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Ltr Contract NRC-10-87-355,Task Order 7,outstanding Travel Authorizations for FY90,to Data Integrity Enhancements
Person / Time
Issue date: 09/24/1990
From: Stephen Bell
To: Burton I
Shared Package
ML20062A337 List:
CON-FIN-D-14350, CON-NRC-10-87-355 NUDOCS 9010220015
Download: ML20062A338 (5)


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.- l W ASWNGloN. D. C. 70550 e



SEP 2 4 1990


Irving Burton Associates, Inc.

1000 Vermont Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20005 ATTN:

Mr. Irving Burton

Dear Mr. Burton:


Task Order No. 7 Entitled, Outstanding Travel Authorizations for FY 1990, Under Contract No. NRC-10-87-355 Verbal authorization was provided to Irving Burton on August 22, 1990, to commence work effective immediately under' Task Order No. 7, with an-established ceiling of $99,169.52.

In accordance with Section G.9 entitled " Task Order Procedures" and G.10, entitled " Accelerated Task Order Procedures" of the subject contract, this letter definitizes Task Order No. 7.

This effort shall be performed in accordance with the enclosed Statement'of Work, as well as the contractor's technical proposal dated August 15, 1990 and revised cost proposal dated August 22, 1990, incorporated herein by reference.

Task Order No. 7 shall be in effect from August 22, 1990 through December 15, 1990, with a cost ceiling of $99,169.52.

The amount of $91,827.33 represents the total estimated reimbursable' costs and amount of $7,342.19 represents the fixed fee.

The amount of $99,169.52 is inclusive of the

$99,169.52 verbally authorized to you as stated above, The issuance of this task order does not-amend any terms or conditions of-the subject contract.

,'l Your contacts during the course of this task order are:

Technical Matters:

Eleanor Black Project Officer-(301) 492-7535 i

Contractual Matters:

Beverly Anker Contract Administrator (301) 492-4741 9010220015 900926

  1. DR C CW4TR NRC-10-87-355 PNU 1


a Irving Burton Associates, Inc. f 1

Please indicate your acceptance of this task order by having an ' official,_.

authorized to bind your organization,-execute three copies of this document in the space provided and return two copies to the Contract Administrator.

'You should retain the third copy for your records, Sincerely, 9

4GLvo k.

~ Sharon A. Bell, Contracting Officer -

Contract Administration Branch No. 2' Division of Contracts and Property Management Office of Administration-


As stated i



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-STATEMENT OF WORK-f TASK 7 Travel Advance / Year-End closing-lj 1.

Scope of Work:

-This task covering activities in the Travel Accounts <Section'-

of the Employee Services

. Branch.

..All activities' are y

associated with the' current effort ' to collect outstanding travol advances-and-close out l outstanding, travel authorizations.

The activities are-specifically defined Lin 1.1.

through 1.3. below.

1.1. Outstandina Travel Authorizations for FY 1990 The contractor shall:

i Research and copy all-documents to supportJoutstanding.


travel authorizations and advances as required.

t b.

Analyzo documentation to determine the accuracy of lthe records.


Recommand actions to be taken to close.out; ~ the authorizations and collect existing advances.


Assure that. split fiscal year travel costsare. properly allocated to FY ' 89 and - FY -- 90.

There are-.approximately 150 trips involved in this effort.


Prepare documentation to support recommendation to deobligate, cancel and mark authorization final as required to acconplish e year-end closing.

There are-approximately 5,000 authorizations for-FY 90.


Complete appropriate action as determined-by NRC, such' u


l (1)

Prepare -source documents to support required.

I adjustment to the automated system.


Preparo analysis i to support an invoice.4 l


Mako roc'or.tmendations

- for

' resolving.'

disputed l



Distribute I'nitial travel a'dvanco statements to.

travelers..(Approximately 2,000 statements).. Make' recommendations for refinement ~ for.

succeeding statements.'.




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d 2

-J 1.2 Treasury Checks.



The contractor shall:


Research and! copy.all' documents to support payments by a.

Treasury checks which appear'to have been " lost."


Request copies of' " lost" - Treasury chocks using. the appropriate forms.

t Verification of information' with employee as appropriato.


1.3-change of station Travel a

The contractor shall:

s Reconcile all open COP travel advances and-authorizations a.

Vith IFMIS travel system.


Determino appropriate adjustments for:IFMIS.


Level of Effort

.g It is' estimated that this task will require two senior accountants for approximately three months and Int'oc 16Ver level accountants for approximately four monbhs.


' Deliverables 3.1. A list of recommended. actions to resolve the activities reviewed each weck.chall be. delivered to the l

Project Officer by-4:15 p.m. each Friday lalong.With tho l

supporting documentation for each action listed.

s 3.2.

A list of actions completed during. the week-chall be delivered to the Project Officer by 4:15 p.m. uauh Friday along with the supporting documentation for each action listed.


Ren_ortina Reauirements 9

1 4.1. Technical Progress Report

'h The Contractor sha'll provide a monthly Techni' cal Progress Report to the project Officer _and-the Contracting Officer. The report is'due within 15 calendar days af ter i

jhy O

s f' c

c T




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s t

the end of the report period and shall identify the. title of the project, the contract number. project officer, the i

contract-period of performance, and the period covered Each report shall include the followings

- by the report.

the; ef forts completed - during the_

A listing of

period, milestones reached or, if-missed, an a.

explanation provided; i

Any problems or delays oncountered'or anticipated and-recommendations for resolution; (if the.


rocommanded resolution involves

'a. contract' modification, - o.g.,, change in work requirements,.

(cost) or schedulo -. delay, the lovel of effort Contractor shall submit ~ a soparato letter to tho

'a contracting Officer identifying the required ch'ange l

and ostimated.coct' impact).

-A summary of progress to dato;fand c.

t Plans for the next reporting _ period.


4.2. Finnnoial_ status Report The Contractor shall provido a monthly Financial Status the-Project officer and.the contracting Roport toThe report,ic duc 'within 15 calendar. days af ter officer.

tho end of the report period and shall identify the title of the project, the contract number, project officor, the contract period of p'orformance,.and-the period covorod,

'Each report shall-include the following by-the roport.

for this task:

-i Provide -the total osvimated ' cost of the project as in the cor. tract, the' amount of. funds -


reflected availabic in the contract to dato, and the balance of funds; required to, complete.the work as'follows:-

I 1)

Total Estimated Contract Amount.

Total Funds obligated To Dato 2) i Total costs Incurred This Reporting Period.

3) 4)

Total Costs Incurred To Dato.

. Balance of Obligations Remaining.


Dalance of Funds Required to Completc' Contract.

6) b.

Detail of 'all direct and indirect costs incurred j

during the reporting period.

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