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Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Forwards Partially Withheld App B Documents Which Are Being Made Available in Pdr.Portions of App B Documents Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemptions 6,7 & 7F)
Person / Time
Issue date: 08/27/1992
From: Grimsley D
To: Wendling T
Shared Package
ML20127C175 List:
FOIA-92-277 NUDOCS 9301140026
Download: ML20127C172 (3)


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s [<M/s. W RESPONSE TO FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST Fd mat to JfAatiat gs w" /. , e AUG ,,71992

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ED b G kI D G t H C PART l. AGINCY RE CORDS Hf L L ASED OH NOT LOC AT E D (Ser ched edt.mes/ No agency ro(ords sub3 nt to the atquest have been lasted. No m1&t'onal agenc y enords subject to the request have been located. Hequestki rkords are stadebte through another pubhc datribution proram See Comments section.

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A W'nty rnords sut. ject to the request that ere identif 4ed in Apicaha(esi are already avadable for pubhc inspection and copying at the NHC Pubbc Occ ument Hoom. 2120 L Stre+1, N W., Washington.. DC. e ] Arney records subject to the request that are kjentified in Appendin(es) 7 are bemg made available for pubhc inspection and copying at the NHC Pubhc Document Room 2120 L Street. N W Wehmgton, DC in a foldtt under this FOIA numt,cr. The nonproprieter y version of the oroposal(s) that you ayeed to eu.ept in a telephone tonversation with a memtier of my staf f is now being made available I for pubhc mspntion ed copying at tt e NHC Pubbc Docurnent Room. 2120 L Street, N W., Was'ongton, DC,in a folder urvjer this FOI A riumber, . Aynty rnords subjet 1 to the rey:2Mt that are identified in Appendentes) may be inspextrst and copied at the N RC Local Pubhc Document i Hoom ident fir d in the Comments section, Iru tom! ss mfurhat.on on how you may 6tita n muns to end tFe (harnTor vemg records iocated ai the unC Puboc Document Hoom,2120 L street, N W~ Washington DC j Arm.y ta ords subs t to the rmunt ce enclosed Finords suto rit to the requmt have t+en referred to another f ederal arncy(ies) for review aim d: rect resporne to you. f een You will f.e tWed by the N RC for fees totahng $ _ __ You will receive a refund from the N HC m the amount of $ fn view of N R Ci response to tM request, no further action is tak en on appeal letter dated , No. PART 11. A-INF ORMATION WITHHELD FHOM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE Certain information in the teuwested recoran is being w#t t.5 eld f rom public disclosure pursuant to the enemptions described in and for the reasons stated in Part II, B, C, and D Any relested portions of the documents for which only part of the record is being withheld are being made avaHable for public inspection and copying in the NRC Pubhc Document Hr>om, ?170 L Street, N W. Washieron DC in a folder under this FOIA number. COMMINTS The records are identitled on the enclosed Appendix B.

                                   *You are not being assessed processing fees since the minimal fee limit has not been exceeded, i

l l I ( l 9301140026 920027 PDR FOIA WENDLIN92-277 PDR SIG ' i it DIRE Cf 0H. DivlMON OF F RL f Dr


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A_PP.LICAb,t f~ K[ MPflON $-- - Records sutdest to the request that are described in the e<<!and Appendiales)_ are treing withheld m their entirety or in part under the l'atmption No.ts) and for the f 6ason(s) given t,elow pursuant to 6 U L C. M2MT/.o,10 Cr R D.t ha) of N AC regulations , 1 The nvthheid enfemeteon is gooperty a lettihed pu svent to (secut we O*deh (f iempoon 1) , 2 T he **thr e nd mformateun eeleito noto's to the piternal g+rsonteel tules and procedures of Nr1C. {f memption 2) 3 The with'efd vdumst*ue es ef>(aliv ene.rnoted fvom pubhc d.sdosure s y statute puiscated. ([aempt.tsa 3) i

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s PART 11 D- APPE AL RIGHTS The den 4ar t'y each denymg official identif at in Par t it.C may tie appeawd to t'.e Appe4 ate Off c slidentif ed there. Any such appeal must be made in neit ng with>n 30 days of receipt of this resgense. Appeak enuit t., adoretsed, as approprist6. to the i secutwe Director for Operadoni to the Secretary of the Comm uion, et to the Inspector General, U S. Nucisar RepWatory Commisuon, Washington, DC 2%S5. and should cicady state on the envelope anct m the lettee that it is en " Appeal from an initist F O!A Deetiion." MRC FORM 464 (Part 2) (191) - U S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION


1. 9/26/90 Me rno ret Staff llandling of the University of Cincinnati Hospital Incident with attached ,

Report of Investigation IG No. 87-24 D. (18-pages)

2. 10/19/90 Memo re Alleged Improper Staff Assistance to Petitioners to Ainund 10 C.F.R. Part 3b  !

with attached Report of Investigation IG No. 90-20A. (17 pages) i y-..'c.--

                                                           -,    y__.w.,.,u,      -       , - . _ . .                                  ..~y., r,, , _ . , .y.-   ,.      ..~--,y ,,e ..          . ~..c._y,-,,.,r.E,',.    , . . , . , , .}}