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Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Forwards Documents Listed in App D & E Which Are Being Made Available in Pdr.Documents Listed in App E Partially Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 6)
Person / Time
Issue date: 05/20/1992
From: Grimsley D
To: Barnes J, Stoll I
Shared Package
ML20126J879 List:
FOIA-92-58 NUDOCS 9301060323
Download: ML20126J875 (14)


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%eee s DoCKl1 NUMBL R(Si rot arphcaNel 6.EOVEST E R Mossrs, Ira E. Stoll and Julian E. Barnes PART 1,-AGENCY RECORDS RELEASED OR NOT LOCATED (See checked boxes)

No agency records subject to the request have been located.

No additional agency records subject to the request have been located Requested record; are available through another public distributic ,; sn. See Commem sectbn, Agency records subject to the request that are identified in Appnd.x(es)_ are already available for public inspection and copying at the NRC Public Document Room,2120 L Street, N.W., Washington, DC.

Agency records subject to the request tSat are identified in Appendix (es)__,,_ D* are being made avai'able for public inspection and copying X at the NRC Public Document Room,2120 L Street, N.W., Washington, DC, in ei folder under this F Ol A number, The nonproprietary version of the proposal (s) that you agreed to accept in a telephone conversation with a member of my staff is now being rnde available for NLlic inspection sad copying ' the NRC Pub;ic Document Rc ar". 2120 L Street, N.W., Washington, DC, in a foldef under this F OI A numtm.

Agency recor is subject to the request that are identified in Appendix (es) may be inspected and copied at the N RC Local Public Document Room identified in the Comments sectbon.

Enclosed is mformation on how you may obtain access to and the charges for copying records located it the NRC Public Document Room.2120 L Street, N W., Washington DC.

Agency records subier.t to the requen are enclosed.

Records subject to the request have been referred to another Federal agencybes) for review and direct response to ynu.

Fees You will be billed oy the NRC for fees total ng $

You will receive a refund from the N RC in the amount of $

In view of NRC's response to t...s rmuett, no further action is being taken on appeal Ictter dated ,No PART 11. A-INFORMATION WITHHELD FROM P'JBLIC DISCLOSURE Certain information in the requested records is being wi*hheld from pubr: disclosure pursuant to the exemptions descritied in and for the ressons stated in Part il, B, C,and D. Any released portions of the documents for which only part of the record is being whhheld are tMng trade available for pubiac y inspection and copylr:g in the NRC Public Document Room,2120 L Street, N.W., Washington, DC in a folder under this FOI A number.


  • Copies of the records identified on enclosed Appendix D and the releasable portions of the records identified on enclosed Appendix E are being placed at the NRC's Public Document Room as requested. These additional r 3rds were located after the staff's initial search for records, This s complete NRC's action on your FOIA request.


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- INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST FOIA - 94 (CONTINUATION) NAY 2 01992 l PART If B- APPLICABLE EXEMPTIONS Records subject to the request that sto described in the enclosed Appendix (es) E are being withheld in their entirety or in part under the Euernption No.(s) and for the taason(s) given below pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552(b) and 10 CF R 9.17(a) of N RC regulations.

ti The mthheir wformaten is property classifM pursuant to Executive Order. (Exempt.on 1)

2. The mthheld enformation relates solen *n the entemal personnel rules and procedures of NRC. (Enemption 21 l l3. The withheld mformation is specifice#v exempted from pubhc disclosure by statute indcated. (Exempton 3)

Sections t41146 of the Atom.c Energy Act whwh prohibits the disclosure of Restricted Date or Formerfy Restricted Data (42 U.S.C. 21612165).

Section 147 of the Atomic Energy Act, which prohibits the disclosure of Unclassified Sa'egueros information (42 U.S C. 2167).

l . j4. The mthheld informat<on se a trade secret or commercial or fmancial enformation that is bemg ethheld for the reason (s) indcated (Exemption 4)

The information is consedered to be contw3ential busmess (propretary) mformaton.

The informatior' is considered to be proprietary mformation pursuant to 10 CFR 2.790idH1)

The mformaten was subm<tted and receeved m confidence pursuant to 10 CFR 2 790idH2l l- l5. The mthheid mformation cons, sis of eteragency or intraagency records that a:e not eva rabie through disco =ere dursng ht>gaton (Exemption 51. Appicable Pt lege:

- Deberstavo Process, Disclosure of predecia.onal mformation would tend to chibd the open and frank enchange of ideas essent*al to the deliberative process.

Where records are ethhe6d m their entrety, the facts are me stricaNy intertweed eth the predecis.onai mformation. There also are no reasonably sepegable f actual portions because the release of the f acts would permit an mdirect mouire into the prec'ec>senal process of the egency Attorney work product privilege IDocument s prepared Dy an attorney sn contemplat.on of brtigattore i m, Attorney-client preeilege. (Confidential communications between en attorney and his/her chent]

6. The mthheld information is enempted from puohc d sciosure because its disclosure would result m a cicativ unearranted mvesion of personal peivacy (Enemption 61 s

7, The mthheld information consists of records compiled foe taw enforcement purposes and is being ethheld for the reasontal s scored (Exemption 7) u Disclosure could reasonab8v be espected to mterfere mth an enforcement pmceedang because it could reveal the scope, direction. and f us of

'M enforcement efforts, and thus cou!d posubly allow recipienti to take action to shield potent 4at wrongdosng or a v.oution of NRC requ.rements V) from mvestigators. (Enemption 7 (A))

Desc6osure would constitute an unwarranted mves.on of personat privacy (Exemptarm 1801) y

-7 The mtormation consists of names of irev durs ana m$ce m'arrnaten the detosua of ech (o# insonab!v be esoected to revealidentities of

. fj$l.

confident,ai sources. (Enemption 7 (D))

OTHEH l PART 11. C-DENYING OFFICIALS Pursuant to to CF R 9 25(b) aV'or 9 25(c) of the U.S. Noctear Reguratory Comm ss.on regulations, it has been determ neo thath t e information ethheld is exempt from pro-duction or disclosure, and that its production or d sclosure is contrary to the puohc mterest. The persons responscie for the deaal are those off. cia's alentified below se denying of ficiais and tfm Director, D. vision of Freedom of information and Publ. cat'ons Services. Off:ce of Admastration. for any den <als that may be appeated to the Executive Director for Operat ons (EDOL DENYlNG OFFICIAL TI T L E,OF FICE RfCORDS DENIED APPELLATE OFFICIAL l


. IThomasT. Martin Recional Administraton _ REC I App. E Y l


.l The denial by each denying officiai identified in Part it.C may be as;pwed to the Appetute Off.cial identif.ed there. Any such appea! must be made in wnting witNn 30 days cf receipt of this responsa. Appeals must be addressed, as appropGere, to the E uscutive Detector for Operations. to the Secrewy of the Commission, or to the inspector General. U S. Nuclear r

RIgutetory Commission,WasNngton, DC 20555 and should clearly state on the enveiope and in tne letter that it a an " Appeal from an tmtia FO!A Dees,any i NRC FORM 484 (Part 2) (1911 U.S. NUCLE AR REGULATORY COMMISSION :

  • 3 APPTNDIX D Rgquments to be Released in their Entirety Date Orlainatgr Rseiolent Descrintion Beth Israel Hosoital (License No 20-00742-19)
1. 82/31/91 License No. 20-00742-19 (Amend,. #1, 3 pgs.)
2. 3/17/87 J. Glenn J. Holl Letter forwarding renewal / amendment to NRC Material License (2 pages) 1
3. 4/7/87 J. Davis R. Kennedy Request to amend Condition 10 (1 paga)


4. 12/14/87 J. Piccone J. Trivino Letter forwarding renewal / amendment to NRC Material License (2 pages)
5. 12/10/87 Open Items Tracking System (1 page)
6. 3/28/88 J. Holl J. Glenn Letter informing NRC of changee made in the Nuclear Medicine Department (7 pages)
7. 4/25/88 J. Glenn J. Trivino Request for license amend. (1 page)
8. 7/15/88 J. Glenn J. Trivino Letter forwarding renewal to NRC Material License (2 pages)
9. 9/26/89 W. Corbett M. Shanbaky letter re: License 20-19761-02 (2 pages) 10.4/10/89 D. Owens S. Courtemanche Letter informing NRC of RSO change (2 Pages) 11,5/04/89 J. Glenn J. Holl Letter forwarding amendment to NRC Material License (2 pages) 12.1/17/90 c. roster J. Holl License renewal application (4 pages) 13.5/10/90 D. Simon M. Walker Letter informing NRC of RSO change (6 Pages) 14.6/2/90 M. Messier J. Holl Refund of application fee (1 page) 15.0/20/90 J. G-Schugsta J. Holl Response to licenses letter dated 12/21/89 (4 pages) 16.8/20/90 J. G-Echugota J. Holl Letter requesting additional information ret license renewal (58 pages) e _ -- _ -

l l

APPENDIX D (Continued)

Documgnts to be Released in their Entirety gain Oriainat2I Egeleient ggseriotion gath Israel llosoital (License No. 20-00742-19) feontinuedi

17. 9/24/90 H. Dubray NRC Cover letter for license renewal (1 page)
18. 11/9/9D K. Wong H. Sreenivasa Application for Haterial license (13 pages)

, 19. 12/31/90 H. Messier , J. Holl Letter requesting additional information re: license renewal (8 pages)

20. 5/17/91 s. courtemanche J. Holl Letter forwarding renewal to NRC Material License (14 pages)
21. 10/3/91 S. Villar M. Kennedy License renewal application (4 pages)
22. 12/10/91 J. Kinneman M. Kennedy Letter forwarding renewal to NRC Material License (2 pages)
23. 7/28/88 Open Items Tracking Sys em (1 page)

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Massachusetto Eve & Ear Infirmarv (License No. 20-01212-10)

24. 11/19/90 License No. 20-01212-10 (Amend. #16, 2 pgs.; #15, 2 pgs. ; #14, 3 pgs. ; #13, 3 P98.)
25. 8/12/87 J. Jensen J. McGillivray Handwritten RI Form 198-D (10 pages)
26. 10/28/87 J. Glenn R. Congdon Routine Inspection No. 87 001 (1 page)
27. 11/30/87 E. Friedman NRC Application for license renewal (14 pages)
28. 1&/17/87 J. cienn E. Friedman Acknowledgement letter to license renewal application (1 page)
29. 1/20/B8 T. Thompson E. Friedman Respons6 to licensee letter dated 11/30/87 (2 pages)
30. 11/17/87 s. courtemanche J. McGillivray Telecon record (1 page) 31, 1/26/88 J. Kinneman J. McGillivray Inquiry No. 87-02 (1 page)
32. 2/25/88 J. Mccillivray T. Thompson Response to NRC letter dated 1/20/88 (20 Pages)
33. 3/22/88 T. Thompson E. Friedman Response to licensee letter dated 11/30/87 (2 pages) 8

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APPENDIX D (Continued)

Documents to be Released in their Entirety paig Oriainator Reciolent Description Massachusetts Eve and Ear Infirmarv (License No. 20-1212-101 feontinued)

34. 6/4/82 F. Castronovo NRC Letter requesting additional.information re license renewal (51 pages)
35. 5/10/88 J. McGillivray T. Thompson Response to NRC 1stter dated 3/22/88 re Mail control #108090 (44 pages)
36. 6/30/88 T. Thompson E. Friedman Response to application and letter dated 11/30/87 and 5/10/88 re: renewal of license (2 pages)
37. 11/14/88 T. Thompson E. Friedman Rosponse to application / letters dated 11/30/87; 5/10/8P *nd 8/3/88 re license renewal (2 pages)
38. 1A/6/88 T. Thompson J. McGillivray Letter requesting additional information re: license renewal (14 pages)
39. 3/10/89 T. Thompson E. Friedman Letter forwarding renewal to NRC Material License (2 pages)
40. 9/11/89 J. McGillivray T. Thompson Request for license amend. (4 pages)
41. 9/28/89 F. Costello J. McGillivray Telecon record (1 page)
42. 9/29/89 J. McGillivray T. Thompson Response to NRC letter dated 9/11/89 (1 page) 43, 11/1/89 F. Costello J. McGillivray Letter forwarding amendment to NRC Material Licenso (2 pages)
44. 9/11/90 J. McGillivray E. Reber Telecon record (1 pages) 45, 10/5/90 J. McGillivray T. Thompson Request for license amend. (3 pages)
46. 9/11/90 J. McGillivray E. Reber Cover letter requesting license amend. (1 page)
47. 11/19/90 J. McGillivray T. Thompson Additional request for license amend re:

letter 10/5/90 (3 pages)

48. 14f17/90 E. Ullrich J. McGillivray Letter forwarding amendment to NRC Material License (2 pages)
49. 4/29/91 J. Kinneman J. McGillivray Letter forwarding amendment to NRC Material License (2 pages)


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APPENDIX D (Continued)

Documents to be Peleasee in their Entirety

' Rata Oricinator _Reciolent Descriotion Rana-Farber Cancer Institute (License No. 20-19761-011

50. 4/30/92 License No. 20-19761-01 (Amend. #5, 2 pgs.)

51, 3/11/87 J. Johansen R. Storti Response to telecon dated 1/29/87 res application renewal (2 pages) 52, 3/27/89 W. Corbett J. Johansen Request for license amend. (2 pages)

53. 4/2/87 W. Corbott J. Johansen Additional information for licensee application (2 pages) 54, 5/5/87 J. Johansen W. Corbett Lottar forwarding renewal to NRC Material License (2 pages)
55. 11/20/87 J. White W. Corbett Routine Inspection No.87-001 (3 pagiss ) .

56.-3/28/88 J. White W. Corbett Responce to licensee letter dated 12/14/87 (4 Pages)

'57. 8/24/89 A. Kirkwood s. Treves Handwritten RI Form 198-C (16 pages)

58. 8/38/89 NRC B. Janicki noutine Inspection No.89-001 (3 pages)
59. 9/26/89 W. Corbett M. Shanbaky Response to NRC letter dated 8/28/89 (2 Pages)
60. 11/27/89 M. Shanbaky W. Corbett Response to licensee letter dated 9/26/89 (2 pages)
61. 11/5/90 G. Jackson W. Corbett Refund of application fee (1 page)
62. 11/8/91 P. Nessen S. Alford Handwritten Nuclear Medicine Inspection field notes (9 pages)
63. 11/15/91 Open Items tracking system (1 page)

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APPENDIX D (Continued) ppeuments'to be Released in their Enticity DAtt Oricinator Recipient Descriotion Anth' Israel Hospital (License No. 20-00742-181

.66..'8/31/91 License No. 20-00742-18 (Amend. #12, 3 pgs.; #13, 4 pgs.; #13 (corrected), 4 pgs.; #14, 5 pgs.; #15, 5 pgs.; #15-(corrected), 6 pgs.).

=65. 1/9/87 open Items tracking system (1 page)

.66, 1/2/87 wurtz Handwritten NRC Form 591-safety Inspection (1 pagel-67; 1/2/87 Wurtz R. Kennedy Han vi : ten RI Form 198-C (10 pages) l

, 68 3/28/89 R. Kennedy NRC Requesting to amend. license -(2 pages)

- 69. 5/23-24/89 L. Tripp R. Kennedy Handwritten RI Form 198-C-Hedical (17-pages)
70. 5/25/89 open Items tracking system (1 page)

-71.2 5/24/89 L. Tripp Handwritten RI Form 591-safety Inspection (1 page) 72.-9/8/89 R. Kennedy T. Darden Response to NRC letter dated 3/1/89 (2 Pages)

73. 9/21/89 J. Glenn R. Kennedy Letter forwarding amendment to NRC-  :

Haterial License (2 pages)-

-74. 4/13/90 R. Kennedy NRC Letter informing NAC of change in-amendment #13 (2 pages)

-75. 6/29/90 R. Kennedy. NRC Additional information for license amendment (3 pages)  !

76. 7/31/90 M. Cahill Handwritten RI Form 591asafety Inspection (1 page)
77. 8/6/90 M. Cahill R. Kennedy Handwritten RI For 198-C-Medical (17.-


_.78.--8/6/90 Open Items tracking system (1 page)

79. .8/6/90 Open Items tracking system.(1 page)


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c APPENDIX ' D '(Continued)

Documents to be Released in their Entirety Egig Oricinator. Recipient Description Egib Israel Hospit al - (License No. 20-00742-18 feentinuedi'

80. 8/26/90 .J. Joustra R. Kennedy Letter forwarding amendment to NRC Material License (2 pages)

-81. 7/5/91 J. Johansen R. Kennedy Letter forwarding amendment to NRC Material License (2 pages)

82. 9/20/91 Open Items tracking system (1 page)
83. 9/26/91 M. Shanbaky R. Kennedy Handwr' , ten Nuclear Medicine Inspection -

field notes'(9 pages)-

84. 9/10/91 J. KurKomelis S. Courtemanche Response to NRC audit findings of Dr. G..

Scheeles' Sink Disposal (1 page)-

New Enoland Deaconess Hospital Corocration flicense No. 20-00289-101

- 85.- 6/30/91 License No. (Amend'#5, 4 pgs.)

86. 7/28/88 L. Tripp P. Cobb Handwritten RI Form 198-C-Medical (17 Pages)

. 87. 7/28/88 open Items tracking system (1 page)

-88. 8/2/88 J. Kinneman R. Pence Routine Inspection No.88-001 (2 pages) 89, 3/11/91 M. Shanbaky J. Tower- Routine Inspection No.91-001 (3 pages)-

90.14/23/90 Open Items tracking system (1 page)

^1.1 4/24/90 L. Tripp P. Cobb Handwritten RI Form 198-C-Medical (17-pages) i

'92 3/11/91 L. Tripp P. Cobb Handwritten RI Form 198-C-Medical (18 Pages)

- 93. 5/28/91 M. Shanbaky J. Tower Response to licensee letter _ dated 3/11/91, (4 pages)

.94.19/18/91 S. Kimberley P. Cobb-

. . Response to letter dated 5/22/91 re renewal f of license (1 page)

95. 10/16/91 P. Cobb NRC Requesting license amend.1(2.pages) 19'. 2/18/92 P. Cobb NRC Requesting license amend. (l'page) i ... . . . . , . ..

APPENDIX D (Continued)

E2cuments to be Released in their Entirety EA11 Oriainator Egelotient Description New Enoland Deaconess Hosoital Corporation (License No. 20-00289-10) (continuedi

97. 3/20/92 P. Swetland P. Cobb Letter forwarding amendment to NRC Material License (3 pages)

RADA-Farber Cancer Institute (License No. 20-19761-021

98. 5/31/89 License No. 20-19761-02 (Amand. #4, 4 s pgs. ; #5, 5 pgs. ; #5 (corrected), 7 pgs.)
99. 1/29/92 Telephone Conversation Record (1 page) 1^0.5/22/87 T. Thompoon R. Amoling Letter forwarding amendment to NRC Material License (2 pages) 101. 9/28-29/87 J. Miller D. Treves Handwritten RI Form 198-C-Medical (11 ,

, pages) 102. 11/20/87 J. White W. Corbett Routine Inspection 87-001 (3 pages) 103. 13/14/87 W. Corbett J. White Response letter dated 11/20/87 re: Routine Inspection 87-001 (2 pages) 104. 3/28/88 J. White W. Corbett Response to licensee letter dated 12/14/87 (2 pages) 105.4/21/89 W. Corbett NRC _ application for license renewal (72 pages) 106. 5/12/89 D. Foster W. Corbett Acknowledgement letter to licensee renewal application (1 pages) 107. 8/24/89 H. Shanbaky D. Treves Handwritten RI Form 198-C-Medical (17 pages) 108. 8/25/89 open Items tracking system (1 page) 109. 8/28/89 M. Shanbaky B. Janicki Routine Inspection No.89-001 (3 pages) 110. 11/27/89 M. Shanbaky W. Corbett Response to licensee letter dated 9/26/89 (4 pages) 111. 9/10/90 J. Joustra R. Amoling Handwritten RI Form 198-C-Medical (19 pages) 112.9/10/90 Open Items tracking system (1 page) 113.10/3/90 M. Shanbaky J. Pettit Routine Inspection No. 030-20020/90-001 (3 pages)

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  • APPENDIX D (Continued) pocuments to be Released in their Entirety BA13 gricinator Reciolent Description Dana-Farber Cancer Institute _8 License No. 20-19761-02) (cor.tinuedi 114.10/3/90 M. Shanbaky J. Pettit Routine Inspection No. 030-20020/90-001 (6- l Pages) )

l'3 10/30/90 W. Corbett M. Shanbaky Response to NRC letter dated 10/3/90 (2 Pages) 116 11/28/90 J. Joustra E. Cross Letter forwarding NRC l Material License (2 pages) i 117.3/11/91 M. Shanbaky J. Pettit Response to licensee letter dated 10/30/90 (1 page)

'18.2/11/91 M. Shanbaky J. Pettit Response to licensee letter dated 10/3/90 (3 pages) 11^.7/18/91 S. Alford NRC Request for license amend. (3 pages) 120. 10/25/91 T. Thompson S. Alford Letter requesting additional information ret license renewal (2 pages) 121. 11/4/91 J. Johansen E. Gross Letter forwarding amendment to NRC Material Licanse (4 pages) 122. 11/8/91 T. Thompson S. Alford Letter requesting additional information re: license renewal (2 pages) 123. 12/3/91 S. Alford T. Thompson Response to NRC letter dated 11/8/91 (4 pages) 124. 1/10/92 T. Thompson R. Amoling Letter forward renewal to NRC Material License (2 pages)

New Enoland Deaconens Hospital Corporation (License No. 20-00289-07) l?5.1/31/86 License No. 20-00289-07 (Amend. #25, 5 pgs.; #26, 5 pgs.; #27, 5 pga.; #28, 5 pgs.; #29,.5 pga.; #30, 5 pgs.; #31, 5 Pgs.)

126. 10/20/87 T. Hill R. Pence Response to letter dated 10/15/87 (3 Pages) 127. 1o/21/87 P. Cobb J. White Response to NRC telecon dated 10/9/87 (6 pages) 128. 10/15/87 R. Pence T. Hill Response to letter dated 10/9/87 RSC meeting (2 pages) 129. 10/26/87 M. Doherty T. Hill Response letter re otate license res(3 Pages) 130. 10/26/87 R. Pence T. Martin Letter informing NRC of changes made in the transfer of Tc-99m Pertechnetate _(2 pages)

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. 1 APPENDIX D (Continued)

Documents to be Released in their Entirety Date criainator Recipient Descriotion-Egw Enaland Deaconess Hosoital Corporation (Lienese No. 20-00289-07) t eor.t inum)

131. 3/24/88 J. White Cover sheet-unannounced safety-inspection

(8 pages) l 132.3/28/88 r. Congol R. Pence Special-Inrpection No.87-001 (2 pages) 133.7/28/88 L. Tripp P. Cobb Handwritten RI Form 193-C-Medical (181 Pages) 134.8/2/88 J. Kinneman R. Ponce Routine Inspection No.88-001 (2 ptges) 135.4/30/90 M. Shanbaky W. New Routine Inspection N'). 90-001-(3 pages) 136.10/23/90 P. Cobb NRC Response to telecon dated 10/9/90 (2 Pages) ,

137.13/11/90 P. Cobb NRC Response to'telecon dated 12/11/90 (1 Pe9e) 138 1/2/91 J.G-Schugsta P. Cobb Letter forwarding amendment to NRC ,

Material License (3-pages) 139.3/5/91 L. Tripp P. Cobb Handwrittua RI Form 196-0-Medical-(16 Pages) 140 3/5/9 open Items t. racking system (1 page) 141.3/11/91 M. Shanbaky J. Tower Routine Intpection No._91-001 (3 pages)-

142.4/1/91 P. Cobb NRC Response to letter dated 3/11/91 (1 page) 143.5/1/91 P. Cobb NRC Response to telecon dated 5/1/91 (1 page)-

144.2/10/92 M. Shanbaky P. Cobb Handwritten Nuclear Medicine Inspection Field Notes (7 pages)

-145.5/22/91 P. Cobb Nhc Reque:Lang license amend. (8 pages) 146.5/28/91 M. Shanbaky J. Tower Response to licensee letter. dated 3/11/91


(2 pages) 147.6/24/91 J. Joansen J. Tower Letter forwarding amendment to NRC Material License (4 pages) 148.6/26/91 P.-Cobb NRC Letter informing NRC of address change (1 Page) 149.12/9/91 P. Cobb NRC Requesting license amend. (4 pages) 150.1/24/92 S. Courtemanche R. DeSLmone telecon record (1 page) 151.1/30/92 J. Johansen P.-Cobb Letter forwarding amendment to NRC-Material. License _(2 pages)

l l-APPENDIX D (Continued)

Documents to be Released in their Entirety Ella 9ricinat2I Reciolent Descrictl2D The Children's Hosoital - Boston (License No. 20-09569-17) 152.6/30/89 License No. (Amend. #14, 4 pgs.)

153.1/20/87 J. Olenn A. Broseghini Response to licensee letter dated 2/27/86 (5 pages) 154.3/20/87 J. clenn A. Broseghini Response to licensee lettse dated 1/29/87 (5 pages) 155.9/18/87 open Items tracking system (1 page) 156.1/28/88 T. Darden R. Amoling Handwritten RI Form 198-C-Hedical (10 pages) 157.2/23/88 J. Kinneman s. zoeller Routine Inspection No.87-001 (4 pages) 158 3/23/88 J. Kinneman s. zoeller Routine Inspection No.97-001 (4 pages) 159.5"/2/88 J. Kinneman s. zoeller Response to license letter dated 3/21/88 (3 pages) 160 8/5/89 J. Piccone R. Amoling Handwritten RI Form 198-C-Hedical (18 '

pages) 161.8/8/89 H. Shanbaky S. Pantaleoni Routine Inspection No.89-001 (4 pages) 162.9/27/89 H. Shanbaky S. Pantaleoni Response to license letter dated 8/31/89 (4 pages)

'63.9/5/90 Open Items tracking system (1 page) 16'.9/11/90 E. Ullrich S. Treves Handwritten NRC Form 591-Safety Inspection (1 page) 165.9/21/10 J. Kinneman R. Amoling Handwritten RI Form-198-D Industrial / Academic (27 pages)

Beth Israel Hospital (License No. 29-03S47-01) l.1/31/90 . License No. (Amend. #48, 4 pgs.; #49, 5 pgs.; #50, 5 pgc.; #51, 4 pgs.; #53, 2 pgs.; #52, 4 pga.)

167 3/21/89 open Items tracking system (1 page) l'8.3/27/89 J. Jensen D. Owens Handwritten RI Form 198-C-Hedical (16 Pages) 169.3/23/89 J. Glenn J. Holl Routine Inspection No. 030-02465/89-001 (3 pages) 170.5/5/89 J. Kinneman J. Holl Response to licensee letter dated 4/5/89 (4 pages)

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APPENDIX D (Continued)

Documents to be Released in their Entirety Egig Oricinator Recioient Descriotion children's Honoital (License No. 20-09568-111 171.8/28/92 License No. 20-09568-18 (Amend. #5, 3 Pgs.)

172. 1/20/87 J. olenn A. Broseghini Response to licensee letter dated 2/27/86 (5 pages) 173.3/6/87 J. Glenn s. zoeller Letter forwarding renewal to NRC Material License (2 pages) 174.3/20/87 J. Glenn A. Broseghini Response to licensee letter dated 1/29/87 (5 pages) 175.9/18/87 open Items tracking system (1 page) l'6.1/28/88 T. Darden R. Amoling Handwritten RI Form 198-C-Medical (13 Pages)

'77.8/23/88 J. Kinneman S. Zoeller Routine Inspo: tion No.87-001 (4 pages) 178.7/19/89 J. Miller R. Amoling Handwritten RI Form 198-c-Medical (17 Pages) 179. 8/8/89 M. Shanbaky S. Pantaleoni Routine Inspection No.89-001 (4 pages) 380 9/27/89 M. Shanbaky S. Pantaleoni Rosponse to license 1 letter dated 8/31/89 (4 pages) 181.9/21/90 E. Ullrich R. Amoling Handwritten RI Form 198-D Industrial / Academic (27 pages)'

102.9/11/90 E. Ullrich S. Treves Handwritten NRC Form 591-Safety Inspection (1 page) 183.9/15/90 Open Items tracking system (1 page)

APPENDIX E Documents to be Partially Withheld - EXEMPTION 6 E113 Oricinator Encipient Descriotion Roth Israel Hosoital (License No 20-00742-191

1. 9/25/87 J. Holl J. Glenn Request for License Amendment , (16 pgs.)

~2. J. Holl knendment to License e (8 pgs.)

8/28/90 Schugsta Hassachq.setts Eve and Ear Infirtoarv (License No. 20-1212-101 fcontinuedi

3. 7/31/87 S. Schmidt i Radioactive Incident Report (20 pgs.)
4. 8/3/88 J. McGillivray T. Thompson Response to letter dated 6/30/bd re Radioactive Incident 7/31/87-(177 pages)

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (License No. 20-19761-01)

5. 4/e/87 W. Corbett J. Johansen Letter informing NRC of RSO change (3 pages)

Dana-Farber Cancer Inst (Lute (License No. 20-19761-02) feontinued)

. 6. 7/23/90 E. Gross NRC Roquest for license amend (2 pages)

'The Children's Hosoital - Boston (License No. 20-09568-17)

7. 9/4/90 H. Messier W. New Letter forwarding hmendment to NRC Material License (8 pages)

-8. 3/28/89 J. Glenn J. Moll Twx confirming telecon (14 pages)

9. 4/8/87 W. Corbett J. Johansen Letter requesting amendment (3 pages)



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e C iggg Business (61 ;789u 7) 495-9666 Freedom ofInformation Section U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission IREEDOM OF INF0/MATION Washington, D.C, 20555 ACT REQUEST Attn. P-378 Re: A Freedom ofInformation Act Re.quni hZ~4-92-$$

g y2-y-9L

Dear Sir or Madam:

This is a request for agency records, brought pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA'), 5 U.S.C. 552.

We request one copy of each inspector's report, citation, and licence amendment for Harvard University and its teaching hospitals since January 1, 1987. We also request all records and correspondence relating to the use of nuclear materials at Harvard University and its teaching hospitals since January 1,1987. For your convenience, a partial list of the component schools and units-of Harvard University and its teaching hospitals follows:

Harvard School of Public Health Harvard College Harvard Medical School President and Fellows of Harvard College Harvard School of Dental Medicine Massachusetts General Hospital Brigham and Women's Hospital Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary Mount Auburn Hospital Beth Israel Hospital Children's Hospital New England Deaconess Hospital Dana Farber Cancer Institute All of the above parties are based in Boston or Cambridge, Massachusetts.

We are reporters for The Harvard Crimson, a daily newspaper published in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and we ask that this request be classified as one -

from " representative [s] of the news media,' pursuant to part (a)(4)(A) (ii) (II) of FOIA.

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4 ce this materialis being requested for the purpose of news article on issues of significant public interest, we request that you send out the materials as they become available, rather than waiting for all documents to be ready before responding.

If the fee for this request is expceted to exceed fifty dollars or if there are any other questions, please telephone either of us at (617) 495 9666.

If all or any part of this request is denied, please cite the specific exemption s which you think justifies your refusal to release the information and inform u(s)of your agency's administrative appeal procedures available to us under the law.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. We would appreciate your handling this request as soon as possible, and we look forward to hearing from you within 10 working days, as the law stipulates.


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