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Summary of ACRS 387th & 388th Meetings on 920709-11 & 920806-08,respectively,re Severe Accident Research Program Plan (Sarp)
Person / Time
Issue date: 08/18/1992
From: Ward D
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
To: Selin I, The Chairman
ACRS-R-1489, NUDOCS 9209140281
Download: ML20127D369 (9)


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August 18, 1992 f

The lionorable Ivan Selin Chairman U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555

Dear Chairman Selin:

SUBJECT SEVERE ACCIDENT RESEARCH PROGRAM PLAN During the 387th and 388th meetings of the Advisory Committee on Rehetor Safeguards, July 9-11 and August 6-8, 1992, we reviewed the Severe Accident Research Program (SARP) Plan that is being directed by thu Office of Nuclear Reguletory Research (RES). This review followed meetings of our Severe Accidents Subcommittee on October 25 and 2G, 1991, May 27, 1992, and June 26, 1992, at which this matter was discussed. We had the benefit of discussions with representatives of the NRC staff and of the documents referenced.

Cdt4ERAL CQMMENTil First, we consider the updated SARP Plan, described in draft HUREG-1365, Revision 1, a noticeable improvement over what we have soon in the past. The document is well written. The goal of the overall program is said to be the reduction of the likelihood of early containment failure. Generally, the goals and objectives of individual projects are more clearly stated than we have seen in l- the pa s,t . Even so there are occasional ambiguities, and the organization needs improvement.

For example, there is duplication as well as some inconsistency among the appendices and the main report. In addition, some project descriptions begin with statements that this is a very complex area, that large uncertain-ties exist in the understanding of severe accident phenomena, and that the proposed research will remove some of the uncertainty.

There is no indication of how much uncertainty is likely to be removed by the proposed research, nor how much must be removed in order that the regulatory program proceed satisfactorily. The objectives of several projects are still described as an effort to

" gain insights" without an indication of how much or what type of insight is required, or to achieve a "better understanding" of some phenomenon without an indication of where the ex'"i ng understand-ing is deficient or of what will be contributed s the regulatory process by an increased understanding. We do observe that effort 9209140281 920818 PDR ACRS r i


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. The Honorable Ivan Selin 2 August 38, 1992 is now being made to identify the point at which the objectives of a project will have been achieved.

Second, we commend the staff for the extensivo peer reviews that are now being required. The planning of research, the results of the research, and the conclusions drawn from the work are now being subjected to review. Our observations lead us to believe that, as a result, the current research act3vities are making more efficient use of resources. Further' review of the results and of their interpretation by those outside RES should produce conclusions that have greater general acceptance and are more broadly useful than has been the case in the past.

Third, we observe that those responsible for, severe accident


research labor under a significant handicap. As we have reported to you earlier, there has not yet been a decision as to how the severe accident issues aro to be dealt with in the regulatory arena, either for evolutionary or advanced reactor designs. The Office of Research is thus in the position of a traveler with no road ' naps.

COMMENTS OF SPECIFIC ACTIVITIES The. Mark I Liner Failurn Issun RES reported to us that the Mark I liner issue is close to resolution based on the following developments:

  • The report, NUREG/CR-5423, "The Probability of Liner Failure in a Mark I Containment," has been extensively reviewed and revised to take account of the reviewers' comments, e The core-concrete interaction (CCI) issue has been resolved.

We agree that NUREG/CR-5423 provides a coherent treatment of early failure of the Mark I liner. We note that the effects of ex-vessel steam explosions, which might result if water is on the containment floor, were not treeted. We also call attention to and agree with the observation of Dr. S. Hodge, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), in his letter appended to the report, that the report concludes only that car 3y failure is implausible. Later failure is not ruled out by the results of the report.

Chemical1 Form of Iodine Released to Containment We discussed work recently completed at ORNL (NUREG/CR-5752) on the chemical form of iodine expected to be released to containment.

This work contributes to the formulation of the new source term, and should lead to a more reliable calculation of iodine released

f . The :lonorable Ivan Selin 3 August 18, 1992 i

outsido containment. It is not clear how those results will i influence calculated risk of existing plants nor how the informa-l' tien will be used in the review of the individual plant examina-i tio 2 (IPEs) being performed. This should be investigated turther.

Direct Containpent Heatiner An experimental program expectqdio produce information that will provide a resolution of the di16ect containment heating (DCH) issue is now said to be on a solid technical base. A resolution in expected within about a year. The program was delayed because of questions about scaling. The recently issued severe accident scaling methodology (SASM) report, NUREG/CR-5809, provides the needed guidance. Experilaental work at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) has begun. Work at Argonne National Laboratfory ( AHL) is also under way. Early results indicate that a defensible case can be made for the loads on containment being well below the structural failure loads, at least for the large dry containments.

We note, however, that for many of the PWR PRAs, including two of those treated in NUREG-1150, containment bypass is the risk-dominant failure mode. Thus, it is expected that resolution of the DCH issue will not have a significant effect on the estimated risk or on the risk uncertainty for theso plants. We are encouraged that useful guidance in this area has been provided by the severe accident scaling methodology.

HydrogeD We have some concerns about the conclusions concerning effects of hydrogen detonations on containments such as the steel shell proposed for the Westinghouse AP600. It appears that the NRC staf f has not considered thin shell containments, nor have they gone beyond planar or spherical shocks. Some recent conversations that we have had with the members of the German RSK indicate that their investigations have convinced them that three dimensional calcula-tions are required because of the shock interactions that will occur.

We'are not satisfied that there has been adequate investigation of the following questions for containments generally:

e How is appropriate igniter placement determined?

  • How effective are ignitors in removing hydrogen from mixtures of steam and other noncondensable gases?

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, The Honorable Ivan Selin 4 August 18, 1992 i

e !!ow ef fective are containment passive cooling systems as i hydrogen concentrators? '

  • How likely is a detonation?

Core-Concrete Interaction We agree with the report by .Dr.g. Powers, SNL, that, in his view, _

the experimental work that has been completed is adequate for the

, validation of the models in the NRC severe accident codes that model core-concrete interaction. A major uncertainty in the results of calculations using current codes is the state of the molten material that exits the vessel. He considers the agreement between CORCON calculations and the German BETA Test to be very good.

Debris coolability This research is particularly important to an evaluation of the effects of molten corium on the containment loading for the new reactor designs currently being reviewed. A nudber of programs over the past several years, both in the U.S. and abroad, have investigated the cooling of molten corium on the containment floor covered by a layer of water. Data are sparse, and the issue of whether cooling will occur in actual containments under accident conditions is still open. How applicants will be required to demonstrate debris coolability in containments is also still not established. If it is to be done experimentally, additional research will be required. The small-scale Melt Attack and Dobris Coolability Experiment (MACE) tests at ANL, scheduled for comple-tion in FY 1993, are expected to provide additional information, but are unlikely to provide evidence of coolability of

' debris. Some additional experimonts - may be required af ter the results of the MACE tests are analyzed.- The magnitude and scope of these should be determined by regulatory needs. Work on debris spreading,,an important consideration in coolubility, is planned for l'994# ,

fuel-Cool 0nt: Interactions The principal concern is whether explosive energy releases can

. occur when molten corium encounters coolant either in the vessel or af ter the corium has lef t the vessel. Despite a recognition of the problem almost two decades ago, no generally accepted method exists for calculating the - conversion of thermal energy to mechanical

energy -in this situation. Currently there are several small programs in the U.S. being supported by the-NRC, as well as a program in Europe in which the NRC is participating. It is questionable whether any of these will produce information that will resolve the issue. We recommend further research in this

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, .The Honorable Ivan Solin 5 August 18, 1992 D1-VesseLXpre Melt Progrggnign l

The staff proposes relatively modest nxpenditures for core-melt progression research. The purpose of the work is said to bei e the resolution of the question of whether to expect THI-like blockage as a general behavior,for BWRs, and l e to provide some technical basis for validation of blocked-pool .

models under development, and their predictions regarding the f ailure location of the crust and the melt rel cation into the bottom head.

The above items, along with new models, may permit better estimates of the amount, superheat, metal content, and timing of melt relocation into and subsequent failure of the bottom head. This should provide a basis for better modela for quantifying risk. If interpreted properly, the results may also provide guidance in the choice of accident management atrategies, assist in the Safety Goal Policy implementation, and remove some of the uncertainty frcm cost / benefit analysis for backfit decisions.

We suggest, however, that the models that. result from this work should be taken as representing only one possible severe accident progression. Future severe accidents, if they occur, may take as unexpected a cource as those few that we have experienced. Thus predictions of their courso and consequences with models based on limited past experience may be misleading. Analyses of the type reported by Dr. S. Levy (S. Levy, Inc.) in the SASM report could be useful for evaluating the uncertainties associated with such incomplete models.

We also believe that -additional fundamental separate effecto experiments are needed to better defino the crusting behavior and the thermal hydraulics associated with molten pool conditions.

Lower Head Failure Analypig Lower head failure analysis (NUREG/CR-5542) of the TMI-2 vessel should be of considerable value if it can be shown that what happened there has general applicability. We suggest that further attention be given to:

  • How typical is the TMI-2 accident, even for a PWR, and how well is it understood? For example, it was reported to us that SCDAP/RELAPS still does not provide a good estimate of the lower head temperature rise.
  • What are the uncertaintios or the contributors to uncer-

, the results of the lower head failure analysis?


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, The lionorable Ivan Selin 6 August 18, 1992 Review of Severo AccideJit Codes We were told that a program of peer review of the codes that RES expects the NRC staff to use over the next few years is under way.

Dr. B. Boyack of Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) reported on a pear review of MELCOR that has been completed (LA-12240). After an extensive study of the code, the review group, chaired by Dr.

Boyack, reported a significant pumber of deficiencies. It appears that the code L M uld be usediwith considerable caution until these deficiencies A .a '.2en corrected. It would also be desirable, before decidin( performance goals for the code, to decide how it is to be used in the regulatory process. We note that it is not being used in the formulation of the cource term, which will replace the one that has been used as part of the siting rule (10 CPR Part 100). It is not clear whether the. staff plans to use MELCOR in evaluation of IPE results. Such use appears undesirable until the code has been improved.

In light of the rather significant number of problems identified by the peer reviev, the RES staf f shoulci consider the development of procedures to make it less likely that so many problems would east at such an advanced stage of a code's development.

We understand that a peer review of the SCDAP/RELAP5 code is under way. Since the results are not yet available, we choose not to comment generally en that code in this report. However, we are concerned that the modeling of parts of the severe accident sequence, which the code treats, are said to be based on bounding models rather than on best estimates. This could lead to. genera-tion of misinfornation, especially if used in formulating accident management strategies, or in evaluating the results of Level 2 and Level 3 PRAs that may be submitted in response to the IPE program. [

Ure of Risk Analysis in the Plannina of Severe Accident Research We are not convinced that enough attention is being given to the results of risk analysis in the planning of severe accident research. Both operating experience and analysis provide convinc-ing evidence that severe accidents are low probability and in many  ;

cases low-risk everts. Further, as the industry accumulates additional experience, the risk should decrease. Indeed, there are some who would argue that the risk is already suf ficiently low that additional research is unwarranted. We have not yet reached that conclusion. Nevertheless, we would like to see more evidence that the choice of research areas and the approach to the research is made with risk reduction as a principal focus.

The work at SNL described by Dr. F. Harper may be an ef fort in this direction. It is, however, at a very formative stage. The general approach, i.e., development of simplified event trees to approxi-mate complex structures such as those found in NUREG-1150, might be

The lionorable Ivan Selin 7 August 18, 1992 a us, ful complement to engineering judgment in planning research or in making closure decisions on severe accident issues.

Whatever method is finally used, we believe that more attention should be given to the risk expected from an accident scenario before investments are made in its further elucidat. ion.

Summary __of Comments on SpecificActivities e We see no reason for further work on the Mark I early containment failure issue.

e The work on the chemical form of iodine released to containment provides important input to f ormulatior of a new siting source term. The implication of the new information to risk of existing plants should be e x--


e The experimental program on DCl! is soundly baced, and should resolve the irsue, a We do not believe that some important aspects of the hydrogen issue have received the attention they deserve, e Existing information is adequate to treat core-concrete interaction on a dry floor

  • Debris coolability is still an open issue. It will probably not be resolved by existing or planned programs.

e The quection of energy release associated with violent interaction of liquid corium and water is unresolved, and a resolution is not in sight. We recommend additional research in this area.

e Significant weaknesses nave been ideni.ified by the peer reviewers of the MELCOR code. Decisions on the use of severe accident codes and on their required capability are needed before plans for further developments are made, o We endorse, with the caveats noted, the core melt progression program.

.QlOSING COMMENTS The description of the Savere Accident Research Program Plan provided by draft NUREG-1365, Revision 1, is a significant improvemant over previous reports that we have reviewed. The '

descriptions of the proposed research are generally clear and specific. The report defines a goal for the program, i.e., the

The Honorable Ivan fiolin 8 August 18, 1952 e

exploration of phenomena that are expected to influence early

) containment failure.

We see a need for better communication among the various units wc rking on parts of a larger problem. During the course of our review, we encountered several examples of lack of communication between the Accident Evaluation Branch and other branches enc, aged in closely related work. For ,eTample, we asked about the MACCS code, a key code in the evalua~ tion of severe accident risk. The answer we got was that it was in another branch. Yet it is the MrWCS code that eventually calculates risk, and unless its

' %itations and capabilities are well understood, information vided as input to the code may not be tppropriate. We received

. milar response when we asked about work on component heating co natural convection of gsses in a core damaging accident.

if alt.her steam generator tubes or other upper reactor coolant am components are overheated to failure by this process, the ,

se and consequences of the accident can be markedly affected.

4nally, lest this report seem overly negative, we emphasize that we concentrated our comments primarily on areas that were perceived to require f urther attention, we thank the NRC staff for the time and effort that was put into preparing for the many presentations that were part of this review. In general the presentations were well organized ard well presented, Lnd our questions were dea 2t with patiently ant' with <Jood humor.

Dr. Thomas S. K ess did not participate in those Committee deliberations that would impact directly on his outside interests.

Sincerely, D -

1 David A. Ward Chairman Refe ences:

1. Memorandum dated April 22, 1992, from Brian W. Sheron, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, NRC, for R. F. Fraley, ACRS,


Severe Accident Research Program Plan Update, attaching NUREG-1365, Revisicn 1, April 1992 (Draf t Predecici-onal) 2, U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NUREG/CR-5423, "The Procability of Liner Failure in a Mark-I Containment," T.

Theof anous, et al. (UCSB) , August 1991, with Appendix K, Post-Workshop Summary Comments by the Experts, including "Recom-mendations for Additic,nal Technical Work, Mark I Shell Survivability Issue," S. Hodge, November 12, 1990 l


1The Honorable Ivan Selin 9 August 18, 1992 3.. U. S. Nuclear _ Regulatory Commission, NUREG/CR-5732, " Iodine #

Chemical Forms in LWR Severe Accidents" (Draft Report for Comment) , E. Beahm, (ORNL) , July 1991

4. U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, HUREG/CR-5809, "An Integrated Structure and Scaling Methodology for Severe Ar'cident Technical Issue' Resolution" (Draft Report for t wment), Technical Program Group, November 1991, with Appendix G, " Amount of Matertar Involved In DCH During a PWR

-Station Blackout Trannienti" S. Levy (S. Levy, Inc.)

5. 'U. S Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NUREG-1150, " Severe Accident Risks: An Assessment for Five U. S . Nuclear t'ower Plants," Of fice of 1;uclear Regulatory Research, December 1990
6. U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Draft HUREG/CR-5642, _.

" Light-Water Reactor Lower Head Failure Analysis," J. Rempe, et al. (EG&G), March 1992 (Draft-Predecisional)

7. Los Alamos National Laboratory, LA-12240, "MELCOR Peer Review," B. Boyack, et al , March 1992
8. Verbal presentation by Dr. D. Powers (SNL) to the ACRS Severe Accidents SubcoTamittee, October 21, 1991
9. Verbal presentation by Dr. F. Harper (SNL) to the hCRS Severe Accidents subcommittee, May 27, 1992
10. Letter dated April 24, 1990, from Carlfle Michelson, Chairman, ACRS, to Kenneth M. Carr, Chairman, NRC, Suoject: Severe Accident Research Program l
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