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Extends Invitation to Participate in 921119 Workshop at Potomac Inn in Rockville,Md to Exchange Info & to Review Lessons Learned in Site Decommissioning Mgt Plan for Remediating Radiologically Contaminated Sites
Person / Time
Issue date: 11/04/1992
From: Rathbun D
To: Brewster B, Chafee J
CCS, NUDOCS 9212160284
Download: ML20125E287 (10)


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j WASHINGTON, D. C. 20$$$

\q +.... s j/ November 4, 1992 The Honorable John H. Chafee United States Senate Washington, D. C. 20510

Dear Senator Chafee:

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is sponsoring a public workshop to exchange information and review lessons learned in the Site Decommissioning Management Plan, or SDMP, for remediating radiologically contaminated sites. SDMP sites have been identified in your State. I am inviting you, or a member of your staff, to participate in this workshop, which will be held on i November 19, 1992, from 8:30 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. at the Potomac l Inn in Rockville, Maryland. The idea for the workshop grew out of the implementation of NRC's Action Plan to Ensure Timely Cleanup of SDMP sites based on comments we received from licensees and other responsible parties. We believe these interactions can help us effectively identify significant issues associated with site remediation and explore alternative approaches for their resolution.

The NRC Chairman will be the keynote speaker for the workshop, which will also involve NRC managers and staff members responsible for the SDMP. I am enclosing a copy of the Federal Eg21 ster notice announcing the workshop along with a draft agenda. Please note that presentations at the meeting are limited to invited speakers, but that full public comment and participation in question-and-answer sessions and in small group workshops is encouraged.

The Potomac Inn is located just west of Interstate Route 270 at the Shady Grove Road exit at 3 Research Court, hockville, Maryland, 20850, telephone 301/840-0200.

We recognize that the lead time for the workshop is somewhat limited, but we wanted to convene tha workshop as soon as possible to encourage licensees and other responsible parties to exchange information and to identify any significant issues that you are concerned about. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me or Tom Madden at 301/504-1776.

Sincerely, W W Dennis K. Rathbun, Director Office of Congressional Affairs


As Stated

,o I 9212160284.921104 3 j3 p PDR ORG NRCCO 4gj- \

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  • W A5HINGTON. D. C. 205%

%, ~. . . . . sf November 4, 1992 The Monorable Bill Drewster United States House of Representatives Washington, D. C. 20515

Dear Congressman Brewster:

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is sponsoring a public workshop to exchange information and review lessons learned in the Site Decommissioning Management Plan, or SDMP, for remediating radiologically contaminated sites. SDMP sites have been identified in your District. I am inviting you, or a member of your staff, to participate in this workshop, which will be held on November 19, 1992, from 8:30 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. at the Potomac Inn in Rockville, Maryland. The idea for the workshop grew out of the implementation of NRC's Action Plan to Ensure Timely Cleanup of SDMP sites based on comments we received from licenscos and other responsible parties. We believe these interactions can help us effectively identify significant issues associated with site remediation and explore alternative approaches for their resolution.

The NRC Chairman will be the keynote speaker for the workshop, which will also involve NRC managers and staff members responsible for the SDMP. I am enclosing a copy of the Federal Reaister notice announcing the workshop along with a draft agenda. Please note that presentations at the meeting are limited to invited speakers, but thac full public comment and participation in question-and-answer sessiono and in small group workshops is encouraged.

The Potomac Inn is located just west of Interstate Route.270 at the Shady Grove Road exit at 3 Research Court, Rockville, Maryland, 20850, telephone 301/840-0200, We recognize that the lead time for the workshop is somewhat limited, but we wanted to convene the workshop as soon as possible to encourage licensees and other responsible parties to exchange information and to identify any significant issues that you are concerned about. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me or Tom Madden at 301/504-1776.


@fW _.

Dennis K. Rathbun, Director Office of Congressional Affairs l


As Stated

P l


HENATORS SENATORQ John Chafee Frank Lautenberg ,

claitcrne doll Bill Bradley ,

Paul David Wellstone Don Hickles Dave Durenberger David Boren John Kerry Edward M. Kennedy Carl Levin Donald Riegle, Jr.

Alfonne D'Amato Daniel P. Moynihar.

ilarris Wofford Arlen Specter '

Christopher Bond John Danforth John Rockfeller IV Robert Byrd


-Bill Brewster Dick Zimmer.

Bruce Vento H. James Saxton Mike Synar Bob McEwen Bob Traxler Peter Kostmayor Gus Yatron __ Michael Oxley John Murtha- Wayne Gilchreat Alan Mollohan Joseph D. Early-Tom Ridge W113'.am L. Clay-Joseph P. Kennedy II Jack J'eed Barney Frank Willia.7 J. Hughes.

Douglas Applegate Paul Kanjorski Dean Gallo Dennis-Eckart-

- Joe Kolter_ _ Curt Weldon Chester Atkins Mary Rose Oakar William-Goodling- Austin J. Murphy-e, -t- , e- w,m,+wm --mr,p. ,-,-=n c r r- , . ya , t'-~- - <em- ,new e row -n-rw--,-.wv , --w- ~ =




' Office of Public Affairs Washington, D.C. 20555-No.92-161 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tel. 301-504-2740 (Monday, November 2,1992)

NUCLEAR REGULATOAY COMMISSION TO HOLD WORKSHOP NOVEMBER 19 ON CLEANUP OF CONTAMINATED SITES The Nuclear Regulatory Commission will hold a workshop on November 19 in Rockville, MD, to discuss cleanup of radioactively l contaminated sites. Interested persons are invited to attend.

NRC Chairman Ivan Selin will give the keynote address at 8:45 a.m., following' opening remarks by NRC staff members at 8:30 a.m.

The workshop, which will be held at the Potomac Inn, 3 Research Court, Rockville, will continue until about 5:30 p.m.

In 1990, the NRC developed a Site Decommissioning Management Plan (SDMP) to identify and resolve issues associated with the timely cleanup of radioactively contaminated nuclear materials sites. The NRC staff determined that over 40 of these sites deserved special attention to ensure that they were decontaminated and-decommissioned in a timely and effective manner. These sites, called the "SDMP sites," have buildings, former waste disposal areas, large piles of tailings from mineral processing, groundwater and soil contaminated with low levels of uranium, thorium or other radioactive materials.

The sites present varying degrees of radiological hazard and cleanup complexity and cost. In some cases, cleanup and decommissioning activities have begun or are nearing completion.

At others, cleanup and decommissioning have not yet been planned or initiated.

On April 16, 1992, the NRC issued'an action plan to ensure _the

~ timely cleanup-of the SDMP sites (none of which are nuclear power plants). Since the issuance of the Action Plan, some licensees have proposed ideas for achieving more timely and effective cleanup of contaminated sites. One idea involves creating a mechanism by which licensees and other_ interested parties can share lessons learned in characterizing and remediating contaminated sites. NRC

-is holding _ this workshop in response to - this proposal and in recognition that there are common cleanup issues that exist at a number of SDMP sites.

Presentations during the workshop will be limited to invited speakers, whose topics will include cleanup criteria,_ verification 1 _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ , _ . _ .-

surveys, finality, process for reviewing and approving decommissioning actions, and coordination with federal, state and local agencies.

A11 attendees are encouraged to participate in question-and-answer sessions after each series of presentations.

Persons who would like to include specific topics in the workshop or who have questions regarding the agenda should contact Harvey Spiro, office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, l U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555, l telephone: 301/504-2559.


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NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Public Workshop to Exchange Information and lessons Learned in Remediating Radioactively Contaminated Sites AGENCY: Nuclear Regulatory Commission i ACTION: Notice of Public Workshop


This notice is to inform the public of a workshop to exchange information and review lessons learned i.n remediating radioactively contaminated sites. Interested individuals may attend a public workshop on November 19, 1992, at the_Potomar Inn, 3 Research Court, Rockville Maryland 20850, telephone (301) 84C-0200. The wornsnop will begin at 8:30 a.m. and continue u.til about 5:30 p.m.

BACKGROUND: In 1990, the NRC developed the Site Decommissioning Management Plan (SDMP) to identify and resolve issues associated with the timely cleanup of radiologically contaminated sites. The NRC-staff determined that these sites deserved special ensure they'were decontaminated and decommissioned in a timely and effective manner. Over 40 sites are now included in the SDMP. The SDMP sites have buildings, former waste disposal areas, large piles of. tailings from' mineral processing, groundwater, and soil contaminated with low levels of uranium, tnorium, or other radioactive materials. Consequently, the sites present varying degrees of radiological

Multiple Addressees hazard, clesnup complexity, and cost. In some cases, decommissioning activities have been initiated, or are nearing completion; at others, decommissioning plans have not been made and no work has been started.

in April 1992, the NRC developed an " Action Plan to Ensure Timely Cleanup of SDMP sites," which was published in the Federal Reaister on April 16, 1992 (57 FR 13389). The objective of the plan was to communicate the Commission's general expectation that sites listed in the SDMP be cleaned up in a timely and effective manner. As part of the implementation of the Action Plan, the NRC identified the need to convene a workshop, involving licensees and other parties responsible for the SDMP sites, to facilitate sharing of lessons learned in characterizing and cleaning up contaminated sites.

1 i CONDUCT OF THE WORKSHOP: The workshop will be held on November 19, 1992, to exchange information with the regulated community, interested parties, and members of the public on the issues associated with remediation of radiologically contaminated sites listed in the SDMP.

Speakers from the NRC will include senior NRC manageacnt responsible for establishing decommissioning policy, as well as staff from NRC's Office of .

Nuclear Material Safet) ..a Safeguards, who are directly involved in managing.

the SDMP and in overseeing the cleanup of SDMP sites. Presentations will also be made by NRC's Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research and others on current

  • projects to develop and improve guidance for site decommissioning. NRC speakers will address the following issues: *
1. Site Decommissioning Management Plan,

I .

Multiple Addressees 1 1

2. Status of decommissioning activities, j
3. The SDMP Action Plan, l
4. Interim cleanup criteria for radiological contamination,
5. Guidance on termination radiation surveys, and
6. Coordination with local and other regulatory authorities. ,

Discussions about the interim cleanup criteria are separate and distinct from i the workshops NRC has planned in support of the enhanced participatory rulemaking on radiological criteria for decommissioning. An NRC representative will, however, describe the status of NRC's plans for the enhanced participatory rulemaking. NRC has also planned a panel discussion led by NRC licensees involved in the site decommissioning process.

Presentations during the workshop will be limited to invited speakers. All attendees are encouraged to participate in question-and-answer sessions after each series of presentations, as well as in the small group breakout sessions to discuss specific issues. Persons who wish to include specific topics in the workshop should contact Mr. Harvey Spiro at the address listed below.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Harvey J. Spiro, Decommissioning and Regulatory Issues Branch, Division of low-level Waste Management and Decommissioning. Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, U.S.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Washington,-DC 20555, telephone (301) 504-2559.

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DRAFT AGENDA NRC Site Decommissioning Management Plan (SDMP) Workshop November 19, 1992 Potomac inn, Rockville, MD 8:30 Opening Remarks and Orientation (Bernero/Bangart) 8:45 Keynot'e Address by the NRC Chairman 9:15 Question and Answer Session 9:30 Break 9:45 NRC's Site Decommissioning Management Plan and Action Plan (Austin / Johnson) 10:15 Site Status Report (Fawer) 10:45 Decommissioning and Finality (Austin) 11:15 Question and Answer Session (Questions to the NRC Staff) 11:45 Lunch 1:00 Current Cleanup Criteria and Future Regulations and Guidance '(Austin)

  • Enhanced Participatory Rulemaking on Radiological Criteria ;(CameFon)

. Deccanissioning Timeliness Rule (Cool);

  • ExistingCleanupCriteria(Fauver)
  • Verification Surveys (Fauver)
  • Site Characterization Guidance (Eid)

+ Questions 2:30 Break 2:45 Regulatory Process

  • Process for Reviewing and Approving Decomissioning Actions (Joh'6so') n

+ Coordination with Federal, State, and Lucal Agencies l(Weber) 3:30 Presentations Bf SDMP Site 0wners (Holycorp thoriura;'.UNC Hontville.- NotesChemetron

- surveys; from the Field JAd5 tin)

' site characterization and orders;LB&W Apollo X process and nearing coepletion)_

5:15 Closing Remarks 5:30 Adjourn Workshop i

I m__--- _ _ . _ _ _ _ - - - - _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - -


, e l

Tholt 1. Existing SDMP Sites Site N&me ,

Location ,

Advanced Medical Systems Cleveland, OH ALC0A Cleveland, OH AMAX Wood City, WV Aberdeen Proving Ground Aberdeen, MD Babcock and Wilcox Apollo, PA Babcock and Wilcox Parks Township, PA BP Chemicals Lima, OH Budd Company Philadelphia, PA Cabot Corporation Boyertown, PA Cabot Corporation Reading, PA Cabot Corporation Revere, PA Chemetron Corporation (Bert Ave.) Cleveland, OH Chemetron Corporation (Harvard Ave.) Cleveland, OH Chevron Corporation Pawling, New York Dow Chemical Midland, MI Elkem Metals Marietta, OH I

Engelhard Plainville, MA Fansteel Muskogee, OK General Services Administration Watertown, Boston, MA Hartley and Hartley Bay City, Mi Heritage Minerals Lakehurst, NJ Kerr-McGee (Cimmaron) Crescent, OK Kerr McGee Cushing, OK Magnesium Elektron Flemington, NJ NE Chio Regional Sewer District Cuyahoga Heights, OH Nuclear Metals Concord, MA Holycorp Washington, PA Mulycorp York, PA Permagrain Media, PA Pesses Chemical Pulaski, PA Process Technology Rockaway, NJ Remington Arms Company Independence, M0 RMI Titanium Ashtabula, OH Safety Light Corporation Bloomsburg, PA Schott Glass Duryea, PA Shieldalloy Cambridge, MA Shieldalloy Newfield, NJ Texas Instruments Attleboro, MA United Nuclear Corp; ration Wood River Junction, RI Victoreen Cleveland, OH Westinghouse (Waltz Mill) Madison, PA West Lake Landfill St. Louis, M0 Whittaker Metals Greenville, PA Wyman-Gordon North Grafton, MA 3M Company .

New Brighton, MN 7


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