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Mod 39,defining Task Order 77 & Increasing Funds,To Technical Assistance to Support NRC IE Personnel in Investigations of Incidents
Person / Time
Issue date: 04/22/1985
From: Lofy R, Thompson R
Shared Package
ML20127D934 List:
CON-FIN-B-1302, CON-NRC-05-82-249, CON-NRC-5-82-249 NUDOCS 8505170149
Download: ML20127D936 (4)





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0lE-82-249 dtd 1/30/85 and 3/12/85 ($'s)

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. . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CODE . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . .

U. S. Nuclear Re.,,ulatory Commission Division of: Contracts Uashington, DC 20555

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13380 Watertown Plank Road Elm Grove, WI 53122 - _ _ . . - _ . _ --

3 0 A. MODif #C ATION of CONT 84 AC1/O H Dyt No.

X NRC-05-82-249 l oth ok1LoISEE,TLMiJJ CODE b ActtiTv CODE 7/2/82

-_. 11. THIS 11EM ONLY APPLIES TO AME NDMENTS.OF SOL lCil ATIONS Tt.e sbnve numlbre-d soMcitation rs amended as set for th in item 14. The hour and date uccified for reasiat of Offers n e n is not ==-

tenetec. .

Of tees must art nctatesp setect ni th.s an.endn.ent smior so the hour and date stecif.ed in the solicitation or es aneWed b, or e of 11., totio.v r.p n.ethods.

, la) by comsietenp tiems E and 1' . and actusning cooles of tne amendment. (b) Bv ackno.vt 39 ng recesot of it.ig asendment on Leth ropV of the cffer i sabm. tid, or (t) Esy '.e:.arate settes cr tewp:am which .nchides a eefetent e to it.e sobestat.on and arr.enon.ent numts-.s F Att URE Of YOUfa AC B' r/ OWL E DG. ,

ML NT lO BE Rt CEIVED AT 1HE PL Act DEstGNATE D FOR T HE HECEIPl OF OF FERs FHIOR 101HE HOUR AND DATE SPECif If D t.'.AY HESULT IN RI JECllON Or YouR OF F LR. If by virtue of this am non.ent you cesire to ch npe an of fer eht edy subm.114. such may t;e n.<>3e t>y toq.m or

' lellet , Dir,w.desd tJCn tel*'*ita*h or lef ter mal es tf teience 10 the ,OhC3131aOra and this an.endneent and is telen,e3 De nor to int C.e run;; hou' end dait siet.tsed.

3 2. Al LOUN11N(, AN D AF FhoP6.s A18arv o,$1 A (f; ,. q uered, B&R No. 30-19-05-03 FIN B1302' 31X0200.305 Increase
595,000,.00 __


IT MODIF IES T HE CON 1R ACl/ ORDER NO AS DESCRIBED IN IT FM 14 1 ~i*. c whNor Onor a is issur o PURSU ANT T O: f5 riersfy cu rr.nn ry) T HE CH ANGLS S0T F OR TH Irv si t% p i.iif'nTaDE ItiVE'd ote. ~


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Vhe purpose of this modjfication is to:

D. Provide incremental funding in the amount of $95,000.00.

g R. Definitize Task Order.77. 8505170149 850422


4 PDR CONTR Iow, therefore, the following changes are made: NRC-05-82-249 PDR .c

1. 'Under ARTICLE V - Ceilings /0bligations, paragraph B is increased to provide increr.mntal funding of $95,000.00 from $3,278,000.00 to $3,373,000.00. The amount allocated and

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11 A. N A8/ L ANo 181 L e of s tC.NL 5. (h4 oc trint) It. A. h Avt. AND i at t L of con 184 AC1 sNC. Oe s eCE R (T),.e ot tant; D

. ' Richard.A. Lofy, President fARonald U L D. $ Thompson WitucBIf1 8 j

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' l'odificaticn flo. 39 Contract No. fiRC-05-82-249 Page 2

}- obligated by the Government is therefore increased from $3,278,000.00 by $95,000.00 to $3,373,000.00.

II. Task Order No. 77, copy of which is attached, is hereby definitized as follows: , ,

T itle Total Estimated Amount Preparation of User's Manual Task Order tio. 77_ $23,708.12 and Optimization of Thermal Power Program for Combustion Engineering Reactors -

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. , TASK ORDf.R NO. 77 '

-PREPARA110N Of USER'S l'.ANUAL AND OPill1}7A110N Uf THEkMAL POWER PROGRAM FOR COM3U5110N ENGINI LRING RE AllORS SCOPE Of WORK Ferformance of independent engineering analyses for review and assessment of the reasonableness, appropriateners and accuracy of licensee action in analysis '-

(thermal-power) and correction of real or potential design deficiencies..

Performance of inoependent analytical evaluations as to the validity and appropriateness of ~ licensee actions in determining the cause of end correction of identified problems or faiivres of components that may have resulted f rom such actions as use of improper procedures, and/or nonadherence to prescribed procedures in testing and operation of the nuciear reactor core and primary coolant system for NRC licensed power reactors. Frepare a factual report of the work done, analysis of sample results and conclusions reached.

BACKGROUUl-Lit.ensees of operating nuclear reactors are restricted to a raaximum thermal oower level by their licenses. Hcat balonces are perfonned by licensees on a periodic basis in order to calibrate neutron flux instrumentation used to control reactor power level. Because of time limitations and the ccrrplexity of performing cr. accurate heat balancc, the NRC insuector cannot ir.ce .enuently assess the reasonableness, appropriateness and accuracy of licen' ee act ions unless he has a computer program which accurately analyzes plant soecific design parameters ano operating data to obtair an incepencer.1 neat baiance.

1PDWR2 (Thermal Power betermination for Westir.ghouse' hear. tors) is t computer program developed by NRC heaciquarters engineers to provioe reactor inspectors with thc capability of performing heat balances for Uestinghouse reactors.

]n Oc tcher 1984 .Tasi. Order ', .ber 72 was usued 10 cevelor, an aralysu ano c._ auter nng em similar to iFDWR2 for C-E nucieer reactors. The wori include; tne revaru of 1FDWR to identify reievent ce r ormaters , ei pri trarns ,

e cm.'. ecns anc 6: reic.11ons ir the c'eveic: .. ant ci c thtrnal baicu progrer io-(-I piants. The Wari. oise inciucet ti t Ut veios:. erd of addit ienal , _ : culers ,

ci 9orithrn , etc. es notessary to occuretely mocel the perforaantt ri C-E  %

plants. This inforrnetion was useo ic produce c computer progrerr, TPDCLRE, to determine the core power level f or C-E pl6nts.

Io improve its 'usefulness,1PDCER2 must be upgracec to optimize its f riendli-ness, speed and ef ficiency without losing treccability to the ASE Sicem )

Tablec $

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9 Optimize the lPDCER2 program and develop a users manual as specified below.

A. Upgrade the 1PDCER2 program to optimize its f riendliness, speed and efficiency through optimization techniques. Simplify the program and its organization without losing traceability to the ASME Steam Tables. .-

Provide for the capability of displaying the test results on a video screen. Frovide default values where appropriate, including RCS surf ace area.

B. Produce a document similar to the unpublished users' guide for TPOWR) which also covers the results of program optimization for the af oremen-tioned program ic C-E plants. The users guide shoulo' be in the f orm of a manuscript comparable to NUREG 1107 (the computer manual for RCSLK9, an NRC program to measure reactor coolant leak rates).

LST]!1AT ED LEVEL OF E_I FORT The estimated level of ef fort is 12 professional staff-weeks.


!!erch 1,1985 10 f*ay 31,198E GOVERiiMENT F URN]SHED 1f FORMAT 10!:

The NRC wili provide sufficient ccoies of NUREG-1]O7 for guidance in user manual nreparat jor.

1 R A'_.T__L

-nere will in no t ravei :-qu i red.

-.1 PORI! % Rt0C Kli1E.NT.-

5 Monthly ietter progress reports onc c final report in the f urn, of i userr' cuice f or the progren developed for E-E pients.

i-NRC IECliN] CAL MONITOR The Technical Monitor is Mr. Donald Kirkpat rick (301/492-4510). M COST AMOUNT

'j 9

The Total Estimated Amount of this Task Order is $23,708.12 of which $23,167.96 '

represents estimated costs and $540.16 represents fixed fee.

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