ML20059N076 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 09/24/1990 |
To: | Danielle Sullivan ZONAR CORP. |
Shared Package | |
ML20059N074 | List: |
References | |
CON-FIN-D-12129, CON-NRC-33-87-218 NUDOCS 9010100041 | |
Download: ML20059N076 (5) | |
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WASWNoTON. D. C. 20655 ;
oEP 2 4 1990 Zonar Corporation ATTN: -David Sullivan 2915 Hunter Mill Road Oakton, Virginia 22124
Dear Mr. Sullivan:
Task Order No. One (1) Entitled, "On-Line drdering Subsystem",.
Under Contract No. NRC-33-87-218 In accordance with the task order procedures of the, subject contract, this letter definitizes Task Order No. One-(1)., This ef fort -shall _ be. performed-in accordance with the enclosed Statement of Work and the1 contractor's proposal for this Task Order No. One (1) dated June 14, 1990, incorporated herein'by reference.
Task Order No. One (1) shall be in ef fect from August '1,1990: through October 31, 1990 with a total cost ceiling of $32,514.79.= The amount of
$29,830.08 represents the total estimated reimbursable costs and the amount of $2,684.71 represents the fixed fee.
The issuance of'this task order does not amend any terms or conditions of the subject contract.
Your contacts during the course of this_ task -order are:
Technical Matters:
Elizabeth J. Yeates Project Officer:
(202) 634-3380 Contractual Matters:
Beverly Anker Contract Administrator-(301) 492-4741 I
i 9010100041 90092q PDR CONTR NRC-33-87-210 PDC
- :. : 1 Ple'ase' indicate your. acceptance of.this Task Order _No. One (1).by having an
official, authorized to bind your organization, execute three. copies'of this document'in the space provided and. return two copies'to the Contract Administrator.
You should' retain the third copy. for'your records.
Sincerely, f
Ultr7L 7
.Sharon' Bell, Contracting Of ficer '
Contract Administration Branch No. 2 Division of Contracts.and-Property'
- Managemt.t Office of Administration
h, As state i
% p_
y-s David E,.
Cullivan NAME President
TITLE September 26, 1990 DATE
.i 1
1 1
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> JWCKGROUND: Many of the searches conducted on the Public w,nnont Room's:
r (POR)L DiL liographic Retrieval System (IRS) result in handwritten orders for-repruluction of documents to the PDR staff. In 1989 a total of 31,197 orders
. ere placed, for an average of 2,600 orders per month.- BRS users currently.
w place these orders with reference staff members' thmugh telephone calls, through the mil-in the form of mrhed hitlists or lih of accession numbers, I
or in person in the PDR. An on-line ordering system will allow both staff ard -
public to place orders directly frun their terminals at the time of their -
a search, thus saving time and improviJg service. In-addition,;it will provide.
for better trackiry of document orders..During, initial' implementation, PER.
staff will place all the on-line orders. Thereafter, we will allow public users of the system to enter their own orders. Ultimately, the'on-line system will reduce staff time spent prmoming. document orders, ard free staff fpr:
more important public service functions requiring their professional'exper-tise.
An on-line ordering capability, that will allow users to.
1 place orders for the reprcduction of documents on the BRS database. 7ho doctracnts should be the result ~ of a saved search;~ the user should have the:
option to cancel, edit, or send an order; placing-an order should result in a j
"confirmtion" of some type frun the system; and the order should be printed 1
i.- nediately or at a later tirne by operator commnd.
-A pDR staff member will l
give the order to the reproduction contractor for processing ard billing, j
'1hese objectives will be met in two phases: (1) orders will be placed elec -
j tronically by PDR staf f until the system is running smoothly; then,- (2) orders -
will be placed electronically by the public ard sent directly to the PDR i
reproduction contractor.
WORK _RDXIIRENERTS: 'Ibe contractor will develop, test, and implement a
system on the existing BRS for on-line ordering of documents whichT 11 1
include the following featurrs:
l i
Order Iist creation and Edit. 7hc user should be able to sate part t
or all of a hitlist as the basis of the document order.. The user shoul.d mark j
desired items in the hitlist. The selected items onione or more hitlists are
- saved for an online order at tho' end of the search session. Only the 7
accession number, microfiche address, and paper file location fields will' q
print out with the document order.
Order EntIV Process. Entry of order information will be conducted j
s in prurpt/ response sequences or by full screen entry, dependirg on user l
'nm following information should be provided by the user as part of his or her customer profile, or at the time of the order: requestor name;.
.j address; telephone number; billing address; shippiry address; shippirg instructions; time; date; reproduction account number; name of person subm.itting order; ard special instructions. '1he contractor shall ensure that the p:u pts ard field labels match the information required. The user should-i enter his or her account number. 7his will initiate a search for the user's j
profile record, and display the remairder of' the information on -the screen.
1he user should be able 'to edit the fields and/or cancel an order until'it is -
i f
. sent to the order queue. A " confirmation". =caga that records time ard date and numbers the order should the user after an order is sent.
Custraner Profile Maintenance. % e contractor'shall modify reproduc-tion custaner profiles maintained in the BRS.-
Each profile will define the requestor and billirg information required to process the order. W e system will also aw-.-- hte loading new customer profiles.
14 i Ordei Pr171t;. ' %e contiactor shall configure the system so that accumulated orders may be printed' either upon staff _ operator comand and/or_by a time schedule. Orders nny be printed selectively by. size.(number of pages),
and a reprint of nelected orders may be initiated by staff operator command.
Order complete Entry. We system shall allow entry of the date and time of the completion of every order.
List Order Status. Upon staff operator commard, the system shall' print a. record of each incomplete order and its status.. 'Ihis report chall-include:
Order number Order entry date and time Requestor name 4
Searth list name Number of hits in order Number of pages in order Order print date and time Order status Name of person submitting order 7.
Order Save. Upon staff operator command, the system will save document orders to magnetic tape or diskette.
- 8..
Order Download. Upon staff operator command, the system shall dowr. load all order data, including completion date and time,;to a dBase file for use in IC report subsystems.
PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: We on-line order entry system shall be tested, implemented, and in place by G 4 L 1990.
REIVRFING RFUJIRFMNIS: We contractor shall establish'a schedule of milestones for the completion of the project.. Wis shall be' submitted in
- writing to the Project Officer two weeks after the contractor receives the definitized task order signed by the contracting Officer.. We contractor will submit a written report on the status of the project at each milestone. ' he final report will consist of a chapter to be added to the user manual, as well as a description of the system and its capabilities.
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Page 2, Order' Entry Prccess.
Operator will supply tre following infortraticn in a pronpt/respcnse, naquencer. requester nxe,. addrcn;s, telephcne number.. billirq address, l
shiipinc1 address [ shipping,.instilcticins tiritet,, cia,te, 'reprodu:: tion ', account ;
numnr;,,iname..of.,perserCeubmittihg orderi'and:,special instructionsi ;Scne ofc.-'. A.':" ;-c 4 [
J Wie"ihfonistisi" cat!'d chriU'fE6(n"ths'resaester/profi16. '.
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- Page 3, Order Phint.
Tic order will tre printed in the SGM 'fo,rmat".' The'nu,wber of'11he items"
docra not hove to tys limite;f as Jcng as orders are split = betsnun tirca itemo -
that can be copied'quickly.fron 4GX. fiche end thord that will thke lenger-to' reprcduce. - Tin on:iers will to' printed in mict oficte address order.
f Pege 4,- Lis t Order Status.
Reports stculd tr availe.ble for any order still on tlw system, whether cwplete or incen.plete. tie clutcots to ba printrxf stculd also include hj tlist nmc.
Page S. Phrm 2, R1 Site Aialysin.
The cu. reni: cmtract doxs not, require tt'e repecduction cmtr+ctar to Toter order conpleticn informatico.
If m cannot cork to en agreemmt m this 4
nith1it anm6 Tent of tinir centract, PER staff will update records.
- t Page S, Documitstim ond Deliverables.
This slu.'lci include cyston level dccurnzotation.-
ret written in tre statconmt of &crk, bit rientienec; in an in,*cnnaticr.a1 aerting, m require an intrcxtuctory screen with instrictions 'in tiu use of the sys tor.,
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