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Final Response to FOIA Request for Complete Diagram of Assession 9206150340.Forwards Documents Listed in App a Which Are Being Made Available in PDR
Person / Time
Issue date: 09/11/1992
From: Grimsley D
To: Shillinglaw F
Shared Package
ML20127H548 List:
FOIA-92-430 NUDOCS 9301220363
Download: ML20127H544 (2)


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[h**y/ Hu INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST vow,,$.:(mjA__1992 l M Out trit H Fawn Shillinglaw PAHT L_AGf NCY HECOHDS HELE ASED OH NOT LOCAllD dee che<WImed No ager.c y rec ords tiub:ect to 6e request t a.e ben ice atef.

No additional agent y enouis tubgct to the readst hase tM o laated Requested tMords are avadable through another pubhc d stoteution erogram See Commeet6 section.

Agent-y tw ords subget to the request tt at are identified in Appenda(eu are a'rt ady avadabi t fot pubhc mspectior' and copying at the NHC Pubbe Dccunet Boom = 2120 L Street. N W . Wahington. DC.

y Agency r%ords subjoc! to the rewast that are identified in Appendates) A a , be.r,9 made avadabie for panc inspection and copying at the NHC Pubhc Dwnent Room. 2120 L Street N W., Washington. DC, in a fMdu under ths F Of A number.

The nonproprietaf y veroon rif the proposa4sl that you ayeed to accept in a telephone conversahon with a member of my staff is now being made avadah!e for pubht inf,pu tion and copymg at the N P C Pubhc Doo; ment Ro n 2120 L Stwet. N W, Wahm9 ton. DC. in a foidrr under this F OI A nur+ct, Agency records subject to the request that are 6dentifed in Appendinfes)_ may be inspected and copied at the N RC Local Pubhc Document Room identifef in the Comments section.

I oc k> sed is irJor mat tnr. On hoa you tva , OMe o a' t en t a and t'a t r e / s he uopng rec cr:ts locate a at the NPC Putdic Document Hoom; 2120 L Street, N W.. Wash.nator.. DC y A0cor. y reconfs setace t t o tht o quest a'e tW-, mf Reconis a-A let t to t'+ sewest be.( been it t e M i to onother I e dai atm vht s! for te.- vo .e'il 11 m t rtwome to you

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PART 11 A. INF ORYATION WITHHELD f ROM PUDLIC DISCLOSURE Certam inf onr ation in 18 e reaweited records b t cmg mtMeld f rom putdic dinlowrt pu suant r to the esemptions denribed in rnd for the reasons stated in Part 11, B. C, and D. Any tr leased portsoes ci the dmmem t for a t ich cW r g t ne t* e FN orn a t@ g whhheid are tacing va te a. iitath f or p/ w imact on and i s ;,ing in itet NHC Pubhc Down a rt Horn. 2120 L Oreet N W, Aweren, DC in a fokter ursner this FO.A number.


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l 9301220363 920911 PDR F01A SHILLI+!92-430 PDR NRC FORM 464 (Pari il (t At) ]7 /

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, 1. 03/05/91 Diagram of Ventilated Concrete Ccsk (VCC)  !

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