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OIG-19-A-04-Status of Recommendations: Audit of Nrc'S Exercise of Its Early Out/Buyout Authority Dated January 16, 2020
Person / Time
Issue date: 01/16/2020
From: Baker B
To: Margaret Doane
Download: ML20016A416 (5)


UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555-0001 OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL January 16, 2020 MEMORANDUM TO: Margaret M. Doane Executive Director for Operations FROM: Dr. Brett M. Baker /RA/

Assistant Inspector General for Audits




CHIEF HUMAN CAPITAL OFFICER, MEMORANDUM DATED NOVEMBER 27, 2019 Attached is the Office of the Inspector Generals (OIG) analysis and status of recommendations as discussed in the agencys response dated November 27, 2019.

Based on this response, all recommendations associated with this report are now closed.

If you have questions or concerns, please call me at (301) 415-5915, or Eric Rivera, Deputy Assistant Inspector General for Audits, at (301) 415-7032.


As stated cc: C. Haney, OEDO D. Jackson, OEDO J. Jolicoeur, OEDO S. Miotla, OEDO S. Hudson, OCFO RidsEdoMailCenter Resource OCFO Rids Mailbox EDO_ACS Distribution

Audit Report AUDIT OF NRCS EXERCISE OF ITS EARLY OUT/BUYOUT AUTHORITY OIG-19-A-04 Status of Recommendations Recommendation 1: Conduct a formal evaluation assessing the value of VERA/VSIPs as workforce restructuring tools at NRC. This evaluation could include

a. Program costs,
b. Impact of buyout incentives on employees decision to separate,
c. Historical attrition rates compared to attrition rates during the years NRC ran a VERA/VSIP program,
d. Timing of employee separations,
e. VERA/VSIPs impact on NRC and program offices long-term restructuring goals, and
f. If the formal evaluation concludes that VERA/VSIPs are the right workforce restructuring tool for NRC to use to achieve its workforce goals, then formally assess the VERA/VSIP program after each future round for potential ways to improve program implementation.

Agency Response Dated November 27, 2019: This memorandum transmits the following documents as recommended in your December 3, 2018 memorandum on the subject audit report:

1) Formal evaluation assessing the value of Voluntary Early Retirement Authority (VERA) and Voluntary Separation Incentive Payments (VSIPs) as workforce restructuring tools at the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.


Audit Report AUDIT OF NRCS EXERCISE OF ITS EARLY OUT/BUYOUT AUTHORITY OIG-19-A-04 Status of Recommendations OIG Analysis: OIG reviewed the Evaluation of Voluntary Early Retirement Authority/Voluntary Separation Incentive Payment as Workforce Restructuring Tools at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and determined that the evaluation performed by the agency met the intent of the recommendation. Therefore, this recommendation is closed.

Status: Closed.


Audit Report AUDIT OF NRCS EXERCISE OF ITS EARLY OUT/BUYOUT AUTHORITY OIG-19-A-04 Status of Recommendations Recommendation 2: Develop written procedures for implementing a VERA/VSIP program, which include

a. Integrating the strategic workforce plan into VERA/VSIP planning and requests to OPM,
b. Determining surplus positions at the office-level, and
c. Developing a single tracking system to link VERA/VSIP separations to specific positions identified for elimination and restructuring, where possible.

Agency Response Dated November 27, 2019: This memorandum transmits the following documents as recommended in your December 3, 2018 memorandum on the subject of the audit report:

2) Written procedures for implementing a VERA/VSIP program.


Audit Report AUDIT OF NRCS EXERCISE OF ITS EARLY OUT/BUYOUT AUTHORITY OIG-19-A-04 Status of Recommendations OIG Analysis: OIG reviewed the Standard Operating Procedure:

Implementing a Voluntary Early Retirement Authority/Voluntary Separation Incentive Payment and determined that this written procedure meets the intent of the recommendation. Therefore, this recommendation is closed.

Status: Closed.