3            0          2            5    0.649      0.000        0.315-       . 0.964 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL                 16            0         17           43    5 2 0J6      01009     .-5.632          10.693 TOTAL                              177            0        610        787     36.523      0.000- 234.646 ~ 271.169 WASTE PROCESSING MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL                  5            0          2            7    0.002      0.000        0.039           0.041 CPERAfl0NS PERSONNEL                   15            0          0           15    0.005:     0.000        0.000.-         0.005 .

HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 28 0 39 67 5.575 0.000 . 1.471 '7.046 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000- 0.000 0.000-ENGINEERING PERSONNEL Q Q Q Q 0,000 0.000 0.000 -0 099 total 48 0 41 89 5.582 0.000 1.510 7.092

          ' REFUELING MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL                  30            0        208        238      1.057      0.000      36.593          37.650 CPERAll0NS PERSONNEL                   36            0          0           36    1.430      0.000        0.000           1.430 -

HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 28 0 29 57 1.369 0.000 3.536 4.905 SUPERVISORT PERSONNEL 2 0 1 3 0.010 0.000 0.020- 0.030 ENGINEERlWG PiRSONNEL 16 9 g 24 L7_34 0.000 8

                                                                                                                    -9312            1.588 10TAL                              112            0        246        358      4.602      0.000      41.001-         45.603 TOTAL BY Joe FUNCTION                                                                                          ..
          .MAINIENANCE PERSON d                  240            0       1500       1740     22.239      0.000     337.701        359.940-OPERAfl0NS PERSONNEL                 143            0          1        144     12.322      0.000        0.747-         13.069 90.!56

HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 191 0 285 476 31.153 0.000 59.403 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 11 0 8 19. 0.764- 0.000 0.479 1;243

        -(NGINEERING PERSONNEL                   104            0         62        166      7.6 73     0.000       12.663-        20.336 GRAND TOTALS-                      689            0       1856       2545     74.151      0.000     410.*/93       485.14/-
  • Workers may be counted in were than one category.

D-16 t


                                                                                                                                             . CONikACT           TOTAL

[r]A1 TOR 035 & SuRv Mall'tNANCE PER$0NNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 OPERAfl0N$ PERSONNtl 4 0 0 4 0.404 0.000 0.000 0.404 HEALTH PHY$1C$ P[RSONNEL 1 0 0 1 0.097 0.000 0.000 0.097 SUPERvisopY PLRSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ENGINttRING PERSONNEL g g g g L0og gJog Quo0g 0009 TOTAL 5 0 0 5 0.501 0.000 0.000 0.501 R00flWE MAINitNANCE - MAINflNANCf DER 506:NEL 5 1 3 9 0.688 0.119 0.312 1.119 OPERAil0NS PER$0NNfL 4 0 2 6 0.486 0.000 0.246 0.732 HE ALTH PHYSICS PER$0NNEL 27 1 9 37 3.813 0.141 1.005 4.959

   $UPtil50RY PER$0Nutt                              0                  0                           0              0          0.000       0.000        0.000         0.000
   !NGINEERING Pfa50NNEL                               g                   0                          0              Q          Jg O           Jgg O            0.000         Qu_0o0 TOTAL                                         36                    2                         14            52           4.987        0.260       1.563         6.810 lhdi!y10E IN5Pl[110N MAINitNANCE PER50Nutt                               3                   6                         11            20            1.584       2.064       4.702         8.350 OPERATIONS PER$0NWtl                                4                   0                           0             4           0.678       0.000       0.000         0.678 HCALTH PHYSIC $ PtkSONNEL                          0                   0                           2              2          0.000       0.000        0.268        0.268 SUPERVit0RY PERSONNEL                              0                   0                           0              0          0.000       0.000        0.000        0.000 (NGINfERING PER50NNtt                               1                   9                          {              5          0,711       0.000        JR1          j.u}Z7 TOTAL                                          8                   6                         17            31            2.4 73      2.064        6.491       11.028 IP.1CIAL MAINIf NikCL.

MAINTENANCE PtRSONNtt 46 14 205 265 11.732 2.840 66.143 80.715 OPER ATIONS PERSONNEL 11 0 11 22 1.647 0.000 2.323 3.970 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 49 1 64 114 14.003 0.282 17.734 32.019

     $UPERVISORY PER50whEL                              1                   0                           1             2          0.106        0.000       0.515         0.62f ENGlNEIRIWG PERSONNEL                              2                   3                         1{            j7            922         02 8        4JQ           42 9_8_8 TOTAL                                        109                  18                        293           42J           27.770        3.520     91.023       122.313 WAlif PR0ry yjwg HAIN!EUNCE PERSONNEL                               0                    0                          1              1          0.000       0.000       0.106          0.106      .

OPERAil0NS PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0. .)00 0.000 0.000 0.000 HEALTH PHY$lts PERSONNEL 3 1 2 6 0.752 0.1 72 1.238 2.162 LUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ENGINEERING PfRSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0,000 OJO 0.000 0,000 101AL 3 1 3 7 0.752 0.172 1.344 7.268 EE3f11MG MAINitWANCE PfkSONNEL $8 14 175 247 21.558 2.864 42.390 M.812 OPERAll0NS PERSONNEL 10 0 7 17 1.727 0.000 1.298 3.025 HEALTH PHY$1CS PER$0NNEL 15 0 42 57 4.448 0.000 9.943 14.391

      $UPfRVISORY PER$0NN[L                               0                   0                          3              3         0.000        0.000       0.592          0.592 EmCINEERlrG PERSONNEL                               4                    1                       13             18          0,752        J42 O           } 012          4.004 TOTAL                                         87                   15                       240           342           28.485        3.106      57.235       88.826 101 ALULjoe FUNCfJON MAINitNANCE PER50Nkti                           112        (97)       35    (14) 395 (401) 542 (532)                       35.562        7.887    113.653       157.102 OPfRA110NS PERSONNEL                             33 (42)                 0   (1)                 20 (20) 53 (63)             4.942       0.000        3.867         8.809 HEALTH PH15ICS PERSONNEL                         95          (69)        3   (2) 119 (102) 217 (173)                       23.113        0.595      30.188        53.8%
      $UPERVISORY P[R$0NNEL                               1         (1)        0   (0)                    4   (4)       5   (5)    0.106       0.000        1.107         1.213 ENGINitRING PERSONN{L                               7         (9)        4   (5) 29 (31) 40 (45)                             1.245       0.640        8.841        10.T26 GRAND TOTALS                                248 (216) 42 (42) 567 (558) 857 (818)                                      64.968        9.122     157.656      231.7(6
  • Workers may be counted in wore than one category. Nwtwrt in parentheses are total rwtwrs of irdivichelt.



APPENDIX 0.(Continued) YY W0bbB N 1990 PLANIO 'DRESDEN 2,3 TYPE BWR WORK AND . WJMBER OF PERSONNEL U100 inR(M1 TOTAL PER$0N-REN J03 FUNCTION STATION UllLITY CONTRACT TOTAL STAT 10N UTILITY CONTRACT TOTAL R1A1 TOR OPS & SURV MAIN (ENANCE PERSONNEL 38 41 39 118 29.600 1.522 :15.792 46.914 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 132 0 118 250 64.525 0.000 .14.936 79.461 HEALIN PHYSICS PERSONNEL 8 0 10 18 10.990 0.000 2.283 - 13.273 i

  -SurERylSORY PERSONNEL                    54            32           0             86    18.012       0.351        0.000           18.363 EkCINEERING PERSONNEL                  }J            J 4           18             26     8.262       1.538        7.926           17.726   -)

TOTAL 265 118 185 568 131.389 3.411 40.937; .175.737-3 R TINE MAINTENANE; MAINTENANCE P(RSONNEL 329 77 620 1026 257.229 2.890 252.811 512.930 CPERAil0NS PERSONNEL 69 0 48 117 33.632 0.000 6.086 39.718 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 40 0 21 61 54.110 0.000 5.052 59.162 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 205 55 0 260 67.673 0.609 0.000 68.282 - (NGINEtelkG PERSONNEL 80- 168 67 315 J023_9 5.698'. 29.349 55.386 TOTAL 723 300 756 1779 432.983 9.197 293.298 735.478 IN 5ERVICE INSPECil0N MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 0 0 465 465 0.088 0.000 189.305 189.393~ OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 1 0 3 4 0.339 0.000- 3.356 0.695 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 4 0 0 4 4 0.379 0.000 . 0.972' 1.351 SUPERVISORf PERSONNEL 1 7 0 8 0.459 0.074 - 0.000 0.533 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL g 16 }1J }]79 g&5 - 1.905 136.289 ,1J8.609 TOTAL- 4 63 784 851 1.680 1.979--326.922 330.581 SPE01AL MAINTENANCE F.AINIENAkCE PERSONNEL 0 46 186 232 0.139 1.726 '75.925 77.790 OPERAfl0NS PERSONNEL 0 0 5 5 0.088 0.000 0.614 0.702 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 3 0 7 10 3.370 0.000 1.593 4.963-SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 1 0 0 1 0.204 0.000 .0.000 0.204-

  - ENGINEERING PCR$0NNEL                     0             6          Q              6     0.014       0.189        0.172             g&1 TOTAL                                4           52         198           254      3.815       1.915       78.304           84.034 WASTE PROCES)[NO MAINTENAdCE PERSONNEL                    1             1         20             22     0.297       0.012        7.953--           8.262.

OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 3 0 36 3? 1.595 0.000- 4.611- 6.206.

   -HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL                  2             0          0              2     3.105       0,000        0.000             3.105
   . SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL                    4             0          0              4     1.264       0.000        0.000             1.264 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL                   -Q             1          Q              1     0.M0 :      M 27-        0431              0.058 total                               10             2         56             68     6.261       0.~039      12.595          '18.895 REFUEllNC MAINIENANCE PERSONNEL-                 34              0         -0             36    28.243       0.000        0.154           28.397 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL                   36              0          0             34    17.864--     0.000        0.032            17.8 %

HEALT4 PHYSICS PER,.)NNEL 2 1 0- 3 2.963 '0.000 0.000 2.963 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 16 1- 0 17 5.342 0.014 0.000 5.356 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL. I 1 1 } 0.1 88 ' 9&4 ~92.Q?} pli

       . TOTAL-                             91              3           1            95    54.600       0.058 '      0.259 -         54.917 10TAL BY Joe FUNCTION MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL -               404           165        1330          1899    315.596       6.150     541.940.         863.686

, - CPERA110NS PERSONNEL 241 0 210 451 118.043 - 0.000 26.635' ' 144.678 55 42 98 '74.917 0.000 9.900 - 84,817-MEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 1 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 281 95 0 376 92.954 1.048 0.000 94.002 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL 116 277 398 791 2?.218 9.401 173.840 212.459-l: 3615 630.728 16.599 752.315 1399.642s GRAND TOTALS 1097 538 1980

  • Workers nmy lae counted in sore than one category.


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                                                                . APPENDIX D (Continued)


     ' WORK ANL                                    NUMRtR OF PERS0WNES (*100 s@Ed)                                  TOTAL PERSON,RIN Joe FUNCTION                       stall 0N       UllLITY       CONTRACT          TOTAL     S1AllON UTILilY CONIRAC1                                 101AL Rt4C10A OPS & SURV .

MAlhlthAhCE PERSONNEL 12 18 61 91 7.369 13.475 58.309 79.243 OPERA 110NS PERSONNEL 29 0 1 30 26.819' 0.000 0.225 27.044 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 7 0 12 19 4.520 0.000 5.159 9.679

         $UPERVISORY PERSONNEL                     3              0              1             4      0.773                     0.000          0.171         0.944 ENGINEERING PERSONHEL                     Z              {              (           ji -     3.,_7}]                    0.885         L911 66.865 6J29 TOTAL                              58             20            81           159      42.213                 14.36J                        123.438 ROUTINE MINTLNANCE MAINTENANCE PERSOHhEL                   96              5           237           338      93.708                       3.669 223.134           320.511 WERATIONS PERSONNEL                       3              0              0             3       2.008                      0.000         0.192        2.200 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL                 0              0             40            48       6.086                      0.000       34.833        40.919 SUFERVISORY PERSONNEL                    6              0              4            10       2.658                      0.201         1.189        4.044
       - skGINEERING PERSONNEL                    15              1             16            31       6.764                       0.531      13.022        20J11 TOTAL                             128              6           297           431     111.224                        4.401     272.370      387.995
       'IN-SERYtCE INSFECTION MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL                     2              2            2?            33       2.128                        1.450     26.604      - 30.182 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL                      0              0              0             0      0.143                        0.000       0.000         0.143 NEALTN PHYSICS PERSONNEL                 2              0              2             4      1.820                        0.000       1.167         2.987 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL                    0              0              2             2      0.024                        0.000       1.200         1.224 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL                    g              0              3             1       1.599                       J00 D           2.071        ~ E610, TOTAL                              6              2            36            44       5.714                        1.450      31.042       38.206 SPECIAL MAINJ g t MAlnTENANCE PERSONNEL                    9              7           235           251       7.773                        5.666 203.421          216.860 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL                      1             0               0             1     0.284                        0.000       0.182         0.466 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL                  i             0               9           10      0.748                        0.000       1.027         5.775 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL                    2               1              4             /      0.690                       0.425       3.412         4.527 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL                    5               1            13            19       1.835 -                     D.196      1h0M          j2d}I
               .TQTAL.                             18               9          261          -288      11.330                        6.267     221.998      240.615
        -MAINTEN E E PERSONNEL                       8              0              2           10       4.664                       0.044        6.476       11.184
         .0PERATIONS FERSONNEL                       3              0              2             5      1.777                       0.000        2.295         4.072
         ' HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL                  3              0               1            4      3.347                       0.000        1.097         4.444
            $UPERYlSCRY PERSONNEL                    0              0               1            1      0.067                        0.005       7. 521        2.593~

E,%GINEERING PERSONNEL 0, 0 0, 0 0.17G .0,000 0.040 - Q,.J10

               ~ TOTAL                             14               0              6           20      10.025                        0.04 9     12.429       22.5% .
                 .                                    5              0           23            28       3.426                        0.056      21.940        25.422 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL-                     2              0              0             2     0.976                        0.000     -0.000           0.976 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL                 1              0              4             5     0.839                        0.000       2.322          3.161 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL                     0              0              1             1      0.091                       0.000       0.294          0.385
E;:GINEERING PERSONNEL 3 0 5  ? O,570 0.000 A32, 3.50{

TOTAL 10 0 33 43 5.902 0.056 27.488 33.446

         'M!.INTENANCE PERSONNEL                   132 (132) 3? (32) 587 '(587) 751 (751)             119.048                       24.360 ' 530.974        683.402 i       i WERATIONS PERSONNEL                     38 (40)          0              3  -(3) 41 (43)    32.007                        0.000        2.894       34.901s
           'NEALTW PHYSICS PERSONNEL.               22 (22)           0   (0)

(0) ~ 68 (69) 90 (91) 17.350 0.000- 49.605 66.965

              $UPERVISORY PERSONNil                 11    (11)        1   (1)      13 (12) 25 (24)       4.303                        0.631       8J87        13.721 FNGINEERING PERSONNEL                 31L (30)          4   (4)      43 (45) 78 (79)      13.670                        1.612     31.932        47.214-
                ' GRAND TOTALS                     234 (235) 37 (37) 714 (716) 985 (988)              186.408                       26.603 633.192           646.203-
  • Workers may be counted in sore than one cate9nry. Ntetaers in parentheses are total rubers of individuals.

D-19 l

m' 4 , JAPPENDIX;D:(Continued)? (3

 +                                -                                                                    ,

b' ~ N0bbB NbY ^ h w-Y , 1990-PLANitL *fARLET,1,2- -TYPE $ M c c. y , WORK AND'. NLAjt{3 OF P(RSONNEL 6100 n#EN) _.

                                                                                                                                                                         'YQTAL PER50N REN -


            ,              s1JOS M CTION                                - $1 Afl0N .        UllLiTV.-             CON 1RACT       = 10TAL 1,                                                                                                                                                                                                         ,

_ l' g[AC70R OPS & SURV-  ? e i ' MINTENANCE PEASONNEL' 36 - 1 55 921 0.625 0.006 - 2.576 . 3.209= OPERATIONS PERSONNEL . 141 0 2' 143 15.431 0.000: ~0.114y 15.545

                              ;NEALTN PHYSICS PERSONNEL                           56                     0                95           151               8.467             .0.000           14.785i           23.272 SUPERVISORT PERSONNEL-                       . 26                      8                   7           43 -             1.031               0.173'       _0.139             .1.349 ~                  H
         ? : ENGINEERING FERSONNEL -                                              }4~                    g                 }3            2]-            ' gM -                0J15 i > g@.L                  /L47.ggg             ;1 to                212            521         :26.253                    0.296-      - 20.4 T2 -                  0z1
total 295 p; m: ,
 ;;      "c-leWTlWE MAINTENANCE - ._

p, MINTENANCE PERSONNEL - 174 22 - -208 404 - 10.750 .0.602 ' 14.866L 26.216. i OPERATIONS M RSONNELo 40- 0 '4 44' 3.645- .0.000 0.089 E 3.734 ~ , ,

 '4 NEALTW PHYSICS PERSONNEt                     - 55                      0                 77           132               9.137               0.000.          3.339 4 '12.476c RUPErviSORY PERSONNEL                              5                   3                   1             9            'O.155                0.0531          0.010 ?          . 0.248 2                    ;

i 1 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL 30 - (( 47 - - (4@g 0.001  : Lp99 - 79 1- , TOTAL- 294- 26. 316 636 24.205 - 0.656 : 19.394- 44. I i XIN SERVICE lW?PFCTION ~ . R P NAINTENANCE PERSONNEL' 4 2 68 74 0.020 ' . 0.062 4.231- 4.313

' - ) OPERATIONS PERSONNEL:                                                           2                   0               .4                6-            0.005                0.000       :0.067             'O.092                        '

W ?NEALIN PHYSILS PERSONNEL 6- 10- 12 18 0.245. 0.000 L 0.168 0.433 i

                                                                                  -2                  ;1                     2              5             0.017--              0.008~         0.030            ; 0.055 1
                 * 'SUPERVISORW PERSONNEL.
  .                          e ENGINEERING PERSONNEL -                            19 ,'                  }                 RQ'            }33 -           OJ.Z1                hpfd        , Lggg              ". O"                    g TOTAL? _                                      24                     6              106            136               0.6$8-               0.091        ; 7.4M                  .k1 J d}o                                           ~
                               . mlNithANCE PERSONNEL                         :173                    19                 718            910_         -30.165.               . 0.721-.267.397l - 296.261<

6 9 0PERATIONS PERSONNEL.- 48 0 7 55 .2.456 'O.0001 ' . 1.055 '.3.5112. HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 69 0 91 160 11.403 0.000c 16.913 '26.316 % >SUPERVI$0RY PERSONNEL 10 6 3 19 ~ 0.280  ; 1.096: 0.221- 11.597

                               ; ENGINEERING' PERSONNEL.                       ' gg .                     I                iZ             Z4            - QM                   O ' ' {J9g J                               , LMg -                     *

TOTALa 320 -32' 866 .1218 45.197 1.979-:287.978- _,335.154 4 ,, 6 _

                              . WASTE PROCESSING-                                                                                                                                                                                          :
MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL: . 29 - 2: :15- ' 46 - 'O 749  : 0.012 10.173: :0.954L 5 1 1 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL: 15- .0- 31 16' O.401~ 0.000 i e0.005..  : 0.406 - M D WEALTH PHTSICS PERSONNEL. , 54 0 22 '76 - 6.853 . 0.000  : 1.826 :
                                                                                                                                                                                                               <8.679                 M     '
                               'SUPERVISONY PERSONNEL,                                1                    0               .0               1             0.293.-                            ,0.000-              0.293 i
                              ' ENGINEERING , PERSONNEL ,
                                                                                  =]                      9                  {          . i.

0E3 , . 0.000 0.000 . 'O.015 . - AM ; TOTAt; 101- 2: 60> 143 8.319 ' - 0.012l 2.019 : ,10.350. 3 y3 -

             , ;; y                   e                                             <


                                                                                                                                                                                                                 !754O 0.074 I Y- - ; M1NTENANCE PERSONNELi                                                        48-                     3                14-           65            -6.415;                               0'.955 h 0:            _.16             30 -            0.582:               0.000'.        2.4*0             J2,9921                   s iOPERAtl0NS' PERSONNEL'.                         .14 --
NE4 Lib PHYSICS PERSONNEL : ~B -0 12 20 0.249' O.000J ? 0.320 ' ~ 0.569 ) '
SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL i 4- Oc 3 7- 0.040 0.000e % 0.090 ? 'O.1302 a'>

4 J4 -p. 0.1711 OR; 0.749 L ih9[2 j n' (ENGINEE4XNG PERSONNEL ' '1 1 53 , 16 138, 7.457 . 0.076 : "4.524. .'12.0577 M sATOTAL" 81" [BY-JOB MC110N / .

                                                                                                                                                                                       ,           .                 s iMINTCdANCE PERSONNEL 1                         464-                  49 -              10'78          1591-             48.742.                1.4794 : 290.198 L340.4190 0.000: 1 3.760i .26.2801 3 % j OPERATIONS PERSONNELt"'.                                                   260-                       0           , ; 34 -         294-             22.520 L 245 ,                      0 .'          309            557:          ' 36.374                - 0.000: : 37.371 !                73.7451                _c l' # " HEALTH. PHYSICS PERSONNELS 84;                                                                 -.3.672;                9; e                          ISUPERV1SORYPERSONNEL'                           ? 50 '                 18=                  16:                           1.852-               1.330       a 0.490 i
         % lENGlNEERING PERSONNEL?                                                S3 '             -- 17 a              ?156            266-             -2.601                0.301      ~10.032            :12.934:                     i ci j$7.05N

l} g' - GRANO TOTALSs .1115 84 1593 2792- '112.089: ' 3.110--341.851 h- e 4  ; 6* Workers may be counted in more than one category, 59 ~ ,

                                                                                                                   .0-20                                                                                                       .           .

E-N @ ' -' -

                   -]             .f[h           -lt.                                   _


              '                n*        , '-             .
                                                              + ' * +

e , - . , , , , , , f

APPENDIX .D ' (Coritinued) hYW0b bB tb N 1990 PLANT:. *fERNI 2 TYPE: BWR WORK AND _ NtMBER OF PERSONMEL D100 n@QQ _ , , _ -YoTAL PLR50N RCM

     ' JOB TUNCTION                    S14110N -       UTilIIT    CONTRACT         IOTAL       STA110N UTILIII CONTRACT                  TOTAL 2 RfACTpR OPS & SURV RIt'iiEhANCE PERSM NEL                   7             0               0           7       2.551       0.002     0.164            2.717 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL                   46              0               0        46        12.575      0.000     -0.257         12.832' NEALTN PHYSICS PERSONNEL               25              0             17         42          7.353-    0.000      3.431         10.784 SUPERVISORT PER30NNEL                    4             0               0          4         1.263     0.013      0.523            1.799-E:tGIN!! RING PERf0NNEL             .Q                                                     2.355      0.19{ . - JD}} ;

TOTAL Q Q Q ' MQS 91 0 17 108 26.097 0.207 4.833- 31.137 FOUTI Q MA!WYENANCE MAINTEhANCE PERSONNEL 10 0 0 10 4.035 ' O.000 - 0.698 -5.533' OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 2 0- 0 2 0.392 0.000 0.000

  • 0.392 HEALTN PNTSICS PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.022 0.000 0.042 = 0.064 .

SUPERV!SORY PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.064 0.030 0.000_ 0.C64 - ENGINEERING PERSONNEL Q 0 Qfg} Q,160

         -TOTAL Q               Q                   0. M1                 QJQ1                      1 12              0               0        12         5.474      0.00.1     0.745           6.222 JN* SERVICE INSP1C,T_ ION MAINTEhANCE PEA 50hMEL                    0             0               1          1      -0.117       0i000      0.139'      ? C.256 '

OPERAil0NS PERSONNE., 0 0 0 0 0.009 0.000 0.000 0.009 HEALTH PHYSICS PEkSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.119 0.000. 0.000 0.119 i SUPERVISORY PERSOWNEL 0 0 0 0 0.009 0.000; -0.000 0.009, 0 E fGINEERING PERSONNEL TOTAL Q 0 0 Q Q O OH a DQ00 a 0 001 - DE r 1 1 0.271 0.000- 3.144 'O.4t$ SPECIAL MA{NTENANCE MAINTENANtg PERSONNEL 69 0 84 ,0.017-- '33,663-15 28.309 5.337, OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 6 0 6 12- 2.205 0.000 1;138 3.343 HEALTH PHYSICS PfR30NNEL 15 0 0 15 3.172 0.000 0.359 . 3.531

    . SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL                    3             0               0          3         1,045-     0.000      0.018           1.063 :
   =ENGlWEERINC PERSONNEL                      4                                        4                    0.116     pfD,2.

Q Q 1.4R? 1.545

        . TOTAL.                             97              0             21        118       36.160'       O.153     6.a52        43.165
    'UA$ff PROCECSING                                                                                                     ~
  - MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL                      0             0               0          0        0.000       0.000-    0.009        ' O.009 :

l OPERATIONS PER$0NNEL 0 0 1 1 0.035 0.000 0.460 - 0.495 ' !. HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL '3 0. 3 6 0.888 - 0.000- 0.959 1.847' i SUPEAVISORT PERSC.NNEL 0- 0 0 0 0.070 0.000- 0.000 0.070 - EMClNEERING PEk$0NNEL Q Q p ,Q 0.042 . 0.000 0.000 , Qt00 44 , 1 t' TOTAL- -3 0 4 T 1.035 0.000 ' -1.428; 2.4M

  ' RhFUEllNG             . _ ,

MAlhMNANCE PERSONNEL 0 0- -0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 ' O.000 - OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000- 0.000: HEALTM PHYSIC 3 PERSONNEL- 0 0 0 0 0.042 0.000- .0.003 0.045

  - SUPERVISORY PERSONE L                      0             0               0          0        0.001'     O.000      0.000'         O.001' ENGINEERING PERSONWit                 -Q                Q               0          p        0,000      0,000      0.009          0,009 101AL                                 0             0              0           0        0.043:     0.000      0.012          0.055 '

TOTAL _GY JOB FUNCll_0N_ KAINTEhANCE PERSONNEL 66 0 16 102 33.812~ 0.019 6.347~ 42.1781

  .OPERATIOMS PERSONNEL _                    54             0                7        61       15.216-      0.000     >1.855        17.071 NEALTH PitYSICS PERSONNEL              43              0             20          63       11.596       0.000      4.794 -    --16.390-
     $UDERVISORY PfRSONNEL                 -7 0               0           7        2.452      0.013L     0.541        ~ 3.006 E:GINEtR!NG PERSONNEL                   13             0               0         13         4.004      0.331-     0,,477-     :4.812 GRAND-TOTALS.                    203               0             43        246     - 69.080        0.363-    14.014       83.457-
             ~                                                       ,.
    ' Workers may be counted in more than one category.

D-21 3

y (



    ~ !.fRM OPS & SWL,,,

HAINTEkANCE PERSONNil 85 28 27 140 11.813 0.426 0.255 ' .12.494 OPERATIC *S PERSONNEL 118 7 2 127 49.3% - 0.161 z 0.035 49.592 69 8 60 117 11.032 0.008 12,.109 23.149

      .NEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL SUPERVISORT PERSONNEL                  22                 8          21          51           0.562         0.349              0.384             1.29$

ENGikEERING PERSONNEL -H E M M MM pa,1U -18,1 h18 TOTAL 285 59 123 467 74.M1 1.117 13.944 89.722. R WTINE WAlWiENANCE .

MA1W1EMANCE PERSONWEL 128 53 453 ~ 636 63.918 0.738 79.532 164.188-
OPERATIONS PERSONNEL .58 8 19 85 4.901 0.000 - 0.889 5.790i HEAllH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 46 ~8 83 137 22.874 0.000- 20.405 43.279 SUPERVISORY FERSONNEL 31 9 57 97 1.496 , 0,111 - 5.654- T.261 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL 14 M g 3 Q66 OJQ , -L,413 Q }Q wTOTAL 287 93 654 1034 116.955 1.009 l- 108.892 224.850: ,

1N SERyjfE INS TCTION . MAINTE2ANCE PERSONNEL 68 11 300 379 6.545 0.153 - 57.398- . 64.095 r#ERAtl0NS PERSONMEL TO 2- 15- -47 2.623 0.000 2.520 ' 5.143 - HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 32 ( 52 90 .2.517 0.000 3.448 ~5.985 A

        $UPERVISORT PERSONNEL                    18              6           70          94           0.377        0.335             18.922        -19.634 ENG1;EERING PERSONNEL                    18            17            }4          69           2.207        pd}.6 -            i.943         ? a4 fff -  7 TOTAL                         166               42          471         679          14.269         1.123             84.251--     .99.643-      d SPECIAL MAINTp ANCE                                                                      .          .

MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL .121 37 503 661 39.641 0.584 272.423 312.648-- OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 43 4 17 64 2.019 0.000' O.757 .-2.776 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 37 7 65 109 '7.992 0.000- 10.475 11467_

        *;UPfMISORY PERSONNEL                    25              9           75        109            1,125        0.247             19.639-         21.014 ENG!EEERlWG PER$0WWEL                    29             13           43          85           Mf7       'O.566' . M 6JL- .- 8.41{-
            ' TOTAL                          255             : 70          703       1028           54.747         1.417' 307.159                  363.323        ,

A PA%fE PROCESSING ^ EINTENANCE PERSONNEL 85 68 212 365 23.781 0.022- ~ 12.053 35.854

      .0PERATIONS PERSONNEL                      19              7-          12          38           7.387 ' ~ O.000                 2.180          ' 9.567 -

0.000 - 4.319 KEALTM 9HYSICS PERSONNEL 28 8 41 77 :2.971 1.3481 9 6 19 34 0.147 0.107- 0.161 - 0.415;

      . SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL ENGINEERING FEESONNEL .                   g              l'            5         M            QA6]         M90 -              G A59.         - 9J1 -
          -                                   147              90          289         526       .34.348           0.129             T5.801        :50.278:

REFUEllho .


MAI::1ENANCE PERSONNEL 79 19 91 189 11.393 0.065 6.321 17.782-CPERATIOWS PERSONNEL 50 5 16 ' 71 3.793 -0.029 2.284 6.106-

      - HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL                 28               6          27         . 61 '        5.181         0.000<            2.850-            8.031
     ; SUPERVISORY PERSCNNEL                 -13                 4           26          43.          0.140         0.031'.           0.432             0.603.

ENGINEERING PERSONNEL- 2 11 -4 17 'O.020 91205~ 0.03] . OR, TOTAL 172 45 164 381 20.527 0.333 -11.919' 32.7791 TOTAL 9Y JOR FUNCTION . MINTENANCE PERSONNEL 566' 218. 1586- 2370 177.091- 1.090.:427.982c 607.063 J0PERATIONS PERSONNEL ' 318 33 81 432 70.119 0.190 8.665 178.974 HCALTH PHYS!CS PERSONNEL -220 43 328 -591 52.567- - 0.008 - 50.655 103.230: SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 118 42' 2682 428 3.850 .- 1.180; 45.192  : 50.222 > ENGIEEERlWG PERSONNEL 90 63 141- 294 9.680- '1.760 9.472: l21.112 GRAND TOTALS 1312 399 2404 4115 313.507 5.128 541.966: 860.601. AWorkers may'be counted in more than one category. D-22 . h } w

APPENDIX 0 (Continued) WO bB N 1990 PLANft

                                                                   ~                  .

REActoa ops S StmV MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 2 0 2 4 1.040 0.215 0.660 1.915 ' OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 25 0 2 27' O.944 0.000 0.305 9.249 WEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 10 0 12 22 11.545 0.0 )0 6.954 18.4v9 $UPER'ilSORY PERSONNEL 3 0 0 3 1.145 0.000 0.000 1.145-ENU NEEPING PERSONNEL } Q 1 3 L}8,9 p.010 D}M a L719 10iAL 43 0 17 60 24.054 0.225 8.279 32.558-trCTINE MA14TENANC L MAlu1(kANCE FEks0N=EL 28 15 52 95 14.858 9.010 32.467 56.335 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 1 0 1 2 0.215 0.000 0.440 0.675 - HEALTH H YSICS PERSONNEL 6 0 26 32 6.210 0.000 20.063 26.273 SUPERVISORY PERSCWEL 3 0 0 3 0.490 0.000 0.000: 0.490 ENGINEERlhG PERSONNEL g 0 1 M .Liig 0 2 01Q 4.210 [d3 TOTAL 46 15 85 146 24.043 9.020 57.180 90.243 l!W!LV.LCLl!!EHHON. MAINTEMAEf! PEltstmWEL 6 4 33 43 3.42t 2.000 364467 41.888 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL  ? 's 0 2 0.275 0.000 0.060 0.335 NELLTM PHYSICS PERSONNEL 2 0 4 6 3.435 0.000 4.205 7.690 SWERVISIMY PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.030 0.000 0.000 0.030 EhGINEER!hG PER$a4NEL { Q 19 12 0 2 I1q 0, 0 19 9,El 10[g-2 TOTAL 12 4 47 63 7.921 2.010 50.304 60.2n - SPECIAL NAIN HNAWg _ MAluttnANCE PfRSONNE4 22 8 44 74 17.240 5.370 .28.412 t1.022 OPERATIONS PUTS 0hWEL 3 0 0 3 1.079 0.000 0.070 1.149 WEALTN PHYSICS PERSONNEL 6 0 5 11 6.860 0.000 4.380 11.240 SUPERVisceY PEuSonEL 3 0 0 3 0.855 0.000 0.000 0.855 ENGlhEERING PEkScNutt 4 0 10 14 1.E 018,0 7.4G - 9.715 TOTAL 38 8 59 105 28.229 5.450 40.302 73.981-WASTE PROCESSING MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 0 1 0 1 0.030 'O.005 0.015 0.100 OPERAfl0NS PERSONNEL 0 -0 0 0 0.170 0.000 0.000 0.170 MEALTN PHYSICS PER$0NNEL 5 0 6 11 3.655 0.000 4.220 7.875 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 1 0 0 1 0.175 0.000 0.000 0.175 ENC 1NEERING PERSONNEL g Q g Q Odol 0.000 0.000 gu1 00 TOTAL- 6 1 6 il 4.085 0.005 4.2.15 8.325 WEFUfLING MAINTENANCIPERSONNEL 15 17 14 46 12.598 16.906 8.445 37.949 OPERATIONS PERSOWkEL 5 0 1 6 0.930 0.000 0.460 1.390 UEALTM PHYSICS PERSONLEL 2 0 3 5 2.455 0.000 2.900- 5.355 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 2 0 0 2 0.365 0.000 0.000 0.365 ENG!kEERING PERSONNEL } Q 1 { 1.165 - 0.M0 0.135 L}gg . TOTAL 27 17 19 63 17.513 - 16.906 11.940 . 46.359 1013 BY 408 FUNCT @ MAINTENAEE PERSONNEL 73 45 145 263 40.237 33.506 106.466 -189.209 OPERAT106S PERSONNEL - 36 0 4 40 11.633 0.000 1.335 12.968 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 31 0 56 ' 87 34.210 0.000 42.722 '76.932, SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 12 0 0 12 3.060 0.000 0.000 3.0M ENGIMEERING PERSONNEL 20 0 28 48 7.705 0.110 21.717 29.532 GRAWD TOTALS 172 45 233 450 105.845 33.616 172.240 311.701-

  • Workers enay be counted in snore than era category.


f if '

APPENDIX D (Continued)


    -- WC:I AND                                  NUNilER Of PERSONNEL,p1OO eMM)    _               _                   TOTJJ PERSON REM
       ' JOB FCCIION                      STAil0N      UTILITY      CON 1RACT    101AL              STA110N UTILliY . CONTRACT                          TOT AL .


     - MAINf ENANCE PERSONWEL                    0             0            0        -0                     0.000       - 0.000-     0.000 --           0.000 OPERA 110NS PER$0NNEL                  0             0            0         0-                    0.000         0.000-     0.000              0.000 NEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL              0             0            0         0                     0.000         0.000      0.000              0.000 SUPERVISCRY PERSONNEL                 0             0            0         0                     0.000         0.000      0.000              0.000.

E"GINEERING PERS0hNEL 9 9 9 Q L0gg 0.000 0.000- hggg TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 - 0.000 R(tJTINE MAINTEhANCE .

     - MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL                     0             0            0         0                     0.000       . 0.000      0.000              0.000
      . OPERATIONS PIRSONNEL                     0             0            0         0                     0.000         0.000. 0.000              0.000 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL              0             0            0         0                     0.000         0.000      0.000              0.000
     - SWERVISORY PERSONNEL                      0             0            0         0                     0.000         0.000      0,000'             O.000 ENGIkEERING PERSONNEL                  9             9            9         9                     0.000         0.000      p 000              gjLog
             . TOTAL                             0             0            0         0                     0.000         0.000-     0.000              0.000


      ' MAlhTENANCE PL'!$ONNEL                   0             0            0         0                     0.000         0.000      0.000-.            0.000
     ' OPERAil0NS PER$0hWEL                      0             0            0         0                     0.000         0.000 -    0.000              0.000-t     - HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL                  0             0            0         0                     0.000         0.000      0.000              0.000.

StPERVISORY PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 . 0.000 0.000 0.000' O.000 ENGINEERING PERSCGEL g g g 9 Rap 0,_0 ; 0.000 : .0.000 E O TOTAL- 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000- 0.000 0.000' SPEC!AL MAINTE eNCE

      . MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL                    0             0             0        0                     0.000         0.000    - 0.000             'O.000      3
        .0PERATIONS PERSONNEL                    0             0             0        0                     0.000         0.000 . 0.000               0.000 .

HEALTH PMSICS PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 .'O.000 0.000 , SUPERVISORT PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000- 0.000 0.000 0.000. !. EtGIPEERING PERSONNEL p g 9 9 9&O30 - 0.000 0,000- 0.000: TOTAL 0 0 Q 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

      ' MAINIENANCE PERSONNEL ~                  0             0             0        0                     0.000         0.000       0.000              0.000 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL                  0             0             0         0                    0.000         0.000       0.000              0.000-HEf.LTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL             0             0           .0          0                    0.000         0.000       0.000 :            0.000 I' 'SUPERYlSORY PERSONNCL                         0             0             0         0                    0.000         0.000       0.000 .            0.000
j. ,E7GINEERING PERSONNEL 9 9 Q g Q.3200 - - DE -930 0_.000 TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 REFUELihG

, MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL. 0 0 0 -0 0.000 0.000 0.000 'O.000 l OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000' ' F- NEALTil PHYS!CS PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000: 0.000 0.000 0.000 - l- SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000- 0.000' , % 000 0.000: ! . ENGINEERING PERSONNEL 0 0 g g hg 0.000 0.000 - bggg-

-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000- 0.000-TOTAL BY JOB FUNCTION
        ' MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL-                  0             0            0         0                    0.000          0.000      0.000 '          s0.000 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL                   0             0            0         0                     0.000         0.000      0.000 .            0.000l
          'NEALTH PHY11CS PER3ONNEL             -0              0            0         0                     0.000         0.000 =  .0.000             - 0.000
       -SUPERVISORY PERSCHWEL-                   0              0            0         0                     0.000         0.000-     0.000:             0.000 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL                  0             0            0         0                     0.000         0.000      0.000              0.000 '

l GRAND TOTALS ~ 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 - 0.000-

           'Vorksrs may be counted in more than one category.

D-24 1:


                                                         -APPENDIX D.(Continued)

Y W0kNb8NNb  !

   ' PLANT: *GtkNA                                                                                                               TYPE PWR eJ WOM 30                                 NUNBER OF P(R}0NNEt R102,p,{N)                            TOTAL PilSON RfM JC3 (UNCTION                 $1AllON        UllLITV                      10f Al, -

CONTRACT stall 0N Ul lL l'. T CONTRACT TOTAL- 2 RtAC10Rm OPS & pupV MINTENANCE PERSONNEL 36 84 205 325 1.641 0.401 1.261 3.303 OPERAI]DNS PERSONNEL 30 0 2 32 6.990 0.000 0.822 7.812 HEALTH PHYSICS PER$0Nuft 14 4 53 71 2.669 0.265 16.935, 19.669 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 16 9 35 60 2.462 1.000 1.901 5.363 , ENGINEERING FERSONNEL 10fAL  % g 99 i 2 499

                                                                                    ,1J     02 r,09      0,000          9Ji}           MJ}        d 3 04                  13.f62          1.606       21.142          36.570 J

8WT N,{,,NAj,,!G[N ANM MAINIENANCE PERSONNtt 37 158 264 450 *0

  • 12.416 48.354 -65.110 CPERA110WS PER$0NNEL 21 0 2 23 ~4 0.000 0.000 1.074 HlALIN PNYSICS PER$0NNEL 14 4 50 68 .#6 0.186 10.160 15.412 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 16 7 30 ' 53 0.549 0.654. 4.~769 - 5.972 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL Q- g a 0.197 1.170 1Q LQ99 L}Q7-TOTAL 88 171 354 613 11.009 13.453 64.4 73 88.935 IN-SERVICE INSP RiLOJ MAINTENANCE PERSONhEL 20 28 48 96 0.176 0.803- 1.007- 1.*S6 OPERAilCNS PER$0NNEL 1 0 0 1 0.063 0.000 - 0.000 0.063:

HEALTN PHYSICS PERSONNEL 2 0 9 11 0.131 0.000 0.064 0.245

  -SUPERVI5"RY PERSONNEL                   8              6           14           28      0.318       'O.127           0.710         -1.155 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL                                              4                                                               gJ.01 Q              Q                          4,    M 99          9,3.0_29 -     QJ0J TOTAL                            31             34           75          140       0. 738        0.930          1.983          3.651,     ,
    }PjCIAL MAIW1EFANCE mal %1ENAWCE PERSONNEL               39           158           285          482       7.026       69.228-       80.819         157.073
  'CCERA110NS PER$0NNEL                  22               0            2           24      1.519         0.000          0.017          1.536 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL             10               3          43            56      1.288         0.011          3.127:         4.426 SUPIRVISORY PERSONNEL                16               9          42            67    -2.263          3.547          7.787         13.597-C GINEERING PERSONNEL                  9              1            9,                  0,000                        L.1]p          IJZg -

11 0103 TOTAL 87 172 381 640 12.096 72.894 92.870 177.860 WASTE PROCESS.jWG


MAlWTENANCE PER$0NNEL 6 9 28 43 0.035 0.011 1.131 1.177 OPERAfl0NS PERSONNEL 3 0 2 5 0.033 - 0.000' O.020 0.055-l EEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 3 2 15 20 1.244 0.098- 1.806 -3.148; l SUPERVISORY PERSONN2L 3 2 2 7 0.117 0.003 0.006 0.126 E%GINEEFING PERSONNEL 9 0 0 0 gJ00 0.000 0,000 0.000 TOTAL 15 13 47 -0.112 75 1.431 2.963 '4.506 REFUELING MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 13 23 83 119 1.477 1.123 13.181 15.781' OPERAfl0NS PERSONNEL 13 0 1 14 2.267 0.000 0.003 2.270 NEALYN PHYS!CS PERSONNEL 4- 1 11 16 1.034 0.012 1.703 2.749

   $UPERVISORY PERSchWEL-                 3              3             4           10      0.443.       0.153          0.187           0.783 ENGIEEERikG PERSONNEL                  Q              ()           2-             1     0.000        pJ00            0.216          0.216 TOTAL                          - 33             27          101                     5.221        1.288 161                                  15.290.         21.799' TOTAL BY J02 FUNCTION Ml%1ENANCE PERSONNEL               151      (37) 460 (161) 913 (277) 1524 (475)       14.695       83.982        145.753        244.430 OPERATICNS PERSONNEL                 90 (30)          0   (0)-     9   -(2)- 99 (32)  11.948         0.000          0.862         12.810
HE7tTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 47 (14) 14 (4) 181 (55) 242 (73) 11.462 0.572 33.815 45.849 15UPE.IVISORY PERSONhEL 62 .(16) 36 ~ (9) 127 (37) 225 (62) 6.152 5.484 15.360' ' 26.996 ENGINEERING PERSG!NEL 0 (0) 6 (2) 32 (10) 38 (12) 0.000 . 0.305 2.931- 3.236 GRM0 TOTALS 350 (97) 516 (176) 1262 -(381) 2128 (654) 44.257 90.343 198.721: 333.321-
  • Workers miy be cotssted in more than one category. Nurters in parentheses are 'otal tubers of individuals.


n APPENDIX D-(Continued)- Y Obb8 Nbf( 1990-PLANT: *GRAh? GUL8 TYPEI BWR C K AkD NUMBER OF PERSONNEL D10kfEM) T0JAl PERSON REN JOB FUNCTION stall 0N UllLITV~ CONikACT- TOTAL $1AI10N UllLliY CONIF.ACT. TOTAL-REAttoR OPS & SURV MAINIENANCEPERR[NII 16 0 17 33 0.179 0.000 0.696 0 875 OPERATIONS PIRS0dNEL 72 1 19 92 28.934 0.303 0.878 . 30.115-HEALTH PPYSICS TERSONWEL 39 0 36 75 15.231 0.000 4.129' 1').360 SLPERVISORY P xSONNEL 18 0 46 64 1.531 0.000 1.680 3.211 ENGINEERING D!RSONNEL {4 Q M [9 M @] SJp9 QM M (1 TOTAL 169 1 133 303 48 M2 0.303 8.15f 56.722 ROUilNE MAINTENANC L MAINTENANCE PER,0NNEL 155 0 610 765 86.396 0.000 175.906 262.302 0?ERAllONS PERSONNEL 24 1 32 ST 5.137 0.425 16.679 22.241 HEALTH PHYS 1ES PERSONNEL 35 0 36 71 14.637 0.000- 13.322 .27.959 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 14 0 37 51 3.701 0.000 0.072 11.773 " ENGINEERING PERSONNEL [0, p H H 3.926 Q10Q M1) M44, - total 248 1 730 979 113.797- 0.425 216.297 330.519 1M SERVICE 16PECTION

   . mal 2TENANCE PERSONNEL                    21           0        164        185      i.686      0.000    61.638        63.324 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL                       1          0           4          5     0.140     0.000        0.630        0.77(t Mf.ALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL                  4          0           3          7     0.066      0.000      0.050         0.116
      $UPERVISCRY PERSONNEL                    10           0         61         71      0.581      0.000     15.368        15.969 ENGl>FERIMG PERSONNEL                      {          g           g        1Q      0.410-     0.000       8 2 L59 '      gdtQ 38           0       240         278. 2.883      0.000    85.956        86.839,    -!

TOTAL SP[C1A( MA]NTENANCE MAINTENANCE PERSONNtt 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 OPERAfl0NS FERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000- 0,000- 0.000 ' O 000. HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 0 0 0. 0 0.000 0.003 0.000 0.000 SUPERVISORY PERS031NEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 ~0.000 0.000 E%GINEERING PERSONNEL Q g 9 9 0.000 QJ00 2 00Q 0 99y TOTAL- 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 -0.000 VASTE PROCESSING MAINTENANCE PER$0kNEL 64 0 36 100 3.281 0.000 '2.144 5.425

    -CPERATIONS PERSONNEL                        1          0           2          3     0.005      0.000       1.177-        1.182 .

HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 8 0 2 to- 1,072 - 0.000 1.147- 2.219-

    - SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL                      0          0           0          0     0.000      0,000       0.000         0.000 EhGINEERINO PERSONNEL                      Q          9           9          Q     02 000     0 OQQ       0 00J         9402--

TOTAL 73 0 40 113 4.356- 0.000 - I.468 : 8.826

    ~ REFUfLING                                                                                      .

M41:TENANCE PERSouNEL 59 0 117 176 1.090 0.000 14.037 ~15.127 1 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 12 0 46 ' 58 0.505 0.000 20.720 21.225 HEALTH PHYSICS PER$0NNEL 23 0 16 39 2.069. 0.000 2.009 . ~ 4.878-SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL- 10 0 2 12 0.467 0.000 0.139 0.606 E GINEERlWG PERSONNEL -  ! 0 1 9 1.655: 0.000' O 035 1.6% TOTAL- 112 3 182 294 6.586 0.000 36.940 43.526-TOTAL BY JOB FUNCTION _ NAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 315 0 944 1259 92.632 0.000 :- 254.421 i 347.053

     'OPERATIDWS PERSONNEL                    110            2       10:        215     34.721      0.728      40.084       75.533 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL                109          -0          93       202     33.875      0.000      20.657 :     54.532-LSUPERVISORY PERSONNEL                     52            0       146        198       6.250     0.000      25 ??9 :     31.5'i9 L
    - ENGINEERING PERSCENEL-                   54            0         39         93      8.378     0.000      11.377-     -19.755=

GRANO TOTALS 640 2 1325 1M7 - 175.886 0.728 351.818 -528.432

  • Workers may be counted in more than one category.


                                                           -APPENDIX 0 (Continued)-


       - JOB FINCil0N                  $1AllON      UilLl1Y     CONTRACT         101AL~       STATION- UTILIIT CONTRACT                           10fAL u
       '! M QT_0R OPS & SURV ,                                                                                                                                    ,

MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 5 5 6 16 2.200 2.050 - 4.330~ 8.580 .1 OPE %ATIONS PERSONNEL 39 3 0 42 22.600 1.250 0.270- 24.150~ HEALTH PHislCS PERSONNEL 18 1 21 40 9.930 0.300 24.d90' 35.120-SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL. 1 0 0 1 0.160 0.000 'O.000 0.160 - ., ENGINEERING PERSONNEL 67 4 l 36 9 21 L,159 36.040 4.650 LZ4Q QQ j TOTAL. 17 120 8.280 33.230 77.550 l i E!ILNLM.AINlLNMH_._ ' MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 50 26 119 195 37.790 12.550 65.200 - 115.540 l0PERATIONS PER$0NNEL 1 0 1 2 0.630 . 0.000 0.480 1.110 HEALTH PHY$1CS PERSONNEL 12 1 20 33 7.060 0.160 - 11.990 19.210-SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 _'O.000-

      -ENGINEERING PERSONNEL                   1            }           lj.          ZZ           019J 2          1.070      10u 099_ . jL }6Q
             -TOTAL                          64           32                                   46.070 161         257                       14.680      87.670         '148.420
      ;[N SfRJJH INSPER_lj2ag                                                                                                   .
     - W i%IENANCE PERSONNEL                 10             0             7          17           6.333       0.100         2.060                9.290 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL .                 0            0             0             0         0.150       0.000         0,000               '0.150 -          l NEALTM PHYFICS PEP 90NNEL             2             1            1-            4'        1.250       0.233 ' - 0.300 '                  1.780    .j SWERVISORY PERSONNEL                   0            0             0             0         0.000       0.000         0.000                0.000            I
     ,ENGirEERING PERSONNEL                    3            3,          lg          M             1.180       L]4Q          42 88J ;             7.300 TOTAL                          15             4           18          37-           8.910       1.$70         8.040              18.520
        }PJ({AL MAINTENANCE                                          .

MAINTENANCE PERSOHNEL 16 24 114 154 9.010 ..11.320 62.960 83.200' OPERATIONS PFRSONNEL 3 0 1 4 1.030 0.020 2.160 3.210 HEALTH PdVSICS PERSONNEL 8 0 17 25 2.650 0.010 4.470 7.330 SUPERVif0RY PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 -0.000 0.000 0.000'


Q { 19 $2 puC69 9&Q JJ,,j]O . 38.030 j' TOTAL 27 26 182 MS- -12.950 12.190 106.720- 631.860 t' l- -VAffE PROCESSING . L LAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 0 10 1 11 0.320 '2.800 . . .0.560 .3.680-

     -OPERAfl0NS PER$0NNEL.                    0           0              0             0        0.130,       0.000         0.060             - 0.190 -
    ' HE!.LTH PNYS!CS PERTGAMEL             13             2            29          44-      '11.410         0.430       13.810                25.670 E SUPERVISORY PERSOMMEL                  0         -0               0-            0-       0.000       0.000          0.000:             .0.000 ETGINEERING PERSONNEL                 g            g              Q             g'     ' O.000 -      0,130~        p.360                0.4901
            -TOTAL                                                      30 '                                 3.360- -14.790 13            12                        55        11.880                                       -30.030 REFUELING MAINifhANCE PERSONNEL'                3            0            29          32           1.250       0.000       10.960L               12.210 OPERAfl0NS P D SONNEL                 0            0             2              2:       0.150-      0.000        '1.270.                1.420 L NEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL              $            0            12          17           1.560       0.000          3.270             ; 4.lL30 -

SUPERVISCRY PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0' 0.000: 0.003 0.000L :0.0001

    - ENQlWEERING PERSONNEL                   0            0           26          26                        0,000       J2aZ4,0               12.810' 0297Q
           -TOTAL-                            8            0           69                 3.030-      0.000       28.240             '31.270 TOTAL BY Joe FUNCTION 2 M INTENA4CE PERSONNEL                   84           65 .       276           425         56.900       28.820 .146.870 - 232.590 OPERATIONS PERSONEL -                43             3             4          50        24.690         1.300          4.240l            30.230
    'HLALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL               58             5        100           163-        34.000-         1.130      58.730 -             93.940:

SUPERVISORf PER$0NNEL 1 0 0 1 0.160 0.000 0.000 0.160

    'FNGINEER?NG PERSONNEL                   8-         '18         116          -142           3.050        8.830       68.850            .80.730-CRAND T0TALS                 194'           91         496           78) .      118.880      '40.080     278.690              437.650'

_ %rkers inay t.t comted in more than one category. 0-27

APPEH0lX D (Continued) YYW0bkbBNN N 1990 TYPE: PWR PLANit



  .R,g CTCA OPS A_._SueV MAlWIENANCE PERSONNEL                           0                                0                                                1             1           0.221      0.000       0.475         0.696 14                                 0                                               1           15            4.954      0.000       1.067         6.021 OPERA!!ONS PERSONNEL HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL                     19                                 0                                           13              32            5.317      0.000       3.841         9.158 SUPERYlSORY PER$0NhEL                          0                                0                                               0             0           0.125      0.010       0.010-        0.115 E GlhEERING PERSONNEL                          0                                g                                               g             9           0.789          t gu,gg       0107          1.176 TOTAL                                    33                                  0                                          15              48           11.406      0.190       $.600-       17.196 EWilN1.fiUi.lfhWE                                4                                1                                           19            24            2.916      0.180       6.233          9.329 mal %1EWANCE PERSONNEL 0                               0                                              1             1          0.005      0.000       0.230-         D.235 OPERAfl0NS TERSONNEL HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONuCL                          0                               0                                              0             0          0.194      0.000      -0.296          0.490 0                              0                                              0             0          0.000      0.000        0.000         0.000 SUPERVISORY PERSONhEL E;GINEERING PERSONNEL                              g                              0                                              g             g          0281        0.005      g2081          0.2 71 10 tat                                        4                               1                                           20            25            3.297      0.185       6.843        10.325 IN SfRVICF INSP gT103 MAlW1EhANCE PERSchNEL                                2                             0                                             0             2           0.694      0.000       0.431          1.125 1                            0                                            2              3          0.218      0.000       0.570          0.788 OPERAll0NS PERSONWEL 0                            0                                             2             2          0.280      0.000       0.683          0.963 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL SUPERV130eV PERSONNEL                                 0                            0                                             0             0          0.010      0.000       0.000          0.010
g. 2 0 .g g 0.020 0_.075 0.187 ECCINEERING PERSONNEL Q TOTAL 3 0 4 7 1.294 0.020 1.759 3.073 E g1AL MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 38 1 74 113 16.847 0.533 ' 32.652 50.032 5 0 2 7 2.661 0.000 0.500 - 3.161 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL NEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 18 0 23 41 7.067 0.000 7.945 15.012 SL7PEkVISORY PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000' 'O.000 0.025 -0.025 ENGINEERlWG PERSONNEL 8 1 13 R 3.568 0.145. LJ1,9 L,43 10YAL 69 2 112 183 30.143 0.678 ' 44.832 75.653' VASTF PROCJ SSING 0.660 i.AlWIENANCE PERSOWNEL 0 0 0 0 0.463 0.000 -0.175 1 0- 0 1 0.225 0.000 0.000 0.225 CPERATION$ PERSONNEL HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 4 0- 2 6 1.291 ') 000 0.541 1.832 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000- 'O.000 -0.000 -
      -SUPERV1SORY PERSONNEL ENGINEERING PERSONNEL                                   9                             Q                                         1              1         9201g       q.090       gd3),         0.145 TOTAL                                    5                            0                                         3              8         2.011       0.000       0.851         2.862 REFUEJfNG MAIN 1thANCE PERSONNEL                                   0                            0                                          0             0          0.000       0.000      0.000          0.000 OPERATloNS PERSchWEL                                     0                             0                                         0             0          0.000       0.000      0.000          0.000>

HEALTH PHYSits PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 SUPERVIStar PERSONNEL 0= 0 0 0- 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 E"GINEERING PERSONNEL 0 9 0, 0 9000 -0.000 -0J0Q 0,Jgg TOTAt 0 0 0 6 0.000- 0.000 0.003 0.000 TOYAL By_ Kd R NCil0N NAINTEldNCE PERSONNEL 44 2 94 140 21.163 0.713 -39.966 61.842

       ' OPERA 11CWS PERSONNEL                                  21                              0                                        6            27          8.063       0.000       2.367        10.430^

HEALTH PHYSICS PER$0NNEL 41 0 40 81 14.149 0.000 13.306 27.455

         $UPERV!SORY PERSONNEL                                    0                        .0                                             0-            0         0.135        0.010      0.035          0.180 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL                                    8                               1                                     14            23          4.641        0.350      4.211          9.2f12 GRANO TOTALS                  114                                       3                                   154           271          48.151        1.073     59.835       109.109
         %rkers may be counted in more then one category.

0-28 .. -- ' - - - - ' ' ~ -- - - _ - , _ _.

       -- '          h      l      , - -

i' y.q :- 4~ s APPENDIX =D.(Continued): - G Y W0hI ' MN .i 1990-. j

  • HATCH 1 2 , ' TYPE: 8Wt -

WORK AND - NUMSER OF PERSONufL D100 adtEN) ' a TOTAiPERSONRE JOB FUNCTION- STATION UTILITY CONTRACT _10TAL - - ST Ail 0N - UllLITY.._ CONTRACT, . TOT AL - REACTOR OPS & SURV . . . . .-s i MlNTENANCE PERSONhEI- 84 0 -280 364' 40.382 .0.181 =88.958 1129.521?  !

                   - OPERAil0NS PERSONNEL              $7              0.         .1                 58               25.2353         0.0695                      0.2204 ~ 25.524)                                                 >

y WEALTM PHYSICS PERSONNEL 44 1 34: 79, 26.657: 0.289 -14.202 1 41.148 = q

                  -SUPERVISORY t-ERSONNEL -            48              2              2              52 -             12.106'     c 1.497 > :1.658                                                  15.261 . , ij
                   . ENGINEERING PERSONNEL             14 -            {            J1          . }} -               -- s3{2} . . 0.83h : 5.497.                                                    ,1MS i ToiAL-                    249               5          332              586'            110.603            2.869- 110.535 ;224.007J                                                                q ROUTINE MAlWTENANC L                                                                                                                        . .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              -d MINTENANCE PERSONNEL            122               1          437              560                47.815      . 0.628 -. 162.741., 1211.184                                                                   :

CPERAT10NS PERSONNEL- 17 1- 0 . 18 8.185 -0.217 t 0.003- --8.4057 > s

                  - HEALIN PHYSICS PERSONNEL          39               0            66              105               26.299          0.072~ --28.274' E54.645i
SUPERV1$0RY PERSONNEL 14 2- 5 21 5.141- 0.964- :1.769 , ' 7.875 : >
                   . ENGINEERING PERSONNEL ~
                       ' TOTAL "                     196 4             1.

5 21 531 . 732 28 . 2.014

                                                                                                                  . 89.455
0. 238 - ~
                                                                                                                                  -2.119 ; 202.741

294.315 p;. 1W SERM CE INSPECTION . .

                " MlulENANCE PERSONNEL              '27               0           343.         ' 379                  13.342--   -0.137 1141.367-                                                154.846:.


  • 0 0 0 0.054 0.000, 0.003 0.057  ;

HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 8 0 16 24. 7. M 0,021 7.447, '15.410J i SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 4 0- 1 5 1.781 0.0632 0.687 12.531-- E:GINEERING PERSONNEL' 3 p JI j9 ' L990 0.057- -- 6.578 - 1 M 25'- TOTAL 41 0 377 418 25.109- z0.278 156.082- -181.469: i}PLqlAt MAINTENANCE _, ,. _ ., . . . . MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL' 118 '4 710 832 57.906 3.750: : 347.326 L .408.982S

                                                                    -0                                               22.102; OPERATIONS PERSONNEL              51                          .0                 51                               0.0761               -0.031-                                 22.209                          '

HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL ' 31 5 B4 124 17.612- 1.862- 48.110 J 67.584 : .

                  - SUPCRVISORY MRSONNEL              19              9             14-           ' 42             ' -6'952~
                                                                                                                         .     :6.930                      ?-7.789 - :21.671i                                                     _
                -.INGINEERING PERSONNEL               19              l-      . 6,,1                 8}               '7.174          M}} ' 28.910                                        1        37.537 j                  ' ;t
                       . TOTAL                      238           . 21            873           1132               111.746      :14.071              >

432.166: 557.963 3 5

              - WAJTE PROCESSING 1
                 -MAINTEhANCE PERSONNEL               20              0           223             243'                 7.712     ~0.137? -58.804_                                                  66.653 1            ,OPfRATIONS PERSONNEL                   1             0           .0                   1               0.197 '   -0.000- .'O.003 : ' ~ 0.200 -                                                               y
                 ' HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL             9             0-           16             - 25 :               4.280 -        0.021-              15.917;                                   10.218:                       ;
                 ; SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL                2             0             '1              -3.                0.760?     -

0.063 ,0.969: ~1.792 L _ ENGINEERING PERSONNEL. 1 0 5- 4. 0.477 ; 0.057 - LJJ311  : 1.865 . , , [ _ TOTAL 33 0 245  : 278 13.426 < 0.278) :67.024:- ;80.728E

                 . M M I.ING                                                                                                                                           ~



i MAINTEkANCE P2RSONNEL . 14 - 0 .301 e315 4.966 .0.137 :94.0991 99.202. 30PERAT10NS PERSONNEL' 9 0- 0- 9 '2.831 ' O.046 i _.0.003: /2.880- ' HEALTN PHYSICS PERSONNEL- 3- 0- 15 18 1.884. 0.021J 5.399 i c.7.3045 s SUPERVISORY PERS M EL -4J 0. 4- -- 8 : 1.004- 0.094-- ' t.693 : +2.791'-

               ' ENGINEERING PERSONNEL                 -1             9              8                9'           ._2 0.406(    -0.057: . ( E809 ;                                         .s4E' TOTAL '                  ' 31 -           .0          328           _ 359                  11.091         0.355              163.003                                 116.449; l TOTAL BY JOB'TUNCTION                                                                                                                  .                    . .. _.
  -/ ^

l MAINTENANCE M RSONNEL._ 38f .5 2294 2654' a 172.123 - 4.970" 893.295.'1070;388


WERATIONS PERSONNEL - 135 '1- 1 ' '137 E - 58.604- -0.408' ? 0.2631 . 59.273i 5

. HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL . 134L '6 '235 375 .. 84.674- ~2.286 '109.349l 1196.309
                . SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL'           . 91 .           13             27 . -         131                27.745      :9.6111 '14.565D 151.921s                                                                        ,

FWGINEERING NRSCM EL 43 6 129 - 178.

                                                                                                                  .18.284           2.695 L56.079? ?77.0585:

3 , w GRAND TOTAL $- 788 '31 :2686 3505 361.430 "19.970 1073.551/ 1454.951' - t

  • Workers may be counted in more than one category, m D-29 ma.

s - F m

                                                                                                           ' E-                         y
                                                                                                                                                                       ,.8.e-'          s         ,,          r

APPENDIX'D'(Continued)J - W0btbBhN 1990 PLANT:



   . M AC109 OPS & SVRV
   - MINTENANCE PER$CHhEL                                        5           0                        9                  14              3.336      ' O.249 .           3.507           7.092-
    . OPERATIONS PERSONNEL                                      40           2                        0                 42             10.812          0.778-           0.145        11.735 HEALTH PNYSICS PERSONNEL                                  19           1                        6                 26               4.170         0.282            2.162           6.614 SUPERVISORY PERSCNNEL                                      0           0                        0                    0             0.035         0.011            0.022           0.068 ENGINEERING PERs0NNEL                                      g           9                        9                    2             945,2        929F =            g,.,90j         929 TOTA'                                                66           3                    15                     84            19.010           1.397           5.841 -     26.248 RCUTINE NAINTENANCE MAINiENANCE PERSONNEL                                      0           0                        0                    0             1.978      - 0.043             1.448      -3.469' OPERATIONS ?ERSONNEL                                       3           0                        0                    3             0.890          0.074'.         0.037           5.001.

HEALYN PHYSICS PERSOWNEL 12 1 0 13 3.185 0.177 0.563 ' 3.*f25 SUPERVISORT PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.058 0.058 ENGINEERING PERSC#NEL 0 g 9 .9 0.096 0 J J. 0.031 _ 0_d59 - 8.603

        - TOTAL                                                 15           1                        0                  16              6.149          0.317         - 2.1M
       !N SERVICE-INSPECT 10N MIN 1ENANCE PERSONNEL                                      0           0                        1                    1             0.052          0.005           0.227 -      -0.284       '

OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0' O.004 0.000 0.000-. -0.004 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL. 0 0 0 0 0.082 0.000 0.000 0.082 SUPERVISORY PER$0NNEL 0 0 0 0 -0.004 9.000 0.000 0.004

    .ENGINEERlNO PERSONNEL                                       g           0                        0_                   g             0.060          Q&9             0.000           910 E TOTAL                                                 0           0                        1                    1           .0.202           0.024           0.227           0.453 SPEclAL MAINffWAkC?

E NTEMAJCE PERSONNET 94 2 132 - 228 35.783 0.580 :48.805 85.168 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 3 0 1 4= 1.998 0.027- 0.223 2.248'

   ' HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL.                                  34           0                        9                  43            14.930        ,0.007             3.158 .    =18.095 -

SUPERblSORY PERSONNEL 1 1 ~1 3 0.424 0.167- .0.703 -1.294-ENGlrEERING PERSONNEL 1 3, 1 g 1.117 4,,02.0 . DE '5.533

         , TOTAL                                              155            6              145                        286             54.252           4.001         53.28A1      112.341
   . WASTE PROCES$1NG MINTENANCE PER$0hNEL                                       3'          0                        7                  10              1.756'-        0.031           3.512           5.299-1 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL                                       5           0                        0                    5              1.595         0.001           0.005           1.661~

NEALTH PNYSICS PERSONNEL 21 0 0 21 9.406 0.00$ .0.200 - 9 614 SUPERVISCRY PERSONNEL - 0 0 0 0 0.134 ; 0.002 0.059 0.195 - ENGINEERING PERSONNEL g 0 9 0 '0,360 pt ogg 0.000: . DE .

        ~ TOTAL                                                 29           0                        7                  36            13.251           0.042           3.776 '       17.069 REFUELING MlWiENANCE PERSONNEL -                                     8         -0                      52                    60              4.098          0.144         20.587-        24.!?0 -
    ' OPERATIONS P6RSONNEL                                       2           0                        1                    3            -0.819          0.047           0.209           1.075   .;

HEALTN PHYSICS PERSONNEL 6 0- 11 17 -1.572 -0.000 2.483 ?4.055 SUPERV1SORY PERSONNEL 0. 0 1 1 'O.012 0.004 -0.131' O.147 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL g g- 0 -g 03136 0.029 0.000 J1 0 TOTAL. 16 0 65 81 6.637 0.224 25.410 - 30.271-TOTAL SY Joe FUNCfl0N EAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 110 2 201 313 47.003 1.052 78.086 126.141-- OPERATIONS PER30NNEL $3 2 2 57 16.118 .0.927 0.619 17.664 - HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONMEL 92 2 26 120 33.345 0.474.- ~ 8.566 : 42.385-40PERVISORY PERSONNEL - 1 1 2 4 0.609' O.184 / 0.9 73 1.766 -

   . ENGINEERING PERSONNEL-                                      5:          3.                       2                  10              2.426 -    .4.168              0.435.          7.029-CRAND TOTALS                                       261           10             233-                        504           - 99.$01           6.805         88.679'      194.985-
       *tlorkers any be counted in more than ona category.

D-30 s ________._.___.._.__________A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r_______ _ __m I_,_ . . _ .- _' . _ ._i.

APPENDIX D (Contiliusd) L Y WO bB N t 1990 PLANTS' *lNDIAN PolNT 2 TYPEt PW WCM AND NWSER OF PERSONxL(*100 MtEN) TqiM[,R,_Sotfp(M _ JOB FUNCil0N STA110N UilllTY CONTRACT- IOTAL $1AT10N UTILITT CONiuACT 70'AL tiACTOR & S & suaV MI'.;TENANCE PERSONNEL $6 13 171 240 13.402 0.453 28.669- 42.524 COERAfl0NS PERSONNEL 49 0 0 49 22.265 0.000 0.000 22.265. hEAlfM PHYSICS PERSONNEL 16 0 10 26 4.944 0.000 0.000 4.144

     $UPERVISMT PERSONNEL                 11           0            0             11          2.391     0.000      0.000         2.391 EN31kEERikG PERSONNEL                l{            }                          ,M         341$9,     9dli.      9 771 =       3.191 TOTAL                            144           14         18}2           340         45.291      0.584    29.440         75.315 JL('JYINE NAINTEN ANCE MINTEKuCE PERSchNEL                  to           15           30             91          4.034     0.392      1.625         6.051 OPEkATIONS PER$f*NEL                    8          0            0                8        0.633     0,000      0.000         0.683 NEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL              6            0           0                6        0.335     0.000      0.000         0.135 SUPERVISORT PERSONNEL                  2           0            1               3        0.235     0.000    'O.005          0.240 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL                  }           0            0               5,       0.140     0A0q       pu@ o         9440 TOTAL                             67          15           31            113          5.427     0.392      1.630          7.46 IN-SERVICE INTPECTION MINTENANCE PERSONNEL                 57          40           92            189          2.974     9.861     10.240        23.075 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL                   7           0            0               7        0.972     0.000      0.000          0,9721 HE*LTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL               6           0            2               8        0.638     0.000      0.040          0.678 SUPERVIS0hf PER$tANEL                  2           1            2               5        0.365      0.855     0.774          2.014, ENGINEERING PERSONNEL TOTAL                             'n 7

43 g ] ;10 ( OM" ?, 9E OJg1 OJl 97 219 5.091 11.311 11.0S9 27.461 SPECI AL MINTENANCE MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 92 81 392 Se5 36.743 34.515 408.914 480.172

   'OPERAT1065 PER$0NNEL                  32            0            0             32         2.847      0.000     0.000          2.847 HEALTH PHYSICS PERT 0NNEL              9           0            4             13         3.182-     0.000      0.000         3.182 C# ERVISCRT PERSONNEL                  9            1            1             11         1.795     0.084      0.341         2.220 E:GlhEERiko PERSONNEL                 19           [            j,            jj         Q64,       1.300      j,g]7,Q       hP;}4, .

TOTAL tot 84 398 6 47.931 35.899 411.425' 495.255

   - MSTE PROCESSJNQ MAINTENANCE PERSoufL                  47          14         154            215           0.732     0.542    49.000       <58.274.

OPERATIONS PER$C$iNEL 14 0 0 14 0.202 0.000 0.000 0.202,

   . NEALTM PHTSICS PER$0NAit              16            0          11              2i        3.920      0.000       2.545        6.465 -

SUPERVISORT PERSONNEL 11 0 2 13 2.335 0.000 0.608 - 2.943 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL 1J 1 2 16 1,694 LQl0 Q8Q 1.904 TOTAL 101 15 169 235 16.83) 0.572 52.333 69.786 Rt mELING MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 22 2 33 57 2.786 1.971 4.205 8.962 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 12 0 0 12 1.551 0.000 0.000 1.551 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 10 0 8 18 0.850 0.000 .0.869 1.719

      $UPERVISORT PERSONatt                  4           2            0               6        0.336      1.190      0.000         1.526 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL                  7           0             1              8        1.191     p,000       0.065          5.25A total                             55            4          42            10I          6.714     3J61        5.139        II.O~

TOTAL BY J00 FUNCTION MINTENANCE PER$0NteEL 320 (106) 165 (92) '872 (442) 1357 (640) 68.671 47.734 502.653 619.058 OPERATIONS PFR$0kNEL 122 (53)' 0 (0) 0 (0) 122 (53) . 28.520 0.000 0.000 -28.520. HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 63 (17) 0 (0) 35 (11) 98 128) 13.869 0.000 3.454 17.323 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 39 (16) 4 (3) 6 (3) 49 (22) 7.4 77 2.129 1.728 11.33. ENGlhEERlWG PERSONNEL 63 (23) 6 (3) 6 (2) 75 (20) 8.000 2.056 3.191' 14.47 GRAND TOTALS 607 (215) 175 (98) 919 (458) 1701 (771) 127.337 51.919' 511.026 690.202-

      *Vorkt.s set be counted n more thats one category. Numbers in pareMheses are total numLers of irrjividuals.



 ;                                                                 YW0hfkbBNNbk 1990
         ;PLANit. *lkDIAN PolNT 3                                                                                                  . TTPE Pidt -

WORK ANO . NUMBER 0" Pf RSONNEL D100 mR[N) _ 1pTAL PERSON R[M _ STATION UlilliY - CCMIRACT -TOTAL $1Aij0N UTILliY -CONIRACT. _TOIAL J C FUNCTION . REACitt Ops & SURL_ MAINTENANCE PERSONhEL -3 0 10 ' 13 3.300 0.000 1.390' :1.690-OPER4110NS PERSONNEL - $5 0 4- 59 11.750 0.000 0.480 12.230 NEALIN PHY$1CS PERSONNEL 26 0 57 83 18.200 0.000 20. % 0 37.160 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL ~6 0 0 '6 1.320 0.000 0.000 1.320 ENGIMERING PERSONNEL } g 1 6 0.990 LQOJ - 9E9 Sig TOTAL. 95 0 72 167 32.560 0.000" 23.050 51.310 - RMINLMAINTENANCL, MAleiENANCE PERSc.AEL 9 0 11 20 1.090 0.000 2.260 3.350 C#ERAllONS PERSONNEL . 17 0 15 32 2.750 0.000 2.460 5.210 HEALIN PHYSICS PERsoW8L 0 0 0 0' O.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 SUPERVISORY PERSONWEL 2 0 0 2 0.510 0.000 0.000: .0.510: EZGINEERING PERSONNEL }, O } g ggg 0 00Q - M,5_9 13J1 p - TOTAL 35 6 29 62 5.170 - 0.000 5.070 10.240 1 IN-SERVICE INSff.Cil0N NAINTENANCE PERSeNM L 0 0 65 65 0.000 0.000 17.110- 17.110 OPERATIONS PER$0NNEL 11 .0 10 21 2.990 0.000 2.450 =5.440 NEALTH PHYS"'S PTRSONNEL 0 0 1 1 0.000 0.000 0.690 '0.690 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 2 0 0 2 0.820 0.000- 0.000- 0.820 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL. 1 0 Q 1 0.190 0.000 9t oog g.d99 TOTAL 14 0 76 90 4.000 0.000 20.250 24.250

           ' SPECI AL MAINTENANCE MAINTEW NCE PERSONWil                   63            2        272          3.37        31.360       0.700    70.670         110.730 CPERATIONS PERSONNEL                    25            4          32            61         6.750      0.670'  '.6.180            13.600.         .

HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 6 0 2 8 1.180 0.000 0.440 1.620 .l SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 14 0 3 17 3.910 0.000 0.930: 4.840  ! E%G?NEERING PERSONNEL' }. 1 5 9 OR 0.140 UD - L1,M , TOTAL 111 7 314 432 43.950 1.510 88.490 1133.950 W6TE PROUSSJ. E _ 45.970-1 mal:TENANCE PERb)NNEL 14 0 76 90 8.790 0.000 37.180 OPEkATIDHS PERCopiNEL- 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000- 0.000 0.350 HEALTH PHYSICS PERS':NNEL 0 0 2 2 0.000 0.000 0.350 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL- 3 0 2 5 -0.970 0.000 . 0.320 1.290i ENGINEERlWG PERSCWNCL Q p 9 0 .Ca 009 . 0.000 0.000- 0.000 ' TOTAL 17- 0 80 97 9.760 :0.000 .'37.850- '47.610-

          .' RRuh1NG                                                                                                                                        ,
         - MAINTENANCE PERSOWmEL                      9             0         21          . 30.        1.130      0.000      9.500         =10.630        'i OPEllAi!ON3 FERSONNEL     .

2 .0 2 '4 0.990 0.000 0.450 1.440-

          ' HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL                   7            0           3           10         1.350     -0.000      0.330             1.680 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL                    5             0           1             6-       1.830      0.000      0.810           .2.640 ENGtWEERING PERSONNEL                     i           1            0             3        M 10       0.120      02 099 ,         0.630; TOTAL                                 25             1         27            53         5.810      0.120    11.090            17.020 TOTAL BY J06- FUNCTION -

5AINTENANCE PERSONNEL 98 2 453 555 42.670 0.700 146.110 189.480 'j

           . OPERATIONS PERSONNEL                  110              4-        63          177.       25.230       0.670    12.020            37.920.         i HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL                39             0       - 65          104        20.730     -0.000     22. 770 :      -43.500l SG ERVISORY PERSONNEL                   32           .0            6           38        '9.360      0.000      2.060..         11.420 '

ENGINEERING PER$0NNEL 16 - 2 .9 27 3.240 0.260. 2.840 6.360 GRAND T01ALS ' 295 8 598 901 101.250 .1.630 185.800 288.680-

  • Workers sey be more than one category.


APPENDIX D'(Continued) Y WO t B Hbb 1990 PLANT: *KEWALWEE TYPE: PWR WORK AND NtMBER Of PERSONRLQ,100 #REH) Joe FUNCTION $1 Ail 0N TOTAL PERJ9 JN{M Ulitlif CONTRACT 101AL STATION UTill1Y CONTRACT-. TOTAL J R ,Alf0R OPJ M /RV MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 10 0 6 16 . 0.683 0.000 0.244 0.727 : OPERAll0NS PERSONNEL 21 0 0 3.150. 21 0.000 0.000 3.150 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSCENEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 4 3 1 8 0.301 0.074 - 0.105 0.480 - CGINEERING PERSONNEL j j g TOTAL 43 5 7 1Q 0.2 71 - 4.205 Qd6} p 0QQ QfE

                                                                                    $5                   . 0.237        0.349         4.791
    ~ R9911NE RAINTENANfL MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL                 37              2          44           83        3.466        0.121       9.419 -      13.006 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL                   10              0          to           20        0.665        0.000        1.752         2.417 EEALTH PHYCICS PERSONNEL              18             0           25           43        6.069        0.000       9.607        15.676
     $UPERVISORY PERSONNEL                    1            0                          2       0.000        0.000 CGINEERING PERSONNEL 1                                             0.213         0.213'   i 1

1 4 6 J0O_g QJ1g . Oa j,2} - RJ}} TOTAL 67 3 84 154 10.200- ' O.133 21.214- 31.547 IN 4ERVICE y S,Pl?fLO ,N MAINTEkANCE PERSONHL 5 0 32 37 0.132. 0.000 9.413 9.545-OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 0 0 8 8 0.000 0.000-- 3.650 3.650 ,

   - HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL                 0            0            0             0      0.000         J.000       0.000         0.000 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL                   0             0            0             0      0.000         0.000       0.000         0.000 ENGlWEERING PERSONNEL TOTAL
                                             }             9            1             4      91347         pappp       OJ93        - L6,4_1
  • 8 0 41 49 0.4 79 0.000 '13.357 -13.836 ~
     }PJEAL MAINTWN.CL, MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL                 33              2         132          167        /.967         0.413     60.612        68.992 CPERATICAS PERSONNEL                    2             0            3                    0.356         0.000 '

S O.330 0.686 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 10 0 0 10 0.486 0.000 0.000 0.486 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 2 2 5 0.247 1 0.050 0.000 0.29/ . l-ENGINEERING PERSONNEL TOTAL

                                             ?            }             }           il       1.270       - L8g}        0.409         3.562-54             9          139          202       10.326         2.346     61.351        74.023 WASTE PROCES$1NG MA!WiENANCE PERSONNEL                 15             2             7          24        0,172 1

0.011 0.049 0.232 - OPERATIONS PERSONNEL ~ 0 0.592 1 1 2 -0.000 0.040- 0.632 NEALTR PHYSICS PERSONNEL 5 0 2 7 0.727- .0.000 0.113 0.840 SUPERVISORY-PERSONWEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 .-0.000 0.000 0.000-ENGlkEERING PERSONNEL Q p g 0.000 0.000 O TOTAL Q 9d90 _ a poq . 21 2 10 33 1.491 0.011 ,0.202' 1.704

  ? !!!1Ufj,1Nu MAIN 1ENANCE PERSONNEL                 14                         16           31        1.061        0.000 1                                                            6.733         7.794 :

OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0,000 0.000 0.000 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000- - 0.000 0.000 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 0 0 0.072 0.000 1 1 'O.000 0.072 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL TOTAL-1 16 - Q Q } 0.057 . 0.000 0.000 C a _0R 1 16 33 1.190 0.000 6.713 7,923 YOTAL SY JOB FUNCil04 - MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL- 114 7 237- 358 13.281 . 0.545 86,470 , 100.296-OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 34 0 22 56 4.763 - 0.000 .5.772 10.535 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 33 0 27 60 7.282 0.000 9.720 '17.002 SUPERVISORY PERSONWEL 9 5 3 16 0.620 0.124 0.318 " 1.062 = ENGINEER!4G PERSONNEL 20 8 8 36 1.945. .2.058" 0.926 4.929: GRAND TOTALS 209 20 297 526 27.891 2.727 103.206- 133.824-

  • Workers euy be counted in more than one category.


APPENDIX D-(Continued). kY OhfkbB Nbhk 1990-PLANT '.*LASALLE 1,2 TYPE: BWR WORK AND WUMBf,R OF PERSONNEL (>100 DEN) _ 'OTAL PERSON REN JC3 ft.tCTION STA110N UllLITT CONTRACT 10TAL STATION dilLITY CONTRACT- TOTAL' M ACTOR OPS $ $URV 31 29 60 120 30.876 0.624 ..27.264 58.774_ MAINTENANCE PfRSONNEL 77 0 11 88 -30.702- 0.000 1.114 31.816 - OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 22 0 0 22 15,916 0.000 0.134 .16.050 CEALTh PHYSICS PERSONNEL 42 12 2 56 11.518 0.068 0.134 11.720 SUPERVISOR 1 PER$0NNEL 'ENGltEERING PER$hNNEL }} 19 16 87 8,921 0.370 MM. 10.2T7 224 60 89 3 73 97.933 1 .0 72 29.632 128.637 TOTAL R0llTINE MAINTENANCE E!NIENANCE PERSONNEL 113 79 489 681 113.412 1.737 222.320 337.469. OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 72 0 5 77 29.?J3 0.000 0.582 29.785 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 35 0 39 74 25.526 0.000 15.111 40.637 SUPERYlSORY PERSONNEL 148 54 74 276 4G.695 0.3C8 -5.594 46.597-11,_06] gjg MJO 16,843, ENGINEERING PERSONNEL M 145 4g {}6 432 278 6$4 1364 219.901 4.9C3 246.527 471.331


INfSERVICE INSPECTION 87.859 88.088-MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 0 0 193 193 - 0.229 0.000 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000. 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 2 3 0.869 0.000- 0.622 1.491-HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 1

. SUPERVISORY PERSOkNEL                   0             0          13           13       0.079     0.000          0.969             1.048 4             4         11            19       0.775     0273           0.645-            1.492 E%GlWEERING PERSONNEL-5             4      '219          228         1.952      0.072       90.095         92.119 TOTAL
- SPEllAL MAINTENANCE                                                                                           81.982          88.825 mal:tiENANCE PERSONNEL                  5           65         180          250        5.402-     1.441 1             0            0           1       0.300      0.003         0.000             0.300 OPERATIONS PCRSONNEL HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL              .5             0            5          10       3.877      0.0( 0         1.887       15.764-24             0          29           53       6.566      0.0(0 '      .2.168 .           8.734 SUPERVI$0RY PERSONNEL
                                                                                }}       0.264      1.015         0.081             1.360 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL                  2           }2             1 86.118       104.963
      . TOTAL                            37          117         215          J69       16.409      2.45$

WASTE PROCESSING 35 40 76 0.400 0.774 18.103 19.277 MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 1

                                         $8             0        180          238      23.136       0.0 i       .18.68n      . 41.816:
 . OPERATIONS PERSONNEL HEALTX PHYSICS PERSONNEL              11             0            0          11       8.118      0.000          0.010            8.128 SUPERV1SORY PERSONNEL                 14             0            0          14       3.657      0.000-         0.050?        .3 707" ENGl:EERING PERSONNEL                   1            2          21           ff       0.191      0.035    . 1.296                1.522    ,

85 37 241 363 35.502- 0.809 38.139 74.450- 1 TOTAL

                                                                                                                                            -1 REFUELING MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL                 42             2          18           62      42.034     .0.042          8.250         50."6-OPERATIONS PERSONNEL                  13             0            0-         13       5.264      0.000          0.000.           5.264.-

5 0 0 5 3.490 0.000 0.000 3.490 , NEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL > 25 0 1 26 6.866 0.000 0.047 - 6.913 ST ERVISORY PERSONNEL 9 0 }4 . M8J 0.873 0.005- 2.463 ENGIF ERING PERSONNEL 4J TOTAL 94 47 19 160 59.239 0.915 8.302 - - 68.456 iuiAC Bf JO8' FUNCTION .. MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 192 210 z980 1382 192.353- 4.628 445.778~ 642.759-221 0 196- 417 88.605- 0.000 20.376 -108.931 OPERATIUNS'PER>UNNEL 79 0 46 125 57.796 '0.000 17.764 75.560t HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL

                                       -253'           66         119         438-      69.331'     O.376          8.962         78.719 =

SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL-132 267 96 495 22.801 5.223 5.933 33.957 ENG'!NEEiilNG PERWNEL - GRAND' TOTALS 8 77 543 1437 2857 430.936 10.227 498.813 939.976

  • Workers my be counted in more than one category.


APPENDIX D.(Continued) W0bkb8 N k 1990 PLANfr-


JOB FUNCTION STATION UllLITY CONTRACT IOTAL STAfinN U1]LITY. CON 1RACT TOTAL R_EJCTOR OPLS SURV MINTENANCE PERSONNEL 125 114 281 520 6.146 2.582 ,7.401' 16.129 CPERATIONS PER$0NNEL 159 16 40 215 9.515 0.4 75 - 1.253 11.243-NEALTH PNYSICS PERSONNEL 53 1 35 89 4.8 73 0.005 1.854 6.732 CJ ERVISm V PERSONNEL 1 0 4 5 0.016 0.000 0.088 0.104 ,i' ENGIhEERING PERSONNEL 49 I (1 M 1.910 0.131' 0J 8{ 2.423 TOTAL 378 138 381 897 22.460 3.193 10.978 36.631'

      !talg !NE MAtW1ENAdCE MIN!UiANCE PERSONNEL                121           131            412            664          10.788      10.369         17.490            38.647 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL                141             13            59            213           3.576       0.587           1.511'          - 5.6 74 NEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL            45               1           41             87           2.416.      0.005          1.867-              4.288
      $UPERVISORY PERSONNEL                   1             2             4              7          0.002       0.126          0.059               0.187 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL                10               s           J 4              ZT           9E9         0.177          0.518               Ms}-

TOTAL 336 153 559 104P 17.452 11.264 21.445 50.161

     -IN SERVICE INSPECTION                                                                                                               -

MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 23 8 23 54 0.242 0.027 0.171 0.440 GPERAil0NS PERSONNEL 25 1 5 31 0.359 0.005 0.143 0.507- " HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 22 0 7 29 0.486 0.000 0.241 0.727-SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL 1 2 1 4 M 11 0.%7 0.007 PE1 TOTAL 71 11 36- 118 1.098 0.039 0.562 1.699 SP(QJAL NAINTENANCE . MIWiENANCE rsR$0NNEL 33 35 127 '195 1.415 L 0.533 2.834 4.782-OPEAATIONS PERSONNEL 68 1 20 ' 89 0.586 0.017 0.424- 1.027 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 36 1 24 61 0.463 0.005 0.220 0.688

      $UPERVISORY PERSONNEL                  1              0             3              4          0.000       0.000-         0.117 -             0.117

, -ENGINEERING PERSONNEL Z Q 19 il 0.113 0.000 0.8/3 0.936 TOTAL 145 37 184- 366 2.577 0.555 4.418 7.550 WASTE PROCESSING MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 114 24 84 222 0.297- 0.214 1.533 2.044 OPERATIONS PER$0NNEL 133 5 24 162 0.686 0.023 2.596 3.305-HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 41 0 19 ~60 1.112- 0.000- 0.701 1.813 '

    .SUPERVISORT PERSONNEL-                  2              0             1              3          0.002       0.000          0.155               0.157 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL                M                C             2            H          -0.077        0.000:         0.002           ' O.079 TOTA'.                          321             29           130             480           2.174       0.237          4.987           '7.398'       -

REFUE(ING .. . MINTENANCE PERSv.* Nil - 138 149 348 635 7.212 16.489 . 26.955= 50.656. OPERAfl0NS PERSONNtt 163 13 55 231 5.402 ~ 0.923 3.434~ -9.759-

   ~ NEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL              56              0           45             101'          2.729~      0.000          1.987            '4.716 SC ERVISORY PER$0NN5!                   2             2              8           -12           0.043-      0.195        ! 0. 5 74 '           O.812
   . ENG!kEERING PERSOHREL                 44             12            46           .102           1.862       0.64 7         2.952         . ' 5.461 :

TOTAL 403- 176 502 1081 17.248 -18.254 35.902- 71.404 TOTAL BY JOS FUNCTION MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 554 .(138) 461 (164) 12T5 (482) 2290 (784) -26.100 30.214 56.384 112.6981 , OPERATIO::S PERSONNEL 689 (163) 49 (17) 203 (83) 941'(263) 20.124 2.030 ' 9.361 ' 31.515 : HEALTH PHYSICS PERSGNNEL 253 (56) 3 (1) 171 (49) 427 (106) 12.079' O.015 6.870 - -18.964-SUPERVISORT PERSONNEL- 7 (2) 4 (2) 20 .(9). 31 (13) 0.063 0.321: 0.993 1.3 77 '


ENGINEERING PERSONNEL 151 .(44) 27 (12) 123 (56) -301 (112)- - 4.643 0.962 ' 4.684 ,10.289 GRAND TOTALS 1654 (403) 544- (196) 1792 (679) 3990(1278). L63.009 33.542 -78.292. 174.843

     *ttorkers any be counted in more than one category. Nwt)ers in parentheses are total numbers of Individuals.




       . J08 FUNCT10N m                                     STATION                    CONTRACT-       101AL            - $ Tall 0N             UtlLITY.-CONTRACT-                                                    .101 AL E
       - M ACTC1 OPL &.SURV
         -MAINTENANCE PER%CNNEL                     16             0-            10                - 5.050 .                       0.000                        :4.836-_                        ' 9.8865
       - N ERA 11C*S PERSONNEL                      50             0               0            50        - 28.460~                       0.000                             0.000                 --28.460 NEALTN PHYSICS PERSONNEL                29 .           0:         157            .186-            '15.940-                    0.000                        91.368 e107.308 -

SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL -1 0' :8 9 O.520 l 0.000 , .3.755l ' 4 .275 ' ENGINEERikG PERSONNEL Ig 9' 2 18 @' - QM : - Q

                                                                                                                                                                                                .,15 .

TOTAL 112 0 177 289 - 57.922 0.000 10 .  : L i

        ' MTJN1.3AJN.LTENANCE MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL                   50             0          275 -           305         '. 31.236                       0.000                     169.417- ' 200.653                                          "4
         - OPERA 1 IONS PERSONNEL                     5            0             '1                 6            2.893                    0.000z . 0.445-                                                 3.334:
         - HEALTH PNYSICS PERSohWEL                 16             0          _27               43               4.042                    0.000-                    -13.899-                       -17.941 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL.                    2            0             42             44 .             1.240                  'O.000:                         16.052                          17.292-O             18                              2.534                20E . ' ig                                                        - 9.395 ,

ENGINEERlWG PERSONNEL I 25 , TOTAL 80 0 363 443 41.945 0.000 J206.674 248.619: -j i i l***StRVICE IN%PECV(ON . = ... .

         - MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL                      0            0             13              13              0.085-                    0.000' _ 11,879 !, '11.964' C

OPERATION $ PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 ;0.015' O.000 : 0.v65 :0.000 NEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 0 0 5- 5- 0.005 0.000 3.440- 3.445-

SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 0 0 5 .-5 t,.0001 .0.000 '2.700 - 2.700--

ENGINEEitlNG PERSONNEL 1- g _4g ,4j 0.330 - p 000l -19.955: l gg. igg - -n TOTAL 1 0 63 64 0.435- 0.000 .38.039 38.474-s

       - SPtCIAL HAINTFNANCE                                                                                            .

MIX!ENANCE PERSONNEL - 18 0 78 ,10.402 0.000 --- 30.3204 40.722!  ! OPERATIONS PERSONNEL- 14 ' 0 0 '14 4.087-. 0.000 ._ 0.030 4.137 7

HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 18 0 42 60 - 4.817 0.000 ~ :11.815- J16.632L .

SLVERVISORY PERSONNEL 1 0 53 54 0.475 . 0.000 x 38.456: .: 38.931 . 3 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL IQ p 116  !!( Edg1 -0.000. 121.366 '1' 9.

. total . 61 -0_ 329 390 =25.006 7 0.000; 202.009 _ 2 . 15
     ~ WASTE PROCES$1NG                                                                                                                 _
                                                                                                                                                                                                            .         =

1 MAINTEkAhCE PERSONNEL 6- 0 .5 . 11 2.415' ,0.000- .-3.090J i5.505.  : 8 0. 0- 8 1.866 =0.000. 0.000 1 1.866 , 4 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL ^ 1 HEALTH PHTSICS PERSONNEL- 5 0- 9 14 2.795 0.000J -3.498-6.193- . <

                                                                                                 -4            .0.040                                                  :1.058.                           ii.098 =
        -: SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL                      0.         =0                4                                                       0.000                                                                                 ,

EEGINEERING PERSONNEL .g ;9 9 9 0.020; i 0.000 : t 0.145- ' g 16{ !  ;

TOTAL- 79 0 18 37 7.136 -0.000 7.791: 14.9_27 ,

I: REFUELING MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 18 0 71 89 - 7.950 0.000; - 33.378' -41.328

        ' OPERATIONS PERSONNEL'-                     14             0              5             19              4.502                      0.000                        .1.285'                           5.787 z
         ? HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL                   0             0              2                 2            0.035J                     0.000'                       -0.935                         'O.970 -

SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 1 0 4 5; -0.220 0.000 /1.979 '2.199;

ENGlWEERING PERSONNEL } g_ .I 10 1.520 - 0.000.. . 1Jgi r ' M4.1 :
                 .TOTALL                            .36             0:            89            125-            14.227 '                      O 000: E39.302'                                        : 53.529 -

TOTAL SY J08 FUNCTION _ iMAINTENANCE PERSONNEL -108- '0' 452 560 '37.136! 0.000 252.920) J310.058: - t

           ' OPERATIONS PERSONNEL                    91 -         =0               6             97             41.823-                 :0.000'                              1.845                   : 43.668 1

1 68 +0-- -242- 310 27.634' :0.000 7.955 J 152.589L

              $UPERVISTY PERSONNEL:                    5            0           116             121               2.495-                      0,00* , V 000?                                             66.495:                 .
          ~ ENGINEER NG PERSONNEL                    37 .           0..         223          -260               17.581                        G.000= 131.304i 168.885:
                 -GRAND TOTALE-                  "309             .0         1039             1348'.        146.671                    ;0,000                        595.024.: +741'.695 ?
  • Workers may be counted in more than one category. ,


                   ', . ~ ,                                                   w                        ,            .,                                                              5 ,                                      ~
Y APPENDIX D (Continued)

YW0bkb8NN k 1990-PLANT:' *MOGulRE 1,2 TTPE: PWR



            . JOB NhCTION -                 $1All0N       UTILITY      CONIRACT         TOIAL         STATION UTIL11Y CONTRACT-                 TOTAL REACTOR OPS 8 $URV MINTENANCE PERSONNEL              215            394          302            911           6.975       1.845     0.530           9.353 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL                 72              2           55           129        .21.608        0.820     3. T60 - :26.188 HEALTW PHYSICS PERSONNEL           51               2        -136            109          15.243      0.840     17.586         33.669 SUPERVISORT PERSONNEL                3              0             0             3          0.245       0.000     0.000           0.245' ENGINEERING PEtSONNEL TOTA 85 426 19 417 10 503 114 1346 W

47.826 R2g 4.725 0.125 22.001 blog-74.552 PCUTINE hAINTENANCE MINTEkAhCE PERSONNEL 226 422 396 1044 72.742 169.028 103.577 345.347 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 61 5 57 123 0.915 0.015 38.938- 39.868. HEALTH PMTS]CS PERSONNEL 50 2 135 187 15.255 0.000 32.275 47.530 SUPERVISORT "RSONNEL 3 0 0 3 0.415 0.000 0.000 0.415 ENGINEERING PL 'SONNEL TOTAL Z9 419 21 450 ji 600 ill 1469 25.505 '5J41 MQ 32,693 114.832 174.988 176.033. 465.853-i- -

         ' 1N SERVICE IW2f.CTION MAlkiEkANCE Pets 0NNEL              41            131          161           333            0.333     14.345   ~16.440          31.120
         'CPERAf10NS PERSONNEL                    12              1           10            23           0.245      0.015      0.200           0.460 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL            13               0          78             91           0.965      0.000      7.707           8.672 SUPERVISORT PERSONNEL                 0              0            0             0           0.000      0.000      0.000           0.000 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL
               -TOTAL 45 137 5

254 5 5} 502

                                                                                                         ?.990 4.535 QH. - Q05 14.675

til 24.852 44.062

         -SPECIAL MAINYENANCE MINTENAhCE PERSONNEL               190            365          318           873            7.390    102.697    81.185- -1914272 -

OPERATIONS PtRSONWEL 31 1 38 70 0.430 0.030' 1.491 1.951

         - HEALTH PNYSICS PERSONNEL              37               0         118           155            2.585 . 0.000   -18.783-         21.368-SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL                 1              0            0              1          0.000      0.000~     0.000         : 0.000 ENGINEERING PER$0NNEL               12             li             I            gg           M Zg       0,590      gd{,5           }E, TOTAL                           318            380          481          1179          13.125    103.317 102.044          218.486 VASTE PROCES$1NG MINTENANCE PERSONNEL                  3            21             9            33           0.000      0.180      0.020           0.200 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL                  2              0          42             44           0.010      0.000 1.090~          1.100 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL            24               0          18             42           0.585      0.000-     0.080           0.665 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL                 0              0            0             0           0.000-     0.000      0.000           0.000 ENGlhEERING PER$0NNEL               11               g            Q            11           a }3 0          0.000      0.000           0.515 ,

TOTAL 41 21 69 1.110 0.180 131 1.190 '2.480 REFUElihy MINTEh5YPERSONNEL - 69 145 95 305 3.300 -32.280 '4.956- 40.536 . OPERATl0ms PEPSONNEL 10 0 35 45- 0.515 0.000 2.850 3.365 NEAtTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 17 0 65 82 0.825 0.000 6.085' 6.910 SUPERVISORT PERSONNEL ~ 0' 0 0 0 0.000 .0.000 0.000' O.000 t ' ENGINEERING PERSONNEL TOTAL-3J l } 41 0.890 0.020 .0,000; 0.910 132 147 194 4 73 5.530 . 32.300 13.891: '51.721: TOTAt BY JOB FUNCT103 ~ MINTENANCE PER$0NNEL 744 (227) 1478 (427) 1277 (454) 3499(1108)- 90.742 , 320.375 ' ^ 206.708 617.825 L OPERATIONS PER$0NNEL 188 (71) 9 (2)' 237 (63) 434 (136) 23.723 0.880 48.329 :72.932 HEALTH PHYSICS PER$0NNEL 192 (52) 4 (2)- 550- (137)- 746 (191) 35.458 - 0.840 82.516 114 814 - SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 7 (3) 0 (0) 0 (0) 7- (3) 0.660 0.000 0.000- - 0.660

        .E"GINEERING lhERSONNEL               '316     (86) 61 '(21)         37    (12)1 414 (119)     36.375       8.090-     2.458         46.9231 l.

GRAND TOTALS 1447 (439) 1552 (452) 2101 (666) 5100(1557) 186.958 330.185 '340311 ' 857.154' g . _

            ' Workers _ may be comted in more than one category. Ntsnber6 in parentheses are total r abers of Individuals.

I l D-37 w


- MAlWiEhANCE PER30NNEL                   11           0            7        '18        3.320-     0.020 -

36 0 1 37 14.130 0.070 1.570 15.770 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 0 3 25- 6.190 0.000 0.930 7.120 NEALTH PHYSICS PER$dNNEL ~22 SUPERV!SORY PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.020 0.000 -0.010 :0.030 - 2 0,490 0.920 RJi9 1.630 ENGINEERING PER$0NNEL 1 1 9 70 1 11 S2 24.150 1.010 .4.810 29.970 TOTAL Rl'UT!!E MAINTEN ANCE 8 0 3 11 2.780 0.000 1.100 3.880 ',

. MAIN 1ENANCE PERSONNEC 2          0            1            3      0.650      0.000       0.190          0.840 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 3          0            2            5      1.170      0.000       0.580           1.750 HEALTN PHYSICS PERSONNEL 0          0            0            0      0.000      0.000.      0.000 ~        0.000 SUPERVISORY P(RSONNEL 0                       0            0      0230       0.090       0 2 Q1Q -        0.270 ENC 1hEERING PERSONNEL                              Q 13           0            6          19       4.730      0.090       1.920          6.744-TOTAL IN SERVICE INSPECTioW MAlW1ENANCE PERSONNEL                    0          0            0            0      0.000      0.010       040             0.010        );.

0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 C.iWO i 0.000 - OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 0.000 ;O. HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 M05 - SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 g 0 1 OJ5J 0.030 0,010 h220 ENGlWEERING PERSONNEL 1 TOT!,L 1 0 0 1 0.250 0.040 0.010 0.300-P


MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 47 .0 59 100 12.130 -0.060_. 24.690 36.!50 2 0 0 2 0.910 0.000 0.180~ 1.090 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 10 0 4 14 2.640 0.000 .0.860 3.500 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000- 0.000 -0.000_ i ENGINEERING PERSONNEL , 9 g 6 e RJ4J 0.380 ' id92 ' }.210 53 0 69 122 16.020 0.440 28.220 44.680  ; TOTAL l WASTE PROCfstlNO MAIN 1ENANCE PERSONNEL 0 0 3 3 0.190 0.000 0.990 1.180-1 0 1 2 0.840 0.000 0.140 0.980 CPERATIONS PERSONNEL NEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 14 0 15 29 4.780 0.020 5.240 10.040 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000- 0.000 , SUPERv!SORY PERSONNEL 1 0.030 0.170 0.250 0.450 l

  -ENGINEERING PERSONNEL.                    9          9            1 TOTAL-                             15            0         20.          35       5.840      0.190     .6.620        -12.650 RFFlfELING MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL                    0           0           0            0      0.000      0.000-      0.000'         O.000 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL                     0           0           0          .0       0.000      0.000       0.000'       - 0.000 -          ,

0 0.000- 0.000 0.000 .0.000 _j HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 0 0 0 '

     $UPERVISORY PERSONNEL                    0          0            0           0      0.000      0.000 -     0.000           0.000 y                       g                   0.000      0.000       0,000          0.000-ENGl%EERING PERSONNEL '                             Q                        9 TOTAL                                 0          0            0           0      0.000      0.000       0.000        ' O.000 j

TOTAL BY JOB FUNC M MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 60 0 72 132 . 18.420 .0.090 -28.860. 47.370  ;

OPfRAil0NS PERSONNEL 41 0' 3 44 16.530 0.070- 2.080 :18.680- t HEALTH PelVSICS PERSONNEL 49 0 24 73 14.780 0.020 .7.610. 22.410 SUPE'tVISORY PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.020 0.000 0.010 0.030 ENGINEERINE PERSONNEL 2 1 7 10 1.240 1.590 3.020 5.850 GRAND TOTALS 152 1 106 259 50.990 1.770 ~41.580 94.340 '
  • Workers may be counted in more than one catraory.

D-38 _ __ .=

a APPENDIX D (Continued) YYW0bfb8hN ff 1990

       -PLANT: '


         -M ff C 100 STAil0N      UTILITY      CONTRACT          ICTAL         STAfl0N- UllL11Y CONTRACI                    TOTAL RJ4JToe ops & SUav __                                                                                                                              i MINTENANCE Ptk5,0NN51                  9             0              9           18          3.110-    0.000          3.000-          6.110 OPERATI(W$ PERSONNEL                  35              0              0           35         11.710     0.000          0.080          11.790-
      -rthtTN PHTSICS PERSONNEL               14              1           37             52          4.260     0.450 SUPERylSOGY PERSONNEL 11.890            16.600 0            0              0              0         0.010     0.000      'O.020              0.030 E GINEERING PERSONNEL 10iAL

{  ! 2 } 0192 _ 0 2 460 0 332 168Q 2 60 2 26 108 19.900 0.910 15.320 *.> 6.aio - ROUTINE MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE PU SONNEL 46 4 191 241 18.830 2.010 91.690 70.E50.. OPERAflDNS PERSONNEL 9 0 7 16 2.570 0.020 2.950 5.540-HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 11 0 22 33, 4.190 0.220' 6.810 11.220 - -I

      -CDP 14WISORY PERSONNEL                  0             0                                       0.000 1             1                   U.000          0.140'          0.140 -    -j
                                               }             {            17            {2           }Jj0                    5.940 -          QJlg          '

69 6 238 313 26.840 3~5}801.3 86.690 Q 117.110 IN*EERylCE INSP(CT10N MAlkiENANCL PERSONNEL 3 0 163 166 0.840 0.020 79.320 80.180 OPERAfl0NS PERSONNEL 0 0 0.000 0.010 1 1 0.560 0.570: HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 5 0 13 18 1.680 0.010 3.560 5.250 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 0 0 2 0.000 2 0.000 -0.590 0.590 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL 0,360 T 3TAL 1 9 1 30 J 3 0.410 {3,670 24.4401-1 209 219 2.880 0.450 107.700 .111.030-SPECIAl, MAINTENANCE mal %1EkANCE PERSONNEL 27 0 227 254 8.520 0.020 185.380- 193.920-OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 7 0 5 12 -1.980 0.100 4.070^ 6.150 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 11 0 29 40 3.960 0.000- 9.450 13.410 SUPESVISORY.PER$0NNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 l ENGINEERING PERSONNEL } g }4 63 3.170 {d50 45.720 51.340 TOTAL 48 6 315 369 17.630 2.570 244.620- 264.820 - h W E TE PROCESSING i- mal:TENANCE PERSONNE6 0 0 ' 21 21 0.330 0.010' 5.180 5.520  ! OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.280- 0.000 -0.030 0.310 NEALTH FHYSICS PERSONNEL 18 0 20 38 5.140 0.030; 7.340' .12.510' SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ENGINEERING PER$0NNEL 9 0.190 Q 9 9 9J19 -0.110 - 0.330 - i

        = total --                          18             0            41             59           5.780     0.230      12.660         -18.670 REFUELINC MAINiiNANr.E PERSONNEL                21             3            3!             $9          16.260     0.630      26.460           43.350:

OPERATIONS PERSONNEL' 18 0 1 19 4.550 0.000 0.560 5.110 NEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 5 0 12 17 1.490 0.000 , 5.450 3.960

    - SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL                   0            0              0              0          0.000     0.000        0.030         'O.030 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL                   }            g'             s              7          0,510 '   O.170-       3.110             3. 790 -

101AL - 45 3 54 102 22.810 0.800 -34.120. 57.730 TOTAL BY JOB FUNCTION MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 106 7 646 759 47-,890 2.690 370.190 420.770' OPERATIONS PERSONNEL . 69 0 14 83 '21.090 0.130 8.250 ~.29.470 HEALIN PHYSICS PERSONNEL 64 1 133 198 20.720 0.710 43.010 64.440-SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 0 0 3 3 0.010 0.000 0.780 0.790' ENGINEERING PERSONNEL- 10 10 107 127 6.210 5.010 78.880 90.100

                                                                                                                                                         'i CR*NO TOTALS                    249             18          903         .1170           95.920. B.540 501.110 L605.570
  ^ *Woriters may be comted in more than one category.

D-39 i Q

APPENDIX D (Continued). Y$0hMb8NNbb 1990 PLANT: *MONTICEtLO TYPE: AX



 - J08 EUNCil0N                      $1A110N       UllLiff      CONTRACT       TOTAL        stall 04 UllLITY. COdTRACT                       ) DIAL REACTOR OPS & SURV MAINTENANLP PERSONNEL                   28             6             0           34         5.681             1.727         0.113         7.521 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL                    40             0             1           41        17.119             0.000         0.523        17.642 HEALTH PH) SICS PERSONNEL               20             0             1           21         S.481             0.000         0.501         8.982 StPERVISORY PERSONNEL                   11             1             3           15         2.912             0.512          1.310        4.734 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL                     9            9             0             9        M5,7              0.011          9d00          id(4 TOTAL                              108             7             5          120        36.650             2.250          2 . 4 47    41.347 ROUTINE MAINTENAW51 _

MAINTENANCE PERS0hNEL 36 10 3 49 14.640 3.c77' 3.951 21.768 OPERAllDNS PERSONNEL  ? 0 0 2 0.693 0.000 0.000 ~ 0.693 NEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 7 0 0 7 2.112 0.000 0.062 2.174

    $UPERvlSORY PERSONNEL                    ,1            0             1            4         1.345            0.032          0.395          1.772 E%CINEERlWG PERSCNNEL                    9             9             9            9         0.109            g&Q            p009 4.608 9%

26.516 109 TOTAL. 48 10 4 62 18.899 3.209 JN SERVICE INSPECil0N 0.000 NAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 OPERAfl0NS PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.00ti - 0.000 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 'O 000 0.000 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL D 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 g 9 9 0.000 9 000 0.000 p.000 - ENh1NEERINr. PERSONNEL 9 101AL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 SPECIAL MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 21 4 3 28 5.820 2.614 0.736 9.170 CPERATIONS eERSONNEL 6 0 0 6 1.961 0.000 0.000 1.961 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 8 0 0 8 2.111 0.000 0.000 2.111 SUPERylSORY PERsokNEL 5 1 3 9 1.347 0.500 1.137 2.984 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL g g 9 Q 0.121 QJgg QdOO 0.221 40 5 6 51 11.460 3.114 1,873 16.447 TOTAL WASTE PROCJS$1NG MAINTENANCE PtRSONNEL 14 2 0 16 4.138 0.343 0.000 4.481 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.161 0.000 0.000 0.161 NEALTH NYSICS PERSONNEL 5 0 0 5 2.045 0.000 0.013 2.058 SLTERVISORY PERSONNEt. 0 0 1 1 0.005 0.000 2.118 2.123 ENGINEtAING PERSONNEL g Q 0 9 0.000 OJog 0.000 0.000 TOTAL 19 2 1 22 6.349- 0.343 2.131 8.823 RE FUELING MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.015 0.000 0.000 0.015-OPERAfl0NS PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.127 0.000 0.000 0.127 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL- 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000-SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL U 0 0 0 0.066 0.007 0.000 0.073 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL 9 9 g g 0.000 M 00 0.000 0.000 TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0.208- 0.007 0.000 0.215 TOTAL BY J03 IONCTION . MAINTENA Q PERSONNEL 99 22 6 127 30.294 7.861 4.800 42.955 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 48 0 1 4V 20.061 0.000 0.523 20.584 G L1H PHYSICS PERSONNEL 40 0 1 41 14.749 0.000 0.576 15.325 - SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 19 2 8 29 5.675 1.051' 4.960, 11.686 tIGINEERING PERSONNEL 9 0 0 9 2.787 0.011 -0.000 2.798 ORANt) T01ALS 215 24 16 255 73.566 8.923 10.859 93.348

  • Workers may tw comted in more than one category.

D-40 I

APPENDIX 0-(Continued) Y WO bB N 1990 PLANT 4 *NikE MILE PolNT 1,2 TYPE'DWR WORL APD NUMBER 07 PERSONNEL D100 adEN) TOTAL PERSON REM JOB FUNCTION STATION UTILITY CONTRACT TOTAL $1All0N UllLITY CONTRACT 10TAL REACTOR & S 8 $UR L , MAINTENANCE PtRSONNEL 1173 46 308 1527 15.146 0.376' 5.161 20.683 OPER4TIONS PERSONNEL 2112 0 1169 3281 30.871 0.000 4.815 35.486 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 1389 4 62 1455 10.594 0.016' 10.663 21.273 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 177 0 65 237- 2.667- 0.000 0.430 3.097 E GINEERING PERSONNEL 164 16 4,54 13,68} 224 9J25 2 4.518 _- _ MIR - ' TOTAL 5010 66 1878 6954 60.963 0.717 25.587 87.267 R00TlWE MAIMU h4kp L mal:1ENANct rERS0wNEL 4073 27 7497 11597 78.531 0.375 145.603 224.509 OPEdATIONS PER$0hNEL 726 0 100 826 18.654 0.000 1.306 19.960 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 2013 1 2280 4294 25.153 0.010 32.570 57.733 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 243 1 404 648 4.425 0.010 6.052 10.487-ErGINEERING PERSONNEL }ZZ 19 188 24J 9 7.381 4161Q ildZg }{JJ11 TOTAL 7582 109 ilT65 19856 134.144 2.005 230.759- 366.906 IN SERyLCE,,,l,NSPLCTION . . MAlblENANCE PERSONNEL 12 1 1924 1937 0.110 0.004 57.739 57.853 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 22 0 1 23 0.265 0.000 0.010 0 . 2 75 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 20 0 88 108 0.432 0.000 1.077' 1.509 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 5 0 54 59 0.042 0.000 1.145- 1.187 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL 0.095 27.034 Z,.146 12 Z 697 {1s 1 01Z 8 TLIAL ill 8 2764 2883 1.866- 0.099 87.005 88.970 - SPECIAL MAINTENANCE 4At:TENANCE PERSONNEL 297 1 3828 4126 5.840 0.005' 97.033 102.878 l DPERail0NS PERSONNEL 11 0 30 41 0.254 0.000 0.666 0.412 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 41 0 171 212 0.884 0.000 2.506 3.390-SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 9 0 125 134 0.051- 0.000 . 2.809 '2.860 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL- 43 45 si9 DZ 1.465 1J02 13.820 TOTAL 401 46 lld8.2 4803 5250 8.494 1.807 116.580 126.881 FASTE PROCESSING MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 41 0 0 41 0.350 0.000 0.000 0.350-OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 1302 0 80 1382 8.622 0.000 0.741 9.343 . HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 122 0 35 157 0.847 0.000 0.370 1.217 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 15 0 1 16 0.050 0.000 0.003 0.053 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL 10 0 9 -19 0.066 0.000 0.040 0.106 TOTAL 1490 0 125 1615 9.935 0.000 1.154 11.089 REFUELING MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 447 0 291 73d 11.585 0.000 5.407 16.992 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 100 0 1 101 0.548 0.000 0.005 0.553 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 349 0 116 465 3.669 0.000 1.504- 5.173 SUPERVISORY FERSONNEL 118 0 25 143 0.900 0.000 0.248 1.148-. ENGINEERING PERSONNEL 164 g $29 L93 0.934 0,J0,0 10.940 11.883 TOTAL 1175 0 962 2140 17.636 0.000 18.113 35.749: TOTAL 8T_ Joe FUNCTION MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 6043 (392) ' 75 (9)13848 (680)19966(1081)- 111.562 0.760 310.943 423.265 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 4273 (1 74 ) 0 (0) 1381 (61) 5654 (235) 59.214 0.000 7.289- -66.503 HEALTN PHYSICS PERSONNEL 3934 (164) 5 (3) 2752 (115) 6691 (282) 41.579 0.026 48.690 -90.295 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 562 (89) '1 (1) 674 (75) 1237 (165) 8.135 0.010 10.687 ~18.832 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL 960 (202) 148 (49) 4042 (410) 5150 (661) 12.548 3.832 101.589 117.9 9 - GRAND TOTALS 15772 (1021) 229 (62)22697 (1341)38698(2424) 233.038 4.628 479.198 716.864L

  • Workers may be counted in more than one category. Nurbers in parentiteses are total rubers of individua(s.


APPENDIX 0 (Continued)' Yh0b b8NNbh 1990 PLAWT *NORTW ANNA 1,2 _TYPfl PWR

    ~ W K AND.                                NtNMR OF PERSONNEL ($100 #EN)                      TOTAL PERSON REM JOS FUNCTION                   STATION      UllLlif   CONTRACT       TOTAL    stall 0N UllLITY CONTRAC1                 TOIAL reactor OPS & SURV MAlWILNANCE PERSONNEL                 46           0         29          M-       0.419     0.000         0.495      . 0.914 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL                115            4           2       121     10.379      .0.001         0.000       10.380 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL              26           0         26          52       0.298     0.000         0.176         0.474
       $UPERVISORY PERSONNEL                 33           9           9         51       0.586    -0.001      'O.000         - 0.587 ENGINEERlWG PERbONMEL                }}            1           }         II       94045     9 091        hell           g&I
         -TOTAL                            233           14         69        316     11.72T       0.003         0.692       12.422

MalNTENANCE PERSONNEL- 276 6 786 1068 79.910 0.004 - 140.664 220.578 OPERAil0NS PER$0NNEL 247 7 40 294 19.408 0.040 0.138 19.586. . i HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 108 16 243 367 20.043 -0.089- .71.629 91.761 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 105 19 7 131 2.157 0.025 0.001 2.183

                                                                              }p}        4.112      0.438        4 J55         8.805 ECGINEERING PERSONNEL              ll}            Zi        194 TOTAL                          861          122      1180        2163    125.630        0.596 216.687        .342.913 IN SFRVlCE ikSPECTION MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL                 35            0       166        201        4.952      0.000:     49.761      -54.713 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL                  20            0          0         20       1.293      0.000      -0.000          1.293 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL              10            0         78         88    -0.482        0.000        7.145:        7.627
       $UPERVISORY PERSONNEL                   3           0          0           3      0.012      0.000        0.000     . 0.012 :

0 18 }9 1.582 0.000 _14,222 --15.804 E GINEERING PERSONNEL 11 TOTAL 89 0 262 351 8.321 0.000 71.128 _ -}9.449- , Sf,((JAL MAINTENANCk MINTENANCE PERSONNEL 87 0 421 508- 1.252 0.000' 118.679 119.931 -

    ' OftRAT10NS PERSONNEL                   17            0          0         17-      0.2P0      0.000-       0.000         0.280-HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL              21            0         96       117        0.253      0.000-       4.767         5.020 -

SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 6 0 1 7 0.028 0.000 0.000 - 0.028' ENGlkEERING PER$0NNEL 19 0 14 }} 9 109 0.000 hg8,1 0.281 125.540-TOTAL, 150 0 532 (c2 2.013 0.000 123.527 WASTE PROCESSING MAIN 1ENANCE PERSONNEL 78 0 53 131 2.627 0.000 0.067- -2.694 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 45 0 2 47 1,003 0.000 -0.012 1.015-HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 44 0 37 81 3.063 0.000 0.875 3.938-SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 9 1 0 10 0.622 0.000 -0.000- 0.622 ENGINEERING PEkSONNEL 1 p 1 } a.000 0.000 0.000 - L909 TOTAL 178 1 93 272 7.315 0.000 0.954 8.269 REFUELING MINTENANCE PERSONNEL 17. 0 86' 103 0.982 0.000 26.899 27.881

  • OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 54 3 0 57 3.570 0.059- 0.000 3.629' HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 25 1 129 155 0.367 0.018 7.515 7.900-SUPERVISORY PERSONWEL 11 1 0 12 0.485 0.112 0.000 0.597 E;GINEERING PERSONNEL- 4 i } 15 0.397 0.721 ;pg 0.69'r
          ' TOTAL _                         111           11       220        342         5.801     4.410      34.493         40.704
      -TOTAL SY JOB FUNCTION mal %iENANCE PERSONNEL..           539             6      1541:      2086      90.142       0.004 _ 336.565 . 4%./11 :

CPERATIONS PERSONNEL 498 14 44 556 35.933. 0.100 0.150 - 36.183-HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 234 17 609- 860 - 24.506 - 0.107 92.107 '116.720-SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL - 167 30 17 214 3.890 0.138 - 0.001- 4.029 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL 184 81 145 410- 6.336 0.660- ~18.658 '25.654 GRAko TOTALS- 1622 148 2356 4126. 160.807 1.009 447.481- 609.297 L-l

  • Workers may be comttd in omre than one cate0ery.

l. i D-42 l

APPENDIX D (Continued) YW0bNbB N k 1990 PLANT "0CONEE 1,2,3 itPE: PWR:

   ~ WORK AND                                NtMBER OF PERSONNEL (>100 n#EM)                        TOTAL PERSON REN JOB FUNCTION                  _ STATION       UllLIIT    CONTRACI        10TAL      _ STATION UlitifV CONTRACT                  .- 101 AL REACTOR OPS & SURV MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL               222          ' 174        142          538         2.465          2.615      0.300            5.400 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL                  86            38         25          149-       11.850..        0.240      0.205          12.295-HEALTN PHYSICS PERSONhEL              47            30        149          226         3.495'         O.295     14.555          18.545 SUPERVISORT PERSONNEL                  4             2          0            .6        0.370          0.000      0.000         - 0.370 -    .

ENGINEER!WG PERSONNEL. }} gg _ g jeg 3.870 414k} p.315 - 14(}9 r TOTAL 415 324 322 1061 22.070 4.615 15.375 .42.060

   .ROUTINF MAINTENANCE l     MAIN 1ENANCE PERSONNEL              .24 8          193        151          592        93.455    $2.925          37.690        184.070~

l CPERAtl0NS FERSONNEL 90 42 52 184 13.625 _10.835 28.235 52.695 HEALTH PHYS!CS PERSONNEL 48 33 160 241 7.103 0.856 32.690 40.649 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 4 3 0 i 0.390 0.945 0.000 1.335 [NGINEERING PERSONNEL 1Z 92 9 jig 11.230 25J19  !.d}} - }?2191 TOTAL 447 363 372 1182 125.803 90.771 101.570 318.164 , IN SERVICE INSPECTION MAINTENANCE PERSONNii 23 49 58 130 0.965 4.555 6.275 11.795 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 2 8 0 10 0.005 0.590 0.000 . 0,595 HEALTN PHYSICS PERSONNEL 13 8 69 90 0.160 0.595 2.770 3.525 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 2 1 0 3 0.170 0.020 0.000 0.190 ENGlWEERING PERSONNEL }} g6 g 59 [J}Q 4J 1 26 0.350 6.925, torAL 71 92 129 292 6.630 7.025 9.3 75 23.030 SPECIAL MAIN gNANCE - . MAINTEkANCE PERSONNEL 135 124 82 341 9.555 15.065- 9.650 34.270-OP2 RATIONS PERSONNEL 34 31 41 106 1.725 1.645 3.620< 6.990 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 29 21 72 122 3.330 2.335- 10.600 16,765. SUPERVISORf PERSONNEL- 5 2 0 7. 0.000 0.020 0.000 0.020-

   . ENC!MEERING PERSONNEL                 }}            ng          2          113         RJ49 '        figI5,      9,,091         10.720.

TOTAL 254 238- 197 689 17.050 -27.840 23.875 68.765 yASTE P90 CESSING MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 21 21 2 44 0.455 0.200 0.000 0.655 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 35 8 44 87 3.610 0.695 3.245 7.550 HEALTH PHYSICS PER$0NNEL 34 1 13 48 1.685 0.145 0.000 1.830 SUPERVISORY PERSCdNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000' O.000 0.000 0.000 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL } 2 g H 0.010 0.030 a D 0_00 0.040 TOTAL 93 39 59 191 5.760 1.070 -3.245_ l10.0/5 RMUELING . MAINTEkANCE PER$0NNEL 55 16 8 79 3.480 -1.060- 0.800 .- 5.340 . OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 74 5 3 82 ' 4.330 0.290 0.060 4.680 NEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 32 5 21 58 1.040 0.1751 0.415 1.630 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 .0.000 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL


[5 186 1Q 1 49 E C 0.275 0.110 0.930 36 37 259 9.395 1.800 1.385 12.580.

   -TOTAL.BY JOB FUNCTION MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL              704 (249) 577 (200) 443 -(163) 1724 (612)         110.395    76.420          54.715 ^ 241.530 -

OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 321 -(97) 132' '42) 165 (53) 618 (192) 35.145'- 14.29S 35.365 . 84.805-HEALTN PHYSICS PERSONNEL ~ 203 (48)- 98 (33) .484 (161) 785 (242) 16.813 4.901- 61.030 82.744 CJPERVISORT PERSONNEL 15 -(5) 8 (3) 0 (0) 23 - (8). 0.930 0.985 ' O.000 1.915 ':- ENGINEERlWG PERSONNEL 223. (65)- 277 (100) 24 (15) 52% (180) 23.425- 36.520 3.715 63.660-


GRAND TOTALS 1466 (464).1092 (378) 1116 (3R2; 3674(1234) 186.706 133.121 154.825 474.654

     *vorkers may be comted in anre than one category. Nwbers in parentheses are total rubers of individents'-



   ! LAC 10R OPS E f,URV _ _ .                                                                         15.481        0.000               1.313          16.794' 160              0              45          2(<5 .

MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 38.110 0.000 -3.125 41.235 146 G 9 155

OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 189 12.144 0.000 18.967 31.111 86 0 103 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 4 29 D 753 0.000 .0.083 0.836-25 0 12pH SC'ERVISORY PERSONNEL -

g }? 0.958 gMg g298 ENGICEERING PERSONNEL 3J 449 1 1 167 617 67.446 0.000 23.57(4 91.020 TOTAL POUTINE M3!$TLNANCE 791 63.641 0.002 25.796 89.439-363 8 420 MAINTENANCE FER$0NNEL 17.175 0.013' 1.216 18.404 259 3 iO4 366 OPERATIDHS PERSONNEL 146 3.729 0.000 3.399 7.128 70 0 76 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSOGNEL 198 3.383 0.002 0.679 4.064 123 2 73

  'SUPERV1$0RY PERSONNEL                                                                                 3.557 '      22,0J 0              [2}ZZ            giggs -      ;

ENGINEERING PERSONNEL 160 } 95 21! 1759 91.405 0.019 33.617 125.121'  ; 975 16 768 TOTAL ) p-SEaVICE INSPECTION 96 0.657 0.000 4.801- 5.458 63 0 33 MAIM 1ENANCE FER$0NNtt 35 0.680 0.000 0.000 0.680 35 0 0 OPERA 11CNS PiRSONNEL 28 0.102 0.000 - 1.120 1.222 11 0 17 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 3 0.026 -0.000 0.033 0.109 r 1 0 2

     $UPERVISORY PERSONNEL 9             g                }           ,1,{           g2 gig       Lp09               9203_1        - L25}

EIGlWEERING PERSONNEL 174 1.683 0.000 6.039-- 7.T22 119 0 55

       -TOTAL LP(,yi(,,M,A,[j(T(NiNCE                                                             466           .33.794          0.000            73.641         107.435'-

173 0 293 MAINTEdANCE PERSONNEL 20 82 5.410 0.000 0.109 5.519' 62 0 8.453-OPERATIONS PER$0NNEL 57 86 3.360 - 0.000 5.093 ' 29 0 ,2.466 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 14 36 1.488 'O.000- 0.978-22 0 SUPERV!SORY PERSONNEL 9 25 54 L102 . 0 3000 12lg 6 J0 4 ENGINECRING PERSONNEL 22 47.154- 0.000 81.439 128.593 315 0 409 724 TOTAL WASTI PROCESSiWG 1.722 0.000 4.493 6.215 107 0 74 181 mlNTENANCE PERSONNEL 74 3.757 0.000 3.631 7.388 67 1 6 UPERATIONS PERSONNEL 73 0.997 .0.000' 2.920 3.917 23 0 50 0.143 - HEALTH PHTSICS PERSONNEL 3 -0.126 0.000 0.017 . 2 0 1 Qa}4g SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 12 0.065 0.000 :0.301 E:GlhEERlWG PERSONNEL I. 9 i 0.000 11.362 .18.029 136 343 6.667 707AL 206 1 REFUELING O 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000-0' O O MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 0 0.000 - 0.000 0.000 0.000-0 0 0 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 0 0 0.000 .0.000 . .0.000 0.000 0 0 0.000-

     . HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 0              0           0.000        0.000              0.000 0             0                                                                                          ' O.000 SUPERVISORY PERSchWEL                                                                    g           0.000        0.000            'O.000 0             g              .O                                                                           .0.000-ENGINEERING PERSONNEL 0              0         'O.000         0.000-             0.000
         ' TOTAL                                  0             0 TOTAL BY J0G FUNCTION                                                                            115.295-         0.002-' 110.044                225.341. 4 MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL                  866 (366)        8     (8) 855-(480) 1T39 (854)                            0.013 ~ 8.081                  - 73.226 (3) 139 (112) 712 (420)             65.132 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL                   569 '(305)       4 0.000            31.499         -51.831 219 (110)-        0    (0). 303 . (126) 522 (236)          20.332 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL                                                                            5,776         0.002-             1.840             7.618 173,-(133)        2    (2) 94       (75) 269 (210)                                           4.567          '12.469 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 4-    (4). 134 (101) 375 (272)            '7.900         0.002 fhGINEERING PERSONNEL                  237 (167) 214.435          0.019           156.C31       '370.485 CRAND TOTALS                     2064'(1031)       to - (17) 1535- (894) 3617(1992)
         *Ucrkers seV be counted in more than one category.         Nurbers in parentheses-are total numbers of Individuals.


f % APPENDIXD(Cont'inued) Y W0k bB li k

                                                                   -1990 PLANT: *PAllSADES                                                                                                 TYPEt PWR l


     - OPERATIONS PERSONNEL                45            0           1          46      15.1(8      0.057-        2.820         18.025 CEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL           21            0        163          184-      8.084      0.000       61.539         69.623-
i. SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 5 1 3 9 2.599 0.190. 1.111 3.900 ENGlWEERING PERSONNEL
          . TOTAL                          81 1           1 5        197

283 g W 30.656 0.341 1.323 M 2] 76.776-W15 - 108.755 RWTINE MAINTENANCE MAINTENAkCE PERSONNEL 70 0 159 229 52.285 0.854 81.591 134.730' OPERAT10NS PERSONNEL 0 0 4 4 0.423 0.000 1.307. 1.730 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 5 0 27 32 1.516 0.000 9.760 11 276

        $UPERVISORY PERSONWEL                2           0           2            4      0.968      0.009         3.3 73 ;       4.350-ENGINEERlWO PERSONNEL                1           1         11            Il      RdM        2.738         MR           1 44 TOTA                            '8           5        203          286      55.927      3.601     104.003         1 .53 IN_'.HLdt INSPERUON                                                                                                                     y MAINTEtAhCE PER$ 7 EL                0           0         38            38      0.256      0.000        21.987        22.243 OPERA 1'ONS PERSONh .                0           0           1            1      0.000     -0.000         0.341-       .0.341
      - HEALTt PHYSICS PER$0NNEL             0           0           3            3      0.091      0.000-        0.678          0.769 --

SUPER 6?t0RY PERSONNEL 0 0 1 1 0.020 0.003 0.182 0.205 ENGINITRiNG PERSONNEL 0 1 19 E gdl? 7.2?4 1M6_) TOTAL ~ 0 5 62 67 0.484 5.191

                                                                                                  -5.195     . 30.442        - 36.121           !

SPECIAL MAjNTENANCE MAINT'.KCE PER$0Nti 8 17 425 450 3.932 4.518 - 289.841 298.291 OPERAil0Ns FCNopF!. 0 0 16 16 0.168 0.042 .8.493 8.703 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 7 0 153 160 1.732 0.000 45.861 47.593 ? SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 1 0 9 10 0.384 0.037 2.844 3,265 ENGINEERING PERSONNFL g 4, 191 JOS Ja9 O 0.900 E7}} $8.942 TOTAL 16 21 704 741 6.505 5.497 404.792 416.794 WASTF PROCES$!NG MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.184- 0.004. . 0.177 - 0.365

    , OPERATIONS PERSONNEL                   0           0           0            0      0.193      0.000         0.007-         0.200 -

NEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 10 0 0 10 -4.931 0.000 1.081 - 6.012 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.096- 0.003 0.000 0.099 EDGINEERING PERSONNEL Q g Q -Q 0.010 0.000. 0.145 0111 TOTAL 10 0 0 10 5.414 0.007- - 1.410 6.831-

     - REFUFLING MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL                5         28            0          33       1.657     17.788      : 0.147          19.592'
- OPERATIONS PER$aNNEL 5 0 0 5 1.870 0.000 0.093 1.963 l

CEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 0 0 4 4 0.043 0.000 ~1.584- 1.627

SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.301 0.040 0.018- 0.359 '

ENGINEERING PERSONNEL 1 0 16 17 0.420 .0.000 10.369 10,789 70TAL 11 28 20 59 4.291 17.828 12.211- 34.330 TOTAL BY JOB FUNCTION MAINTENANCE PERSONNEE' 88 48 649 785 60.847 23.899 402.527: 487.273 !- OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 50 0 22 72 17.802 - 0.099 13.061 30. % 2 s l-CEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 43 0 350 393 16.397 0.000 120.503 136.900 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 8 1 15 24 4.368 0.282- 7.528 12.178 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL 7 15 150 1 72 3.863 9.171 -86.015 .99.049 l _ . l' GRAND TOTALS- 196 64 1186 1446 103.277 '33.451 629.634 766.362

    - CWorkers may be counted in more than one category.



i APPENDIX D (Continued) Y W0bkb8 N k 1990' -plt.NT: *PALO VERDE 1,2,3 TYPEt PWR . WORK AND . NVMBER Of PERSONNEL (*100 n#EM) total P E$9N REM _ _ JOB FUNCTION. STAfl0N Uilll1T . CONTRACT- TOT AL . STATION UilL11Y CONTRACT 101AL REACTOR OPS & SURV mal %1ENANCE PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 1.232. 0.000 -2.357 3.589 CPERATIONS PERSONNEL 57 0 0 57 17.213 0.000 - 1.213 - 18.426 HEALTN PHY31CS PERSONNEL 45 0 106 151 11.489 0.000 30.052 41.541-SUPEPVISORY PERSr;NNEL 1 0 0 1 0.700 0.000 0.030 0.730 E:GINEERING PERSONNEL 1 9 9 l' 1.014 0 L13. L111 total 104 0 112 216 31.648 Y_0QQ 000 35.753 67.401-ROUTINE uAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE PER$0NkEL 122 265 387 45.842 0.000 117.023 162.865' OPERAfl0NS /ERSONNEL 3 0 22 25 2.649 0.000 5.035 7 684 EEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 48 0 114 162 15.(35 0.000 37.486 - 53.121' SW ERVISORY PERSONNEL 0 0 2 2 0.225 0.000 0.490 0.715 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL 1 0 16 11 2.829 0.000 1,9R 10,641 TOTAL 178 0 419 597 67.180 0.000 167.646 235.026 ltfERVICE [NSPECTICE

 'MAINi[ NANCE PERSohNEL                   9            0        112          121        3.273      0.000     60.482           63.7 %

OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 0 0 5 5 0.160- 0.00C -1.565 1.725 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 7 0 36 43 1.738 0.000 11.533 13.291-S @ERVISORY PERSONNEL 0 0 2 2 0.090 -0.000 2.184 . 2.274 ENGlWEERING PERSONNEL 6 9 M 34 M1,1, 020,.QQ j M Q1 ,1M1Q TOTAL 22 0 183 205 6.976 0.000 86.789 93.765 SPECLAL MAINTENANCE

' MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL                     4           0          11          15        1.249      0.000.       3.870           5.119, OPERATIONS PERSONNEL                      0           0           0            0       0.010      0.000        0.010           0.020 HEALTH PHTSICS PERSONNEL                  0           0           2            2       0.010-     0.000        0.685           0.695 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL                    0            0           0            0       0.000      0.000        0.000 .         0.000-ENGINEERING PERSONNEL                     1           0           0            1       0.350      0.000-       0.000           0.350 TOTAL                                  5           0          13          18 -      1.619     -0.000        4.565           6.184 WASTE PROCES$ LNG MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL                     0            0           1            1      0.030      0.000        0.865           0.895       ,

LPEkATIONS PERSONNEL 0 0 1 1 0.220 0.000 0.845, 1.065

 -NEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL                17             0         18          35        5.507      0.000        6.189          11.696

- SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL. 0 0 1 1 0.030 0.000 0.110.- 0.140 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL 9 9 9 Q 0.000 - 0.000 LOJO Q 000 TOT 1L 17 0 21 30 - 5.787 0.000 8.009 13.796 RU UEllWG

MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 19 0 102 121 6.829 0.000 50.508' 57.337 OPERATIONS FERSONNEL 2 0 .3 5 1.500 0.000 1.288 2.788 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 6 0 61 67~ 2.678 0.000 16.842 19.520 '

SUPERV!$0RY PERSONNEL 2 0 1 3 0.645- 0.000 ' O.230. 0.875 - 0.440 0,000 ,0A01 .-1,34% ENGINEERikG PERSONNEL 1 Q Q- 1 TOTAL 30 0 167 197 12.092 0.000 '69.773 - 81.865 TOTAL BY JOB FUK TION . MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 154 0 491 645 58.455 0.000 . 2M.105 293.560. OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 62 0 31 93 21.752 0.000 9.956 : -31.708: HEALTH PHYStCF PERSONNEL 123 0 337 460 37.057 0.000 102.807- 139.864-SUPERVISOPY PERSONNEL- 3 0 6 9 1.690 0.000. 3.044 4.754 - ENGINEERING PERSONNEL 14 0 50 64 6.34S 0.000 21.823- 28.171 CRAND TOTALS- 356 0 915 1271 125.302 0.000 -372.733 499.037

  • Workers may be counted in more than one category.

D-46 a

APPENDIX D (Continu:d) BY W0 b b B N N b 1990 PLAkte *PE ACN BOT 1(M 2,3 TYPE: BWR WC:K AND TOTA Q {RjCg jtM 5fAtl0NNUMkfR y PJ $CWNJ L (D100,,[41N} 101AL

 .'C3 FUNCilC*                                                   UllLIIY       CONTRACT                    $IA110N Uf!LlIV CCMTRACI                total ELA.i!M 9P113MM_

MAINithAkCE PER50Nutt 134 197 328 659 4.124 3.918 8.784 16.826 OttkA110NS Pthstaatt 134 29 105 266 20.594 1.475 9.039 31.108 HEAllH PHCICS Ftk&ONNIL 104 3 65 172 14.276 0.632 8.228 43.136

 $UPERvlSORY PERSONNEL                                       4             3          13           20        0.069      0.018       0.337          0.424

(;:GlkttRING PIR50NNEL 101AL 425 if 29 261


543 iig iff?

                                                                                                              }Jll 62.890 LQ 7.V07 L} 9 27.7 (47 98.544 IJ)_g E m u alWE N m L MAlWilkANCE PELbONutL                                   122           210          382          714        17.799      6.035     19.M(t         43.674 Ce:RAlicus PER$0NNEL                                      44            24           83          151         1.991     0.681        4.220         6.892 NEAlfW PHYslCS PERSONNtt                                  68              3          48          119         5 .0 75   0.067        3.351         8.493 SUPERylSORY PER$0NNtt                                      3             2            6           11        0.108     0.013        0.183          0.304 IGINEttlNG PER$0NNEL                                     }Q            Rt           2}           M          1 9M      014Jg        9J94           24TM 101At                                               273           265         542         1080         2b62       7.276     27.690          62.128 LNc H u1IL Lk P19E M MlNilkANCE l'tRbONNEL                                    22            30           TT          129         0.125     0.122         1.807         2.054 OrtkAfl0N$ Pit $DNNEL                                      4             2             7          13        0.018     0.002         0.417         0.437 HEALTH PHY$lCS PERSONNEL                                   6              1           3           10        0.097     0.017         0.308         0.422 Si'PERVISos'y F(R$0Nkit                                    0             0            0             0       0.000     0.000         0.000         0.000 f:GlHEPING f ERLONNEL                                      }              [           1             g       0j}7       QJj9            007 g,TH          QJU 101AL                                                 37            35          88          160         0.377      0.175        z.            3.086 Pli!.A1 MINI @gL MINit hANct MRSONNEL                                    130           231          482          843        30.558    28.002      M.720         145.280 0FIRAt 0Ns PtRt0NNEL                                      73            30         139          242         4.761       1.995    16.024          22.780 M ALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL                                 93              3          60         156        13.240       0.397       5.176        18.813
   $UPERVILOllY PER$0NNtt                                     4             3          12           19        0.238       0.183       1.270          1.691 (fc!NtERING FER$0NNEL                                    ti            M            }}         193         }Eg          i          L90$          709 101AL                                              344           294          725         1563        $2.067    3)dI} .352 111.TM         195.60.

WAtTI PR K[S_JlNG MINllNANCE PLRSONNEL 65 64 121 268 2.206 1.187 3.758 7.151 OPERATI(*S FIRSONNEL 15 10 20 45 0.158 0.149 1.272 1.579 tiEALTH Physic $ PERSONNE'. $2 1 22 75 1.716 0 002 1 0.994 2.712

   $0PtRVISORY PER$0NNEL                                       1            0            3            4        0.007       0.000      0.038          0.045 E"GINitRING PERf0NNEL                                      P             Q            4           1}        Od51        gJog       DJjg           QJ6,,g TOTAL                                               140            95         170           405         4.239        1.338     6.092        11.669
   !1MidNG                  ___

MAINithANCE PERSONNEL 27 97 s03 227 0.254 1.704 2.025 3.983 OPERATIONS PER50NNIL 8 7 15 90 0.027 0.163 0.448 0.638 HEALTH PHY$1CS PER50NNtt. 19 0 18 37 0.200 0.000 0.688 0.t28

    $UPERvIGORY PfRSONNEL                                      0             0            1            1       0.000        0.000      0.006         0.006 EEGINEERING Pkh0NNEL                                       I             }            }          1}        Q211}        0.136      Qf1Ti         9J1}

lotAL 61 109 140 310 0.594 2.003 3.2=3 5.640 i 1pfAl isY JQR FUN _Qf1W HAluttNANCE PERSONNEL 498 (138) 849 (233) 1493 (517) 21140 (888) 55.066 .40.968 122.734 218.965-OPERAi10NS PfRSONNEL 278 (136) 102 (30) 369 (164) 749 (330) 27.549 4.46S 31.420 63.434 REALTH PHYtlCS PERSONt!L 342 (104 ) 11 (3) 216 (69) 569 (176) 54.604 1.115 18.745 74.4M SUPERyl$0RY PERSONNEL 12 (4) 6 (3) 35 (17) 55 (24) 0.422 0.214 1.834 2.470. 2NGINEERING PERSONNEL 150 (51) 89 (33) 95 (41) 334 (125) 9.488 4.284 3.762 17.534


GRAND fcTALS 1280 (433) 1059 (302) 2208 (808) 4547(1543) 147.129 51.046 178.695 376.870

    'Vorhers may te cwnted in sore then we category. Nsiers in parentheses are total rubers of indivirkJets.                                                     l Q-47                                                                            )

APPENDIX 0(Continu:d) Y wo@AkbsNNElk 1990 PLAWii

  • PERRY TYPE BWR UtX AWu ,_ NUNote of PLetohWEL D100 n*EC _ , , , ,

101AL,f,[#$9 WREN .. JOB FUNC110m 31ATION UllLl1T COWTAAEI 10fAL SIATION UllL11V CONTRACI 101AL 1[tu ou OPS $ SVRV,,_ M icit=ANCE M asowatt 139 4 278 421 1.421 0.055 11.669 13.145 OPERATION $ M R$0NNEL 75 2 1 78 13.616 0.000 0.000 13.616 NEALTN PHY$lts PER$0NNil 50 0 121 171 15.369 0.000 13.436 28,805

$UPIRVit0Rf PERSONNEL                     0           0           2              2         0.000                                     0.000      0.060           0.060 L                         2                        4           7             3                                                           8        5 E9&hlfiLWILNANIL.

4AINilkANCE L PfRSONNEL 150 5 587 742 7.950- 0.502 125.662 -134.114  ; OPERAttoks PER&ONNEL 72 2 2 76 3.694 0.125 0.025 3.844 l HEALTH PHr$1Es PERSONWEL 4A 0 155 201 5.683 0.000 54.402 .6C.085 i C'JPERVI50kV PER$0NHEL 0 0 2 2 0.000 0.000 0.070 0.070 t:GINEERlWG PERSONNEL J2 il }} $2 M14 Lill Mjj MS  ! 101AL 287 I2 781 1090 18.00T 1.144 183.969 204.6n$ 1N'5ERllILLSEEUJ.05 MlWiENAhCE PtR$0hWEL 9 0 189 198 0.020 0.000 12.318 12.338 OPERA 110WS PEft$0NNEL 8 0 0 0 0.061 0.000 0.000. 0.061 NEALTW PHYSIC $ PERSuWNEL 5 0 30 35 0.571 0.000 0.f45 1.236 EurERVl&DRf PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ENGINEERlWG PERSONNEL g g M $} gj 941}} 0.747 h$ TOTAL 30 D P46 266 u.884 0.135 13.736 14.r49 fEtith.81tuthst , 2.930 242.085 Mihi&NAhtE PER60umEL 151 6 666 803 52.790 297.005 OPERAtl0NS PERSONNLL 81 2 4 87 18.424 0.085 1.115 19.624 HEALfM PHYSICS PERSONNEL 48 0 152 200 14.406 0.000 24.851 39.257

$UPERVISOR1 PERSONNEL                     0           0           2               2        0.000                                     0.000       0.085          0.085 ENGIWf ERlWG PERSONNEL                  29          if           }}            ls          MM                                        LZ11        EJ29         1L94j T0fAL                         300           14         042      '1166             88.740                                     4. T36   276.336.       369.812 waste Pkof[jsLNG MIN 1ENAkti PER$oNNEL                   63            0        162          225            0.945                                     0.000-    11.870          12.815 0PERAil0NS PER$0NWEL                    30             1           1           32          3.485                                     0.150       1.565          5.200 HEALTH PHY$1CS PERSONNEL               34            0         101         135            4.180                                     0.000       6.075 '       10.255-
 $UPERVISORY PERr0NNEL                    0           0           0               0        0.000                                     0.000,    -0.000           0.000 ENGINEERlWG PER50NNtl-                   {           4           4            10          p,.pgg                                    Mig         M09            LOM
      . TOTAL                          129            5         a6::        402            a.i.10                                    0.170     19.510          28.290<

R.imu Wa MlW1ENANCE PERSONNEL $0 0 156 -206 0.540 ' O.000 18.950 19.490 CPERATIONS PEtt0NNEL 39 1 1 4i 0.405 0.000. 0.010' O.415 , HEALTH Physics PERs0NNEL 23 0 28 51 1.500 0.000 .M.215 3.715

 $UPERVISORY PERSONNEL                     0           0           1               1       0.000                                     0.000-_     0,060          0.050' LENGlWEERlWO PERSONWEL                     2           Z            g           R{          M l}                                      OJQ1        My1            MM :

101AL- 119 8 194 321 2.480 b.335 21.70F 24.490 IgilLJ,Y,,lo_s FUNCT104, 3.487. '422.554 ! ,489.T07 M1W1ENANCE Mas 0NNtt 562 15 2018 2595 63.666 OPERAi10NS PER$0NNEL 305 8 9 322' 39.655 0.360 . 2.715- -42.760. NEAL1H PHY$1C$ PER$0NNEL 206 0 587 793 41.709 0.000 101,644 143.353' . SUMRVISORT PER40kutt 0 0 7 7 0.000 0.000 0.265 . 0.265 1E4tkEERING PELSONNEL - 75 61 132 . 268 5.218 3,403 13.520 22.141 GRAu0 10T Att 1168 84 2753 3985 150.278 7.250 540.698 698.226-

  %orkers fany be counted in more than une category.


  • r

APPENDIX D (Continued) HYiONNaWnFM" 19W PLANf 'PI L LRip 1YPit SWR LC K AND . N'.MULQL2LiVANiutLD2)*tu) z ST I.ON __TQTA(P[R$0N=R(N J03 fuMCfl0N $1All04 UlillIV (ON1RACI 101AL ..M UllLili CCMIRACI 101AL t(apt [g p u _sy L _ mAINltNANtt etRst att 88 3 25 116 21.143 0.707 4.924 29.374 (*fRAtloNS PtA$06 EL 62 1 28 91 26.049 0.269 10.109 16.427 HE ALTH PNY$1C$ M- t0NNEL 32 0 1 33 1l.608 0.000 0.558 17.366 $UPERVl&ORY PLk$Cs :tL 30 1 9 40 11.233 0.400 3.350 14.983 t:ClkttRlhG Pik$04 TL [Q g 1 $7 QJM gjV) LM1 18Q 101AL 232 r 68 397 79.084 1.16v 23.172 104.0h EMBLMINihANIL MAlW1tWANLt PERSONNit 92 3 73 168 32.244 0.765 26.456 59.465 OPERAflCWS itRtoNhtL 10 1 0 11 3.678 0.113 0.056 3.84 7 WEALTH PMillC$ PERSONh L 29 0 4 33 9.882 0.000 1.691 11.573 kWERVllORY MD50NNEL 20 0 11 31 5.668 0.017 3.850 9.545 (NGINEttlWG PER$0hWEL I g } 10 WV gJll QJ),3 } 101AL 158 4 91 2d 53.6S3 0.922 32.969 87@.rA

}WAl'.XlEllWMHilM m TNithAutt PERSONNEL                       0          0           11            11                               0.049         0.000         2.262           2.311 C?tRATIONS PER$0NNtt                        0          0             0             0                              0.015         0.000         0.000           0.015 HCAL1M PHY$1Ct PtRtorNIL                    0          0             0             0                              0.137         0.000         0.050           0.187 CUFIRVISORY PERSONNEL                       0           0            6             6                              0.000         0.000         1.us0           1.660 LNGlktERING PER$0NNEL                       g           9            9              0                             QJQ           LOQQ          gdM             gy}

total 0 0 17 17 0.451 0.000 4.057 4.535 EMl8L "41GhAW9L. MAlditNANCE PutschWEL 0 0 12 12 0.277 0.000 2.710 2.967 CMRAfl0N5 MR$0NNEL 1 0 0 1 1.002 0.003 0.000 1.005 HF AL1H PHislCS PikSCANEL 0 0 0 0 0.201 0.000 0.005 0.206 SWERVis0RY PtR$0NNEL 0 0 0 0 0.C31 0.000 0.015 0.096 t%GINitRING PfR50NNEL g g Q g 0A DEQ QJll LL5{ TOTAL 1 0 12 13 1.802 0.003 2.743 4.548 EAllLER9ELWlft mAIWitNANct PE RSONNLL 0 0 0 0 0. 775 0.021 0.005 0.801 OrttAfl0NS Pits 0NNEL 9 1 0 10 4.363 0.447 0.023 4.833 HEALTH PHYllC$ PERSONNEL 7 0 0 7 2.343 0.000 0.050 2.393 ID ERVis0RT PERSONNEL 2 0 0 2 0.715 0.000 0.008 0.923 ENGihittlWG PER$0NNil ici? lQ g g 9 Lg9Z Q 00g pu0J0 Q2L9{

                                        } 18             1            0           19                               8.493         0.468         0.086           9.047 ttM(LNG                              '

MAIN 1tkANCE MR$0hutt 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 OPERAflDNS Pit $0hWEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 htAlfW PHY$lCS FER$0NNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 SuttRVISORY PER$0Nutt 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1:GINEERING PER$01.Ntl Q 0 g g 9,0gg L0og QJgg MO Q 101AL 0 0 0 0 0.000- 0.000 0.000 0.000 E6L1LLOL!WlLON_ T MAINILkANCE MRMANEL 180 6 121 307 55.088 1.493 38.357 94.938 OetR. Ail 0WS Pf un0NNEL 82 3 28 113 35.107 0.832 10.188 46.127 HfAlfM PHY$1CS PERSONWr( 63 0 5 73 24,371 0.000 2.354 26.725 StktRVl$ORY Pit $0Nutt 52 1 26 79 17.897 0. 42~/ 8.883 27.207 E NGINtf RlhG PER$CNNtt 27 2 8 37 11.230 0.410 3.245 14.885 GRAND TOTALS 409 12 188 607 143.693 3.162 63.027- 209.882

    **& kers may tW enanted in more than one category, i

l D-49

APPDiDIX D (C:ntinued) Y W0bbB N h 1990 TYPts PWR PIAN 1 ' POINT BE ACH 1,2 WCK Ako 09tR OF PLR$0NNLt (*100_,retN) J9 PfRS M Dt 1011I JC3 FUNCil0N

                                     $1AllON        UllLitt            C4*IRAC1                     10TAL               stall 0N U1           11 CON 1RACI ttEOR _01LW'.L.                             0              0                              0                0                   0.000      1.50         0.40          2.590 KAINit uNct PtRsontt                                                                                                                     0.000         0.000       14.180 OPERAll0NS PER$0NNEL                         0             0                              0                0                14.180 0              0                             0                0               30.M0          0.000        0.000       30.M0 MtAlin PHYllCS PER$0Nkit                                                                                                                              0.000         0.500 0              0                             0                0                   0.$00      0.000
$UPERvl40PY PIRLONWIL (NCIWitRING Pitt0NNEL                       g              g                             g                g                   gyg        h.0gg        gjQQ.         g gg 0                           0                0                 45.760       1.59         0.M0        48.a rv total                                   0 R2lUWIMIGEA.NEL                                              0                           0                0                  42.090     16,510        0.000        58.600 MlN1t#hti Pf RSonEL                         0 0                0                           0                0                   0.000      0.000         0.000        0.000 CPERAtl0Ns Plut0NNEL                                                                                                                                   0.000         0.000 0               0                            0                0                   0.000     0.000 Nf ALTH PHYSICS PER50WIL                                                                                                                              0.000         0.0W 0               0                            0                0                   0.000     0.000 suPERVit0Rf PER$0NktL E GlkttRING PtR$0Nutt                       Q               g                            g                g                   M1g       hgQQ          $099          M ig 0                            0                0                 44.100     16.510         0.000       60.810 TOTAL                                  0 lbfIEYIELINJfLillM                                           0                           0                0                   2.f40      4.010       35.370       42.240 MI%1tokti Pit $0hutt                        0 0.000        17. 5 0 OPERA 110HS PfRLokktt                       0                0                           0                0                  17.750      0 . 0 011 0                0                           0                 0                  0.000      0.000        0.000         0.000 NEAL1H Pnf $lts PfR50NNEL                                                                                                                                           0.040 0               0                            0                0                  0.040      0.000         0.000 SWERVI$0df PERS0WEL E:GINitRING PERSONNEL                        g               9                            Q                g                  h)}Q       gnQE 0        gdQO          id}Q 0               0                            0                0                 25.180      4.010       35.370        64.560 10iAL ff E.1A d AIW.ll " N0E                                                                   0                0                   8.290     3.070      109.380       120.740 MINithAhti PCd50ntt                         0                0 0                0                           0                0                   0.000      0.000        0.000         0.000 OPERA!!M S PER$0NNIL                                                                                                                                                 0.000 0                0                           0                0                   0.000      0.000        0.000 MfALTH PHYSICS PER50ntt                                                                                                                                              0.000 0                0                            0                0                  0.000      0.000        0.000
  $UPEkVISORT PER$0NktL g               g                            g                g                  QJQQ       QJ0g         6g09           RJ29 ENGINEERING PER50hNtl                                                                                                                                            120.740 0               0                            0                0                  8.290      3.070     109.380 1CIAL WA$1E ERJ)Ct,JJJNG 0                0                           0                0                   0.000     0.000         2.890         2.890 MINithANCE PER$0ntL                                                                                                                                   0,000         0.800 0                0                           0                0                   0.800     0.000 OPERAi!ONS Ptt$0att                                                                                                                                   0.000         4.640 0                0                           0                0                   4.640     0.000 HEALTH PHY$lts PER50NNEL 0                0                           0                 0                  0.000      0.000-       0.000         0.000
   $UPERVI50RY PtR$0AEL E GINitRING PER50ptL                        g                Q                            g                g                  DJ0g       gdQO.        gfpg          LOOQ .

0 0 0 0 5.440 0.000 2.890 6.330 total RE FUtQNL_ 0 0 0 28.650 11.430 0.000 40.080 M141tNANCE FIRSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0 3.020 0.000 0.0GO 3.020 OPERA 110NS PERLontL 0.000 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 HEALTH PHY$1C$ PERS0WEL 0 0 0 0 0.280 0.000 0.000 0.280 EUPERVISORY PERsontL h9,,pj ENGINttRlWG PER$0NNil 9 9 9 g Q $p gfpp h02Q 0 0 0 0 33.930 11.430 0.000 45.360 TC1AL 101%lLP8 MCil0N 0 (219) 0 (301) 81.890 36.770 148.480 267.140 MAINitNANCE PtKS0utt 0 (48) 0 (34) 0 (58) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (58) 35.750 0.000 0.000 35.750 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 0 (40) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (40) 35.480 0.000 0.000 35.480 ttALTH PHYSICS PER$0ett 0.820

     $UPERVISORY PER$0NNEL                       0    (3)        0                  (0)       0    (0)         0 (3)              0.820       0.000       0.000.

0 (27) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (27) 8.980 0.000 0.000 8.980 (NGINttRING PERS0WEL GRAC TOTALS 0 (176) 0 (34) 0 (219) 0 (429) 162.920 36.770 148.480 34D.170

      'Ucrkerr., say be counted in eore than one category. Nunteers in perentheses are total rmbers of individuals.

D-50 i

APPENDlX D (Continu;d)- yow $$NBYNbf 1990 PLALT *f'RAIRlf ISLAND 1,7 ffFil PWR WC8K AWD _ J.L'91L9LftUl*,MLLitlE93 10 _ I9I AL PI819M* l lM 400 fuMC110N $1AIlON UflLilf LONTRACI 101AT $1Allte WilLIIT CONTRACI 101AL Ef.319RL9PLLh8V Mluf thANct f LR$wNil 2 0 0 2 2.067 0.000 0.000 2.067 OPERA 110NS PER$(mhtL 2 0 0 2 1.435 0.613 0.133 2.181 MALIN PHillCS PER$0NNEL 1 0 0 1 0.183 0.127 0.265 0.'775 $UNRVISORY PER$(wNtL 5 0 1 6 1.75 6 0.000 0.816 2.5 72 A i 1 9 EWIMLM1kJ{N[g(,, MIN 1tNANLt Pit $0NNIL 0 0 0 0 0.033 0.000 0,000 0.033 OM kail0NS PtkSONNrt 19 26 3 48 5.878 10.090 1.414 17.382 N!ALTH PNY$1C$ PER$0NhtL 7 0 10 17 1.424 0.060 3.202 4.706 $UPERtISORY PER$0nktL 0 0 0 0 0.071 0.000 0.135 0.206 INGlJLttiNG PER$t*WEL y 1 Q 1Q 148 M p EQ OM 101AL 35 27 13 75 9.259 1'0.352 dM .771 2 .582 LNdt*MLHELG1Lcal M!NitNANcr MR$c* Net 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 OPERA 110N8 Pik$0NNEL 6 29 39 74 2.249 12.576 19.270 34.101 NEALTH l'HYllC$ PER$0NWil 1 0 22 23 0.530 0.055 9.159 9.744

$UPERVi$0RT Pitt0NNil                    1            0         16         17                  0.210      0.000              3.935                4.143 t:GINttRING PttSONNCL                    Q            g           g          k                 ggg4)'                        Q4099                Qfg4,l h99Q TOTAL                                 8          29          77       114                   3.03r    1z.631         32.164                   48.036 ELL 1AD3Di[NAEL.

MIN 1tNANct N R$0NNEL 10 0 0 10 3.256 0.000 0.000 3.256 OrtRATIONS PtR$0NNEL 33 103 17 153 8.913 34.860 4.192 47.885 NCAlfM PHY$lC$ MR$0HNil 8 1 46 51 2.335 0.302 21.185 23.822

$wtRVisomf PERSONNEL                   10             0         35        45                   2.375      0.000              9.125               11.500 t:GINttRING PER$C* Nil                   {            9            1         }                 Oi 7M      2E}                 blM                  QJH TOTAL                               63          104          99       FM                   17._634   35.185          34.579                   87.398 9 Alii PPM 1IlNG MINILWANLE PERSONNt L                    0            0            0         0                 0.118      0.000               0.000                0.118 OPERAil0NS MR$0 unit                     2            0            0         2                  1.011     0.327                0.002               1.340 HEALTH PHY$1CS PERSONNCL                0            0            0         0                 0.006      0.000                0.000               0.006
 $UM AVISORY PER$r.* Nil                 3             0           1         4                  1.248     0.000                0.304               1.552 LNGlkttRING PER$0NWit                   0            g            g         g                 91900      9,000                0,,5009             gu00g TOTAL                                5             0            1        e                  2.363     0.327                ,0.306              3.016 EinillNA MiuitNANCE MR$0NNtl                     0             0           0          0                 0.936      0.000               0.000               0.936 OPERAT10N3 MR$0NNEL                    24           25            0       49                   7.888      T.370                0.000            15.258 HEALTH PHY$1C$ PERSONNEL                 2            0           0          2                 0.851      0.016                0.138              1.005
 $UPERVISORY MR$0NNEL                     0            0            1         1                 0.049      0.000                0.266              0.315 E GlhtttihG PERSONNEL                   0 TOTAL                               26           25 g           g 1      52 g                 Q115) 9.882 gDQg 7.386 StQgQ 0.604 4%

0 15 17.672 lol*L.fLM.LMl19M MINitkANLE MR$0NNEL 12 0 0 12 6.410 0.000 0.000 6.410 DMRAfl0NS PER$0hWEL 84 183 59 328 27.374 65.836 24.937 118.147 htAlfM PHillCS PER$0 hurt 19 1 78 98 5.529 0.580 33.449 40.058

 $0PERY160Rf Ptt$0A EL                  19              0        54         73                  5.709      0.000            14.579                20.288 LNGINttalNG MR$0NNtt                   11              1           1       13                  2.922      0.205                 0.177             3.304 GRAND TOTALS                      147           185         192       524                  47.944    66.621             T3.642              188.207
  • workers may te counted in more than ore category.


e APPENDIXD(Continud) i' YW0bkb8 FIN k 1990 PLAN 1 *0VAD CIllEl 1.2 TYPE: DWR WopK AND . NUMBER OF_ yt30NWG (*100 nelN) TOT AL PER$0N.RJM _,,,, JCO FUNC110N $1All0N UllLl1T CONTRACI 101AL $1A110N UllLili CONIRACT ;0TAL Lt.A919N i!Li $URV mal'NTENANCE PEREOWhEL 16 10 110 136 16.255 0.128 46.123 62.506 CelRAfloal PER$onhEL 145 0 223 368 42.178 0.000 17.427 59.605 NEALTH PNit!C$ PEk$CelWEL 24 0 15 39 20.830 0.000 6.072 26.902

         $UPERVi$0RY PERSONNEL                96         28           5         129       16.574     0.0 95      0.957       17.926 E:CIN[tRING PER$0NNEL-               Q          M           g}         Jg7                  M Z1       $J}

TOTAL 324 99 436 85I 10 .14 2.598 78.582 1 . RWILNE MAlWTEWAEL. MAINIENANCE PER$0=WEL 99 132 563 79A 99.104 1.700 237.176 337.960 DPER4110NS PER$0NNEL 32 0 2 34 9.177 0.000 0.127 9.304-kEALTW PHY$1C$ PER$0NkEL 18 0 36 54 15.069 0.000 13.933 29.002 JUPERY!$0RY PER$0NNEL 96 51 17 164 16.692 0.727 3.394 20.813 ENGitEERlNG PER$0NNEL }{ (( {} }g M }j 4M 4 .862 M' total 2T7 257 663 1 143.998 4.966 258.898 1N2*E RVICL.LN}d til0W MAIN 1ENANCE PER$0alhEL 2 0 227 229 1.517 0.000 95.563 97.080 OPERAT10Nl PERSONNEL 0 0 1 1 0.088 0.000 0.034- 0.122 , MALTH PNY$lCS PER$0NNEL 0 0 1 1 0.405 0.000 0.574- 0.979 - l

         $UPERVISORY PER$0NNEL                  1         1            7            9      0.220      0.011      1.404          1.635 t         ENGlWEERING PER$0NNEL                }}         ${          11           $$       }ij7 O        }z,,k}

7 M7J Mii TOTAL 28 $3 247 328 5.297 1.776 98.591 105.670 EfR!LkAHILNAEL. 0.971 233.835 MAINILNANCE PER$0xWEL 6 75 540 621 5.647 227.217

OPERAtl0N$ PER$0NkEL 2 0 1 3 0.534 0.000 0.108- 0.642 NEALTN PHY$lCS PER$0NNfL 3 0 19 - 22 2.646 0.000 7.258 9.904
         $UFERYlSORY PER$0NNEL                18          3        116          137        3.129      0.040    23.500        26.669 I         ENGl%EERAWG PER$0NNEL                M          }}        lig          46         1.350      id66     1 M 9}         10J11 TOTAL                             40        133        834         100f       13.306      I877 273.2 TS      '285.461 UastE Peocn iiNo MAINlENANCE PER$0NhEL                  0         0            0            0      0.001      0.000      0.134          0.135 Ot'ERATIONS PER$cwNEL                15          0          25           40       4.376      0.000      1.954          6.330 i         HEALTH PNYSICS PERSONNEL               1         0            0            1      0.801      0.000-     0.025          0.826 l        -$UPERVlt0RY PER$0NNEL                 19          0           0          19-      3.315      0.000      0.000         3.315 I

t:GlWEERING PER$0NNEL g- g 9 9 pgg 0.011 E O Ed!} . TOTAL- 35 0 25 60 8.495 0.011 2.113 10.619 l HLun1No . l- MAlhttNANCE PER$CNNEL 19 0 0 19 19.399 0.000 0.192 19.591 OPr. Rail 0NS PER$0NNEL 17 0 0 17 4.869 0.000 0.005 = 4,874 - l HEALTH PMYSICS PERSONNEL 3 0 0 3 2.114 0.000 0.000 2.114-I $UPERVISORY PERbCNNEL 20 0 0 20 3.492 0.003 0.000 3.495 ENGlNEER1HG PERSONNEL } } } 2 Qdil 93112 9M 92996 30.958 total 62 3 3 68 30.329 0.118 : 0.511

       . TOTAL 81_ Joe FUN [1Losi MAINIENANCE PLR$0NNEL              142        217       1440-        9799-     141.923      2.799 606.405       ~751.127
       - OPERAT10NS PERSONNEL                211           0        25Z          463      61.222-    - 0.000    19.655 :   c 83.877 -
       - HEALTH Ptif tlc $ PER$0NNEL          49           0          71         129      41.865      0.000     27.862        69.727

, SUPERVI$0RY PERSONNEL 250 8: 145 478 43.422 1.176 29.255 73.853 i EWolNEERING PEk3ONNEL 114 245 300 659 14.136 8.371 28.802 51.309 , l-GRAND TOTALS 766 545 2208 3519 302.568 . 12.346 -711.979 - 1026.893 - i Workers may be counted in acre thn one category. D-52 l-

APPENDIX 0 (Continued) NUMBER BY WORK OF PERSONNFL AND JOB IUNCA10 P;JON150N REM l 1990 plt.Nii *RANtNO Stc0 TYet: PwR A AC pklL9LMW*ELh100 st=> 19LAktI311t!La .._ Jt3 fuNttlow 61Af f te. UllLily LONtaAtt 101AL _.$1Afl0N Ulitilt CW1RAct 101AL

  !LA(Mlt$ A_ML MAINitNANtt PrRst*NtL                        1           0             0          1                       0.002      0.000       0.000        0.002 ottRATION$ PtR5m W R                         4           0             0          4                       0.245      0.000       0.000        0.245 ktAL1H PHY$lts PERSONNtt                    13           0             6         19                       1.814      0.000       0.698        2.512 surtRvis0Rf PER50hutL                        1           0             0          1                       0.0 2      0.000       0.000        0.012

(:GlwitRING PIRSON>tt 1 9 9 1 b1M M QQ MQQ hpM TOTAL 20 0 6 26 2.0B0 0.000 0.698 2.778 AtJ!LMAlElthAML R r.AlWitNANtt # tesc*NI.L 10 0 0 10 0.513 0.000 0.000 0.513 OPtRAi10NS PtRSONNtL 1 0 0 1 0.150 0.000 0.000 0.150 WIALTH PHY$10$ PER$0kWit 9 0 2 11 0.158 0.000 0.016 0.174

 -SUPERVISORY PER$(WNtt                         1           0             0          1                      0.007      0.000       0.000         0.007 INGlkttRING PikSONNEL                        1           Q                        1                      Lggp       M99          Lppp         9dQQ TOTAL                                  22            0                      24                        0.836      0.000       0.016        0.852 it HatiLL!!!MGI M MAlwitNAkct PERSCmNil                       0            0             0          0                       0.000      0.000       0.000        0.000 OPERAllC*$ Ptt$0NNil                         0           0             0          0                       0.000      0.000       0.000        0.000 HEALTH NY$lCS PER50kNtl                      0           0              0         0                       0.000      0.000       0.000        0.000 statavl50RY /tR50NNil                        0           0              0         0                       0.000      0.000       0.000        0.000 ftGINFCRING PtRSONNEL                        g           g              g         g                       h090       gggp        h00Q         6p09 101AL                                   0            0             0         0                       0.000      p.000       0.000        0.000 itHIALMmH3!KL MAlmitkANLL PERSONNil                        2            0             0         2                       0.142      0.000       0.000        0.142 OPtRAllDNS PtRSONNtL                         0            0             0          0                      0.000      0.000       0.000        0.000 NEALTH PHYSICA PIR$0Nktt                     4           0             0          4                      0.025      0.000       U.000         0.025 SUPCPVISORY PER10NNEL                        0           0             0          0                      0.000      0.000       0.000         0.000 tEGlNtiRiNG PtR60NNEL                        1           Q             g          1 O

a 921 L900 EQQQ 6 92} 101At T 0 0 7 0.190 0.000 0.000 0.190 YMILtRZLiUM MAIN 1ENAhtt PER50kNtt 3 0 0 3 0.188 0.000 0.000 0.188 CPER ATIONS PERSONNEL 3 0 0 3 0.106 0.000 0.000 0.106 HEAllH PHYSICS PER$0HNCL 12 0 3 15 2,635 0.000 0.844 3.479

     $UPERVI$(*Y PtRSONNEL                        1          0              0          1                      0.158      0.000       0.000        0.158 (NGINttRING PIRs0NNEL                         }          9              0         1                       LOH        Q3099       Lp0g         cp!!

a 101AL 20 0 3 23 3.106 0.000 0.644 3.950 Rtil'lll% - MAINitkANCE PLR$0NhtL 9 0 0 9 1.261 0.000 -0.000 1.261 OPERAfl0N$ PERSONNtt 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 HCALfW PHY$1C5 PtR$0NNEL 6 0 2 8 0.120 0.000 0.010 0.130 StPERVl&ORY PIR$0NktL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 INGINittikG PERSONNEL 1 g 9 1 0.078 939 0,000 6 979 10TAL 16 0 2 18 1.459 0.000 0.010 1.469 10LA.LELJN Fl*1RCH MAINltNANtt PER$0NNtt 25 0 0 25 2.106 0.000 0.000 2.106 WERAi!ONS PER$0NNEL 8 0 0 8 0.501 0.000 0.000 0.501 4:tALTH PHYSICS PER$0kWit 44 0 13 57 4.752 0.000 1.568 6.320

     $UPERVISORY PER$0NNEL                        3           0              0          3                     0.177       0.000       0.000        0.1 TT E::GINttalkG PERSONNil                       5            0             0          5                     0.135       0.000       0.000        0.135 GRAND Totals                           85             0           13        98                        T.671      0.000       1.568        9.239
  • Workers may lie counted in enore then one category.

D-53 1 _.i_______Am._ _ -W

APPENDIXD(Continued) N W0 h fk b 8 NNb N 1990 PL*"9 *RIVit stNo 1 tvers sw

 & C K AND                                      M M.R,,01 RRE
  • M ),100 r#fN) 101AL PfRJ9N M M UllL11V CONIAACI 101AL $1AITEN UilillV CONTRACI 10fAL JC3 fuuttl0N $1A110N Mifl(M8 A Si/RV 8 14 2.696 0.000 3.023 $.719 MAINitNANCE PE R50hNit 6 0 46 0 1 47 24.824 0.000 0.160 24.984

(#fRAf ffw! PER$0NNEL 17 0 12 29 12.058 0.000 4.561 16.619 HEALTN PHY$1C$ P(R$0hhEL 1 3 0 4 0.080 0.710 0.045 0.835 SUPERVISORY PER$0NNtt 9 ENGINEttlNG PtR$0NNEL { j 3 [ hj9 pyJ} $ lofAL 72 5 24 101 40.03)4 1.085 .}$.209 9 5. 8 . *(x17tNf MAINitNANCr __ 20 0 79 99 10.162 0.000 38.690 ~48.860 MINithANCE PERS0kNEL 6 0 2 8 1.920 0.000 0.280 2.200 OPERATIC *$ PERs0NNEL 3 0 5 8 1.961 0.000 2.710 4.671~ NEAlfM PHY1]C$ PIR$0NNEL O O 2 2 0.010 0.005 0.510 0.525 tuPfRV150RT PfR$0NNEL' [7GINEERING PER$0NWEL } } J1 JJ pg LO Q),9 ,L1 i,_4g total 32 2 106 140 14.806 b))}0 0.34 52.248 67.3M IF $ERvict INSP1gli0g 46.544 2 0 TJ 75 1.005 0.000 45.539 MINitNANC4 PEREONNEL i 0 0 1 0.340 0.000 0.000 0.540 CTERAiloNS PER$0NNEL 2 0 4 6 1.760 0.000 2.490 4.250 hfALTH PHY$lts PER$0kNEL 0 0 1 1 0.000 0.00') ' O.145 0.145 SUPERVISOPY PER$0NNEL (NGirEERING M RSONNEL 1 { }} 4 if}6 Lf!} 5.890 pd}Z - {hj69 0.437 77.034


R3.361 TOTAL 10 2 114 ansu.LMR!LNANsL_ 248 372 54.784 0.000 149.743 204c528 MINilNANCE PtRSONNEL 74 0 10 0 2 12 $.985 0.000 3.355 6.340-OPERA 110NE PERGONNEL 19 0 34 53 14.241 0.000 23.826 38.067  : HrALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 1 0 0 1 0.090 0.085 0.000 0.175

    $UPERVISORY PER$0NNEL ENGINEERING P(R$0NNEL                         !           i          M                    }{             hh99          69$9     ,Q3}l                                       MJ 101AL                                 113            4        3fet                 425             77.491         1.065   186.30lr 264.863 1
 . Fi$lLffEfd1ML _ .                             0           0            14

14 0.005t 0.000- 6.299 6.304-- MINIENANCE PERSONNEL 0 L 4 4 0.120 0.000- .1.813 1.933 OPERAfl0NS PCPSONNEL 1 0 1 2 0.720 0.000 0.450 1.170 J HfAllH PHYSIC $ PERSONilEL SUPERVis0RY PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.0$0 0.000 _ 0.000 '0.050 ENGINEttlNG PERSONNIL g g 9- 2 0J0J hygg hggg 0.000 1 0 19 20 0.895 0.000. 8.562 9.457 TOTAL PEtuttLNG ~~ 0.108 0.000- 12.517 12.625' MINTENANCE PEAb0hhlI O O 30 30 4 0 1 $~ 0.735 - 0.000 0.220 0.955 OPERA 110Ns PER$0NNEL 1 0 3 4 1.045 0.000 1.636 2.681 HEALTH PHY$1CS PER$0NNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000- 0.000 0.000- 'O.000

 - Ei.GiNEERING PERSONNIL                         {          g            L9                 11,           - h199         QJfg '     7.497                                     .Z997
                                                                          $3                  60               2.278      0.020     21.870                                      24.163 :

lofAt' 7 0 19ELLLLRANCf10M MINifMANCE PERSONNEL 102 0 452 554 - 68.761 0.000- 255.819 324.580 67 0 10 77 33.924 0.000 2.828' 36.752 CPERAll0N$ Pta$0NNEL 43 0 59 102 31.785 0.000 35.673 67.458 NEALIN PHYilCS PERSONNEL St:TERVISORY PERhokNEL ' 2 3. 3 8 0.230 0.800 0.700 .-1.730 , 21 10 100 131 6.7 6 2.147 60.210- 69.073 ENGINEERING PERSON L GRAND 10 Tats 235 13 624 872 141.416. 2.947 355.230. 499.593

     ' Workers sey te counted in acre than one category.


APPENDIX 0 (Ccntinued)- W0hfN 8iN k 1990 PLANit *ROUlW$rm 2 TypEg pyR wore AND . . tmER W gLnR.gm_ygLLtipp eerN) 10Tg trane!IN _, JOS TbkET10N $1AT10N UllLIIY CONTRACT 10iAL $1AllON UTILiff COW 1RACT TOTAL RAltIn OPLE svey MikiENANCE PER$0utt 6 0 2 8 2.920 0.100 2.270 5.290 l CPERATIONS PfR$0NNEL 29 0 0 29 9.385 0.000 0.280 v.665 HEALTH PHYllCs PERion.NEL T 0 40 47 2.860 0.040 16.355 19.255 SOPERVISORY PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.210 0.065 0.050 0.325 ENGINEERING PERLOWNEL } g 4 Z L40Q 9dQQ Q29 5.4 39.$@ 101AL 45 0 43 91 11.TT5 0.505 21.615 m , BWit!LBA J HOLML MINitNANCE PEasoNNtt 25 11 52 68 10.04h 2.940 19.690 32.675 OPERAfl0NS PER50NNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.0$0 0.050 NEAL16 PNYllC$ PER$rANEt 1 0 5 6 0.530 0.000 1.370 1.900 SUPERV!50RY PER50%kEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ENGINEERING PfRSONNEL 101AL 27 1 g 1] 69

                                                                                                      }}            QfM       Q,Q         }d}Q         (9p0 11                        107            11.025     c.940     24.640      -38.605       e LtitiVEE ikettua plW1ENANCC PIR$0NNEL                                       4           2             35          44            -1.610     1.220-    15.400        18.230 OPERAi!OWs PER$0NkEL'                                      3           0               0            3            1.620    0.000       0.000        1.620 NEALTH PNT5ftb PERSONNEL                                    1          0               7            8           C.490    0.000        1.980        2.470 SUPERVISORT PlR$0hNEL                                      0           0               0            0           0.000    0.000        0.000-       0.000 -

EIGlWEERING PER ONNEL TOTAL g 9 }{ }) h$_SQ ki,!Q ,1]dQQ ' 1 4Q 14 2 TT 93 5.600 1.360 29.780 6. 40 ittil!LMINTENmL MillENANCE PER$0NNEL $2 9 331 44 23.411 2.230 - 211.732 237.433 DPERAfl0NS PERSONNEL 24 0 41 65 5.277 'O 000 20.460 25.737 NEALTH PNT5tCS PERSONNEL 33 0 41 14 11.117 0.040 13.045 .24.202 SUPERVI$0RV PERSONNEL 0 0 3 3 0.090 0.040 0.870' -1.000 ENGINEERING PER$0NNEL 10TAL

                                                             }{            }             9)        M}               M ${     M]) -}}d4j              4 4 -

123 12 566 701 45.937 3.380 282.529 35.84 ' WMlf PROCIDE.9 MlWTENANCE Pik$0NNEL 1 1 5'. 57 0.380 0.780 18.780 19.940 CPERATINS PERSONNEL 0 0 1 1 0.020 0.000 0.280 0.300 NEALTM Physics PERSONNEL 0 8 0.625 1 9 _0.080 3.400 '4.105 ,

   $UPERVISORY PERSONNEL                                       0           1               0           1            0.000    0.160       0.000         0.160     .

ENGlWEERING PERSONNEL 0 g g g QJ4g puC49 gj}g TOTAL - 9419 2 2 64 - 68 1.065 1.060 22.790 24.915 flMLl!E.  ;< p lNTENANCE PERSONNEL 15 0 30 45 5.465 0.040 9.180 14.685' i

 ' OPERATIONS PERSONNEL                                        1          0                0           1            0.540    0.000       0.040         0.580 NEALIN PHYSIC 3 PERSONNEL                                   1          0              15          16             0.365    0.000     '4.625          4.990
   $UPERVit0RY PERSONNEL                                       0          0                0           0            0.000    0.000       0.020         0.020     '

l E%GlWEERihG PER$0NhEL } [ $,4 (9 0.810 QJ!} li3L69 ' }h9,,}} TOTAL 20 2 109 131 7.180 0.425- 48.625 56.230 1911LLUO8 FlMll0_N MINVENANCE PERSONNEL '101 23 560 686 43.891 7.310' 277.052 328.253 OPERATIONS PER$0NNEt 57 0 42 99 16.842 0.000 21.510 31.952 HEALTH PHT$1CS PERSONNEL 44 0 116 160. 15.987 0.160 40.775 56.922 sVPERVis0RY PERSONNEL 0 1 3 4 0.300 0.265 0.940 - 1.505 ENGlWEERlWG PER$0NNEt 27 5 210 M2 11.562 1.935 89.762 103.259 - G8%D TOTALS 231 29 931 1191 88.582 9.670 429.639 527.891-

  • Workers may te comted in more than cne category.


APPENDIXD(C:ntinued) NW0bhb8 lhNb 1990 PLA':T *$ALEM 1,2 TYP(t PWI bCK AND _ NWj{jkQLf1R$0NNEL (*100 p*f NL Tgf1LgtjKjufMM_ . UllLlit JC FL*CilON $1All0W CONTRACT 10lAL $1AllC1 VilLIIT CONTRAC1 10f t.a fLAilb._9PS & $2RV 1.248 . MAINTENANCE PER$0NNLL 0 0 1 1 0.226 0.511 0.511 OPERAtl0N$ PEkl0NNEL 1 0 0 1 1.809 0.084 0.044 1.977-HEALTN PHY$lC$ PfktONNEL 1 0 2 3 1.069 0.799 0.799 2.667 SUPERVISOPI PER$0NNEt 0 0- 0 0 0.000 0.005 0.005 0.010 T AL 3  ; B.WilWL.MA1W.JiW1EL., MAIN 1LNANct PiksoNNtL 6 0 7 13 6.430 0.099 6.265' .12.794 C+fRAlloN$ PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 2.943 0.000 0.158 3.101 KEALTH PHYSIC $ Pfk$0NNil 10 0 2 12 3.671 0.070 1.841' 5.583 , EUPERVitoRY PER$0NNEL 0 0 0 0 0.009 0.248 0.003 0.240 ENGlL!EttlWG Pit $0NNEL j 1r Q 0 Q 9 26 1 0.5 ill. M94 0.009 6.IEl h299 8.268 94}}Q 22.288 TOTAL lt_t(R,ggtIN$P((1lg MAINTENANCE Pit $0NNll 0 0 0 0 0.079 0.000 0.257 0.336 OPERAT10N$ Ptt50NWtL 0 0 0 0 0-.002 0.000 0.000 0.002 r HtALTH PHY$lC$ PER$0NNEL 0 0 0 0 0.015 0.000 0.032- 0.047 '

     - SUPERVl$0RT PERSONNEL                          0            0          0             0            0.000         0.000      0.000         0.000 ENGINEERlWO P[R$0NC L                      Q            Q          Q             Q            hpQ)          pgQ        ggQ           pu, TOTAL                           0            0          0             0            0.096         0.000      0.289         0.34i
           $PfCI AL MA1ERNAyL MAINitNANCC PER$0NNEL                     19            0         33         52               7.481         0.030     13.170       20.681-OPERA 110NS PfRSONNEL                      0            0          0             0            4.690         0.000      0.019s        4.709 HEAL 1H PHY$lC$ PER$0NNEL                  1            0          2             3            1.264         0.004      0.872         2.140
      .$UPERVl50RY PER$0NNEL                          0            0          0             0            0.002         0.122      0.021         0.145 ENGINEERING PER$0NNEL                      Q            Q          0              9           Q4L4J         QJi        h9Q           $199 ,

TOTAL 20 0 35 55 ,13.676 0.190 14.08}7 27.955' FLSlf.P3El1$1W9 MAINithANCE PER$0NNEL 0 0 1 1 0.026 0.000 0.210 0.236 OPERATIONS PER$0NkEL 0 0 0 -0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 i HEAtTH PHTSIC$ PER$0NNtt 6 0 1 7 1.854 0.000 .0.273 2.127

            $UPERVI$0PY PER$0HNEL                     0             0         0              0'         -0.0C0         0.070      0.000         0.070 (NGINEERING FER$0NNEL                     9             Q         Q              Q           92903         i,,QUQ     Q49QQ TOTAL                           6             0          2             4            1.860-       0.DIO      0.4a3         ..        -
    ' RipsLING                                                                       '

MAIN 1EkANCE PtR$0NNEL 88 1 235 324 36.474 '0.'489 145.377 182.340 OPERA 110NS PEkSONNCL 5 0 .0 5 3.230 0.000. . 0.179 3.409 HEALTH PHYSICS PER$0NNEL 25 1 .42' 68 7.9 73 - ~0.277 20,415- 28.663 SurtRVitoRT PER$0NNEL 0 0 0 0 0.084 -0.665 0.061 0.810 ' ENGINEERlWG PER$0NNEL } Q Q g QJ} hj94 M69

                     .TuiAL                        121              2       277        40u              69.076          1.625 ,1M.370 - . 21}7.00237
       ' total BYJ OB FLNCT10N
      . MAINithANCE PER$0NNi{                      115              1       277        391             $0.716           1.129 165.790        217.635 OrtRATIONS PERSONWfL                      6'            O          O              6         12.674         0.084      0.440      e13.198'
    - HEAltM PHYSIC $ PERSONNEL                      43             1        49.         93             15.846          1.150    24.233-    <41.2?P-
       -SUPERVISORY PER$0NNEL-                        0             0          0              0-         0.095       . 1:110      0.090          1.295 iNGINEERING PERSONNEt.                   4             0          0              4          2.133        'O.237-     0.274          2.644 GRAND TOTAL 8                 166             2       326        494             81.664           3.710 -190.827_      276.001-       ;
  • Workers may te counte<f in acre than one category.

APPENDIX D (Continued) l M8gYg0bthb8 N f 1990 PLANY: *6AN ONorkt 1,2,3 iVPts Pwt WORK AND _ NMIL9Lt1150NNtLidOO natNJ ___. _ 101 AL PreSON RtN Joe FUNC110N .lAlloN b UtlLily (I*IRACf 101AL $fAlloN Ulittif C041RACT 101AL MlEIM.R 11 A'N1 MAINitNANct PER00NNtt 72 9 143 224 3. 75 0 0.'00 13.121 16.951 OPtRAtical PitswNEL 44 1 4 49 9.824 0.048 0.528 10.440 NIALIN PHYSICS PER$0HNil 53 0 122 175 14.895 0.000 51.840 66.735

    $UPERVl$0RY PER50Nvtl                  0            0               1           1                   0.000         0.000         0.855         0.855 ENGINEttlNG PER$0NNCL                14             {               {       1                        }g,}},

4 M 6] Q4,j j Q }{ total 21I 1'4 3}26 50453 31.882 0.550 72.586 105.018 P031M MINT!!iNEL.. MIN 1thANct PtthoutL 137 23 581 741 50.648 8.371 254.686 313.705 OPERAiloks PERSONNEL 36 1 4 41 2.120 0.021 0.271 2.412 HEALTH PHYstCS PER50NWFL 68 2 206 276 15.513 0.727 46.288 62.528 UMRvisoRY Pitt0NNtt 5 1 6 12 1.667 0.115 1.407 3.189 ENGINEERING PER&CWNfL { O 14Q (1} 16.704 1dB }}t020 Eh144 total 31}7 35 943 1275 86.652 10.656 335.6t} 432.980 1Ndtev 1 MffEIM . Miuf' 4ANtt MR50NNtt 1 1 32 40 0.064 0.006 4.816 4.886 CPF' 4110N$ MtSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 htALTH PHY$lCS PEtt0NNEL 0 0 2 2 0.000 0.000 0.053 0.053 turttvitoRY Pits 0NNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 AL 4 .


MikitNANCE MRLONNEL 101 19 380 500 19.244 3.581 131.355 154.180 OPERAtl0NS Pt 404NEL 4 1 3 8 0.058 0.010 0.799 0.867 HEAlfN PHY$1CS PER$0NNEL 36 2 113 151 6.661 0.556 28.317 35.534 SUPitvi&0RY PERSONNil 2 0 3 5 0.240 0.000 1.038 1.286-ENG1httRING PitsC*NEL }? 2 101 !Q M 09 C lit }7EI 44.738 10!AL 162 24 601 807 32.820 afo9

4. 196.496 236.605 EtJ1 P899tfilNG Mlhl fNAkCE MR5cwNil 9 4 11 24 0.502 0.222 1.255 1.979 OPERAf!ONS PIR$0NNtt 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 HEALTH PHYS!C$ PER$0NNEL 22 1 62 f!5 2.753 0.004 4.680 7.437 SUPERVis0RY PERs0NNEL 1 0 0 1 0.027 0.000 0.000 0.027 EkGIbitRING PERSONNEL Toff,L 1 9 12 1} DJ}} QEg ij}9 h86J 33 5 85 123 1.315 0.22u 7.T65- 11.306 EUMG15 MINitNANct PERscmNtL 18 1 111 130 5.516 0.008 36.717 42.241-OPERATIONS PER$0NNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 NEALTH PHY$lCS PER$0NNIL 9 2 43 54 0.527 0.087 3.333 3.947 SurtRY150RY PERSONNEL 3 1 0 4 1.340 0.621 C.000 1.961-INGINEERING MR$0NNFL {I 1 l} il LQ40 M Z1 4 2 71 98}

10TAL 51 5 177 239 12.423 0.787 44.f6'{2 5F.972 19.1ALEUBLienla MikitNANCE MR$ohktt 338 (138) 57 (23) 1264 (608) 1659 (769) 79.704 12.288 441.950 533.942 OPERAfl0Ns PERSONNEL 64 (44) 3 (1) 11 (5) 98 (50) 12.002 0.119 1.598 13.719 WALfN PHY$lcs PitscmNtt 188 (72) 7 (2) 548 (212) 743 (286) 40.349 1.374 134.511 176.234 stettviscey M Rs0NNEL 11 (5) 2 (1) 10 (7) 23 (13) 3.282 0.736 3.300 7.318 (NGINfERING MR$0NNEL 188 (74) 16 (8) 347 (1 75 ) 551 (257) 32.190 - 2.343 85.St9 120.052 GRAND TOTALS 809 (333) 85 (35) 2180 (1007) 3074(1375) 167.527 16.860 666.878 851.265 e

      *Vorkers may be counted in acre than one cNte9ery. Neers in perentheses are total tubers of Individuals 4 D-57


     ?. LAC 10*_981&JVRv MAINTENANCE Pit $0NNEL                     2          0            0             2          0.000     0.000        0.000          0.000 OPERAfl0NS PER$0NNEL                       0          0            0             0          0.000     0.000         0.000         0.000 NEAlfN PWY$1CS PEks0NNEL                   7          0            0             7          0.180     0.000         0.000'        O.380 SUPERVISORT PERSONNEL                      2          0            0             2          0.130     0.000         0.000-        0.130 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL                      Q          g            j             1          kOJ,9     QJ92 -        had           Qdd 0.535 .

101AL 11 0 1 12 0 T10 0.000 0.025 PJQyYINE MALN,I RA_NCE .! MAINTENAkCE PERSONNEL 2 0 0 2 0.W 0.000 0.000 0.500 ' DPEtATjONS PER$0NNEL - 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 HEALTH PHT$l*.S PERSONNEL 7 0 0 7 0.?A5 0.000 0.000 -0.345 , SUPERyl&0RY PERSONNEL 2 0 0 2 0.115 0.000 0.000 .0.115-EtGINEERING PER$0NNEL g g i 1 WOO bggg g jj} $5 ]/ total 11 0 I 12 0.960 0.000 0.185 1.145. IhMMIE1 LNSJECT104 MAIWlENANCE PttsoNNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 OPERAfl0NS PER$0NNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 -0.000 0.000. 0.000 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 4 0 0 4 0.010 0.000 0.000 0.010

       $UPERVI$0RY PlR$0NNEL                    0           0           0             0          0.000      0.000        0.000         0.000

=ENGINEERlWG PERSONNEL 9 9 9 Q 0.000 gJQg gjoJ - L99Q 707AL 4 0 0 4 0.010 0.000 0.000 0.010 i

       .SP,{U,M MAlwif h AuCf .

MAINIENANCE PER$0hWEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 .0.000 0.000' OPERI. FLOWS PER$0hWEL 0 0 0 0 3.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 HEAliM PHYSICS PEtSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

       $UPERVISORY PER$0NNEL                    0           0           0             0          0.000      0.000        0.000          0.000 ENGitEERING PER$0NNEL                    g           9           9             9          0.000      Q&QQQ -      Qt909          bggg T0 fat                             0           0           0             0          0.000      0.000      L 0.000 -        0.000 EA._tjf_f_R,0CE$$ING MAINilNANCE PERs0NhEL                    0           0           0             0          0.001    =0.000         0.000          0.000=

OPERAil0NS PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.00G 0.000 :0.000 0.000: HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 4 0 0 4 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000-SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 - 0.000 . 0.000

 -ENGINEERING PERSONNEL                         g           g           g             g          g 00g      L00Q         L0gg           gu0gG -

TOTAL- 4 0 0 4 0.000 0.000 0.600 0.000 1 ELutttWg MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 CPERAfl0NS PERSONNEL 0 0 'O 0 0.000- 0.000 0.000 0.000'- HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

         $UPERV1SORY PERSONNEL                   0          0            0             0          0.000     0.000       'O.000          0.000' EhGINEERING PERSONNEL                   9          Q            g             9'         QdOO      O 902-       9009        _ gjQQ TOTAL-                             0          0            0             0          0.000     0.000         0.000         0.000 l ICTAL BY W P CTION-MAINTENANCE PER$0NNEL                   4   (2)~   0   (0)      0    (0)-     4  (2)     0.500     0.000         0.000         0.500 OPERAfl0NE PERSONNEL-                   0   (0)    0   (0)      0    (0)      0  (0)-    0.000-    0.000         0.000 -     . 0.000 1 PEAL 1N PHYSIC $ PERSONNEL            22    (7)    0   (0)      0    (0)    22. (7)      0.735     0.000-        0.000         0.735 '
         $UPERVISORT PERSONhEL-                  4   (2)    0   (0)      0    (0). 4- (2)     0.2451   = 0. 000 .:    0.000         0.245 ENGl:EERING PER$0WNEL                   0   (0)    0   (0)      2    (1)      2  (1)     0.000     0.000         0.210         0.210 GRAND TOTALS                     30 ,(11)      0  (0)      2    (1) 32'(12)         1.480     0.000         0.210         1.690
  • Wor bra may te ec m ted in sore than one categsry. Nuters in parentheses are total rubers of indivicksals.


APPENDIX D.(Continu:d) kV G b8 NbO$ 1990 N ANT! *S!QUOYAN 1,2 ffPts PWR WCu AND NuwstR 07 MR$0NN(L{n100 netN)- 1QYAL PCRMW RJN J00 IUNC110N $1ATICW Utiliti CONTRACT 10fAL $1All0N UllLIII CONillACI 101Ai FLAIL 98lf$_8 WRV

   - MAINIINANCE Ft#$(*N1L                636               9          38           683         20.317      0.314       0.767          21.338 =

OMR ATIONS MR$0NNtt 63 10 0 73 14.415 5.954 0.000 20.369 HEALTN PHYSICS M R$0NNEL 41 32 97 170 13.945 5.845 22.545 42.335

      $UPERVl&ONY MR$0NNEL                 102              4          39           145         10.750      0.042       2.885          13.655 I:GIkttRING PtRt.ONNil               R$              }}           }9 101AL                                                                    1.p89g         IJ14     15.7},23J Z   QJM 968           108          213                        67.243                26.9e9         1}10024{J N!!MLMA.IIIDA"Cf MAlWithANCf PIR$0 matt              1105             14           55         1174        310,375       0.620       7.026        318.027 OPERAfl(w$ MR$0NNtt-                   60            is             0            70         1.170      0.812       0.000-           1.982 HfALTH PHY$1CS PER$0NNtL               38            27           85           150          8.290      1.935     ' 5.!,39         15.764'
     $UPERVISORY MR$0NNtt                   99            15           50           164          7.789      1.014       2.297 t: GIN 1ERING MNf,0NNEL                                                                                                           11.100 ggj             gg                        M}

total 102 19dh (23Z51 1505 126 E92 1923 318.5/8 1(0.4 74J)8I 60.572- i}3Z19 407.624 udmRLtMttenes M41NitNANCE Mk$0NNat 281 3 20 304 42.935 0.048 0.782 43.765 OMRAfl0NS PERSONNtl 3 0 1 4 0.005 0.000 0.441 0.446 HtALTN PHYSIC $ M RfCNNEL 30 17 50 97 9.920 2.667 18.757

     $UrtRyl$0RY PERSONhtL 31.344 33              6           19            58          6.500      1.750       2.417          10.667-(NGINt1 RING Pit $0NNEL

[R$ to pg 116 . p,QA?? 4 19M){ 16 Mil' TOTAL 387 106 206 {*M 6' 62.186 64.964 128.033 255.183 lttlM.LM.ALNMyML, . MAINltNANLt PER$0et m 1208 8 49 1265 508.144 1.653 13.418 523.215 Ot#Atl0NS MR$0NNit - 19 6 1 26 1.351 0.542 0.003 1.896 NEAlfN PHY$1CS PERCONNil 41 34 88 163 8.001 7.418 17.909 33.328 -

    $UPERVISORY PER$0NWEL                  94            11           55           160         16.808      0.253     15.615'          32.676 ENGihtikikG PER$0NNEL forAL 115 167?
                                                         }Z 96 115 325 48Z         ?MQs        Zdfl      I4Jfl -                44j 2101        626.208      17.143    121.212           64. 63 WA$tt PROC 1 H D L                                                   .

mal 2f thANCE MR$0NNEL 215 0 16 231 74.321 0.000 2.384 26.705 ! 001 RATIONS PER$0NNil 4 0 2 6- 0.062 0.000 3.487 t HEALTH PHY$lC$ PtRSONNEL 31 15 34 1 3.549f 84 3.713 0.835- 4.034 8.582-SUPERVI$0RY PIR$0NhEL 9 0 1 10 0.345 0.000 0.029 0.3?4 f;'GINttRING PER$0NNtt Z & 9 H QJij LQ4g LQJ J' 2 0 TOTAL 266 19 57 34 28.451 0.877- 9.934 3V.262 EMiB1-MAIN 1tNANLE M R$0N RI 78o 3 27 816 158.412 0.545 6.238 165.195-OPtRAfl0NS Pfan0NNEL $1 9 1 61 0.845 0.268 0.290- 1.403-HEAL 1H PHYSICS Ptk$0NNEL 26 19 l0 85 8.642 5.892 10.130 24.864 suMRvi$0Rt PtR$0NNEL $3 2 24 S4 5.215 0.985- 4.158 10.358-trJGINFERING PERSONNEL 107AL QQ 49 }} 1% M B) gj6) ' 11i15j- {}3Q)4 996 8} 149 1E2e 176.902 16.358 31.968 225.228-

 '191ALR.L.200 FUNCHo,w MAlbitNANCt M R$0NNtL               4231             37          205          4473       1064.504      3.166      30.555; 1098.245 OPERATIONS MRscNNEL                                  35                        240 200 ~                          5                       17.848 -    7.576 -    4.221'          29.645 HEALIN PHY$1Cs PERSONhEL             207            144          398           749 -      ,52.711     24.592- 78.914             156.217~

CUPERVISORY PER$0NNEL 390 38 193 621 47.387 4.044 '27.399 78.830-CCGINttRING PDSONNEL 771- 283 444 1498 117.118 86.210 237.619 440.947 GRAND TOTAL $ 5799 537 ' 1245 7581 1299.568 125.608' 378.708 . 180 M 84-

  'Wothers umy te counted in snore than one category.


APPENDIX D (C:ntinued) Y W0bkb8WNbk 1990 PLANis *10VTM TEXAl 1,2 TYP(3 PWR WORC AC NUM0fR Of_PER$0NN( L Q1j0 ePEN) _ 10fAL PER$0N.frEN JC3 FUNCf!ON IIA 110s UllLl1T LONTRACT 10TAL 61A110N UllLill CONIRACI IQIAL MA_{JOR 08 5 & $URV MAINTENANCE Pens:AhEL 0 2 1. 3 0.587 1.071 0.738 2.396 OPERAll0h8 PERSONNEL 9 0 0 9 3.261 0.000 0.000 3.261 HfALTH PHY$lCC M R$0NNEL 24 0 13 37 6.124 0.000 4.9?9 11.053 (UPERVlGORY PERSONNEL 'J 0 0 3 0.947 0.117 0.000 1.064 3 1 5 1 1 EW11NLEALNJ{[Q[L,,, MAINTENANct PER60NNEL 60 1 39 100 15.298 0.352 12.719 22.369 OPERAll0N5 Pelt 50NNEL 0 0 0 0 0,V.0 0.000 0.016 0.356 i HEALTH Physics PERSONNEL 20 0 26 46 5.692 0.000 : 7.866 13.178 l SUPERVl&ORY PERSONkEL 6 0 0 f 2.149 0.017 0.000 2.166 i ENr IEERING PER50NNEL 1 .Q j, pjjj . On00j gdAi L 'I tutAL 87 1 66 15[ 4 23.660 0.369 21.045 45.Q On. , e IN FLRyliLLNS.PLC'lDN MAINlENANCE Pf> M NEL 9 0 24 33 2.743 0.259 9.2 73 12 275' OPERAil0N$ PER$0NNEL 0 0 0 0 0.020 0.000 ~ 0.000 c.620 HEALTH PHYSICS PER$0WNEL 2 0 0 2 0.481 0.000 0.246 d.727  : suPERVit0RY PERSONNEL 3 0 0 3 1.177 0.053 0.000 1.230 2 2 4 1 LPECI AL MAILf ENAE{_ MAltnthANCE PERSchWEL 27 3 130 160 7.051 0.921 47.967 55.939 OPERAfl0NS PERSONNEL 1 0 0 1 0.280 0.000 0.003 0.28) NEALTH PHYllC$ PERSONNEL 11 0 12 23 3.716 0.000. 4.826 8.542 ' SUTERVISORY PERSONNEL 8 0 1 9 2.442 0.114 0.185.. 2.741

  • ENieltEERikG PERS0kNEL g g [? {I 0.180 LQ~QQ . ,9,J21 62.286-EsM 76.990 TOTAL 47 3 170 220 13.669 1.015 E45if PR0fgMNG MAINTENAkCE PEkiONNEL 0 0 2 2 0.025 0.115 1.048 1.188
   .OPERAfl0NS PERSONNEL                        0          0                0                  0                                0.003.         0.000 -        0.000          0.003 NEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL                    ,        0           53                    56                                  1.302'        O.000        15.597         16.899=

SUPERVlBORY PERSONNEL 1 0 0 1 0.293 0.000 0.000 0.293 . ENGIN!ERING PERSONNEL g g g Lp0} . Lppg LpH . WO 10TAL 4 0 55 $g 9 1.626 0.115 16.670 -18,411 MfKLING MAIN 1ENAbCE PERSONutt 32 3 28 63 10.518 0.902 7.217 18.637 OPERAil0N$ PERSONkEL 9 0 0 9 3.772 0.000 0.318 4.090 . HEALIN PHYSICS PERSONNEL. 4 0 5 9 1.398 .0.000 1.627 3.025

     $UPERVl80lLY PIR$0NNEL                     5-         0                0                  5                                2.175          0.153          0.000L      - 2.328 ENGlWEERING PERSONNEL                     }          g
  • 4 929 Lp00 'hig. Lit 9, . .l TOTAL - 53 3 3 92- 1 783 1.055 . 9.641 29.679 10TAL BY JOB fldNQ71QM .

3.620 -78.962 MAINTENANCE PLRSONNEL 128 9 224 361 36.222 118.604

   ~ OPtRAfl0NS PERSONNEL                     19           0                0                 19 .                                7.676         0.000         0.337          8.013 .

HEALTH PHY$ics PER3oNNEL 64 0 109 173. 18.513 0.000 35.111 53.624 SUPERVISORY PER$0NNEL 26 0 1 27 9.183 0.454 0.185 9.822 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL 11 0 33 44 3.428 0.000 10.902 14.330-l l i CRAND 101ALS 248 9 '367 '624 75.022 4.'074 '125.497' 204.593 lr

    ' 5 Workers may le counted in nwsre than one category.                                                                                                                                 >

0-60 L

APPENDIXD(Continued) Y W0bbB lhN 1990 l PLANIA "$i. LUClf 1,2 1Till PVR I


N(Ml!f1 F 'Q g [L( $ 0_tttM) fQ{A1QR)ONj{W l J00 f uNCil(* 5talitw U L 11 CONTRACI total ItMiw Dillfly CONIRACI 10 TAT / - . M K10 EP LML

     .MINTlWAkti PIR$mWIL                                             17                1                8             26                     7.365                           0.485       4.491 '        12.341
     .0PERA110Ns PttstwNil                                            52               3                 9             64               27.184                                1.340       8.025          36.549-EtALTH PNTSIC$ PERSONNEL                                       If               0               59              86                17.985                               0.000      20.237          38.222-SL?tRVit0PY PIR50NWil                                          14               1                 5             20                    4.268                            0.695       1.949           6.912
     '(NC     (Riv Pikl0NNEL                                                                                                                                  Q                                           4 fWitKLMIN.JlNANCI MINitNAN(.E PisihwhiI                                        180               6              742         428                    64.535                                 1.485'  118.305        184.325-OPERAfl0Ns PER$0NNEL                                          39               3                31              73               14.762                                1.110-     10.964          26.836 HtAL7N PNftlC$ Pttstmhtt                                      21              0                 25             46                    6.915                             0.000       9.221          18.134      i NPERylscey ~ 9NEL                                              12             0                 14              26                    4.461                            0.245       4.410           9.116 25                               31          $7                    9                                               14            24 4 L

U*E!YRLI.NELUIM Min tinANCE l't AR*WL 24 5 106 135 8.670 2.450 $3.687 64.807 OPERA 110N$ PitsoNNEL 1 2 16 19 0.605 0.570 5.460 6.635 NEAlfM PNY$lCS Piks0NNEL 0 0 0 0 0.100 0.000 0.050 0.150

       $UPtRVI508Y FRR$0N WL                                          10             2                  4              16                   3.705                             0.675       1.930           6.390 ECCINttRING Ptt$0 Net                                           4             1                gg              g                     Mg                               gjQ          M4             1hgg -

101AL 39 16 146 19$ 14.415 4.210 69.3Tj$ 87.99/ , EH1ALMmi1*WL MINitNANCE Pf R$0NNtt 142 6 321 469 96.025 2.820 142.012 240.857 OPERAtit*8 PERSONNil 6 5 90 101 3.300 3.135 82.479 88.914 HEAlTM PNV$lCS Pit &ONWtt 17 0 83 100 9.985 0.000 32.806 42.791 SUPikvit0RV PER$0NNil II 4 25 46 5.750 1.920 9.234 16.904 (NG tRING PERSONNtt , . VA1TJ PRO (t 41WC MINitNANCE PER50NutL 14 0 2 16 T.084 0.000 1.280 8.364 citRAtloWS l'tR$0NNEL 5 0 24 29 0.88) 0.000 6.865 7.745 .

   - HEALIN PHYSICS PERSONNEL                                          2            0                 14              16                    1.66!                            0.000        7.368           9.030' LSL?tRvlSORf Pitt0NNEL-                                             1            0                   4               5                  0.690                             0.050        1.750           2.490 -

INGINEERING PERSONNEL TOTAL 22 9 9 0 44 Q .9 QdQQ 929: 9d99 .- MlQ 66 10.336. 0.060 17.263 '2T.659 K!1RlhL , 1 MAINTE NANCElia $0kWE L 63 0 2 65 27.550 0.140 1.470 29.160 DPEAAfl0NS PER$(WNtt 19 1 6 26 5.763 0.130 1.445 7.358 NEALTN PHY$1CE PERSONNEL 4 0 23 27 4.135 0.000 . 10.41T 14.552' } SUPERV180RY PIR$0NNEL 3 0 1 '4 0.890 0.105 .0.270 1.265 CNGINEERING Pf9$0NNEL 989


l j Q 4

                                                                                                                        $                  94M                               0.090                              4L i~        total                                                       90             1                 37, 127_                38.771_                                 0.465      14.222;        5 .4 8      :,

i l ' 191R.3LMUkWELON,, -- l MAINitWANCE PER$0NNEL 440 (206)- 18 (11) 681 (486J 1139 (703) 211.229 7.380 321.245- ,539.854 OPtVAil0N$ PEREONktL 122- (72) 14 (7) 176 (125) 312 (204) 52.494 6.285~ 115.238, 174,017 :

   ' ttALIN PHYSICS PER$0NNgt,-                                      71    (27)     0      (0) '204 (125), 275 (152)                42.7a2                                   0.000 ' 80.099_         122.881 surttyls0RY Pit $0NNEL                                          57 (37)        7.     (5) 53 '(35) 117 (771                     IV.644                                '3.690       19.543         43.077
   -ENGINttRING PERSONNEL                                            16 (14)        4      (1) 69 (55) 89 (70)                            5.410                              2.138      38.318         45.866 GRAND TOTALL                                               706 (356) 43 (24) 1183 (826) 1932(1206) 331.759                                                        19,493 574.443            925.695-l t
  • Workers eier te counted in more than une category, kurbers in parenthesen'are total ruiters of Individuais.

e D-61

APPENDIX D (Continued) Y WO N N a % n R or? " 1990 TYPts PWR PLANIt *$tMMER i LC R AND TOTAL PfR50N RIN _,. V M ER_OF PERS_0h 3 } 100 netN) 10fAL 51All0N UllLilf LON1RACI JC3 IUNCille $1Atl01 UllLiff CON 1RAtt 101AL !LLAWS.2 1 DUEL _. 10 2.150 0.000 2.440 4.590 u lkithANct PER506htL 7 0 3 0 36 9.695 0.010 1.005 10.710 OPERatloks Pits 0NNil 35 1 13.450 8 0 35 43 2.485 0.000 10.965 NEALIN PHillCS PERSONNtl 0 0 1 0.810 0.000 0.190 1.000 $wtRVISORY Pik$0NNtl 1 (32WittlNG PERSONNrt g g g gyg g,0gg gy Lg}} 5 0 44 95 15.510 0.310 15.ss5 31.405 101AL MiUNLN8 ?N1f NANtt 0.000 15.430 21.210 MAthitkANLt PER50hhti 17 0 43 60 5.780 2 9 12 1.057 0.415 2.910 4.412 ottRAil0N$ Pit $0NNEL 1 0 to 42 0.555 0.000 14.670 15.225 HEALTH FHYsits PitsONNI. 2 0 0 0 0 0.405 0.000 0.040 0.445

$c tRVltoRY PER$0NNil                                                                                                                                       8 ENGINItalhG PERSOhWEL                     g            0                       j,                         1                       QM9         91909      Qt1Q            L_149 TOTAL                              20             f                    93                        113                         8.117       0.415    33.900          42.432 IttWELLN5MnM                              4             0                   45                          49                        1.520       0.000     11.675         13.195 MAIN 1tkAhti PER50hhtL 7             0                       4                       11                        2.365       0.000       1.505          3.870 OPERATIONS PtR$0NNEL 0            0                       5                         5                       0.175       0.000      2.360           2.535 HEAliH PHY$lCS PERSONNEL 0            0                        0                         0                      0.015       0.000      0.100           0.115 SUPERVISORY PER$0hNtl t%CINEIRING PtRLONNtL                     Q            Q                        R                         [                      92909       QJQ9        QM             92 @ l 20.400 11             0                    56                         67                        4 .0 75     0.000     16.325 f01AL iMRAL'!AINlf""iL_                       39              0                 234                        2 73                       14.300        0.000   134.170 148.470 MimitNANLt PtR$0NNEL OptRAll0Ns Pits 0NNEL                   15              1                    18                        34                         4.625       0.500      4.550           9.675 5             0                  102                        107                         1.745       0.000    40.915          42.660 HEALIN PHYSICS P!R$0NNtt 3             0                         0                        2                      1.485       0.000      4.000           5.485
  $U0tRVISOPY PERSONNEL E;;GlkttRlWG PERSONNEL                    1            g                  jj0                        iji                         M Q)        LOJO     (Jd40           Mt}}}

66 1 464 531 23.140 0.500 246.775 270.815 10TAL 991LtaML5HNU 40 0.140 0.000 0.425 0.565 MIN 1LNANCE PERSONhti 39 0 1 15 0 0 15 0.030 0.025 0.465 0.520 OPERAT10NS PER50NNtl HEALTH PHftlCS Piks0NNtl 5 0 1 6 0.755 0.000 1.025 -1.780 0 0 2 0.055 0.000 0.000 0.055

   $UPtRVI$0RY PtR$0NhtL                    2

[NGlWitRING Pit $0NNEL 1 9 Q } g291Q gj_02 91999 1.915 LOJQ 2.930 101AL 66 0 2 68 0.9vo 0.025 MNILLNG 0.000 10.050. 13.110 MAINit u NCE PtR50NNEL 0 0 29 29 3.060 OPERAil0N5 PERSONNEL 0 0 2 2 1.045 0.930 1.170 2.245 HEALTH PHf$lC$ PER$0NNEL 3 0 28 31 0.960 0.000 8.985 9.945 tuPERvl5Gtt PER$0NNtt 0 0 0 0 0.200 0.000 0.000 0.200 (NGINtlRING PERSONNEL 0 16 16 9&1 92999 16Jg 16365 Q 101AL 3 0 75 78 5.350 0.030 37.085 41.465 IQlAL_ BY JOB FUNC1LON MAIN 1thANCE PERf0NNCL 106 (76) 0 (0) 355 (355) 461 (631) 26.950 0.000 174.190 201.140 OPERA 110NS Pik%0NNEL 73 (60) 3 (3) 34 (34) 110 (97) 18.847 0.980 11.605 31.432 NEAL1H PHY$1CS PER$0NNtt 23 (21) 0 (0) 211 (211) 734 (232) 6.675 .0.000 78.920 85.595

    $UPERVISORY Ptt$0NNEL                     4   (2)      0       (0)                       i  (1)            5 (3)                 2.970       0.000      4.330           7.300 (NGINEERING Pit $0NNEL                  11    (6)      0       (0) 133 (153) 144 (139)                                           2.140       0.000     82.840         84.980 GRAND 101ALS-                     217 (165)         3       (3) 734 ( 734) 954 (902)                                        57.582       0.980   351.885         410.447
     'vorhers twy be counted in more than one cetecory. Nwbers in parentheses are totet swbers of trclividuals.

U-62 i

APPENDIX 0 (Centiliued) YW0hfkb8NN k 1990 i eta:ts asuett 1,2 ItPts PWR i Wott AND Ntwit of Pit $0NNELilj00 setN1. TQ{AlfQLON,,*MM JOS FUNCT10N SfAll0N UllLiff IDIAL CONIRACI $1AllON UllLilf CONTRACI 101AL MKloa OrLUugt, MINitNANct PaksoNNEL 177 2 588 767 3.202 0.000 1.165 4.367 OPERAfl0NS Pit $0NNEL 351 42 127 520 17.338 0.061 0.639 18.038 MtALIN PHY$lC$ PER$0HutL M 11 128 223 16.075 0.074 5.415 21.564

     $UPERVl&ORY PER50NNEL                14 9             8            65        222                2.823            0.003                 1.018         3.844 -

A 8 10 1 4 4 l RM U H M1h.Ut'"i L MINitNANCE PERSONNil 105 0 740 905 54.109 0.000 140.604 194.T13  : l DetRAtl0N$ PER$0NNEL 165 10 111 206 20.976 0.077 8.130- 29.183  ! HEALIN PHY$1C$ PER$0NhtL  ?? 1 188 2A6 23.317 0.021 53.305 76.643 i

     $UPERVi$0AV PERSONNLL                  97             2           56        fl* 5               6.417            0.010                8.946-       15.373 1::CluttRING PER$0NNEL 101AL Q            }}            Ig 1}{10g               ld}l             92[4$                 idH
  • 599 46 1165 8 108.231 0.356 212.584 32 .1 Dh.Mffff.1kRIEUi"!

MAlkitNANCE PERSONNtt 1 0 132 135 0.015 0.000 16.242 16.257 OPERAf fft$ PER$0NNEL 32 4 28 64 0.352 0.021 1.688 2.061

  .HEALIN PHY$lCS Pit $0NWit                21             0            16           37             0.463             0.000                1.387          1.850
    $UPERVl$0RT Pit $0NNEL                   6             0             6           12             0.007             0.000                0.975         0.962        ,

i L 65 8 23 3 19 iP(([A, LM,A1l[jpA,W[L MiWitNANCE PERSONNEL 63 0 628 691 1.325 0.000 70.435 71.760 OPPRAil0N$ Pit $0NNtt 37 0 50 87 0.956 0.000 2.605 3.561 HEALTN PNY11CS PER$0NNEL 45 0 89 134 6.722 0.000 7.C39 14.561 SUPERVISORY PER$0NNEL 21 0 52 75 0.774 0.000 5.532 6.306

  • ENGIN(( RING PER$0NNtt M } }Z gg 9,dM total 190 9L00 141/J -- Id(? -

3 876 106c 10.221 0.000 87.554 9/.775 FA Hf PROCQ11kG MIN 1tkAWct Ptts0NNil 15 0 21 36 0.019 0.000 0.110- 0.129 ortRAll')NS PERSONNtl 22 0 23 3.083 0.000 0.003 1 3.086. NEALIN PHY1lC$ PER$0NNtl 42 1 0- 51 1.553 0.000 0.381- 1.954

l. SUPERVl$0RY PER$0NNEL 12 0 8 20 -2.165 0.000 '0.320 2.485.

ENGINttelWG PER$0NNEL g 9 } - Lpp0Q .Q4ppQ gd6J h,1,j{ T0fAL 91 1 39 13}1' 6.820 0.000 0.978 7.798 EUPE1ING MAINitNANCE PER$0NNEL 40 0 109 149 1.993 0.000 18.091 20.084 OPERAfl0Ns PER$0NNEL 23 e 13 42 0.954 l 0.096 0.394 1.444 ' MtAlfN PHY$lCS PER$0NNEL 28 0 49 77 1.408 0.000 1.358 2.766 , stFERVis0RY PER$0NNEL 14 0 10 24 0.643 0.000~ 0.970 1.613 l (NGIWittlNG PER$0NNEL TOTAL

                                           -}           '[              g          1}              g006QOJ           QfM                   9.dQ         QdfZ '

t 108 8 189 305 .. 0.190 21.~ 008 26.204-0 I,0,1AL Of J06 FyNQ1[0,3 MINf tNANCE Pit $0hNtL 461 2 2218 2681 ~60.663 0.000 '246.647 '307.310 1 OPERAil0N$ PtR$0NWtL 650 62 330 1042 '43.659 0.255 13.459 57.373 HEALTN PNftlCS PERSONNEL 297 13 478 788 49.518 0.095 69.685 119.318

   $uPERVISORY PER$0NWit                 301            10          197          508              12.829       .0.013                 17.761          30.603 (NGINttelWG PERSONNEL                 193            75          284         552                5.979             0.4 75           15.064          21.518 GRAWD iotALs                     1902           162         3507                         172.668-             0.838 5571                                          362.616- $36.122
  • Workers p.ay tw counted in more than .one category.


APPENDIX D (Continu:d) Y ObkbBNNbk 1990 PLANT *l?)$0UEHANNA 1,2 YYPE: De WORK AND NtM6ft ofPiRSM E Q199s*tW) , ig M it$0W REN JC3 TUNCil0N $1All0N UllLilf CON 1RACT 101AL IIAll0N UTILlif CONTRACI f01AL

                      !{AD M Otf M URV                                                              0                   0              0.000                                                      0.000         0.000         0.000 MAIN!!::ANLE PERSONNEL                           0             0 69              0              4                73             24.376                                                        0.C00         1.037       25.413 OPIRA110NS PERSONNEL 8             0               5               13                3.532                                                      0.000         0.960         4.492 4: TALIN PHYSICS P[R$0NhEL 0             1               0                  1              0.000                                                      0.201         0.U00         0.201
                      $UPERVISORY PERSONHtL T                                               8              2                                                                                        3 T AL EU,JJ.NLP'I Nt t N A NCE mal:IENAN'tC PER$0NNLL                         83           221           160                464              44.364                                                       90.243       66.064-      200.671 60                            10                51             13.328                                                        0.130         4.951      - 18.409 Cet:Afl0NS PiksONNEL                                           1 23                         133                157              17.991                                                        0.595       63.239         81.625 HfAlfH PHY$1CS PER$0NNtt                                       1                                                                                                                                                   ,

11 0 0 11 2.560 0.000 0.000 2.560 SUPtkVI$08Y P(RSONNEL E%GINEERING TERSONNEL I l s 11 698 id1[ 79.460 1

                                                                                                                                                                                                  $dll 116.23{7 91.190 h93            h_H 306.867 4     I 10TAL                                    167,          225          309                                                                                                                                      ;

JN 1(Rijtt INSPECil04 f

                ' MAINIENANCE l'LR$0NNE L                               0           36             55                91                  0.000                                                   32.637       22.1$3         54.790-0            0               0                  0                0.000                                                     0.000        0.000          0.000 OPERAfl0N5 PLR30NNEL 0            0               0                  0                0.000                                                     0.000      .0.000           0.000 lif ALIN PHYSICS PERSONNCL 1            0               0                   1               0.565                                                     0.000        0.000-         0.565
                       $UPERVISORY PER$0NNEL ErGINEERING PCR$0NNEL                            g            }               g                  }                0.000                                                     L                           LL71-total                                        1           39             55                9$                  0.565                                                   33.M7005     2 .15          55.726 LPf CI ALMA 1NitN AwCL,,

MAINTENANCE Plas0NNEL 3 52 20 75 0.955 27.704 9.117- 3 7. 776 OPERAfl0NS PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000-1 1 5 7 0.822 0.505- 1.613 2.940 HFALTH PHY11CS P(RSONNEL tuPERVISORT PER$0NkEL 2 1 0 3 0.295 0.210 0.000'- 0.505 (NGINEERING PER$0NNfL 4 g }4 }$ h[yg 6 999 hl19 hj{[ 10 54 39 103 2.h40 28.419- 16.549 47.6J6 TOTAL WASif PROCES$1NG 1 1 1 3 0.110 0.405 0.115 0.640 MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 0 0 2 -2 0.000 0.000- 1.400 1.400-OPERATIONS PER$0NWCL 5 0 9 12 1.225 0.b00 ' 3.479 - 4.704 HIALTH PHY$1C$ PER$0NNEL

                                                                       -1             0                                  2                 0.220                                                  .0.000'        O.6?0 --       0.840
                        $UPIPVI$0NY PTR$0NNEL ENGibEERING PER$0NNEL                           g 5

Q 1 13 1 0 19 g 6000. 1.553 0.000 0.405 - 62 W7.584-


TOTAL m tm lNo 0 0.000 0.000 C.000 0.000 MA!NitNANCE PERSONNEL 0 0 0 OPERATIDNS PfRSONNEL 3 0 0 3 0.423 0.000- 0.000 0.423 - HEAtTN PHT$lCS PERSONNEL 0 0- 0 0 0.000 'O 000 0.000' O.000-I $UPERVISORT PfRSONNEL 0 0 0 0 :0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ENGlWEERINf,PER$0NNEL- g g g g 0.000' hp00 L_ hpog TOTAL 3 0 0 3 0.423 0.003 ' O. 0.423  : TOT AL SY JO_B JL'NCTION MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 87 310 .236 633 45.429 150.989 97.459 293.877 OPERAll0NS PERSONNEL 112 1 16 12f 38.127 0.130 7.368 45.645 HEALTH PHY$1C$ PERSONNEL 35 2 152 189 23.570 1.100 69.'91 93.961. - 1 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 15 2 1 18 3.640 - 0.411 0.620 4.671 ENGINEERING PER$0NNEL ' 11 5 20 36 1.985 0.593 7.802 : 10.380 l GRAND TOTALS 260- 320 425 1905 -112.751 '153.223 -182.560 448.534 l

  • Workers may be counted in Fore than one category.


APPENDIX D (Continu0d) Y W0bkb8 lbk 1990 ftAuft *1 MEE NILE 1$ LAND 1 TYPit PWR WCTA AND Nte48t,,R,,,9f_PJR$0NNEL U100_of1ML ,,_,, . 1018t_P,1RSON RLM JC TUNCilnN $fA110N UllLl1T CONTRAC1 101AL $1All0N UllLIIV CONTRACT 101AL

  !1A[fM OP1J_Jt*V MIN 1thANct PER$oNNil                       199                    7           73         2 79       12.471       0.040       1.395         13.906 TfRAll0NS P[RSONNEL                         100                    3             1         104       18.904       0.055       0.000         18.959 HEALIN PHTSICS Pit $0NNtt                       83              15            31          129       19.942       0.023       (.560         24.525
   $UttRVISORY PER$0NNEL                      154                  21            31          206        4.018       0.039       0.409          4.466 (NGIN(FRING PERSONNEL                            L7             !!            {}            E7_      ]E4         92L))       Q&{            Mll 64,567 TOTAL                                  593                  63           159          815       57.323       0.272       6.9 72 EWilNL M_A_lW_l(W A_ WEE ._

MINTENANCC PER$CNNil 229 9 491 729 22.865 0.193 67.6a) 90.741 OPERATIONS PER$0NWtt 34 3 6 43 0.191 0.003 0.068 0.262 HEALIN PNT11CS PER$0NNtl 35 6 18 59 0.538 0.002 0.138 0.678

   $UPERVISORY Pik&ONNEL                       222                 48            68          338         2.844      0.199       5.042           8.085 (NGINEERING Pit $0NNLL                           9,0             Z}            }0         IQ          id}$       QE1          {2144          121 TOTAL                                   610                  91          633         1334       28.074       0.598      75.4 73       104.147 IN $fRvitt INSP.LC110N MINitNAvCE PER$0NNEL                             45                9           96          150        0.395       0.069       5 .2 75        5.739 OPERATIONS P(R$0NNEL                              16               2             1           19       0.204       0.005       0.018          0.227 HEALTH PNY11C$ PERSONNtl                         11               0             3           14       0.109       0.000       0.233          0.342
    $UPERVISORY PER$0NNEL                           69                3           28          100        1.A59       0.012        1.472         2.943 ENGINfERING PER$0kNEL                           4_9,            14              1           @)       M l?        Q419{       mil            }&}

TOTAL 190 TB 13 311 3.396 0.187 8.771 12.354 Rillat *LWm*WEL. MINf f MANCE PERSONNEL 195 6 249 450 32.280 0.059 39.739 72.078 OPERA'fl0N$ P(R$0NNEL 27 0 1 28 0.982 0.000 0.109 1.091 CEAL1H PHYSICS P(R$0kNEL 36 0 17 53 4.595 0.000 1.411 6.006

    $UPERvl10RY PERSONNEL                            51               1            33           85        3.861      0.000        1.571          5.432 LtGINEERlWG PER$0NNEL                            26               1            29           11        M}6        Q&$          LIQ)           &&{

TOTAL 335 12 320 667 44.85l 0.127 44.538 89.519 VASTE PRO yC,$1F MINitNANCE PERSONNEL 51 1 22 74 3.418 0.000 6.452 9.870 OPERAi!OWS PIR$0NNEL 82 0 3 85 21.098 0.000 0.192 21.490 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL $2 7 14 73 3.36b 0.004 0.348 3.720 tuPtRVISORY PER$0NMEL 49 9 8 66 2.092 0.003 1.396 3.491 ENGINI(RING PER$0NNEL } 9 } ll Q211g 920jl QM1 92114 TOTAL 239 26 50 315 30.117. 0.024 8.589 38.725 MitM1,WG MINTENANCE PER$0NNtt 64 1 20 85 3.932 0.056 0.931 4.919 OPERATION $ PERSONNEL 66 2 2 70 2.388 0.033 0.029 2,450 HEALTH PHYSICS PER$0NNEL 15 0 3 in 0.405 0.000 0.200 0.695

     $UPERYlSCtf PERSONNEL                            29                1             1          $l        1.424      0.001        0.000          1.425 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL                             g               6              9          ZQ        OE         92141        9d99           Mis TOTAL                                       180               10            34         224         8.311      0.235        1.6h9        10.205 TOTAL BY JOB EVNCJ10N.

MINI (NANCE PiR$0NNEL 783 (250) 33 (21) 951 ($27) 1767 (798) 75.361 0.417 121.475 197.253 OPERATIONS P[d50NNEL 325 (131) 10 (5) 14 (8) 349 (144) 43.767 0.096 0.616 44.479 HEAlfN PHT$lC$ PER$0NNEL 232 (87) 28 (20) 86 (35) 346 (142) 29.047 0.029 6.890 35.966

      $UPERVISORY P(R$0NNEL                         574 (278) 83 (68) 169 (90) 826 (436)                 15.698       0.25'        9_890        25.842 ENGlkttRING PfR*0NNEL                         233 (107) 76 (58) 129 (65) 438 (230)                   8.197      0.647        7.133         15.977 CRAND TOTALS                           2147 (653) 230 (172) 1349 (T25) 3726(1750)              172.070        1.443    146.004        319.517
      %kers may t>e comted in more than one category. Nwt.ers in perentheses are total refiers of Irwllviduals.


APPENDIXD(C:ntinued) NW0bkbBNNbMk 1990 frPE: PWR Pu N1 - *tWah alLE r$tAND 2 tK*K Ano NedeER of engwtNLLpjp0 palm) 10tatatRJegtRJN Jos r.ntiION SiAll0N v1RFiv c0NitAtt 10 RAT iiiiiLN utiLtir coNrRACr 10lAs lLt AILG*lLLEV8v 87 1.376 0 000 8.426 9.802 MihitrMtt PtaSONNEL 33 0 54 52 0 1 53 9.761- 0.000 0.020 9.781 OPERAT ind PERSONN.) 6.616 HfALTH eHTi.KS PERSONNEL 66 3 22 91 3.519 0.000 3.097 e4 16 21 83 1.324 0.411 0.952 2.647

    %?tki:30we PERSONNEt Et0INEERING ;iRSGNNEL                                          1                           i              19                                   RdQ2        94222      h 12.g96 2p1            20                        102             333                                   16.080       0.433'        589            . 02 TOTA 1                                        .

Y E21118 _alNTMAl R_ MINf t hANtt 6 ERSONNh 5( 1 31 89 1.493 0.002 0.943 2.44 76 0 4 74 3.638 0.000 0.000 3.718 OPERA 110NS PERSONNEL HEAL 1H PHfSICS PERSONNEt 60 5 4 69 1.501 0.002 0.070 1.5 T3 a3 70 15 118 0.684 0.011 0.287 0.962 SUPERVISORT PERSONNEL L;;GINEERikG PERSONNEL  ? Z D }.1 RJ1} h20{ - 1( 9M TOTAL 2{99 33 69 401 T.429 0.01T . 92 8.838 IN* SERVICE INSPLC]11Qy 2 3 1 6 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.020 MINIENANCE PEESONNEL 3 4 1 8 0.047 0.000 0.030 0.077 OPERAT10NS PERSONNEL 21 0 6 27 0.406 0.000 0.224 0.630 HEALTH PMfSICS P'RSONNEL 98 19 10 127 1.346 0.560 0.471 2.397 SUPERVIST Pfli vorEL EN2INEERING PERSONNEL jQ 1 1 ij RJi1 h9M 9M RJU 3.657 TOTAL 134 27 23 1E 2.160 0.607 0.e90

     }P(Lt.AL MINTENANet,                                                                                                                                                                 60.228 36           1                         92             129                                  30.971        0.005    29.252 MINTENANCE PERSONNEL 49           1                           8              58                                  18.(16       0.000      0.298         19.014 0FERAfinNS PERSONNEL 0                         18               45                                  10.191       0.000      5.712         15.903 HEALTH PHYSICS PER$0kWEt                           27 16          1                         21               40                                   2.748 ~     0.04S      4.234           7.0M .

SUP!RVISORY PERSONNEL ENGINEERING PER$0hWEL 2 9 1Z 24 1.770 hggo- LM} id}} 3 158 298 64.396 0.053 42.159 106.608 TOTAL 137 FMILP19EtS.5LNL_. 6 32 2.033 0.000 0.004 2.037 MINiENAkCE PER$0h EL 26 0

                                                         $4          1                            7             62                                    2.910      0.002      0.020         '2.937 OPERATIONS PERSONN>L 0,000      0.352           2.814 HEALIN PNYSICS PEMONdit                            39          0                          10              49                                   2.466 23          5                            8             36                                    0.429      0.003. 0.051            0.445' SUPERVISORY PER$0NJ1L E2GtktERING PEk W EL                                 9         0                            }             Ig                                    OR              OQQ
                                                                                                                                                                              .43 -

94,7) TOTAL 15T 3 34 191 7.902 . 5 MLUhlNO ..

0. 0.000- 0.000 0.000 0.000 MINTENANCE PERSOWnit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL
   ,HEALIP PHYSICS PERSONNEL                               0          0                           0               0                                   0.000       0.000      0.000           0.000
   - GJPERVISORT PERSONNEL                                 0          0                           0               0                                   0.000       0.000      0.000-       .0.000 ENGlhEERlhG PERSONNEL                                9          9                            9              R                                   hpQQ -      hp0g       gu009         : h099 0          0                            0              0                                   0.000       0.000      0.000           0.000 TOTALi TQLA[ $f J00 FUNCil(W '                                                                                                                       35.873        0.007    38.64'5 '       74.$25
   - MINTENANCE P!R$ahWEL ~                          154 (58)         5          (4) 184 (107) 343 (169) 228 (73)         6          (5) 21 (10) 255 (88)-                                              35.0T2-       0.002      0.448:        35.522-
    'OPERAfl0NS PERSONNEL (8) 60 (22) 281 (101)                                               18.023       0.002      9.455.-       27.540 -


     -SUPErilSORY PLRSONNEL                          266 -(167)     61 -(44) - 77 (37) 404 (248)                                                    - 6.531 '     1.053    .5.995 71 (34)     9          (8) 44                (30) 124 (72)                                   2.408      0.051      2.920          -5.379 EkSINEERING PER10NNEL 89 ' (69) 386 (206) 1407 (678)                                                   97.967        1.115    57.463        156.545 GRAND' TOTALS                              932-.(403) i l'      ' Workers may be counted in more thac 'ene category.' Nudsers in ghtrentheses are total matera of Indiv1(kaalt. -

D-66 i

APPENDIX D (Continutd) l Yi0btb8NNbb 1990 PLANT *140JAh ITPt8 NR Ut*R Ak0 ___ UMftFN W OfJQOhjLELPiv0 cflM) _ tot Al _ PiRSCtRIN JOS FUNCYlCW $1All0N UllL11T CON 1RACI 101AL__ $lA110N UllLitV CONTRAtt 101AL RtACTC* OP)~$ $URV disiinkt PiniOGiI 1 0 0 1 0.7T0 0.010 0.680 1.460

 #tRATION$ PER$0NNIL                     5            0            0            5                        1.940           0.000       0.000                    1.940 ktALTH PNY$10$ lit $0NNEL              15            0            5           20                       3.200            0.000       2.240                    5.440
 $UPikvitM Y PfR50ntL                    0            0            0            0                       0.700            0.000       0.980                    1.680 t%GlkttRIh0 PER50NWit                   9            9            0            9                       9 dog            gOgg        Mg                       tiDQ 101AL                             21            0            5           26                        7.210           0.010       4.050                  11.270 PMLHL4AILtiMML.

hAI kIL h ANil Pt t $f,A.NLt 131 3 134 268 39.040 0.920 63.510 103.470 0F3AflCA$ Pit?'wktt 10 0 0 10 3.050 0.000 0.000 3.050 HEALTH PHY$1CS FIRLOWNEL 61 1 59 121 19.090 0.470 37.310 $6.870 tuottvis0RY TttschhEL 9 0 25 34 3.440 0.100 7.040 10.$80 thGluttRlho PER$(wktt 11, p 81 92 h)49 gjQ9 (11}ij DJ}Q 101AL 2I2 4 299 5f5 67.960 1.490 170.170 239.620 n:HLvnLLNRtu n MAthith 4(1 PLR$(*htt 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 CPERATI(w$ PIR$0NNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 HfALIN PHYSICE Ptk$0NNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 SUPERVISORY PER$0NWit 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 INGlWCERING PER$0NkIL Q g Q Q QJQQ 9399Q 9JQ9 QJ9) 101AL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 RGI ALMA LN.JimCL.. KAINithANct H RLM NEL 2 0 32 34 0.430 0.070 13.000 13.500 OPERAt10NS PER$0NNfL 0 0 0 0 0.010 0.000 0.000 0.016 HEALIN PHY$1Cs Pik$rWNtt 0 0 1 1 0.250 0.050 0.910 1.210

   $UttkV150RY PIR$0NNil                   0           0             0            0                         0.110         0.000       0.200                    0.310 (NGlWEERIPG Pit $0NWit                  g           9             9            0                         9d19 0,910 QA09        h14_Q                    949 101AL                               2           0           33           35                                        0.120      14.250                   15. % 0 VAHLBonnin LAlWithAuCt ttR50 wtL                   0            0            0            0                          0.090         0.000      0.280                     0.370 OPERAll0NS Pf R$CmWEL                   0            0            0            0                          0.420         0.000       0.000                    0.420 HE ALTH PHYSIC $ PER$0NNt'.           10             0             2         12                           3.110         0.060       0.420                    3.590
   $UPERVI$04Y PERSONNEL                   0            0            0            0                          0.040         0.000       0. bib                   0.050 thG1httRiNG PtR$0NNEL                   g            Q             g           g                           9,1Q09       giOOg       giggg                    $290g TOTAL                             10            0             2          12                           3.660        0.060       0.710                    4.430 Ri g11gG                   ,

MAltitNANCl PikScott 14 1 42 57 4.0 70 0.260 32.070 36.40a OPfRATIDW$ Pit $0NNEL 3 0 0 3 0.930 0.000 0.000 0.930 HEALTH PHY$1CS PER$0hWEL 9 0 15 24 2.100 0.000 6.070 8.250

    $Uttivlsoaf PERSONNEL                   0            0            1            1                           0.610       0.000       0.360                    0.970 tWG1httRIwG PtRSokNEL                   g            g            }            7                           gjog        91910       hL99                      h809 TOTAL                             28             1          63           92                            8.390       0.2N       39.690                   48.350 M1AULLNLFMnN MAINiihANCE Pik%0HEL                148 (121)        4   (3) 208 (176) 360 (300)                      44.400            1.260   109.540                  155.200 OPfRAfl0NS PtkloNktL                  18 (13)        0   (0)      0  (0)     to (13)                       6.350       0.000       0.000                    6.350 HEALTH PPr$10$ FER$0HWil              95   (67)      1   (1) 62     (80) 176 (148)                    27.830           0.580      46.950                   75.360 st.Pftvl50RV PER$0hNEL                  9 (12)       0   (0) 26 (22) 35 (34)                                4.900      0.100        8.590                  13.590 INGlWERING PLR$0NNtl                  13    (4)      0   (0) 86 (85) 99 (89)                                4.650       0.010     63.790                   68.450 GRAND TOTALS                     283 (217)       5   (4) 402 (363) 690 (584)                       08.130           1.950   228.870                   318.950
     ' Workers may te cuanted in more than one category. W$ters in parentheses are total tuters of Individuals.




W0bbB Nb 1990 PLANI: 'fuRLEf PolW1 3,4 TYPE PWR WORK AND _ WimtER OFJP R$0h, Wit (>100 mPEN) . TOTAL R{R,}0N _RfN -- Jo9 FUNCil0N $1All0W Ullllif CONTRACT 101AL $1A110N UllLl!Y CONIRAGI _.10IAL R,[AC10p OP1JJJeL MIN 1tNANCE PER$0hWEL 98 1 107 206 30.970 0.340 38.025 69.335 OPERAll0NS PER$0NNEL 62 0 0 62 24.780 0.000 0.010 24.790 NEALTN PHY$1C$ PER$0NNEL 60 0 59 119 32.515 0.030 18.050 50.595 $UPERviSORf PERSCANEL 21 0 11 32 6.295 0.150. 3.545 9.990 ENGlhEEkiNG PER$ONNEL )

                                    ,}            X             lt          }4                (31Z9       p.260}       M 2}         SM9 TOTAL                         254            3           196         453               98.730         1.125     68.935        168.fYO

!!W11Nf_Ml!!IuML. 468 71.660 1.090 116.395 189.145 MINIENANCE PER$cmWEL 171 2 295 OPERAfIONS PERSONNEL 14 0 0 14 4.430 0.000 0.000 4.430 5:tALTH PHY$1C$ PERSONNEL 37 0 39 76 11.825. 0.000 11.835 -23.660 $UPENVl$0RT PER$0NNEL 11 0 15 24 3.615 0.030 3.890 7.535 ENGINEERING PER$0NNEL g g Z jJ M4Q g,011 4E 101AL 239 2 356 597 93.870 1.185 136.805 231. LNSERVlti_lW$PtC,1]DN 0 0 199 199 0.530 0.000 86,955 87.485 MINiENANct PER60hhtL OPERAtlDNS PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0.170 0.000 0.000 0.170 HEALTH PHY$1C$ PER$0NNEL 1A 0 7 21 2.930 0.000 2.285 5.215 $UPERVISORf PER$0NNEL 2 1 11 14 -0.525 0.655 2.945 4.1?5 EIGl'EERING PER$0NNEL g 4 g Q2Q9,} 7 Mj.Q MD TOTAL 16 {3 221 240 4.250 .62 93.495 99.370 ElfleLElltNANCE 336 423 29.425 0.765 141.580 171.770 MlW1ENANCE PE R$0NNEL 85 2 OPERAfl0NS PERSONNEL 6 0 0 6 2.370 0.000 0.000 2.370-HEALTN PHY$1C$ PER$0NNEL 19 0 14 33 5.265 0.000~ 4.215 9.480-

$UPERVl50RY PER$0NNEt                in            1            35          54                 8.635       0.285      14.P80         23.000 ENGlWEERING PERSONNEL                 4            g 4

4 47 2.030 47.725 M4 1.545 j}M4 175.215 2 . 8. total 13) $ 42o 163 WA$TF PROC [$$[NG MIW1ENANCE PERSONNEL 18 0 4 22 5.220 0.000 2.610 7.830 OPERAfl0N$ PER$0NNEL 0 0 0 0 0.100 0.000 0.000 0.100 HEALTH PHY$10$ PER$0NNEL 10 0 3 13 5.045- 0.000 1.005 6.050

$UPERVISORY PER$0NNEL                 0            0              0            0               0.105       0.000       0.020          0.125 E GINEERING PERSONNEL                              9              9            1               M 19        RzQ99       929?1          M4,1 1

101AL 29 0 7 36 10.620 0.000 3.730 14.350 REFL*t1NA 107.640 MlNTENANCE PERSONNEL 77 3 141 121 32.780 1.295 73.565 OPERATION > PERSONNEL 15 0 0 15 4.925 0.000 0.000 4.925 HEAllH PHY$lC$ PER$0Nhiit 15 0 15 30 3.680 0.000 -4.530 8.210

$UPEkVl$0RY PERSONNEL                 5            1             16          22               ,1.815       0.115        4.805        -6.735 ENGINEERlWG PERSONNEL                              1            jj           g1                 M 81       0.390      ,1,lt!49       14 l}j.1 TOTAL                          11{4 -         5           190         309               44.785         1.800     95.740-       1P2.325 12f AL9Y .'08 FWCilog MlW1ENANCE PER$0NNEL               449 (229)       8     (4) 1082 (671) 1539 (904)          170.585        3.490- 459.130           633.205 0.000        0.010        36,785 OPE;ATIONS PERSONNEL                 97 (81)       0     (0)      0   (0) 97 (81)            36.775 103.210-HEALTH PHY$1C$ PERSONNEL           155 (66)       0     ;0) 137 (101) 292 (167)             61.260        0.030      41.920-FUPERVISORY PER$0NNEL               57 (31)       3   -(2)      88 (59) 148 (92)            20.990         1.235-    29.285         51.510 INGlWf ERihG PER$0NWfL              M (17)        7     ($)' 89 (57) 122 (79)                10.370-       2.525     43.575         56.470
   ' GRAND 10 Tall                  784 (424) 18 (ii) 1396 (868) 2198(1323) 299.980                       .7.280    573.920         581.180
  • Workers Wiay be comted in more than one category. . Nupbers in parenthef es are total rubers of individJals.


APPENDIX 0 (Continued) BYW0bbDNNbh 1990 PLANII *VERNONT YANKEE fYPEI 8WR - WDEE AND _ NUMi((_OF_ Pf tst*WEL{>,100 etEN) _ _ _ _ . total t R 10N RfM JOB FUNC11L* $1Allte UfJLily CONIkACT 101AL 4 fall 0N UllLiiV CONIWACI 10tAL

       &{AC10ej y G y eV ._

Mid1EkkNCI PER$0NNEL 17 0 26 43 4.549 0.000 9.697 14.246 OPERAllONS PER$0NNEL 33 0 4 3T 12.659 0.000 1.488 14.147 CALTH PNf$lC$ Pf R$0NNEL IT 0 1 18 4.691- 0.000 0.8TT 3.568 SUPERVit(*f PER$0NNEL 0 0 0 0 0.211 0.000 0.109 0.320 ENGlWEERikG PERSONNEL 107AL 1 g 1 g . Mg} pfqg pg 68 0 32 100 22.495 .0.000 12.386 3. . 1. 10!BINE wIWiLNsACL MAIN 1ENANCE Pits 0NWtL 36 0 207 243 15.844 0.100 73.862 89.806 OPERA 110Ns PEtsCwwEL 18 0 6 24 3.401 0.000 1.107 4.508 NEALTN PHY$1C$ PERSONNEL 9 0 25 34 3.588 0.000 T.509 11.097

      $UPERVI80sY PERSONNEL                    1            0               0                     0.190      0.000      0.091 1                                         0.261 ENGINEERING PER$0NNEL TOTAL                             65 j             Q               }               {     QJJg     ' ggppQ - . pg             Mp]

0 239 304 23.293 0.100 82.806 106.199 HJthKLB5MULo!! MAINIENAkCE PEk$0NNEL 1 0 77 78 0.305 0.000- 31.000- 31.305 OPERAllDNS PER$0NNEL 0 0 0 0 0.066 0.000 0.000 0.066 Calf N PNf 5f Cs PER$0NNEL 0 0 0 0 0.005 0.000 0.231 0.236

      $UPERVISORY PERSONNEL                   0             0              0                0    0.000       0.000      0.000         0.000 ENGlutERING PEkt0NNEL                   9                                                  0.111          0 101AL 9              Q                9                92.99      92969            17 :

1 0 77 18 0.48T 0.000 31.291 3.

      $PlHALMAINJ{ NANCE MAlW!EhANCE Pits 0NNii                23               0           207            230       6.454       0.085'   78.414         64.953-OPERAil0NS PER$0NNEL                    6             0              0               6      1. 726     0.000      0.013          1.739 HEALIN PhY3!CS PERSONNEL              to              0             11             21      2.773       0.000      3.638         6.f.11 SUPERVISORY PEttCeWEL                   0             0              0               0     0.005       0.000      0.000         f 005 ENGINEERING PER$0WNEL                    1 TOTAL                             45 Q

0 219 1 i 92}9{ 929Q9 9216} Mil 259 11.350 0.085 82.230 93.665 VASTE PR0( E5ING MAINTENANCE PLR$ONNEL 1 0 5 6 0.414 0.000 1.569 1.983-l OPERAfl0NS PER$0NNEL 1 0 0 0.871 0.000 1 0.027 - 0.808 HEALIN PHillCS PER$0NNEL 8 0 1 3.103 0.000 1.219 4.322 SUPtRVitoRY PEk$0NNEL 0 0 0 0 -0.000 0.000: 0.000 0.000

   -ENGINEERING PER$0NNEL                    g            'g               g               g     gt00J      p2ppQ                     hjQ{ .

total 10 0 6

                                                                                                                       $1Q9 16      4.390      0.000       d.815         1.205 .

PEFLTtING MAIN 1LNANCE PERSONNEL 0 0 8 '8 0.4 75 0.000 2.884- 3.359 OPEEAfl0Ns PERT 1NNEL 5 0 0 5 1.615 0.000 0.131 1.746 hEALIN PFVSICS PERSONNEL 5 0 16 21 2.431 0.000 T.968 10.399

     $UPERV1$0HY PERSONNEL                   0'            O               O               O     0.000      0.000      0.000          0.000 -

EkGlWEERikG FER$0NNEL l .Q '2 4 TOTAL 12 Q 93_JQ 92999 9494Q 9d5J 0 24 36 4.939 0.000 11.023 15.%2 TOTAL fY JOB FUNCil0N MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 78 0 530 608 28.041 0.185 197.426 225.552' DPERAllCW5 Pit $0NNEL 63 0 10 73 20.338 0.000 2.766 23.10A' NEALTN PNY$lC$ PERSOPNEL 49 0 54 103 16.591 0.000: 21.442 38.033 SUPERVl$0RY PCRSONNEL 1 0 0 1 0.406 0.000 0.200 0.606 INGINEERING Pets 0NNEL 5 0 3 8 1.578 0.000 0.71T -2.295<


GRAND TOTALS 196 0 597 66.954 793 0.185 222.551 289.690-

                                                                                                                                       -      i
  • Workers may be counted in more than one category.


APPENDIX 0 (Continu:d) W0bN D N k - 1990 PLANil 'V0 GILL 1,2 TYPts PWR LCK AND ..

                                     ._JMl] 0F PERSONN(L D100 metM)                                                                                10f 4 PERSON MN JC3 FUNCT10N                      $1A110N      UllLtif    CON 1RACI        101AL                      $1All0W UllLilf CONTRACI                                                                 101AL Rt AC10R C*S t it*V -.                                                                                                                                                                        58.323 plN1LNAWct IEks0NNIL                   58            0           74          132                              24.024                                  0.016        34.283 OPERAll0NS Pits 0NNtt                    6           1              1             8                                  2.544                            0.266           0.663                    3.473 HEALIN PMYSICS PERSONNEL                  3          0           42            45                                     1.154                           0.000         17.TTJ                    18.927-

$UPERVI$0RY PER&OhmtL 4 0 10 14 0.809 0.000 4.028 4.437 L 7 13 20 29 8 $ !?)llWI _MINilWLWIL. 0.016 12.415 17.643 MINltaANCE PER5ohwit 13 0 31 44 5.212 OPERAll0NS Pitt0WNil 21 0 1 22 5.386 0.053 0.135 5.574 HEALTH PNYblC$ PER$0NNtt 15 1 46 f,2 4.646 0.1 73 16.166 20.985 $UPERVitoRf PERSONNEL 4 0 9 13 2.239 0.100 2.479 4.818 t%CIWitRING PER$00tL 0 g 4 4 Rd3_l gd@] R54 WT ' ] 107AL 53 1 91 145 17.621 0.344 32.331 50.rvo 1.N:JtRVict.1pPtCT10N MINitNANCE PERSONNn 16 0 58 74 7.238 0.016 2T.602 34.856 OPERAil0N$ PER$0NNn 7 0 1 8 2.580 0.000 0.186 2.766 HEALIN PHf51C5 PER$0NNEL 5 0 W 22 1.183 0.000 6.580- 7.763 -- SUPERVltCtv PER$0 p tL 2 1 3 6 0.432 0.423 1.320 2.175 (NGtkttRihG PER$0NWit 1 g i

                                                                                 &                                    Mg1                            L0g{         . gd9_}

107AL 35 i 86 116 12.T14 0.441 36.283 4 .4 101nALu.mtML . 0 168 269 '24.640 0.016 81.116 105.772-MINitNAhtt PtR$0NNLL 81 OPEAA110NS Pit $0HEL 18 0 0 18 4.584 0.053 0.021 4.656 nilALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 22 0 46 68 9.550 0.049 20.007 29.606

$UPERV1sbaY PERSONNIL                    0           0           14             14                                     0.250                          0.012           5.917                    6.179

( GINttP!NG PERSONNEL [ g 19 ("4 Mis _ g 00] L.4.21 1 6. 66


101AL 126 0 29 393 40.880 0.132 115.556 WAsit H oc[111NG MAlWithANct n asoNNIL 9 0 17 26 3.495 0.016- .6.562 10.073 OPERAll0NS PER$0NNEL 0 0 0 0 0.f48 ' O.000 0.128 0.796 HEALTH PHYllC$ PERSONNEL 6 0 21 27 1.859 0.000 6.444 ' 8.303

$UPERVis0RY PtWSONNEL                     0          0              1             1                                    0.042                          0.000            0.514 -                  0.556 (NGtkttRING Ptts0NNEL                     g          g              1             1                                    ptJ1            1              pt00{.-          gdf} .               . L(Js .

TOTAL 15 0 40 55 6.215 0.018 14.111 20. M EEFVELING . m lNitWANCE PERSOMEL 35 0 56 91 18.795 0.016 22.339 41.150 CP[ Rail 0NS PER$0ptL 17 0 e 17 5.671 0.000' -0.091 5.762 HLALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 15 0 69 84 8.199 0.000 36.794 44.993 SUPERVISORY PERSONNtl 4 0 7' 11 1.170 0.000; 2.523 3.693 ECGINttRING PtRSONhtL 1 g g 2 pu)) 4 pdll . - L402 - -} TOTAL 72 0 140 212 34.2$7 0.018 65.149 99 @.424 10f tl DY JJ6 FUNCil0N MINILKANCE PERSONNEL 2 *.2 0 424 636 83.404 0.094 ' 184.317' 267.817 Ob 'STIONS PERS0ptL . 09 1 3 T3 21.433 0.3'ad 1.224. 23.029 htAliH PHY$1C$ PERSONNEL 66 1 241 308 26.591 0.222 103.764 130.577-

 $UFERVISORY PER$0NNEL--                14            1           44            59 -                                     4.942-                         0.535-      16.781                    22.758 ENGINE (RING Ptn$0NNEL                 14           0-           37            51                                       4,640                          0.012       16.511-                   21.163-CRnD TOTALS                       375             3         749         1127                            141.010                                      1.237 ' 322.597-                  '464.844
  • Workers emy te counted in more than one category.


APPENDIXD(Continu:d) Y W0 bib 8NNb f 1990 plt.W1: *WASHINCiC4 NUCLE AR 2 TYPE 8WR WC3 AND NWMN OF Pf a$_owN_tLp100 gtN1 TQLA u [RJ;wj {N _ JC3 FUNC110N $fAllON Ulltiff CC41kALI 101AL $5[170N UlllllY CONTRACT 101AL ELAN!*E13A*y_ MAIN 1ENANCE PERL(writ 43 1 13 57 28.336 0.3 74 9.008 37.718 OPE RAI)ONS PER$0NJEL 48 1 0 49 42.304 0.163 0.000 42.467 HEALIN PHY$lCS PER$0hWEL 30 0 15 45 20.230 0.000 5.793 26.023 $l?ttylLORY PER$0kNEL 12 1 0 13 4.370 0.231 0.000 4.601 L:GINElRING PER$0nEL 1  ? { M 11Qi M4{ 4 4 10tAL 138 12 30 180 96344 3.910 1.32}6 115.Jf} 580 EMfpt. MlNTEN ANEL.,, MAINTENANct Pik$wNil 174 0 187 361 141.120 0.060 106.110 247.290 OPtRA110Ns PER$0NNEL 3 0 0 3 2.795 0.014 0.000 2.809 HfAlfM PHYSICS PER$0NhEL 9 0 42 51 10.130 0.000 30.539 40.669 $UIERVitoRf PERSONNEL 13 2 2 17 6.147 0.536 0.498 7.181 IX 1ktERING FEkt0NNEL ll 18 RI M M j7 M QZ M J9 l}dll 101 AL 220 20 258 498 167.863 7.217 146.041 321.121 1Ndi!.YEL.LN$tElfM RAlbitNANCL ILh$0NNEL 1 0 3 4 0.638 0.000 2.164 2.802 C?ERAi10n$ PER$0hWEL 0 0 0 0 0.009 0.000 0.000 0.009 HEALTH PHY$$C$ PER$0NNEL 0 0 0 0 0.409 0.000 0.363 0.772

$UPERVILM Y PERSONNEL                    0           1           0            1                 0.023            0.163     0.061        0.247 E::GINEERING PER$0NNEL                    [          ]           2          Ig                  QJJ9             h5}}       M }}         MM 101AL                                  3          2          12          17                   1.b8            0.716      4.721        6.995 PE11LMABRNAatt MAINTENANCE PERT.ONxtL                  G            0          65          80                16.121             0.005    24.446       40.572 OPEtAtl0N$ PERSONNEL                      0          0            0           0                 0.053            0.000      0.000        0.053 HEAL 1H PHY$1C$ PLRSONhEL                 1          0            3           4                  1.106           0.000      2.253        3.359
$UPERvi$0RY PERSONNEL                     i           1           1           3                  0.314           0.191      0.149        0.654 ENGINEERING PERM *NEL                     }          4            g         11                   0,3t7            M4?       M?j          MJZ TOTAL                               18           5          75          98                17.961              1.343   28.171       47.475 EASIL PROCIlliNG MAINithANCt Pit $0NNEL                    9           0           4          13                  5.905            0.000     1,562         7.467 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL                      0           0           0            0                 0.164            0.000     0,000         0.164 HE ALTH PHY$1C$ PERSONNEL                 3           0           2            5                 2.799            0.000     3.131         5.930
$UPEEv!$0RY PERSONNEL                      0          0           0            0                 0.037            0.000     0.000         0.037 ENGtkEERING PEkSONWil                      Q          Q           Q            Q                 M]?              Q2Q4J     M3J           0.116 TOTAL 12           0           6          18                   8.942           0.046     4.726       13.714 11MLLNG MAINTENANCE PERSONNLt.                     2          0           0            2                  1.634           0.000      0.009        1.643 C?ERAfl0NS PER$0NNEL                       3          0            0           3                  3.317           0.000      0.000        3.317 HEALTH PHY$1C$ PERSONNEL                  1          0            0           1                  1.431           0.000      0.015        1.446
 $UPERVISORY PER$0HNLL                     1          0            0           1                  0.270           0.000      0.000        0.270 EHLINEERING PER$0NNEL                     g          Q            Q           Q                  QM              0.019      E O            QM TOTAL                                  7          0            0           7                  6.652           0.019      0.'00        6.771 191ALav Joe FUNCtjo3 MAlkffhANCE PER$0hWEL                 244             1       272         517              193.754               0.439   143.299     337.492 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL                    54            1           0         55                48.642             0.177      0.000      48.819 HEAL 1H PHYSICS PERSONNEL               44            0         62        106                 36.105             0.000    42.094       78.199
 $UPERVISORY PERSONNEL                   27            5           3         35                 11.161             1.121     0.708       12.990 E GtklfklNG P!k$0NNEL                   29         32           44        105                     9.658         11.514     12.984      34.156 CRAND TOTALS                      398          39         381         818               299.320             13.251   199.085      511.656
 *tiorkers may te counted in more than one category.


APPENDIXD(Continued) Y W0hfkb8 lhN k 1990 PLAWit *WATERFORD 3 ITPEI PWR WCK AND NW8E R OF t E R $0NNF e. (*100 nPEN) if'gt PER$0NJ {3 JC3 rukCTION $1All0N Utillif CONTRACT 10fAL STATION UllLITT CONTRACT 101AL tiAC10R OPLLpV MAIN ENAuct PER50NkEL o 0 0 0 0 at8 0.000 -0.128 0.156 OPERA 110NS PERSON =EL 0 0 0 0 C.000 0.000 0.061 0.061 i HEALTH PHY$1CS PIR$0NNEL 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.055 0.055 i suPERvi$0RY PER$0NNEL 0 0 0 0 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.002 l ("GINEERlWG PER50NNIL g g 9 9 0 Qu{$ 9J29 101AL 0 0 0 0 0.036 0.000 .24 - .2. E

                             !LElk.L"MNRNAWCL__  _

mlNTEkANCE PtRt0NNEL 0 0 1 1 0.002 0.000 0.183 0.185 OPERA!!0NS PERSONhEL 0 0 0 0 0.632 0.000 0.120 0.752 NE Alf N PHf tlCS PER$0NNEL 1 0 0 1 0.*c98 0.000 0.150 0.448

                             $UPERVi$0af PER$0NNEL                   0              0                0             0      0.009        0.000    0.012              0.021      ;

ENGINFERlWG PER$0NNEL 9 9 9 9 0.139 9 099 ' QJo{ - 4 TOTAL 1 0 1 2 1.080 0.000 0.467 4 LN Ll'RVICE lWS,fi[f1O,N MAlutENANCE PER$0wWEL 0 0 7 7 1.419 0.000 3.970 5.189 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 2 0 0 2 2.103 0.000 0.471 2.5 74 HEALTH PHY$1C$ PER$0kNEL 5 0 4 9 1.654 0.000 1.663 3.317

                              $UPERVISORY PER$0NNEL                  0              0                0             0      0.036        0.000    0.014-             0.050-1 AL                                                              i            1                                                1
                           ' iPKl.AL plN1LNANL PAINTENANCE PER$0h'NEL                  0               0               7             7      1.265       -0.000    3.407.             4.672 -

OPftAll0WS PERSONNEL 1 0 0 1 1.725 0.000 0.376 2.101 HEALTH PHY$lCS PER$0NNEL 7 0 2 9 2.045 0.000 0.721 2.766

                              $UPERVl$0RV PER$0NNEL                  0               0               0             0      0.0 ,6       0.000    C 037              0.073-ENGINEERING PERSONNEL                  Q              g                9             Q      gi}s       .g.999 0.000 QD 4.$64              g.J}I 9.87 9-TOTAL                               8               0               9          1r        5. 107 yAlfj PROCESMNO PAINTENANCJ PERSONNEL                   0               0               6             6      0.878        0.000    3.554              4.432 OPERATIONS PER$0NNEL                   0               0               0             0      0.638        0.000    0.162              0.800-HEALTH PHY$1CS PEWSONNEL               1               0               0             1      0.305        0.000    0.353              0.658' SUPERVl$0RY PERSONNEL                  0               0               0             0      0.036        0.000'   O.037              0.073 E;:GINEERING PERSON 6EL                g               g               g             g      pd}s         0.000    0.039              QJZ1 TOTAL.                              1               0               6             7_     2.093        0.000    4.145              6.238-MLUtRNO                                                                                        .

MINTENANCE PEPSONNEL 0 0 6 6 1.201- 0.000 3.594 4.795-OPERAtl0NS PERSONNEL 1 0 0 1 1.707 0.000' O.370 2.077 PEAL 10 PHYSICS PERSONNEL 6 0 2 8 2.191 0.000 0.701 2.892

                              $UPERVis0RY PERSONNEL                  0               0               0             0      0.036        0.000    0.033 -            0.069 ENGINEERING PFR$0NkEL                  g               g               9             9           1 -

0.000 'g0}32 gd}j, TOTAL 7 0 8 15 .32 0.000. 4 . 73 7 . 10.064

                            - TOTAL BY JOH FUNCTION MINIEbANCE PERSONNEL                   0               0             27            27       4,593-       0.000   14.836,           19.429 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL                   4               0               0             4      6.605 -      0.000     1.560             8.365 NEALTH PHT$lCS PERSONNEL              70               0               8           28 -     6.493        0.000    3.643            10.136 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL                  0               0               0           .0       0.155        0.000    0.133              0.288 E ECCINEERING PERRONNEL                  0               0               0             0       1.040       0.000    0.142:              1.182 GRAND 10TALS                       24               0             35            59      19.086        0.000   20.314            39.400-
  • Workers may be counted in sore than one category.


t APPENDIXD(Continu:d) YW0bibB N i 1990 PLANT:

  • WOLF CRitK 1 ITPE: PWR WORK ANu meetR OF_ P(2$0NN{d100 netM) total PERT 0N R[M _

JOB FUNCil0N SIAllON UilLlli CONikACT TOTAL _$1AllGN UllLITV CON 1kACI 101AL ELAUM EPllE8'V MAlh1(kANCE PERbahWIL 9 0 20 29 3.514 0.015 7.883 11.412 OPERATIONS PERSONMtt 9 0 0 9 2.588 0.129 0.714 3.431 NEALIN PHYSICS PER$0NNEL 11 0 11 22 3.333 0.100 4.536 7.%9 surtRVI$0af PER50NNtt 4 1 1 6 1.650 0.147 0.497 2.274 I"GINtitlWG PERSONNEL 1 g 1 i D 849 a J1 0 M(1 M87 TOTAL, 34 1 35 70 11.9R 0.444 14.715 27.075 tw1LNLMLNt1NiNCL_ MIN 1tNANCE PERs0NNtt 28 0 76 104 8.204 0.079 19.T74 28.057 OPERA 110NS PER$0NNEL 1 0 1 2 1.518 0.062 0.927 2.507 NEAlfM PHYSIC $ PER$0NWtt 8 0 31 39 2.328 0.026 7.603 9.957 $UPtRVitoef P[kSONNEL 7 0 2 9 2.720 0.012 0.674 3.406 INGlNIIRINO PERSONNEL 46 { g Il [Q QJi 9J11 4J2Q MQ TOTAL 0 128 174 15.694 0.330 33.278 49.302 LtRNILELJmIWM MAINithANct KR50NNEL 5 0 44 49 2.470 0.067 15.911 18.448 OPERAfl0N$ PERSONNEL 0 0 1 1 0.328 0.028 0.715 1.071 HEALIM PNftlC3 PER50NhtL 0 0 7 7 0.407 0.014 3.183 3.604

$UPERVit0RY PinumWEL                                              1            0             0             1                       0.712      0.000       0.274         0.986 EbGINEERING PERSONNEL                                             g            9           ,Q           11                         gjM         gall       L9j0          M5J 101AL                                                         6             0           67           73                        4.253       0.130    23 %          28.36r
.tPLQ.l AL MAlWitW A,NQL,,

MAlWitNmWCE PERLOWNtt 22 1 43 66 6.688 0.175 13.539 20.402 OPERAtl0NS PER$0NNEL 0 0 1 1 0.502 0.051 0.848 1.401 NEAlfM PHY$1CS Pits 0NNEL 5 0 10 15 1.533 0.010 4.165 5.700 SUFERVit0RY PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 1.325 0.069 0.407 1.801 ENGINttRING PERSONWEL g g 2 9 pdf.4 ga'?6 LL11 3121 _3 TOTAL 21 1 63 93 10.51} 0 . 3 37 22.174 33.017 WA$tt310E{111NG MAINithANCE PER50NhtL 8 0 32 40 3.620 0.021 11.486 15.127 OPERAil0NS PERSONNEL 0 0 2 2 0.764 0.049 0.53 1.566 HEAlfM PHY$lC$ PERSONNEL 9 0 7 16 3.218 0.033 4.063 7.314

 $UPERVISORT MRSONNEL                                              3             0             2           5                        P.982      0.028      0.370          1.180 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL                                             Q             Q          19           19                         QJD        0.127      LiSJ          L90i TOTAL                                                       20              0          $3           73                         8.909      0.258     19.124        26.291 MLUU LNG MAIN 1tNANCE PER$0hWU._                                         ?6              0           17          43                         6.277       0.000      5.891       12.168 OP[RA110NS PERSONNEL                                              0             0             0            0                       C.647       0.000      0.090         0.737 MtALTH PNYSICS PERSONNCL                                           1            0             2            3                       0,379       0.001      0.886         1.266 C'#ERVISORY PERSONNEL                                             0             0             0            0                       0.500       0.000      0.058         0.558 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL                                              Q            1             1            l                       0.196       0,239      % 435 TOTAL                                                       2T               1          20           48                         8.001      0.240      7.360       1g,601OR Igig av Joe mwilDN MAlWitNANCE Plas0NNit                                           98 (68)          1  (2) 232 (163) 331 (233)                       30.773       0.357    74.N64       105.614 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL                                             10 (25)        0   (1)       5 (13)     15 (39)                    6.347      0.319      4.047        10.713 HEALTH PHY$lCS PERSONNEL
 $UPERyl$0RT PER$0NNEL 34    (23)      0   (1) 68 (83) 102 (107)                         11.198       0.184    24.436        35.018 15   (27)       1  (1)        5  (6) 21 (34)                       7.869      0.256      2.280        10.405 ENGtN2tRING PlR$0NNil                                              3 (12)        1  (1) 56 (44) 60 (59)                             3.096      0.617     15.338        19.101 GRAko TOTALS                                              160 (155)         3  (6) 366 (311) 529 (472)                       59.283       1.735   120.635       181.651
  ' Workers sey be cwantNd in enre than one category, kwbers Irt perentheses are total rubers of irvjividaats.


APPEN0lX D (Continu0d) Y W0bkb8 N k 1990 PLANT: *VAhtit ROVE T Yl*!: PWR kCK AMD . _ l@Pf R OF P[R$2ky1Li>120 #tm) . . 101AL PtR10N_ R(N _ JC3 FUNCil0N $fAllON UllLitt CGNIRACT 101AL $1R180N utilltt CONTRACT 101AL M Kif8_L*LUEL 0 5 8 1.681 0.066 4.797 6.744 m lWitNANLL PtR$oNNtt 3 43 0 0 43 12.966 0.025 1.217 14.2C4 OrtRATIONS PtR$ONNil HEALTH PNT$lCS PER$0NWtl 10 0 5 15 3.0M 0.000 3.142 6.237 tuttRVISORY Ptt$0NNEL 0 0 0 0 0.597 0.000 0.000 0.597 1 LINttRING PERSONNEL } 4 1 g 1M 2i 72' 1.866 MIQ 9.834 Mll 31.718 1014 59 4 11 /4 20.018 LWilFLMalMI4A4EL. 96 126 17.686 0.096 45.029 62.811 MAINitNANCE PLR$0NNEL 30 0 OPIRAfl0NS Pit $0NWil 6 0 3 9 3.053 0.000 0.547 3.600 HfALTH PHY$1CS PER$0N=LL 9 0 46 55 3.233 0.000 26.656 29.889

 $UPERVIGORY PER$0NNil                      3                             0              0            3                      1.088         0.000      0.000             1.068 t'hGltttRihG Pit $0NNEL                    Q                             }               [         }}                       42 16         4M 14         92[li            Q1 TOTAL                              56                              3            147        206                      29.116           1.548    72.M6          103.680 ltR!dEllk2LfMM                             0                              1            43          44                        0.516         0.889    21.063           22.468 MIN 11 NANCE PLR$cNhtL OPIRA110NS FER$0NNEL                        1                             0              0                1                  0.840         0.000      0.000            0.840 r.tALTH PHY$1C$ Fid$0NNEL                 0                              0              0              0                    0.013         0.000      0.327            0.340 SlJPERV!$0RY PER$0dNtl                    0                              0              0                0                  0.027         0.000      0.000            0.027 4

(%GINEFRlhG Pitt0HNEL [ } } iQ L993 Mll 2.406 1tI51 23.171 2)r.955Q9 101AL 3 6 46 55 2.578 EIW_L!ia LNHN ASH _ 33.983 34.138 MI::fINAhCE PERs0NNEL 1 0 77 77 0.140 0.018 OPtRAt10NS PtR$0NNEL 1 0 0 1 0.128 0.000 0.016 0.144 HE ALTH PHY$1C$ PtRSONNEL 0 0 1 1 0.000 0.000 1.009 1.009

   $LPERVISOPY PER$0NNEL                     0                              0              0                0                 0.027          0.000      0.000            0.027 t:GitttRlWG PER$0hNtt                      Q                             t              t                }                  01J6 2             Q402       OA!}             M01 36.519 total                                 2                              1           80           83                       0.41I         0.720    3>.3G8 WA$fLIROWJiNG                                                                                                                                        0.329            0. 771 mlNitNANCE PER$0NNLL                       1                             0               0                1                 0.442         0.000 OPERATION $ PERSONNEL                      4                              0              0               4                  1.298         0.000      0.000             1.298 HEALTH PHY$1C$ PENS 0NWtl                 4                              0            30           34                      3.641         0.000     11.382           15.023
    $UPERVl$0RT PER$0NNil                      0                             0              0                0                 0.004         0.000      0.000            0.004

[*:GlWitRING Ptt$0hWEL 1 Q Q 1 EdM L9M DM 932 TOTAL 10 0 30 40 5.%4 0.030 11.7v) 11.825 El!KllW1 0 40 60 5.670 0.035 10.C3 16.578 MINituaNct PER$0NNEL 20 OPERAll0NS PER$oNNtt 11 0 6 17 2.895 0.000 1.423 4.318 I:tALTH PHYRIC$ PtRSONNEL 1 0 19 20 0.346 0.000 4.491 4.837

     $UPERV!50RV PER$0NNEL                     2                              0              0                 2                1.114         0.000      0.000            1.114 t%GINitRING PER$0NNEL                     }                              p              9 M 09          Qt009      Q490,_Q          1: 199 1014                                37                               0            65        10{.                     11.131          0.I24     16,787           28.045 12TAL BUL*.1MCILM                                                                                                                                116.071          143.510 MINitNANCE PER$0NWil                    55                                1         261         317                       ?6.335         1.104 OPCRA110NS PERSONNEL                     $6                               0             9              75                 21.160         0.025      3.203           24.408 Mt ALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL               24                               0         101          125                      10.328         0.000     47.007           57.335
      $UPERVISORY PER$0NNit                     5                              0             0                   5               2.857        0.003      0.000             2.857 (WfilkitRING PER$0NNtt                  17                            13               8              38                   8.371         5.615     3.646           17.632 CRAND TOTALS                       147                              14           3 79        560                      69.071          6.744   169.927          245.742 CVorkers may te counted in were than one cate9ery.


                                                  -APPENDIX D (Continued)

Y W0bbB Nb 1990 PloHT:


M Af'f 0N OPLUURV... _ MAINTE M MCE PERSON m 1 0 1 2 0.772 0.000 0.488 1.260-OPERAfl0NS PER$0NNEL 118 0 197 315 8.352 0.000 0.331 8.683 NEAlfN PHYSICS PERS0WNEL 1 0 6 7 0.686 0.000 1.829 2.515 SOPERVISORY PERSONNEL 42 16 1 59 5.800 0.018 0.054 5.872 thGlWEER'NG PERSONNEL 12, 1 2 15 0.7@7 0.024 0.00J 2@3 91AL 174 17 207 396 1o.3 77 0.042 D04 19.125 E%11NE HA_INTENQCL i MAINffNANCE PERSGNNEL 115- 2 680 7'/7 '62.518 0.000 279.437 341.955 l OPERAll0NS PERSONNEL 63 0 41 104 4.458 0.000 0.670 4.528 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL 29 0 215 244 25.820 0.000 69.427- 95.247 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 166 87 413 666 23.1 70 0.098 28.394 51.662 ECGINEERING PERSONNEL BJ h2 44 171 },203 8 a M2 QR 1 .83 TOT Al. 456 339 139J 2188 121.169 8.747 377.370 507.286 LN JJLRJICE 1FPECT10E CAlNTENANCR PERSChNEL 5 0 174 179 2.605 0.000 71.527 74.132 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 3 0 0 '3 0.238 0.000 0.000 0.238 H2ALTH PHYSICS PEMSONNEL 0 0 1 1 0.334 0.000 0.190 0.524 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 5 9 109 123 0.666 0.010 7.521 8.197 ENGINEERING PERSONkEL JJ 9 1 21 h84_9 h318 LOJO L1_68, ' TOTAL 26 18 285 329 4.692 0.328 79.239 84.259 Sfi[jM ._NI.INTf HANj;f_,, MAINTENANCE PERSONNLt 4 0 55 59 2.368 0.000 22.751 25.119 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL 5 0 0 5 0.345 0.000 0.001 0.346

   #EALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL              0            0            6            6        0.282      0,000     1.940         2.222 EUPERVISORY PERSCWNEL                 7            0             7         14         0.996      0.000     0.492          1.488 EDGINEERING PERS0tmEL                 {            Z            g            9        0 194      0 a 229, 2     0 2 00g         0 3}F 10TAL                            to             7           68          93         A.095      0.229    25.184        29.508 WASTE PROCES$1NG                                                                           ..

MAINTEMANCE PERS0hMEL 0 0 5 5 0.M0 0.000- 2.240 2.280 CPERATIONS PERSONNEL 18 0 0 18 1.241 0.000 0.000. 1.241' HEALTH PHYSICS PERSOM EL 1 0 6 7 0.545 0.000 2.039 2.584

   $UPERVisatY PERSOhNEL                  3           0             1            4       0.368      0.000      0.078         0.446 EOGlkEERING PERSONNEL                  0           g             0            Q       0.000      0.904      "t 000        LOO 1 TOTAL                            22             0           12          34         2.194      0.004      4.357         6.515 PEFUELING EAiiiTENANCE PEASONNEL              51              2            3          56      27.720        0.000     1.376       29.096 OPERAT10kt PERSONNEL                65              0            0          65        4.585       0.000   ~0.000          4.58:

HFALTH PHistCS PERSONNEL 3 0 1 4 2.417 0.000 0.417 2.834 SUPEPV!SORY PERSONNEL. E7 0 16 73 7.995 0.000 1.084 9.079

 . ENGINEERING PERSONHCL                  4          7}             g                    0 271       L516      0.000 7_7       2                                   ]J_90 TOTAL                           180            75           20         275       42.991        2.516     2.877        48.384 TOTAL Bf JOB FUNgTj gN, MAIN!ENANCE PERSONWEL             176 (177)        4   (4) 918 (920) 1096(1101)     96.023       0.000 377.819        473.842 OPERATIONS PERSONNEL              272 (2 72)       0  -(0) 238 (239) 510 (511)      19.219       0.000      0.402       19.621 HEALTH PHYSICS PERSONNEL            34 (34)        0   (0) 235 (234) 269 (268)      30.084       0.000    75.842-     105.926 SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL             280 (280) 112 (112) 547 (547) 939 (939)           38.975       0.126    37.623        76.744 ENGINEERING PERSCkNEL             114 (114) 340 (340) 47 (47) 501 (501)               7.197     11.740      0.045       18.982 GRAND TOTALS                   876 (877) 456 (456)'1985 (1987) 3317(3320)       191.510      11.866 491.731        695.115 Workers may Le comted in ene than one category. Nwbers in parentheses are total runbers of individuals.



r ,y , ' ,

                                                                                 ;f 1

1 I b APPENDIX E-Graphical Representation of Collective Dose Trends- a by Year.nnd Job Function for-Each Site. ' 1973-1990

                                                                                 .2 I 

su s t t t i t


4 1 E-1 6 {. 4 f

APPENDIX E ARKANSAS 1,2 Doso-Perfarmance Indicators PWR 10 L ,,g ,_,,,g __t_, l I vm,,,_3 Year Average Dese ! g r g g t f 1250-aoc ll#-Years 7g f


3:: 1000- - == Collective Dose  %;---- - ~- l--

                                                                                                                                                    . ._.__ _ ._ _ p
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            % rrw 7 -

7g _

k. _-. ._

y - o , y w ' 500 - -n f .____; /  %} 'vgp 8 N <

                                                                                                                                                                                                            ,/                                                    %

250 - - 0- i . . i i 1975 1$76 19'77 1N78 1979 1$80 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1968 1989 1990 Year Breakdown by Job Function n.s Plant KC~s~%. k% ~..m

                                                                                                                                                                                        /, A ,'2 ~ J~~ % N ~~                                          Contract
                                                                                                                                                                                     ' a, +~[~D[~C                      Q                     '.
                                                                                                                                                                                         ,,     s        ~~s.

s ~~s ~

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ~        -

s l ,' f,', i ~-




5 fg000g@m

                                                                                                                                                                                          , pd OyN 0 y g (m'~&m'%          '-

9 0wa % 'Q 7n -t m&~;;. = L'=~ -

                                                                                            $ h wo .                                                                               -

30090g "000gg ~ kbc t.GOog ~  ?$?o " 00 o y~OG(ikhyllg$k? .

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      -i             %~
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   % .~

S n+t%s g*:#~Pegpp"%f,20 # 70ao

                                                                                                                                                                                                           """ %g,5fh}90oog%                                                                  90q &
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ,,,,- m E-2

g , J APPENDIX E(continued)- BEAVER VALLEY 1,2 Dosa-Performance Indicators PWR

           .1500              ,        ,         ,

www 3-Year Average Dese p

          '1250..                                          L                                                            -L         -c

{-- wm MW Years [ / 4 2000 - L__. . ca.. oo,. __.; j

                                                                                                                     /'                        -

il # 1 .; [--500- - . - --./ kg l #



                                                                                                                                 ~ ~ ~

e ,' s ~ y,'f / 250 %y f , 0

                    /                      h)'                                                                                                +

1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984- 1985 1986 Ifk7 1988 1989 1990 Year Breakdown by Job Function-s ' Plant

                                             .,4%                                                                                             -

S~D-D$DN Contract CQ2-Q~C C ~z~x, x,.~-

                                           ~x'~~N<Q~'~.,N.                                                                -

aso . fr dg t'2207

                                             '90t        y NT'%            ~$Q[/':t            _

CO Q O~~ x t - C r ~ Zdst ,2 c c :'; - : $ J-og ,0t i

                                                                            ;               (

d hiksh E-3

k APPENDIX E(continued) BIG ROCK PolNT -

                                                   ~ Dese-Performance Indcators                                     BWR
         #                                IJ

_I l- 1 we 3-Year Average 00n 500- - -- g - MW Years T 3: 400 -- == -

     =,           L_ -_ Collective Dose                -T          ~

a "

                                                                         % w\

i 300----. e n

                             ~ '

y 7

                                                                                    \~y kv %r        ,          s   ;

l j 100- y j

                                                                         %=--*"'           "^#             * ' # ^""" "'

au% ,,pv= "l% #"" 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 th791900 tN81 1982 1983 1984 1985 1988' 1987 '1998 1969 1990, Year Breakdown byJob Funtfon Plant

                                      ~~.Q Q~Q%Q-                                              Contract -
                                            ~~g m
                                                                  ~.7      %dDQ N'O'. d       m
t Nh?



f QNQ Di e ion i

                             ^                           .-
          *[           [           Qe i

3,'#E oooog So f4Giofgg"Q}9%? O OyjpLgD GOOg oo

                                                                                                             ' **ng RMyggEMg                                                OOg            "%.


                                                                       ~                                 -
                                                       %,              ##EP          '



p; .


APPENDIX E(continued): BRAIDWOOD 1,2 -

                                                               . Dose Pedormance Irdcators PWR                       ,
                                                                                                                                           ;j 2500                                                                                                                              .

mu 3-Year Average Dose

                        -                                                                                                                   ~i g 2000 _         eau . MW Years y'                                                                                                                                 .

l . -- Conective fxse .___,,,m mun e "'" - x 1500= . - ,,, .._ . awe"" """~~ l w .

             * } @ ..
         ' lH 8    soo _ .

O. ., 1989 .1990. '! Year

                                                                     . Breakdown by Job Function                                          f>

Plant N

                                                  . ,//'S. N3zm T:_:


                                                 ,/ W  ~-Z$s25 DsS Q:e =D D==~-
                               . am s
                                                  .//- . ~ s N _ Dx~,-                               -
                                     ',           /j/'              .N                                      w                                  '

s{  ! 3>'s%M - D Q- Q~

                                 '~ ; ,/ e. ;i
                                                     .   ~

8 r y~ ~. Q Cg7 ' ' 7-of. f,~ h~g h '

                                                           ,_                         nh      w- d M,.m *_e',  _.                 .
                                                                  %,                 ,~
                                                                                         %,c:,  e          m-E                                                                                                                                                '
Why i
                                                                              . b ,-

APPENDIX E(continued) BROWNS FERRY 1,2,3 00se-Periormance Indicators BWR 4500 .

                  ._L _          ! ___ t __L ww.       3-Year Average Doss ;

3750- - g vm MW-Years i l g3000 q ---. CNectivo Dose [-

s. _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ .

2 I,4%, 2250 -

  • n S  %

2 g 132_ . - - . _ /_--#  % l 'f # #

  • 750-


                                                        , , , ,      e """"                                      N      w        :___ ..m....

r #w N -- 0 1, ,

                                                       ',            ,        .        ,              i i

i i 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1936 1987 1988 1989 1990 Year Breakdown by Job Function Plant

                                           /..-27 ~~ ,_

A ;~~.Q' ~ ..C' ~ Contract

                                      //Zt ~~f[;~~Q              ~x'm~ '2;' ~~          ~m .,.7~
                                   /)%J m//,.            :-4
p. - '~;'~<;~
                                                                 ~~, ~              ~;;~~.~~      ~ .,N'm ~~~.,

ll l/n l y.

                                                                                    ~ _ ~ ~              ~&yN                 All 1 soc M ,'/ j
                                                                      . D, a ~cxsc   -

D D 'O st~~.,e N22~~C- m ~-c~. e,[/>,/'L

         -                                                                       ~.

f .


N Ns -.Nw N '~ D' f uvo@o-oh b$t j )

                    . M yeoos                                              eas              a"cvoo g 00s,d             oo p~~ ,. ,

e s p" " e a o ocoo o/ -~ ococ o 00ca"" aq%%~s Rassp;g"se - Q~~o;o""ooggo -m~ ~ ~ , , og 2 coag  % V'*r Rgg##;ERy}} y ? % E-6

q APPENDIX E (continued) BRUNSWICK 1,2 Dose-Pedorrnance itdeators - BWR l 6000 , , _, 3 I www 3 Year Average Dose 5000 ,

                         ,nc,     yw.y,3g d                                                                                                                                            l
                         - Cor,ective Dose g$4000-        .L.-.---,--                                       --

t s ' g3000 _

                                                                                            \                                 _

g 2000-- g

                                               )                                            %w,
                                                                                                           ,                                     .1 pmu==#                                                      w nW a                                                                                                   %
                                                                                  ,   p ur m"                                    ' 'Y w w .i6 0 -j                                                        l 1976 1977          1978        1979    1980. 1981      -1982~-1983      1984    1985     1986 -1987 1988 :1989 - 1990            q Year J

Breakdown by Job Function - Plant


s ~~

                                     ./6~~..,L y - ; : ~
                                     /d/1N                                                           . Contract
                                  !? / f : T ~ 22 % ~,2 wf :~ f C & - k $ Q g
                                               $h       $                     $~                           : 'kh
                    *'*" 1               9      wj
                                                     ))'            5355557 r
55=55 .
          'I$h!!$h$$l9pd$$g$                                                              ng                                                   4 mumysa,oggpe                            s-E-7 s

4 4 v,.ep - - 4 .

APPENDIX E(continued)- BYRON 1,2 Dose %rionnanceIndicators Pi' A - 2000 _,,_g__. g , -n

                  - 3 Year Average Oose                                                             s.Aw
                                                                                         /                              *%    %
                                                                        -c #

oas MW Years r! 1500- -

                  -      Conective Dose h,                                                a O,

tooo. _

                                                            /                                                              --


                        %,%                  4 b

e y 500 - h . .

                                                                                                             . m. .

0- - , 1988 1989 '1990~ 1986 1987 Year . Breakdown by Job Function

                                                      ' Plant r %

2% Contract -


zr%: t-


8S ~c ~ct- % x - x~.: t:



s% ~~

xC x~~~ . x ~~ d

                                                                                  ~         -

t% ~ D .

  • w%  %

v Ag.7

                                                            ~7    0    ;Q Q (D::,~}
               -{i g

g e aoaos C]' QQ

                                                                    . ~ x w#- e~~ ~ '

Q' G .. o+ 0o o oA E/k >l3 %m,,a  % o Q2 O- a(oOofl%,

                           -wl} O, ou~~way       ?~-        o                        c,o a o

2 o g/ %4,o%

                                                             ' l' esp.              '**r .-Q- D ,g/ r,v,
                                                                          ' pgr*%,kg%roa,                                                o E-8
                                                                                                +      ~                               ,

APPENDIX E(continued) CALLAWAY t Dose-Performance Indcators PWR 2000-


3-Year Average Dose l mw g ooi MW Years T g ===== Collective Dose h 1000 y- ,e #' "'% nxw .c,c,, , . . _ _ _ __ _

                                           %           %wn                                       p a
         $ 500-
                                                                                            \. P.            .m,,___       ___-- ____. 4, ----- - umwu 0-                                          i i

1985 1sB6 1987 1988 1989 -1990 Ysat Breakdown by Job Function , Plant 5'~~ , .

                                                          /,     ' b              '


                                                     /,f,p%:'%~%$~2:Ds,_5~          ~~.                          ~.    :z~~~.    ~
                                                       ', p= R &~ ' f~ 3M~ %g~

E g Yf /

                                                             ,}. - . .}
                                                                           )          s'               ~N~N'
                                                                                                 . . .% w % %.' %,                     %
                                                                                                                                              ~  '

W* // ,

                                                                 ~)                 [     'r             '%             % ~.           ~m    .,
                                                   '/S&G                               ,'                        (                     c Q1gpf,Q
                                           - e r pp
                                                                             - a y 7 y a :isf
                                                                                             ~r w;-=~]QL,}[p.L,, %

W:~y-~ is r,

                                                                                                          -8g,yes E-9

L I APPENDIX E(continued) CALVERT CLIFFS 1,2 Dose-Performatte Indicators PWR-2500- , , _ _ a _. _. . _ t t, u.w 3-Ynar Average Dose } g 2000- -3 ,,, pw. Years g Collective Oose a 1500 - -

                   - -                                                                                                        2 -

d"#% % M \ g . a n.,.e o

                                                                                          '                                                                                   l E 1000-2                          /                                                                                                                 \

g soo - N /

                                                            ~                                                          s                             i p#ww%                      ,ya,,vwee                            <v=

w% _] f i 0,- , , , , , , i 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1916 1987 1988 1989 1930 Year Breakdown by Jcb Function Plant f ~~ k>$::,:::~~. Contract

                                       //,. R Z ~ Z D ~~~,~~~;~~.              ~ 2:~ ~ ,~ 2. ~. ,,; ;
                                     ,/       w : ~.                           ~~
                                                                               ;'                        g ~s;% y
                                                                                          ~                        ~

f ,/ , +~.. ~ ~ ;; . ~,


7~. ~7  : ~::T:.~ ~.,h- 'Q-h

                      * ] j,,, %%,/                                            ?       :' k &" 7* Q' S : S:';~                           $

m? yy 4 9/7 j;lfan 9Gl} ,/g 7,t o o g tIQb ., 'R$z't$w:

                                                                                                                            -       ~~


               &              4             % ot                                00a      o             oc    L   o,y,     DC bM$[!bhf~I"ib$3Naooa}%g                              ,                eenco                             ,g               .

e, ####N&k?2020ok~"~'r',

                                                                                                                 - Mgppgn E-10

n i c

                                                              - APPENDIX E (continued)--

CATAWBA 1,2 Dose Pedormance indicators PWR


7__ um 3-Year Average Dose - 2500 - - g aoe MW Yexs C g2000.- - - Conectue Dose i h,, ,, ,, ,, cccc. . - = m* * = n er w=

                                                                                                        ####    ^^'ennu     ,o , x.y 1500 -


      " 1000 t         -    !l/           -

8 / . 500 - . _ . w

                                                                                         ?? :: . ::_. .:.. , _._..:-:n~--------'=?-

0 1988 1987 1988 1989 1990 -j Year l -- Breakdown by Job Function Plant

                                     ,/ /.                                                       contrae
                                   / ,p Q;y~~~~y:m%:
                                            -                            c ~
                                                                                                ~ x ~y
                                                                                ~              ~

i ~

                                                                    ~         x w.

g Q~{/,/q,y y

                            ~< / ,9yl7~ x~s ~c 3
                                                                                                        ~ -

4 , f~ ' bl'k$'$h  ;;4Gig; g  !?r$Nf$1b5? f E 'L

k APPENDIX E(continued) CUNTON

                                                 - Dose-Performance Irdcators -                           BWR.

1000 naara ' 3-Year Average Dose , 800- - w gw. Years -- g. emmes COE9CtN9 0050 x 600 -- g %-- e  % 400  % l

                                                                                      , ,        awe ""

w, 8 200


0 , 1988 1989 1990-Year Breakdown by Job Function Plant  ;


[NC- D . contract -

                                         ~MNO;N j'
                              ,    i


                                                ~x .~.~N~.

g M -. <. .

                                                                    -C' y
                   *           /,c
                                 /c       A  x c+-Ct:Ct
                                                                          -z SdS                                       :

c ,/ . c~ N ~ ~~ ien 4 ,/ ~)r$g L]n%~)w' 2:

j ~.

L ; .O ,9Xeo o rfay ~s:c s a c-e m%

                                                                                                ,1 % %~.             ;;'
                           '* NRG: ~ ~ _             7 e.Q_~v,C/ 8 %,,-

e ... m %

                                                                ,,,~.g     l~   }    ~.

8r 4 f%p /. f E-12


                                                                                    - APPENDIX'E (continued)
                                                                                                  ' COOK 1,2           '

s Dose-Performance indicators ~  ; PWR-25@ ~ l _ L ._ _ L _ ._.L

                              -           3-Year Average Dose 20@ ,   --

aon MW Years

                                                                                                ~      -


                             -            Collective Do.,e
    $1500-                   -       -                             --
                                                                                          %% , ,, , , ,,s *                                                             -

l - }y D """ \_ N /%

                                                                                                                                   /            Nwd t 1000 -                                                                                                                 ,/
s. / .

s o - 500 ., N % ',e uf- _ ]_ .. - -- e- - - - - - -


1=%.% 0

                      /                                          ,

1976 1977 1978- 1979 1900 1981 1982 1983 1984 1986 -1986 1987 1988 1909' -1990 , Year Breakdown by Job Fund. ion l

                                                       , . , _                    Plant

db hh - b[~DC q . . Contract

                                                       <:.b Q c
                                                                          ~nk          DZ k'm                        ~~



f t*s=~nwq~~,s, . ~~2. ,w- QQ 3

                                                                                                                  ~-                          c      s s 7 tin                                          %     %
                                                                                      %Qy~ ~.                    Q]                  .s N
              "g p_ Q F -


                                                                                      '~~,] ~,y
                                                                                              ;; 7             cr {%7
                                                                                                                           %ys s
7. , N% ~~

g[IasJ I I

                               ;         j7'jm      O&dddagfuoc)o/$

oooo I90a$))(/ 4,0

                          , w, o j2 c y}og6*%n         %lL?r' fanQy 2                                                    .

ooo ' o Reepovo2200 ":j5;G!)1i cao"Oooo f00,"%, any#F8 5gMeg ~~g 8 -

                                                                                                               ./Oggoge.                        ;
                                                                                      "+           """WiE$$kOgg(A                     }Y E-13                                                                  -_ _
 +                                                                                                                                                                 ,

APPENDIX E(continued) COOPER STATION Doso.Performarce Mcators BWR: 1500- ,

                        .L              L. , , L .._i .
                        -            3. Year Avorage Dose 1250    -                                                                                                                                    --

g rww MW Years . D k S 1000 - - - Collective Lose 2 L._ _ _ _ , . _ . _ _ _ . f*

        ,, 750 .-                    -,                                      ---
                                                                                                   /                                 \

p 'g" # n 500 f +c f'

                                                                                                 \          --

rn---- #gw.t? v o a

                                                                                                        *a " %,                                            --

nm,% ,- It 1 - - - - -

                                                                                                                                                    'ad 250 .-

7-l 0- , , . , i n 1975 1976 1977 1078 1979 1980 1981 1082 1983 1984 19Ba 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 Year Breakdown by Job Function

                                                      ~_..                   Plant i  ~~,.%         "-
/j,j .%,  %,

Contitct i,9',7,;:::~~, . .::,7~ ,L':;~,:::7~m..

                                                                                        ~~                     ~.
                                                                       %-.,           ~~.        '"%-      '% s
                                                                                                                        ~~%Q ~
                                 / ///, //_, C,'
                                                 ;;, .. ~.
                                                                  '"' '%~~.[NQ;~N., TN~ < ~ ~ ~~      %                  . y[ *~%.["%,  ~~
                                                                                                                                      ~% ,[_ "N
                              /:,:;p y,


                                                                  ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ . ~~ ~ ~~ a.~,                                    ~   ~~.',~

W .. !I!l n,l. J;C%

                                          *l                  .           ..
                                                                                                  ?      ~              %


                                                                                                                      ~~.                      m.
,a a 7;b ' OLQj)q~~~'.,};~.~,}'~~,_"~~. S b YA ?h l$ MWau 90000;,,aa,L aog 001llf DU oog u
                                                                                                                                      = i=:=

g,/eoco22you vo yacoo f poaovcoce o sg,booMyo$4 Q

                        ,wmooo                                       o                                                              vosor,~..,               n 55                    ~., o i            ll 00 i f                           .~

[{~ oooo

                                                                                  *.**r aaa aERMggyg,f3,' % ,
                                                                ,                              E-14

APF ENDIX E(continued) CRYSTAL RIVER 3 Dose-Performance Mcators PWR 1250-r.___ L___I_ _ L._ we 3 Year Averags Dose 1000 - ~

                   -wvn         MW-Years g

g  ;-- - Cohective Dose x 750~ - - - V E so 4

                                                                            /\                                        \
                                          , ~y"",e            %#

1 \ A E 500


Ni /


m .

                      / %#"                                  %
                                                                        %              b q%          (s ,/

O 2so - .-. %d - aa=> s 0-1978 1N79 19'80 1981 1N82 1983 1NB4 1985 1%6 IN87 1N88 1989 1To Year Breakdown by Job Function fjf[.,__

                                             '~.-_     ~~ ~. ~s' Plant

li):: ~_ J ~  :~' ~,

                                         '/                                                             Conttact i
                                 /' ,//,  q.., .     ~          ~~ < ~~.,;~~                              ~..
                              ,//,,y!,    /

j,,&>~; n  ;; ~  ; ~.,;

                                                                  ~q:~    m    ; ~       ~    ,;
                                                                                           ~~x;~    ~          ~~.;<~.

400 sm/ //, t d;~',f '~ ~

                            , e

r -

'~ -_,c
          -                \ l?;jll// -

Ilp / M A .t 5$  :(:N.- sw l'

                                                                                %/            %f ,f.


                                                                                                        ~   r
                                                                                                             ~m       ~~~~
                                                                                                                  ~. 'T-W@hno}gp/Rf00,n'/     Ni c < [)0c L L                                                      :'i
                                                                                                                   '~~l :



e r /go ocoGoo,,0aoo{u{ah&O- a (fu ,e ej g 7  :~ ~ s .m(yl, :


E-15 i l


                                                                  . Dose Performance Inddtors                                                                                  PWR

_.._.I I 1 . .__ mw 3-Year Avelace Dose h,_ 1 800 - - uw. years - y g y,n { (x 600-- -

                          -        Conective Dose g                              f (y
                                                                            -?,g%                                                        3 \                          l f.

l 439 _

                                                    /            %,.

k I

                                                                                                                                        /    \

k - f _ . 3 f s\// 3 \ o > 200 t'( Y


q - - - #--

                                                                 .s             .f"                                  w 0    .         ]             ,            ,            ,                                   ,            ;          ,         ,,

1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 '1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 Year Breakdown byJob Fv:ction Plant

                                              ,  s~

9 ) ~'"% ~ %

                                      //j w           s
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9 APPENDIX E(continued)' DIABLO CANY0tl1,2 Dose-Performance inacators

PWR 3000 -

ww 3 Year Average Dow ' 2500 -

      .g                 aae l#i Years -

g2000-- - - Collective Dose x _.-~~~~r-- ^"""'""""""~""""" g** ~


j v!  % -- mf 1500- #


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