Advises of Issuance of Unnumbered License Condition to Amend MPP-4 to License SNM-1067,granting Extension Until 850430 to Initiate Requirements of 10CFR70.58(c)(2) at Low Enriched U Fabrication Facility in Hematitc,Mo
RA99-002, Requests Temporary Change to UF6 Receipt Sampling Procedure to Allow Drawing & Analyzing of UO2F2 Samples for Cylinders by 990401,as Discussed on 990107 with Tn Pham.Doe/Nrc Form 741, Nuclear Matl Transaction Rept Encl
RA99-005, Informs That CE Will Present follow-up Info in Response to Violations Noted in Insp Rept 70-0036/98-04,at Meeting with Region Iii.Licensee Has Conducted Root Cause Analysis of Causes That Lead to Violation & Reviewed DAs for 1998
RA99-006, Forwards Revised Pages to Hematite Nuclear Fuel Mfg Facility Emergency Plan, Revising Sections 2.1.6 & 2.1.7 Re Postulated Fire & Explosion Incidents
RA99-045, Forwards Hydrogeologic Investigation & Ground-Water,Soil & Stream Characterization, Rept Developed After First Quarter of Sampling Under Hydrogeologic Work Plan Dtd 980428. Reproduction Release Authorization,Also Encl
RA99-068, Informs That Info Re Facility Has Been Reviewed & Verified, with Listed Discrepancies Noted,As Requested by NRC 990323 Fascimile
RA99-070, Forwards Criticality Safety Program Update Seventh Status Rept for Oct 1998 - Mar 1999. Next Rept Will Be Submitted by 991007
RA99-075, Forwards App A,Figure 10 from Hydrogeologic Investigation & Groundwater,Soil & Stream Characterization Rept.Figure Was Inadvertently Ommitted from Original Submission
RA99-074, Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 70-0036/99-01.Corrective Actions:Special Evaluation Traveler Was Implemented to Assure That Sys to Prevent Overfilling of UF6 Cold Trap Would Perform Intended Safety Function
RA99-088, Provides Third Response to GL 98-03, NMSS Licensee & Certificate Holders Year 2000 Readiness. Licensee Has Upgraded Systems Having Safety or Safeguards Functions & Is Y2K Ready & Y2K Compliant
RA99-093, Requests Extension of Time Periods for Submission of Annual Inventory Repts,As Required by Licensee Fundamental Nuclear Matl Plan & NUREG/BR-0007.NRC Forms 742C & 742 Will Be Submitted by 990604 & NRC Form 327 Submitted by 990702
RA99-099, Forwards Second Sampling Event Rept in Conjunction with Hydrogeologic Investigation & Ground-Water,Soil & Stream Characterization, Rept Developed After Second Quarter of Sampling Under CEs Hydrogeologic Work Plan
RA99-120, Forwards License Application Pages Affected by Corporate Name Change,Consistent with Amend 27 to License SNM-33
RA99-082, Provides Update on Status of ABB Cenp Former Evaporation Ponds Decommissioning & Planned Actions Regarding Same
RA99-129, Forwards License Application Pages Reflecting Recent Changes Made to Corporate Name.Ltr Replaces Entire 990729 Submittal
RA99-133, Forwards Third Sampling Event Rept in Conjunction with Hydrogeologic Investigation & Ground-Water,Soil & Stream Characterization. Ltr from Leggette,Brashears & Graham,Inc, Authorizing Reproduction of Repts,Encl
RA99-138, Forwards Eighth Status Rept on Criticality Safety Program Update (Cspu),Per Cspu Plan & Subsequent Revs. Rept Covers semi-annual Period from 990401-990930
ATocket Files 70-1100/70-36 SGFF r/f NMSS r/f APR 0 51985 R )acks on CNSmith ggpg ESuarez W 1100/70-36 DWeiss, UMB 0-E Power Systems WCrow, FC LICobb, IE I
Combustion Engineering, Inc.
ATTH: Mr. H. V. Lichtenberger RKeinig, RI JCread, RIII Vice President. Manufacturing Nuclear Power Systems 1000 Prospect Hill Road Windsor, Connecticut 06095 Gentlemen:
This is in response to your letter dated March 21, 1985, requesting an extension in time for initiating the requirements of 10 CFR 70.58(c)(2) at your low enriched uranius fabrication facility located in Hanatite, Missouri.
Our review has determined that your request is acceptable and will not decrease the effectiveness of the safeguards program at the C-E Power Systems facility located in Hematite, Missouri, and will not adversely affect the common defense and security nor the public health and safety, and is other-wise in the public interest.
Accordingly, we are adding the following un-numbered license condition to Amendnent MPP-4 to your License No. SIM-1067, effective immediately, to read as follows:
Notwithstanding the requirements of 10 CFR 70.58(c)(2) to perfom at least every 12 months a review described therein at the C-E Power Systems facility located at Hematite Missouri (due to begin no later than April 9,1985), the licensee shall initiate said review no later than April 30, 1985.
This condition expires as of the close of business April 30, 1985.
Sincerely, orginal signed er winsni 8. Brown 85g73[8$$ $3000$36 Willard B. Brown, Chief
[D PDR Fuel Facility Safeguards Licensing Branch Division of Safeguards, tESS i
H. E. Eskridge C-E Power Systems 07001100570M (CLOSED)