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License Amend Request 91-05 to License NPF-86,changing Tech Specs to Implement Guidance of Generic Ltr 88-16, Removal of Cycle-Specific Parameter Limits from Tech Specs & Relocating Limits to Core Operating Limits Rept
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Site: Seabrook NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/04/1991
From: Feigenbaum T
Shared Package
ML20082P538 List:
GL-88-16, NUDOCS 9109100373
Download: ML20082P542 (7)


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SEABROOK STATION UNIT 1 New Hampshire Yankee Facility Operating License'NPF-86 l Docket No.- 50-443  !

License Amendment Request No. 9105-Core Operating Limits Report This License Amendment Request is submitted by New Hampshire Yankee pursuant to 10 CFR50.90. The following information is enclosed in support of this License Amendment Request:

. Section 1 - Introduction and Description of Proposed Changes

. Section il - Markup of Proposed Ct anges

. Section lli - Retype of Proposed Changes

.Section IV -

Safety Evaluation of Proposed Changes

.Section V - Determination of Significant Hazards for Proposed Changes

. Section- VI -

Proposed Schedule for License Amendment issuance and Effectiveness Section Vil -

Other Supporting Dccumentation Sworn and Subscribed to before me this

, @ day of LLdw .1991. , /

// 8u 4W lumb Es #$O2rww Ted C. Felpdnbaum Notary 4ublic d President and Chipf Executive Officer Commission Expires: 2-28-95 9109100373 910904 PDR ADOCK 05000443 P PDR

71.- Introduction and Description of Proposed Chang _es i

A. Introduction

_ _ This License Amendment Request (91-05) proposes changes to the Seabrook Station-Technical Specifications implementing the guidence of NRC Generic Letter (GL) 88-16 " Removal of Cycle-Specific Parameter Limits from Technical Specifications".

Generic Letter 88-16, issued in October ~1988, provided-guidance f_or,_and " encouraged" licensees to pursue an alternative method to'the practice of specifying cycle-specific parameter limits-in Technical Specifications. The GL 88-16 alternative eliminates the necessity for the preparation and review of license amendments each refueling for the sole purpose of updating cycle-specific parameter limits. The NRC stated-in GL 88-16 that "If these limits are developed using an '

NRC-approved methodology, the license amendment process is an unnecessary burden on the licensee and the NRC". Generic Letter 88-16 specified threel actions to modify Technical Specifications:

"(1) the addition of the definition of a named formal report that includes the values of cycle-specific parameter limits that have been established using an NRC-approved methodology and consistent with all applicable limits of the safety analysis (2) Lthe addition of an administrative reporting requirement to submit the formal-report on cycle-specific parameter limits to the Commission

.for information, and (3) the modification of individual TS to note that cycle-specific parameters shall be maintained within the limits provided in the defined formal report."-

The above three actions specified in GL 88-16 are complied with by NHY in the proposed Technical Specification changes. A description of the proposed Technical Specification changes is provided below:

8. Description of Proposed Changes The proposed Technical Specification changes involve the relocation of several cycle-specific parameter limits from Technical Specifications to a new NHY report entitled the Core Operating Limits Report (COLR). A definition-for the COLR has been added to the Technical Specifications as definition 1.10. A-COLR paragraph has been added to the Administrative Controls Section of the Technical-

, Specification replacing the Radial Peaking Factor Limits Report. The radial peaking factnr limits will be contained within the COLR.

Additionally, certain individual Technical' Specifications have been modified to state that the cycle-specific parameter limits are specified in the COLR. The initial-COLR and COLR revisions, will be provided to the NRC upon issuance, to allow continued trending.of the 1

cycle-specific parameters by the NRC. A draft COLR for Cycle 2 has been provided with this License Amendment Request, Section Vll.

Tte proposed Technical Specification changes will reference the COLR for certain cycle-specific parameter limits and will require that the cycle-specific parameters be maintained within the limits specified in the'COLR. The cycle-specific parameter limits relocated to the COLR

in the proposed Technical Specification changes are:

-(a) SHUTDOWN MARGIN for MODES 1, 2, 3 and 4

-(b) 3.1.1. 2_ SHUTDOWN MARGIN for MODE 5-(c) Moderator Temperature Coefficient (d) Shutdown Rod insertion Limits (e) Control Rod Insertion Limits (f) 3.2.1 AXIAL FLUX DIFFERENCE (g) 3.2.2 Heat-Flux Hot Channel Factor (h) 3.2.3 Nuclear Enthalpy Rise Hot Channel Factor l The proposed changes are consistent with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.36 and the NRC Staff's proposed policy for improving Technical Specifications, delineated in SECY-86 10. " Recommendations for Improving TS." This policy allows process variables such as core operational limits to be-controlled _ by specifying them numerically in the Technical Specifications or by specifying the method for calculating their numerical values, if the Staff finds that theicorrect limits will be

.followed in _ operating the. plant. The proposed Technical Specification L Section references- the NRC-approved calculation methodologies.

1 The development of cycle-specific parameter limits will continue to be performed by the referenced methodologies which have been accepted by the NRC. Prior NRC approval will be sought for the use of methodologies not _specified in proposed Technical Specification Section 6.8.1=.6.

The proposed changes to the Technical-Specifications are considered to be improvements and are consistent with the NRC stated policy for improving Technical Specifications (52 FR 3788, February 6,1987).

! C. Listing of Affected Technical' Specification Pages The Technical Specification pages that are revised by this License

' Amendment Request are provided in Section II as a-marked-up copy.

L Retyped pages incorporattng all of the proposed changes are provided in L Section Ill. Following is a listing of the revised pages and the l

changes made-on each page.

Paae Chanae i 'New definition 1.10 added for the COLR iii figures 3.1-1, 3.2-1 and 3.2-2 deleted xiv Radial Peaking Factor-Limits Report replaced by the CORE.

OPERATING LIMITS REPORT IJ2 Definition 1.10, CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT added. DOSE EQUIVALENT l-131 definition renumbered 1-3 All definitions renumbered 2


1 All definitions renumbered 1 All definitions renumbered 1-6 All definitions renumbered 17 All definitions renumbered 3/411 Specification - The specific SHUTDOWN MARGIN was replaced by_the-reference to the COLR 3/4 1-3 Specification - The specific SHUT 00WN MARGIN was replaced'by the reference to the COLR Specification - The specific SHUTDOWN MARGIN was replaced by the reference to the COLR, and the sentence was reworded to accept the reference 3/4 1-4 Specification. - The specific MTC values were replaced by the reference to the COLR ACTION a. - The specific MTC value was replaced by a reference to the COLR ACTION a.1 - The specification values were replaced by the reference to.the COLR ACTION ,b The Specification reference was replaced:by a reference to the COLR 3/4.1-5 Specification Specification reference was replaced by a reference to the COLR, Specification - The Specification reference was replaced by a reference to the COLR, The specific MTC-values were replaced by reference to the COLR 3/4 1-8' ACTION - The specific SHUTDOWN MARGIN value was replaced-by a reference to the COLR o

i- 3/4'l-10 ACTION - Same as above b 3/41-12 ACTION a .Same as above 3/4 1-15 ACTION b.2, - The reference to Figure 3,1-1 was replaced by

l. a reference to Specification 3.1.3.b i

L- 3/4_1-16 ACTION c.l. - Same as above 3/4--l-21 Specification - The words "or specified in the CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT (COLR)" were added Spec'ification - The words "as specified in the COLR" were added 3

- 3/4 1-22 Specification - The reference to' Figure 3.1-1 was replaced by a reference to tne COLR ACTION Same as above ACTION b - Same as above 3/4:1-23 Figure 3.1-1 deleted and this page intentionally left blank 3/4 2-1 Specification 3.2.1 - The specific values for Axial Flux Difference (AFD) were replaced by a reference to the COLR.

The references to the specific AFD, values and to Figure 3.2-1 were replaced by references to the COLR ACTION -'The references to the specific AFD values and to Figure 3.2-1 were replaced by a reference to the COLR 3/4 2-1 ** - The reference to Figure 3.2-1 were replaced by a reference to:the COLR 3/4 2-2 '

Specification - The reference to the specific AFD values was replaced with a reference to the COLR

    • - Sarc.e as above 3/4 2-3 - Figure 3.2-1 was deleted and this page is intentionally left blank 3/4 2-4 Specification 3.2.2 - In the first equation, 2.32 was replaced with the term Fo*". In the second equation, 4.64 was replaced with the term Fg *"/.5. A definition for F"" a was added and the definition of K(Z) was revised to

, reference the COLR 3/4 2 Figure 3.2-2 was deleted and this page is intentionally left blank 3/4'2-6 Specification 4.2.2;2.c.2 - In the equation, 0.2 was .

replaced with PF,y, PF,y -was defined as_the power factor

. multiplier _ of F,7 specified in the COLR.

3/4 2-7 Specification - The reference to the Radial Peaking Factor limit Report was replaced by a reference to the COLR 3/4 2-8 and 0.2 was.

In the equation,1.49 replaced was replaced with Pfa. Defirittions with an of F""a F""bn PF, were also added.-

B 3/4 1-1 3/4.1.1 - The references to specific SHUTDOWN MARGIN were replaced by references to the COLR 4

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3/4,1,1,3 - The references to specific MTC values viere  !

replaced byl references to the COLR


1 B 3/4.1-2 3/4,1.2 - The reference to a specific SHUTDOWN MARGIN was-replaced by a reference to the COLR

' B.3/4 1-3 3/4.1 2 - Same as above B 3/4 2-1 3/4,2.1 - The value 2.32 was replaced by a reference to the Fn limit as specified in the COLR

- B 3/4 2-3 3/4.2.2 and 3/4.2.3 - The reference to the Radial Peaking Factor Limits Report was replaced with a reference to the COLR 6-18 6,8,1,6 - The . Radial Peaking Factor l'imits Report was replaced with the description of the COLR and the listing of NRC approved methodologies

6-18A Continuation of the COLR description 6-18B- Continuation of the COLR description 6-18C- Continuation of the COLRl description XXXX. These pages are overleaf pages that were not revised and are included to facilitate duplex duplication t

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~ II . . Markuo of Proposed Chanaes-

.See attached markup of proposed changes to Technical Specifications.

6 i-1
