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Notice of Issuance of Amend 36 to DPR-50
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/07/1978
From: Reid R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 7910220533
Download: ML20125B105 (3)


[ U8 NI.

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,,f UNITED STATES $4OR8a4 Reading



Docket No. 50-239 Docketing and Service Section Office of tne Secretary of the Commission


ftETROPOLITAN EDISON COMPAtlY Two signed onginals of the Federal Register Notice identified below are enclosed for vour transmittal to the Office of the Federal Register for publication. Additional conformed copies ( 12 ) of the Notice are enclosed for your use.

O Notice of Receipt of Application for Construction Permit (s) and Operating License (s).

O Notice of Receipt of Partial Application for Construction Permit (s) and Facility License (s): Time for Submission of Views on Antitrust Matters, O Notice of Availability of Applicant's Environmental Report.

O Notice of Proposed issuance of' Amendment to Facility Operating License.

O Notice of Receipt of Application for Facility License (s); Notice of Availability of Applicant's Environmental Report; and Notice of Consideration of Issuance of Facility License (s) and Notice of Opportunity for Hearing.

O Notice of Availability of NRC Draft Final Environmental Statement.

O Notice of Limited Work Authorization.

O Notice of Availability of Safety Evaluation Report.

O Notice of Issuance of Construction Permit (s).

XJ Notice of Issuance of Facility Operating License (s) or Amendment (s). 90016263 O Other: Andt. f 36 Refvynced documents have been provided PDR.

Division of Operating Reactors, ORB!4 Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation As Stated ORB #4:00R ,

3 . .

summ _., RIngr. apt dn

.7 91

~ 1/#/78 0220 S 2 [ 8 NAC FORM ?O2 0 '6)


. AND LIGHT COMPANY PENNSYLVANIA ELECTRIC COMPANY NOTICE OF ISSUANCE OF AMENDMENT TO FACILITY OPERATING LICENSE The U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (the Commission) has issued Amendment No. 36 to Facility Operating License No. DPR-50, issued to Metropolitan Edison. Company, Jersey Central Power and Light Company and Pennsylvania Electric Company (the licensees), which revised Technical Specifications for operation of the Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit No.1 (the facility) located in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. The amendment is effective as of its date of issuance.

The amendment revises the definition of containment integrity with respect to airlock maintenance, repair or modification and adds surveillance requirements for the interlock systems of airlocks.

The application for the amendment complies wita the standards and requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the 1

Act), and the Commission's rules and regulations. The Commission has made appropriate findings as required by the Act and the-Commission's rules and regulations in 10 CFR Chapter I, which are set forth in the license amendment. Prior public notice of this amendment was not required since the amendment does not involve a significant hazards consideration.

9001R M M



O o The Commission has detemined that the issuance of this amendment will not result in any significant environmental impact and ti at pursuant to 10 CFR 551.5(d)(4) an environmental impact statement, or negative declaration and environnental impact appraisal need not be prepared in connection with issuance of this amendment.

For further details with respect to this action, see (1) the application for amendment dated October 28,1977,(2) Amendment No. 36 to License No. DPR-50, and (3) the Commission's related Safety Evaluation. All of these items are available for public inspectico at the Commission's Public Document Room, 1717 H Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. and at the Government Publications Section, State Library of Pennsylvania, Box 1601 (Education Building),

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. A copy of items (2) and (3) may be obtained upon request addressed to the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D. C. 20555, Attention: Direc.;r, Division of Operating Reactors.

Dated at Bethesda, Maryland, this 7th day of January 1978.



g [ .>j )'/ , Z u


Robert W. Reid, Chief Operating Peactors Branch d4 /

Division of Operating Reactors 90016265

p e -

~O HOilCES o tha avthority to make such datermma- DC.e and tima: February 6. 7 and R.194; 9 pinnned releases will continue to ha tc tions by t he Ac'ing Director. Nst, an WS- a m to 5 p m. each eay- ported in the Semiannual Opervir roary 14.1977. Placa: Room 338. Nanonal Science rounda. Report U U "* " "*" ' " * "

  • The $rplication for the amendmew Dated: January 16,1978. '$ C'Orn pi t m v Ith the standar f: n n-f n M. RrerreA Wtnt rx Tyre of 'noctin:r Clowd.

hnt act persen: Dr. Janc9 Tru5teh. Drn. Errmer ts of the l'am;r ! A.

,g es g . c.m. ..g o,-c o f 19 51. u .' f ut1.u d ( t a c A 6 ' i: d t h-grsm lin actor. Neurobiol wy Pic a ram.

. c r' t

'l",., ' " ',

Roam 121 National Dier re ro md4ucn. Cornm!s.Nns rules and tr :Hintim (Fit One. 79 Is 47 bled 1 t e L.1 i on) .

Warhing'on. D C. 2n5W. t elerhene 2" - 1 h" Commission has made appteni 08 M ate fmdings as required by the Act nn l rurpc<e of subcommittee: To preide ad tea the Commission's rules and riaih

[7555-0] arw! recor,rrendations eeneerrnT mrrort

$USCOMMl?itt ON MCt!CULAR S:CLOGy fcr research in Neur MINv. t!om in.,10 CFR Chapter L a hin," nv 3,,

A enda: To retiew an j enhr*

  • re& M5 fort.. In the license atum prero als as part of tha n!ec'len Ir: 'a Frier pitt<ic notice of this amenenem Hn'io of Muting for4 u rd3. wv not r' quired since the aw r.i t mn In accord 1nta 'vith the Federal Adrl- Fra'on for closinr The pro:mh Ntrg i does nct im olve a significar.: H w scry Committee Act, a.s amended. I ub. viewed include informatmn of a nretri consideration.

L. 92-4S3, the National Science F.otin etary or confidential nat ure, inclu m ng The Cornmission has d a t e rru ma l

i ation anno':ncas the follou.ine meet.' te-hnicat inbrrnation: financ'al da'a. such that the issuance of this atm n Puch 0 as sa! aries; and pars,nnl infortnation ecc. Will not resillt in any sismif tennt 'ra carntrg indMduals assocmted with the ,

Name: Subcominittee on Molecular Biolay. propesals. These matters are utthin ex.

Group D, of the Advtaory Cummittre for emptiens H) and (6) of 5 l' S.C. 5 50bi c). to 10 CF,R ,51.5(d 3 x 4) an ent *rt.n m-PhyMniocy. Celluist and Ptolecular Di^1 Govermnent in the Sunshine Act. tal impact statement, or nept h e A l

Authority to closo mea'Ing: This datermina. laration and environmental Pnimc' a;'

D e and time. February 6 and 7 1978: 9 ti n m ma1e by the Committea Manw pralsal need not be prepared in con it m. to 5 p m. each day _ ment Of fie*r pursmnt to Promions of nection with issuance of thr nr'

Placa Poem 121. Pational Sdence Fninda. section 194dl ef Pub L. 92.t n The Com* rnent.

tion. 1800 G Street NW., W P. shin 2' o n.

mittee ?.hnarament Of ficer ns de!ct.ited D C. N 4 For further detsils with r<ne"t ' .

TS pa of me* l"c C!osad the authority to make such det"mina. this action, see (1) the applic M1-' 'o tions by the Acting Director, ff*F. on Frb.

Cca tact peron Dr. Fre<terick 1. .Duji, Tro- ruary 18 1m amendment dated October 11. In:

gram Director. Blochemist ry Prorram.

Itenm :uo. Nat!onM Science Foundauon. Dated: January 16. 1971 and Mn. Of3RC Amendment

. Both of No.10 these [trPto lice'm

W ashine'on. D C. M550, telerhere 200- atallable for public inspection e e M. REDECCA WtmrR, 632-4 50 Commivion's Public Docume'it H or.m Purpose of subenmmittre: To provide advice Acting Commtf tee and recomrnendations enncernmg surpcrt Arenagem('tt Officer. 17 17 11 Street NW., Washingt on. l' C far research in Molecular Bio cer r (FR Dec. 78-1549 Piled 1 18-78; 8.15 am) and st the Crystal River Pubhc f c Agenda: To revie v and evaluate rerearch brary. Crystal River, Fla. A com

+ preposa;s as part of the selecHon proem Dr m (2 3 may be obtained upon rmpim 0 UD MUR*

Rm sinr The propneal* betrg ra t,o ry Com mission, Nas hin gt c u. DI vieneil luclude information of a PMort- NUCLEAR REGULATOftY .0555, Attention: Director. Dit im .n M entry or ccnfidential nature. includm.T COMMISSION Operating Hractors.

te hnical infonnation, financial data, such as salaries; and perscnal information con. f Docket No. 50-3021 Dated at Urthesda' Md" this 7t h +-

cernint indhiduals a.moctated a tth the FtCRID A POWilt CORP., if AL. of January 1978.

propcsals. These matters are Whm n.

emotiona (4 r and '68 of 5 U S C. 55:bm, lievenn of Amendment to Fodlity Caeratug For the Nuclear Regulatorv Cc' Gm er'uvnt in the Sunshme Act. U"""

Authority to close rneetinr: This d"termina. ,

ton s as trade by tha Commit tee Mantae. .3, ment Offkar pu r s uant to provtsr.s of The U.S. Nuclear Regulatorv Cort- cws- D Gl! W c .' " 1 mhsion (tha Commission) haa inue d I;rn Yi No. 4. Dit isto'; ' Dr sect'en 19"D of P'at L.92-463. The Com. Amandtnent No.10 to Facility 0;' erat. c%.H Recctors.

mitt 'e Mmga vnt Of ficer u.s &le tated ing License Fo. DPR-71 l&d to t he tha autheroy o rr .ke such datettama.

FlerHa Pw er Corp.. Cit y of Alachmt.

U H Om M E FM WM 3 e W tens by the .6.tli

  • I r*cror, NSF nn Fab.

ruary 18.19 t '. City of Bushnell, City of Oainesvi.>.

City of KLssimmee. City of Lea tm. [7590-01]

Dated: January 16. dtia. City of New Cmyrna Beach and Utili- f Dncket No. 50.:ul lleS COmmiXSlon. City Of N?w Gmyrna i t. P t sucA NINVUR, Act'ng Com"uttn' Beach. City of Ocala, Orhndo Utt'itie t Of f FCFCUTAN ECisoN CO., E f AL Afq uo ce mc'It Officer. Comminton and City of Or!a n t #" ' *

(TR %. 78-15 48 Filed 1-18 7A 8 45 sm1 Sebiing Utilities Comminion, Sami- unau nele Electric Cooperathe. In< , and the City of Tallahme (the licerned ~1 he U.S Nuc' ear Regulatm C,

[7555-01] which revised Techrjer.1 Fr"cificattuna nudon (tN Corimission) h.4 m susCOMuutti on tituitoascioGY for creration cf the Cryml Haver A nendmem N136 to Fac!hty Co e o' Unit No 3 Nuclear Genern!!ng Plc.nt 1"c loc + nw No. D P 3 -50, noJ Notin of Meeu.g located in Citrus County, Fla. The Metropohtan Edison Co . Jerscy Ce:

In accorrisnee with the Federal Advt. amendment is effactive aa of the da'e tral Fni r & Light Co. and PenmyD i sory Commutee Act, M amended. Pub. of issuance. nia E!"'rtc Co (the licenwv Gu L. 9L463. the Naticnal Science Foun- The wndment delete t he recuire- ro. ia r d T"c h n-r a ! Erectf m


%P dation annources the following meet. ment to rubmit Non-Routir;e Repcrts c r e r M ""i of the Three Miie 1:1-ing: regardme unplanned rMioacttre re. '. & at S'a.' ion. Unit No. I m - D Nam- Subcommittea on NeurobMlor" of leams if the release rate is no greater t'd lomted m Dauphin Co't *


the Adviser) Committee Inr Behr +ral than 10 peraent of the allnable in- The amendment is ef frettu v "

and Necal smencas. stantancous release rM r. All 1:n. e e nf i wince.

O O D 3" h stet: At escisite, VOL 43. NO 13 THUPs0 Ay, J ANUW R -

c o Ju o 11 UL <blb2b

' N O h c.i 5 ...U


I smendment revises the def;nt- -

pecif:c probicms or postulated Dund 717 H Street NW., Wash-ga of c6ntairimtnt integrity with re. als and to proside guidance to ingto. . The purposes of this s;.ct to airlock mainient.r.ce. repair or applicants eJnCernlnd certain of the meeting e to continue the resiew of e.Ahcat.on and add., :.ur' eiilai.ce re- information needed by the staff in its the final report of the Reactor Safety gmr.ents for the uiterlock systsms reslev of applications for pcrmits and Study ( W AS H- 14 00 ) and the peer cl a.riceks. h c ccmmen'.s thereon. to obtain mf orma-Regulatory Guide 1.124. Re&lon 1 tiO n.e ap;Wcation for the amendwnt "Sernce and Loccit.4 Combina, riss,nassion doelopments in the field ssment methodology anc of to renpuea w ith tt.e standardJ and re. u m

prerr.e:.ts of the Atomic Enrrey .\ct tivr.sSuppcrts,,1 nent for Caq delmentes Linear. Type Compo-acceptable s{s e tj tja ,

ollH4, as amended (the Act), and the Tne Riu Assessment Revieve Group Cc nim tulon's rules and rmdat ten, leveh of service limita and appropriate is an independent group esta blished T.te Commtasion ha.s n'.wir appropci. coinbmations of Ic ad!n ts aunciated by h m H2 M MD for the pur-a;c f.nd.a;p aa required by the .\ct and wit h norml operMian, postula'.ed ac- pose of providing advice and infonna.

Ir.e Cr' .mn s cules anl ree 4

cidants, and specifled setstate events Licn to the Cc:nmission regardu.g the thra u.10 CFR Chaph ' I. ;cni:h :.r for tne des < n of C:a ,s i finor-type final r-pcr: of the Reactor S t. f e t y n: !st .i in tne ' cir.Jm no ccmpur.t nt su; parts as def ned in sub-

. Studi . WM H-Ido ( NUREG-7 5,014).

N. r ;.u J.c not:ce of thL nr.vnJnwr t 6aon NT of secta.n III of the Ameri- and th_ peer comments on the Study, ni r. :. r equire d snce the t.n.;ndwnt can W _r;. of Lchara 'al Enoneers a$ M and recommenJations on d .el-Aes ni . Im slve is sn.imiv ar.t lia.:.i d3 Hun rr wd I re.nure Venel Ccde. Tl'is opmci.u m the field of risk asasrn.ent l enue .t.on. guide hpputs to Ught water ccoled re- methccclacy con d courses of action whkh m:ght be taken on future di vel-The Camm:ssion has o t- rnh.e d actors. Revutan i reflects public corn.

tint the maance of thw amendnwnt ment nnd additional staff review. opin n t and use , of risk u.ssess n.e n t wi'l ret roult in any whificant e:.y. Comments and stamestions in con. memcdcWy. This adace and lufor-I rara viu d impact Nd ti.a t~ursusot r.e (P.n wuh (1) (tems for inclusion in niatwn wat assist the Corr.maaon in nihnm policy resarung the use l to 10 a il 51.501s U an envirannu ntal gu!h t urrmtly being de'. eloped or (2) cl tu amment in the na ry

! tmpa r ' M ement or .w tit e dd:.ra. hnprmementJ in ab published guiJcs are enmuraged at any time. Cvin- It w as al*o clartris, .ne i t trn environme nta! ' wr t ap. P f 'C acnic' "'.~. nt and limitations of the need not te prep:. red tr. con. rnents anau.J be sent to the Le. retary Rea tor Sately Study. The Raiew nect n r. with issuance of t!as amemi. cf the Ccmnil2aivn U.S. Nuclear nei Group w Hl submit a report to the t' n . . ulatury Ccminissicn D.C Commi aon on or tefure Jul/1,1978.

F.;r 1 ;crher details w:in res:t to % S .)v Atter. tion. Decketing and Ser" In carrying out the::a a;signmenu . It tha s t:ar.. ree (1) the app:icalicn tcr vime Branen. ts c.aticipated that a numter of nrk-

am : i . nt aatcf Wtot-r Od, 1977 Regtilator y Otides are available for ing aesatons a til be scheduled at J!ffer-tl, .\.m .' ament No. 36 t o LF.ence No. inspection at the Commission's Public ent lau.ttens with notification to the DPlt-u and (3) the Comini.ssion's re. Document Room.1717 H Street NW . puta.c v; ell in adt ance of each rr.eet-late d L..f t t y Evaluation. A:1 of these Wasritngton. D.C Heades'.3 f or single ing. W!t.i reJpect to public partiewa.

ite r u are a'.ailable f]r public mspec. coptes of issued guides (which n.ay be lion at the meetir.g. the follo^.,!cs re.

w. at the Commission's Public Dacu. reproduced > or far placement on an quu. taenta shah LN!y:
  • , i r. t R oom- 1717 H Street NW. automatte chstritution list for s.nJl.e Li Per m w Lmt. r to submu, 4 r it ten Washi: eten. D.C. and at the Govern. copi . of future gutdts in snecifie div: statmaer.ts re.artr;g the agenJa n..iy do so mo.t Pubhcat:cns Section. Etate Li. sians muld be made in a rtling to tr.e by pru Ma to rer.ady wptes baar) of Per nsylvania. Box 1601 t E la. U S. Nucicar Regulatory Ccmmi.uton. to the rw. e. 4 Group at tr.e tuuuJr. of cation Bai; Jing). HarrLsbur( Pa. A Wa shington. D.C. ':0555. Atter.tten: DI- the m. rur.g. Commeau. should t,e hmded to tcp> ef items (0) and (3i ray te ob- ro tor, Dh tsion at Infornia. a: %s . .ttui the Gr oup's pta ciew. Per .ans taa .J ..pon request addremed to the tion and Document Cont rol. Tele. deuru.g tu inati a ntten commert, i.e , do UL N lear Re;;ulatory Ccmminiua. rhone rea kuts cannct be accommo. sa by . .noing a readdy re.wduca.le upy
  1. m at at Waahn.4 tun D.C. 00555. At tuMan. Di.

r c < , Division of Opcratm.; Reactora dated. Hegulatory guides are not copy.

th:t.ted. and Con.m:ssion approcal ts g .y,


g,,..., a 5. m Dr. ma a

"# N" " "" " ^"""i G I** "I P;l m ,a %n D C m" Ya f"auaNn. Mtc.

D..h .1 at Bethedda, Md., (L a 4th 6..y 5 5 L .i C M a u m oc.n 2 Le re.

of Jan%ri 1978. em ed m urr. to t,e r anacered a h .: et.

F..r ine Nuclear Rer..w t y Cem Dw.i at Rock ' ille, M.i., t ias 11tn in; of aurse coraa.aa s not ret 'ca m .

na s.n,n a..y of Jr.ra try 101d im e for am c. c tm : a J.: t.: rw ' ' . J to RordPT W Ru s the meden s of the R aiew Orma n eun.

P.or the Nuclear RmMay C, cub at a i..t eun, C. . < r.t s Opcrah n g  ! ced a sho dd per t.un ;0 t r.* n. :d af ri a L ns ,

Od.d'n re ch.,.,o. 4. Di cm pi of G/

R o bi.n r B. M 1.W U L. nu .JLo e ,4y or sr.c act Le t M on

c. *mg RcactarL En rectar, 0 fa.e Of lye Lt..d repocL ct the H. uu b u .- t y it U llc "8-1513 Filed t 2 c c ...i SN rola re Me.'O p v.e ri t. ht . W ui1 3 cf shr . a. 'L< for il'R D r;. 4.i r27 T u-d 1-Iti-73. d ti atal ,"[h .r ic Du .r da i: .. a 1717 11 Str. et NW . Watning t.,n, G C 2ri;5

( M O C)) 2 Tn.= NRC's the Rerional O.ns . : i t in.

g/3 g.g]j RICULATCRY GUCE >. u J Enfore m. rd:

ih!K A' 5ES$

. MENT R EViEW Git ?,UP Reun t-dat Park A . t LL C. r'. ' a d L t l' . t}

lsswonce med Avoilotehty s;a, t.a. Ime Meehog Rev.c c li . dun e I J ti. 2N I4ac t:ti se<t at,

.f !.c N iclear Regulatory Coiarca, .s u 3;unt, g ,, x x3.

L a.; in;ed a guide in its Regulatary Purs hant to the Federal Am a, c r y n o w. 111 %0 h cew :t H u.d Glen Gu 9 ;4"ncs.TMn " <

  • e bee n de. C nr. r.'. it t ee .ht ( Pu b. L. 9 2-% 3 ), nc t u e Ln, o, ; ,,;n it, ,a J : - L -- 'd. 'Lc va.i. t le L, Lereby gaen of a two dhy open n .; p n n > > 1* Gil H in Pxa to : e
  • J e,J A La meettng of the !!ick Aaaedrnent C .c Aru. co'2 t r.. N L C h!f ot ' , ;et I lin ew Group of the U S. Nut!cs r lu oa v - m . i m wr.h < mamna ic s. ' of the Corumt atsn r. n.t aw H u n!ar sry Comnu'...icn W RC L to be 16 m 3 L u ' A CC LM ta ns .n al, in some exes to di 1.ncat e r na a t 8 .M a.m.. cn Petru ar" d .t nd 7. ca . of me P. m H g at r;., y t o b-t a l.r.:C ot 3 used by the stMt in e'c:Ju. MM in Roorn 10% of the Matatnic LMne f f rem t!.s % w ar nc M i:., u m.

IE0,fi. At At%f f a VCL 43. NO.13-THVA 50A1. JANU a dy 19 1974 o**

  • w i 0

90016267 Wc w . .. m