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Confirms 920706 Telcon W/Mp Siemien Re Placing SQUG GIP in Pdr.Document Encl
Person / Time
Issue date: 07/09/1992
From: Sears P
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Smith N
Shared Package
ML20125C783 List:
NUDOCS 9207290253
Download: ML20127C404 (1)



July 9, 1992 Mr. Neil P. Smith, Chairman Seismic Qualification Utility Group Commonwealth Edison Co.

1400 Opus NED - 4th Floor Downer's Grove, IL 60515

Dear Mr. Smith:


JULY 6, 1992 TELECON CONCERNING PLACING THE SEISMIC QUALIFICATION UTILITY GROUP GENERIC IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURE IN THE PUBLIC DOCUMENT ROOM v This is to confirm our telecon of July 6,1992 with Mary Patricia Siemien in attendance. During that telecon, I asked if you had any objections to placing the Seismic Qualification Utility Group (SQUG) Generic Implementation Procedure (GIP) in the Commission's Public Document Room (POR), located at 2120 L Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20555. Your reply was that you had no objection, therefore the GIP will be placed in the PDR.

Original signed by Patrick Sears, Project Manager Project Directorate I-3 Division of Reactor Projects - I/II Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation cc: Messrs. R. Shaftsall and W. Schmidt MPR Associates, Inc.

1050 Connecticut Avenue, NW ,

Washington, D.C. 20036 i DISTRIBUTION Central Files J. Calvo OGC R. Lobel - 17 G21 NRC & Local PDRs V. Nerses ACRS (10) J. Norberg - 7 E23 PDI-3 Reading M. Rushbrook C. Cowgill, RI J. Rathje - PDR S. Varga P. Sears ,- J. Linville, RI M. Siemien, OGC mA5 o m cE LA:PDI-3 hMkPDI-3 (AM:M[-3 OGC m- EMfIhhA'r WE MRuhkok PSears:1n d MPSiekl Jr[oEerg DATE

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