ML20059F566 | |
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Issue date: | 08/24/1990 |
Shared Package | |
ML20059F546 | List: |
References | |
CON-FIN-L-1318, CON-NRC-03-90-027, CON-NRC-3-90-27 NUDOCS 9009110259 | |
Download: ML20059F566 (5) | |
{{#Wiki_filter:y .t / h. UNITED $TATES '[ g NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION g. tl WASHINGTON, D. C. 20$55 9, a
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AUG 2 41990 International Technical Services, Inc. ATTN: Dr. Hideko Komoriya 420 Lexington Avenue New York, New York 10170
Dear Dr. Komoriya:
Contract No. NRC-03-90-027, Task Order No. 6 Entitled " Review Zion Reload Safety Evaluation" (FIN L-1318) You are hereby authorized to commence work under Tast Order No. 6 effective August 22, 1990 with an established ceiling of $54,116.00. In accordance with Section G.5, Task Order Procedures, of the subject contract, this letter definitizes Task Order No. 6. This effort shall be performed in accordance with the enclosed Statement of Work and the Contractor's proposal dated August 9, 1990, incorporated herein by reference. 4 1he period of performance for Task Order No. 6 is August 22, 1990 through January 31, 1991. The total cost ceiling is $54,116.00. The amount of $49,376.00 represents the total reimbursable costs and the amourt of $4,740.00 represents the fixed fee. i Accounting data for Task Order No. 4 is as follows: B&R No.: 020-19-15-02-0 FIN No.: L-1318-0 Appropiation No.: 31X0200.200 Obligated Amount: $54,116.00 The following individuals are considered by the Government to be essential to the successful performance of the work hereunder: Hideko Komoriya Paul Abramson I The contractor agrees that such personnel shall not be removed from the-effort under this task order without compliance with Contract Clause H.1 - Key Personnel. The issuance of this task order does not amend any terms or conditions of the subject contract. e 9009110259 900820 POR C ONTR .NRC-03-90-027 PNV
g ' s, 4 4 Dr. Hideko Komoriya NRC-03-90-027 Task Order No. 6 Page 2 of 2 Acceptance of Task Order No. 6 should be made by executing three copies of this document in the_ space provided and returning two copies to the Contraci. Administrator. You should retain the third copy for your records. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact Brenda DuBose, Contract Management Assistant, on (301) 492-7442. Sincerely, Timothy Fj Hagan, Contracting Officer Contract Administration Branch No. 1 Division of Contracts and Property Management Of fice of Administration
As stated ACCEPTED; / as? Order No. T A bwY l y-f- 6J12 TITLE' ' ~ kan ) () l0 D DAlli l l I l l k O I:
V L.V (' i i' Contract NRC-03-90-027 (' ITS j STATEMENT OF WORK Task Order No. 006 j TITLE: Review Zion Reload Safety Evaluation Methodology o FIN: L-1318 PROJECT MANAGER: Wayne C. Walker (301-492-1232) L LEAD ENGINEER: Tom Rotella (301-492-0890) i PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: August aa,1990 through January 31, 1991 PRIORITY NO.: 4 BACKGROUND i The attached topical report describes the Commonwealth Edison Company (CECO) reload safety evaluation methods for application to the Zion Nuclear Station Units I and 2. More specifically, ' te topical report describes the safety analysis and evaluation methodology including the computer programs utilized and the scope of analyses perfonned. Thirteen different transients are discussed and associated conclusions are provided. Appendix A of the topical report provides the Reactor Transient Analysis Model and descriptions using RETRAN-02 and Appendix B provides the Reactor Core Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis using VIPRE-01. .0BJECTIVE The objective of this task order is to obtain technical expertise and a i Technical Evoluation Report from International Technical Services, Inc. (ITS) to assist the staff. in determining the acceptability of the Reload Transient Analysis Methodology used by Ceco for the Zion Nuclear Power Station, Units 1 and 2. WORK REQUIREMENTS AND SCHEDULE Tasks Scheduled Completion
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Review the thirteen transient descriptions No later than eight anfi their conclusions to ensure their weeks af ter initiation. co ipleteness and accuracy. - Also review the Re actor Transient Analysis using RETRAN-02 ar3 Reactor Core Thennal-Hydraulic Analysis ufing VIPRE-01 to assess the adequacy of the r>:spective system models and results. Frepare a request for-additional.information, ,f necessary, to' complete the review. 2. Review and evaluate the responses to the No later than three request for additional infonnation and weeks after receipt assist the staff in resolving any of the additional L remaining open items. information. 9 P
y ( ( i i 2 Tasks Scheduled Completion i 3. Prepare a draf t technical evaluation report No later than three (TEK) that documents the results of the weeks af ter completion j technical review completed under Tasks 1 and of Task 2. 2 for NRC review and comments. 4. Incorporate NRC coments and prepare a No later than 2 weeks j l final TER. after rece.ipt of NRC coments on the draf t TER. LEVEL OF EFFORT AND PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE The estimated level of effort is 4 staff-months. TECHNICAL REPORTING REQUlREMENTS At the completion of iask 1 submit a technical letter report to the NRC Project Manager, with a copy to the NRC Lead Engineer, that sumarizes the = results of the work per formed to date and which contains me request for additional infomation. If additional information is not required to complete the review, the letter report should sumarize the work completed, indicate i that additional infomation is not required to complete the review, and state the proposed schedule for delivery of the draft TER. At the completion of Task 3, submit a draft TER in accordan:e with the basic project statement of work (50W). The TER shall contain an executive sumary, a discussion of the work perfomed, conclusions reached with technical bases, and recomendations as to the acceptability of the topical report reviewed. At the completion of Task 4, submit a final TER in accordance with the basic project S0W that incorporates the NRC's comments on the draf t TER. + MEETINGS AND TRAVEL i None scheduled APPLICABLE SPECI AL PROVISIONS The work specified in this 50W is licensee fee recoverable. The contractor shall-provide fee recovery information in the monthly progress reports as specified in Section F.3.2 of the basic contract. ~ It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to assign technical staff employees.. subcontractors, or consultants who have the required educational background, experience, or combination thereof, to meet both the technical and regulatory objectives of the work specified in this 50W. The NRC will rely on representations made by the contractor concerning the qualifications of the personnel proposed for assignment to this task order including assurance that all information contained in the technical and cost proposals. including resumes and r.onflict of interest disclosures. is accurate and truthful. The ' use of particular perronnel is subject to NRC-approval. l 7
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