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Intervenor Exhibit I-MOSBA-94,consisting of Tape 32
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 05/17/1995
OLA-3-I-MOSBA94, NUDOCS 9507140372
Download: ML20086G456 (2)



50-$29'(z5SM-3 5 '7 95 T-/Ul2M/9 ' V TAPE # 32 QDOCKETE) i Tr.Pg. 46-48 Exhibit i TI$mgC_ of---

Date : 4-4 90 O Location : John Aufdenkampe's Office 95 WN -6 P4 05 Seament @,

OFFICE OF SECRETARY Mosbaugh : What did you say about this stuff here? 00CKETING & SERVICE Aufdenkampe : What stuff? The .006 number's is a combined Unit 1 an! JR ANCH Unit 2 number. What, what I dont understand.

Williams: 1990 Aufdenkampe: Yeah, but-Williams . 1987 Aufdenkampe : Oh, silly me. Why didn't we put 1990 on here?

Williams : Because it looks really shitty.

Aufdenkampe : Really, really shitty.

Williams : I mean like .08.

Aufdenkampe : Does George know?

Williams : Yes he does, I told him.

Aufdenkampe : Oh, you didni give him "87" data. Where did he get this shit from?

Williams : From me. I gave it to him.That's what I gave him.

Aufdenkampe : Ooohh. Yeah I see now. Oooobhhh.

Mosbaugh : Do we have, I mean do we have good '87" data.

Aufdenkampe : Yes.

Williams . Yeah, but it's only for a half year.

Mosbaugh  : Post commercial, we didnt tabulate it-INPO didn't require it, right, till commercial.

Williams : Not till commercial. Actually it doesn't, they don't require it until a year after commercial declaration.

Q Aufdenkampe : George see; Williams : Yeah. He's not seeing the forrest for the trees.

Williams : He needs the overtime shit, instead of calling me and directing me to do work, which is why I did that yesterday.

Aufdenkampe : Well I went over there and dropped it on his desk and left.

Mosbaugh  : So what's the '90" numbers?

Aufdenkampe : Oh, they're terrible.

[ Laughter]

Mosbaugh : So why are they so terrible and these are all so good?

Aufdenkampe : Because we had 3 failures in "90", not counting what occurred since that, during the events (meaning Site area emergency)- No,4 failures in "90".

Mosbaugh : These are-these arent, these aren't the unavailability numbers?

Aufdenkampe : Yes. Those are the unavailability numbers.

Seament 7 Tr Pg. 50 Williams : So that's why I didn't Give him 1990 numbers, and I told him that, and we discussed ,we discussed this Sunday how bad it looked, for 1990, for both units.

Mosbaugh : So what's the number for 1990.

Aufdenkampe: .08 q Williams : .08 b

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