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Informs of NRC Activities Related to Decommissioning of Sites Contaminated W/Radioactive Matls Located in Mi
Person / Time
Issue date: 12/21/1992
From: Selin I, The Chairman
To: Engler J
Shared Package
ML20126K562 List:
NUDOCS 9301070183
Download: ML20126K584 (2)



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  • December 21,-1992 CHAIRMAN The Honorable John Engler Governor of Michigan State Capitol Lansing, Michigan 48933

Dear Governor Engler:

I am writing to inform you of Nuclear Regulatory Commission activities related to the decommissioning of sites contaminated with radioactive materials located in the State of Michigan. The cleanup of these contaminated sites is a high priority for NRC. We want to ensure that the State of Michigan is aware of these cleanup activities. NRC intends that there will be coordination with the State in order that cleanup activities _

can be managed in an efficient and timely manner.

1 Since the late 1980's, NRC has continued to strengthen its decommissioning program. A major item of concern is the decommissioning of contaminated sites that-involve non-routine issues, such as large volumes of radiologically contaminated material, problems with the- financial- viability of the responsible party, groundwater contamination, and mixed radioactive-and hazardous waste. To focus NRC efforts in this area, NRC-staff issued the Site Decommissioning Management Plan (SDMP) on March 29, 1990 (SECY-90-121). Revision 2 of the SDMP, SECY-92-200, was issued in May 29, '

1992 (see enclosure). The SDMP lists the non-routine sites identified to date and outlines a strategy for accomplishing the cleanup of these sites in a timely manner.

Of the 46 sites listed in the SDMP, two are located in the State of.

Michigan:  ;

1. Dow Chemical, Midland, MI, and Bay City, MI- l
2. Hartley and Hartley (Kawkawlin) Landfill, Bay County, MI


A summary description of each site, including the concentration and volume of waste present and the cleanup activities conducted'to date, is given in the enclosed SDMP.

The oversight of the SDMP site cleanups- poses unique challenges to NRC.  ;

One important challenge is to ensure that State responsibilities and- i interests are addressed. On November 19, 1992, NRC held a workshop in  !

Rockville, Maryland, with SDMP site licensees, owners, and other interested _.

parties, to discuss the issues affecting the timely cleanup of SDMP sites.

Dave Minnaar from the Michigan Department of Health and Lisa Boettcher from the Michigan Deaartment of Natural Resources attended this workshop. After the workshop, tie State representatives in attendance, from your State as well as others, met with representatives from the NRC Office of


+' ,

i The-Honorable John Engler e

- 2'-

. State Programs to ' generally discuss State interests in1SDMPt site cleanup

activities. L To-help' NRC: better understand your_ specific interests- in ' '

regard to t'hese sites,twe wouldLask you to. inform us of the; anticipated -

i' areas of1 State-involvement that mayLaffect thefselection=andiimplementationf of cleanup actions'at SOMP sites. We encourage continued communication-between the_ State of Michigan and NRC so _that we may- efficiently develop-a.

mutually. acceptable strategy and schedule for fulfilling our respective responsibilities.

The NRC contacts for SDMP site cleanup issues are Robert M. Bernero, Director, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMLS), at 301-504-3352, or John H. Austin, Branch Chief, Decommissioning and Regulatory Issues Branch, NMSS, at 301-504-2560. . We look_ forward to-your response, Sincerely, v

Ivan Selin


SDMP, SECY-92-200 cc: Lee.E. Jager _

NRC State Liaison Officer s

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