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Ltr Contract NRC-04-89-062,Mod 2,revising Statement of Work Under Task Order 3,to Analysis of Safety Consideration Re Soviet-Designed Pwrs
Person / Time
Issue date: 07/25/1990
From: Stephen Bell
To: Komoriya H
Shared Package
ML20058N257 List:
CON-FIN-L-1053, CON-FIN-L-1053-0, CON-NRC-04-89-062, CON-NRC-4-89-62 NUDOCS 9008130324
Download: ML20058N260 (4)


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wAsHiwoTON D. C. 20555 A,



JUL 2 51990 International Technical Services, Inc.


Dr. Heidi Komoriya 420 Lexington Avenue, Suite 2518 New York, New York 10170 t

Dear Dr. Komoriya:


Modification No. 2 to Task Order No. 3 Under Contract Contract No. NRC-04-89-062 In accordance with Section G.5, " Task Order Procedures," of the subject contract, this letter definitizes Modification No, 2 to Task Order No. 3 which increases the negotiated task order ceiling to allow for completion of work.

This effort shall be performance in accordance with the enclosed Statement of Work and the contractor's proposal dated July 16, 1990 and revised proposal dated July 25, 1990, which are incorporated herein by referenta.

The period of performance for Modification No. 2 to Task Order No. 3 shall be in effect, from July 6, 1990 through November 30, 1990.

The total-ceiling is hereby increased by $46,990.80 from $74,763.00 to $121,753.80.

The amount of $42,953.20 represents the total estimated reimbursable costs and the amount'of $4,037.60 represents the fixed fee.

Accounting Data for Modification No. 2 to Task Order No. 3 is as follows:

B&R No.:

0601925010 APPN No.: 31X0200.600 FIN No.:


$46,990.80 The issuance of this Modification No. 2 to Task Order No. 3-does not amend any terms or conditions of the subject contract.

Your contacts during the course of this task

Technical Matters:

George Sege, P oject Officer (301) 492-2911 Contractual Matters:

Deborah Boyc', Contract Administrator (301) 492-4100 goo 8130,".4 9n0727 CCp' g

PDC, FDRNRC-04-g9-O g

g -

,y s

q' e


' ' f, au p t 4


Please indicate your acceptance of this Modification No. 2 to Task Order No.

3 by having an official authorized to bind your' organization, execute three copies of this document _in the' space provided and return'two copies to'th; Contracting Of ficer. _You should retain the third copy for your record;.

j Sincerely,


kzwu 6W Sharon Bell, Contracting Of ficer Contract Administration Branch No. 2 Division of Contracts and' Property Management Office of Administration


As stated cc:

U.S. Small Business Administration ATTN: :Clyde Martin 26 Federal Plaza New York, New York 10170 ACCEPT D:

nm L NJ[

NAl4E T I Tl.E iX / J'7 /990 DATE /

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NRC-04-89-062 t

Task Order No. 3 Modification 2 1


' contract No. NRC-04-89-062-VVER-1000 ACCIDENT ANALYSES i


Background and Justification The preliminary results of the accident analyses performed under this_ task

1990, order were reviewed and discussed, -as scheduled, at the June 6 to 14, meeting of the cognizant working group of the US-USSR Joint Coordinating,

It was agreed at' Cor.mittee on Civilian Nuclear Reactor Safety (JCCCNRS).ident calculations in the meeting that the US side will revise the accaccordance with directi

'j i

established at that meeting and utilizing additional and revised Sov et The revised results are to be available for presentation and ld discussion at the meeting of the JCCCNRS working group currently scheou e data.

Task Order No. 3 is being modified for early October,1990, in Moscow.

hereby to secure 1TS's services to perform the further and revised cziculations concitted to.

2, wort Assignment 115 will perform the followingwork:

a (LOCA) and Anticipatec


.evised Analyses of Loss-of-Coolant Accident

~ 3 e tent Without Scram ( ATWS) r Terf erc t urther and revised calculations in' accercance with the agre( er.ts the June 1990 JCCCNRS working group meeting.

. mace at (E) Consultation and assistance in connection with the scheduled O 4

icM JCCCNRS meeting it. Moscow.

ibis will include support in preparations for the meeting, during.the ll ir.

recting, and in immediate follow-up actions af ter the meeting, a relation to Work Assignment (1), above.


. Meetings and Travel It is estimated that approximately 2 person-trips to Washington of


one-day duration and one person-trips to Moscos of 9-day duration will be required.

1 l



l r


7 4

Rephu irement s 2

The following addit iona l Revised results of ari l r port will be required:

e One copy shalI be a ysis.


?,'uclear Regulatory C submitted copies of the fourth copy should bsubmitted to Ashokortu should be and

cer, mitted.

U.S. NRC, Washington, D. C. 20555 George Seg Thadan),

Recuited tffort e sent M/S 802,

. one The r equ i red e f f or t by t h to Deborah Boyd, USNRC Washington.

copy M/S P902.

D.C. 20555 person-months e

addit iona l 6 of professionalcon tra ctor is t ime f or Wor k As s ignme tes t ima ted a t approx im i t ec.

to 14 person-days for Wort As s i

, above).

n (1

y 2.5 (2) (as) described and an gnment in





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