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Request for OMB Review & Supporting Statement Re NRC Form 7, Application for License to Export Nuclear Material & Equipment. Estimated Respondent Burden Is 0 H
Person / Time
Issue date: 12/23/1992
From: Cranford G
OMB-3150-0027, OMB-3150-27, NUDOCS 9301050087
Download: ML20126H168 (9)





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Request for OMB Review ,

important Read instructions before completing form, Do not use the same SF 83 Send three copies of this furm, the material to be reviewed, and fut to rQquest both an Executwe Order 12291 review and approval under paperwork-three copies of the supporting statement, to:

  • he Paperwork Reduction Act.

Answer all questions in Part I. If this request is for review under E.O. Office of Information and Regulatory Affers 12291, complete Part 11 and sign the regulatory certification. If this Office of Management arid Budget _

request is for approval under the Paperwork Reduction Act and 5 CFR Attention Occket Library, Room 3201 1320, skip Part ti, complete Part ill and sign the paperwork certification Washmgton. DC 20503

? ART l.-Complete This Part for All Requests.

L Departmentragency ano eureacott<ce ong.natmg f eWest 2, Agency coce V. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 3 1 5 0

3. Name of person wno can cest acuer questions regaia ng tnis recuest Te.egnone ni.rmer Elaine Hemby_ t 301 ) 504-2341
4. Ittle of I'itormation COhection Or rulemaMng NRC Form 7, Application for License to Export Nuclear Material and Equipment i

3I authcr ty 10r pr!crmaD0n cGaiect On Or ra e (Ofe Umin a d 9Jfe$ Cgde, /Mbc ;.J4, Of DecLPye O/Jer) 42 use 2201(c) . 0, .

1 Attected pubec (chec A ali trar m/y) 5 U Fece:aiagences or empioyees 1 C inomauais or nousences 3 [ Fsms 6 C Nonsrctit nstitutions 4 CC Busmesses or otner mr prct:t 7 3 Sman e asmesses or organaations 2 U State or local 5 overnments JART ll.-Complete rhis Part unty if the Request is for OMB Review Under Executive Order 12291

'. R*gu!ation Identif er Numter (RiN)


ar None assened L.,

L Tge os suomwon :c"ecn re m exh crept > ; Type or revsew requested Classification Stage of development 3 Q stanaar3 1 U Maior 1 U P oposed or craft 2 U Pendmg 2 C Nanmajor 2 C Fmaiar n"ee m t;rw wdn pricr rocos.v 3 C Emergency 3 C Final or cienm tmat uthout onct picccsai 4 Statutory or n.dicut ceadhne 1 CFR section attected CFR

10. Does this regu.ation contam recartng or recoroweeping reawrements trat recure oMB appreva! uNer tne Facerwork Reduction Act ard 5 CFR 1320? , C yes C No 11,if a rnaior rute. is there a reguiatory impact anaws.s attached? 1 U /es 2 C Na if"No " did OMB wame the ana!ysis' 3 U v es 4 U No

":ertification for Regulatory Submissions la sut.mittmg ttus request for oMB review, the autnorged reguiatory contact and tre prcgram omerai cenW tha: tre reqeements et E.O 12231 and any appacac e

oncs directNes have Deen comphed witn ignature et pregram etticaa! ,

Date 3100,4,.

gna:ure at autranzea reguator) cortact Date N ..


12. 4 OMB use only) smus een awa wN 7s4004Wo34 9301050087 921223 a S""'7."'s"17A/o@

PDR ORO EUSOMB scra 132o ano e o imi PDR


PART lli.-Compl:te This Part Only if the R:qusst is f;r Approvel of a Coll:cti:n i cf infrrmati;n Undir the P p rw rk Reducti:n Act end 5 CFR 1320.

13. Abstrict-Describe needs, uses and affectsd putdic in 50 words or less

" Export Regulation, Nuclear Equipment and Material" '

The proposed rule would require that specific licenses be obtained for certain exports of byproduct materials and some alpha-emitting radionuclides. Persons requesting a specific-license to export nulcear material or equipment must file an application on NRC Form 7.

14. Type cf informaticn cohection (checA only one)

Infumatwn collections %t containcdin rMes 10 Regularsubmission 2 C Emergency submiss >on(certAcaten a :sched)

Inbemation collections contained in rules 3 O Ersting reguistion (no change proposeo) e rina: or nienm f mai witnaut p ior neRM 7. Enter date et expected or actua reaerat 4 @ Notice of proposed rutemaking(NPRM) A C Reguter submssion Register publication at this stage of rutemaking; B C Emergency tabmtss on (cemt. cat,on attached) (montA day, year) .

5 C Final. NPRM was previously pubbsned

15. l ype of review reouested (check omy one) 4 U Reenstatement of a previously approved cohection for which aDorosa;

} C New tollection has expired 2 3.] Revision of a currently aporoved cotiection 3 O Extension of the expiration cate of a currentiy apornvec cotiection 5 O Eusting conection in use mtnout an oMB control number etnout any change m the substance or m the mernod of conection

16. Agency report form number (s)(inc/voe standard /optronal form number (s)) l 22. Purpose odinformation collection (checA as Ina'!y as apply) i 1 LJ Appi cation i for benefits NRC Form 7 -

2 LJ Program evaluation

17. Annual reporting or d:sclosure burcen 3 O Gereral purpose statistes 1 Number of resDondents  ! 200 i a g % ,1o,yo,compa,nce 2 Number of responses per resoondent  ! ' 5 U Program pianning or managemert 3 Total annual responses (hne 1 times hne 2) 200 c E sesearch 4 Hours per response 1 7 C Aud.t 5 Total hours (irne 3 frmes hne o 200
18. Annual recorcneeping burcer. 23. F recuency o' recorCaecomg or reDorting (eneck ail trat app'y) i i 1 C Recorcueeping 1 Number of recorexcepers {'

2 Annudi hours per recordneeper Reoortmg 3 Toto! recorakeepirg hours (hne 1 times kne 2) .

2 3 on occasion 4 Recorckeepmg retention period l years! 3 y g,,4

19. Total annual bureen 200 4U" "t

1 Reouested (kne 17 5 plus bne 18-3) .

l> 5 0 Quarterly 2 tn current oMB inventory 200 6 0 semrannuany 3 Ditterence (hne 1 tess hne 2) 0 7 AnnuaDy Explanation of difference + B D Brenn:ally 4 Drogram change 9 Q ctner(gesenbe).

5 Ad;ustment . 0

. Resooncents' ochgation to compiy(cneck fne strccgest ecogat;on tnat spokes)

20. Current (most recent) OM B control number or comment number { 24 3150-0027 >

10 yo untary

21. Requested expiration cate 2 3 Reautred to obtain or retain a benefit 3/31 /94 3 0 uandatoy
25. Are the responcents pnmanly educational agencies or irtstituttor's or ts the prima y purpose of tne conection related to receral ecucat:en programs? C Y es [ No
26. Does the agenc use samphng to select respondents of does the agency recemrnend or prescnoe the use of sampting or statistical ana!ysis by respondents

. C Yes b Nc

27. Regulatory autnority for the inf ormation cohection 10 cra 110 or ra ;or.otner(specny):

Pepcrwork Certification in submittmg tNa fecuest Ior oMB approvai, the agency head. the senior official or an autnonzed reoresentative, certifies that the recuirements of 5 CrR 1320. the Privacy Act, statistical standards or directives. and any other apohcable informatice oulicy directives have been comphed voth.

Signature of program official . Date

\ A Date b $tgr ture f agency ' d, tn sen r ' ;icial or an autn 'ed representative

/G ${j C f formation Resources Management O / /fN y [, _l + cro 1984 o - 4s3-77s

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Descriotion of the Information Collection The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and Title 11 of the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, as amended, has authority for exercising export and import controls over nuclear equipment and material as listed in 10 CFR Part 110 Sections 110.8, 110.9, and 110.9(a).

All persons who wish to export or import the nuclear equipment and material must provide certain information collection elements to enable the NRC and the Executive Branch to make required export / import licensing determinations. The NRC's regulations are being revised to require specific licensing of certain exports of alpha-emitting radionuclides and byproduct materials which previously could transpire under general licenses.

The proposed rule would require a person to file an application for a specific license to export such materials. Sections 110.31 and 110.32 indicate the information required to be submitted for an application for export of these materi al s . The other sections listed have no change in information collection requirements but will have an incr. ease in burden attributable to the larger universe of respondents subject to the requirements. The specific information collections that would be affected b/ the proposed rule are listed below:

ADolications for Exoort Licenses. Sections 110.31 and 110.32 require license applications from all persons in the U.S. who wish to export nuclear material or equipment requiring specific authorization. Most export applications are submitted on a multipurpose license application NRC Form 7 which covers most types of nuclear material and equipment under the NRC's authority. (The NRC Form 7 information collection is described separately under 0MB approval No.

3150-0027.) Consolidated license applications are submitted by letter and are covered by this clearance. The information collection elements enable the Commission and the Executive Branch to make required export / import licensing determinations to ensure compliance with regulations. Section 110.31(c) indicates that applications for exports will include information specified in

@l10.32 on the name and address of applicant, name and address of supplier, country of origin of material, names and addresses of intermediate and ultimate consignees, dates of first and last shipments, description of the material, and a description of the end use of the material.

License Terms and Related Provisions. Section 110.50(a)(7) requires licensees to notify the NRC promptly if they know or have reason to believe that the packaging requirements of 10 CFR 71 have not been met. Section 110.50(b)(3) l

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requires 40-day advance notice to the NRC, in writing, prior to the export of Australian-origin or Canadian-origin nuclear material or equipment, unless such foreign-origin exports have been specifically authorized on the NRC export license.

Amendment. Renewal. Revocation. Suspension. and Modification of licenses.

Section 110.51 permits licensees to renew a license by submitting an application 30 days or more prior to expiration of the license. Section 110.52 provides guidelines for the NRC to request additional information from licensees to determine whether a license should be revoked, suspended, or modified.

Record Retention Period. Section 110.53(b) requires each licensee to maintain records concerning his exports and imports. The licensee shall retain these records for five years after each export or import except that byproduct material records shall be retained for three years.


1. Eggd. The information will be used to strengthen the NRC's licensing controls over certain alpha-emitting radionuclides and byproduct materials leaving the United States. This action will bring the NRC's export controls in compliance with the export control guidelines of the international Nuclear Suppliers Group and the International Atomic Energy List of the Coordinated Committee for Multilateral Export Controls (C0COM), and treaty obligations between the United States and Canada.
2. Aaency Use of Information. The information required on the license applications is keyed to the decision criteria which will guide the NRC in approving or denying specific cases. This information, and other associated notification and recordkeeping requirements, will also facilitate the NRC's consultations with other interested U.S. and foreign officials prior to making its decisions.
3. Reduction of Burden Throuah Information Technoloav. There are no legal obstacles to reducing the burden assuciated with this information collection. Licensees and applicants may utilize information technology if they so desire.
4. Effort to Identify Duolication. The Information Requirements Control Automated System (IRCAS) was searched to determine agency duplication. None was found.
5. Effort to Use Similar Information, No such similar information exists.

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6. . Effort to Reduce Small Business Burden. The NRC does not expect the information collection requirements to pose any significant burden on small business. The NRC has proposed new general licenses which' exempts from new controls shipments of alpha-emitting radionuclides to the twenty-six member states of the international Nuclear Suppliers Group and small quantities of alpha-emitting radionuclides when contained in devices in quantities of less than 100 millicuries of alpha activity per device. To NRC's knowledge, such shipments represent small business's particular concern.
7. Consecuences of less Freauent Collection. The information requested in Sections 110.31 and 110.32 is submitted only when deemed necessary by exporters.
8. Circumstances Which Justify Variation from OMB Guidelines. The reason for retaining records for five years for each export, except for byproduct material, is that these exports are relatively more important with respect to nonproliferation of nuclear related activities.
9. Consultations Outside the NRC. Public comments have been elicited from personnel of the Department of Energy's National laboratories and U.S. industry on possible revisions to the licensing requirements in 10 CFR Part 110 for certain exports of alpha-emitting radionuclides and byproduct materials. The comments received were taken into account in writing the proposed rule.

The proposed rule, in turn, is being published for public comment.

All comments, including any comments on the information collection burden, will be addressed in the final rule.

10. Confidentiality of Information. The information requested in Sections 110.31 and 110.32 will be treated as company proprietary at the request of the applicant.
11. Justification for Sensitive Ouestions. There are no sensitive questions.
12. Estimated Annualized Cost to the Federal Government. The collection of information for an estimated six additional exports.

of certain alpha-emitting radionuclides and byproduct materials requiring specific licenses under 10 CFR Part 110 requires approximately 18 NRC professional staff hours per year (3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> x 6 cases). Annual labor cost to the Federal Government at $123 staff hour is $2,214-(18 hours2.083333e-4 days <br />0.005 hours <br />2.97619e-5 weeks <br />6.849e-6 months <br /> x $123).

13. Estimate of Burden. Some six exports of nuclear material per year are estimated to be affected by requiring a specific NRC license for the export of certain alpha-emitting radionuclides and ,

byproduct materials.

- m y

) I6-4 Annual Reportina Reouirements -

Responses / Hours -Total Section Respondents Resoondent _ Response Haunt NRC form 6 1 3 18

-(Number 3150-0027) 110.50(a)(7) 1 1 1 1 110.51 1 1 2 2 110.52 1 1 1 1 Total Annual Reporting Burden is 22 hours2.546296e-4 days <br />0.00611 hours <br />3.637566e-5 weeks <br />8.371e-6 months <br /> or $2,706 ($123 x 22 Hours).

Annual Recordkeepina Reouirements Responses / Hours Total.

Section Respondents Respondent- Response Hours 110.53 6 1 1 6 Total Annual Burden- is 28 hours3.240741e-4 days <br />0.00778 hours <br />4.62963e-5 weeks <br />1.0654e-5 months <br /> or $3,444- ($123 x- 28 hours3.240741e-4 days <br />0.00778 hours <br />4.62963e-5 weeks <br />1.0654e-5 months <br />).

14. Reasons for Chanae in Burden. The proposed amendment.of the NRC's export regulations requires specific licenses to be acquired from the NRC prior to exports of certain alpha-emitting radionuclides and byproduct-materials which were previously generally licensed.. ,
15. . Publication for Statistical'Use.. The NRC does not plan to-publish p any-information for statistical-use.

B. COLLECTIONS 0F INFORMATION EMPLOYING STATISTICAL METHODS-Statistical-methods are not used in the collection-of information.

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NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Documents Containing Reporting or Recordkeeping Requirements:

Office of Management and Budget (0MB) Review AGENCY: Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)

ACTION: Notice of the OMB review of information collection


The NRC has recently submitted to OMB for review the following proposal for the collection of information under the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35).
1. Type of submission, new, revision or extension: Revision
2. The title of the information collection: Proposed Rule, "10 CFR Part 110: Requirements for the Specific Licensing of Exports of Certain Alpha-Emitting Radionuclides and Byproduct Material"
3. The form number if applicable: NRC Form 7
4. How of ten the collection is required: On occasion.


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5. Who will be required or asked to report: Some exporters of bulk tritium, americium-242m, californium-249, californium-251, curium-245, curium-247 and certain alpha-emitting radionuclides
6. An estimate of the number of reporting responses annually: 9 _
7. An estimate of the total number of nours annually needed to complete the requirement or request: 28. 22 hours2.546296e-4 days <br />0.00611 hours <br />3.637566e-5 weeks <br />8.371e-6 months <br /> of reporting burden is estimated (an average of 2.4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> per response) and 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> of recordkeeping burden is estimated
8. An indication of whether Section 3504(h), Pub. L.96-511 applies:


9. Abstract: 10 CFR 110 provides application, reporting, and recordkeeping requirements for exports and imports of nuclear equipment and material. The proposed revision would require that specific licenses be obtained for certain exports of byproduct materials and some alpha-emitting radionuclides.

Copies of the submittal may be inspected or obtained for a fee from the NRC Public Document Room, 2120 L Street, N.W. (Lower Level), Washington, D.C. 20555.

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i Comments and questions may be directed by mail to the OMB reviewer:

Ronald Minsk Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (3150-0036 and 3150-0027)

NE0B-3019 Office of Management and Budget Washington, DC 20503 Comments may also be communicated by telephone at (202) 395-3084.

The NRC clearance officer is Brenda Jo. Shelton, (301) 492-8132.


Dated at Bethesda, Maryland, this M day off -


For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Gerald F. CrAnford g T Designated Senior Official for Information Resources Management
