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Nominates TE Murley for 1992 Feiaa Executive of Year Award. Supporting Documentation Encl
Person / Time
Issue date: 10/21/1992
From: Selin I, The Chairman
To: Goldstein J
NUDOCS 9301070030
Download: ML20126K110 (11)


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/ UNITED STATES f"  %,',


j WASHINGTON, p. C. 20556 e

1,, ,/ October 21 , 1992 CHAIRMAN Mr. Jeff Goldstein Chair, Awards Committee FEIAA Executive of the Year Award P.O. Box 1001 Great Falls, Virginia 22066-1001

Dear Mr. Goldstein:

I am pleased to nominate Dr. Thomas E. Murley, Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, for the 1992 FEIAA Executive of the Year Award. Dr. Murley has sarved the NPC and its predecessor, the Atomic Energy Commission, for the past twenty-four years and is recognized nationally and internationally as an expert in reactor safety. His executive leadership and outstanding accomplishments merit the recognition that the 1992 FEIAA Executive of the Year Award affords.

Sincerely, f

Ivan Selin


Nomination Statement i



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FEIAA Executive of the Year Award Committee P. O. Box 1001 Great Falls, Virginia 22066 ATTN: Awards Committee THIS INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED TO SUPPORT THE NOMINATION OF:

Nominee's Name Dr. Thomas E. Murley Title Director, NRR Agency United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Business Mdress United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 NOMINATION SUBMITTED BY:

Ivan Selin, Chairman Nominator'; Name Organization U.S. NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission j

- Home or Business Mdress .

Uashington, DC 20555 i-Phone (301) 504-!759-Signature of Nominator Date October 21, 1992 l

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i Statement Supporting the Nomination of Dr. Thomas E. Murley for theLTwelfth Annual FEIAA Award ,

Dr. Murley serves as the Director of the Nuclear Regulatory-Commission's Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR), which is responsible for-overseeing the safety of all commercial nuclear power reactors as well as licensed non-power reactors in the United States. He; leads a staff of over--

740 scientists, engineers, and administrative personnel in the implementation of regulations and the development of policies, programs, and procedures for; all aspects of licensing and-inspection for commercial and licensed non-power reactors.

Career Achievements for over 24 years at the NRC and its predecessor, the Atomic Energy Commission, Dr. Murley has compiled an impressive record.of professional achievement through his significant contributions to the accomplishment of the agency's regulatory mission. Dr. Murley's career has been characterized by attention to efficient management, concern for plant safety, and commitment to the public affected by NRC's regulation. His selection of a highly qualified staff, the implementation of innovative and more efficient work methods in face of diminishing agency resources, and his willingness to listen to opposing legitimate viewpoints before making sensitive management decisions attest to his effective leadership. Dr. Murley promotes public outreach programs that communicate vital information about a complex nuclear-technology. These skills and his national recognition within the nuclear profession make Dr. Murley an invaluable asset to the NRC and the Federal Service.

As the Director of NRR, Dr. Murley has led the agency's efforts to focus the NRC's reactor licensing and inspection programs on the day-to-day operational safety of plants. -By combining licensing, inspection, and operational assessment functions for reactors, Dr. Murley has established clear accountability and a sense of commitment within-the-NRC. These developments.

have directly contributed to improved performance in protecting public health and safety.

In addition to his role with respect to routine operational safety.of nuclear plants, Dr. Murley also ensures that plants are prepared to respond-properly to operational events and accidents and do so effectively.when circumstances warrant. Moreover, he is responsible for ensuring that plants are adequately protected and possess the capability to deter, detect, and protect against threats, radiological sabotage, and theft or diversion of special nuclearL material.

Under Dr. Murley's leadership, NRR has expanded its activities to include such important issues as decommissioning of prematurely shutdown reactors, operating plant license renewal, and the analysis of economic issues and organizational management, and their impact on the safe operation of nuclear-plants. In addition, Dr. Murley has ensured that his staff has kept abreast of an ever changing state-of-the art. Dr. Murley has been an important agency leader in reaching closure on regulatory issues associated with severe

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accidents. He developed a comprehensive plan'to integrate many related technical and policy areas, aggressively identified issues for decision uking, and effectively coordinated both interoffice and intraoffice efforts.

associated with this highly complex and important area.

In addition to ensuring the safety of the current generation of nuclear reactors, Dr. Murley is playing a significant role in ensuring the safety of the next generation of nuclear power plants. His personal involvement in the future reactor program and his commitment to safety are ensuring that new and innovative designs are vigorously reviewed and comprehensive safety

, evaluations completed. Dr, Murley has been instrumental in structuring a program to implement new licensing regulations which will certify future plant designs for a period of fifteen years. Through Dr. Murley's innovative development of Design Acceptance Criteria, a balance has been struck between the need to promote plant design standardization and the flexibility to accommodate changing technology. This Design Acceptance Criteria concept will play a key role in the success of the design certification process. Dr.

Murley's exceptional leadership capabilities are demonstrated by his success in balancing the oversight of operating reactors and the review of future plant designs.

Throughout his career, Dr. Murley has made significant contributions in the variety of increasingly challenging positions he has held at the NRC, including several senior management positions. These include Assistant Director of the Clinch River Breeder Reactor Program and Director of Reactor Safety Research, which had a budget of over $100 million per year. Upon assuming responsibility for the Reactor Safety Research program, Dr. Murley implemented a management system to control the costs and schedules for the Loss-of-Fluid Test (LOFT) Reactor, a major nuclear safety research facility with a long history of cost and schedule overruns. As a result _of the system he implemented, the NRC completed the project a year ahead of schedule and saved U.S. taxpayers approximately $50 million. In addition, the-LOFT test program was completed before the facility was retired from operation'and test results from LOFT and other facets of the research program settled safety questions that had been open for years, resulting in significant cost savings for utilities.

Dr. Murley was the first Director of-NRC's Regional Operations-and Generic Requirements staff, where his personal leadership and organizational abilities were essential in developing the procedures to control _ new regulatory requirements and to foster a stable regulatory framework. These procedures have resulted in a cost savings to the industry and the public of millions-of dollars.

Dr. Murley also served as the Regional Administrator of NRC's Region'I, one of the most publicly visible and sensitive positions in the _ agency. He had oversight responsibility for the safe construction and operation of 31 nuclear power plants in the Northeastern States, from New England and New York to Pennsylvania and Maryland. This _ Region contains several high-profile,.

controversial plants, such as Three Mile Island, Indian Point, Shoreham.

Seabrook, and Pilgrim. Dr. Murley also exercised oversight responsibility for the safety of 19 research reactors; 9 nuclear fuel facilities; and nearly 4

2,900 hospitals, laboratories, and factories that use radioactive materials for medical and industrial purposes. During his tenure as a Regional 4

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. .L Administrator, Dr.-Murley pioneered the development of inspections using probabilistic risk assessment methods to focus inspector's attention on the -3

systems in a nuclear plant that are most important to safety. This program 1 continues to result in more effective and less costly inspectic 5. H Dr. Hurley's contribution to the NRC, the Federal Service', and the nuclear profession are widely recognized by his peers, his supervisors, and the nuclear industry. He is well recognized nationally and internationally as an expert in reactor ~ safety. He regularly gives invited talks and seminars on

.NRC policies across the country and at international conferences. On a national level, Dr. -Murley meets regularly with industry representatives, .

including the Institute _for Nuclear Power Operations. (INP0), the Nuclear Management Research Council (NUMARC), the Department of Energy, the American-Nuclear Society, utility owners groups, and individual utilities.

Internationally, Dr. Murley is instrumental in the activities of the Committee for Nuclear Regulatory Activities (CNRA) of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and-Development / Nuclear Energy Agency (DECD/NEA). The CNRA is addressing such issues as the risk associated from-shutdown and low power operations, steam generator problems, and advanced reactor design. Dr. Murley has represented the U.S. in meetings with France, Canada, the United Kingdom,-

Japan, Brazil, the Ukraine, Russia, and the International Atomic Energ.v Agency.

In addition to receiving the Presidential Distinguished Rank Award in 1986 and the Meritorious Executive Rank Ward in 1990, Dr. Murley was recently honored by the American Nuclear Society as the 1992 recipient of. the Tommy . Thompson Award for outstanding leadership, innovation, and commitment to-increasing public understanding and helping allay concerns about nuclear safety.

Dr. Murley's demonstrated outstanding leadership capability, personal commitment and initiative. technical competence and managerial excellence make him a valued member of the NRC and the Senior Executive Service.


BIOGRAPHY-DR. THOMAS E. MURLEY Dr. Thomas E. Murley became the Director of the -Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, in April 1987. The Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation-is responsible for licensing and inspection-activities associated with the construction and_ operation.of nuclear power- ,

plants, research and test reactors, and the licensing reactor operators.

Previously he had been Administrator of the Region I Office in King of. 4 Prussia, Pennsylvania, a position he assumed in June 1983.

Earlier, Dr. Murley served as Director of NRC's Regional Operations and Generic Requirements Staff; Director of the Division of' Safety Technology in the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation; and Director of the Division of-Reactor Safety Research in the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research.

Dr. Murley joined the former Atomic Energy Commission's Division of Reactor Development and Technology in 1968 after serving as a Senior Scientist with the Westinghouse Advanced Reactor Division. During the period from 1972 to January 1974, he served as Technical Assistant to AEC Commissioner William 0.


-He subsequently served as Assistant Director of the Clinch River breeder reactor program for the former Energy Research and Development Administration before joining the NRC in 1975.

Dr. Murley received a B.S. degree in engineering mechanics from the University of Illinois in 1961 and a Sc.D. degree in nuclear engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1965. After graduation from MIT, he was appointed as a NATO Postdoctoral Fellow at the Karlsruhe Nuclear Research Center in West Germany.


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REFERENCES =TO-SUPPORT THE NOMINATION OF THOMAS E. MURLEY James M. Taylor Executive Director for Operations U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission One White Flint North.

11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852 (301) 504-1700 James H. Sniezek Deputy Executive Director for Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Regional Operations & Research Office of the Executive Director for Operations Or,3 White Flint North 11535 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852 (301) 504-1705 Hugh L. Thompson, Jr.

Deputy Executive Director for Nuclear Materials Safety, Safeguards & Operations Support Office of the Executive Director for.0perations U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission One White-Flint North 11555 Rockville-Pike Rockville,' Maryland 20852 (301) 504-1713



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FEIAA eExecutive of the Year m -

. AWARD -1992 s De Federal Execudye Institute Alumni Associadon (FEIAA) invites you to submit nominations foe its " Executive of the Year' for 1992.

A measaEe ms awanHs ginn annually to an outuanding Fedual Execud n, and an outstanding State ce Lual Executive, selected by the FEIAA Board of from the Federal Directors ne purpose for giving the Award is to recognize extraordinary Executive Institute achievement in executive management and leadership at federal and state / local government levels. De criteria used to evaluate the nominees are contained in Alumni Association this brochure.

Past fedaal winners have been from the Agency for International Developrnent, Department of the Treasury, U. S. Postal Service, Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Veterans Affairs, Department of l the Navy, and Department of Justice. Past state and local winners have been . .

from Virginia. Hawall, Colorado, Kentucky, Ohio, Alaska, and Maryland.

C The nominadons for 1992 must be received or postmarked by November 1, 1992. Additional nomination procedures are described in this brochure.

The FEIAA will pay travel and lodging expenses to Washington, D.C.

for the awardees to attend the Awards ceremony. The awards will be formally a

~ presented on February 5,1993, at an impressive banquet ceremony held in conjunction with the FEIAA's annual conference, the Executive Forum, beld February 3 5,1993,at the Sheraton Reston Hotel in Reston, VA.

We request your consideration of this invitation, and encourage you tojoin us in this effort to recognize managerial excellence by nominating your outstanding executive for this presrigious award.

Sincerely, M P dL..

ARAN J. KAM President, FEIAA

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4rwelfth Annual FEIAA Award t

.x THE AWARD This honorary award is made annually to one or more individuals and recogulies extraordmary achievements in cacadve management and a x ,

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=e q The award is sponsored by the FEDERAL EXECUTTVE INSTITUTE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION (EIAA) to encourage and recogalle N, ** excellence in the management of government. The FEIAA is cocnposed of graduates of the Federal Executive Institute, located in Chartonesville,

,.* Virginia. The FEl is one of the primary educadonal institutions for developing executive leaders in the federal, state, and local governments.

Executive leadership of an organixation which produced substandal, AWARD CRITERIA innovadve achievements, resulting in high quality public service.

Outstandmg achievements can include significant improvements in service

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to the public, program effectiveness, and efficient use of resources due to the efforts and leadership of the nominee.

Extraordinary results of a particularly sensitive and difficult executive assignment of major importance achieved through great personal initiadve, commitment, effort, and coinpetence.

Executive acumen in developing breakthrough strategies or concepts in fmding new and effective ways of accomplishing mission.

NOMiN TION PROCESS Nominadons for the Federal Award are invited from Administrctors or Heads of federal departments and agencies. Nominations for the State / Local Award are invited from Govemors and Chief Executive Officers oflocal governments.

A nominee for the award must be a career executive or have been a career executive currently serving in Federal, state or local government.

Individuals must be nominated by someone in a higher authority in the same department or egency. Nominees need not be graduates of the FEl or members of the FEIAA.

Fmalists will be asked to submit a black and white photograph for publicity purposes. Please do not send photos undl you are notified that your nominee is a finalist.


1. Use the form (pg. 4)in this announcem-nt as the cover sheet for


your nomination.

2.loclude a brief biography of the nominee.

3. Inctode a narrative, not to exceed (3) pages, stating the basis for the nomination,in terms of the general criteria stated above.
4. Provide the name, title, organization, address, and phone number of three (3) references who can attest to the nominee's executive performance.


. 2


    • ilExecutive of the Year -1992 .

SEND NOMINATIONS TO: FEIAA Executive of the Year Award Post Office Box 1001 Grut Falls, Virginia 22066 1001 A'ITN: Awards Committu All nominations must be received or postmarked byEevember 1.1991 Further information may be requested from Co-Chairs, Jeff Goldstein 003) 274 6715 or Chris Gallo 003) 274 6487.

f e.

SELECTION PROCESS The award nominations will be evaluated by a panel composed of members of the FEIAA. The awardees will be selected by the FEIAA Board of Directors.

AWARD PRESENTATION Awards will be presented February 5,1993 at the FEIAA Annual

_ Conference, the Executive Forum. The FEIAA will pay travel and lodging expenses for the awardees to attend the awards presentation to be held in their honor at the Sheraton Reston Hotel, Reston, Va.

Representatives of the awardee's Agency may attend and typically the awardee's supervisor is invited to participate in the ceremony. Wide media publicity is given to the awardee and the accomplishment of the awardee's organization.

FORMER FEIAA EXECUTIVE OF THE YEAR AWARD RECIPIENTS FEDER A L 1982. Snart Knighi 1991.Walism A.Kobbash UK5eerstServus Treasury Deparences ofJusrke 1981. h Newland 1990. Dr. Fred E. Seetrend

. gy,, 4ey,,,,,,,; y,,,,,,,,,

D8P8'tment of 8A8 #8vy 1989. Jouph L Moors

  • ITATEM.OCAL Versraas Aht/ Air:rstimi 1991. Bbbop L Robinsos 1988. Timothy J. Boit Sessa ofMarylmf Ag s ary for laurmational DevticPar 48 1989. Dennis D. Ksho 1987. Barbara J. Cage! -

Sw, c(Alarna NCTA, Neatre and Neews Servkss 1987. %%liam J.Sykas 1986. Fred C. Findwr swa of 0Aio Ag ency /ce laureational Davel4 Par *'

1966 5anan R.Connock 19s5 %2tiam R. Banon -

Coswusewah4 ofVirgiais Dsperrmsat of#Ae Traarmry 1915. Waliam Oku, Jr.

1984 Kenneth H Fletcher swa of #4meii US fortalServke 1984.Rubm Vsides 1983. Waher L Dowdie

- f#3,Neaha amf Neasa 3rrvkss Stau of Colorado 19t3. Des Maynard Swe ofKentucky 3

4 1.



FEIAA Execudve of the Yeu Award Committec P. O. Box 1001 Great Falls, Virginia 22066 ATrN: Awards Commillee THl5 lNFORMATION 15 $UBMITTED TO SUPPORT THE NOMINATION OF: lj b

Nominee's Name Title 4

Agency Business Mdress '

8 l



Nominator's Nane Organlution l 1

Home or Business Mdress l.


-- Phone f

Signature of Nominator Date l

1 4 '