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Responds to FOIA Request for SECY-85-067.Forwards Portions of App Documents.Portions of Documents Also Available in Pdr.App Documents Partially & Completely Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 5)
Person / Time
Issue date: 04/16/1985
From: Felton J
To: Detjen J
Shared Package
ML20127F888 List:
FOIA-85-172 SECY-85-67, NUDOCS 8506250280
Download: ML20127F885 (3)


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-j WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555 ,

  • .* y M 6E Mr. Jim Detjen .

The Philadelphia Inouirer 400 North Broad Street P.O. Box 8263 IN RESPONSE REFER Philadelphia, PA 19101 TO F01A-85-172

Dear Mr. Detjen:

This is in response to your letter dated March 11, 1985, in which you requested, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (F01A), a copy of SECY-85-67.

SECY-85-67, identified by portions as separate documents on the enclosed Appendix, is being released in part. Documents 1 and 2, and portions of document 3 contain the predecisional legal analysis, opinions and recom-mendations of the Office of the General Counsel (0GC) for the Commissioners' consideration of NPC regulations regardino the Government in the Sunshine Act. Because the docur>nts reflect the predecisional process hotween OGC and

, the Comissicrers, the docurants are exenpt fron rardatorv disclosure pursuant to Exerption r of the FOIA, 5 U.S.C. Ef 0(b)(5), and +hr Corri t sion 's rec;u'a-tions, 10 CFP E9.5(a)(5). Releatr of the docurents wcu V trrd to inhibit the .

I open and frank orchanco e' idnas essertiel to +he deliberativo procors. The dr o-r +< de r~ e--in't :v ic:e-rP lv senvo-ele 4c+ -' r.r S ~ s.

Derur ont 4 anc' tho releae 41e portions of Pocumcr+ 9 are beino placed in the NRC Public Documen+ Roor (PDRI, located at 1717 H Street, NW,'Wshirotnn, DC

?0%f , i t file folder F0ia-Pr-!?? in voor nare.

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c'r+ r rri ned tha t *hr i nf rr a + i nn wi thFel c' i s e xe , + 'i ,r rwcduc + i" or disclosure aac tha* its production or disclosure is cm trarv to thf public interest. The person responsible for this denial is Jares A. Fitzgerald, Assistant General Counsel.

I i

1 8506250280 850416 PDR FOIA DET,EN85-172 PDR

This denial may be appealed to the Comission within 30 days from the receipt of this letter. Any such appeal must be in writirig, addressed to the Secretary of the Conmission, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission, Washington, ,

DC 20555, and should clearly state on the enveltpe and in the letter that it l is an " Appeal from an Initial F0IA Decision." e, Sincprelt, C'



. Felton, Director


.I f Division of Rules and Records Office of Administration


As stated


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If d Re: FOIA-85-172 j APPENDIX 3 ,

's 1. 07/26/85 SECY-85-67, memorandum from H. Plaine General Counsel to the Commissioners,


NRC Sunshine Act Regulations (21 pages)

2 . Attachment A undated draft proposed rule, re: Part 9, Subpart C--

to.SECY-85-67 Government in the Sunshine Act Regulations (13 pages) 3 '. Enclosure 1 May 21, 1984 memorandum fron H. Plaine, General Counsel to to Attachment the Commissioners,


Pecent Supreme Court Decision B to SECY on Sunshine Act (Portions of Page 1 and the entire page 2 85-67 are being withheld; releasable portion being placed in the POR)

4. Enclosure 2 May 1, 1984 United States Law Week (pages 4507-4510) to Attachment B to SECY-85-67 i

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