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Modification No. 001 to Task Order No. 31310020P0013
Person / Time
Issue date: 03/23/2020
From: Jennifer Dudek
Acquisition Management Division
To: Mccullock M
Human Synergistics
Download: ML20083F640 (17)




P00001 See Block 16C ZEROREQ-NRR-20-0050




31310020P0013 10B. DATED (SEE ITEM 13)

CODE 076332428 FACILITY CODE 02/18/2020

11. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO AMENDMENTS OF SOLICITATIONS The above numbered solicitation is amended as set forth in Item 14. The hour and date specified for receipt of Offers is extended, is not extended.

Offers must acknowledge receipt of this amendment prior to the hour and date specified in the solicitation or as amended , by one of the following methods: (a) By completing Items 8 and 15, and returning ___________ copies of the amendment; (b) By acknowledging receipt of this amendment on each copy of the offer submitted ; or (c) By separate letter or telegram which includes a reference to the solicitation and amendment numbers. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. If by virtue of this amendment you desire to change an offer already submitted , such change may be made by telegram or letter, provided each telegram or letter makes reference to the solicitation and this amendment, and is received prior to the opening hour and date specified.







D. OTHER (Specify type of modification and authority)

X FAR 52.212-4(c): CHANGES E. IMPORTANT: Contractor is not, x is required to sign this document and return 1

__________________ copies to the issuing office.

14. DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENT/MODIFICATION (Organized by UCF section headings, including solicitation/contract subject matter where feasible.)

Total Ceiling Amount (Base and All Options): $119,965.00 (unchanged)

Total Exercised Ceiling Amount: (unchanged)

Total Funding Obligation Amount: $59,045.00 (unchanged)

Period of Performance: 02/18/2020 to 02/17/2021 Except as provided herein, all terms and conditions of the document referenced in Item 9 A or 10A, as heretofore changed, remains unchanged and in full force and effect .


JENNIFER A. DUDEK TEL: 301-415-2257 EMAIL: 15B. CONTRACTOR/OFFEROR 15C. DATE SIGNED 16B. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 16C. DATE SIGNED 03/23/2020 (Signature of person authorized to sign) (Signature of Contracting Officer)

NSN 7540-01-152-8070 STANDARD FORM 30 (REV. 10-83)

Previous edition unusable Prescribed by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.243

31310020P0013 P00001 The purpose of this modification is to revise the work requirements to replace Task 4.2 entitled, Participation in NRC Regulatory Information Conference with the task for Participation in Detailed On-site Planning Session, as well as add in Task 4.3, entitled, Subject Matter Expert Coaching Call Support, at no additional cost to the Government. Accordingly, the purchase orders sections for 1) consideration and obligation for the labor hour and cost reimbursement costs; 2) the price/cost schedule; and 3) the Statement of Work are hereby modified as follows:

1) Section B.3 CONSIDERATION AND OBLIGATION-LABOR-HOUR CONTRACT ALTERNATE I is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:

(a) The total exercised ceiling amount of the Labor-Hour portion of this contract is and this amount is fully-funded. The Labor-Hour amount will increase, upon exercise of any optional tasks, as noted below:

Optional CLIN 20001g: Task 8.3: Biweekly Subject Matter Expert Coaching Call:

2) Section B.4 CONSIDERATION AND OBLIGATION--COST REIMBURSEMENT (TRAVEL) is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:

(a) The total exercised ceiling amount of the cost reimbursable travel portion under this contract is and this amount is fully-funded. The cost reimbursable travel portion will increase, upon exercise of any optional tasks, as noted below:

Optional CLIN 20002: Optional Travel to Support Resurvey:

3) Section B.5 PRICE/COST SCHEDULE is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:

BASE TASKS/CLINS CLIN DESCRIPTION UNIT UNIT PRICE QTY TOTAL 00001 Task 1: Kick-Off Meeting and Pre-Survey Activities; Task 4.1:

Project Management; & Task 5: Executive Results Debriefing (Pricing for this task includes Task 1.1: Kick-Off Meeting; Task 1.2 Baseline Survey Recommendations; Task 1.3: Data Management Plan; and Task 1.4 - Preview of Survey) 00002 Task 2: Baseline Survey Administration 00002a Organizational Culture Inventory (OCI) & Organizational Effectiveness Inventory (OEI) Surveys 00002b OCI-Ideal Surveys 00003 Task 3: Baseline Survey Analysis and Reporting 00003a Baseline Survey Data File, Analysis, and Correlations 00003b OCI/OEI Subgroup Reports (up to 12 additional) 00003c OCI-only Subgroup Reports (up to 15) 00003d Comment Review & Cleaning of Open-Ended Question Responses (up to 60 pages; priced per page) 00004 Task 4.2: Participation in Detailed On-site Planning Session 00005 Task 6: Culture Journey Experience Certification and Materials 00006 Subject Matter Expert Coaching Call **Labor Hour Line Item**

BASE TASKS - SUBTOTAL FIXED PRICE & LABOR HOUR CLINS 00007 Travel The government will pay up to the rates specified in the Government Federal Travel Regulations (FTR) for travel destination. NO PAYMENT WILL BE MADE WITHOUT BACKUP DOCUMENTATION/RECEIPTS. *All travel must be approved in advance by the NRC COR.*


31310020P0013 P00001 OPTIONAL TASKS/CLINS 10001 Task 7 - Interim Pulse Assessment (OPTIONAL TASK) 10001a Interim Pulse Assessments (OPTIONAL TASK) 10001b Interim Pulse Assessment Reporting (OPTIONAL TASK) 10001c Interim Pulse Assessment Project Administration (OPTIONAL TASK)

OPTIONAL CLIN 10001 TOTAL 20001 Task 8: Resurvey (OPTIONAL TASK) 20001a Task 8.1: OCI & OEI Resurveys (OPTIONAL TASK) 20001b Task 8.2: OCI/OEI Detailed Report for Resurveys (OPTIONAL TASK) 20001c Task 8.2: OCI/OEI Subgroup Reports for Resurveys (up to 12 additional) (OPTIONAL TASK) 20001d Task 8.2: OCI-only Subgroup Reports for Resurvey (up to 15)

(OPTIONAL TASK) 20001e Task 8.2: Comment Review & Cleaning of Open-Ended Question Responses for Resurvey (up to 60 pages; priced per page) (OPTIONAL TASK) 20001f Task 8.3: Resurvey Project Support & Analysis (OPTIONAL TASK) 20001g Task 8.3: Biweekly Subject Matter Expert Coaching Call (OPTIONAL TASK) **Labor Hour Line Item**

CONTRACT OPTIONAL TASKS/CLINS -SUBTOTAL FIXED PRICE & LABOR HOUR CLINS 20002 Optional Travel to Support Resurvey The government will pay up to the rates specified in the Government Federal Travel Regulations (FTR) for travel destination. NO PAYMENT WILL BE MADE WITHOUT BACKUP DOCUMENTATION/RECEIPTS. *All travel must be approved in advance by the NRC COR.*



4) Attachment Number 1 entitled, STATEMENT OF WORK - Support for U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Agency-wide Culture Assessment, is deleted in its entirety and replaced with Attachment 1.

All other terms and conditions of the purchase order remain unchanged.


31310020P0013 P00001 ATTACHMENT 1 STATEMENT OF WORK Support for U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Agency-wide Culture Assessment Contents S.1 Title of Project S.2 Background S.3 Objective S.4 Scope of Work/Tasks S.5 Reporting Requirements S.6 List of Deliverables S.7 Required Materials, Facilities, Hardware/Software S.8 Release of Publications S.9 Place of Performance S.10 Recognized Holidays S.11 Hours of Operation S.12 Certification and License Requirements S.13 Key Personnel Qualification Requirements S.14 Contractor Travel S.15 Data Rights S.16 Incremental Development for Software S.17 Section 508 - Information and Communication Technology Accessibility S.18 Applicable Publications (Current Editions)

S.19 Security 4

31310020P0013 P00001 ATTACHMENT 1 S.1 Title of Project Support for U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Agency-wide Culture Assessment S.2 Background In a briefing to the Commission on October 29, 2019, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Executive Director for Operations (EDO), discussed aspects of NRCs transformation vision of becoming a modern, risk-informed regulator. As one initiative to support the broader transformation effort, the EDO described fostering a culture of change. The EDO referred to culture as shared organizational values, assumptions, beliefs, and behaviors that provide signals about what is accepted and what is expected of our employees. The EDO continued to say that efforts in this area are focused on how we should lead during times of change to enable trust, eliminate fear of change, and encourage thinking big across all of the Agency. It includes holding ourselves accountable for meeting our mission, leading by example, meeting milestones that we set for ourselves for transformation. The EDO established a focused initiative to address the agencys culture, wherein the specific objectives are to identify behaviors, model behaviors, and train staff on behaviors that are in keeping with support for the broader transformation objectives. Key to success of the initiative is developing a framework to objectively assess both the NRCs current culture baseline, and to formulate measurable indicators of progress towards a desired end state. Staff have determined that outside expertise is needed to establish rigorous and analytically sound methodologies for such assessments, utilizing validated and replicable tools.

S.3 Objective The objective of this contract is to procure expert support for the development, administration, and analysis of results of an agency-wide survey or surveys utilizing the Human Synergistics Organizational Culture Inventory (OCI), the OCI-Ideal, and the Organizational Effectiveness Inventory (OEI). The contractor will also provide training and resources for staff to address actionable findings from the baseline survey, and thereby bring about the desired cultural changes. Finally, the contractor will provide such training and resources as are necessary for a limited number of NRC staff to become accredited to deliver the Human Synergistics Employee Journey Experience at a future date.

S.4 Scope of Work/Tasks The contractor shall provide all resources necessary to accomplish the tasks and deliverables described in this Statement of Work (SOW).

Task 1 - Kick-Off Meeting and Pre-Survey Activities Task 1.1 - Kick-Off Meeting The contractor shall participate via conference call in a kick-off meeting with an audience of NRC staff to be determined jointly by the contractor and the Contracting Officers Representative (COR). The purpose of the kick-off meeting shall be to ensure mutual understanding of the objectives, terms, and conditions of the contract. By the conclusion of the call, the contractor and NRC staff shall agree upon a date to begin survey administration and a schedule of actions to be 5

31310020P0013 P00001 ATTACHMENT 1 taken in support of that date. The kick-off meeting shall be held within 10 business days from the start of the period of performance for this contract.

Task 1.2 - Baseline Survey Recommendations Prior to full-scale administration of the survey, the contractor shall provide recommendations for the administration of up to 1,200 OCI and OEI surveys and up to 100 OCI-Ideal surveys to NRC staff. The recommendations shall include at least the following information:

Recommendations for open-ended and closed-ended questions to consider adding to the survey(s);

Recommendations for the methodology for determining the sample of staff who will take the survey; Recommendations for communicating information about the survey to all NRC staff and those staff who are selected to take the survey; Recommendations on best practices for survey administration, including the duration of administration and means to ensure that the survey instrument is accessible to employees with disabilities (e.g., visual impairments); and Recommendations on sub-groups to include in the results reports.

The contractor shall provide this information orally at the kickoff meeting teleconference and via email to the COR no less than 10 business days prior to the start of the survey administration period.

Task 1.3 - Data Management Plan Prior to full-scale administration of the survey, the contractor shall provide the following information about survey data:

A description of the data file(s) generated when a respondent submits a completed survey; A description of policies and procedures that will be put in place to ensure that data access is restricted to authorized users; A description of policies and procedures that will be put in place to ensure that data are not used for purposes other than those expressly approved by the COR; and A description of any restrictions on the use of survey data intended to ensure the confidentiality of respondents.

The contractor shall provide this information orally at the kickoff meeting teleconference and via email to the COR no less than five (5) business days prior to the start of the survey administration period.

Task 1.4 - Preview of Survey Prior to full-scale administration of the survey, the contractor shall provide access to each of the survey instruments to the COR and additional staff identified jointly by the COR and the contractor at the kick-off meeting. These access privileges shall not count against the number of surveys described in Task 2. Staff with access to the survey shall have the ability to examine the survey user interface and question sequencing. Access shall be provided no less than five (5) business days prior to the start of the survey administration period.


31310020P0013 P00001 ATTACHMENT 1 Task 2 - Baseline Survey Administration The contractor shall provide support necessary for the administration of up to 1,200 OCI and OEI surveys and up to 100 OCI-Ideal surveys on date(s) to be mutually determined by the contractor and the COR. The surveys shall include up to five (5) open-ended questions and up to 40 closed-ended questions. The dates on which the surveys commence shall be determined jointly by the contractor and COR at the kickoff meeting, but shall be no sooner than 10 business days and no later than 30 business days after the start of the period of performance.

Task 3 - Baseline Survey Analysis and Reporting The contractor shall provide the following:

(1) Excel (.xls or .xlsx) data file(s) with all survey results at the individual respondent level and sortable by organizational reporting unit. Note: the data file will include all individual responses, but the organizational reporting unit will be redacted if there are less than 5 respondents for that unit; (2) A system-generated report on the agency-wide survey results to address current culture, ideal culture, and work climate assessment results; and (3) System-generated reports on up to an additional 22 OCI-OEI subgroups and 15 OCI-only subgroups to be determined by the COR The contractor shall review and cleanse open-ended questions to ensure that they preserve respondent confidentiality. The data file(s) and reports shall be transmitted electronically to the COR no more than 20 business days from the date that the survey administration period ends.

Task 4 - Consulting Support Task 4.1 - Project Management The contractor shall make available a subject matter expert on organizational culture to provide as-needed support to NRC from the beginning of the period of performance until the baseline survey analysis and reporting is completed. The support shall include a 60 to 90 minute bi-weekly phone call between the subject matter expert and NRC staff on dates and times to be mutually determined by the contractor and the COR. The contractor shall also provide email support, qualitative instruction examples, and results debrief templates, as mutually agreed upon by the contractor and the COR.

Task 4.2 - Participation in Detailed On-site Planning Session One subject matter expert from the contractor shall travel to Rockville, Maryland to participate in a detailed on-site planning session to lay out the current state, probe improvement alternatives and define an improvement structure that can be checked with other stakeholders in parallel with the administration of the culture assessment. The planning session will be held on March 12, 2020.

The subject matter expert shall be the key personnel for this contract. The subject matter expert shall be available for one full working day.


31310020P0013 P00001 ATTACHMENT 1 Task 4.3 - Subject Matter Expert Coaching Call Support The contractor shall make available a subject matter expert on organizational culture to provide as-needed coaching support to NRC during the baseline survey planning, administration, analysis, and associated follow-up. The coaching support shall be in the form of a 60 minute phone call between the subject matter expert and NRC staff on dates and times to be mutually determined by the contractor and the COR. This task supplements the bi-weekly phone call between the subject matter expert and NRC staff in Task 4.1.

Task 5 - Executive Results Debriefing One subject matter expert from the contractor shall travel to NRC Headquarters in Rockville, Maryland for a one-day baseline survey results debriefing with NRC staff on a date to be mutually determined by the contractor and the COR, but no more than 30 business days from the date that the survey administration period ends.

The debriefing shall provide at least the following information:

Overview of culture and climate assessment process; Description of agency-wide results of ideal culture and current culture surveys; Indication of gaps between ideal culture and current culture; Description of agency-wide results of work climate/effectiveness survey and correlations to culture survey; Description of sub-group results for current culture and work climate/effectiveness surveys; and Recommendations for areas of focus to close gaps between ideal culture and current culture.

Task 6 - Culture Journey Experience Certification and Materials The contractor shall provide online accreditations for two (2) NRC staff to be determined by the COR for the Culture Journey Experience. The contractor shall also provide, by shipment to NRC Headquarters, one bin (three table sets) of materials for the Culture Journey Experience. The accreditations and materials shall be provided no more than 60 days from the start of the period of performance.

Task 7 (Optional) - Interim Pulse Assessment If work for this optional task is to be authorized, it shall be authorized by the Contracting Officer by contract modification.

Task 7.1 - Interim Pulse Assessment Administration The contractor shall provide access to, and support necessary for, the administration of up to 1,200 OCI and OEI interim pulse assessments (i.e., a shortened OCI and OEI survey) on date(s) to be mutually determined by the contractor and the COR. The interim pulse assessment shall begin no sooner than 12 months and no later than 16 months from the starting date of the baseline survey.


31310020P0013 P00001 ATTACHMENT 1 Task 7.2 - Interim Pulse Assessment Reporting The contractor shall provide the following data file(s) and reports structured as necessary to highlight changes in the survey results compared to the baseline surveys:

(1) Excel (.xls or .xlsx) data file(s) with all survey results at the individual respondent level and sortable by organizational reporting unit. Note: the data file will include all individual responses, but the organizational reporting unit will be redacted if there are less than 5 respondents for that unit; (2) A PowerPoint report on the agency-wide survey results to address changes in the current culture and work climate assessment results; and (3) PowerPoint reports on up to an additional 22 subgroups to be determined by the COR These files and reports shall be transmitted electronically to the COR no more than 20 business days from the date that the survey administration period ends.

Task 8 (Optional) - Resurvey If work for this optional task is to be authorized, it shall be authorized by the Contracting Officer by contract modification.

Task 8.1 - Resurvey Administration The contractor shall provide access to, and support necessary for, the readministration of 1,200 OCI and OEI surveys on date(s) to be mutually determined by the contractor and the COR. The survey readministration shall begin no sooner than 24 months from the starting date of the baseline survey and no later than two (2) months prior to the end of the contract period of performance. The survey readministration shall allow for up to five (5) open-ended questions and up to 40 closed-ended questions.

Task 8.2 - Resurvey Administration Reporting The contractor shall provide the following data file(s) and reports structured as necessary to highlight changes in the survey results compared to the baseline surveys:

(1) Excel (.xls or .xlsx) data file(s) with all survey results at the individual respondent level and sortable by organizational reporting unit. Note: the data file will include all individual responses, but the organizational reporting unit will be redacted if there are less than 5 respondents for that unit; (2) A system-generated report on the agency-wide survey results to address changes in current culture and work climate assessment results; and (3) System-generated reports on up to an additional 22 OCI-OEI subgroups and 15 OCI-only subgroups to be determined by the COR.

The contractor shall review and cleanse open-ended questions to ensure that they preserve respondent confidentiality. These reports shall be transmitted electronically to the COR no more than 20 business days from the date that the survey administration period ends.


31310020P0013 P00001 ATTACHMENT 1 Task 8.3 - Project Management The contractor shall make available a subject matter expert on organizational culture to provide as-needed support to NRC from time this optional task is exercised until the resurvey analysis and reporting is completed. The support shall include a 60 to 90 minute bi-weekly phone call between the subject matter expert and NRC staff on dates and times to be mutually determined by the contractor and the COR. The contractor shall also provide email support, qualitative instruction examples, and results debrief templates, as mutually agreed upon by the contractor and the COR.

Task 8.4 - Executive Results Debriefing One subject matter expert from the contractor shall travel to NRC Headquarters in Rockville, Maryland for a one-day resurvey results debriefing with NRC staff on a date to be mutually determined by the contractor and the COR, but no more than 30 business days from the date that the resurvey administration period ends.

The debriefing shall provide at least the following information:

Overview of culture and climate assessment process; Description of agency-wide results of ideal culture and current culture surveys; Indication of gaps between ideal culture and current culture; Description of agency-wide results of work climate/effectiveness survey and correlations to culture survey; Description of sub-group results for current culture and work climate/effectiveness surveys; and Recommendations for areas of focus to close gaps between ideal culture and current culture.

S.5 Reporting Requirements The contractor shall be solely responsible for the completion of those reports described in Section S.4. The due date for reports are specified in Section S.4 and S.6. Any delays anticipated in the completion of those reports shall be communicated to the COR by email as soon as practicable, but no less than three (3) business days prior to the due date.

S.6 List of Deliverables Deliverable Task Description Format Due Date Number Number 1 1.1 Kick-off meeting Teleconference Within 10 business days of the start of the period of performance 2 1.2 Baseline survey Teleconference and No less than 10 business days prior to recommendations email start of survey administration period 10

31310020P0013 P00001 ATTACHMENT 1 3 1.3 Data management Teleconference and No less than 5 business days prior to start plan email of survey administration period 4 1.4 Preview of survey Weblink for selected No less than 5 business days prior to start staff to access survey of survey administration period 5 2 Baseline survey Weblink for participants To be mutually determined by the access to complete survey contractor and COR. No sooner than 10 business days and no later than 30 business days after the start of the period of performance 6 3 Baseline survey Excel file(s) (.xls, xlsx) No more than 20 business days after the result data file(s) transmitted survey administration period ends electronically to COR 7 3 Baseline survey Word (.doc, .docx) or No more than 20 business days after the analysis report(s) .pdf file transmitted survey administration period ends

- agency-wide electronically to COR and subgroup 8 4.1 Biweekly subject Teleconference From beginning of the period of matter expert performance until the baseline survey coaching calls analysis and reporting is completed -

dates and times to be mutually determined by contractor and COR 9 4.2 Participation in In-person session in March 12, 2020 Detailed On-site Rockville, MD Planning Session 10 4.3 Subject Matter Teleconference From beginning of the period of Expert Coaching performance until the baseline survey Call Support analysis and reporting is completed -

dates and times to be mutually determined by contractor and COR 11 5 Baseline survey In-person meeting at No more than 30 business days after the results debriefing NRC Headquarters in survey administration period ends Rockville, Maryland 12 6 Two Access to web-based Within 60 days of the beginning of the accreditations for accreditation platform period of performance for this contract Culture Journey Experience 13 6 One bin (three Shipment to NRC Within 60 days of the beginning of the table sets) of Headquarters in period of performance for this contract Culture Journey Rockville, Maryland Experience Materials 11

31310020P0013 P00001 ATTACHMENT 1 14* 7.1 Interim pulse Weblink for participants To be mutually determined by the assessment to complete survey contractor and COR. No sooner than 12 months and no later than 16 months from the starting date of the baseline survey 15* 7.2 Interim pulse Excel file(s) (.xls, xlsx) No more than 20 business days from the assessment data transmitted date that the survey administration period file(s) electronically to COR ends 16* 7.2 Interim pulse Word (.doc, .docx) or No more than 20 business days from the assessment .pdf file transmitted date that the survey administration period analysis report(s) electronically to COR ends

- agencywide and subgroup 17* 8.1 Survey Weblink for participants To be mutually determined by the readministration to complete survey contractor and COR. No sooner than 24 months from the starting date of the baseline survey and no later than two months prior to the end of the contract period of performance 18* 8.2 Survey Excel file(s) (.xls, xlsx) No more than 20 business days from the readministration transmitted date that the survey administration period assessment data electronically to COR ends file(s) 19* 8.2 Survey Word (.doc, .docx) or No more than 20 business days from the readministration .pdf file transmitted date that the survey administration period analysis report(s) electronically to COR ends

- agencywide and subgroup 20* 8.3 Biweekly subject Teleconference From the time this optional task is matter expert exercised until the resurvey analysis and coaching calls reporting is completed - dates and times to be mutually determined by contractor and COR 21* 8.4 Resurvey results In-person meeting at No more than 30 business days after the debriefing NRC Headquarters in resurvey administration period ends Rockville, Maryland

  • Optional S.7 Required Materials, Facilities, Hardware/Software The contractor shall provide the following materials, facilities, hardware, or software required for this contract/order:


31310020P0013 P00001 ATTACHMENT 1 (1) Web-based access to conduct OCI and OEI baseline surveys for up to 1,200 staff and to OCI-Ideal baseline surveys for up to 100 staff (2) Web-based access for two staff for the Culture Journey Experience accreditation platform (3) One bin (three table sets) of Culture Journey Experience Materials (4) Web-based access to conduct OCI and OEI interim pulse assessments for up to 1,200 staff (optional)

(5) Web-based access to conduct OCI and OEI resurveys for up to 1,200 staff (optional)

S.8 Release of Publications Any documents generated by the contractor under this contract/order shall not be released for publication or dissemination without CO and COR prior written approval.

S.9 Place of Performance The work to be performed under this contract/order will be performed at the contractors facility other than the Detailed On-site Planning Session described in Task 4.2 and the briefing at NRC Headquarters described in Task 5 and Task 8.4.

S.10 Recognized Holidays N/A S.11 Hours of Operation N/A S.12 Certification and License Requirements N/A S.13 Key Personnel and Qualification Requirements The following position has been designated as key personnel:

Senior Organizational Development Specialist Over 20 years multi-year experience in the administration and interpretation of organizational culture surveys Extensive practice in the administration of OCI, OEI, and OCI-Ideal surveys Over 10 years client-service experience S.14 Contractor Travel The contractor shall conduct the following travel:

(1) One contractor staff shall travel to Rockville, Maryland to participate in a Detailed On-site Planning Session. The subject matter expert shall be available for one working day.


31310020P0013 P00001 ATTACHMENT 1 (NOTE: The NRC and Human Synergistics, Inc. agree that travel expenses will not be billed to the NRC for this trip.)

(2) One contractor staff shall travel to NRC Headquarters in Rockville, Maryland for a one-day survey results debriefing.

(3) Optional Travel (if Task 8 is exercised) - One contractor staff shall travel to NRC Headquarters in Rockville, Maryland for a one-day resurvey results debriefing.

The contractor will be authorized travel expenses consistent with the Federal Travel Regulation (FTR) and the limitation of funds specified in the travel line item of this contract/order. All travel invoiced by the contractor for reimbursement shall include detailed receipts of all expenses. All travel requires prior written Government approval from the CO, unless otherwise delegated to the COR.

S.15 Data Rights The models and reports used by the Contractor to present the data obtained from surveys, as well as the surveys used to collect the data, are copyrighted © and the Contractor shall retain all its intellectual property rights in these materials. With the exception of materials for which the contractor holds commercial rights, the NRC shall have unlimited rights to and ownership of all deliverables provided under this contract/order, including reports, recommendations, briefings, work plans and all other deliverables. All documents and materials are the property of the Government with all rights and privileges of ownership/copyright belonging exclusively to the Government. These documents and materials may not be used or sold by the contractor without prior written authorization from the CO. All materials supplied to the Government shall be the sole property of the Government and may not be used for any other purpose. This right does not abrogate any other Government rights.

S.16 Incremental Development for Software N/A S.17 Section 508 - Information and Communication Technology Accessibility S.17.1 Introduction In December 2000, the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (Access Board) pursuant to Section 508(2)(A) of the Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1998, established electronic and information technology (EIT) accessibility standards for the federal government.

The Standards for Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (codified at 36 CFR § 1194) were revised by the Access Board, published on January 18, 2017 and minor corrections were made on January 22, 2018, effective March 23, 2018.

The Revised 508 Standards have replaced the term EIT with information and communication technology (ICT). ICT is information technology (as defined in 40 U.S.C. 11101(6)) and other equipment, systems, technologies, or processes, for which the principal function is the creation, manipulation, storage, display, receipt, or transmission of electronic data and information, as well as any associated content. Examples of ICT include, but are not limited to: Computers and peripheral equipment; information kiosks and transaction machines; telecommunications 14

31310020P0013 P00001 ATTACHMENT 1 equipment; customer premises equipment; multifunction office machines; software; applications; Web sites; videos; and, electronic documents.

The text of the Revised 508 Standards can be found in 36 CFR § 1194.1 and in Appendices A, C and D of 36 CFR § 1194 (at in_02.tpl).

S.17.2 General Requirements In order to help the NRC comply with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. § 794d)(Section 508), the Contractor shall ensure that its deliverables (both products and services) within the scope of this contract/order are

1. in conformance with, and
2. support the requirements of the Standards for Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, as set forth in Appendices A, C and D of 36 CFR § 1194.

S.17.3 Applicable Provisions of the Revised 508 Standards The following is an outline of the Revised 508 Standards that identifies what provisions are always applicable and which ones may be applicable. If Maybe is stated in the table below, then those provisions are applicable only if they are within the scope of this acquisition.

Applicable to the Provision of 36 CFR Part 1194 Contract/Order?

1. Appendix A to Part 1194 - Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act: Application and Yes Scoping Requirements o Section 508 Chapter 1: Application and Administration - sets forth Yes general application and administration provisions o Section 508 Chapter 2: Scoping Requirements - containing scoping Yes requirements (which, in turn, prescribe which ICT - and, in some cases, how many - must comply with the technical specifications)
2. Appendix C to Part 1194 - Functional Performance Criteria and Technical Maybe Requirements o Chapter 3: Functional Performance Criteria - applies to ICT where Maybe required by 508 Chapter 2 (Scoping Requirements) and where otherwise referenced in any other chapter of the Revised 508 Standards Maybe o Chapter 4: Hardware Maybe o Chapter 5: Software o Chapter 6: Support Documentation and Services (applicable to, but not Maybe limited to, help desks, call centers, training services, and automated self-service technical support) (Always applies if Chapters 4 or 5 apply) 15

31310020P0013 P00001 ATTACHMENT 1 Applicable to the Provision of 36 CFR Part 1194 Contract/Order?

Yes o Chapter 7: Referenced Standards

3. Appendix D to Part 1194 - Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Maybe Standards as Originally Published on December 21, 2000 Refer to Chapter 2 (Scoping Requirements) first to confirm what provisions in Appendix C apply in a particular case.

Section E203.2 applies only to the NRC, except as specified below.

S.17.4 Exceptions S.17.4.1 Legacy ICT Unless a deliverable of this contract/order is identified in this contract/order as Legacy ICT, use by the Contractor of the Legacy ICT general exception (section E202.2 of 36 CFR § 1194) shall only be permitted on a case-by-case basis for applicable legacy ICT and with advance written approval from the COR.

S.17.4.2 Undue Burden The Undue Burden general exception (section E202.6 of 36 CFR § 1194) is not expected to be applicable to work performed by the Contractor. If there are questions about potential application of this exception, please discuss with the CO.

S.17.4.3 Best Meets Based on discussions with the Contractor, it is understood that the Contractors products are not fully compliant with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, as the assessment is not fully compatible with screen readers. The NRC acknowledges the Contractors product falls under the Best Meets (section E202.7 of 36 CFR § 1194) exception to Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. The Contractor agrees to provide individuals with disabilities access to and use of the information and data by an alternative means that meets identified needs, as specified in E202.7.2 of 36 CFR § 1194.

S.17.4.4 National Security Systems Based on the definition at 40 U.S.C. 11103(a), the National Security Systems general exception (section E202.3 of 36 CFR § 1194) is not applicable to this contract/order.

S.17.5 Additional Requirements S.17.5.1 Notification Due to Impact from NRC Policies, Procedures, Tools and/or ICT Infrastructure If and when 1) the Contractor is dependent upon NRC policies, procedures, tools and/or ICT infrastructure for Revised-508-Standards-conformant delivery of any of the products or services under this acquisition, and 2) the Contractor is aware that conformance of products or services will be negatively impacted by capability gaps in NRC policies, procedures, tools and/or ICT infrastructure, the Contractor shall inform the COR so that the NRC can both be aware and take corrective action.


31310020P0013 P00001 ATTACHMENT 1 S.17.5.2 Other It is desirable that the Contractor address the applicable provisions of the Revised 508 Standards throughout product and service lifecycles rather than only performing a conformance check toward the end of a process.

S.18 Applicable Publications (Current Editions)

N/A S.19 Security Requirements None.