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Forwards Rev 3 to 1985 Maine Yankee Nuclear Power Station Emergency Response Exercise & Evaluation Plan & Objectives for Emergency Exercise Scheduled for 850622.State,county & Community Expected to Participate
Person / Time
Site: Maine Yankee
Issue date: 04/01/1985
From: Whittier G
Maine Yankee
To: Murley T
Shared Package
ML20127P421 List:
5341L-SDE, GDW-85-95, MN-85-62, NUDOCS 8507020411
Download: ML20127P417 (11)


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DESIGNATED ORIGINAPg cnik 3, 71 EDISON DRIVE MAME HARHEE ATOMIOP0MIER00MPARUe ruausrx. uninE o<s36 q (207) 623-3521 g April 1, 1985 MN-85-62 GDW-85-95 Region I United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Inspection and Enforcement 631 Park Avenue King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406 Attention: Dr. Thomas E. Murley, Regional Administrator


(a) License No. DPR-36 (Docket No. 50-309)

(b) USNRC Letter to MYAPCo dated October 26, 1981


1985 Emergency Preparedness Exercise Gentlemen:

23, Please find enclosed Maine Yankee's ob exercise, scheduled for Saturday,1985. JuneTheseobjectivesare h ,jectives for this year's emergen accordance with your request contained in Reference (b) to submit exercise. objectives 75 days in advance of the exercise date.

State, county and community emergency response elements are expected to participate in this exercise.

The Maine Bureau of Civil Emergency Preparedness (MECEP) has submitted its exercise objectives (ccoy enclosed) to FEMA Region 1. The offsite objectives were discussed at a March 5, 1985 meeting with FEMA, Maine Yankee and MECEP.

If you have any questions on the enclosed material or wish to discuss our exercise objectives, please contact Mr. Stephen D. Evans, Emergency Preparedness Coordinator, at (207) 623-3521, extension 2103.

Very truly yours, MAINE YAtKEE ATOMIC POWER COMPANY 8507020411 850401 '


{DR ADOCK0500g9 Jjj g G. D. Whittier, Manager Nuclear Engineering & Licensing GOW/bjp


Maine Yankee Exercise Objectives State of Maine Exercise Objectives cc: Mr. James R. Miller Mr. Cornelius F. Holden hY \

M41L-SDE __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


'1. Accident Assessment E mergency Classification

a. Demonstrate the ability of the Control Room operators to promptly recognize that emergency action levels have been reached or exceeded and declare the appropriate Emergency Classification.
b. Demonstrate the ability of the operators to assess plant conditions, effectively utilize engineering support, and implement procedures in order to place the plant in a safe condition.
2. Notification
a. Demonstrate the ability to notify Maine Yankee emergency response personnel according to Procedure 2.50.17.
b. Demonstrate the ability to notify Federal and State authorities of emergency classification according to Procedure 2.50.17.
c. Demonstrate the ability to notify station personnel of an emergency through the use.of alarms and the public address system.
3. Communications
a. Demonstrate the ability to disseminate information to TSC regarding the status of the emergency conditions and in-plant

' emergency response activities.

b. Demonstrate adequate recordkeeping of events, actions and communications.
4. Radiological Assessment
a. Demonstrate the ability to assess information available from in-plant radiation monitoring systems.
b. Demonstrate the ability to evaluate operational status, radiological data, and off-site radiological and m'eteorological conditions to provide initial protective action reccmmendations.

_ _ 4654L-SDE _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _

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B. Technical Support Center

1. Accident AssessmentE mergency Classification
a. Demonstrate the ability of the TSC staff to support the Control Room staff in identifying the cause of an incident, mitigating the consequences of that incident, and placing the unit in a safe and stable condition.
b. Demonstrate TSC proficiency in assisting the Emergency Coordinator in emergency classification or escalation.
c. Demonstrate the ability to analyze current plant conditions, and identify projected trends and potential consequences.
d. Demonstrate the ability to utilize Engineering Support Center, to assist in accident analysis and mitigation efforts.
2. Direction and Control
a. Demonstrate the activation of the TSC in accordance with Procedure 2.50.19.
b. Demonstrate the primary functional responsibilities and/or problem-solving capabilities of the TSC staff.
c. . Demonstrate the ability of the TSC to initiate and coordinate activities according to Procedure 2.50.19.
3. Communications
a. Demonstrate the adequacy, operability, and effective use of emergency communications equipment and procedures, including the status board ,
b. Demonstrate TSC ability to gather, assess, and disseminate information to other Emergency Response Facilities regarding the status of emergency conditions and emergency response activities.

This is exhibited through the use of documentation and record forms.

c. Demonstrate the ability of the TSC staff to direct and coordinate in-plant surveys through the OSC.





-C. Emergency Operatiens Facility

1. Direction and Control a.' Demonstrate the activation of the EOF in accordance with EPIPs.


b. Demonstrate the ability of the Emergency Coordinator to maintain command control over all emergency response activities conducted l from the EOF throughout the exercise.
c. Demonstrate accountability within the protected area.
d. Demonstrate appropriate access control measures for the staff building.
2. Communication
a. Demonstrate the adequacy, operability, and effective use of emergency communications equipment and procedures.
b. Demonstrate adequate communications and transfer of data between the Maine Yankee Emergency Response Facilities and between the EOF and the off-site monitoring teams.
c. Demonstrate the ability to communicate station status, radiological conditions, and emergency response actions to off-site authorities.
3. Radiological Assessment
a. Demonstrate the ability of the EOF staff to direct and coordinate the deployment of off-site monitoring teams according to EPIPs.
b. Demonstrate the ability of the off-site monitoring teams personnel to perform dose rate surveys and collection of radiological samples according to EPIPs as directed by the Radiological Sample Coordinator.
c. Demonstrate the ability to perform off-site dose assessment in accordance with EPIPs.
d. Demonstrate the ability to formulate and implement on-site protective action measures. ,
e. Demonstrate appropriate health physics practices (e.g.,

contamination control, decision-making process for KI administration), during the exercise to ensure on-site personnel and off-site monitoring team exposures are As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA).

o 4654L-SDE '


f. Demonstrate the ability to perform dose rate surveys, collection ,

of radiological samples, and other requested on-site and in-plant I radiological monitoring activities.

4. Protective Actions
a. Demonstrate the ability to evaluate monitoring data, off-site radiological dose projections, and plant conditions to arrive at appropriate protective action recommendations.
b. Demonstrate the ability'to make protectiva action recommendations to off-site authorities.
5. Shift Staffing
a. Demonstrate, through discussions and staff planning, the method to establish shift relief schedules for each emergency center.

D. Operations Support Center

1. Direct and Control
a. Demonstrate the activation of the OSC in accordance with Procedure 2.50.19.
b. Demonstrate the ability of the OSC Coordinator to command control over all emergency response activities conducted from the OSC throughout the exercise. Demonstrate command interface with TSC Coordinator.
c. Demonstrate the ability and adequate staffing of the OSC to conduct functional responsibilities as requested by the TSC.
d. Demonstrate the ability to provide adequate information briefings for in-plant teams for the mitigation of emergency conditions.
2. Communications
a. Demonstrate the adequacy, operability, and effective use of communications equipment for communications between the OSC and OSC personnel within the plant.
b. Demonstrate the ability to gather, assess, and transfer information regarding the status of plant operational or radiological conditions and the status of OSC activities to OSC staff and other Emergency Response Facilities.



3. Radiological Assessment
a. Demonstrate the ability to direct and coordinate the deployment of and maintain appropriate radiological controls for on-site repair teams.
b. Demonstrate the proper application of ' radiological controls measures (e.g., respirators, protective clothing) by one OSC repair team, commensurate with the recommendations from the OSC.

coordination team. The team will not be required to wear this equipment beyond the tunnel entrance to the plant.

E. Public Information

1. Demonstrate the ability to conduct coordinated news briefings and issue coordinated news releases.
2. Demonstrate the ability to staff the State Office Building area to be used for media briefings.
3. Demonstrate the ability to coordinate with off-site authorities on rumor control.
4. Demonstrate the timely exchange of information among participating designated spokespersons.

F. Recovery Planning 4

1. Demonstrate, through table top discussions, the establishment of the recovery organization, and the formulation of a recovery plan necessary to return the station to service from the simulated accident.

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  • AUGUSTA. MAINE 0-1333 * (207) 622-4201l

(. Y l

Ph, DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE AND VETERANS SERVICES March 11,1985 Ltr. #44-85-1 Henry G. Vickers, Director Federal Emergency Management Agency 442 John W. McCormack, POCH Boston, Massachusetts ,02109 Attn: L. Robertson

Dear Mr. Vickers:

At a meeting on 5 March 1985 attended by Federal Emergency Management Ag (FEMA) Region One, Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company and this Bureau, the objectives of the Maine Yankee Exercise scheduled for 15 June 1985 w


The format reviewed was that contained in FEMA, Washington memorandum of 5 August 1983. These exercise objectives are set forth in Enclosure One.

If additional information or an explanation of our intentions is required, please con R. Malaney at telephone: A/C 207-622-6201 at yot.r convenience.

Sincerely, h!AYkW Richard D. Dutremble

  • State Director Encl: as cited ,

cy: S. Evans, Maine Yankee, w/ enc!.

  • Operations Officer, w/ encl.

Chief, Radiological Defense, w/ enc!.

Plans and Training Officer, w/ enc!.

Director, CDCEP, w/ encl.

' Director, LNCEP, w/ encl.

Director, SCCEP, w/ encl.

MECEP file .


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Maine Bureau of Civil Emergency Preparedness 15 June 1985 Exercise Objectives The exercise objectives correspond to the format contained in FEMA memorandum of 5 August 1983. .

Corresponding Objective Part(s) of Form

1. Demonstrate ability to mobilize staff and activate EOC facilities promptly. ' EOF Media FM

. Within the CEP community, this will apply to state, county and local EOC's.

3. Demonstrate ability to make decisions and to coordinate EOC emergency activities.

. Local firefighcers will be authorized to respond to actual fire erMrgencies during exercise " play" If required. EOC's will break away clean by informing State EOC via PEAS circuit.

( 4. Demonstrate adequacy of facilities and displays to support emergency operations.


. All equipment will be prominently displayed and used during the exercise " play".

5. Demonstrate ability to communicate with all appropriate EOC locations, organizations and field personnel. EOF Media FA
6. Demonstrate ability to mobilizu and deplov field FM

. monitoring teams in a timely fashlorr. ,

7. Demonstrate appropriate equipment and procedures for FM determining amblent radiation levels. ,,
8. Demonstrate appropriate equipment and procedures for FM measurem,ept of airborne radiolodine concentrations as low as 10 ucl/cc in the presence of noble gases.


10. Demonstrate ability to project dosasge to the public via EdC 8 plume exposure, based on plant and field data, and to EOF determine appropriate protective measures based on PAG's, available shelter, evacuation time estimates and all other

(. appropriate factors.

Enclosure One


," Corresponding

( Objective Part(s) of Form

13. Demonstrate ability to alert the public within the EOC 10 mile EPZ and disseminate an !==bx! message '

FA within 15 minutes.

(hfr s'W )

14. Demonstrate ability to formulate and distribute EOC appropriate instructions to the public in a timely fashion.

. State Level EBS will not be activated.

. WGAN-AM/FM, .WKCG-FM, WCME-FM and National ~

Weather Service, Portland, will transmit exercise message.

. Additional instructional messages will be developed in the State EOC but will not be disseminated for transmission to the public. -

15. Demonstrate the organizational ability and resources EOC necessary to managg an orderly evacuation of all or ,

part of the plume EPZ.

. Total or partial evacuation will not be implemented. .

. Planned off-site radiation releases will not require evacuation.

. This objective will apply to only those communities which are between 0-5 miles downwind from plant

( site.

. Primary objective will be to observe local officials implementing pre-planning actions that would be required if evacuation was recommended by State EOC.

. Local cohimunity Traffic Control Points (TCP) will be operational by utilizing temporary road blocks. These road blocks will be operational until such time as they are observed by fe"eral/ consultant personnel.

17. Demonstrate the organizational ability and resources FA necessary to control access to an evacuated area.

. Maine State Police will temporarily man six Traffic -

Control Points (TCP).

. ' Af ter arriving at designated TCP's MSP personnel will ..

be released and will return to normal patrol duties.

18. Demonstrate the organizational ability and resources EOC necessary to effect an orderly evacuation of mobility- FA impa,lred individuals within the plume EPZ.

. This objective will apply to those communities 0-5 miles from the plant in the downwind plume.

. Local EOC personnel will be expected to be aware of A. Location of mobility-impaired personnel.


. 3,

. n Corresponding Objective Part(s) of Form


B. Resources available 3o relocate those personnel.

C. ' Reception centers or shelters available for reception. ,

' 20. Demonstrate ability to continuously monitor and control EOC FA emergency worker exposure.


. During the exercise, assistance and basic functional '

2raloing _will be provided to all commurilties'in the downwino plume by Maine Yankee personnel.

o. -
24. Demonstrate ability to brief the media in a clear, EOC accurate and timely manner. Media At the State EOC an office adjacent to the Operations Room will be made available for administrative support and for rumor control. Rumor control telephone number: 1-800-452-8735.

. Members of the news media will be briefed in the '

Cabinet Room located in the State House.

. News media pers:nnel may tour the State EOC If escorted by a Maine State Empbyee or other


designated personnel.

. County and local EOC personnel should estab!!sh administrative procedures with respect to news media personnel 1.e., identification, escorts, etc.

23. Demonstrate ability to provide advance coordination of EOC Media information released.

. This objective is interpreted as meaning that simulated press releases reflect the simulated situations occurring in the field at the time of the release.

26. Demonstrate ability to establish and operate rumor control EOF Media in a coordinated fashion.
32. Demonstrate ability to identify need for, request and (To be Developed) obtain federal assistance. ..

. At appropriate' time State EOC officials will review situation and " talk through" those actions necessary to obtain federal assistance.


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l. Twenty-four (24) manning and shift changes will not be a part of this exercise.

However, state, county and local EOC's are expected to maintain and have available lists which Indicate those personnel who are available (by position) to operate the


facility on a twenty-four (24) basis for a protracted period. ,

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2. Activities and scheduled demonstrations by state, county and, local emergency.

( management personnel not observed by FEMA personnel and consultants will not be construed as not occurring.

3. Due to a possible scheduling conflict all personnel from the Executive Department may not be available at all times.

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