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Mod 8,increasing Funds & Extending Period of Performance Through 930327,to Maint & Operation of Lpdr
Person / Time
Issue date: 03/28/1992
From: Fogg E, Tarner D
Shared Package
ML20127P294 List:
CON-FIN-D-24162, CON-NRC-10-87-362 NUDOCS 9302010243
Download: ML20127P309 (7)



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NRC-10187 362--

Modification No. 8 -i Page'2 of_2 1 l

The_ purpose of this modification is to (1)-Providezincremental~ funding in:the amount of $1.767.64, ~ (2) extend period of performance, 'and (3) . revise ' the-Statement of Work. Accordingly the following changes are'hereby made: - .



-1. Notice of Cooperative Agreement, item No. 1.5, funding Source, is' revised as follows:


THIS COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT. MODIFICATION $ 1,'767.64 (4 quarters at $441;91)





3. Item No. 2.. Perind of Performance, ' subparagraph a., is revised _to .

read as follows:


"a. The period of performance hereunder shall commence'.on-.9/28/87 and shall continue througS 3/27/93, unless sooner terminated or extended." ,

4.- Under Statement of Work,. Item-No,'7., SPACE REQUIREMENTS 2 delete-subparagraph no d ~in its entiret9 S. ItemLNo. 9... GOVERNMENT FURNISHED PROPERTY, is revised as follows:


Delete: "3M 800-microfiche-reader printer . Serial No. 152399--

NRC Tag No. 008769 (1 ea).'_'

Add: "ANACOMP Micro Copy 1000 microfiche reader printer, Serial No. 2020389."-

All other terms and conditions under this Cooperative Agreement-remain _




~i- - , _ ~ J_-,. ___ __ _______________.________________.__._____i.._


. STATEMENT Or WORK- %a sm, gy l



The FOI A/ Local Public Document Room Branch within the Division of Freedom of Information and Publicationu Services, Office of Administration, U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commincion (NRC),

ja responsible for the overall establishment and maintenance of local public document rooms (LPDRe). The FOIA/LPDR Branch recommenda, developa, and implements programa, plano, na objectives, and activitiec of local public document rooms, well on coordinates the distribution of documento to LPDRs.

The LPDR program provideo acientific and technical information relating to nuclear power plants. The document collections permit and encourage the f ree exchange of ideas and criticisms by the general pub 12c in the licensing of nuclear are po'ver plant located in conctruction and operation. The LPDRs 11bratten mai nt ai ned by ctate/ local gover nmento, institutions 01 higher education and nonpr ofit organizationa (hereinafter, ,

the ' Cooperator") in the vicinity of proposed nuclear power plante.

The FOIA/LPDR Branch han established a cooperative agreement to provide financial remuneration for services program performed by the LPDRa and to incure that a uniform program of document molntenance and information cervices is provided for LPDR patronc.

2. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE The period of performance hereunder shall commence on a.

3-M-Q and shall continue through 3-K]- 96 ,

unleau sooner terminated or extended.


b. The Cooperator and the NRC, by mutual agreement, extend the period of performance through the execution of supplemental agreements to this cooperative agreement, not to exceed a total of five (5) yearn. At the end of each year the Cooperator will be required to submit a cost proposal to the NRC for the following year.

The NRC nnticipates that they will provide documents on a weekly basic to be added to each local public document room collection (collection). NRC will provide all aupplies nececuary for maintaining collection, a Uner'n Guide, filing instructions, etc. Alco, the NRC, when notified by a library, will promptly replace any documenta found miasing from the collection. HRC will periodically visit each library to review the collection, provide guidance and instructions to library staff, monitor contractor performance, and the identify / resolve problema or discrepancies. i

i . ,

p 2 'l l


l The Cooperator shall perform-the following servicea relative-to the maintenance and operation of the LPDRs

a. Properly file microfiche /hardcopy documents received f rom the NRC within one week of r eceipt in accordance with the filing system provided by NRC. To meet the particular needs of library patrons, this filing deadline may be extended upon the expressed upproval of the LPDR Prograw Manager.
b. Refile microfiche /hardcopy documents used by patrons within the next business day,
c. Prepare files, folders and labels when necessary,
d. Promptly file as well as display reference tools and finding aids provided by NRC (such as the LPDR Hotline toll f ree labels and signs which identif y the collection) ac dnatructed.
e. Maintain a file of explanatory and instructional material sent to the LPDR library by the NRC.
f. Documents in the collection are not allowed to leave the LPDR library unless instructed to do so by the FOIA/LPDR Branch, NRC, 9 Work with the FOIA/LPDR Branch staff and. other NRC representatives, as necessary, to answer questions and '

provide inf ormation on the availability of documents make and' services, return documents sent in error, arrangements for handling non-routine they arise, such as Freedom of Information Act responses.-

h. Maintain the local public document room collection a n_d HRC-furnished equipment as a physically. unified collect 2on.

promptly to the LPDR Program- Manager the

1. Report identification of documents Iound or reported .to - be missing from the collection.


a. Provides patrons with reference-assistance in locating documents and sufficient instructions to familiarize users with the filing system, the local public document room collection, the collection's ref erence ~ tools and finding aids, the indexing system used for microfiche and hardcopy records, and the use of all government furnished equipment.
b. Provide users access to operable reproduction equipment for making paper copies of the collection, as needed.


u. Incure that th' e NRC microfiche reader printer la in good -

operating condition. In the event the equipment requirea repair or servicing, the library ataff shall arrange to have an authorized aervice repreaentative estimate the coat- of the repair needed on the equipment. Before-proceeding with p_py repair, the cooperator chall receive authorization from the Project Officer by calling the toll Iroe telephone number (800-638-8081). After the:

repair ia made, the invoice of chargea abould be forwarded for payment to the NRC in accordance with the instructiona (ATTACHMENT 1). A copy of the.aloned work-order abould be submitted to the Project Officer within one day of the repair.-

b. Promptly inform the FOIA/LPDR Branch of the NRC, either by the toll free telephone number (800-638-8081) or ~1n writing, of problema regarding the use or madntenance of-the co l .1 ec t i on.
7. SPACE REQtJIREMENTS Provide the following: I
u. Adequate chelf or other filing space to maintain the collection.


b. Adequate space near the collection to locate- the microfiche reader pr1nter, the microfiche file cabinet (a), and table and chaira-.for patrono uaing the-collection.
c. Adequate reading apace, lighting, heating and cooling, q for usera to review the documenta in the collection.
8. SlJPPLY REOllIREMENTS The- Cooperator ahall maintain an adequate supply of- the-following itema marked with an "X" below:

X Paper for microf1che rendpr printer j Paper for computer printer

)( Electric lampa (bulbs) for microfiche reader printer l

Toner for the microfiche reader printer

-i a



-NOTE:- The charoes for-the above' supply-requirements are-note tillo v a bl e expendaturec.under.this cooperative agreertient and vill not be reimbursed. The Cooperator may charge for copico


made f rom the microfiche; reader printer to recoup expenses but -

the charge may not exceed so. 25 per page copy 'without approval-of the NRC Contracting Officer.

9, GOVERNMENT FURNISitED PROPERTY The following-items, marked with an 'X', are to be furniched to the Cooperator, as needed, to support the collection.

~I ANACOMP Micro Copy 1000 Microfiche Reader Printer, Serial No.-


cabinet for cards aisd 1 Vertical visible upright microfiche, 4 x 6 nize, 7-drawerc, 40" high, 16 vide, high, Shaw-27' deep,- vith high- leg bace, ateel, 12" Walker, Model C-1419. ( { es. )

Re a d'e r Printer Git-Down Stand, 30" high, top 361x-30, Bell & ilovell, Catalog No. 123001. (1 ea. )

Canon PC 80 microfiche reader printer, Serial No. _,

NRC Tag No. (1 ea. )

IBM Personal Computer (dual floppy) .v/monoprinter and async adapters, printer'and async cablec, and keyboard, NRC Tag No.

IBM Graphics Printer, NRC Tag No.

IBM Monochrome Monitor, NRC Tag No, Smarteam 2400 baud modem.- NRC Tag.No, Smarterm 400 Software, Control No.

Workstation, TAB Computer vorkstation 10 drawers /3 trays,(M ea..)

,_. Microfiche cal >1 nets, l

The Cooperator in authorized, without.' cost-to NRC, to install-however,'-the a coin operated attachment to the reader printer; cost a Cooperator may charge f,cr copies' f rom -the re tide r 't j

printer'may'not exceed 50.25 perepage copy without' approval of the.NRC Contracting Officer.


fa . , ,

, , ~ , , - ,

4 ' ,

- .5

a. A. quarterly _ performance report, utilizing-the format as specified in Attachment 2.shall be n submitted: within 20 +

days-after each quarter ~ end. to the- addressees- listed'-

below. For administrative purposes, it is requested that -

. billing be made quarterly using For m . 270, _ REQUEST FOR' >

ADVANCE OR REIMBURSEMENT, or by-.using Cooperator's-own letterhead voucher / invoice submitted simultaneously with this. performance report.

U. S. Nuclear _ Regulatory' Commission ATTH: Jona L. Souder, LPDR Program Manager FOIA/ Local Public Document Room Branch-Division of Freedom of Information-and Publications Services Office of Administration Washington, DC 20555 *

(1 copy of invoice and quarterly report)

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory-Commission--

Contracts Administration Branch, P-902 Division of Contracts and Property' Management Office of Administration-Washington, DC 20555 (original and 3 copies of-invoice)

b. Financial Reporte In accordance with OMB Circulara A-110, Attachment G and /or A- 102, Attachment H, as applicable, the Cooperator- ,

shall use the - Standardized l Financial Status Pepor t ; to.

report . the status o f ~- funds for--all:- nonconstruction projects or programs. Please. note the NRC will exercise the option to waive the filing- of the Standardized Financial Status Report since the Request for Advance or Reimbursement and/or Report _ of Fede=ral Cash -Tr ansactions has been determined to provide _ adequate information, except that a final Financial Statua Report s h a l'1' be required at the completion' of the. , project when .the Request'for Advance or Reimburcement f arm- is_ used J only for advances.
