ML20127B611 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 12/22/1992 |
From: | Campbell L, Potapovs U Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20127B591 | List: |
References | |
REF-QA-99901258 99901258-92-01, 99901258-92-1, NUDOCS 9301130013 | |
Download: ML20127B611 (12) | |
Ram Fbtge & Steel, Irc.
Navasota, Texas RER ET10.:
99901258/92-01 NODCE ADmESS: Mr. B. J. Gruner Vice President Ra:n Ibrge & Steel, Irc.
Navasota, 14txas 77868 GrWIIZATIGAL CDTDCT: Pat CrarWrit , Jr.
Quality Cbntrol Manager NUCSR DIDtEIR(
AcrIVITt: Muufactures ard supplies forgings ard other steel ptubets fcr use at ocmercial facilities ard nuclear pcuer plants.
Novmber 17 thruxp 20, 1992
_ m, L.' Lv -
b . (f' 11 [
j.dizhz Ente ve Inspection Secticri No.1-Venir Inspection Branch CTIHER DISPECKRS:
C. K. Battige D. G. Na' APmvFD:
3 iSlI.
Uldis Potapovs, Chle ,4Ap f ~ atet1 C- ? 2 *) A _
Reactive Inspa:ticri iloction No.1 Venir Inspecticri Branch .
10 CFR Part 21 ard Part 50, Appendix B D&wnQi SCOPE:
'Ib review ard evaluate the Ram Forge & Steel, Irc.
(Ram Ebrge) quality assura>ce (G)'p.v:gma ard its irpleraentaticri in selected areas such as.
(1) cxxitrol of wrk ard special procemis,
.(2) purchased material ard services, (3)-inspac-ticri ard tests, ard (4) the certificaticri process..
APPLICABILUY: River Berd Staticri (50-458)
Hcpe Creek (50-354)
Janes A. Fitzpatrick Nuclear Staticr1 (50-333)
Various Duke PcM!r Plants other plants usirg Ram Fbrge prubets n
9301130013 930108 . - -
-99901250- PDR
. i
I i ,
1 INSPu n OJ S&t%KY 1.1 Violatiang Contrarf to the rapirrrents of Section 21.21 of Title 10 of the Oxie of Fcderal-(ne sdstantive revisicns to 10 GR Part 21 that ehvww effec 1991 N9901258/93-01 % see Secticn 3.2 of this report). ,
Cbntrary to t% i .quirwents of 10 CFR 21.31, Pam EF J e failed to invoke the reportire requirants of 10 GR Part 21 cn a purchaa order (EC) issucd for the quarterly Scction 3.3 calilraticn of a cirullar strip chart reoarder (99901258/92-01-02, see of this repart).
1.2 Nonconformrms Ocntrarf to the rup.tirments of Criterien V of Appendix B to 10 CFR Part ,50the Ram icage Quality Centrol (QC) Marual, and the Anerican Society of 14echanical Dyineers Boiler ard PImrre vase.a1 Cbde (ASd2) Secticns II ard III , Ram Forge's shop orders ard drawirgs fcr an ASd2 Secticn III, Class.1,12 irdi carbcn steel No. EB634-2, dated Februaryelbcv, 13,.1992, falricated to the rtquirenents of Ctonex to ensure that the required mininum wall thickness was present (99901 92-01-03, see Secticn 3.6 of this report).
. 2 . ,
SINUS OF PRD/ICU3 DISPIETIQi FIlODGS 1his sus the first IGC irspecticn at Ram Forge.
3 DISPETTIGI FDODGS NO ODER CDfd.Dils 3.1 Intrarm ard Exit Meetinas in the entrance meeting cn Ncwmber 17, 1992, the IGC inspector *J diemceed the Durity the exit meetirg cn NcManberscope of the irspection ard established inter .
f11dirgs ard ccomrns with Rn Ebrge's manspet.20,1992, the 1GC inspectors diemcerd -
3.2 10 CFR Part 21 1he 10 CFR IGCPart inspectors determined 21 IXx;tirgs ar/ that Ram Forge has maintained the required requirements, Procedure N y Mire for'irplErentirg 10 CFR Part 21
- Failures to Ccrply in Respect to Regulaticn 10 GR ;21 ,
" datal Jcel-90-R, "Procxd anuary 4,1992.
Ru Forge infornd Informtien Notice (DI) the imC 91-76, inspectors.that "10 they did have a crpy of IGC Novtrber 26, 1991, CFR Parts 21 ani 50.55 (e)- FDIAL RULE 3 " dated .
10 GR Part 21 into the January 4,1992, revisico of Procedure 16. N Rn Forge, hcwever, failed to revise Procedure Ib. NP-1-90-R to actiress all cf 1
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the cutstantim revisions of 10 CR Part 21 such as the 60 day limit for ccntacting the IE (the IE Operaticns Chnter).orpleting an evalt that the revisicm had not been carrectly incorpratai because Pam used Foge had the text of 10 OR Part 21, 91-76 to upiate Pro dure Ib. NP-1-90-R. reviscxi as of January 1,1990, in conjunction wit Forge the differerres betwen the text of 10 GR Part 21 used durirq itsTh procxdure for issuirg IN rewrite 91-76. and the current requircrents of 10 GR Part 21 aM the p Pam Farge rade a vertnl ccrnitrent to the IE irspectors to OR in revise PartProcedure 21 (Violaticn Ib. NP-1-90-R to c:nform with the new rtquircrents of 99901258/92-01-01).
3.2.1 Irr>1erentaticn of 10 GR Part 21 PiTudures The !E inspectors dienmeni sewral procurtrent and fabrication issues asscciatcd with a ronctnfaming rtrlear grade elhx fabricatai byThe Pam Forge follcuirg paragraphs pmsent the history of the rrnxnfamirg eltcw .
Culf FebruaryStatas Utilities (GSU) issued IO lb. 91-J-73927, Revisicn 24, 1991, , 1 dated fcot.ater pipirq to the reactor pressure vessel (RW), e irc1trurg n E "Flhx,12 inch 90 degree, carbon steel (CS), SA-234 Type WN . 5, rrrtin11, no weld prrp, ASE III, dam 1." tangent, 21/2e inch u e 60 both erds, Feh:uary 13, 1992, Ctnnex issued EO EE634-2, chted to Pam Ebrge for several ita s incitriing 10 Item lb . 1, the 12
' III, !G-3800, raterial requircrents cn all items e e.
on ranuf
'Ihe by GSU, !E Pqcrt irWa16. also dienmed PCB-37042, the dated June10 QR Part 21 report sutnittad to the IE 18, 1992, Irvicwd Pam Forge's 10 GR Part 21 evaltaticn for the ncnctnfomiwith rq elbcu. GSU Pam Forge ard River Berd Station, Unit 1, RW Feed ater Ibzzle aea N4A, wa rcritalint, 0.535 area.
wall thickness lut had a neasurEdof 0.688 mininumint ktilland a code thickness minirum of 0.378 int in wall on thickr e local Because GSU discoverud this deviaticn after accxptance at receipt inspecticn ard prior to its installaticn there was m cperational imact; hwver, GSU retal in its Part 21 reprt that "due to the gross reduction i thickness a substarttial safety bawd cruld have been created had s defect thi n kall vessel fmchater rozzle N4A, an unisolatable porticn of pressure bouMary."
Pam Forge inforud the IE inspectors that after beirg inforted by x ofConne the rorrxnfomirg elbcw the initial cxarective acticn taken was to issue Follcwirg the receipt of adiiticral infomaticn eberribirg the .
extent of the wall thinning frtn Ctnnex ard GSU, Rem Forge had an internal reetirg which ircitded ergineerirg, qtality acntrol, aM shcp superintendents to 3scuss the the rrnxnfamiry fabricatico of the eltru. Ram elbcv For ard to identify any problers encountered ranufactured frm a schcdule 80 pipe, ge pcstulated that tocause the elixv was the rethod of production could have
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required sewral heatups causing core scalirg It was than no e ard the bleniirg of surface irperfecticns to obtain the proper ocntcur aM a smooth surface the finish thin wall elt mfor. ultrascnic examinaticn ses the rajor centrituting r cause fo Pam Forge then decided to take wall thickness reastuw..da cn the out I er arc of At the tim of this inspecticn, Ram Forge had reasure ard determined that all had an acce ar ous sizes ent. ,
thickness of a 45 degree eltow prn+ptable wall thickness. Also, the wall Pam Forge inforrcd the lE irqw tors that ess wasthe or the present. pcstula durirg hot formirg, SS raterial is less likelyerto tulge or hrk a Pam Forge further explained that the scale formed cn S e in the furmce is substantially thinner than the scale famed en CS mterial Themfare, darity the famirg of SS products there is less cale tragxd in the s
bottcraminiral requiring die ad surface a rare unifom and st:cother outside griniing. r diareter (0 Based cn r+mvaticns durity the inspection as dimwM in Secticn 3.6 of this report,a dimimions , ard the e
wit ccrditicns present durirepresent the famirg durirg of a SSthe farmirs elbow. of the rrretnfamirg CS elbow e would mterial of the renconfaming eltow, the faming ard surfaBased cn the size, thickness, a 4
~ of Pam Fcrge, and the famirg cfuracteristics of CS ard SS ,raterialsfinishirq theIE prac ircpectcrs also acrcitded that the forgirg ard finishirg techniques -
Forge durirg the ranufacture of this elbcw were the likely used cause by Pam e wall of th thickness violaticn (see Secticn 3.6 of this repart) .
safety-relatcd fittings produced by Ram Forge for the nuclear
. -A total of 40 ruclear safety-related Es wre receiwd by Ram Forgesdurirg pericd ard thi cnly tm of these ms were for the falricaticn of CS eltows.
SA-420, Grade hMG, for use at the Jares A. Fitzpatrick elbow, cker Station.
Also, irrltded in this order was a 20 irth tee, ard a 20 inchrch x 12large i
pipe extrusion, teth of SA-420, Grade hMG, CS raterial.
the cutside ard inside diarcters of this elbcw were rachirxd e walland thAccording to F thickness verified acceptable owr the lergth of the elbcw by both P am Forge ard a representative frcn the flew York Rher Authority. The cnly other nuclear safety-related in GSU Part 21 Report M Ib.
forRGB-37042.carten steel elbcss was the order for the eeltow identifi Based cn the above dim?micnc, the IE inspectors ccrcitded that the rcranfomirg eltow wall thickness identified in GSU Part 21 Report . BGB-37042 16 was an isolated event ard that the forging and finishirq tetniques am used by fittirgs previously supplied by Ram Forge.Fcrge should rct haw c
I y
3.2.2 OctTective Acticn The l E inspectors discussed with R m Fcrcya several ASME Cbd addressedeih74 norronforming wall thickness ard were applicablee for rcqairerne tMt thee runufacture of t Ctde reglirunents rHww.ra ircitded:
SA-234, "Specificaticn for PipirrJ Fittirgs or Wr:n]ht Cart (1) Section 12.3 of Fbderate and Elevatal 'Itrperatures," of the A92 Secticn II C dcn Steel ard Al (2) Panufacturers Stardartlizaticn Society (MSS) Stardard t e,1986 P Edition, ircltriirg the SP-87-1982"Factcry Pade Butt-Weldirq Fittirgs for Mmn 1 Nu ng /$plications,"
Paterial Specificaticrs," Errata for Paragraph 3 1 Products," ard 10-3690, "Dimersicral Requirtrent. , ard (3) 10-2121, "Perritted Secticn III Ctde.10-4214, "Mininn Thickness of Fabricated Pats For Pipirq Oxle reqaircrents aM the rred to verify e that the requir e d i iThe cf fittirgs strh as elbcus sus present in areas other fittirgs. r n rinthanwall the thickross erds of the Pan Forge initiated iknxnferrarce Poport 16. CS-3544-1 cn J ckarent the ball thickness problem for the rcoccnferrirg une 10, 1992, eltowtos River Berd Nuclear Staticn ard its Part 21 evaltaticn .
tqplial to the related cknrrnts suppcrtirg the evaluatien.inspecticn, e erefre alla supple evaluaticn for ccrpliarce to 10 GR Part 21.inferraticn art 21 and act only rarufactured cre other ruclear safety-related a they had CS
. ard the wall acceptable priorthickness to its release cnfortMt eltow shiprent. was reasuredealcrg past 10itsyears, curd lexyth ard f Ran Forge inferred the IE inspectors that A92 Secticn III received frcn custaners in the future will be processed in accordanand other ce with either alert on the GSU the Partgaality 21 report. control departnent of possible e ers to ure reportcd prchlem evaluatico that a decisicn has been rade to irplencnt a progran w reqaire future eltcks fabricated far ru: lear use to be subjected c would to ultrasonic all remry regairments. wall thickress check to provide pcsitive proof that a documented reets the elbow 3.3 Pevicv of Pan Fcm3 A:rrcrxd Sttnliers List List (ASL), dated ticurberThe MC inspectors perfcInd a limital review of Ram 10, 1992, ard reviektd selected a ditpproved t Suppliers s of suppliers CSU 10 QR Part 21 Report 1b.10B-37042.providirg e services n which The audits for CMiI Testirg Laboratcries, voltretric exardmtiens FQS Inspecticn, Irc., ard ents, Irc.Thern>-Terp Inst s, surface ard The dccun:ntaticn was m,rgiml ard the atxiit acccidance with the rcqairerents of Crnnex's EO.
frequency of one ya ear was in b
_ . , _ - - w __ __ -
4 The lE irepoctors discrepancy. also reviewed Rn Ebtge's PCs to these sumliers ard fourd one Fos, hat rather as kerk requests. Work orders to TherroJIWp were rot prwmi as femal Ru F docu entation, dated21,Atqust17357, 1992, which refererred Rn Ebrge IO A-857 chut rec:Ider, Lhit 16.12L391, used for recordirq heat treatment torperaturesfo Ikru of the cbouments presentcd to the IE inspectors referenxd rur irposcd .
10 CFR Part 21 requirtrents cn the calibraticn services perforud by 'Iberro Tenp (Violation 99901258/92-01-02).
3.4 Beview of Pam Fbrue's Fairicatico Practices Pm Forge infermcd the lE inspectors that althigh there were no ruclear CS elbcus were scheduled to be formed.fittirgs schcdulcd to be fanncd durity -
elhcLu ard discussicos with Rm Ibrge, the lE irW, detemined that theIbilowirg a r thcce used to fom the TrnJtnformirg elbcw identified in the The lE inspectcrs infarrod Rn Ebtge that they would like to observe the famirg of these elbss in order to evaluate process cmtrol as a potential contribJtor to the wall thinnirg problcn identified in the elbaw supplied to GSU .
Durirg the inspecticn, the IE inspectors cbserved the famirq ard rachirurg of nirn ncn-ru:lar elbows beiry prwed in accordance to Rydrcr Alloys to 16. PA 14168, Pevisicn 0, dated Atgust 13, 1992, shidi procured 32, 90 degree, lorg radius, thicknessSA-234, of 0.825 inches. Type WPC, CS elbJws, with CDs of 6 5/8 irches ard a ninirum wall (S3) 16. S-3837, datcd AtqustThis PO was beirg prmWL cn Pam Forge Sucp Order
!krarber 3,1992. 14, 1992, ard Ebrge Order (FO) 16. A-86568, chted .
'Ihe forge sirp forunan inferred the IE inSp2Ctors that in Prccadare," Pavisicn 1, dated Februaryackliticn to the FD, Ram Fbrge P
- 10. 1992, was used for guichnoe .
Follcuirg a review of 10 lb. A-86568 and SDP-108 ard diemions with the forge chcp foreman, the IE irspectors ccrcitded that the famiry process used for b:th rrn-ru: lear ard ru: lear pruirts was very deperdere cn the skill of the craftsman.
'Ibe formity process txgan by lmdirg 221/2 inches 1 cry sections of pipe ,
referred to as blanks, cut frun 6 5/8 irches CD,1 inch wall thickmess, A-106, Grade B/C, reartless pipe into Rn Ebtge Ebrmee 1, a rehoat furmce tcrperature at the time of Icedity was approxirately 1600 degrecs FThe
'Ibe furnace
. blanks weru in Furmce 1 for at least 11/2 hcurs with a minirum 1/2 hour scok at 1700 ckgrees F (see Secticn 3.5 of this report for furmee cperation) . The first blank kas rmcrxd frcn the furmee irches to 191/2 inches in an open die which had two halves ard upset forged (ctrpresscd) frcn 221/2 staticmry tettcn. , a movable tcp ard rcheating was released by the upset process gathered on the 1cuer die base of the blank.ruvad durirg ard after the upset by directirn blasts of crrpressed air at the The blank was then rotated 90 degroes onto its side. The with the die, thus prcducirg an oval blank.forgirg cperatar cowed the blank to The oval blank was placas into i
l 1
I hFunum 3 aM min +h at a soak taperature of 1850 degrees F for at least 1/2 i
'Ihe above into oval blanks ardscquctre placed into o:ntitucd Furmce until
- 3. all 9 blanks frun Furmee 1 kere forged hhile the blanks wre soaking in Furmce 3, the < pen dies were replaced with clcced dies which have a cavity sMpcd like the finirted elbcw with the irner rMius famcd facilitate the by the tcp famiry pr die ard the cuter rMius forrtd by the bottan die. To on the famiry surface of the dies. , a high vbmity graphite lubricant was smarcd rercNud frun Furm After prtparirg the dies, an creal blank was 3, descaled, checked for variaticns in its orarge calor to axes in-line with the closity directicn of the dies. verify tmmture un
'Ibe upper die was siculy lcwertd thruz;h the midsecticn of the oval blank until the upper ard lcher dies wre in contact, thus formiry a 90 elbow in cne for irg cycle. It is noted that for tMsthe famirg report blank.a famiry cycle consists of heatirg, ovalirg, reheatirg , ard
'Ibe eltcus were allcwed to cool cn the grourd ard were then tM mchine shcp, the elbcss sure sawed to size ard .
. In stack
'Ibe lE 1rspectors ctsermd that before processirg thrcugh the mchine , the strp stacked eltows were covered with a coarse scale.
apprtxirately 2 irrhes diareter by 1/8 inch thick of what appearcd to toOn cne eltcw, a acrpressed scale was fourd cn the cuter radius.
scale scretires nixes with the graphite lutricant ard W tngped in thera:n Forge ex dies.
scale can ahare to cr fam a flat surface cn the outer that these flat surfa , ard radius of s are often gruni to cbtain a prcper altcw contcur. .
After the eltchs were pmwi thru23h the rachire shcp, the ?E inspectors otcerad tMt rcst of the coarse scale had fallen off durirg the hanility of the eltcus.
Cn cre of the rochinal elbcus the ?E inspectors fcurd an irdentation on the cuter radius reasurirg a;prucinately 1 inch in diareter by 1/16 irth decp .
3.5 Bam.
Force Prheat Furmce Cteraticn_
Rrn Farge has three reheat furmces ickntified as Ebrmces Iks.1, 2 , ard 3.
IE inWm wre infarred that the fuel-air mixtums are preset cn all three'Ihe furraces ard that the forge shcp forunan turm the furm the taperaturcs, h2t does rrrt crntrol heat up rates or fuel-air s on orrhtures off and sets
. 'Ihus, the two variables crntrollad by the sMp foremn durirg the femirg pro ss are the scak terperature set paint ard the high teperature shut off point .
Furmces 1 ard 2 are wavlled with tho, Itof rcunted, typa "R" therroccuples attacho:1 to Itmf. ell Analcque Ctntrollers. 'Ibe themaccuples are in sheaths that irchesperetrate apart. 8 inches telcw the roof refractories ard are approxjrately 30
'IM IE inspectors ciserved a 40 ckgmes taperature differerce between dcgrtes F) the
. therrcocuples used to crnitor Fumace 1 (1660 dcgrees F ard 1700 the fumaces. Run Forge stated that thermi profiles have ret been rode for any of Furmce 3 is used for high trrperature cperaticns, above 1650 degrees , ard F is controlled with a Hcmf ell Radiamtic Head truntai slightly off center cn the 6-
- -m9' W q m
- a.,, - ,y .r-. --w,; -m--6 +es * % ---
had<: kall.
'Ibe Racliamatic Head is ccnnected to two cligital ccntrollers with one ocntroller torperature mintainiry shut off. smk ta:peratum set point and the other beirg for high Forgirgs are placcdthat intorequire close tolerarre either Ramoe 1 or 2. terperature centrol durirg heat treatmnt contact with the thickest secticn of the forging with the forgirg surfaceTwo tcrperature recc & . 'Iheirdicatcd tcrpe cn a Hcneywell !Wb1 AR-100, dual pin, cirullar strip chart Quality Assurance Famger or a designee.rature charts am identified, reviemi, ard
'Ibe tcrperatum /
irtlicatirg ard ocntrol instrurents for the furmces here last calibratcd b 'IhcirosItrp cn ALgust 21, 1992, and had a quarterly calibration due date of ikmrber 21, 1992. Cn Ncrtrier 19, 1992, s to Ram Fctge ard calibratcd the furnace terperature instruments.a 'Iberr:o Itrp technician c
'Ih e l E C inspector % dreIved the calilration of the digital contzuller cn Ram 16, 3.
3.6 Ec412e of the tknxnfomira r1ws, Pam Forge ergineerirg prqnred Interml Ehcp Order CS-3544, dated March , 1992, 26 for the cuhul of all fcmity, madlinity, grinding, ard inspection of the noncrnfcmirg 12-irth eDxu dimmeal in Secticn 3.2.1 of this report, issue.d EU A-84588 ard SDP-108 for ocntrollity the famirg process, and S3 CS-3544-1 for the cuttirg, codiinirg, and griniing of the forged ellrw. Ram Forge quality-cerfJol' personnel perforred irtspecticn and pttpared their <b'wnentaticn package usirg Interm1 Orrox IO Grp Order CS-3544, S3 CS-3544-1, FO A-84558, Prtxxdure 16.
!b. E-8634-2. SDP-108
'Ibe follcui , ard .
i.Wurs' review of the procuranent ard fatricaticn dmrients ard interviewsry with Pam Forge perscnnel ccrcernirg the trncrnfamirq eltcw.
3.6.1 Paterial Ram Fcrge issued PO 16. A-84195, dated Mmt 23,-1992, to Tutular Stcel Irc. for ,
a piem of 14 int CO, 3/4 inch wall thickross, 52 int 1crg, s
'Ith.tlar Steel, Irc. , supplied mterial mmfactured by the t&K 03rparaticn of Ja;nn.
e B 82247-02, 10Zdated Corpraticn's dccunentaticn package ircitded Inspecticn Chrtificate Parth 30, 1991,
' report (CMIR) . which was b ntially a certified raterial test Pipe, API 51rX42, SIrB/ASIM A 106-B, A 53-1/ASME SA 53-B, 28760. .
obtained ard chmical testirg. frcn a prolongaticn of an erd of the eltcw were su surface and whretric examinaticn.kkiiticmily the eltcw was subjected to ncrdestructive All rtquired AME Secticn III,-Class 1, tests and e>.aniraticns were perfanned by qualificd suppliers as discussed in Section 3.3 of this report ard the results were reviewed b and found acceptable. f the 10C inspcctors I
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. 3.6.2 .Fomim The IE inspectors ruviewed arr' dimmal with the forge shcpnforeru crders aM prcoedures used far famirq the rmocnfamirg elbcu. the shop the rmimi dirensicns of the pipe used for famlng the elbcu, the The FD listed ncruml dimersions mterial of the elbcv, the nortnliziry heat treatrent, and refererccd specificaticn. e th prc'vided vague diro:. tion.The famirg procedure was uscd cnly as a guide and
'Iherefore, the IE inspectors ocxrlir'M that the ac ual skill faming of the process foremn usal diInctirg forfamirg the the ncranfamirg activities. eltru was very dependent n the c
The IE ircpactors were Fonya to be thin wall ard tMt Ram Forge s.
/rarely am forr m2 shcp fortran inferrrd the IE inspectcrs that the renctnfomirg eltow was femed usiry similar terfunques applial to the famirg of the ron-nucle ar 6citow deccritcd in Secticn 3.5 of this report, cycles were nectkd to otrpletely fcm the albcu.
with the execpticn tMt a to 9 f m iry the additicrul famirg cycles were rewy in artbr to limit the cxrThe shcp forcrnn ird pressive It was explaired tMt the e>rmiw flexity outward e wall. stuld k past the edge of the dies, thus fcming mrks cn the wall, ard that flexiruard 1 would tickle the blank, rerderirg the partially forred elbcw rg unrepairabl e.
Dlrirg the 6 to 9 fcmirg cycles, the skill of the fonye strp forcran w as the subjectcd to ard the rad for additicral famirg cycles.controllir With each sucrtssive ard 1cuer dies ccrpletely erricced the forgirg.ferrirq e uppercycle the Pam Fcrge sumiscd that durity the last two famiry cycles the botton of the die with ampresscd air would os fram be scrtA e due to the rustricticn of air ficw caused by the rarrtu gap betsmn the and dies. blankthe As cinerved with the rcn-roclear eltcw disnmni in Sectico 3 5 rcpart,cnthe spots thescale cuter accum21ations art of the eltcu. wculd te e>pected to fem irdentations and flat After famiry, the elbcu was nomalized at 1650 ckgrees F for two cooled. r air tours a d quality contzul.
The circular cfurt for the heat treatrent was reviewud ard acmptcd b
ard shipped it to the rnchine shcp.The forge shcp forman then mrkcd the heat r 3.6.3 Pachinim 90 CS-3544-1, alorg with a dnreirg havity the same identification the mcture strp to control the cachinirg of the 12 Irch elbcu , was issue to The 50 and ccnfiguraticn, ard specificaticn SA-234, Type kTC. J drawing list to drawirg dirensicml requitwents ard the eds were rnchiredThe oltcw erds sure sam, i cff
3.6.4 grirdim 4
After rochinirg, the eltow surface ms ground to the proper contcur ng a havi surface finish aaxptable for ultrascnic mlumtric The tE p personnel identificd exarimtien. bf Pam Forge manryonent as the irdividuals win ground or the elbcw f surface of the eltcw.These iniividmla cxmld not reh arr/thirg abnorml abcut the irdividuals perfom grirding with minirus supervisicn, hiumrRam Forge inforn
, they have been instnettd to rutify the shop foramn when an ainormal ocnditicn is d t e ected.
The haw eyrmshcpwallfortran irdicated material, that ard that thethe grirders usually grind heavy famir pes thatwall pi significant tuilt-in wall thickness tolerarce.q process, as a rule, provides a frcn discussicns with Ram Ebrge that rarrally their forged 12-irth elbaThe 100 inspx:
exrm wull thickness of up to 3/8 irth greater than ncnim1. s have an Pam Fcrtje stated that the blerdirq in of any surface inperfecticos as flat strh spots or scale irdentaticns to the ccntour of the eltow and grin 11ng to obtain the surface almrm1 finish for their necessary hmvy for ultrascnic examinaticn was ered wall proirts. rot consid sctw+11e 80 pipe used for the eltow blark did ret provide sufficient wallRam Fo thickness for remal surface ccrriiticning.
grirdity to remve feming defects.terrcnfamiry elbow crntained to dccunented rcqaimmnts for the grirders or their forenan to identify ard cbcun thatwas wull were greurd excessimly in order for CC to detemine ifeqaired present. the r clnirun irspecticn of grourd areas ard areas other than the erds of the eltcwT have reculted in 12 a wall thickness rot roetirq the requircrents a m oftoAS9tE S -
II, SA 234, Secticn (tkxrrnformire ection 999001258/92-01-03, also see Scction 3.2.1 of this report for a dimmicn cn ASME Ctde reqaircrents for wall thickness) 3.6.5 Irsrmtion Pam Forge infomx! the tE inspectors that QC inspected thergnonctnforvi eltcw to the di ensicml rcqairumnts specifitd cn the dravirg Lttached t and pdornd a ckcurnt review to ensure that all other tests o So CS-3544-1 ard exrdmtico
tren ret.b the custaner, the ASME (bde, ard the varicus Rams Forge work orders specificd hxl The 50 and drwirg cnly rcquired wall thickness measurcrents at the ends of the cltcw, therefere any heavily groard areas wtuld incpectaxi. not t uve been drawirgs failed to centain sufficient regairenents to ensure that thT e IIqaired 87-1/2 perant of rcniml wall thickness was present in the rarrnf oming elbow (tkrocnferranJe 999001258/92-01-03).
3.7 Irrrccess Work Activities _
The tE irspectors perforud a review of the docu entaticn forr asafety- rmlea mnufactured in acx.ordance with Badrcr Alloys April 8, 1991. , dated (Radrnr) P Luke Pcw2r Ctrpany (Duke), ard inmktd several requirtrents ir
1 1
. i Secticn III ctde, Duke Specificatian 16. DPS-1206.00-02-002, " Specification for and Flanges,'.' Envision 5, dated Mart:hthe Prumnrent of QA Ctniiticn 1 ,
30,1990, and 10 CFR Part 21. ' On April 11, 1991, Pedrur issued &arge }b.1 to its E0 and uWrl requirenents for dirensional !
tolerarces and specifieu a carten cxrttent less than 0.30 percent.
'Ihe IE 1rspectors perfarrai a limited review of Ram Forge's FO 16. A82819, Revision PO 0, chted
?b. H-01169, chted lbverter Atypst 11, 1991, issued to Scot Metals Ire. (Scot) and Scot 14, 1991, MM to Sharcn Steel Cbrporation (Surcn) for the proctuumni. of the mterial used to mrufacture the special argle flarges. 7ha material supplied, Heat 16. 339019, was certificd by Sharon on Etctrent ccntent 16.pert:ert.
of 0.22 0775-72-4029-01, dated ALgust 18, 1991, as havirg a carbon As a result of the IE inspectors' review of the EO requirerents for the special flanges the follcwirg item were dic:m-i with Ram Forge persconel:
dimnsicml tolerarres be in umrdarce with MGI B16.5. Duke Diagram,16. CS-3126-1, identifies a minirum tore of 6.0001rrhesPam , plus Forge's Shcp 1/32 inch or nirus o irches for the special argle flarges. Section 7.6
" Bore of Flarges" of NGI B16.5 iniicates for rcrdnal pipe size 10 inches ard smiler, the bare tolerarce is plus .03 inches or mirus 0 irches. A Ram Farge QC dimensicml irspxcticn en IbvErter C3-3126-1-#13 19, 1991, for flarge this shi irdicated the bare as 6.046 irrhes. Six other flarges in diagram.rrent of ten exmad the tore tolerarcos specified on the shcp khile the safety significarce of a flarge bare 0.016 irches greater than specified Forge ray te had by Padnor minimrot 1, theret.
teen requircrents ccntractually irgced on Pam Pam Farge perscnnel inlicated that interm1 shop dravirgs were usually specificd to tighter tolerarces than were prubce rwmry for the proirts.
acceptable castancr's order to ensure the rachinists would specified minirum bare, so these values were accxptable.Ibrther,'Iheir Ram F irfA@ticn was that a tolerarre of plus or rdrus 0.030 intes frto NGI drawing. B16.5 was to be applied cnly cn top of the tolerance cn the shcp Additiorally, Pam Forge irdicated that a Enke ircp& tor had perscrally perforrud to dircraicml checks cn the special argle flarges ard fourd then to accq
Althatyh Ram Farge's in+wrpretaticn of the NISI B16.5 discussicn cn the acmptability of these dimnsicns bescd evaluaticn and acceptance of the dimnsicm.
'Ihe Radrer PO specified that the flarges keru to te mrufacturcd to the AEME Secticn III Cbde, Class 2 requirenants.
had this was tocnrotdone to the specified 1989 in the Editicn original of 10.
ibdnar the AEFE Secticn III Ctde, although When the tE inspectors irquira3, Ram Forge irdicated that they had been vertelly instructed to use
that allticn.
ctp/ of a letterDtzring the cx:rduct of the irspectice. Ram Forge protacrd a to Radrrr from Duke, dated Och 20,1992, khich
- in11ated III Ctx$e %nsthat to bethe used1989 Biition fat all Duke with the 1989 M3errh of the orders. 'Ibe irspectors kere satisfial AS4E with this I w .
4 PastrNfL CaracIID Pam Forne & Steel. Inc.
- S. It:Datryal, Owner / Chief Deecutive Officer B. Gruner, Vice President P. Craitck, Quality 0:ntrol Mvnger M. ecring, Forge stw Superirem S. Jefferscn, Shigpiry Superinten$erfw H. Itose, Pachine Srp Superinterdent B. Hargrave, &qireer R. Freman, Grirder C. Stqto, Grirder
'I%e Irevents. Irc._
cuy Burke, Technician
- Attended the entrance restirg an Novmber tb. h 20, 1992 17, 1992 ard the exit teetirg cn