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Partial Response to FOIA Request.App G Records Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 5 & 7)
Person / Time
Issue date: 06/29/1992
From: Harris C
To: Curran D
FOIA-92-204 NUDOCS 9212230195
Download: ML20126C739 (3)


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Plovt st i H Diane Curran PART 1.-AGENCY RECORDS RE LE ASED OR NOT LOCAT E D Ser d.ed rw tienest No erncy rer ords satant to the rensest have been located No estt.onal orncy retordi nut ect 9 to the request ha<c b~n located HerpestM records are asadabte through another pubuc distribution proyam Lee Comments section, Arnc y reco,ds ssbstt to the request that are identified in Apperda(est are alr# erty evadable for pubhc inspection and c.oppng at the NRC Pubhc Document Room 2120 L St:ect. N W . WeisNngton DC.

Agency thords subi nt to the recuest that are ideMified in AppendMesi are being made ava4b'e for pubhc inspection and copying at the NHC Pubhc Document Room,2120 t. Street N.W., Washington DC,in a foldtr under this F OI A number.

The nonpropoetary serron o' the propoMs) that you agreed to a; cept m a te!ephone conversation w>th a member of my statf is now being made ava>atJe for psbhc mpcct,on and copy,ng at the N RC Pubhc Document Room. 2120 L Street. N W., Washmaton, DC, in a folder under this F OI A number, Arncy records sahject to the request that are identi fied in Appenta(es) . rvay be mspected and neptj at the NRC Loca! Pubhc Document Hoorn ident,fied in the Comments section.

L nclowd is mfue matino on he.v you may obtain an en to and the c har rs f or couving recorcis located at t*4 NRC Pubbc Occument Room,2120 L Strtet, N W~ Wnhqtw DC Agent y records subje( t to the rupnt are enclosed.

Recortis sutae(t to the reyvest have been referred to another iederal agency 0es) for rev ew and d f n t response to you f tes You adt be bded by the NRC for fees totahng $

You win rnene a rai nd u f rom the NRC in the amount of $

In view of NRC's response to tNs request, no further action is bem taken on appeal totter dated ,No PART 11. A-INTORMATION WITHHELD FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE Certem information in the reusested records 16 being withheld from pubhc datlosu re psrsuant to the esemphons described in arvi for the reasons stated in Part II,0, C, and D. Any released partens of the documects for which only part ofthe record is beiria withheid are bem; marie available for public

)( inspect 09 aN copying in the NRC Pubhc Document Room 2120 L Street, N W , Washrgton, DC in a folder under this FOl A number, COW! NTS 9212230195 920629 PDR FOIA CURRAN 92-204 PDR iicNAtost 5Ac a m so 4 on + maou er istoneAnos Asa rueucAnossuavects ,

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Den 0. Hayes y - a ti_ - . _ _ _ _ . _

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Deputy General Counsel for Joseph Scinto _jlear.ings e_Inforcecent.and G .L -- ._._ _ 1 _


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_ . _ _ . -e PART H 0- APPEAL RIGHTS The denist by each oonving offos e went.f d m Part it C may t4 spoered to the Appenate Otteo *not ci thee. Any swh apres! must t4 made in w*iting witNn 30 days of vece:pt of tu ene.inse App *4 i must t be eddretied. es encropnate, to the E secutNe Doector fo* Opersuone. to the secretary of the commwon, at to the inspector Geners( U S. Nacina-Roguintory Comm ni.orWnheron. DC 20%5 and should etwiv stee on the envvow and in the letter that it n an "Appest fmm es init2a1 F Of A Dension


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1. - --- A Record Relating to an Ongoing Investigation (Exemption 7A, Entirety) ,
2. 1/21/92 Note to Richard cunningham and Leonard callan ,

from Stephen Lewis, Subjects rollow-up to 0GC Note to George B1dinger, Dated-January 9, 1992 (2 pages) (Exemption 5 Entirety)-

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