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Phase Ivb Wind Tunnel Testing for Westinghouse AP600 Reactor
Person / Time
Site: 05200003
Issue date: 07/19/1994
From: Lythe G, Surry D
Shared Package
ML19304C439 List:
WCAP-14091, WCAP-14092, NUDOCS 9408030164
Download: ML20071L570 (21)


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G. R. Lythe  !

D. Surry i

BLWT-SS6-1994 i


,, NBA 5B9 9408030164 940719 '[ l PDR ADOCK 05200003 i A~. . . ,P.,DR _

l 01994 Westinghouse Electric Corporation ,

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TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE SU5131A RY 11 ACKNOWLEDGENTENTS 111 1 INTRODUCTION 1 2 EXPERI51 ENTAL PROCEDURE COOLING TOWER MODELLLNG 1 2.1 Preliminary Measurements at the NRC Wind Tunnel 1 2.2 $1odelling of the Wind at the UWO Wind Tunnel 2 2.3 Measurements at UWO 2 3 EXPERIATENTAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSION COOLING TOWER 3 MODELLING 4 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE MAIN TESTS 4 4.1 Modelling of the Containment Building and the Surroundings 4 4.2 Pressure measurements 4 5 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 5 5.1 General 5 5.2 Main Results 5 REFERENCES 7 TABLES 8 FIGURES 9 APPENDIX A COMPUTER LISTING OF PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS A1 i

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I his report details the second part of the fourth phase of the wind tunnel testing of the Westinghouse AP600 nuclear reactor (there was no Phase Ill). He design for this reactor employs passive means for emergency cooling, including natural draft cooling and water film evaporative cooling. His cooling is )

dependent on natural convection through the building, which could be affected by wind conditions. Phase 1 -

testing examined the wind effects of various changes in the geometry of the containment building and its surroundings. Phase I testing is detailed in Reference 8. Phase 11 testing included the modelling of the }

complete flow path within the building and was used primarily to provide information for the design of the i bafne wall. His testing is detailed in Reference 9. Phase IVa testing included testing a large model in another.

faster wind tunnel in onter to examine Reynold's number effects. As well, measurements were taken to provide [

final bafne wall design loads (subject to the results of this study), to examine the effects of the hyperbolic  ;

cooling tower, to examine the effects of a uniform velocit) , 7.le and to provide some information for the  ;

modelling of the cooling tower in this phase. Phase JVa testhg is detailed in Reference 10.

i De aims of this phase of the testing are to examine the effects of severe terrain on the baffle loads. I The configurations tested include:

1. De base case, consisting of the complete AP600 plant, including a single hyperbolic cooling tower; I
2. The base case with two cooling towers:
3. With a nearby escarpment;
4. With a nearby escarpment and a mountain backdrop; i
5. In a river valley; and,
6. In a rivtr valley, with two cooling towers, in order to allow the modelling of large areas of terrain, a smaller scale of 1:800 was chosen. It is expected that the magnitudes of the results may not be as accurate as previous tests, but the comparison between cases will be valid. His may result in factors that could be applied to the baffle loads determined in Phase IVa.

Initial testing was performed to eroure that the wake characteristics of the cooling tower were appropriately modelled, based on measurement. taken at a larger scale in Phase IVa. He test model was instrumented for f pressure measurements at 44 locations (plus 16 on the cooling tower) and was tested in turbulent boundary layer I flow conditions. The approach flow was representative of a flow in an open country terrain (i.e., ANSI exposure C), and was further modified by the terrain models surrounding the site.

I ne highlights and main findings of the study are as follows: '

l. In most of the configurations, the largest peak inlet-minus-chimney pressure changes very little I from the base case. In the river valley case with two cooling tower, however, this pressure increases by a factor of 1.14, for a small range of wind angles. Dus, the base case baffle loads are bounding except for the river valley case with two cooling towers.
2. The effect of mountains and/or an extra cooling tower is to reduce the inlet-minus-chimney pressure for wind directions with the mountains and/or cooling towers upstream of the plant. In all cases, the mean inlet-minus-chimney pressure remains positive. The duration of negative inlet-minus chimney pressure fluctuations becomes longer for the wind directions with mountains and/or ii I

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design wind speed was 12 seconds, versus 2 seconds for th, base case. For the wind angle with i the most negative fluctu.ations ;n the river valley case, the inlet-minus-chimney pressure was in the j negative 68% of the ilea, ,ersus 4.5% of the time for the base case. ,

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1- INTRODUCTION The Westmgbouse AP600 nuclear reactor is designed to use passive means for emergency cooling. Tbese mclude natural draft and water film evaporative cooling which are made possible by an air flow path througb the containment building. The air Dows in mlets at the top of the building, downwards past a bafne wall, then around the bottom of the baffle, upwards between the baffle and the containment vessel and out the chimney at the top of the building.

A goal of the design is that the wind not resist the air flow through the building. Phase I testing, detailed in reference 7, exanuned the effects of vanous design changes on the wind-induced pressures. In that tesung , the flow through the building was not modelled, but the pressure difference between inlets and chimney (i.e. the pressure dnving any flow) was measured. In the Phase 11 tests, reponed in reference 9, the air flow path was modelled for two different building desir,as: the most wind neutral design found in Phase I testing, and the current design of the building. The purpose W the Phase 11 tesung was pnmanly to provide information for the design of the bafne wall. The informauon sought was the loads on the wall and how uniform the flow was at various points along the flow path. Buoyancy was not considered since the dnving pressure due to buoyancy amounts to only about I to 5% of the wmd induced dnving pressure for the design wmd cases.

At the end of Phase !!. there remained several outstanding questions. First, the effect of Reynolds number on the results. This could only be addressed definiuvely by testing a larger model in a faster wind tunnel such that the Reynold's numbers were in the same range as expected full scale values. Secondly, the effect of a tornado wind profile (near untform) on the results. This could be accomplished using the same test model as in previous phases, but with a different flow model. Thirdly, the effects of the hyperbolic cooling tower on the results. Some limited measurements were made in Phase II; however, the blockage of the cooling tower in the University of Western Ontano (UWO) wind tunnel was excessive. This question could be addressed by testmg the 1:96.67 model in a larger wmd tunnel where the blockage would be small. Phase IVa (there was no phase III), was aimed at addressmg these quesuons.

The final outstanding question, the effect of severe terrain, is the subject of the current Phase IVb. For i this phase. a smaller scale,1:800, was chosen to allow the modelling of larger areas around the site. At this scale, however, the Reynold's numbers are much smaller than full scale values which could lead to results whose values are not representauve of full scale. This is perfectly acceptable here, smcc it is the dgerence between cases that is of mterest and these differences should still be valid. Nevertheless, it is important to properly model the wake charactenstics of the hyperbolic cooling tower, even if this means distorung the shape or scale of the tower with rupect to the rest of the site. With this in mind, measurements of the wake characteristics behind the cooling tower were taken durmg phase Iva, on a 1:96.67 scale model of the cooling tower in the 30' x 30' wind tunnel at the Nanonal Research Council of Canada (NRC). These measurements were then used as the basis for modelling the wake charactenstics in the current phase.

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>1 Preliminary Measurements at the NRC Wind Tunnel A 1:96.67 scale model of the coolmg tower was butit as part of Phase IVa. Photograpbs of the modelin the wind tunnel are shown in Figure 1 (note that the other models shown were not present dunng the tests on the coolmg tower). It was mstrumented for pressure measurements at 16 locations amund the throat of die tower.The 1 I

numbering system for these pressure taps is shown in figure 2. The model was mounted near the centreline of the wind tunnel and was tested in a 1:96.67 scale boundary layer representative of open country conditions (ANSI exposure C). A desenption of the flow modelling is given in section 4.1 of reference 10.

Two types of tests were performed: measurements of the pressures around the throat of the cooling tower, and measurements of speeds in the wake of the tower. All pressure data were measured using a solid state pressure i

scanner system w bich sampled pressures at a rate approximatmg 4.5 samples per second in full scale for a penod approximadng 26 minutes in full scale (the 6me scale used bere is based on the full scale design wind speed of  ;

214 mph at the top of the chimney - a slower wind speed would yield a longer record with fewer samples per second). All of these samples are kept for later analysis (e.g. to determine the maximum, minimum, mean and rms values in each case). Dunng the tests, the speed, denoted Vref, was monitored by a pitot-static tube mounted just ,

downstream of the test model, at a berght well above the test model. All of the pressure data are presented in this t report in the form of non-dimensional pressure coefficients as defined in reference 1. They are referenced to the mean dynamic pressure at the containment building roof beight.1/2 pV2 roof, where Vroof is calculated from the Vref measured dunng the test using a Vroof/Vref ratio measured in a separate experiment after the tesung. r The second type of test was the measurement of speeds in the wake. In this test, a bot-wire sensor was mounted on a traversmg mechanism at a distance downstream from the cooling tower equal to the distance to the centrehne of the containment building. A bonzontal traverse was made across the cooling tower wake at the height of the top of the containment building chimney. Both the mean speed and the longitudinal component of the turbulence intensity were measured.

22 Sfodelling of the Wind at the UWO Wind Tunnel The basic tool for these tests was the Laboratory's Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel, which allows extended fetcbes of coarsely modelled upstream terrain to be placed in front of the building under test. De wtod tunnel flow then develops boundary layer characteristics representative of those found in full scale.His methodology ,

has been highly developed and is detailed elsewhere (1,2.3). In this case. a 1:800 scale boundary layer L representa6ve of open country conditions (ANSI exposure C) was required. This was achieved using floor l roughness with a beight of 0.5 inches. The upstream terrain model is sbovm in Figure 3.

I Verdcal profiles of mean speed and the longitudinal component of the turbulence intensity, measured immediately upstream of the proximity model, are shown in Figure 4 compared with reference profiles for open ,

country terrain, ne latter have been developed by ESDU (4,5,6) through fitting theoretical models to available full scale data. The roughness length, z,, (a characteristic parameter of the mean speed profile) calculated from the wind tunnel data is approumately 0.02 metres. His is weil within the acceptable range of a factor of 2 from the accepted median open country value of 0.03. The ratios of mean speeds at pardcular heights to those at roof beight are shown in Table 1, along with similar reference values. Also shown are values of the local turbulence intensity, which is simply the root-mean square (rms) speed divided by the mean speed at each beight.De table includes beights up to 1.5 times the budding beight. The table shows that, except for the few points closest to the ground. l the mean rauos are within 0.05 of the reference values and the localintensities are within 2 percentage points of the ESDU values. Hence this is a very good representation of the wind structure for an cpen country terrain.

The simuladon was further checked by measunng a spectrum of the wind speed at roof height. This spectrum is shown in Figure 5, along with the reference spectrum for open country terram. The figure sbows that the spectrum is well withm the acceptable range of a factor of 2 over the entire range of wave numbers.

2 3 Steasurements at UWO lt was expected that some distoruon in the modelling of the coohng tower may have been necessary m order to model its w ake characterisucs properly at the 1:800 scale. Some iniual tests on several crudely 2

constructed snodels indicated that the best modeling of the wake characteristics was achieved without any distortion of tbc model-i.e. simply scaling the model at 1:800. With this knowledge, a more precise model of ,

the cooling tower was constructed and instnnnented for pressure measurement at the same 16 locatiot s that were used for tbc NRC tests (see figure 2).

As with the tests at NRC, two types of tests were perfonned; measurements of the pressures around the throat of the cooling tower, and measurements of speeds in the wake of tbc tower. All pressure data were measured using a solid state pressure scanner system which sampled pressures at a rate approximating 3 samples per second in full scale for a period approximating 63 minutes in full scale (the time scale used here is based on  ;

tbc full scale design wind speed of 214 mph (Appendix D of Reference 9) at the top of the chimney a slower i wind speed would yield a longer record with fewer samples per second). All of these samples are kept for later analysis (e.g. to determine the maximum, minimum, mean and rms values in each case). During the tests, the speed, denoted Vref. was monitored by a pitot. static tute mounted just upstream of tbc proximity model, at a ,

beight near the roof of the wind tunnel. All of Ibc pressure data are presented in this report in the form of non-dimensional pressure coef0cients as defined in reference 1. They are referenced to the mean dynamic pressure  ;

at roof beight,1/2 pV 8roof, where Vroof is calculated from the Vref measured during tbc test using the Vroof/Vref ratio from the measured velocity pronle.

The second type of test was Ibc measurement of speeds in the wake. In this test, a hot wire sensor was mounted on a traversing mechanism at a distance downstream from the cooling tower equal to the distance to the centerline of the contaimnent building. A borizontal traverse was made across the cooling tower wake at tbc j beight of tbc containment building chimney. both tbc speed and the longitudinal coruponent of the turbulence ,

intensity were measured.


MODELLING 1 Figure 6 shows a comparison of Ibc mean pressure distributions around the throat of the cooling tower ,

measured in both wind tunnels. Tbc coerGeients shown have tren normalized in both cases by appropriate dynamic pressures that give a coefGcient of 1.0 at the stagnation point. The two sets of data compare very well, i indicating that the drag characteristics, and bence the wake characteristics, of Ibc two models are similar. An t j approximate drag coefDeient per unit height can be calculated from these data; for the NRC data it is 0.42 and i'

for the UWO data it is 0.39. Tbc agreement bere is also very good.

Tbc results of the speed measurements behind the cooling tower are shown in Ogure 7; figure 7a shows mean speeds; Ogure 7b shows turbulence intensities, and figure 7c shows peak speeds formed from tbc measured mean and rms speeds. All speeds are normalized by tbc largest mean speed measured in the traverse. The speed measurements indicate that tbc width of the wakes and tbc turbulence intensities are similar in both cases, but the reduction in mean speed Ichind the cooling tower is not quite as large in tbc UWO tests as in the NRC tests.  ;

As a result, tbc peak speeds are somewhat bigber Ichind tbc tower in the UWO tests, which will lead to somewbet conservative results. It is interesting to note that tbc results presented bere, while conservative, are not  ;

as good as the initial preliminary results measured trbind the coarsely modelled cooling towers.

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4 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE - MAIN TESTS , 4.1 Modelling of the Containment llullding and the Surrvundings "Ile basic tool for these tests vas the Lateratory's Boundary Layer Wind Tunaci. The 1:800 scale model of the AP600 plant was placed a, tbc center of tbc turntable and was surrounded by a " proximity" model consisting of tbc particular terrain mode, for tbc configuration being tested. This entire assemblage could be rotated to simulate different wind dire tions. The model scale of 1:800 was chosen to allow a relative!y large -

area of terrain to be included in the proximity model. Close-up views of the test model are shown in figure 8.

Tests were perfo,ned for the following configurations:

1. The base case, consisting of the complete AP600 plant, including a single hyperbolic cooling tower;
2. The base case with two cooling towers;
3. With a nearby escarpment. Tbc escarpment is 100' bigh with a 1:10 slope. The top of the escarpment is 500' from tbc center of the cooling tower.
4. With a nearby escarpment and a mountain backdrop. The mountain begins 1200' cast from the center of the shield building and rises to a height of 1000';
5. In a river valley. This consists of the mountain backdrop as in 4, with another 1000' mountain 2800' to the west of the center of the shield building. Tbc escarpment is filled in; and,
6. In a river valley, with two cooling towers.

A sketch showing the important din nsions is presented in Figure 9a. Photographs showing configurations 3 to 6 are shown in figure 9b. For configarations 1 and 2, a simple proximity model consisting of flat sheets of plywood were used.

4.2 l'ressure Measurements All pressure data were measured using a solid state pressure scanner system which sampled pressures at a rate approximating 3 sainples per second in full scale for a period approximating 63 minutes in full scale (the time scale used bere is based on tbc full scale design wind speed of 214 mph at tbc top of the chimney - a slower wind speed would yield a longer record with fewer samples per second). All of these samples are kept for later analysis (e.g. to determine the maximum, minimum, incan and nus values in each case). During the tests, the speed, denoted Vref, was monitored by a pitot static tube mounted just upstream of tbc proximity rnodel, at a height near the roof of the wind tunnel. All of the pressure data are presented in this report in the fonn of non-dimensional pressure coeflicients as defined in reference 1. They are referenced to the mean dynamic pressure at roof height,1/2 pV2 roof, where Vroof is cak:ulated from the Vref measured during tbc test using tbc Vroof/Vref ratio from the measured velocity profile which was measured just upstream of tbc proximity model with no proximity model in place.

Pressures were measured at the locations shown in Figure 10. As well, several combinations of the pressure measurements were made at each sampling instant to fonn data records for new ' combination

  • taps:
1. Tap 701 represents ibe average of the inlet taps;
2. Tap 702 represents the average of the chimney taps; 4
3. Tap 703 represents the difference between the average of the inlet taps and the average of the chinmey taps. .

As well, readings were taken from the taps on the cooling tower, but were not subsequently used.

5. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 5.1 General For all tests, statistics of the pressure coefficient records (maximum, minimum, mean and rms) have been determined for all taps and are tabulated in Appendix A. Taps are numbered in accordance with the numbering system shown in Figures 2 and 10. Rese data are examined more closely in the following sections.

i The choice of 1:800 scaling, as dictated by the large area models, means that the Reynolds numbers for the shield building and chimney were substantially reduced below those for previous tests. This choice was ,

made on the basis that the primary results were to be comparative rather than absolute however, previous tests also indicated a lack of Reynolds number sensitivity, presumably due to the flow sep,. rations from the top of the chimney and from the " shoulders" of the shield building being more important than the sides of the shield building. To examine whether this insensitivity extended to this 1:800 model, comparisons with previous data have been made. Figure 11 shows comparisons with Phase IVa data: Figure lla shows comparisons for taps in the inlets and chimney, and Figure lib shows comparisons for the ' combination" taps. The agreement is remarkable good, considering the large difference in Reynold's numbers between the tests. This indicates that the results of interest are relatively insensitive to Reynold's numbers over this range. Another observation that can be made from these comparisons is the effect of the cooling tower, since h is present in the current data, but was not for the Phase IVa inlet-minus-chimney pressures, which in turn would indicate lower baffle loads.

Figure 12 shows a plot of the first 5 minutes (full scale) of the data record for the three " combination" taps for .

the wind angle 280' where the effect of the cooling tower appears to be the strongest. Over the entire data record (63 minutes), the inlet-minus-chimney pressure was negative 4.5% of the time. Figure 13 shows a histogram of the number of times over the entire data record that the duration of the negative inlet-minus-chimney pressure was equal to various values. He figure shows that most of the time, the pressure is negative for only a very short time. The longest time that the pressure stayed negative .as less &c.n 2 seconds. Note that the time scale used for Figures 12 and 13 is based on a full scale design wind speed of 214 mph at the top of the chimney - slower wind speeds would yield longer durations.

In the following section, data from the various configurations are compared with each other. Data from the three " combination" taps are shown (see above for the definition of the "combinatior? taps).

5.2 Main Results Figure 14 shows the effect of adding e ~s .ooling tower to the base case, which already includes one cooling tower. The effect is very similar to mv r.4ect of the first cooling tower, but shifted to the wind angles where the second cooling tower is upstream - that is, mean pressures are reduced and rms pressures ]

remain similar. He net result is to reduce baffle loads. The effect on negative inlet-minus-chimney pressure is similar to that discussed above for a single cooling tower. ,

l Figure 15 shows the effect of a nearby escarpment. In this figure, differences over azimuths from O' to 180' can be attributed to speed-ups over the built-up portion of the surrounding terrain model and hence are not valid for design. For azimuths 190' to 350', however, the differences are due only to the escarpment. He escarpment tends to increase both the inlet and the chimney pressures over this azimuth range; however, when the difference between inlet and chimney pressure is looked at, the effect of the escarpment largely cancels out.

He ratio of the largest peak inlet-minus-chimney pressure over this azimuth range from the escarpment case to 5


t that from the base case is 1.01, indicating that the baffle loads would be similar in both cases (these do not occur for the same wind angle).

Figure 16 shows the effect of a nearby escarpment with a mountain backdrop. Again in this case, the e largest peak inlet-minus-chimney pressure is almost unchanged from the base case, although it occurs at a different wind angle. In this case however, the mountain causes larger peak negative inlet-minus-chimney pressures. Figure 17 shows a plot of the first 5 minutes (full scale) of the data record A.: the three

" combination' taps for the wind angle 90' where the effect of the mountain appears to be the strongest. Over the entire data record (63 minutes), the inlet-minus-chimney pressure is negative 31% of the time. Figure 18 shows a histogram of the number of times over the entire data record that the duration of the negative inlet-minus-chimney pressure was equal to various values. He figure shows that most of the time, pressure is negative for only a short time. He longest time that the pressure stayed negative was less than 14 seconds. l Note that the time scale used Figures 17 and 18 is based on a full scale design wind speed of 214 mph at the top of the chimney - slower wind speeds would yield longer durations. i Figure 19 shows the effect of a river valley site. In this case, the largest peak inlet-minus chimney pressure is reduced slightly form the base case, by a factor of 0.92. In this case, as in the previous case, the mountains cause larger peak negative inlet-minus-chimney pressures. Figure 20 shows a plot of the first 1 5 minutes (full scale) of the data record for the three " combination" taps for the wind angle 70* where the effect of the mountains appears to be the strongest. Over the entire data record (63 minutes), the inlet-minus-chimney  !

pressure is negative 68% of the time. Figure 21 shows a histogram of the number of times over the entire data l record that the duration of the negative inlet-minus-chimney pressure was equal to various values. He figure shows that most of the time, the pressure is negative for oniy a short time. He longest time that the pressure stayed negative was less than 12 seconds. Note that the time scale used for Figures 20 and 21 is based on a full ,

scale design wind speed of 214 mph at the top of the chimney - slower wind speeds would yield longer ,

durations, f 6

Figure 22 shov.s the effect of adding a second cooling tower to the river valley site configuration. He second cooling tower has little effect, although the largest peak inlet-minus-chimney pressure is now slightly larger than the base case, by a factor of 1.14. His only occurs over a wind section of 20*. it should be noted that the mountain cases examined here, including this case, are particularly severe since the mountains are of ,

limited length, causing severe conditions for glancing wind angles. i I

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1. Davenport, A.G. and Isyumov, N., "The Application of the Boundary layer Wind Tunnel to the Prediction of Wind leading", International Research Seminar on Wind Effects on Buildings and Structures, Ottawa, Canada, September 1967, University of Toronto Press,1%8.
2. Whitbread, R.E., "Model Simulation of Wind Effects on Structures", NPL International Conference on Wind Effects on Buildings and Structures, Teddington, England,1%3.
3. Surry, D. and Isyumov, N., "Model Studies of Wind Effects - A Perspective on the Problems of Experimental Technique and Instrumentation", ICI ASF-75, Ottawa, Sept.1975.
4. ESDU, " Characteristics of atmospheric turbulence near the ground. Part 1: definitions and general information", item number 74030, ESDU international Ltd., London, England,1974.
5. ESDU,
  • Characteristics of atmospheric turbalence near the ground. Part II: single point dats for strong winds (neutral atmosphere)", item no. 85020, ESDU International Ltd., tendon,1985.
6. ESDU, " Strong winds in the atmospheric boundary layer. Part 1: mean hourly wind speeds",

item no. 83026. ESDU international Ltd., London, England,1982.

7. Stewart, W.A. and Pieczynski, A.T., " Tests of Air Flow Path for Cooling the AP600 Reactor Containment". Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Report 88-8E9-ADLWR-R2, March 28,1988.
8. Lythe, G.R. and Surry, D.. " Phase I Wind Tunnel resting for the Westinghouse AP600 Reactor".

The University of Western Ontario, BLWT-SS36-1991 (WCAP-13294, Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2)

9. Lyth, G.R. and Surry D., " Phase 11 Wind Tunnel Testing for the Westinghouse Al%00 Reactor",

He University of Western Ontario, BLWT-SS15-1992 (WCAP-13323, Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2) 10.1.ythe, G.R. and Surry, D., " Phase IVa Wind Tunnel Testing for the Westmghouse AP600 Reactor", he University of West -rn Ontario, BLWT-SS4-1994 (WCAP-14068, Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2) 7

The information contained in the following Table, Figures, and Appendix is classified Westinghouse ,

Proprietary Class 2, and thus, has been excluded from this non-proprietary version of this report:


! Comparison of Velocity and Turbulence Intensity Profiles for the UWO Tests FIGURE 4 Vertical Profiles of Mean Wind Speed and Turbulence Intensity Compared with Theoretical Profiles for Open Country Terrain - UWO 1:800 Tests 5 Spectrum of Velocity at Roof Height Compared with Theoretical Spectrum for Open Country Terrain - UWO 1:800 Tests 6 Distribution of Mean Pressure Coefficients Around the Throat of the Cooling Tower 7a Horizontal Profile of Mean Velocity Behind the Cooling Tower at the Containment Building Roof 7b Horizontal Profile of Intensity Behind the Cooling Tower at the Containment Building Roof 7c Horizontal Profile of Peak Velocity Behind the Cooling Tower at the Containment Building Roof 9a Sketch Showing the important Dimensions of the Model Ila Comparison of Pressure Coefficients Between Phase IVa and IVb Testing ,

llb Comparison of Pressure CoefEcients Between Phase IVa and IVb Testing  ;

12 Time History of Pressure Coefficients; Base Case, Azimuth 280 13 Histogram of Durations of Negative Inlet-Minus-Chimney Pressures; Base Case, Azimuth 280" 14 Comparison of Pressure Coefficients; Base Case vs. Base Case with Two Cooling Towers 15 Comparison of Pressure Coefficients; Base Case vs. Escarpment Case  ;

16 Comparison of Pressure Coefficients; Base Case vs. Escarpment with Mountain Backdrop 17 Time History of Pressure Coefficients; Escarpment with Mountain Backdrop, Azimuth 90" 18 Histogram of Durations of Negative Irlet-Minus-Chimney Pressures; Escarpment with Mountain llackdrop, Azimuth 90*

19 Comparison of Pressure Coefficients; Base Case vs. River Valley Case 20 Time History of Pressure Coefficients; River Valley Case, Azimuth 70" 21 Histogram of Durations of Negative Inu Minus-Chimney Pressures; River Valley Case, Azimuth 70*

22 Comparison of Pressure Coefficients; River Valley Case vs. River Valley Case with Two Cooling Towers  :


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