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Application for Amend 7 to License to Extend Expiration Date from 950101 to 000101
Person / Time
Site: 05000469
Issue date: 11/22/1994
From: Larue M
To: Wright B
NUDOCS 9412200098
Download: ML20080C718 (2)



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g GENuckerEnergy Ml - .

SOURCING & SUPPORT OPERAT16Ns c,,,,,,m,,co,,,

In cunn,r Amnve. San Jose. CA 9505 Licensing & Trame ,

November 22,1994 .

kit o % 6a.o1 50- $ Vi U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission -

- Oflice ofInternational Programs 1 White Flint Nonh )

11555 Rockville Pike l Rockville,MD 20852 Attention: Ms. Betty Wright 4 Export /Impon Licensing Officer i



' Application Amendment, License.No. XR 096-Kuo Sheng Units I & II- Taiwan

Dear Ms. Wright:


Since exports under authority of this License will be necessary beyond the expiration date, General Electric requests that Amendment No. 07 to License No. XR096 be issued to j cover the following items:


From: 01 January 1995 i To: 01 January 2000 1

'l l


. From: General Electric Technical Services Company, Inc. (GETSCO)

Noi27, Section 3, Chung Shan Road Taipei, Taiwan To: General Electric Technical Services Company, Inc. (GETSCO) ,

7F, No. 201, Tun-Hua North Road ,

.l Taipei, Taiwan  ;

1 9412200098 9411227

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From:' Southeast Engineering Corporation " "

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@ ' P. O. Box 1030 Taipei, Taiwan . '!

' To:' Southeast Engineering Corporation -  :


<- 7F, No. 7 Roosevelt Road >

Section 1, Taipei, Taiwan DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS: -l To:, Components and associated equipment listed in U.S. regulations 10 CFR i .

Appendix ~ A 5) thru 9) for two boiling water reactors, with power levels of 2,894 '

megawatts thermal. Equipment, tools, components and materials covered by this license may be disposed of or returned to General Electric Company or to another location, in the ' l United States, or transferred to the site of another reactor exported pursuant to a facility c  ;

export license issued by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission to General Electric - -l Company. ,

j a

INCREASE VALUE FROM $56,500,.000.00 TO $66,500,000.00 j i

' All other conditions remain unchanged. I I

Enclosed is General Electric Company's check #3019527 in the amount of $130.00 ]

payable to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission for the processing of this request.

Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. l l

Sincerely, j lf C h x M. J. LaRue Export Control Coordinator  :

M/C 212, (408) 925-3120

FAX- (408) 925-1372 .j h'


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F OLUW2iiMTf:Y*.TISTf2Td.UIGIi! EXPORT LICEliSE$t_I_iq, &fygtid$g5li2(1*& G ,

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4 l C-471 17/ISIJCIESEEXPlffS 01 Jantlarv 1048i l Entteh 9tates af Amerita XR096

  • i Nuclear Regulatory COmmision Amendment No. 06 g

Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1964, as amended,and the Energy to the licensee authorizing the export of the meterials and/or production g Reorganization Act of 1974 and the regulations of the Nuclear Reguletory or utilization facilities listed below, ohject to the terme and conditione Commission issued pursuant thereto, and in reliance on statements and herein.

representations heretofore made by Os licensee, e license is hereby issued LICE NS E E ULTIMATE CONSIGNEE IN FOREthJ COUNTRY I

I I NAME General Electric Company NAME Taiwan Power Company I

I A ::oRESS 175 Curtner Avenue ADDRESS 242 Roosevelt Road San Jose, CA 95125 Section 3 Taipei 107, Taiwan h

I g Attn: F. D. Flowers M/C 512 (KuoShengUnitsIandII)

I g INTERMEDIATE CONSIONEE IN FORElGN COUNTRY OTHER PARTIES TO EXPORT I 1 i Southeast Engineering Corporation i NAME General Electric Technical Services P.O. Box 1030 1 Company.Inc.(GETSCO) Taipei, Taiwan I

I l AmSS No. 27 Section 3, Chung Shan Road GE Reuter Stokes I Taipei, Taiwan Edison Park ,

8499 Darrow Road l

I Twinsburg, OH 44087 l (Other Sucolierl -


,I OUANTITY DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALA OR PACILITIES I The licensee is authorized to export the components and associated equipment I of two boiling water reactors, with power levels of 2,894 megawatts thermal, l valued at approximately $56,500,000.00 including equipment listed in 10 CFR i ll Part 110. Appendix A.  ;  ;

I I This amends the original license issued April 17, 1974 and subsequent -

l I amendments through No. 05 which was issued May 11, 1989.

U; I

f l This license is amended to: 1) extend the expiration date from December 31, 1991 to January 1,1995 and 2) add GE Reuter Stokes. Edison Park, 8499 Darrow i

l l Road, Twinsburg, OH 44087 as "other party to export".

I I All other conditions remain unchanged.

l //////////////////////////////////////////////////END////////////////////////////////////////

I Neither this license not any right under this licones shall be seeigned or l Etherwise transferred in violation of the provisions of the Atomic Energy S AU H Ml2ED RC REP ESENTATIV 'I g i l Act cf 1954, se amended and the Energy Reorgenlaation Act of 1974. '!

l Ronald D. Hauber, Assistant Director 1 i Thb i'**a 'ubi'** 'a th* 'ioht o' r*captu'* ar coa'ros by s.ction tca o' for Exports, Security, and Safety Cooperation the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended and to all of the other provi-I l, sions of said Acts, now or hereafter in effect and to all valid rules and International Programs '

ll reputtions of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _D AT E O_ P_ I_ SS U AN C E

"/' q 'jCpb' 4 EXPORT LICENSE )

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  • Amendment No. 05 =! .E.
i .

Nuclear Regulatory Commission  ::~  ; -- m -e .  :  : -

pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended,and the Energy to the licensee authorizing the export.of the meterials endfor production

l Reorganization Act of 1974 and the regulations of the Nucleer Reguletory or utillration facilities listed below, subject to the terms and condiflons '

Commission Ismaed purmaant thereto, and in rollence on statements and herein, --

I repreenntations heretofore made by the licenese, e license is hereby leeued '



"' . General Electric C'ompany Taiwan Power" Company -


-1 i ,oong,, 175 Curtner Avenue ,oons,i242Roosevel'tRoad , _. -

I San Jose, California 95125 .Section~ 3, Taipei 107. Taiwan I _ .

I Attn: F. D. Flowers l M/C 512 (KuoShengUnitsIandII) d I


l u,ug Ceneral Electric Technical Services .

i Company Inc. (GETSCO) Southeast Engineering Corporation i No. 27, Section 3. Chung Shan Road P.O. Box 1030 i Taipei, Taiwan . Taipei, Taiwan

_ l Aco:Es3 I


1 I

L l APPLICANT 8 REF. NO. pnp.pqdp COUNTRY OP ULTIM ATE DESTINATION TA M n I OUANTITY DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS OR PACILITIES I The licensee is authorized to export the components and associated equipment of two boil ing  ;

I water reactors, with power levels of 2894 megawatts thermal, valued at approximately '

I I $56,500,000. 00 including equipment listed in 10 CFR Part 110.8(a).

l l This amends the original license issued April 17, 1974 and subsequent amendments through No.

i 04 which was is sued November 5, 1987.

I L This amendment is issued to add the following provision to the original license: Equipment, I tools, componer ts and materials covered by this license may be disposed of or returned to l General Electri c Company or General Electric Technical Services Company, or to another i location, in tt e United States, or transferred to the site of another reactor exported o I pursuant to a i acility export license issued by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission to l I G:neral Electri c Company or its wholly owned subsidiary, General Electric Technical Service I Company (GETSCO).

llNo other changt s are made.

p liiiiiiifs i nut i t i u sunuSths tawulbrhust g ebununwH ltitt/

NeitheriQiilt tn liiiiiiiiiijys license se not any right shall under tbe easioned orliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii SY AUTHORIZED NRC REPRESENTATIVE y

stherwise transferred in violatlon of the provisions of the Atomic Energy .

g Act of 1954, as amended and the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974.

I 1

l Thb license is subject to the right of recapture or control by Section 108 of -

Marvin R. Peterson, Assistant Director b s i the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended and to all of the other provi-l sions of said Acts, now or hereafter in effect and to all valid rules and for Internati pecgy 3

g, reguttionsof the Nuclear Regulatory Commesion, L .w-----= m. -- . m -- mm mm. ...D ATE.... O P iSSU ....m AN_CE m .. ...--

mw c v - _

. IEC lirt '94 06:33PM' INT'L CUST. SERVICE. , P.1/5

, 3. .

oc3/wou Facsimile Cover Sheet 1

To: Betty Wright Company: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Phone: (301)415-2342 )

Fax: (301)415-2395 From: MARY JO LaRUE Company: Licensing & Traffic Phone: (408) 925-3120 or 8-425-3120 Fax: (408) 925-1372 or 8-425-1372  !

Date: 12/7/94 Pages including this 5 ,

cover page:


Betty, Per our telecon today.............

Again, thank you for your help and patience.

$ W&b ii $$0S.[f M )

X2 0 96 07 5D -+' W

( KC

.n es 34PM INT' CUST. SERVIE . P.2/5 m :; semeers-. i

  • 4 ,



Licensing & Tramc inCwma Aems 3m & CA $$lM l

5 November 22,1994 i

.i 4 i

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Camminian  ;

OfEce ofInternationalPrograms 1 White Flint North 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville,MD 20852 l Attention: Ms. BettyWright )

Export / Import Licensing OfHeer i


Application Amendment, License No. XR 096-Kuo Sheng Units I& II-Taiwan

Dear Ms. Wright:

Since exports under authority of this License will be necessary beyond the expiration date, . i General Electric requests that Amendmant No. 07 to T transa No. XR096 be issued to cover the followingitems:


From: 01 January 1995 To: 01 January 2000 INTERMEDIATE CONSIGNEE IN FOREIGN COUNTRY From General Electric Technical Services Company, Inc. (GETSCO)

No. 27, Section 3, Chung Shan Road Taipei, Taiwan .

CHMsE 6F 400dtgSS To: GeneralElectric Technical Services Company,Inc. (GETSCO) mAy AecJrivo"-

7F, No. 201, Tun-Hua North Road Ano .cfnAm- /narerstuva Taipei, Taiwan awa sr/No- o sn.: vsn.y TO R L-Tf fM MN 0 od SsG#8Mr

- - - - . ,- , , , - e ,, + - , - - ---

., IEC 37 '94 86834PM INT'L, CUST. SEPNICE . .


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S us.3dywdgw . :i

', U.S.NadserRagdsamyh .,

y; ..

. 11/22/94 Pass 2.  :


' From: Southeast Engineering Corporation g 1

' P. O. Box 1030 Taipei, Taiwan . c. Haw e4 ee aoa urss .

To: hehaa* Engineering Corporation Piny REtsiUK . A Wo 57aRr 7F, No. 7 Roosevelt Road . MTam.:4s Ae,r,ae Section 1,Taipal, Taiwan DEt.iyeny yo k u n m m w csewar ,


i To: Components and associated equipment listed in U.S. regulations 10 CFR Agu

  • A 5) thm 9) for two boiling water reactors, with power levels of 2,894 .

megawatts thennal Equipenent, tools, components and mat:: rials covered by this license may be disposed of or retumed to General Electric Company or to another location, in the o United States, or transfiered to the site of another reactor exported pursuant tot a fhcility i export licanr. issued by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission to General Electric Company.

INCREASE VALUE FROM $56,500,.000.00 TO 366,500,000.00 1

I All other conditions remain unchanged.

Enclosed is General Electric Company's check #3019527 in the amount of $130.00 i payable to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission for the processing of this request. .]

Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated.


0) # k M. J. e i

Export Contro1 Coordinator M/C 212, (408) 925-3120 FAX (408) 925-1372

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