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Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Forwards Documents Listed in App C.Portions of App C Documents Partially Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 5)
Person / Time
Issue date: 08/25/1992
From: Grimsley D
To: Rasmey Robinson
Shared Package
ML20127C759 List:
FOIA-91-438 NUDOCS 9301140324
Download: ML20127C755 (3)


vuoca A8 muumm wemivw :wwmtmy:cvsr-b3 FOlA -- 9/- 4 3 9 jf,, 'hg0 ntseONst me i T 3- s* ~ RESPONSE TO FREEDOM OF inNat N r^atiit 3 e INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST h 7AUG k 51992 h.../.. / DOCht T Nuvat RIS) terapp/gsh/e/



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9 No agency records subject to the request hJve been located.

No additional agency records subject to the request have been located.

Requested rnords are available through another public distribution program. See Comments section.

Agency records subject to the request that are identified in Append >xles) are already available for public inspection and copying at the

, NRC Public Document Room,2120 L Street, N.W., Washington, DC.

Agency records subject to the request that are identified in Apperdules) O are being made available for pubhc inspection and copying

, N st t he NRC Pubhc Document Room. 2120 L Street N.W,, Washington, DC, m a fo!d er under this FOIA nurnber.

The nonproprietary version of thr proposalts) that you agreed to accept in a telephone conversation with a member of my statiis now being made available i for pubhc inspection and copying at the NRC Pubhc Document Room,2120 L Street, N W., Washington, DC, in a folder under this F OI A number, a gency records subject to th( aquest that are identified in Appendi=(ed rnay be inspected and copied at the N RC Local Public Document A '*n identified in the Comments section.

Enclo. t is nformation on how you ma y obtain access to and the chartys for copying records located at the NRC Public Document Room,2120 L Street, N.W., W,. 'ungton. DC.

Agency reco, 's subject to the request are enclosed Records subject 'o the request have been referred to another Federa! agencyfies) for review and direct response to you.

Fees You will be billed by the N6 0 for fees total ing $

You will receive a refund from 'e NRC in the amount of $

in view of NRC's response to th.s request no . rther action is being taken on appeal letter dated ,No PART ll. b-INFORMATION WITHHELD FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE Certain information in the requestea records is bs ng withheld from public disclosure pursuant to the exemptions c ' scribed in and .for the reasons stated in Part if, B, C, and D. Any released portions of t e documents for which only part of the record is being withheb are being made available for public g inspection and copying in the NRC Pubhc Docume

  • Room,2120 t Street, N W., Washington, DC in a folder unde this F OIA number.

COMME NTS 9301140324 920825 PDR FOIA ROBINSO91-438 PDR m ,


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The denial by exh denyi y of t.cial idennt.ed m Pvt ILC may t;e app *4 fed to tM Appe%te Of too utentif:ed the<e. Any w.h appeal muni be made m worme ettnn 30 04n of me,pt of (Na response. Appeos must be addmmt. as appropnate, to the buutive Dimtor for Opsmani to the '.eoetcy of the Comm won, or to the (nyww Genera!, U 5. Nocte4r Rooiatory commen. W shmron. DC 206M. and shc.uM ciwiv etce on the etwowr* end in the setten the it n en "ApW imm e Imtial FO! A Dumon? ,

-- - - - . - mm , , . . ~ , - _..__.o__ ___,m,__._,,_m,m_J RHC F ORM 464 (Pert 2) (19H U S. NUCLt AR REGUt ATORY COMMISSION i


1. -June 1988 Senior Management Meeting material (Volume 1) (107 pages >
2. June 1988 Senior Management Meeting material (Volume 2) ( 275 Pages)
3. December 1988 Senior Management Meeting material (Volume 1) (227 pages)


4. December 1988 Senior Management Meeting material (Volume 2) (398 Pages)


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awrxcan hMI amnwr October 7,1991 FREEDOM Of INFORMATION Mr. Donnie Grirnsley ACT REQUEST Director, Division of Freedom Information and Publication Services ADMUSNRC



USNRC Mail Stop P 370 Washington, DC 20555 4#!/0'//-9/


Dear Mr. Grimsley:

I am a consultant with Atlas Consulting Group working on an historical analysis of nuclear power plants.

In the March 1987 issue of NUREG/BR 0125, which we obtained from the Public Document Room, an artic!3 discusses the semi annual NCR Senior Management Meeting held on December 6 7, 1988. I have attached an excerpt from the NUREG and the discussion of this meeting is marked at /AJ on page 2. The article also discusses the Regional Pre Screening meetings. (see mark B1 I am ir,terested in obtaining the following specific analysis and reports mentioned in the article for these meetings specifics 4y, and for each prior and subsequent set of semi-anctual meetings.

The nsk analysis write up of each plant to be discussed at the December Senior Manager Meeting developed by the Risk Assessment Branch of the Division of Radiation Protection and Emergency Fa.paredness and NRR,

[sco mark CJ The Summary and Narrative Ana!ysis for each plant prepared by the Performance and Quality Evaluation Branch which was sent to attendees,

[sco mark DJ The Senior Mar iment Meeting Report prepared at the conclusion of the semi annual m ' g. [sco mark E)

T533 South Highway 101 Suite 240 Carati, CA 92007 619-632 9206 FAX 619 632 9603



, +

-+ b Mr Donnie Grimsley October 7,1991 pa0e 2 If these analydes and reports are currently filed in the Public Document Room please provide sufficient bibliographic and accession information to enable retrieval, if they are not in the public domain, could you please tell me where I could obtain these documents, if you are the only source, would you give me an estimate of how much it would cost for you to do the research, retrieval, and copying for us, _

Please contact me betwcen 8:00 a m. and 5:00 Pacific T1rne if you have any questions at (619) 793 1605.

Sincerely, --

4 ,. ,

15 Roger J. Robinson RJR/cmb

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pa TECHNICAL nune e n = s NEWSLETTER $%

Severe Accident issues by Thomas E, Murley One of NR R*s major ciforis dusing the past 2 year 3 has been to ccriainly def ay closuie for years. Inste is conicmpla with the OfGce of Nudcar Regulatory Research, an scsenal actbitics such as improsed plant operations, accident dcsclop,d integr ate p!an for the dasure of scscre accident issues for management, and antainment performance unpsostrn oper ating nudeat pf ants, in this context, closuic means that all u ould be cas sied out in par allclwith the IPE of the major issues base been cumined for each plant, andcast- we are working with NUMARC in its cfforts to dcs accident ruanagement framcwork Eachlicensee could use thip cffccthe changcs made if necJed, so that the NRC can conGrmthe condusion that there is no u into plant spcciGc u cic acddent management proccdures It safcty from socre accidents. wc.uld be both illogn J andineIGcieut to await completien of the 11 hat ir (!st tccMic alinut concemng uwe accidssol iPE before implemc nting an accident management faameworL Similarly, our plan tmidons that containment performance The answer is simp,1y that core mcit accidents werc notinduded as part of the original design basis for safety splems andJPE with the impro.cments work The staff can be dncloped has yeass of scscre and implemented accident containment stroduies because thc Mdihood orsuch accidents caperience as allabic Io guide us in rccommend w as ihnught to bc no eemote. Our dc# s have changcd since the tisc ge neric cent ainment improsements that c Tbtl.2 ccident,of course. We nu* are faced with the question abibly of containments to w,ihstand sescre acciden of what additionaticatuscs or proccdurcs if any,are required for not be cIGcient to haic each licensee duplicate the level of safety spicms and containments to prodde reasonaNe assur. analpis that the staff can bring to t<ar from out own expe:

ance of protection aj;ainst the risks of core mch acdJents. The Chc e nobyl ac dde ni mie nsified the focus on containments and on Of cousse, any plantareciGe centainmen base to be integrated dosely with the IPE results, and plant scaching an answer to this question mod.Gcations, whether from Ihe CPI or IPE progsams, would The Commission's Scsere Accident Pelicy Statcmcni,issuedin base to be caic fully integtated at cath plant. We wi Gcdble in discussir adualschedules for any plant modifications Aogust 1985,31ates. " , the Commiulun plans Io formulate an that might be sequ;ucd.

inicgrated spicmatic approach to an cxamination of each nu-dear powcr plant now operating or under construction for l'inally,it isimportant that we iecp the severe accident ponible sigminant sist contributors (someymes c alled 'outli-ers') that miht be plant specific and mighi be missed absent a on the trads for closure. If the program gets o dosure appears to be substantially dclapd, our plans for riant sysicmatic scaich. .The examination willindadc spccific atten-life cxtension w oulJ t< immensely complicated, it wocht not be tion to centainment performance in striling a balance betwecn . practical to contemplate renewang ot< rating licen accident prewntion and consequcnce mitigation." scscre accident inues base not been closed. Therefore,it will in hf ay 19M the staff devctoped a severe accident program that late dose attention and discipline to resche pr in!cgrates scscrat of our segulatory actisitics and scscarch tasns arise and stick to the scscac accident plan.

into a plan Icading to dosure of scscre accident issues. The ---

leptone of this plan is the indhidual Plant Examination (IPE) that requires each licensee to examine his plant for significant What's in th/s /55U0? SCO Pago 2 risk contributors. It is not intended, however, that the IPE bear the fullbutden of scitling allsevere accident issues. That uould -- -

osesly complicate the IPE methodology and would almost

- -- - - -- - , . . - ~ .- . --

r , r-- -

- gapccthe of each plant in the country.

- *' IN Tills ISSUE Pollowing the ideniincalion of the plants to be J;scuned at the

- Deceniber meeting.the Risk Assessment Dranchof the Dhision-Severe Accident tuucs. .. .1 of R adiation Protection and Emergency Preparedness and im R by Thomas E. hturicy Projccis worted togethcr to ecocrate a risk analpis mite up of

- NRC Senior hianactment blecting ., .2 cach plant using availabic 1%babilistic Risk Analpis (pRA)%

by William Dateman infor m ation. This analpis was catectuely informathe as it integrated Performance Aucument Tearu cv.duated the sist'signiriconce of the dcsign and wed tu (nspections in ihgion i.. . . . . . - . . .2 cmphasiec ihe inipostance of strong management and good by James E. bucher opcrations and mamienance staffs Reactor Scram at River fjend Station with Subse que nt Compt; cations . .._..-... _....~ .. ..3 The performance and Quality Evaluation Dranch recciscJ input by Wallcr A. Paulson and Timothy E. Collins for the mccling fiorn most divisluns of HRR, the Regions, South Teras Overcomes Psoblyms and Goc 4 AEOD, and Rh5 and integraled it allinto both a summary and

. Com m e r c ia l ...... ... .. ... . ... ._..... ... .. .. . . .. . .. . . 4 a narrative analpis for och plant. The schedule required the by Claudia Abbate, George Dick, and r eport lo be se nt to site ndees two weeks hefore the meeting, but -

Patrick O'Reilly it was distributcd slightly ahead of schedule.

Crosion/ Corrosion . ......

by Paul Wu

. . . . . . .. 6 (C lach Senio, Management Mccting Report has been beller than NR R Tcchnical lntern Progsam . . .. 6 the predous one, and each has involved more of the Agency -

by Valeria 11. Wilson among its contributors andin its preparation. This fact reflects Se rvice Watc r Operability issues..._ . _. ..... ..7 the compctence and commitment of all those invohed in the by Rudolph Dernhard and Ellis hferschoff proJuction of the report and serves to demonste ate the benefits I cifccthe > onication and teamwork. The process has


licgun agair. - pport the hfay 1989 Senior hfanagement NEWSt.Eri ER CONTA(T: Mccling.

Valeria Wihon, NRR 492 1208 I

integrated Performance NRC Senior Management Meeting Assessment Team by William Dateman, POEB InSpeCli9ns in Region i Un cecmber 6 7,19M, the s. hiusemi annual Sem.or Manace.

. by James E. Kaucher, DRP, ReO i on i ment biccting was hcid in Arlington, Tcias. This mccting afforded the opponunity for senior NRC managers to resiew UC I" ICE'ated Pcrform ince Assessment Team (IPAT)laspec.

and discuss selected plants and dnide what,if any, action should obtain lion was descloped in 1956 m Region I as a tool to be laten to adJrcss concerns. Other iopin ofinterest wcre aho a more complete undastandingofIhe underip,bc ngreasons used t discusseh for licenste perforn,ance as reported in the Sptcmatic Ap.

praisal of 1icensce rcrformance (S ALP) reports and to assess The planTto ic discussed at the meeting were deciJed upon whetha correcthe action pigrams in place are properly struc.

following P cgional pe c-sc r ec c nin;; mc etings conducted bc t wee n tured and focused to ach,ese i the necessag improscenents.

- St picmber 29 and Octe,1,cr 12,1988. These mcclin65 *Cic -

. attended by representatives of the Olncc for Analpis and UC U.hutnc oMe lPAT h tn,dclam.ine how current perform.

Evaluation of Operational Data (A EOD), the Office of Nuclear me unpacts safe plant opuation.

~ Regulatory Research (R ES) and the Office of Nuclear Reactor Rcgulation (NRR), and the appeopriate Regional Administra. IPATs spec.fically addtcu most or all of the SALP funct.ional i

i n,, areas, and they are tailou d to a hcensec's performance hhtory, The teams are comprised of Rc ginnal specialists, Resident in.

l r ich plant in the Re6 on i *as dI5cmsedio cvaloale thc licenscc's 5P"lo's, and licadquarters' acitresentaines. They arc icd l y a mana er frc.m the Regi

' perfarmance level. Design strengths and weaknesses were .nical prpart Staff., Tf.c,yn 1 Dnysmn of Reactor Projects Tec

Jestified and cvalussed from a risk pctspective. Based on a m<pections arc two to three wecis lang, cdcw of thcsc iuucs and of her information provided by rncet. indudmg preparation time.

og altenJces, a plant discussion list was cstablished.

Thc Cast IPATinspections were conducted at riigr,m i and reach l

A sulotantial cffort went into preparing for these prc.scacening B nom in early 19M Since ihcn,sesen additionallPATinspec.

t ncclings. The Division of Engmcuing and Systcms Tcchnology in  !' ns Reh ,ase been conducted at bothproduced prob!:minformation and of her plant si,tes

- >repared a list of desi on I. All of the inspections,have

! Ids list to asccriain eII.nissues, and each status of each design issue at his/her Project branaccr used that tf.c NHC has used to gam msights on the performa Uc e nsec in a nagesne nt, and all hase proudc d valuabic calibration

. migned pl. int. This infor mation obtained was catc

' lesign strengths and weak nesses. It wasmthen conjunc. used,6eriecd into and added input ,to the SALP process in addition CCI"I"0554.ining and pe rspective for the R egionalinspection f lgement ion with the Regional strengths and weaknesses, presentation lo hc on ohcrations and man. form an overall staff. The Region's goalis 2



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.  : . l CONFIRMATION Constink In Groh

,, sen i> M "s December 3,1991 Mr. Donnie Grimsley

[~ b l b - h l ' 3h Director, Division of Freedom Information and Publication Services ADMUSNRC USNRC Mall Stop P-370 Washington, DC 20555


A) Freedom of Information Request (FOIA 91438)

Dated October 11,1991.

B) Letter, Mr. Roger J. Robinson, Atlas, to Mr. Donnie Grimsley, NRC, Dated October 7,1991.

C) Conference call Mr. Ray Ramirez, et al., NRC, and Mr.

Roger Robinson, Atlas, on December 3,1991.

Dear Mr. Grimsley:

This letter is to clarify my information request identified as FOIA 91-438 (Reference A) which was initiated by my letter to Mr. Donnie Grimsley on October 7,1991 (Reference B). This clarification is based upon conversations held with Mr. Ray Ramirez, other NRC staff and me on December 3,1991 (Reference C).

In summary, this request deals with the reports and minutes associated with the six previous and an unknown number of subsequent NRC senior management meetings held semi-annually and identified in the attachment to reference B (subsequent item mark s ref er to this attachment).

Based upon today's conference call (Reference C)it is my understanding that, of the items requested in my originalletter (Reference B);

e item C, the PRA analysis, is included in item D, the summary and narrative analysis.

  • Item D, the summary and narrative analysis, are in fact called-item E, the Senior Management Meeting Reports and they are


< one in the same.

  • That the post meeting reports (what I had assumed to be item E)-

are in f act called the Senior Management Meeting Minutes.

L l' T533 South Hl0 way h 101 Suite 240 Cardiff , CA 92007 619 632 9206 FAX 619 632 9603

e ,'

f_ . 1 Mr. Donnte Grimsley Page 2 To restate the understanding reached in our conference call and clarify the infortnation desired, the following materialis requested:

1. The Senior Management Meeting Reports, which are the plant summaries and nitrativo analyses and include the risk analysis writeups.


The Senior Management Meeting Minutes, which are the post meeting reports stating the results and decisions of the r eetin0s, it is also my understanding that this clarification will not change the previously provided estimated fees for FOIA 91438. The search, retrieval, and review work will proceed under the advance payment we have already provided.

Thank you for your help in obtaining the information, I appreciate both your and the NRC staf f ef forts in the retrieval.

Please contact me between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time if you have and additional questions at (6191793-1605.

Sincerely, g ~ _ _ _

c.'/ _

. . m Roger J. Robinson RJR:cmb a faa2/OSC2 7/S )

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